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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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the enemy of the offensive also carried out appropriate active actions up to svatov, well , i say once again that the huge, huge advantage in people, the number of forces and means gave us, gave us one chance, to occupy such a solid positional defense and hold it, we did it, and regarding traffic, as i understand it, from the side of svatov to kharkiv. was it matchmaking, they went to the flint, and the group that was in the kharkov region, it went through the raisin, we blew up all the bridges, did not give them the opportunity to cross, immediately go to the liman, and the only one, they in the forest, they made a crossing over the askul river and tried to cross it... and there were
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the main battles for this crossing, at first we, although it was not the area of ​​responsibility of aos, well , i was forced to transfer the reserve, but the enemy bypassed the forces that were posted were on the northern outskirts of izyum and went through the forests, they were led by local foresters, and they went to our rear, we had time to react and get to the border of the askol river and the northern part of the city was held for about a week, until the planes, it was not completely compared with land, during the week the enemy simply methodically leveled all our positions, and here the majority of the people who defended themselves were mobilized, who came from the east and took their place in the formation. they mentioned the missile attack on the russian airfield, but do you remember the area from where it was launched? the strike is coming from somewhere in this area, and well... even
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close to the old demarcation line, yes, i take into account that the enemy was already here, we came as close as possible, inflicting damage on the airfield and the air assault means that were there, it was more psychological, because it was impossible to inflict a large amount of damage with the power that it is, but it gave its effect because the panic was crazier, we saw through the means of development that the planes took off in a panic. you said that around the middle of march , the line was stabilized, and you were already, as it should be said, transferred to kyiv. at that time, at the time of your transfer, was there an understanding that russian troops could leave kyiv oblast, not only kyiv oblast, but the north of ukraine in general? just when i arrived in kyiv, it was a very dangerous situation, the enemy.
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captured a bridgehead in the maschun area and there was a very great danger of going to the outskirts and breaking through them into the city. thanks to the powerful defense and stability of our troops, we managed to cut off the fact that we managed to blow up the dam and wash away all the crossings that they had set up for the transfer of the main forces across the irpin river. which crossed the river, which was entrenched, to destroy it and further exhaust the forces and means they had on the other bank, which were like a skeleton for advancing on kyiv, it was difficult to understand that they have that they will continue to act, somewhere closer to the end of march, when we realized that no fresh reinforcements were coming to them. and a number of measures were taken
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in order to cut off the supply routes, logistic routes, supply reserves, they tried to sharpen, and with the beginning of this operation, which is conducted by general syrskyi, the enemy of banichno began to flee, because most of the units were wiped out during this month of battles, that remained 30-40%. it was a surprise for you that they... it was a surprise for us first of all, because we thought that they would still go to the end, a step, as they say from their side, there was no withdrawal, there was a panic flight from our territory, in my opinion, simply by analyzing the forces and means they have at that time moment, they had to choose what to do, whether to end the operation in the east or calster. in kyiv, but since the east they
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could not finish, because this was the main goal that was declared, this liberation, as it calls the luhansk donetsk region. therefore, all resources were thrown there, and those the units that were withdrawn from the kyiv region after the reorganization also went there to be equipped, and some of the east went there, then it was more or less combat-ready. did you have any estimate of how long you could hold the defense, given the supplies you had? you know, in principle, we understand that a full-scale invasion is very likely and... with active hostilities, well , it was possible to hold out for several months, so in principle it happened somewhere in may, a month, and we already started to run out of ammunition of the soviet model, which were at that time in
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our reserves, and therefore we hoped that the help of the west would come very quickly, unfortunately, it was not so and... we lost many of the most prepared guys, who with their lives kept the enemy at an insufficient number munitions, if we received the munitions in time, these losses were much less, as now, when we again have a certain problem in the munitions, for every day that less aid comes to us. this is the day when we lose our heroes, so the state leadership is doing everything to to provide as much as possible, to do everything possible so that the troops get ammunition, if you look at the armies that are in europe,
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i do not think that they are capable of conducting such actions against such an army, and everyone will hope for... security in the nato system , that is why the provision of our country has become such a problem that there is no ammunition, there is no such ammunition that we need, when millions of ammunition are needed per year in order to deter the enemy, and even more so to carry out appropriate offensive actions, you have already mentioned about there is a need for ammunition, but that you communicate a lot with foreign representatives, that in... they say, do they have an understanding that support is needed for a long time and a lot of resources, at least in terms of communication, and are they ready to provide it ? i will say this, we communicate both with the military and with civilians, and the understanding of all partners
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is that ukraine needs to be helped, that the fate of the whole... world is decided in ukraine, and how the war in ukraine ends depends on the future, the future life, europe, the future world order, that is why there is a vision that ukraine should be helped. the second issue of capacity is different, how much is capable, how much are the relevant necessary resources, this issue is being resolved, we are working. around the world in order to find the resource that our armies need, to paraphrase, can you roughly say when it will be easier on the front lines, well, given the lack of ammunition, unfortunately, i would like to have that answer myself, that it does not depend on us, the war
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is moving into another phase, the phase where they are fighting drones, yes without... a person , there will be no success, there will be no real action , without a soldier who will not fulfill his task, will not enter the enemy's position, will not destroy everyone who is there, while drones can contribute as much as possible this means, but the percentage of destruction of the enemy is very different from what it was at the beginning of the war and now, in recent months, the percentage of... destruction by unmanned means in general is around 70% , but again , ammunition remains, the biggest problem, except air defense equipment, and equipment , especially artillery, so there are a lot of requests
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, given that we are creating new units, we must constantly replenish those units that are conducting combat operations, so there are a lot of requests, unfortunately, we cannot provide everything, this is not an opportunity not only for our country, but also for our partners, and one clarification regarding the draft law on mobi. within the framework of the ministry of defense, the ministry must ensure and obviously the activation of mobilization, since it does not stop, will require greater resources, from the side of the ministry of defense, are there stocks, let's say, to provide several hundred thousand people with this equipment, equipment, weapons and so on. the ministry of defense is working on this issue, i think that not a single mobilized person will go to the combat zone. unequipped, unmanned, unsupplied
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, we are very meticulous about this, especially now with the training of personnel, a person who goes to war must gain experience, practice in order to be ready for action, in terms of equipment and weapons, the question does not arise at all, therefore, i think we will solve this issue, the second issue is about equipment, about large-caliber ammunition, these are the issues that we... are studying, on which we are working, of course, thank you, that's all , thank you for the interview, thank you, there discounts on citramondarnytsia, 10% in the pharmacies of psaryznyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts on resistor 15% in the pharmacies of prysznyk pamta. exclusively
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on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... topics that cause resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. then trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club.
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every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. greetings , friends, a ukrainian film called "peaceful people" was shown at the berlinale, and it caused "quite an uproar, both among the people who are currently attending the berlinale, among foreigners, and among people who are remotely watching this film festival here in ukraine, everything because this film consists of intercepted conversations of the russian military, and well, we've heard them for a long time, and we don't feel such shock anymore, imagine foreigners who are a little more delusional than us, even about the russian... military, and here they hear something like these phrases: ah, we
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are natsiks here with a fishing pole, in the morning we caught three natsiks, slapped them, a mother went with two children, ours beat them in front of the children, but they are eating normally, the mother obviously asks her son, a military man, he answers, that 's fine, the day before yesterday, alabay was scolded, well, and all that other stuff, i don't read here, definitely a little more violent comments with obscene language. but in general, i think that friends, you have heard all these intercepted conversations and you know them, and in the end we will talk today with the producer of this film with daria pasel, the director oksana karpovich, unfortunately, she is a little busy at this time today, but we will talk with daria, she will tell us about the reaction that was to this film at the berlinale, and now i will tell you about the less pleasant cases, so that you they just understood the contract. that is shown on different tv channels , on different platforms about the ukrainian war,
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for example, on february 19, british tv viewers of the itv-1 channel were shown a documentary called the other side, this is author-journalist sean langan, and here he went three times to positions russians, and once he went to avdiivka and there... in the trenches he talked with the russian military and only with them, that is, this tape presents the position of the russian military, and two reviews appeared in the publications of the... attentive times and guardian, and i've read these texts , and i've read quite a few people in our film community, and they're horrified, because the reviews are positive enough, because the writers are saying, listen, this journalist sean langanthagen went and showed us just another side, as it's called tape, we just need to know two
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sides, well, you know, in journalism in general, according to journalistic standards, it is established that way, journalists should... talk to two or three sides of the conflict, and well, since at least 2014, we have been very seriously reconsidered this principle, because, well, agree, interviewing separatists there and interviewing our military there and presenting it as two equal points of view is not very okay, and we have seen how russian propaganda works, and in we have documentary tapes about russian propaganda. as it works, as their journalists lie, so do propagandists who call themselves journalists, and we understand that it is impossible to put an opinion in one stream, for example, mstislav chernov, who shows the shelling of a maternity hospital in mariupol, and some news from a russian propaganda channel , where they say that no, it’s ukrainians, they themselves
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fire at their maternity hospital, or they don’t fire at it at all, or at all there is an azov sitting there and that’s why... people need to be saved, well, but as we can see that in the west, well, in other countries, yes, where there is no war, until now this point of view lives on, and such tapes are received absolutely positively, in which a journalist takes the position of the wagnerites as well, in particular , there is such a film about the wagnerites, why not listen to the point of view of the wagnerites, well, really , people also have their own position, let them express it to us , well, that's the story, you have to fight with it, but i... emphasize that any diplomacy, cultural diplomacy is a very complex thing, strategic, which requires a lot of time. well, let me remind you that we are fighting, of course, this is mstislav chernov, whom i am talking about i already mentioned, i won a bafta, yes, that’s why it was a betrayal, just now, now it’s a victory, and i’ll remind you that
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20 days in mariupol, his film, and the film of his colleagues, is one of the brightest ukrainian... in general, in the entire history, and now we see how mstislav chernov and the whole team, well, part of the team of this film, receive the bafta, the bafta, let me remind you, although it is not very popular in ukraine, not as popular as the oscar, but i think we will correct ourselves, because it is an extremely prestigious award , and this is what the ukrainian tape is like the best documentary the tape received and it's extremely cool, and you can see that mstislav chernov spoke, he then communicated with. he then reminded that another city was occupied, referring to avdiivka, and thereby told the public or reminded the public that you have just watched a film about the occupation of mariupol, and that is not the end, the same occupations continue and on and on and on with more such small towns. well, if
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we talk about the tradition of films for export, let's call it that... we have them discussions, there are still some misunderstandings among the ukrainian film community, people who have been involved in auteur cinema or serious documentaries, they know what films are needed, well, more precisely, i did not correctly formulate which films will really be interesting to foreign audiences at various film festivals, this does not mean , that they sit and think, and how do we have to shoot this film so that it is seen abroad and accepted, but i will say that there are many directors and authors who, for example, shot tv series or shot music videos there, now you you see an excerpt from the film long day, by alan bodoev, who is a director of music videos, he himself said that he was not very interested in the war until 2022, and here he made a documentary about the war, and here it is positioned as one that needs to show
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it in the world so that foreigners can see it, but from my point of view it is absolutely... for the domestic audience, only for the ukrainian consumer, for foreigners it will be absolutely uninteresting, because it is filmed quite so unpretentiously, and ukrainian viewers of it they watch because it all hurts us, we we want to rewatch all of this , to remind foreigners of a completely different perception, but now you see the film buch, it is already a game film, which the authors have also positioned from the very beginning and, well, almost until now, as a film that should be primarily for export and... would , that is, to remind foreigners that the war is going on , that we need to give weapons, a very good and laudable goal, but, well, unfortunately, i this tape, in fact, it didn't come out yet, i think , that you will be able to see and appreciate it in the park, but so far the people who have seen it say that no, this the tape is not, no, not suitable for various
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international film festivals there, to say the least, and here we see that buch's film, it did not premiere at high-profile class a festivals, as the authors had planned, it premiered at the festival in the vatican and here at... a fairly dubious ukrainian festival, which was organized very quickly, the state cinema, the ministry of culture, it was all organized, and that's why the story is like this, but i want to say that here is the film peaceful people, with which we started, this oksana karpovich's film, which was shown on at the berlin film festival, is obviously on the contrary exactly the kind of film that appeals to a foreign audience, a film that... is able to convey our messages to a foreign audience and that really has great potential, because right now there are many
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filmmakers i know who are currently in berlin at the berlin film festival, this film was watched, they say that the prospects for peaceful people are not bad enough, and that it can be a film in its resonance close enough to 20 days in mariupol. that is, it is such a hit and i understand why, because this one the movie, i haven't seen it and i'm looking forward to it at the box office, but i understand from various reviews and feedback that it was these intercepted conversations that contributed to such a shock effect, eh, and now we'll talk about the actual daria basel, she will probably tell us much better about the reaction to this film. public reaction to this film, because i read a lot of reactions from ukrainians as well, and especially on twitter, a lot of reactions from russians, those russians who were
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there for this film, shared their impressions, as well as those russians who came to them in the comments and started to comment on something there too, i must say for the sake of fairness that there are many reviews specifically from russians and... who say, they do not deny anything, they say so, yes , we believe that these are intercepted conversations, we listened to them ourselves, we believe that this film is not propaganda, we are very ashamed, we are very sorry, it was very painful for us to watch this film, because we understand that this is what our country is doing , but, as you understand, there are a lot of russians who are completely commented in a different way, who fell into the stage of such absolute denial and began to talk about the fact that something is wrong, we do not believe that such a thing can be, well, a son cannot talk to his mother and say that he is killing with to the satisfaction of the ukrainian nazis, or that
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they ate alabaya there and had a lavish lunch or dinner, or that a child tells his father to kill all the kohls and return home as soon as possible, well, this can be understood, because when a person is normal, it is difficult for them. .. believe that a child can say such a thing, or at all such conversations can take place between people , but no, we see that such things can happen, and actually it seems to me that some people, maybe foreigners, who so much cannot believe that such dialogues can take place, they will probably have to in some new ways to prove that it's all true, that it really can be, because let's face it, that's enough. an unusual line of behavior, especially if we are talking about such civilized viewers who come to watch films at various film festivals, finally daria is in touch with us, thank god,
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cheers, darya, hello, hello, here i have already told you about this tape, peaceful people, which i have not seen yet, i am really looking forward to it, because i see it in, for example, in the reviews on the media detector a review by dmytro dsyyatryk was published, there are already 2,000 views , people were incredibly interested in it all, many people are already waiting for peaceful people, and i want to ask what was the reaction of people after watching the q&a, what were they asking, because i read a lot about the fact that many people were, well, in incredible shock, they did not expect that this can happen at all, yes, absolutely , well, on the one hand, the reaction was cool in the sense that it was warm, here... at the premiere screening there were two standing ovations, and when the movie ended, there was a certain one, it was very a long moment, just quiet in the hall, as
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an organizer for... one of the organizers of deq days, i worked at this festival for a very long time, and many shows passed through me, i know what that means, that is, people were very deep in their hearts, impressions , uh, and there was a very lively, very in-depth q&a discussion, ah, and during this discussion, of course, it was not without questions, and these questions were from foreign viewers, from german viewers who could not believe that something... recordings, intercepted conversations of russian soldiers with their families, that these are really real voices and real people, or questioned, and is it not a production or is it the director did not make a recording with the actors, but oksana karpovich is a very deep person and she gave a very cool answer, so we are working to promote the truth and true
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narratives. narratives in europe, that is, really, and how did the reaction manage to convince these people in because these are really true to the point of being intercepted, because i sometimes imagine myself in the place of british or french women, well , honestly, i don't know if i would believe it, because really, when you read there , these interceptions are here these, well, in the review, i read exactly what phrases there were, well, it’s just hard to believe, how many people really left the... hall with the thought that it was really the russian military that was so biased, well , of course, it’s difficult for me to say what thoughts the audience left with from the hall, here you have to get into their heads, i think we will see it through in six months, in a year or two, when the film will already travel around europe, america, in fact, there are already a lot of invitations, the film will soon be in copenhagen, and of course i can't announce all the dates and all the festivals yet,
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but... the film will travel very powerfully, and i am sure that the opinions of the audience, the opinions of ordinary people, as well as people who are involved in certain important processes there for ukraine, they will be replaced, because this film simply leaves everyone speechless, and with the film there will always be travel director, will travel ukrainian team members, and we will work to dispel all these myths, so that this war ceases to be putin's war, and the world finally fully understands that this is the war of the entire russian people. and in general, at the berlinale , what is the situation now, because last year there were many distributors, for example, who went specifically to the film market, they talked about the fact that a lot of russians continue to trade with
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russians about... continue to sell films, as far as now the presence of russians at the berlinale is, as far as they are present, how much they are listened to, and everything else, according to your observations, well, i have to say here that i was very little at the film market this year, i was almost not, because we had two premieres, this is a film edited by roman banderchuk and the film peaceful people, oksana karpovich, therefore, unfortunately, was not deeply immersed in the market. but simply being at the berlinale you constantly hear the russian language, that's why, unfortunately, i don't think that it has changed fundamentally, all the same figures of russian culture, russian cinema, they are all here in the same way, that's why, i don't think , that in this sense there is a very strong difference from last year, i also...
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know the position of foreign sales agents and distributors, they still wonder why it is a problem for us that they sell films to russia or to what they call the post-soviet region, that's why it's still a work in progress, which we still have to do, we have to constantly explain, clarify why it all has to change, how much in general... here we are, i was talking about the tape that was shown on a british tv channel, and we also talk a lot about her on social networks they talked about when the author went to the russian military and made a film about them, and there were two excellent reviews of this tape, how popular is the opinion at film festivals that you really need to listen to both sides, and is this opinion being corrected somehow?


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