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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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well, let's somehow search the internet with our feet on the car, call, well, i can't help, or i can there, well , there was such a situation, and we endured, you know, such memories are very, very sensitive, let's put it this way, and you know, that's all - after all, our political opponent was and probably remains our mayor terikhov, but his behavior in the first days, and the behavior of our head of administration sini gubova. she was so, you know, calm, and not panicky, and people listened, you know, to what they will say, and what they, where there, what is happening, what decisions were made, and they are with us, or did they run away, i just understood it on the example of my house, and what, where was the head of the board going, he is in place, no, but he went there to the bakery for bread, because we have everything it was closed, i took the bags, went there on the fifth day and these full bags, there i bought that bread from the salter bakery, you see, i brought it, because people needed something to eat. had, and they
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listened clearly, and he ran away, he went somewhere, but no, i’m calling, i’m here, i’ll be here in an hour, two, don’t worry, that’s it, that’s it in order, that is, these are the moments, they are very, very, you know, from the people they paid for the russian word, yes, in ukrainian, now i remember, but they are very like us, yes, they knew who our neighbors were on our site live, you understand, and now we all know each other, we all did something together there somewhere, now... these chats are still there, they are all active, but let's get someone there, something has happened since the birthday, someone needs to be helped, and someone there to collect the fabric for these nets, and people tear it down, yes, you know whose there there are more, that is, it taught us a lot, and i believe that for our country as well, it is like this war, how terrible and painful it is, it is not, but it sewed our nation together a little, not a little, but seriously , so i think that 's how this first day, the first week was for me personally. mr.
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bohdan, the unification, indeed, the grouping really was, now we see a bit of this, again this division of some against each other, others against others, do you notice from your neighbors, do people still understand that when to be together, when find a common language, when to find some consensus, it is more important, because it is important that the enemy does not come and occupy another part. the territory of ukraine , well, let's answer this question in this way, you know, at the level of this society, ours is smaller there, let's not say for the whole country, for example, the osb, my acquaintances , everything is clear here, there are certain percentages of people who think something, separation, nothing else, this does not happen, and as soon as there is an attack, you know, from our supreme power there, from
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the office of the president or from someone else there there are crazy deputies, you will understand who i am talking about, and immediately there is a reaction , and what did they do there, and no, how did they remove the hard worker, and then and there, and why did they remove him, we believe in him, this is ours, this is a person who went through the whole war with us, and that is, there is an instant reaction, and people understand it and for a reason, then it is reflected somewhere in the president's office by a drop in the rating or something else, here at... this level at at our level, people are still like this, let's say this, they have passed this entire period, and we this frame remained, and so that it to demolish, well , some kind of effort must be made here, that is why i see such a reaction that here in places it is all, the city will not break, the condominium will not be broken, and we will overcome all these , let's say difficulties, despite some eyes not very, let's say such discards.
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from above, there are bans on various trips there, the removal of generals and so on, that's all, maybe they are trying to do it specifically, to shake it up, it's hard for me to say now, i'm not a member of the verkhovna rada there, or some minister, or some influential politician there , but here it is we are staying put and we believe in the armed forces, that's for sure, kharkiv has really changed in these two years before the full-scale invasion. "kharkiv authorities did not respond very well to the processes of decommunization, and all of ukraine followed this and was surprised, two years affected the changes of the city, some toponyms and so on, but nevertheless, i still follow vadym poznyakov, he is the leader of the decommunization project, he himself is from kharkiv and very often he has all kinds of different photos on his page, some busts
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or the names of streets or alleys, even more strange, well, from the last one, what surprised me is that it is, you know, variegated a little like ukraine, as ukrainians sometimes do... everything is mixed up, in a word, it is the bust of komsomolka gala nikitina, i don’t know who she is, it is located in the yard on myronosytskyi street in kharkiv, and under all these flags it is written "true to the soviet people", well , it is a bit like in ukraine, somewhere else the soviet flag has not been peeled off, but already on top something like that european union sketched what this galya nikitin is still doing there, mr. bohdan, you know, i have no idea, i just i'm surprised, i also know mr. poznyakov very well personally, and where he finds these breasts, what he calls them, and you know, if you walk
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the streets, you don't notice him walking, it seems that he like a radar finds everything that is anti-communist, and immediately throws it away, informs on facebook there and actively tries to destroy it all. as for the decommunization of all these things, well, first of all, the position of the authorities changed radically, this is the position of terikhov, who was still there for a whole year, and even more after the attack of the full-scale invasion, he you know, he kept a little on those positions that this is the electorate, and what the voters there think , and also that one day we will go to the elections, but they are there, we need to cling to these people who live there with that past, the soviet system and so on. .. and other things, but as it turned out, our citizens are more, let’s say, progressive at that time than our mayor turned out to be, that is , no one here mentions a person, there pushkin, so they changed their name here, literally in two days, the street is already a frying pan, you see, and
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this was unimaginable a year ago it is impossible, because it was delayed, because these changes, well, were difficult for our authorities, now all this is clearly understood. 60 or so streets were renamed and nobody said why they did it, but i didn't hear of any meetings there either in public or in private . here it is not like some small change, here it is drastic, that is, all the officials whom i personally know there or somewhere communicate with the city authorities on work, they already eat tyrikhova all the same, but even more to us. excuse me and we will do what they tell us, we will support it, well, here already no one clings to any sovietism, no, no, let's say, russian, something, maybe, i can't say for everyone, somewhere there are people who there they quietly whine about these
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monuments, but at home they do it somewhere under the pillow, they stay there, well, for example, such a spirit of decommunization. povalna is further from kharkov, it is spreading like this, but still slowly, for example, in krasnograd, kharkiv region, pushkin is still being held, at least for his chest, however, they put him in a black bag, some kind of partial decommunization, partial packageization, i don't know, maybe they are hinting that pushkin is also a good russian in a black bag, you know. it is not necessary to put on a package, but it is necessary for the city council to make a decision on demolitions , on renaming, and there, as far as i know, there is a problem with this, and regarding other settlements, many of them have seriously overtaken the city of kharkiv, renaming there , let's say, in these districts such former
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centers, small towns, they just passed by with a bang, and it wasn't that there was one or two streets, they immediately renamed half of the city there by 50, by 80, to one of... and made a decision on the alleys of the streets there, all this was thrown into the trash , all their soviet names were adopted there and new ones were adopted, when in kharkov you know, terikhov was afraid of one street there, because somehow he did not make the decision to name the defender who died there, here dmytro antonenko, our famous lawyer, died in my house, who was in a special unit in omega national's division guards, he is here near kharkiv, the settlement of slatino died. back in the summer of 22 and since 22, we applied to the osb, from the community of terikhov to rename the street after him, it dragged on for a year, he postponed everything, he didn't want everything, he postponed everything and the deputies of the city council, some
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of our factions, from other factions, tried , you know, they tried to shake him, he stubbornly did not want to, but then a decision was made and there is such a street now, and these settlements they... literally changed there there, well, literally in the 22nd year, many places were renamed settlements to many there, not only streets, but also the settlements themselves were changed to kutuzavki there. there are different ones and others, you remember all these stories, and a lot has been done, here, by the way , personal respect for poznyakov, because you know, he keeps it under control, constantly makes such throws, shakes this pear, as he said, everything is fine here, well, let's continue shaking that pear to get rid of all that, those soviet growths that prevent the pear from giving birth normally, mr. bohdan, thank you for the conversation, we wish kharkiv region a peaceful day, bohdan kachuk, deputy of kharkiv district. rady was with us, but now we will tell you about mariupol , which at the beginning of the full-scale invasion
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was the hottest spot on the map of ukraine, this city was regularly shelled, residential quarters, those who got out of mariupol say that its residents found themselves in a situation of humanitarian disaster, there was no electricity and communication in the city, there was not enough food and medicine, the bodies of the dead were lying on the streets, mass graves appeared in the yards of houses. the family also experienced such horror. cakes, like them i managed to get out of the city and start life in another country from scratch, let's see when i start to remember, well, it's more like a feeling of anger and some desire for revenge in me. pavlo, a 60-year-old resident of mariupol, painfully remembers
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the terrible russian invasion of his hometown. before the beginning of the great war, pavel and his wife svitlana had a happy life. he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts coach. the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says: those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and looters they traded this loot so actively, with such joy , i think where did it come from, this joy, you didn't see that we are on the european, civilized path of development, traitors, this is traitors, this is danrchyk, this the former donetsk region, who took up weapons and went to kill us, and then they already pulled the regular troops, they already pulled the equipment. god knows ego.
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shells were constantly pelting the city, russians dropped bombs from airplanes, cannons and howitzers did not shut up. paul remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived. and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof. everything was returned. lived for three months, because she could not leave svetlana's bedridden old mother.
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all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at his school. one day, svetlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. and the children already thought that... she stayed there, but the woman came to the home theater, thought, thought, said , i will stay alone with my mother-in-law, it’s hard for me there, she leaves this drama theater, which is 13-15 kilometers away, walks under bombings, returns home, at the end of may, there was already a corpse stench on the streets, pavlo and his wife feared that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading, but the couple succeeded. to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022. two days before leaving
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, svitlana's old mother died and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard. i dug it myself, it's not very deep, i dug it in the hope that in september, i had some information that we will be released in mariupol in september. well, that year. and he buried it in himself. and when we were already leaving, the saint said: well, now at least someone will look after the house. we arrived at customs. they took us to a room, stripped everyone down to their underwear, looked at them, and said, "so what are we doing...
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they live in germany, for the first time during this time they met their relatives already here in ukraine, the son and grandson of svitlana and pavla left from mariupol still. in the middle of march. 12-year-old maxim from his mother lives in drohobych, lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the boy remembers those humiliations and the long journey to the territory controlled by ukraine. there was a large column, all seats were occupied. we drove standing all night and then at night we arrived at the russian checkpoint. there was a gas station. and at that time. they told us that we would not go any further, and we stood there in the pit for two days, the next morning they brought us water from the sewers, which was not drinkable, then we bus, well, they threw a loaf of bread so that we could just eat, on the day when they brought us that water, there was just a vehicle driving in front of us, it was a russian military vehicle, we saw it and
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they didn’t let us through because of that, they simply drove over equipment, difficult conditions.
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join us, become part of our family, enable me ukraine. with support. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society. to kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get. the right to start negotiations on accession to the eu vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's get out, help understand the present and
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predict the future, the second trump presidency will be terrible for the world. project for those who care and think, politklub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect the our life. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. series. conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will be to analyze the guests of the project this week and
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actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our roll call, now we will transfer. we are in the zaporizhia region, serhii lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, we are in touch with us, we will ask about how the morning is today in the zaporizhia region, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you, good morning, was everything quiet and peaceful today, well there were shaheds in zaporizhzhia at night, but they were destroyed, so no significant damage was done, and please also tell me what is happening at the... front, what news is coming from there, well, it has become more active in recent days, well, this is a well-known fact, the robotic direction, the enemy takes active actions in relation to attacks
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, due to constant attacks, the gray zone has decreased, this gave the enemy the opportunity, in fact, sometimes even to reach the village, but all attempts to capture the village, the village is cut off and the enemy is destroyed, including, if even for... in the village itself, the situation is a little worse than it was a month ago, but much better than it was a year ago, so it is changing dynamically, well, russian soldiers, and quoting russian soldiers, the russian media report that yesterday the fighting was in the very center of the work, but and the russian army managed to enter there, i have no information that they ran to the center of the robot there. one more thing, but it is actually quite difficult to measure, and because, well , first of all, it is a very small village in terms of its size, and the center is a plus, conditionally
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speaking, from the edge to the center, well , from the point of view, relatively speaking, of a healthy person, it can be 50, 100 m, that is, we walked 100 m further, we managed to run, well, we have already reached the center of the work, if someone did not run here until center, he was shot there, then it is not fighting in the center of work, there will be fighting in the center of work... when the enemy comes to the outskirts of the village and takes a position there, then there will be fighting in the center, but there is no such thing today. i understand that, as far as can be judged from the video that is taught, there are none left in the village not that of a whole house, there are actually only ruins left now, yes, the village, the village is actually destroyed, and that is why i say that it is quite difficult to determine exactly where the enemy defines the geographical center, where the premises of the village council were, well and the school was actually from the edge of the village, that’s why it’s like, ugh, that now in general people are talking in the city, whether serious
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fortifications are being prepared in case the enemy manages to gain a foothold in the works, or whether he will develop the direction of his offensive in the direction of zaporizhzhia, well , look, first, ah, i wouldn't say what's there the changing situation in the village of robotno will affect... somehow globally the offensive on zaporizhzhia , because i will repeat again, a year ago robotno was not under the control of the armed forces, but the enemy is in zaporizhzhia next year, and this does not mean that he cannot do it to do, but it means that to say that they will take robotin and zaporizhzhia immediately, next, no, from rabotin to zaporizhzhia is still more than 60 km, and this step will have to be done, yes, maybe the s-300 shelling will resume and that. .. bad news, so the enemy will have more opportunities for artillery, because it eliminates the bridgehead that affected the control of the enemy, there
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is also such a problem. but to say that the next zaporozhye will fall for work, no, but as for the fortifications , well, certain works are not being carried out in the very place, well , maybe this is correct, considering the number of people who are now being led by russian narratives, dispersing panic, and maybe that's a good thing , that these people do not know where and how work is being done from ukraine, well, and if you are in the right place of mood, is it possible that somehow people... do people think about the fact that the city must be defended in any case , maybe, i don’t know, there is somewhere, maybe, there is not a strong mood for mobilization, but like for example in zaporizhzhia, where the enemy is really close, and maybe people are thinking about whether it is worth taking up arms to hand, well, most of the people who had the desire to take up arms have already done so and are already serving as the beginning
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of a full-scale invasion. and many of them , including those from zaporizhia, are fighting in the units of zaporizhzhia, which were formed there again in the same place in the tro and in separate battalions that were being formed, but to say that there is a line of troops lined up there, there is nothing like that, what else can be heard from the occupied parts of the region in berdyansk, melitopol, what news from there? preparations for the election process are underway there, and they expect a high turnout, a high result for putin, just like in other territories of the russian federation, and parents are talking about the fact that they will literally take a robot, and why am i saying that these are russian narratives, because this is precisely the information that is distributed to the occupied territories, will take the next job.
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zaporizhzhia, and a year ago , the collaborators were telling us again that zaporizhzhia would be taken over and that bakhmut would be taken over and kyiv would be the next, but the events are about the same in terms of importance and scale, the work will be retaken, zaporizhzhia will be next, well, where is bakhmut, and where is kyiv, another one, so-and-so, another traitor, balytsky complained about his life, i don't know if you... heard his confessions about how hard life is for him, he said that he does everything to achieve his goal, he says that lives hard, lives now in the bunker, he does not see his family, he is constantly worried about their lives, his sons are on the front lines, well, first of all, there is only one problem with balytskyi's life, he has it,
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it would be better if he didn't have it, but... . that the fact that he lives in a bunker, that he does not see a family there , is the life that he chose for himself, and that he is 100 km, relatively speaking, from the front line, is forced to live in a bunker, he only says about one thing: he has poor security, he has no protection from the fsb, he does not understand who he should be more afraid of, enemies from on the part of ukraine or enemies on the part of russia, and what did he put his whole life on the line when he went to work with the occupier and not and now it is not known who will liquidate him and when, and therefore yes, but he is not a little bit sorry, it was a life that he chose for himself, and he himself chose it a long time ago, because even 10 years ago he declared that he would go to russia and take melitopol with him, a consistent person, sticks to his ideas, maybe someone, someone will succeed smoke him out of the bunker and ease
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his suffering. mr. serhiy, thank you. by serhiy lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was with us during the conversation, and now kateryna shirokopoyas, which means that we are watching the news, she already knows what has happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour and will tell us. katya, i congratulate you on your word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will quickly tell you about the most important events. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. during the night , the russians attacked in two waves, the spokeswoman for the southern defense forces nataliya gumenyuk said. she noted that the enemy first tried with the help of tactical aviation from the black sea to destroy our anti-aircraft defense, but his missiles were shot down over the sea. then came waves of drones.


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