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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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recently, in connection with the fact that there are protests by polish farmers on the border of ukraine and poland, we saw what our prime minister looks like, probably we see more often what the polish prime minister donald tusk looks like than our mr. shmyhal, how his name, but i already forgot donald tusk, denis, but this is actually not accidental, because in poland it is a parliamentary republic with a parliamentary presidential one, although it seems to be the same in ours, but in poland it is really the head of the state. this is the prime minister, that is, he is the person who has all the executive power in the country. well in fact, we saw denys shmyhal and his colleagues from the cabinet of ministers, who arrived at the border. parliamentary-presidential, this means that we should somehow see our people 's elected officials more often, but we see you, for example , only when we invite you to the vtrs, is it still appropriate for the parliament to work closed to journalists? no, i am unequivocally in
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favor of opening the parliament to journalists, i spoke out, i am opening it because there must be reporting. in fact, the russians already know very well when parliamentary days are held in our country, our air defense knows when this one is, i can interrupt, because i have a train, i am completely in favor of the transparency of the council, for the live broadcast already, and accordingly ensuring the safety of the parliamentarians in another way, and not by closing the broadcast, i apologize, because it is real already. thank you for finding time to talk with us on sunday morning, it was nataliya pipa, people's deputy of ukraine and secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. she said that, in principle, the russians there know so well when there are meetings, i think there are a dozen of them, that the fewest deputies who can even be called from the russian fsb, hello, listen, i 'm there when you have a meeting in your duma, not the duma, as it is, the council, whatever, 100%. won't come
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to work, but he looks there, there are only deputies there, he recently vitrovych posted, volodya, cool about the fact that on february 24, ugh, there is a vote on the condemnation of the actions there, something of the russian federation, which invaded, ugh, and with faction of the then opzh, only three deputies support him, only three from that entire faction, the rest do not vote or abstained, that is, they could not even condemn the fact. of a full-scale invasion of ukraine , here are the deputies, no, ukrainian, of the verkhovna rada, dear friends, 76 thousand, this is all that we have left to collect with you, we are very confidently moving towards our goal of 1 million hryvnias, and we are separated from this goal by everything -only 76 00, this is incredible, i want to thank everyone for being active these past few weeks. how long was this collection,
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i hope, i really hope, i really want to hope that your activity today will make it so that we let's close, at least that's how i'd like to end the week on this pleasant note, so please join in. you see a qr code, you don't have time to scan it, you don't know what to do with that qr code, the website, there you find the espresso section volunteers, find a collection for the 141st brigade, which is now in the orichiv direction. and find card numbers and donate, or find some other collection also on the same in the same section espresso volunteers, we are now going for a short break, we will return, continue, we will talk further with our next guests, stay with us, no one is immune to burst pipes, and even a small leak can. it will cost you tens of thousands
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dear friends, we are back, we continue our marathon until 10 am, i remind you, in the first part we are working, then we will be back at 2 pm, you still have 23 minutes to finish, if you haven't done it before we go to break , the sum of 76,000 has turned into the sum of 73,000, it's not, it's not even 7,200, that's what we have left to... reach the mark of 1 million hryvnias, so it's a good pace, let's keep it up, thank you to everyone who joins with my hryvnia, well, now we will tell you about the family, alesya, you just want this collection to be closed today, i really want this collection to be closed, i want
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to say these two words, no three, stop, the collection is closed, i really want, please, dear friends, give me a little gift, a little pleasure, it's been a very difficult week for me personally, it's kind of a joy, it's true, well, gentlemen, in the meantime, uh, in the meantime, we have talking about, in the meantime we will tell you about a family that survived the occupation, left but came back home, it the horbel family, which faced a full-scale invasion in their hometown of balaklia in the kharkiv region, it was captured by russian troops in the first days of march, how the family managed to escape and why they returned, the heroine of our next story shares her memories. with espresso tv channel. this is anna's former office. she worked at the local cultural center for more than one year. he remembers the last holiday he organized with his colleagues.
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unity day was february 16 two years ago. it was, well, you know, a feeling of pride, unity for one's country. and then again. somehow i didn't think what will happen like this, such tragic events, the life of the horbel family changed radically already on the morning of february 24, they and their neighbors moved to live in a shelter nearby, the city was shelled by the invaders from the first days of the great war, you had to run to bathe or wash, but it was shelled here and it was even scary to run out, this shelter will open now. it is warm, clean and there is light here. this is where we constantly charged our phones, people brought, you know, united, and whoever could did everything, someone cleaned, someone
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brought extension cords to charge phones, there were loads of sockets. anna walks through the basement and remembers everyone around the corner, who lived and slept where. we sat. here there were still chairs from this building, we lived here, it was our home, for about a month, we spent the night and the day here, because it was... scary to be in the apartment after the airstrikes, but after a couple of weeks it became scary to stay in the basement, anna remembers. the occupiers have already entered the city. here and there , they were standing up, here and there , they folded their arms like that and waited, and what they were waiting for, i don’t know, what they were standing for, i don’t know, they yes, they did not touch them, on the contrary, they said to them: "leave, we came in peace." " we won't touch you, go home , don't suffer, don't sit here, people went
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home, but the houses continued to be shelled already in the evening of the same day, the light, water and heating were all gone," the heroine recalls. anna's family decided to to leave the city, he says, then in the first weeks it was quite easy for the russian military to let them pass through checkpoints, and they and their family were able to break through, anna and her children lived in the west of the country for more than a year." but still decided to return because she wanted to go home. when you see all this live, when you return and see the destruction of your city, what the enemies have done here, then your heart bleeds, when you returned, the woman got a new job, now she is waiting for her husband konstantin from the war. at the very beginning... of a full-scale invasion, he volunteered for the front. i wouldn't say that it was a shock, that, in principle, somewhere in
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the depths of my soul, it seemed to me that it would still be like that, well, knowing him, so if i reacted, not as emotionally as possible, my wife would have to, but i supported him, vanna's most important wish is victory and for her husband to return home. for the family to be together, this is the main dream, well, in principle, the same as my husband's, because he says that if he did not see how his daughter grows, and for now , he is bringing victory as close as he can, from kharkiv region for the espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, we return in the meantime. we will all talk a little now about international affairs, about international politics, we will talk about what
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is happening in the united states, of course. by the way, it's very interesting such and such a conversation, an interview, yes, maybe i 'll find it now, and i'll try to find it, i already found it, now i'll show it to you, it was an interview given by the american general westley clark, he is already retired , but he was, well, he is also a veteran in... in vietnam, a graduate of the west point academy, and he is also, he was the head of, for example, the commander of nato forces during the kosovo operation, he headed the general staff of the allied forces in europe, in a word, well , there are no titles, one of the most authoritative, most titled american generals retired, now army general wesley clark, is very, very blunt. it's an interesting conversation, the presenter starts it right by what he says: what did we
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do wrong in the case of ukraine with our help, and what did we do right? and general clark is actually saying that we have been doing everything wrong, in the case of ukraine, since 1990, 1990, since the 1990s, when we misunderstood what was happening with russia, we did not see those threats, although we our eastern european colleagues warned that russia only... has such tinsel of this democracy, parliamentarism, behind which the same the soviet union, which always has the same desire for revanchism and a return to imperialism in politics, he says about the year 1999, when putin openly said that we are one, not even one nation with ukrainians, we are even more, and it was a direct threat and direct signals that this war was going to happen, and... from the very beginning, says general wesley clark, from the very beginning we made every wrong move that we possibly could, we constantly
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encouraged the russians to think that we will do nothing and every time they did something in georgia, somewhere else, we constantly took care not of our red lines, but of not crossing any of putin's red lines, we constantly retreated, we encouraged the aggressor, we actually increased this entire history, he criticizes terribly. obama's policy, i call it short-sighted, who underestimated the russians, who focused on the middle east, in the end the middle east was the loser, and the american influences there, and absolutely... about having lost in europe, this strengthening of russia, he, moreover, himself a stalwart klux democrat himself, he swamped on presidential elections, even he then withdrew his candidacy in favor, in favor, in favor, at that time he was a senator who lost, by the way, to bush in the elections, well, less so,
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in a word, being a democrat, he very harshly criticizes biden in particular, and and ee... accordingly, obama believes that biden should have drawn red lines from the very beginning, he says: my god, let's go, he says, i was not a witness there, it is very easy for me to imagine what the dialogue was, that mr. putin , you are a responsible person, do not attack ukraine, it will be huge mistake, he says, should have said yes, if you do this, we will do it, if you do this, we will do it, red lines have to be drawn, i think it was a huge mistake that from the beginning biden said that we do not... we will not do what has actually become an invitation to war, we will not send our troops to ukraine, why, why, never, why never, we, our planes will not provide a no-fly zone, why? well , that is, these are good, frank, cool questions from general clark, now there will be questions
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for egor brylian, analyst, media detector and the international viewer, mr. yehor, we congratulate you, good luck! have you ever seen this interview, which andriy saichuk talks about so enthusiastically? andrii really , i haven't seen him yet, but wesley clark, he spoke a lot, he says very important things, and he, by the way, i apologize, and he, by the way, is a member of the council of ex-di, ex-servicemen of nato, where they constantly they say: that ukraine should be supported in the future, such an informal group includes the military of the usa, canada, great britain, and in fact only now the americans, and in general the representatives of the nato countries, understand that all the policies that were carried out there for the past 20-30 years were
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wrong, and that it was necessary to understand what was really happening back then in the 90s russia, but it was not done, and now we have 10 years of war, two years of full-scale war, and the international situation has become complicated, we have destabilization in the middle east through the proxy of iran, we have the military buildup of the people's republic of china, we have the nuclear terrorism of the prc. and all this could be avoided if, the west really focused on the defense of its values, its national security, and what i am currently analyzing in the media detector is disinformation, russian propaganda, that
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even now they do not see disinformation and propaganda as a national threat. security , that is, they say that russia is a threat to nato, it was even officially approved, but they still do not realize that it is a threat to them and that russia is already waging war against nato, first of all, this special information operations, these are cyber attacks, and now it is very important to explain in the west. and why is the war already going on against them, what is happening in america at all in their election campaign, how trump is getting closer to winning his primaries, and how is biden doing? trump won north carolina and is just as
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confidently moving toward his goal of becoming the primary candidate. joe biden recently met with young leaders who are developing communities and who are involved in infrastructure, local government there, and biden is just now trying to show his economic politics as a success story, he emphasizes that little by little. the situation is changing, but actually, what i heard from my american friends is that the situation is so critical, because actually. foreigners can come to the usa and say that in their country, for example, things are not as arranged as
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abroad, well, a little worse, and that is why americans see the same way, and they are very critical of biden, and still, well, of course, that the house of representatives is on vacation until the end of the month, and that... what i personally saw on pro-russian telegram channels, what was there it was written there at the beginning of january that there would be no aid to ukraine from the usa until march, and they were constantly promoting this through telegram, although in the usa itself telegram is not as widespread as a social network or a messenger, but still russia influences with its propaganda. and russian propaganda in the usa has its roots in the sovietology that emerged during the cold war, when
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russian was studied in american universities, they wanted to better understand the soviet union, but instead they poorly understood what the soviet union was, even at the end of the cold war, when the soviet union collapsed, it was a big surprise, both to ... the american political leadership and the americans themselves. nikki haley refused to withdraw her candidacy, despite the fact that she was defeated in the state where she was a senator, north carolina, what is her logic here? i think she continued to fight because she understands that there is still a chance, and ... there are many cases against trump, and he has to pay almost half a billion dollars
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in fines, including some of the money journalists, and while trump has not yet finally become the candidate of the republican party, and there is still hope that nikki haley can... become a candidate, but these chances are definitely decreasing and there are, in relation to now, a lot of people came to support ukraine yesterday and also supported of leaders, there was justin trudeau, there was maloney, there was also ursula fonderlein, and prime minister of belgium, in a word , europe is somehow obviously preparing to support ukraine, even if the forecasts... even if it turns out that trump is not ready to do this if he becomes president, is here, uh, what are the processes going on, are there
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any chances that europe will be able to mobilize and help us more, what are you seeing now, what are the signals, i think the signals there is, and it is important that new security agreements have already been signed with... italy, canada, denmark, denmark stated, its prime minister friedrichsen stated during the mingen security conference that denmark will transfer all artillery to ukraine, and we remember we support melonia's firm position that talia will be helped, i i would like to remind you that italy provides us with anti-aircraft systems in particular. of defense, borel recently gave an interview to cnn, where he clearly said that it is necessary to increase the supply
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of military aid to ukraine, and that he is disappointed with the use of domestic politics in the united states, and that the issue of the border with mexico is being manipulated, and that now and what and what.. . it is not possible to point out to a country that it helps ukraine less there, because borel's main task is to coordinate general aid so that it continues from this european union, which is 27 states, and so in europe, i think, now understands better that the war is near and near them, and therefore it is necessary to speed up and provide ukraine with everything that... we need, and mr. this week, in addition to the fact that we have two years of a great war with russia, i also reminded... that
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this is the 10th anniversary of the occupation of crimea, i know that you participated in the preparation of the material about the actual results of these ten 10 years occupation and some studies on what should be done with crimea in the future are there it begins with the figures that, in total, 70,000 people, both crimean tatars and ukrainians, left crimea during the occupation. well, ukrainian citizens, let's not choose who is who, but the population of crimea is about 2 million, and this means that you could move from crimea absolutely freely, who really wanted to, could even sell real estate, even under ukrainian laws, in short , in reality, anyone who wanted to leave crimea could do so, and in fact, people who have been to crimea are not only resting. but even if
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just as tourists knew that crimea was a stretch of ukrainian territory for 30 years, and that is why in these assessments of what happened and in the recommendations of what to do, since i will remind you that the liberation of crimea is one of the key conditions of peace and victory of ukraine, officially, which one we have, it is postulated, what are the conclusions regarding this territory, regarding crimea? we need to define very clearly what collaborationism means, because among these 2 million people there may be, like those who worked as teachers during the russian occupation, as well as people who held positions as officials in the occupation administration of russian crimea, and from how we define what it is to be a collaborator on
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a temporary basis. occupied territories, so we can continue to work with specific audiences, because it is clear that its local population was pumped with propaganda, including the fact that the ukrainians will come and put everyone there in prison or kill them, and we need to form such a more extensive politics, because it is really a cognitive de-occupation that is informational the policy regarding what we will do next with crimea should be formed now. well, thank you very much, mr. yehor, yehor brylian, analyst, media detector, international columnist was with us and told us what is happening in the united states, i like niki heli, she still does not leave the distance, says that she promised , that i'm going to fight to the end and i'm going to fight to the end, well, really, well done, besides,
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it's ... every vote of hers shows, it's a vote that i think will go to biden, and that's for sure good, because on the one hand, we have a lot of complaints against biden, friends, and it was natural for ukrainians to vote for the republicans, but something is happening with the republicans, trump is not at all the one, i don't know, harry truman, who sent the troops, to protect freedom, for example in... korea in the 50s is not the same. dear friends, a little mathematics to conclude, we have 30 seconds left. 35,000 this morning you raised, we, we needed 97 thousand to a million, now only 62. don't forget that to do, donate, find details on our website in the section espresso volunteers, join. i really want to collect this million with you today.
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lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will be back on the air. today, well, now we watch kateryna shiropoyas and the news. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works as a press in the studio. at this moment, kyiv is saying goodbye to the hero of ukraine , stepan khmara, who passed away at the age of 87. live, our correspondent tetyana golunova is with us now. tanya, congratulations tells who came to see him on his last journey.


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