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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EET

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about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. livoberezhna kherson oblast has been under occupation for two years. during this time, the russians, with the help of local collaborators, created occupation administrations, pseudo-organizations, tried to attract local residents to new fake russian institutions, offered money, positions, and prospects. those who were pro-ukrainian were kidnapped, tortured and even killed. while the russian ... boot is trampling the ukrainian soil, there are also those who like it licks today's issue is about traitors who chose a tricolor rag instead of a blue-yellow flag in the left bank kherson region. the hope that odessa remains, is, and remains a russian city. so. she said that odesa is waiting for the release and supports the holding of the svo in every possible way. this is kateryna viktorivna hrybovska , born in 1983, from the city of nova kakhovka.
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psychiatrist by education. after graduating from odessa university named after mechnikov, she stayed near the sea and got a job at the regional psychiatric hospital number two, got head of the children's psychiatric department. and before the full-scale invasion , she quietly worked there. when putin's army occupied the new tile house, the woman returned to her parents' house and started working for the occupiers. on june 16, 2022 , hrybovska was appointed to the position of chief physician of novokakhovskaya central. district hospital, after that all the russian media began to write about how she is restoring a hospital abandoned in ukraine and about the destruction of the medical system in ukraine. well, how can we do without typical phrases, what exactly are our military are they shelling hospitals? for such an anti-ukrainian campaign, the traitor received an award and a badge from putin's team from the hands of united russia deputy ihor kostyukevich. according to my political beliefs, i was against the maidan in the 14th year. "i was always on the side
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of the russian side and believed that we are a brotherly people and should always be together. i received an award, you can start performing tasks from the kremlin, for example, robbing." according to journalists, hrybovska sold all mri, ct and ultrasound machines to the simferopol central district clinical hospital, leaving the occupied new building without medical equipment. the rashists tried to cover up this story with numerous news. in the conspiracy about shelling of the hospital by the ukrainian side. guess who commented all this on camera with a sad face? there was shelling of the building, this happens repeatedly in our hospital, and for some reason from the side of the kyiv regime, it is the hospital in new kakhovka that attracts the most attention when there is no electricity, it is also connected with shelling and arrivals. and of course, such a valuable shot of the kremlin propaganda machine. could not
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beware of fake elections held by russia in the occupied territories in september 2023. first, hrybovska was assured of victory in the primaries, and later a place in the party list of united russia. of course, she passed and became a deputy of the so-called kherson regional duma. thank you very much to our president. now she is happily walking around with a mandate, she started a telegram channel. we advise her to be more active. it should be conducted so that our law enforcement agencies have even more materials for the announcement of a suspicion, and then a court verdict. that's more one collaborator with the part-time minister of labor and social protection of the kherson region, barkhatnova alla viktorivna. she is 51 years old and comes from the oryol region, how she ended up in donetsk, why she supports the dnr, and thanks to whom she became a minister, i will now tell you. as a child, alla went with her parents to druzhkivka
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, donetsk region, where she graduated from school. she went to russia to study, received an education at the all-union research institute of automation of metrology. after receiving the diploma, she returned to donetsk region. at first, she worked as an accountant, then as a deputy director for commercial issues, and later as an entrepreneur. and it can be said that her career began to develop precisely from the 14th year. why? well, because alochka understood who she needed to serve. what to say, whom to thank, whom to betray. in the 14th year, she organized a pro-russian referendum in donetsk, worked as an accountant in the so-called ministry of social policy of the dpr, was elected as a deputy to the parliament of the terrorist dpr from the free donbass party. and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion went to kherson, where she was appointed acting head of the fake ministry of labor and social policy of the kherson region. in order to submit an application. this is a passport of a citizen of the russian
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federation. even during the occupation of kherson, ala., as the fake minister told. to the russian media, how ukraine economically destroyed the kherson region for 30 years and how now people are returning to the russian kherson, standing for 11 days at checkpoints. well, how about without acting? barkhatnova cried on camera, telling how she survived the shelling, allegedly from the armed forces. we will continue our work, no matter how scared we are, we are also scared, but we came here for... that russia was here, and russia will be here, and this blood, it will not go unpunished, i swear, everyone will answer for my actions, i am not afraid of death, i want russia to be on the lands of kherson region, and it will be, russia will never be on
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ukrainian lands, the pigs should stay in the swamps, but after this video, she did not stop, then she posted a warning about what exactly ukraine collects. according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, ukrainian militants are preparing to commit a terrorist act on kakhovskaya hes. if this criminal plan is carried out , all residents of coastal settlements downstream of the dnieper will be in serious danger. and after the russians blew up the kokhovskaya hpp, barkhatnov took part in rescuing people, although not all of them, but only... those with a russian passport, and of course, they kept silent about it. according to the media , barkhatnova was also involved in deportation ukrainian children. today, we evacuated in an emergency order, and organized a psychoneurological dispensary. when the traitor felt that our armed forces were close, she attacked
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the left bank of kherson region, and now she pretends to be a minister already there. in july 2023, the sbu completed the investigation into the case of this traitor, her. they incriminated collaborationism, for this the seller faces from 5 to 10 years in prison. the case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. in the kherson region, in the neighboring mykolayiv region , and even in principle in odesa region, to what extent i knew that, at that time people's mood was the same. people wanted to go to russia, to the common past. about the common past of our regions with russia, a so-and-so talks on camera . yevgeny brykov, 36, is a former kherson journalist, in 2012-14 he held the position of press secretary of the head of the kherson regional state administration. in 2015, brykov became a co-founder of the joint-information agency ulyubene misto, which owned the beloved kherson website. on february 23
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, 2022, on the youtube channel favorite city published an interview of yevhen brykov with kherson collaborator volodymyr saldo, who is in flower. in 2022, the russians appointed him the head of the occupation administration of the kherson region. are you planning to somehow protect your honor and dignity now? when the occupation of the region began, brikov disappeared. suddenly, in september 2022, information appeared that he headed the occupying ministry of information policy of the kherson region. you and i are in the studio, which will soon be operational and has been created practically from scratch. well how it was created, rather looted, this traitor talks about the note of the tv channel tavria kherson in left-bank ukraine, where all collaborators, traitors and other russian abominations gave a thumbs up. i think i understand what brykov does in his position.
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fuels the propaganda machine with selected fakes about ukraine, glorifies the russian army and the boys in akopy, and is now preparing a media campaign in support of putin, because this year... together in one big country, when we fight again for the right to be russians, we must let's return to kherson, restore the monuments ushakov, soborov, prince potemkin, the founder of kherson. brykov has already developed two suspicions. the first was reported to him in february 2023, when he became the so-called head of the department. information policy of the kherson region, and the second was already reported in the summer for involvement in attempts to reshape the information field in the kherson region from ukrainian to russian. oh, i feel that soon he will create an information space already in a ukrainian prison, just
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like hundreds of other traitors, whose activities against ukraine did not go unnoticed. it was the program collaborators and i olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write. to this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on spresso. pavlo from upolet painfully remembers the terrible russian invasion of his hometown. before the beginning of the great war, pavel and his wife
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svitlana had a happy life. he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts coach. the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says: those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and marauders. they were so actively trading this loot. how mockers will get there, the house is burning, they will get
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there, what was the necessity, god knows, the city was constantly bombarded with shells, russians dropped bombs from airplanes, cannons and howitzers did not shut up , pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously remained alive, and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof , all the windows were blown out, the doors inside were blown out, we were not... i had a sports cap, i am at that time i was on the street, well, i didn’t see it, i looked at what my hat was doing on the tree, then i started to analyze it, it’s my hat, that’s enough, it’s decisive, how did i stay alive, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, the woman was there in the house, she was saved by icons, that's how the makukh family lived in the besieged mariupol for three months, because they could not leave svetlana's old mother, who was chained to... the bed. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering.
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the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo also took turns in his school one day, svetlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. and the children already thought that she stayed there, but... the woman came to the home theater, thought, thought, said: i will stay alone with my mother-in-law, it is hard for me there, she is leaving this drama theater, it is 13-15 kilometers away, she is going under bombings, return home. at the end of may , the streets already smelled of corpses, pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading. the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022. in two days before the departure, svitlana's old mother died and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard, i
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dug it myself and it was not very deep, i dug it in the hope that in september, i had some information that we would release in september mariupol, well, that year, oh, i buried my mother-in-law in this house, when we had already left, the saint says, well, now at least someone will look after the house, we came to the customs office, well, the men, the same there where... the wife lives in germany, for the first time during this time they met their relatives already here in
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ukraine, the son and grandson of svitlana and pavel they left mariupol in the middle of march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region, his father went to serve in the army. the boy remembers those humiliations and the long journey to the territory controlled by ukraine. there was a large column, all seats were occupied. we drove standing all night. and then, well, at night we arrived at the russian checkpoint, there was a gas station, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood there for two hours. no, the next morning they brought us water from the sewers, which was not drinkable, then they threw a loaf of bread at us, well, at the whole bus, so that we could just eat, on the day when they brought us that water, a vehicle was just driving in front of us , it was, well, a russian military vehicle, we saw it, and we were not allowed to leave
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the - because of this, the fact that they drove away just the equipment, difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams... of one thing: when they reunite and return to their native, ukrainian mariupol, i dream of restoring my home, that's it my dream, and i perfectly understand that he will return there will be replaced, the border is 40 km from russia , for a while we will not destroy this rashka, we already have a team of officials from mariupol, who enter immediately only to decuperate, enter and say... they do their work, doctors , education, housing and communal services, well, what is needed for the life of a full-fledged city. oh, beautiful,
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well done, what the hell... sweden is in nato, orban did decide to demobilize conscripts, the president signed the corresponding decree, the difficult situation at the front, did the armed forces of ukraine leave the swallows, and the meeting in paris, where we we are waiting for the speech of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zema, tonight, monday evening , we are starting the information week and will summarize this information day, but... this is where we will start: servicemen of the 74th battalion of the 102nd brigades of territorial defense forces. they are fighting in the zaporozhian direction. thanks to the viewers and readers of espresso for the funds collected for the night vision monocular. the device is already serving our soldiers, because they perform combat tasks mainly at night. so good vision in the dark not only saves our military,
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but also helps to effectively destroy the enemy. and now this is a thank you from our soldiers that you are working with a result, and this result is felt first of all by our military, and secondly - it is felt by our enemies, and it hurts them, and that is good. well, because we did not invite them to our land. and now the request, after all, to complete the gathering, which we have been conducting for quite a long time, we have left there, well, we are there in the district, in my opinion. uah, in a word, not so much, i think we will complete it, quickly , to move quickly and perform combat missions , this green handsome that you see on your screens, this vehicle is needed by the 25th separate legendary airborne brigade of czechoslovakia, they are constantly under the gun, but the enemy is also held under the gun, the occupiers are trying
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to storm every day, but despite everything, our soldiers firmly and steadfastly hold the line in the eastern direction, we ask everyone who cares to join the fundraiser for the car, do not stay away, every hryvnia brings our victory, our goal is 3000 hryvnias, we have already collected, now i will even tell you how many hryvnias we have collected for our soldiers , because you know, hryvnias can just be in your pocket, or they can be lifesaving, so in our situations they are lifesaving, and now i will tell you, we have already collected uah 268,346, actually we have 32 uah 31,634 left to collect, well, a lot on the one hand is clear, but on the other hand, together we will be able to do it, please give me the details, which you see on your screen, i think soon we will hear thanks from the legendary swisslav airborne brigade, we are waiting, i will say right away, we are waiting
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for help, we are waiting for the address of the president, the president of france, macron is receiving world leaders who support ukraine and there should be a summit, you see here is the elysee palace, as far as i understand, well, the residence of the president of the french republic, this is a summit regarding ukraine, and there he will receive world leaders who support our state not in word, but in deed in the war with russia, the exact list of meeting participants is not yet it is announced that the president of poland , andrzej duda, will be there, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, has already announced that the hungarian parliament will ratify membership on. in sweden's nato, and we are waiting for the speech of the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi. i will remind you that regarding nato membership in sweden, there were questions about turkey, there were questions about hungary. these issues are being resolved, thank god, finland received its carte blanche a long time ago, but sweden, which, by the way, clearly understands the threat from russia, will still receive
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the nato umbrella now, but we believe that the next country, if i'm not mistaken, will be the 33rd ukraine. yes, and now we have kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, in contact with us about the situation in the dnipro regions. mrs. katerina, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine, congratulations. glory to heroes. at night, the enemy launched an attack on the dnipro, a rocket hit a high-rise building there, if i am not mistaken, i would like you to tell me about the consequences of the enemy attack, and in general, more about this situation, i know there are victims there, and also houses, suffered , please, that's how our victims are today, in general tonight is the most restless night, and it is worth noting that for the last few days in our region , the air alarm almost does not subside, that is, the threat is constant. even in the city of dnipro, even if we are not talking about nikopol region, the air alarm only stops, after half an hour, it, it immediately starts again, it
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really complicates the work of some institutions as well, and in general, it is really a very difficult situation, as of now, after the night shelling, yesterday night, well, closer to the evening, but it was already night shot down over the city, we can already... say that enemy rockets were shot down over the city, and, unfortunately, their fragments did not fly past, but they still got into private houses, what we can see in the photo , in the video materials, this is the private sector in the city of dnipro, here, and unfortunately there are also victims, well, that is, cars and houses, of course, there is damage, but there are also victims, four people, two men, two women, two women . everyone was now well-dressed, two people are already being treated on an outpatient basis, well and two are still undergoing treatment in the hospital,
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well, but, as the doctors note , nothing threatens people’s lives right now, but tell me , please, these attacks, well, they are not isolated there, i constantly look at the map of air alarms, i was in kyiv on the weekend and i am waiting for when and where they will be in kyiv, and you hear that they are writing about explosions in the dnieper, the enemy, i see, has concentrated precisely on... our eastern and southeastern cities and regions, i understand that the enemy uses both ballistics and shahedi, he has such combined blows, well , if there are no secrets to reveal, he targets mainly infrastructure facilities, energy facilities, what is the purpose and again the situation there with heating and water, is it something, because i know that some cities in the region were without electricity for some time after these attacks. and so all the attacks really became very concentrated, if we were talking only about nikopolshchyna before, well , now even, we don’t even comment on the fact
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that in nikopolshchyna also today , large shelling was conducted in parallel, there it is usually hail, ballistics, heavy artillery, well, what about the dnipro - these are more often shaheds and rockets, but in principle, ballistics also reaches the target. if we talk about where exactly they are aiming, well, we will say frankly that yes, we have had incidents there not so long ago and in general on infrastructure objects, but this time it is near one industrial enterprise, not exactly, well, not infrastructural in terms of there utility or the factory itself, well, but the industrial enterprise, debris also flew there, and before that a few days ago we also had shelling, there was a large infrastructure object, yes, but in parallel with it there was also an ordinary residential building,
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the upper floors of the nine-story building, and because of that people were also there, thank god that there were few victims, but nevertheless, and now all the communications that are adjacent to that... building and there have been restored there around the corner and where there were still problems with heat supply, water supply and light, these problems have now been eliminated, you know, well, my colleagues there visit in one way or another in one or another region, but in dnipropetrovsk region as well, on the one hand, it is such an example, you know, of the indomitability of the ukrainian people, such landlordism, which despite everything tries to have a house, as thras said. but here is nikopolshchyna, shelling is constant, people are rebuilding, this includes gardens, some other work is being carried out there, despite the fact that all of this can
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literally be destroyed. that night, when you left it all there on the shed and went to sleep somewhere, and what is the economic situation in general with the fact that the prospect of this reconstruction would be one thing, when people build with their own funds, so it is also for the funds of the region, as i understand it, are from the funds of communities, too things are happening, facilities are opening , some construction is taking place somewhere, which in principle could be postponed, but again in the light of the fact that this is constantly happening and the enemy can resort to attacks again on... how much is it on your opinion effectively and expediently? well, it’s hard to say here, here you probably have to look at each situation individually, if it’s, well, excuse me, houses in which the walls were blown down and the windows were broken by an explosion, then of course communal services spend the city or regional budget on it, well, part of the city or regional budget
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budget in order to... eliminate these consequences, because it is absolutely necessary, and it is, well, it is clear that people simply cannot stay there, spend the night in their apartments, when their windows have blown out, but this also does not happen not justified, there are, of course, times when money is invested in, well, repairs in medical facilities, now we have such, well, and from the regional council there in some sports facilities, to somehow support the work, well... of the communal facilities of these facilities, well, but - such a question, you know, you can say that you should lower your hand and do nothing at all, but well, we perfectly understand that despite the fact that we are under shelling and active hostilities are not so far from us at all, we also support the economic situation, in order for something to work, it needs to work, here , for example, they already talked about the fact that
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the apollo shopping center. it was also damaged before the beginning of the new year in dnipro, it is also being opened, well, it is not public funds, of course , private funds, but nevertheless, everyone fixed everything and in principle there will be an opening on the 27th in order to somehow also support business, further and balance the economic situation. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, katarina nemchenko was with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, and now we are... i'm just reminiscing, i'm looking at myself on facebook and there, a few years ago, we had a marathon together express direct and the fifth channel is dedicated to the actual beginning of the occupation of crimea and the struggle for a free crimea crimea is actually ukraine, that's why we will talk about crimea again on february 26, it was the first territory of ukraine that the enemy began to occupy, actually the territory, the peninsula, from which it began.
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war, and here are 10 years of this occupation, how crimea lives, how crimea lives, and it is important, just a second now, i have my program hanging here, and it is important that we continue to believe and not only believe, but also fight, iskender bariev from we are in touch, i congratulate you, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i say, it's one thing to believe, but you know, you can't talk about coffee in crimea after the... on the one hand, on the other hand, you can't to say that, well, crimea, we will probably come to an agreement there anyway, and let it remain in russia, or have an undefined status there for 150 years, no, i would like to ask you what is this, what is today's understanding of that, and whether the crimean peninsula will not only be the land where the war began, and the land where this war the war will end, it will end with the victory of ukraine and the crimean tatars and the peninsula, well, that's yours. the first
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thesis is that we should not just talk about the liberation of crimea, we should do something, and since 2014 we have constantly demonstrated and talked about and initiated what needs to be done in order to, well, to have some kind of result. the second thesis, ah, well, in my opinion, which one, your question, but just how how, which cannot be in ukrainian society in general, i.e. there , well, there for a contract for 150 years there, or let crimea be there for the time being there in the lease, or there in some other way and the rest, because these are precisely these narratives, which until 2019, unfortunately, in


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