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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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mobilizing first civil servants , state institutions and military personnel who were not in combat units is the right step, and for that i am grateful to both mr. danilov and sirsky, that they listened to us and feel in this a certain reserve of opportunities for the development of the armed forces, but i want to clarify a small detail, in fact , the person you wanted to take to your unit... significantly increased the potential of your structure in view of his professional qualities, definitely, that's right, mr. sergey, we called him for a technical position, where him health restrictions, well, no, they did not affect the efficiency, that is, his knowledge of engineering was more interesting to us than his limitations there, that is, he would be engaged in engineering and applied work in the field of application of unmanned systems, unfortunately, this person, we we do not control the process of distributing
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a person, where he will be sent , it does not depend on us, as on the commanders of the units , that is, in fact, your unit, if it had such a civilized recruiting system, then conditionally speaking, this person would have gotten to you as we speak now about recruiting, then this is just an example of the fact that such problems must be taken into account, solved in any case, i will say, at the beginning of the war it was easier for us, we gave a relationship and this person... went to the vacant place that we have it was, now, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is not like that, that is, we give, invite a person, convince him, give a relationship, but where a person will go does not depend on us, it depends on personnel centers, tsc, and a bunch of other people who are unclear , who have not even communicated with a person, do not know their mental or functional capabilities and qualities, that is, they do not know where they are invited. and we
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have a huge problem with technical engineering personnel, and we are ready to invite these people to actual engineering positions in technical positions, in order to increase our capabilities, including the use of unmanned systems on the battlefield. mr. pavle, just for two minutes, i would like to ask about the draft law prepared by roman kostenko regarding the introduction of changes, additions to the laws on mobilization and on... working out motivation mechanisms for the military, it also talks about salaries and about rotations, and about training and such other things, i think that this is exactly the application that should , after all, make service in the ukrainian armed forces so humane, what do you think about it, should we support this law, how do you feel about it are you everything, there is a direct connection with mr. roman, everything he offers... except
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money is supported, i don't believe that the ukrainian economy is capable of fulfilling what he prescribed there, so be very careful, because it 's just eating money through an inflationary jump and that's all, these things need to be done from a point from the point of view of the economy, i understand that roman is more of a military man, but the economic levers of influence, including the stimulation of the financial very... you have to be careful, there are a lot of things, uh, not directly related to money, that you can interest people in , even if it is money, let's make this money last longer, because direct payment of funds immediately into the economy, it will simply stimulate inflation, that's why there are promissory notes, there are bonds that we offered, there is land, there is the possibility of recreation, there is the possibility of reducing tax liabilities 'yazan e. during
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the future life expectancy of a person in relation to him, for example, personal income tax, personal income tax, i.e. these things are indirect, not linear, we need to talk about them, but by linearly increasing the salary, we can stimulate some corrupt things, very simply, somehow roman came to this, but i will say, all other things, including vacations, especially those related to the birth of a child, are very correct, very non-linear approaches to encouraging people to come to military service, i think that this will be supported, including by ukrainian society. mr. paul, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the explanation, for your time, for your service, and i will remind our viewers that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces of ukraine, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander of the armed forces of ukraine, who speaks about the promising direction for that motivation and...
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should take place in such a way as to really strengthen the potential of the armed forces. these were the main results of the day, and more international and economic news. next is vasyl zema's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. these were military results day, thank you serhii zgurets. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of. norm, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know
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what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00 a.m., and the second hour of the big airwaves is ahead , a lot of interesting and important information awaits you , the world about ukraine with yuriy fizar, economic
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results with oleksandr morchevka, sports news, the next round of the ukrainian football championship actually took place there today, and the weather is promised to be warm from natalka didenko completion. february, and we are also still waiting for the inclusion of president volodymyr zelenskyi, who is to join the summit in paris online, where emmanuel macron, the president of france, gathered the leaders of countries that support ukraine. now about the most important ones news, i will tell you in detail. five people, including one child, were evacuated from the front-line village of novoselivka in donetsk region, the state emergency service reported. also, during the weekend, rescuers of the phoenix group provided assistance to 30 residents of bagh. mutsky and pokrovsky districts. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi met with prime minister of bulgaria nikolay denkov in kyiv. this was reported in the president's office. the partners discussed the expansion of trade flows and recovery shipping they also agreed
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to intensify the development of logistics and infrastructure in ukraine through joint efforts. several hundred tractors, fires and scattered hay. in the center of brussels, belgium , farmers are protesting against the policies of the european union, the action is taking place against the background of the meeting of the ministers of agriculture of the member states of the european union. agrarians believe that the european commission has not made sufficiently specific decisions regarding them. farmers are also opposed to the european green deal, which sets the rules in the field the environment, which limits the work of farmers to a certain extent. we do not earn a living by our labor, we produce food, but we do not earn a living. why is this happening through free trade agreements, through deregulation, because prices are below the cost of production, so we are asking the eu to take action. stop
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free trade agreements and introduce minimum price supports that cover our production costs and allow us to have a decent income. the supreme anti-corruption court of ukraine chose a preventive measure for serhiy pashynskyi the ex-people's deputy will be kept in custody until april 25 of this year. the amount of the deposit for him is uah 272,520,000. pashinsky himself stated that the case against him was falsified by the russian special services. he did not give details, but said that all information about this was transferred to the sbu. let me remind you that on february 12, the sbu was acquired. conducted a search of the residence of the head of the association of the defense industry of ukraine, serhiy pashynskyi. he was declared a suspect in the case of the nationalization of oil products, oil products of the oligarch kurchenko. in fact , these were rosneft oil products. the state allegedly suffered losses of 1 billion
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hryvnias. extorted money from relatives of ukrainian soldiers. the security service of ukraine kidnapped a prisoner from a correctional institution in zhytomyr oblast . found announcements on social networks about the search for missing servicemen, then he contacted relatives and introduced himself as an employee of the military office, assured that he would be able to return the defender home for... a financial reward in the amount of more than uah 50,000. the money was transferred to the card of his wife or mother. according to this scheme, the defendant defrauded at least 60 families, missing soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. they demanded bribes for solving land issues, the security service of ukraine detained two city council members in lviv oblast. officials guaranteed the entrepreneur to speed up obtaining a permit for a long-term lease of land for construction and
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promised not to create any obstacles in exchange for such a service, asking for 30,000 us dollars. extras were caught in the act. the extras are suspected of organizing an illegal scheme for granting permits for the long-term lease of land for construction in local otg. it is about the head. commission on land relations and architecture, as well as his accomplice, a member of the commission on economic issues, finance and budget of the local self-government body. law enforcement officers of the lviv region caught dilkiv red-handed while receiving the first part of the $15,000 bribe. the ukrainian greek catholic church begins the canonization process of cardinal lubomyr huzar. according to the canons of the church , the beatification procedure first takes place, when the servant of god is officially recognized as a part of the blessed. after which they can to join the ranks of the saints.
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father pavlo lokot was appointed as the priest who will deal with the beatification and canonization of lubomir huzar today. on february 26, the 91st anniversary of the birth of the most blessed patriarch , head of the ukrainian greek-catholic church, has passed. many of our soldiers, after fighting at the front, continue their own struggle already in hospitals. of the national guard was wounded last march and is now learning to walk again. he films his successes on his phone in order to inspire others by example. the story of eugene prosyanovsky will be told by our correspondent in germany, olga dutko. before the war , evgeny kalushanin was an airsoft player, he went to the front as a volunteer. in lviv, the boy learned to fly drones, and then he passed on his knowledge to others. later, zhenya was sent to kreminna, still in the luhansk region. he was wounded just as he was teaching two soldiers to work with quadcopters, he recalls. the guys
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fly out, and i can already hear that it's not a whistle, but such a screeching sound, such a heavy sound. all i managed to do was to push the boys like that, to do for sure half a step, and he folds me in half like that, nails me against the wall, i shout that i am 300, no reaction, i hear another whistle, a mine falls, somewhere three or four meters away, probably because i was so concretely buried in the ground. the boy was evacuated to sloviansk, then sent to dnipro, and then the most difficult move was to kyiv. doctors in the capital helped with the spine, and now the fighter is being treated in regensburg. ukrainian nina, who has been living in bavaria for many years, helps zhenya and other wounded soldiers. sheniya and i became very good friends. from himself from the beginning, when he entered the hospital, he really
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is a star for many with his positive attitude, his attitude to life and his injury. the soldier 's injuries are serious, yevgeny was operated on for six hours in germany, fragments of bones and metal were removed from his body, they did not dare to do another operation, because the boy suffered a complex infection, they managed to pull it out, there are still many small fragments in the spine, one of the largest 2.5 cm near the sichovoy, currently one of the problems is that i have lost the sensitivity of my legs, my ankles do not work, and it does not work, let's say yes, pelvis yevgeny's main support and support are his parents and brother, who are now in ukraine, but a soldier in germany... they are cared for by volunteers, who care about helping the soldier's psychological recovery, sometimes
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they go with him to the local shooting range, where the boy can shoot, he has also been difficult periods, but a very big advantage is that he works online with a psychologist from the very beginning, he doesn't give up, he doesn't give up, and this psychological help is also one of those crutches and... one of the big components of his treatment. he feels the limbs he can move his limbs and there is great hope that he will make a full recovery. i think the military is important because they are fighting for ukrainian freedom, and in my opinion, for our freedom as well. i try to help the soldiers a little with transportation. evgeny wanted to shoot, that's why we came to this place now. jenny's goal is to get back on her feet as quickly as possible, for this she works with a physiotherapist and performs exercises on her own,
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filming her small successes, thereby motivating other injured people. pose of germany for espresso tv channel. we are watching from yuri. in fact, a huge example of the strength of the spirit and such people, you know, they inspire not only the same soldiers who received injuries of various degrees of severity, of course, they inspire us, people who may not have received it there, but it is very important, because well, you look at them and you understand that you have to fight 10 times harder and go for this victory, so thank you and a speedy recovery, we wish, of course, yuriy fizar, the world is about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, i have a lot to tell you about, in particular, the fact that sweden finally received ratification from hungary to join nato, aid to ukraine, again from the united states of america and pan-diplomacy. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, let's start. perhaps
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the most important news from today is that the parliament of hungary has finally ratified sweden's application to join nato. 188 deputies of the highest legislative body of the country voted for this decision. six voted against, none abstained. now this decision must be signed by the president of hungary and the speaker of the parliament, and then it will be transferred to the nato headquarters in brussels, where the official ceremony will take place. om to the alliance. let me remind you that hungary was the last member country of this military-political bloc to ratify sweden's accession. well, they dragged for a long, long, long, long time, but they knew why they were dragging, dragging, they got the gripen military fighters with such blackmail. well, this is viktor orban, well, here, of course, he needs to be given a plus
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he cares so much for his country, although when we talk about ukraine, he has to put a lot of minuses. but look, it is clear that orban is in nato, orban is in the eu, well, orban is not hungary, it is clear that he has certain limits there, beyond which he will not go, and it is obvious, but he cares about his country, sometimes in contrary to the interests of other states, in any case , in the end, he comes to the point that, getting what he wants, he goes to meet that, well , the same sweden, for example, or there is another person who also says that she cares about her country , let's say lukashenko, but he is nothing does not do good for belarus or anyone else, and no price is an excuse here, so i don't know. i don't know vasyly, i'm just saying that he's still there, he's doing his own thing, but he's doing his own thing, you see, sweden got what it had , well, in a word, now there will be 32 of them, i mean of nato member countries, we are waiting for the moment when there will be 33 of them, when ukraine will join the north atlantic alliance.
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now we are moving a little to the west of hungary, about 20 states of the leaders of states and governments. with mainly european countries today are meeting right now at this time in paris. they came at the invitation of president emmanuel macron in order to strengthen the support of ukraine from the west. the meeting at the elysee palace will give the participants an opportunity to confirm their unity and determination to support ukraine in the aggressive war waged by russia against us. this was announced earlier in the press service of the owner of the elysee palace. at the meeting there will be discussions. all possible opportunities for effective support of ukraine and a press conference is now scheduled for 20:00 at 22:30 kyiv time, so all the details about what was discussed will be broadcast tomorrow on espresso. in the evening, i will definitely sum up the most important things. well, the intrigues regarding this
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meeting in paris, which i remind you again, are happening right now. ebb the night before and today the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. in a video message on his facebook page , he said that the measure regarding the situation in ukraine is leading to the adoption of the worst decision, and then even his short quote. from the available of information about the topics we have to talk about on monday, the frost runs through the skin, this is the end of his quote. according to the head of the slovak government, the leaders of western countries. have two options to choose from: continue to act in the direction of a total escalation of tension and provide unlimited military financial aid to ukraine, or - he says - prepare a plan to end the war. at the negotiating table, robert fizo is still convinced that the west will most likely choose the first option. so that you understand, in the morning
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robert fizo records this appeal on facebook, posts it on facebook, and then goes to paris, because he is there at this same meeting in the elysée palace, together with his colleagues will talk about how to help ukraine, and another intrigue, robert fizo said that. .. he will in no way support the agreement that, according to him , should be discussed during this meeting in paris on the possible dispatch of nato military personnel to ukraine in case there is a need for this, according to him, some nato countries are considering such possibility, but he will be very much opposed to that is, first i talked a lot to myself in bratislava, then... i came to a meeting with my colleagues, i am really looking forward to tomorrow morning , after all, even a few hours later, to see what was discussed and what was decided during this meeting?
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well, what, you know, on the one hand, well, if fitz is already being sausaged in this story, i understand how the kremlin is sausageing, well, because of this, because the western allies actually opened a second front in the year 44, that is about a year before victories in friendship, well, if there is something like that somewhere, it will surely be a big one plus, let's put it this way, there is no desire to make loud statements that the kremlin will burn down tomorrow, but in any case, i think, even psychologically, it would be significant, well, very cool. let's go further: the russian economy has shown, to great regret, its resistance to pressure from the west, but the united states of america still believes that a military victory for ukraine in the aggressive war that russia is waging against it is possible. this was stated by the adviser to the president of the united states of america on national issues. security jake salvan in an interview with the nbc tv channel , according to him, the armed forces of ukraine can move forward on the battlefield and return temporarily occupied territories, but
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only if they have all the necessary resources, but there is a bit of trouble with the allocation of these resources. next, we will listen to mr. councilor jake sullivan in the first direct speech. so we have some kind of technical problem, let's solve it now and i really hope that we will still listen to mr. jake sullivan in direct speech, because it is very important, well, okay, well, i will say now that he is in this direct he said, so it comes down to elementary arithmetic, we need money to be able to provide weapons to ukraine, but we don't have this money, we... only congress can provide it. such is the reality. that is why the urgency of passing this bill by congress is very important. and that's why it ultimately comes down to a simple
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decision by one man, speaker johnson. let me remind you, mike johnson is the speaker of the lower house of the american congress, the house of representatives. he simply does not bet draft law on the allocation of additional funding for ukraine, israel and southeast asia. that is, there is support for bukim among the deputies, he does not question. well, in addition to helping ukraine, it is necessary to continue to put pressure on russia. if we already have the opportunity to give direct speeches, then let's listen to jake salenvan in his second direct speech. secondly, they are unable to absorb the basic elements of technology that could really turn russia into a 21st century economy. so there are real challenges ahead of them, but it's true that the russian economy, in terms of its military machine, is resilient and we need to break it, we need to be relentless,
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so the latest package of sanctions is aimed at identifying banks and other instruments that are trying to circumvent our sanctions to get additional resources for russia. well, that's it, we have to press on, and tomorrow the president of the united states of america, joe biden, will gather for us. to meet with the leaders of the republican democratic party in both houses of congress and the main topic of this meeting is still unblocking this bill. i will see what they decide, what they agree on, you will find out tomorrow evening. europe is not at war, but it does not fully understand what this war means for it, so it must wake up, the leader said in an interview with the spanish publication elpais. borel, according to him, the european union should take on greater responsibility in supporting ukraine, increase its defense capabilities and be ready for the development
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of any scenarios, especially. - adds the main european diplomat, taking into account a whole series of elections that are planned in the world for this year. next, let's listen to mr. borel in direct speech. putin has mobilized all his resources, he has military support from iran and north korea. he has enlisted the economic support of china, so i appeal to the member states of the european union to provide ukraine with such support as would correspond to the type of war. which we face. this confrontation combines the war of the last century and the most modern technologies. we must do more and faster. over the next few months, the fate of the war can be decided. to resist means to win. there may not be german long-range taurus missiles in ukraine in the near future. about his refusal to supply us with this type of weapon, he said
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during a meeting with journalists. lazy chancellor olaf scholz explained his decision by the fact that he does not want these systems to be somehow involved in the russian war in ukraine and at the same time involve germany as well. next is a quote from the bundeschancellor. we, that is, germany, should not be bound by the goals that this system achieves at any point and in any place at the same time, he emphasized that he does not understand why many people in the country do not even think about whether what we are doing can lead to something peculiar. being drawn into the war, he is afraid, he is afraid that even though these weapons will draw germany into the war, all the other weapons supplied by germany do not involve her in the war, well , i don’t know, they are some kind of childish, these weapons will help to destroy the crimean cities, this, well this objectively, absolutely, well, now not about weapons, but about various peace plans, now there are about 10 proposals to search peaceful settlement of the peaceful end of the russian war in ukraine, said
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the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland. and natsiokasis, while he added that there are even options that the public does not yet know about, as they have not been published before, for example from brics, and at the same time , the head of the swiss foreign ministry added that all existing peace plans have several common traits that should be relied on during negotiations, followed by a quote from mr. kasis: the result cannot be 100% satisfactory for ukraine, nor 100% satisfactory for russia, otherwise there wouldn't be... no negotiations, well, these different peace plans, just someone wanted, let me put forward my peace plan and tell about it, let's go, well, that's the end of it. a parody of the elections in belarus, deputies of the lower house of the parliament were elected at the same time, as well as deputies of local councils, more than 12.5 thousand deputies of local councils. according to updated data, the turnout was more than
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73 percent, this was reported to the central election commission of the country, and the first session of the house of representatives of the national assembly the country's president oleksandr lukashenko commented a lot on the conduct of these elections, praised them, said that they were held without violations, and of course he was asked a question about whether he himself is not going to run for president again. let's hear what the self-proclaimed has to say about it. tell them i'm going. pass it on. no man, a responsible president, will abandon his men who followed him into battle, so the more they stress you, me and society, the sooner i will go to this election. you've been listening to this one, you've been listening to this line so far language, vasyl very coolly said that
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european is northern. well, yes, yes, and by the way, the united states of america condemned the holding of these elections, they called them in one word fictitious, well, how else, well, and in conclusion, the restoration of pandodemo pandodiplomatic relations, china is going to send to the zoo of the american city of san diego california a new pair of giant pandas and thus resume a long-standing program of cooperation with the united states, which was interrupted amid the deterioration in... relations between the two countries. according to information from the management of this of the california zoo, if all permits and other documents are signed, the two pandas will arrive in san diego as early as the end of the summer of 2024, and this will happen 5 years after the celestial took the previous two animals. president xi jinping announced the possible return of the chinese panda back in november 2023.


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