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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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with disabilities of ukraine and enable me ukraine. we return to our viewers. we would like to remind you that the surprise of this night was the information that the direction of the attack by night shaheds has changed, these are such terrorist attacks that russia carries out either combined or only drone attacks at night. this time, the drones decided to see what the peaceful areas of moldova look like. official pocketbook. from does not react to it, or rather, how it reacts, they deny it, but here is the surprise, er, nato, yes, it is said so, at least by the mouths of those who gathered yesterday in paris, nato supports moldova, if russia tries to annex transnistria, the moldovan direction suddenly becomes interesting for the rest of europe, this is how the deputy secretary general of nato declared his support.
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they started saying all this, because a congress of deputies of the unrecognized transnistrian republic is being convened in teraspol tomorrow, and some assume that they can somehow announce there, appeal, call on putin, recognize them, and even include them in russia, take them under their wing, under his care even more strongly, let's remind you that on the territory in the transnistrian republic, there are some russian... military personnel, according to experts , they do not pose any significant threat to ukraine, but the fact remains, so we will wait until tomorrow, we will see, in the meantime, it looks stable on the northern borders, but we have just we communicated with kharkiv region, now we will talk with sumy region, this is the border that is the longest, this is the border along which the former territories of the ukrainian people's republic, and now kursk, follow. people's republic, belgorod
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the people's republic, in which the governor tonight, at least in his vkontakte feed, shot down and shot down ukrainian drones, they are still shooting down, if not in packs. our colleague, lyuna yatsena from sumy, is in touch with us, lady, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. you can't tell from your mood that the night was quiet or that you were allowed to sleep. in sumy oblast, a peaceful night is a rarity, today we also had shaheds shot down, and the russians were again working on aviation, so the night was not peaceful. ugh. ms. alyona, what is this restless night about? how it looked last night, we know that the previous day that they attacked yunakivska, in particular the community, a couple died there, how about?
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last night, whether they attack from their side , the russian side, or they also attack in such a way , as it often happens, for example, in the kherson region, when they simply drop explosives from drones, or well, the same derg, how it all looks, it looks as follows : the russians have been dropping guided aerial bombs on the yunakiv community, in particular, for several days now, and tonight was no exception for one of the community's villages. dropped at least three guided aerial bombs, about the consequences, i hope, we will find out officially, because in the past day , ova was not given official information, it is not clear for what reasons, maybe technically, maybe deliberately, but we will see in the morning closer to the 9th, today also three guided aerial bombs in the interval between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning, as far as we know from... our own sources
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, the russians dropped on the ordinary houses of peaceful residents. in general, yunykivsk and khotyn communities are two neighboring communities, and we hear every night and every morning how the russians are working there with aviation. drg, drone work, work artillery, mortars, all this happens along the entire border. and in general, if i even look, here are 79 explosions - this is yesterday, and these are the ones you mentioned. community, khotynska, yunakivska, but only velikopyserivska, esmanska. well, we often report about the medestobudsk community, they also like to shoot mortars and other shelling there. and in general, just look at the map, these picturesque, border villages, there are still people there, despite all these regular shelling, are they deserted villages? at least 18. works from
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what we know, which were before the war filled with people, they became devastated precisely because of the actions of the russians, people live in other villages, and mostly i leave them. old people live, who say they have nowhere to go, but there are also young people, young people and families with children stay to live, stay to work, institutions, shops, pharmacies are open, somewhere the situation is better, somewhere worse, but in general, everyone who wanted and could leave the border area, they did it back in the 22nd, and something still works from the border area, that is , shops, pharmacies, you name it, even in those border communities, of course. sometimes the post office is going, ugh, ms. alyona, actually , the border area, and we understand that the consequences of the russian occupation are still probably felt, here is the latest report about how children found a grenade, threw it into a fire, we understand
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what happened, a teenager is injured, how frequent are these such findings, whether by adults, children, or emergency workers, how many dangerous objects can still remain in... the mass of dangerous objects on the territory of sumy oblast, which territories have not yet been demined, have not been investigated, have not become safe for the locals, and how do you work with all this? yes, sumy is one of of the dirtiest territories, including the de-occupied ones , and in the 20-kilometer zone from the border , demining takes place only in populated areas and in the fields where agricultural workers work. they do it there, all other zones, they are forbidden to enter, for example, forests, roads, you cannot go there throughout the entire territory of the region, because the entire territory was actually under occupation, some communities suffered more,
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some less, some were blocked, but the russians imitated everywhere, but how quickly the recovery, let's say, life, i'm just looking... officially , what the ministry of energy reports, well, on february 26, shelling after shelling knocked out power to 1,500 consumers, because they hit electric wires, and how long does it actually take to restore , how quickly, how do energy companies work and how how fast does the state emergency service work? you know, everything really depends on the border community itself. in the five-kilometer zone, somewhere the energy workers work and leave, and somewhere they do not reach at all, and everything that is destroyed during shelling is all the problems of the local
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residents, local communities, i.e., if the emergency services still go out, then, for example, they try to go to the 5-kilometer zone quite rarely, when there is a direct... necessity, and regarding the restoration of electricity supply, there are villages, for example, in the bilopolsk community, which live without electricity since last spring and last summer, it will soon be a year since no one restores the electricity supply to them, the velikopiseriv, middenobuda community, there, for example, local residents, these are former energy workers, pensioners, independently arrange electricity in their cities, villages, in their communities, because oblenergo does not go to them, you understand. if it is such, this zone is also prohibited, and well, but then at least fuel and generators are delivered, that is, if there is no electricity for a year, then do these elderly people in particular have an alternative, well, where will they go, and they need something, well
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at least generators were delivered there, there are several generators in the village, there is a shop there, again , which works, there are generators, but so to speak... secretly having a generator for the elderly is almost unreal, there are several families there there are children there who have bought, brought, fuel , it is very problematic, especially in winter, the roads there are not cleaned very well, again, everything depends on the village and the community, if the local leadership works more or less, then the situation there will improve, we know , that such a special online platform svidok has started working in ukraine, it is a place where people can... er , save, record, post information about their own experience during the russian occupation, why is it necessary to save this information, also a platform are also used by our international partners in order to record russian crimes, which could then
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be investigated and brought to justice, how actively do residents of sumy oblast use and record their own experiences on this platform? as far as i know, i researched this platform a little , in principle there are memories from sumy region, but the situation in sumy region is such that we are... very close to the enemy, people do not trust what official sources say, are there gatherings on the border russian equipment or not, and the threat of a repeated attack on sumy oblast remains in the minds of people, or at least it is not is confirmed, that is, not from the military, not from the authorities, there are no announcements or confirmations, in fact, as far as we can see, no such threat. no, as far as we communicate with experts, but people still continue to live in this joke and also
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share some memories, not everyone is ready for security reasons, although the platform is anonymous, ms. alyana, you said that sumshchyna is among the de-occupied territories one of the most polluted from the point of view of particularly dangerous explosive objects and other remnants of the occupation, and there is another dimension of the occupation... we were talking about memories from those territories that were occupied kherson region, and there one way or another everyone confirms that when the russian occupiers entered, their chekists had certain training, lists to who to arrest first, who to shoot, the lists were in their hands, the rest they got to, for example, they looked at the lists of beneficiaries there and only then went to the exact addresses. was there a similar situation in sumy oblast during the occupation? sumyshchyna, fortunately,
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if you can say so, the occupation lasted much less than in kherson region, and such things, the occupiers did not have time to check everywhere, but yes, there are settlements where this is confirmed, these are sumy district and okhtyr district, and they used to go, as they say, to the houses of the local atoshniks, the russians used to go also sought local authorities. they went to the police and actually, as far as we know, they also looked for local journalists in the reeds, yes , but these were lists already, as they say, in the hands of the occupiers, or were they simply already on the spot carrying out such filtering, filtering and repressive actions , about two settlements, at least there is confirmation that they had lists, uh, and for others, even... the house is still curious as to who actually gave them to such a person, well, it is
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delaying the vagrants, unfortunately, there are enough everywhere, mrs. alyona , thank you for the conversation, thank you for the information, alyona yatsina, a journalist from sumy oblast was with us, now we will go for a short break, then to kherson oblast, to the south of our country, where the ukrainian military base is constantly expanding, and the russians are constantly trying to attack. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, more and a reliable battery in the kit, just call now and order, there is an opportunity. free delivery. check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you can do all this in one movement
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psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on pector one plus 10% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. there are discounts on perfect till original, 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic news and news from... porto for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we are back, thank you from espresso, thank you for donating, and thank yuriy sobolevskyi,
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the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, for joining our conversation. glory to ukraine, sir. i salute you heroes, how did the night pass in the kherson region, where did the targets go, because we know that there were explosions and shelling, i would like to say that we had a peaceful night, but alas, not yet, the enemy continued shelling in the beryslav district, in the kherson district, in kherson, including the arrivals of airstrikes, again the enemy worked on residential construction by houses there were also attacks on high-rise buildings and on private... buildings and on communal facilities, we will show the consequences later, unfortunately, two people were injured in our country yesterday, as of the evening, the information will be compiled a little later in the night, beforehand, unfortunately, there were calls, ugh, it's all cabs or something else, and mainly in kherson, they worked with artillery mainly,
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the previous rczvs were also recorded in the game. ugh, and with drones, how is the situation, when explosives are dropped, very often just on people's heads, then on a bicycle, who will ride off, then a person is standing near a store, how often does this happen now? unfortunately, regularly, even more so in the beroslav region, but drones are also such a serious threat, evacuations are taking place from bereslav, from bereslav oblast, are people leaving, is there no one there anymore, unfortunately, there are still people to leave, but the majority of people do not agree, those who stayed, despite all this horror, when there is constant shelling at night and day, but very slowly, those who stayed , they agree to leave, well,
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what do they do in general, they just beat up the city every day, it’s probably because of the cabals, after avdiyivka, berislav left... in the sad champions, what are people, what are people doing in their native city that is actually destroyed ? well, you know, life goes on under any conditions, and unfortunately, a person can get used to any conditions, even to constant shelling, i can’t say that he can fully adapt, well, in kherson it is also a very difficult bezek situation, but well, people live, continue to live, and you know, the position of the majority is this that we survived the occupation, we are afraid... that nothing can happen anymore, so we will wait in our native house for the liberation of the left bank part of kherson oblast, accordingly, the security situation will be different in our country. here, by the way, is an interesting story that i reread on the eve of our conversation about, well our colleagues, journalists, talked with various people who survived the occupation and
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are solving the question for themselves, and what should we do with the accrued utility services, well , that is. there is a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, which should, in principle , oblige the recalculation, but it is interesting to read here, here the pensioners mostly stayed to live in condominiums, they rent three times less than they were supposed to, but everyone confirms that during the occupation they paid correctly, and look, those funds that a person paid, they will be credited, they must be credited after recalculation in the following payments, i.e. in advance, these funds, they will not disappear. initially, there was an order that the payment was canceled only for those who left the occupation and registered as idps, that is, from the period of registration as idps to the de-occupation of the settlement. yes, but well, in my opinion, it was completely wrong, because it is impossible to divide our people, who left, who stayed, it is wrong, it is wrong, and now it does not exist, now there is a permanent occupation in these
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settlements, utility payments for everyone natural persons must be listed, in relation to legal entities, unfortunately, there is no solution yet, but there is, well, let's say, there is a mechanism, entrepreneurs should contact the law enforcement authorities, that down... their enterprise was seized, they did not control them, then there is a mechanism, how they can avoid these payments, but there is no systemic or general solution, unfortunately, for legal entities, mr. yuri, but these entrepreneurs, these are businesses that were started even before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, or is it all that appeared then, when people returned after de-occupation, in particular, when they saw that there will be a counter-offensive, that they returned that... and returned home, started doing something, what kind of enterprises are these? the absolute majority are entrepreneurs who worked before the full-scale invasion, who returned
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after the de-occupation and resumed the activities of their enterprises, there are those who were in the occupation, but stopped their activities during the time when everything was occupied, their enterprises were seized, and there are also entrepreneurs , who continued to work during the occupation. there is a certain height, uh, uh, are people all secured with work, or all have sources own sources of income, or does a large part of people still need social support from the state? of course, in such conditions, when the business does not work fully, then there are certain restrictions on the offers on the labor market, but i cannot say that there are no open vacancies now. there are , of course, small settlements in kherson oblast that are close to the dnieper, the situation there is much more complicated, but if we are talking about
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the pherson region, then it is absolutely possible and realistic to find a job, well, as far as mr. yuriy is concerned, local people support the armed forces of ukraine, we often hear stories when someone somewhere prepared something to eat, fed, helped the military. and if it is about donating and announcing meetings, we understand that in principle it is not easy for people to live in the front-line territories, and they themselves still need support, how actively do they participate in various meetings? i can say that in mytochyna i do not know anyone from the local people who would not help by force, just not a single person, at least in some way, someone, someone through donations, someone directly through volunteering. or hot food, or some medicine, or something else, but people are constantly trying to help us, because well , we understand better than anyone what will happen if the ssu is not
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dealt with, what the occupation is, how scary it is, ugh, here is qr- we have the code hanging on the screen right now, and you can also donate during our broadcast, listening to what mr. yuriy is saying, it is for the military, for the infantry, for air reconnaissance from the orichiv direction, we... will sort out a million hryvnias, mr. yuriy, most willingly, in fact, support those who is near the military or not , it doesn’t matter, it’s just that any gathering is supported somewhere, they contribute something, well, they try to support , you know, it’s been so long since the first invasion, everyone has units that he already knows, fighters that he he personally knows, they keep in touch and try somehow , well, if possible, of course, to... help these guys, of course there are, well, new units are created, appear, but the priority is still those whom people know, in many
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family members, they are the same, they accept participation in hostilities, they fight, and of course these people help these units where there is a relative, but there are cases when people help a completely unfamiliar unit, precisely because they found out that there are... certain needs , ugh, i want to ask about the temporarily occupied left bank, i see that the center of national affairs sees an upgrade, if the so-called russian occupation administration on the ground mainly hunted for real estate, for apartments of those who left their homes during the occupation, then now what's fresh, that is in particular, they talk about the iron port and on the coast. he is located by the sea, who wants to look at the map, now everyone goes there together with the military, and they take housing
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from people, from people who even exist. the russian passport, which they took by force, that is , it turns out that even under the occupation administration, some kind of property right does not work at all, or is there some kind of selective approach to such repressive actions? you know, it's more selective, because they're trying to do things a little differently now, they're very much again publicize their housing certificate program. executioners, so that people received them, moved out , accordingly, the housing remained free, and then they already there take some actions in relation to it, redistribute some, and they are very actively now recognizing as derelict, and property that has not been re-registered by the owners in the russian registers, and they already play with this property in the same way, so that they come in and there are people there and they... evict them, take away
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housing, well, these are rather, probably isolated cases, they try not to do this, because they still, you know, are now trying to make such an integration of the population into the russian world, and they are trying to create such a picture that, on the contrary, russia has come to the kherson region and now everything will be fine, everything will be like that, but in the iron port they are the opposite, they selected a number of apartments and handed them over to the so-called, well, they say displaced people, and we know very well who they bring... to these territories, that is, if they were not used, yes, it could be, even if the owner is in the region , but we did not use this dwelling, there, if a person had it several apartments, there could be such cases , because for them it is a matter of property, it is such, well, conditionally, let's say, uh, but how has it changed in these occupied territories, the ethnic composition there will say, we talked about crimea yesterday, then there is a serious ethnocide, that is such a stalinist
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thing, to change the entire population of the region, well , we also know this in the eastern regions of ukraine after the holodomor, what they did, how is the ethnic composition of the occupied part of the kherson region changing now? the goal is the same, but not many russians are ready to move there now, to live in the kherson region, because, after all , the attitude towards russians is now in the majority in the region, they understand, they, they are the occupiers, they did not release anyone here, they are really the occupiers, the people... there are waiting for the return of the armed forces, so in such conditions there are not many people who want to live there, but there are doctors who came to work, there are teachers who also came to work in russia, most of them, they work in shifts, after all, they worked for two or three months and went home, but there are those who have already arrived and are working, and they are settling, planning
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stay. on a permanent basis, do they understand if this is some kind of shift method, as you say, they came there for a few months, worked and left? and, there is, there is a certain category who are ready to stay there, and they played , you know, on ambition, that is, a person who could not hold a certain position there, here they are offered much higher than, in terms of level, yes, than , she held it before that, and, but for this, you need to come to the kherson region, and some, they go for it... they do not have the opportunity to get this position in russia federation, but they are coming to us. ugh. understood, mr. yuriy. thank you for the information. yuriy sobulevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was with us. after all, we have already asked about this before, and very often these are not residents of moscow, not residents of st. petersburg, but residents of some small settlements far from
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civilization, who want to escape to the sea somewhere to the south, what , it's news time, and khrystyna porobiy and the news team have already prepared a selection of the latest information and are ready to share it, khrystyna, congratulations word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, western countries are considering the possibility of involving nato troops in ukraine, i will tell more about this in the issue, as well as the situation at the front and the work of our air defense this night, in a moment, wait. news in eter spresso, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. 11 russian drones and two kh-59 guided missiles were shot down at night.


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