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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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the memory of all those who died at the hands of the russian occupiers, all ukrainian military and civilians, all those who defended and are defending, defended the ukrainian land from the attackers. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning stream we talk about such topics. without us help, the armed forces will have to focus only on defense. in an interview with cnn, he told how he would behave himself as the ukrainian army on the battlefield and emphasized that sirskyi, the head, was developing two plans. meanwhile, shpigil writes that kyiv will run out of its own reserves of shells no later than june, and possibly even earlier. what scenario of the development of the war is being discussed in the west, whether the eu is ready to support ukraine without the help of the usa. kupyansk, the main target of russian forces in the kharkiv region, says the armed forces. without help from the west, ukraine risks losing kupyansk and kharkiv, she said. oleksandr ostinov's radepka
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in a comment to echivele. what is the situation in the kharkiv direction, what are the forces of the russian federation for? strengthen their borders, or are afraid of intrusions into their territory. during the russian assault on ukrainian positions between the villages of ivanivske and khromovo in donetsk region, the russian military killed seven ukrainian prisoners of war, the prosecutor general's office reports. it happened on february 24. human affairs commissioner dmytro lubinets called it another war crime. did the killing of prisoners become more frequent? can it be stopped what is happening in ukraine, what is the situation at the front? every weekday morning from 9:00 a.m. we talk about important events and statements. subscribe to the radio svoboda channel so as not to miss important broadcasts. russian troops occupied stepove and severne near avdiivka, and also advanced near orlivka, berdychi, and tonenko. this is reported by analysts of the deep state project. about the fact that several villages near avdiyivka have come under the control of russian troops, the telegram channel vertical, which it calls, also writes. close to
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the president's office, i note that there is no official confirmation of this information. in the morning summary of the general staff, it is said that the ukrainian military is in the avdiyiv direction repulsed 19 enemy attacks in berdychiv, orlivka, severny, pervomaisky and nevelsky districts. and the commander of the tavri operational-strategic group of troops, oleksandr tarnavskyi , reported the day before that the ukrainian armed forces were strengthening the defense line to the west and organizing the defense of populated areas in order to prevent the further advance of russian troops. at the ministry of defense. the seizure of the steppe and northern regions is not reported at the moment either, but some russian pro-war publications write about it. i would like to note that the day before operational-strategic grouping of tavriy troops confirmed the withdrawal of the armed forces from the village of lastochkine near avdiivka. we have reached out to osuv tavria for an official comment on the steppe and northern information and are currently awaiting a response. russian troops are withdrawing reserves in the direction of kupyansk, and from the side'. the border with the kharkiv
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region is being strengthened, a defense line is being built and units of the russian guard are being brought there, ilya yevlash, the spokesman for the khortytsia operational-strategic grouping of troops, said on the air of the telethon, according to him, the reinforcement of the border is carried out in order to make it impossible for russian volunteer organizations fighting on the side of ukraine, as well as other groups, to break into the territory of russia. but the troops are going to kupyansk to capture the city. it remains the main goal of the russian army in this direction, says yevlasha, it is concentrated there. and a large amount of russian equipment, the forces of the russian federation actively use aviation, as well as guided aerial bombs. yevlash explained that if the number of assaults on this part of the front has decreased in recent days, it has not means that russian forces have stopped the war there. they use this time to regroup. i should note that earlier on the anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, people's deputy oleksandra ostinova said on dotchevel that kupyansk and kharkiv could be next after avdiivka. cities, if ukraine does not receive
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weapons from partners. even before this statement , the ustinov head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg synigubov , said that widespread information about... an intensive offensive in various directions the kharkiv region is a psychological special operation of russia, although he admitted that russia has not abandoned such plans. ukrainian president zelensky also commented on the threat of the occupation of kupyansk during a joint briefing with european leaders in kyiv. and to the question of a foreign journalist, who conveyed the concern of the mayor of kupyansk regarding the situation and the wish that the west finally stop making promises and finally transfer weapons before it is too late, zelenskyi replied that... yes, kupyansk needs help, the kharkiv region generally needed help, but i want to tell you and remind the mayor as well that the real defense line in the kharkiv region is very, very good,
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thanks to our people, but also thanks to the defense support of our partners, and we must not forget about this, already ... every day takes away people, and therefore, well, the nervousness and such mood of the mayor's messages is understandable. andrii besedi, the head of the kupin city military administration, joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, we just heard that the president assured that it is real the defense line in the kharkiv region... very , very good, he said, in the armed forces they say that the forces of the russian federation seek to capture the city, this is the priority goal now in the kharkiv region, you also see now a big threat that russian troops want to occupy kupinsk ? tagroza is permanent, since
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the de-occupation of september 22, when our troops, our heroes, knocked out the enemy from the territory of the kharkiv region, from the occupied territory. and that's why they're constantly trying to do that, there's a constant effort to find weaknesses there in the line of our defense, but again nothing works, nothing works, our guys give a decent fightback every day, destroying the enemy, destroying the enemy's equipment, and apart from the terror of the civilian population, er, russian terrorist troops, nothing. can do , and like every one of the cities and towns that they destroy, it's the only tactic they do very well, but again, if we're talking about the defensive line, it's very powerful, very powerful, and everyone
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understands that because all these months there, yes, and on the 23rd, and now on the 24th, the enemy is trying find, find weak points, find. where you can sneak in, it's sinkivka and tabaivka, but again, nothing works out. mr. andrii, how are you preparing for new threats, taking into account the experience of the occupation, which you have already mentioned, are additional possible fortifications being built there, what kind of work is being done with the people, will you warn, are such conversations already being held with the local population , so that people may leave, work on... is constantly being carried out, constantly being strengthened, as for informing people, it is active, constantly on everyone information resources that are under our control, with personal communication by the relevant services and us, we emphasize that for now it is better to leave
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the territory of the kupynsk community to safer places, for this the entire algorithm has been worked out, a call center, a hotline has been created, where you can call, a special car will come, take you to the city of kharkiv, where you will be met by special services, psychologists, social services, the person will be provided with all the necessary help that is needed, including financial payments, humanitarian aid, and people they can decide for themselves there, either to stay in the city of kharkiv, where living conditions will be provided, or to go to safer places in our country. but unfortunately, they are mostly neglected, now they are writing refusals to evacuate, thereby exposing themselves and their loved ones to a very serious danger, especially for families with children, because if we are talking about the adult population, who
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first have the right to make decisions, secondly, well, more or less can react to certain threats, then children, unfortunately, cannot yet make decisions for themselves, not respond. adequate to the threats posed by the enemy, so i want to emphasize once again, using the moment, that please do not neglect life and health, do not neglect your life, loved ones, and now it is better to leave the territory of the kupyan community until the moment when our boys will really drive the enemy away, and then we will return and rebuild our cities, our villages. mr. andriy, can you clarify how many children there are in kupyansk now and how many in total, what kind of population we are talking about, what number and how many of them are currently reported evacuate, leave the city? there are currently more than 7,500 people on the territory of the community. if we are talking about the city of kubyansk itself, it is more than 35 people, 222 of them are children, unfortunately,
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now the desire to evacuate is quite low, these are actually units that leave there during the week, and the situation there, for the most part, does not change, so to speak about the departure itself, i understand that the city authorities help and take people out, and in kharkiv they are provided? some kind of temporary housing, yes indeed, and the city government, and the regional government, and personally the head of the region , olek siniguba, pays a lot of attention to this, there are places of special accommodation, compact accommodation, in which our people live, with whom we are constantly in touch, met with them this weekend, brought everything necessary, including not only there are food products, means and... and the individual requests that they give us in communication, we
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will definitely work it out, we will definitely satisfy almost all their needs, so i want to emphasize once again that this is not unknown, we constantly in touch, we we support everyone, we are in dialogue with everyone and will provide all the necessary assistance, together with the kharkiv regional military administration, with humanitarians. by the coordination center, charitable international organizations, etc., so if people say that they do not know where to go, it is unknown, here is their housing, i want to note that housing and material values ​​are necessarily compensated, if in case of loss there or at shelling damage, life and health unfortunately won't return so don't neglect life and health sir andrii, briefly, if possible, are you considering? is it mandatory to evacuate people with children from kupinsk or is it not yet time?
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mandatory evacuation is ongoing in our country, it has been going on for more than a month, but with mandatory evacuation, people have the right to refuse by writing statements about it, in fact 100% of those people who live in the territory of the kupyan community, they refused, if we are talking about forced evacuation of children, then it was applied on the left bank of the kupyansk community, this is kupyansk's kivsherivka, the left shore yes there are no children, on the right bank this issue is being considered, this is a matter under the control of the head of the region, this issue is agreed with the military, and if we really see more threats there and yes , which are connected there with shelling, then i think that this the decision is made. thank you, mr. andriy, for joining, andriy besedin, head of the kupin city military administration, was a guest of svoboda ranok, thank you. creation of a coalition to... train ukraine with medium and long-range missiles, announced french president emmanuel macron. it became
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it is known based on the results of the meeting of the leaders of the european union states in paris. according to macron, this coalition will be the ninth in the list of those created for kyiv and will include long-range strikes, and therefore medium- and long-range missiles and bombs. more details about the meeting of the leaders of the western countries in paris will be told by the european correspondent of radio liberty, olena abramovych, she is already in touch with us. olena, congratulations, what... time did the western leaders come to help ukraine? congratulations katerina. actually , they gathered on monday evening, it was about 20 leaders of western countries who came to paris and consulted for about 6 hours. and announcing this meeting, emmanuel macron said that now is the time to agree on a new plan of action to prevent russia from winning in ukraine, and actually to prepare for putin's possible attack on european countries in a few years, he already said that. and as for the actual introduction of troops, slovak prime minister robert fico was the first to say this,
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while still on his way to this meeting, he stated that a number of nato and european union member countries are considering possibility to send its troops to ukraine on a bilateral basis, did not specify who exactly, but assured that slovakia itself will not do this. and the prime minister of the czech republic, upon arriving at the meeting, answered the questions of journalists that his country does not have such plans either, and german chancellor olaf scholz wrote in... not even to supply taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, so as not to become a party to the war neither directly nor indirectly, but also that he will actually be guided by such a principle and is guided in all his decisions. i would like to remind you that the secretary general of nato has repeatedly repeated that nato countries do not want to enter into a direct conflict with russia, because it would mean the beginning of a global war. but after this meeting last night in paris, and when journalists asked president macron whether this possibility of introducing european troops to ukraine was actually discussed, macron confirmed that it was and
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actually said that this option was not excluded. we discussed everything freely and directly. today, no consensus was reached on the formal, predictable and approved deployment of troops way, but nothing should be ruled out in terms of dynamics, we will do everything so that russia cannot win this war. macron recalled how the aid of some countries to ukraine actually began with the provision of helmets, and then gradually grew into tanks and airplanes, that is , he once again said that nothing is impossible, insisted that no one should go to war against the russian people. doesn't want to, but putin won't be allowed to win either, and according to him, at this meeting, the leaders agreed to create a coalition to provide ukraine with bombs and medium- and large-scale weapons range, still focused on the short-term needs of ukraine, ukraine in ammunition, dutch prime minister mark rutte , leaving the elysee palace, said that they had reached specific agreements on this issue, shells will be intensively sought also
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in countries outside the european union, leadership in this issue on the czech republic took over. at yesterday's meeting, the netherlands also promised to connect, to buy a certain batch, and to the question about the actual introduction of troops , he answered that this was not the main focus of these negotiations, and fitso on his way home, home by the way, he confirmed that there were countries at the meeting that said they were ready to send their troops, but there were also those that said they would never, and polish president andrzej duda said that, in general, this topic did not arouse enthusiasm among the participants of yesterday's summit . olena, thank you for participating and telling all these details. olena abramovych, european correspondent of radio liberty, was a guest on saturday morning. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army, oleksandr syrskyi, is developing two variants of the plan for further actions on the battlefield, one of them in if ukraine receives aid from the united states, and another if not.
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ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said this in an interview with cnn. if kyiv receives has help from the united states of america, he will be able to begin to push back russia. if not, then you will have to focus only on defense. zelensky noted that without the help of the usa , it will be difficult for ukraine not only to win new victories in the war, but also to maintain its defense this year. according to the ukrainian president, the people will be ready, but the brigades and ammunition - no. the decision to provide ukraine with $60 billion in us aid has not yet been made. the senate voted for the document. now it's up to the house of representatives of the us congress. republicans have a majority there, some of whom are focused on former us president trump, who is critical of this bill. i would like to add that the congressmen will return to the issue of aid to ukraine no earlier than at the beginning of march, because they are currently on vacation. by june, the armed forces may run out of their own ammunition reserves, the german writes
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derchigel edition, and according to journalists, europe is trying to solve the crisis with ammunition for ukraine. in particular , berlin is allegedly secretly discussing an agreement on the purchase of ammunition with india. according to various insider estimates, there are several hundreds of thousands of artillery ammunition in this country. however, the government of new delhi maintains friendly relations with moscow, the publication states. so the question of whether it is possible to get ammunition through intermediaries is being discussed. meanwhile, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says that ukraine received only 30% of million ammunition promised by the european union. he said this during a joint meeting. press conference with the prime minister of bulgaria. about international support and how it affects the course of the russian-ukrainian war this year. let's talk further. ruslan osypenko, diplomat, international expert, joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. ruslan. thank you for joining. congratulations. under the political conditions that prevail today, with the partners of kyiv, ukraine, who support moscow, how
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do you think the west sees the end of this war, the victory of ukraine, the victory of russia, something in between? unfortunately, the west does not have a plan for defeating russia, and that is why everyone is deriving from here, so the question is whether to actively help ukraine so that it wins, or simply give enough ammunition so that it deters the russian offensive, acceptance into nato the question also hangs in the balance because the west is leaving political maneuvering for itself in the future without a plan. if you don't have a plan to win, then sooner or later you agree to sit down at the negotiating table and agree on something, the issue of nato is key in relations or in the triangle, let's say, russia, ukraine-the west. it is key, and that is why it is postponed, and that is why the west continues its strategy of this level of strategic uncertainty, let's say, on the one hand, it does not want
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russia to win and, on the other hand, it does not want ukraine to lose, because the alliance of these non-democratic, personalistic countries will already dictate, let's say, their will on the international arena to democratic countries, determine, determine the future in the 20... century and from this, from this strategic uncertainty, that you have no plan, many other derivatives, for example , the real guarantee of ukraine's membership in nato is replaced by agreements on security guarantees, and it is clear that they are not legally binding, everyone understands that it arose suddenly at the vilnius summit , as a substitute , let's say, for ukraine's request to give a political signal on the invitation to the alliance, because this... would be the best guarantee for ukraine, we received these agreements on security guarantees, although we understand that they are not ratified in the parliaments, and of course, that it is not legal
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binding agreements, here's an example, one of the examples of strategic uncertainty , let's say the west, but this strategy would have been good when there was peacetime, when ukraine was considered a buffer between russia, no longer in the zone of russia's interests, but not yet, no in european, not in european structures, but now, when russia is strong. began to change the borders and undermine the world order, to remain with this strategy of uncertainty, it seems to me that this is wrong, but why is this happening and then what options remain, the option of a protracted war, which is also unknown in general, which has, which will bring the result, is there still an option for agreements with russia, these are more realistic options under the conditions in which ukraine found itself today, i think that sooner or later russia will be all over it. strategic uncertainty, it motivates personality regimes like russia and china, even if they have no resources or limited resources, they will push because the west with its
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indecision motivates these countries to push their strategy that they started, the strategy to undermine the pax american international order , which they see as giving hegemony to the united states, strengthening euro-atlantic solidarity, this is all russia wants to undermine, and the indecision of the west, the erosion of solidarity - this is all a motivating element. for moscow, even with limited resources, it will go ahead and push to implement its scenario, so the west must move away from this scenario of strategic uncertainty and clearly say: moscow must lose, we must take away its nuclear weapons, because it turned out to be, let's say, not a partner, an adversary, that is, clearly some dates signals, signals to moscow, and from this a clear strategy will be built, if ukraine went, if it... to the european union, then it cannot be a member of nato, then it is necessary to give a political signal at the washington summit that, for example, after the war , ukraine will definitely become a member of nato, so that it is written
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in the documents whether we invite ukraine to become a member of nato after the war, and then for russia it is a clear strategic signal that ukraine is no longer part of russia's sphere of influence, that it will definitely be in the security , and in the political and economic structures of europe, that it is already a part of europe, and when... with one foot or one decision, the europeans give the green light to the negotiations for joining the european union, and the americans and germany, therefore, decide that it is too early to give the signal for joining nato , well, this motivates moscow to press. maybe the situation will change now? well , in summary, macron warned that moscow's actions in recent weeks show that russia may attack nato countries in the next few years, and it seems that others agreed with this leaders, at this meeting, maybe there will be more understanding and more determination in the eu leaders this year in these months, at least? yes, the eu is forced
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, forced to do this, because they understand that about the erosion of solidarity that i spoke about, they understand that the united states, for at least the 24th year, have entered into an internal debate, they have an election race and the unknown of what awaits in the 25th year, yes, who will come to power, who will occupy the presidential chair there, and therefore europe takes over this initiative, it becomes more... proactive for the first time in history, if it always walked in the fairway of the united states and looked at what decisions the states would make, and then duplicated , let's say, these decisions already on the european continent, we saw tank coalitions, the rest of the coalitions, and now they first showed initiative in december of 2023, giving the green light to ukraine to join or to start the process of joining the european union, then we saw a strategic decision to allocate 50 billion euros for financial support. it means that the point of bifurcation for europe will pass for now it has started discussions actually about its strategic identity, because the states can isolate themselves. sorry
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, to go into isolation, and europe has to solve the issues or challenges that have arisen before it, because they have arisen on the european continent, and that is why we see the activity of germany, and that is why we see the activity of france, other countries that understand that europe must take on more responsibility, so they talked about a unified defense and security policy if trump will perform, trump will come to power trump and fulfill his promises, there, for example, to withdraw american troops from the continent, although congress. already forbade it to be done, but there is intimidation, intimidation, and europeans are forced to think about precisely these questions, whether they will be left without the security umbrella that covered them and gave them the opportunity to develop economic processes, to be an economic component, they should prepare even for such radical variants of events , thank you mr. ruslan for joining, ruslan osypenko, diplomat, expert, internationalist, was guest of freedom of the morning, further on our broadcast oleg galiv with news, good morning, this...
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in a minute here i will briefly talk about what they are talking about on the network, our colleagues from the voice of america created a documentary film about the singer jamala and the war in ukraine, jamal songs of freedom. the tape shows archival video singers filmed on a phone during the first days of full-scale war. in addition , unique footage from buchi, kyiv and irpin was presented. journalists accompanied jamala for several months and simultaneously recorded her thoughts and the events of the war. to the national list four new elements were added to the intangible cultural heritage of ukraine, among them the coffee traditions of the crimean tatars, the traditional dance of the crimean tatars, ager avave kaitarma, the traditions of preparing and consuming zuzuli porridge in vinnytsia region and the tradition of making grout in the village of kryva luka in donetsk region. ukrainians became the first in the world in para-athletics. these are the results of the 2024 world cup held in france. athletes from nine
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countries took part in the competition. the national paralympic national team of ukraine was represented by 15 paraathletes and one athlete-leader, together they chose 24 awards, of which 13 gold, seven silver and four bronze. that's all for today, look for more news on our networks, instagram, facebook, tiktok and network x, as well as on the radio liberty website. svoboda ranok is with you, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and further on this broadcast we will talk about such topics. during the russian assault on ukrainian positions between the villages of ivanivske and khromov in donetsk region , the russian military killed seven ukrainian prisoners of war. this is reported by the office prosecutor general it happened on february 24. human rights commissioner dmytro lubinets called it another war crime, whether the killing of prisoners has become more frequent and whether it can be stopped. an exhibition about motherhood right at home. in this way, the curator of contemporary art, oleksandra boghrebniak
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, celebrates two events for the second year in a row. birthday and the day the full-scale invasion began, this year her exhibition about motherhood during the war, why at home, who comes there and what can be seen there, we will discuss. let me remind you that the freedom of the morning is with you every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on tv channels, as well as on radio svoboda's youtube channel, be sure to subscribe in order not to miss important broadcasts. the prosecutor 's office of the donetsk region has started an investigation into the shooting of ukrainian soldiers near bakhmut, the russian army soldiers reported this to the prosecutor general's office, where they say that it happened during the assault of the russian army on ukrainian positions between the villages of ivanivske and khromovo in donetsk region. the video showing the shooting was published on the telegram channel of the monitoring platform deep state 24 in february, nine people were reported killed there. in the office of the prosecutor general, it is officially reported about the seven killed ukrainian servicemen. according to
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the commissioner for human rights. shalobintsa is another war crime of the russian federation, which probably happened on february 24 in the bakhmut district. he noted that the video shows that the ukrainian military held their hands to the mountain, showing that they do not pose a threat without weapons. the russian military should have captured them, but instead shot them. such shooting is a war crime. currently, we it is also known from which military unit of the russian army the soldiers who mercilessly executed ukrainians. this case. it is necessary to record as another violation by russia of the norms of international humanitarian law. regarding this, i immediately sent official letters to the un and the international committee of the red cross, so that the organizations would record and publicly admit that the russian military is killing ukrainian prisoners. in the last week, this is already the fourth case of execution of ukrainian prisoners of war, which became public knowledge, previously reported about killing six.


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