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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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it will help us, ah, well, what is there, well, all this is what we have been hearing for two years, so i think that for the domestic audience there is nothing new, in principle, the president makes a daily video address, but for the western audience, well, what could they to hear something new, well , no, well, well, the answer is yes, here’s a specific answer, i already forgot the japanese journalist about the employee, well, he said that it’s his, it’s his... it’s his business, who he appoints, whom dismisses, okay, okay, okay, that's what the president replied to a japanese journalist an hour and a half after the start press conference, but well, it looked a little strange, to be honest, well, as a journalist i watched this press conference, for me it is strange, because this is the number one issue for ukrainian society, and it seemed that this press conference is press conference of answers to the questions of foreign journalists and to a foreign audience, because what i heard from zelenskyi... for example, about
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the mobilization, it is to the parliament, about the fact that the counteroffensive failed, some rats are there in the supreme commander's pond, i.e. i, as a journalist, have a question, in general, that is, he, he answered the questions, if i had any questions about the reasons for the dismissal of the servant, i no longer have them, he is everyone who understands even a little, so to speak, in byzantium. to the politics of our country , everything is perfectly clear, everything is perfectly clear, i think, no explanation is even needed, why he fired him, he himself answered, of course, if he wanted to lean a little, so to speak, in some other direction, he started to talk about some changes, he answered as, by the way, by the way, he answered sincerely, and this is by the way the answer of a person, not a narcissist, i completely disagree here. and a person who is confident
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in his mission, let's say yes, yes, and it became clear to me, i got this answer in general, strangely enough, on fox news, he interviewed him, he said that he would beat anyone, and questions about zaluzhnyi and questions in general , all these questions, which relate exclusively to his competence, should not concern anyone in principle. in general, everything is clear, everything is clear, everything is clear. mr. viktor, you say that zelensky was like a narcissist, and that's it looked like this during this press conference. mr. oleksiy talks about the fact that this is the law, this is byzantium. i would say so, this is early kuchma, or kuchma just when he fired marchuk from the post of prime minister, and then somewhere on the sidelines they poured into... into the mirror of the week
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the information that he was fired for forming his own political image, now there is no such thing, but i am waiting for it to appear somewhere in the telegram channel of someone who was fired for forming a political, own political image, or zelenskyi looked confident at yesterday 's press conference, because mr. volodymyr mentioned the press conference that was held before the new year, and it seemed that the president there... was not quite ready for some questions, well , let's put it this way, there was a feeling that it was the press - the conference before the new year was rather impromptu, here all questions and questions and answers were worked out more thoroughly. yes, zelensky looked more confident, but it seems to us that this is only because, what, actually in such cases, well, if we say that zelensky is... a narcissist
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he is always confident in his mission, yes, and why do we think he looked better than last time, because he didn't have to be rude. i want us all to understand that these were blanks, after all, they are squatters in kv, ee in kvn, in general one of the competitions is called improvisation, and very often the teams exchange questions with each other, to put it roughly... well, in kavelian slang, the best improvisation is the one that is edited, directed, and there the trick has already been scrolled somewhere on er on some runs of the play this, yes, and that's why you also picked up very well that there are preparations, yes, there is a preparation there like, well , what about the mobilization, and he immediately prepares there, as it was said in the president's office , transmits the progress of the parliament, well, you understand, well... correction, and i would like editorial offices
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to learn to push their journalists, to ask not only the main question, but also an additional question, yes, because if we talk about... about all these edits, yes , well, they can say that there, dear journalists, i supreme commander supreme and so i will now leave my faction i will set the whistle of a rusty arachamia in the head , i will drive it for what, in order to say these, these amendments, we vote for these, because i am supreme to me. there to lead the war, that's all, he's just turning the arrows over there to the parliament, and that it's, uh, my deep conviction that everything that happened, and why he confidently reacted here, that they just trained for a long time, these were improvisations,
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trained for a long time , they knew there would be some awkward questions, they were waiting for the japanese journalist to ask, just in case they were sitting there with their own, which they would have asked if no one had asked a similar question, yes, what are they , and it was okay, what kind of uncomfortable questions, such and such, we react to such and such in this way, if we do not have an answer, then we declare something left-wing, yes, as for the japanese, these are our internal questions, what did you bother about, or as it disappeared in the czech republic, but it's technical problems there, why did you stop there, and i'm here, but let's jump to other topics, like there's a useful one, and we can jump there right away. that some kind of mole has appeared, but if at all something is not going well, then how was it on december 19 last year press conferences, just stupidly rude, rude , take and rude and that's it, we didn't have to be rude here, everything went well, plus at the end, after the green whistle, everyone, everyone applauds, well, where
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else have you seen a scoop and the soviet union, except here? for the press conference to end with deep and prolonged applause. i don’t know, it’s on airplanes, except those returning from resorts, i can tell you where, i can tell you where, where, if you want to tell me where, where, i advise you to ask, i was told last year at the nato summit in vilnius, zelensky’s speech, only, who received applause from the participants of the nato summit, it was zelensky at the nato freedom summit, but... they applauded ukraine, the president of ukraine, not volodymyr zelensky, the president of ukraine, that's what's important, that 's why even now, i think, the applause was also in the first place from the side of foreign journalists, this is a sign of respect, from the side of foreign journalists, i think it is normal, this is applause for ukraine
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for having endured for two years, this is important, and maybe because zelenskyi said that he is creating such a platform on which russian dictator putin... will be forced, forced to admit defeat in this war. let's listen to this fragment. we will offer a platform where he can accept that he lost this war, and that it was a mistake, a big mistake, which is small for him, but for us, it's a tragedy, and it's a tragedy for the entire democratic world, absolutely, and therefore it should be. truth in this matter, if we are strong with one weapon or another, we will not lose this war, we will win, because all putin's steps back, daily steps back will definitely be, and have a great influence on his
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society, and then he will think about internal security, that's all, but if you look at the messages that putin gives, today he operates with facts, figures, and everything talks about plans for the 30th year, here is the answer that is going to be given to you what he does, he sees himself until the age of 30, and we would like to finish with him earlier. mr. oleksiy, why is the year 2030 being discussed, it seems to me that putin wants to be at the head of the presidential office, the president of russia, in the position of president of russia? well, it will be the next, next presidential election putin even then, given the already complete decorum of these elections, the next election must be held in some way, i don’t know if it’s a noble assembly to elect
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a king there or something in the form of a coronation, a coronation instead of a coronation, yes, something, something more seriously needed. as for the applause, by the way , well, first of all, it’s not so difficult to do, there are these special people who start applauding in the middle of the hall and... a special foreign journalist thinks that maybe this is a tradition , so to speak, in ukraine to applaud and connects and applauds, well , quakers, so-called quakers, yes and yes, and at the nato summit there were not only journalists who applauded, there were participants of the summit, and this is absolutely normal, and i myself would have applauded zelenskyi, another the fact is that when you come to a press conference... and well, supposedly, according to the idea, you want to ask any burning question, well, you shouldn't
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have the desire to applaud after that, because it somehow looks not quite sincere then, in principle, yes? well, we saw that there are none there were no special pressing issues, and you understand, i agree with volodymyr here, the war is all right, and it is simply a problem that this is the understanding of both foreign... and foreign journalists, and the absolute understanding of ukrainian journalists about , that you cannot , god forbid, in any way annoy our commander-in-chief , because god forbid, he will do something wrong there, the plan is wrong, he does not draw himself and so on, that's right, but it plays a bad role with him, roughly speaking , yes, it's not good with him, the problem is that we ourselves create huge problems for him, we we create ourselves, because... if we don't ask, if we don't ask, then the following press conferences will simply be
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answers: yes, no, i went to hell, yes, and after one press conference there will be no press at all conference, because there will be no sense in this, just for him personally, yes , that is, this, well, this is it, they feel sorry for us, and we feel sorry for ourselves, so that, well, well, the country is in such a situation, the problem, that we can in such a situation... and in a year, and in two, and in three, and in five years, yes, and the less we let's hear it, it's just, you know, i'm not talking about the answers anymore, i'm not talking about the answers anymore, because i don't need the answers anymore, to be honest, yes, i'm just a guest to hear the questions, i'm not even interested in the answers anymore, but just sharp questions, well , well, well then, well what, well then, then narcissism, it will be the least of our problems, in principle, and his... problem, mr. volodymyr, a very short question, i hope for a short answer, will it not
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happen like this, that zelensky will end up in this information bath, where everything will be cool and good for him, but society will be bad , well, listen, there is no such bath, constant, first of all, informational attacks from russia, in which, unfortunately, some of our oppositionists also participate, or rather, our... positioners set the topics , and russia uses this as a subject for information special operations, what a warm bath there was, it’s just that when the final press conference was held, there was no warm bath, on the contrary, that’s why zelensky was nervous there , because there were more pressing questions, now i it seems that the format itself just worked, the second anniversary of russian a full-scale invasion, the topic is not for internal conflicts, not for... relations, it is more important and about the results and prospects, about the war, not about internal
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conflicts, so i'm just about something, i'm not waiting for a warm bath, the problems for him are only growing, there will be even more of them, but these are problems not only for him, for all of us, this is our country, and not only the problems of zelenskyi, i absolutely agree with you, gentlemen, we should take a short break, after a few minutes of pause we will return . to the studio, there are discounts on citramondarnytsia - 10% in psarysnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on glycysed and glycyset max 15% at psyasnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. damn you, stepladders, the great danes don't walk anymore, wait, i 'm suffocating, that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth ten, and i thought so until i tried gerovital, gerovital. a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. herovital+ - good health, active life. the novelty of gerovital
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complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. appeals to the viewers of the tv channel to join the collection of crown bones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! friends, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook. throughout our broadcast, we conduct a survey, we ask you... about this, do you believe that this year will be a turning point for ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion and do not answer the question yes or no there, you can write in the comments under this video. if you watch us on the air, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you believe that this year will be a turning point for ukraine, 0800-211-381,
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no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are available free of charge, call let me remind you that viktor boberenko, oleksiy holobutsky and volodymyr fisenko are on the air today. well, mr. viktor, as regards zelenskyi's statements about the year 2030 for russia, and in general for how russia influences, or will influence, or how it can prepare a plan to delegitimize volodymyr. i have a rather simple question for you, that is, if our special services say that such a plan exists, and the russians can implement such a plan, then why do you think the ukrainian authorities will not make a legal clarification there of the constitutional court or, well, in this case, the constitutional court, which would be able to clearly
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arrange all the dots so that no one would speculate at all, that no one would say that the opposition is throwing in some... and then the russian federation picks them up, well here very often, zelenskyi himself says that there is some alleged opposition, without naming specifically, who allegedly throws what narratives, who specifically, when you quote him, he said that the president will be illegitimate there after may 20, but i, for example, do not like i absolutely believe in volodymyr oleksandrovich illegitimate... the office of the president, that it is not a constitutional body, but at the same time i consistently state everywhere, it is possible that the president, in my opinion, will be legitimate until the next president is elected, and that is, his legitimacy will be there as well in the sixth year of the war, it is true in the sixth, the sixth
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year of his presidency, and the seventh, if necessary, not only that, even when the war is over, still... it may be necessary to demobilize the army for 3-4 months, so that some elementary order can be put in place, and then only it is possible to adopt additional laws about voting for the president, the people we will liberate, yes there in crimea and donbas, and only after that some elections will be held somewhere, and for me personally zelenskyi will be legitimate, until the next president is sworn in, that's all. right there with the parliament, as if the legitimacy of the parliament had reached its peak in the fall of last year, but for me those laws, the law on mobilization, if they are adopted, will be legitimate, for me i don't even need any explanations. okay, let them do it. we often have an office the president is playing with this, that if there is some mythical sin, then say, name the name of which you are ashamed, well, why are you ashamed,
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if you think that someone, quote what someone is there, what some of the politicians, deputies or non-parliamentary politicians say , that the legitimacy of the government will be, except for aristovych, for example, aristovych says what is needed, i can say, aristovych is not a politician. already a politician, already a politician, yes, how, how to count, but at least who, who do they mean by the opposition, that they are preparing some kind of crank for bare feet there or something else, oh and also very often, in general, our office of the president throws out such things that there is an internal enemy, the biggest internal enemy in the state of ukraine is... corruption, which is actually bred by the office of the president, it is not me, and not some mythical opposition, chinese for 17 hryvnias
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procured, that’s no no no no no we gathered here with you, we can adopt a law on mobilization, it’s not us dismissing a successful commander-in-chief, and it’s not us making a fuss in society, we have, it was in february 20... the second year, some kind of social agreement, yes, that we do not touch the government, the government, for example, does not fight against the free press, and what they did, they threw the free press out of the tv channels, including the espresso tv channel, which i respect and love, is this not a violation of the social contract, a direct violation, and they are now building a facade for us democracy, they are building something like orban's hungary, they are building it in... the country under the guise of our struggle for civilization as such, thank you, mr. viktor, mr. volodymyr, you wanted to react, i see, well, i just wanted to remember
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who there is saying about that, that may 20 the powers of the president appear, i can name a specific name, karl volokh, for example, karl volokh, the fact that i heard who karl volokh is, well, since he was also shown on your channel. speeches, i think they know this person very well, the viewers of your tv channel, some others in social networks, it is discussed, yes, so listen, about who throws, not only the office of the president, the washington post, about the plans that kiriyenko leads, about the plans destabilization in ukraine, in particular the use of topics of the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, reported the authoritative dear washington post, to our tv viewers, because we are talking about
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the opposition inside ukraine, and why is it being referred to, i am not talking about the opposition, i am talking about what we discussed in this case, in particular, my colleague mentioned the connecting rod plan there , by the way, the shatun plan , let me remind you, this is a story from the time of poroshenko, so... you see, presidents change, but the topics remain the same, by the way, the same situation is also about corruption, but now it is the case of pashinsky, a very ambiguous character , who also had patriotic deeds, and unfortunately, he became one with the symbol of ukrainian corruption, we had corruption in the 14th year as well, let me remind you, do you remember the topic of blood trade, the 15th year and many other things, unfortunately, this is an old disease of ours, i no longer... i'm talking about the times of yanukovych and so on, i'm talking about the times of the current war, which has been going on for 10 years, corruption appeared last year, in this case, let's remember the corruption of the times of zelensky
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, there are no less questions, it was usual, there were even more questions, there were and in the times of the other, there is it also in the times of zelenskyi, unfortunately, it is a systemic disease, corruption in public procurements, it is not only the ministry of defense, it is, unfortunately, a systemic phenomenon, so it is... a topic, so i just say, here i would not reduce everything to the office of the president, he has his own problems, there are tatars, problems of the tatar region , yes, what about the tv channel, with all due respect, well, i watch it on cable television, not only on telethon, you can watch it, it ’s not really there, yes, but still, let’s not compare, i’m a principled opponent, bet there on the same board the orban regime and our political system, there is a fundamental difference. that's why i'm not a fan of such simplifications, and again, these are the plots of an internal war, and we still have an external enemy that we need
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to deal with. you know, i don't like the orbán regime, these are analogies in my head, but with during the time of kuchma, because it is very similar to the kuchmiv simibayarshchyna, five people rule the state there, the mass media are somewhere far away, and we will throw out those who do not please us . everything else was. and by the way, you mentioned marchuk, marchuk's resignation, let me remind you, leonid danylovycha removed marchuk, and then after the presidential elections of 1999 he returned him, no, he returned him between the first and second rounds, it is important to note here when, when the presidency was at kona, mr. oleksiy, whether please, what do you have to say about our discussion with
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historical excursions. there is a program on the channel that i lead, it is called betrayal or victory, i am in such a situation right now, these words or, so to speak, so we have together, together always and betrayal and victory, always together, i am when i was 18 -th year heard about predecessors, i realized that this is all a final comedy, when i hear now about the predecessors, i understand that, well, that somewhere approximately somewhere like this... this is how it continues, and i completely agree with volodymyr, corruption has always been, corruption remains, the problem is that, well, well, how to say it , i don't know what slogans the next president should come with, what he will promise to fight corruption, to quickly fight corruption, so that our people once again , so to speak, surprised us all with his choice.
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yes, because the problem here is not even corruption, it is that, well, listen, we , we all know each other, we are all professionals, great, i understand perfectly, the main problem is not even in words, the problem is that nothing has systematically changed, nothing has changed, all the same streams, all the same people, all the same responsible, everything has remained, yes, and this is probably the biggest problem, so that... it does not change, thank you, but we have to simply complete your program, where 15 seconds, yes, well yes, orban has more democracy than orban, here absolutely, i say without irony, absolutely, compared to who , well, compared to ukraine, absolutely, yes, he is a mafia class , oleksiy, in the next elections we will change the president and the parliament, which...
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will win the elections for the second time, for the second time, then we will argue, orban on won democratic elections not for the first time , thank you, well, maybe we’ll wait, gentlemen, maybe we’ll wait for someone to ask zelensky, what all his friends are still with their hands, well, as zelensky once asked poroshenko in the stadium, thank you for participating in the program , oleksiy holobutskyi, viktor boberenko and volodymyr fisenko were on the air of our program. friends asked you about this today, do you believe that this year will be a turning point for ukraine? 50 by 50, that is, in the results of the television survey on youtube, 54, yes, no - 40, 46%. thank you, friends, for participating in the program, this was the verdict, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, goodbye, take care of yourself and your family until 8:00 p.m.
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2:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. a session of the eurode european parliament continues in strasbourg. deputies voted to provide ukraine with eur 50 billion in aid. our correspondent tetyana vysotska, who is on the spot, already knows all the details. tanya, i congratulate you, and tell you the word. congratulations iryna, greetings from strasbourg. yes, today the european parliament finally approved the creation of the ukraine facility for a total of 50 billion euros.


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