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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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in fact, the residents of this village should find their own means of earning money, implementing some kind of creative work, it was fashionable then, many landowners created such art targets, this is cherkasy, sorry, yes, yes, this is now cherkasy, it is not far from smila, kamianka, these are beautiful places, i went there recently with research, and i highly recommend everyone to go and see these places, they are incredible, and actually davydova is an artist herself, she is friends with... alexandra exter, alexandra exter is another great the figure of this time is kyivan, yes, because she is in fact, she lived most of her life in kyiv and implemented her projects in kyiv, and here is oleksandra ekster, she is the art director of this art team, she actually forms this concept - the concept, as we would say, of this startup, and she invites the cooperation of various contemporary artists whom she knows from various cities of the soviet union already then, and from and even then.
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of the russian empire, i apologize, because we are talking now about the 15th year, yes, that is, actually, when this russian empire is already shaking so much, but it is still holding on, and the exter invites malevich, whom she also knows, and well, they communicate and meet at joint exhibitions, and malevich, creating his suprematism, first gives his yakkis for embroidery in the village of verbivka, that is, before... showing it at the exhibition of the famous 010 in petrograd in december of the 15th year, he gives these sketches, probably somewhere at the end of summer or the beginning of autumn, because the verbivka exhibition took place in october, that is, in a few months, and these peasant women in the village of verbivka are embroidering supremacist e pillows, scarves , there are some simple objects utility, and utility objects and decorate them with these abstract forms, that is, in fact , as if these peasant women. were the first,
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er, the first audience, the first viewers of suprematism, and they actually, if they immediately began to interact with them, yes, if they were to transform them in the form of embroideries into certain objects and objects, that is, this connection he yes, he actually has such a wide range, so i sit all the time, listen to you and think, my god, what could it be, yes, if not, if all this was not destroyed, yes, how the culture would develop wonderfully, and, and, this... we can only guess , but in fact these are absolutely incredible things, and actually the exhibition of verbivska, verbivsk embroideries, it was super successful, it traveled around europe, it even went overseas, and traveled, and all these things had crazy success, that is, it is the year 915 - this is exactly what is called a leap, his leap into objectlessness, i don't know who it belongs to, him, or i saw it for the first time, actually the married claude. where, i don't know whose it is, whose saying it is,
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what it meant to him, how it is, how he approached it, i know that he is in he did all this secretly, yes, because he did not want to share this creative method at first, because there was a lot of competition in the environment, yes, well, you have to understand what time it was, it was such a window of opportunity when artists could to create something completely new in art, and, that is, it was a moment... when realism as a single method had already outlived its usefulness, because new media appeared, a photo camera appeared, a video appeared, which captures reality as faithfully as possible, easily and quickly, and painters, actually artists visual, they rethink why painting then, and what is its role , what does the artist do then, and here they invent and each of them their own separate genre, their own separate direction, impressionism, zm, expressionism, fauvism, yes,
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that is, this period, as malevich calls it the period of the emergence of various isms, yes, futurism, cubofuturism, this is an attempt to find a new meaning of painting, and malevich understood that all these isms are one way or another temporary, that is, it is a kind of wave, yes, here we are working out the idea of ​​movement in painting, yes, or there is an impression in painting, and what happens next , well, that’s all, you just repeat it, malevich dreamed of reaching a new quality of art, he... uh, he was absolutely convinced of his own mission, he knew that he would make that revolutionary leap in art , which will leave him in history, he just lived it, i don't know, he was convinced of it since childhood, and he did it right away, that is , he searched for a long time, in fact, and you can say that he has the last periods before the invention of suprematism, he simply experimented, almost every month he had there were some new approaches, there were febrileisms, cubic feet. something else he, he was looking for, it was
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a huge intellectual work, yes, he tried to embody what he felt, what art should be in some concrete form, yes, in some visual image. and then he was working on such an edition of sketches for the futuristic opera victory over the sun, which they did back in the 13th year, and it was such an extremely daring experiment, how can the most conservative form of art, opera, be transformed into something absolutely radical, avant-garde, yes, eat it it was successful, and i can actually spoil it here, the feature film we are currently working on with my colleagues. malevich , that's what it's called, it will be released at the end of this year, and i hope that it will be in a wide ukrainian box office, we actually recreate this atmosphere there, and here is this absolutely some incredible bold breakthrough, and into the incomprehensible, and the willingness to encounter to an absolute kind of defeat and
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misunderstanding of the audience, but to make this artistic gesture, this here this radical and some radical some difference from everything that was before. and there, in one of the scenery, he used just black for a black curtain, it was just a black curtain that completely covered the stage, and through it, so the sun was breaking through, and he in the 15th year, looking through these sketches, comes across this black square, and he understands that this is it, that is, he even had such a moment when he described what he experienced as such a mystical experience, that is, he says: i just saw lightning in my eyes, i i just something happened to me ... was happening, i didn't understand what was going on was happening to me, i could not eat or drink for a week, i just thought about what i had done, that is, it just dawned on him at some point that this is it, this image, and in fact suprematism as a certain certain certain such, a series of his works, the one that he
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exhibited in the 15th year, appears very quickly, there were even technological problems, because he did not have time to dry all these means of whipping, they are not enough soil primer about... feces, then they cracked, and now they are looking for some additional meanings in this, although he was just such a scumbag, but he was a technological scumbag, because he didn't have time to dry it all, he just had it burning under his hands, he had to do it quickly, quickly, besides there was competition, yes, he was not alone, there was also tatlin, there were other artists with whom they competed, it was as if this was such an intellectual and artistic environment, very bubbling, who would be the first, who would invent something that would impress everyone else, and yes... he hid it, he tried there so that no one knew about it, only two people there knew people, it seems, and his closest friends until the 15th year, and ukrainian peasant women from the village of verbitka, yes, but yes, talking about what he actually did, that this trance was a radical change, he broke the bond
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of art and reality, that is, all art before malevich, it somehow appeals to reality, even if it is conventional abstractions. kandinsky, they all equally appeal to reality, because they appeal to a certain psychological world of ours, yes, this is how we experience something, what sensations, but these experiences, sensations, they are all equally somehow caused, yes, or if they have some emotional impulse from reality. malevich speaks very coldly, mathematically, i would say, very abstractly, i don't even need emotions to create something new, color and form and a white canvas are enough for me. everything, i can endlessly create worlds, because i have color and forms, and on this he bases his system of suprematism, moreover, he understands that this is a complex intellectual construction that not everyone can see in a black square, and he writes brochure and publishes together with this exhibition from
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this pamphlet from cubism and futurism to suprematism, in which he explains what should be read, and how art should be understood, it is also a gesture that will later become the basis of... art, now art does not exist outside the context, outside the additional text, you will not understand if you do not read, if you do not make an effort on yourself. yamalevych said that everyone for some reason believes that art must be adapted to our understanding, and i believe that we must adapt ourselves and our heads to the understanding of art. it's amazing and i you know what's amazing, when i read these texts of his, it's not a nugget who says it, but he is often called a nugget there, a person who received a very poor education there and that's all. but he, when he writes about art, he is a philosophy, he speaks as a philosopher, this is a philosophical thought, but i remember that there was one, benoit, i think, alexander benoit, a russian artist, he is also a writer, and he said that with this black
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square, malevich covered everything that was good and tender in art in art, he covered everything that... was good and gentle, this is not a verbatim quote, but whether many people, whether there was resistance in the art of that time, even before the bolshevik coup, even before the soviet government, whether there was resistance to this. to this philosophy of malevich, it was definitely a terrible scandal, that is, the criticism was simply merciless, he was pelted with mud, he was accused of everything there, for whatever reason, it turned him on even more, yes, and as we understand, it did not end there 100 some years ago, and today at the academy of arts in kyiv in the same way if they don't understand, yes, that is, it 's the same tradition, but malevich really , he encroached on this whole thing, he really said that... all these museums that we have with all his madonnas and venuses, it should all be
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thrown out to the garbage, because art must be modern, or it does not exist, should, should not exist at all, he rejected this beauty, we would say, yes, this sophistication of form, which does not correspond to the spirit of the need, malevich in this sense, he was very such, well, you can say a constructivist, because he believed that art should be adapted to life, if art does not serve life... directly here now for people, then it is not needed, then it is not art, it is something, it is decoration, as he said, decoration, yes , that is, it is something, well, that that we now say pops , pops, yes, that is, something that is alienated from a person, yes, his needs, his life, malevich believed that art should be everywhere absolutely a part of our whole life, it was not for nothing that he designed costumes there, for example, hairstyles, clothes, uh, in... furniture, dishes, that is, for him it was either everywhere, or it's not art, but you mentioned
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tatlin, and i want to ask if it's true, or is it, is it a legend that tatlin, the founder of world constructivism, he was a bandurist, i heard it from dmitry gorbachev, but what they we sang songs together with malevich, it's true, it's a true story, i want to spoil our film about malevich here again. yes, the fact that malevich, that tarlin was a bandura player, is the absolute truth, and this is evidenced by memories and photographs, there are photos of tatlin with a bandura, moreover, he himself made banduras, that is, his reliefs are so-called, yes, that is, or counter-reliefs, these objects, this is actually a bandura disassembled in a ... cubist sense, yes, that is, if, for example, picasso in his cubist
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in his works, he turns to the guitar, which was part of his culture, yes, spanish or catalan, for tatlin, this kind of prototype of these stretched strings in the corner is the bandura, obviously, that is , he disassembled it, assembled it, he constructed it, it inspired him, and did melevich sing to statlin, maybe we don't know about it for sure, but there was a period when... they communicated very well, there are even photographs that malevich tried to destroy, but they have reached our time, where malevich was standing at one party and could quite possibly sing ukrainian songs, the wind is howling very loudly in the field, dmytro gorbachev says that i do not know this song, but even, and even that he said that ukraine had not yet died, neither glory nor will, he sang in those days, if we spoil it, let's go a little further after the spoiler, who plays malevich, you can reveal? yes, of course, this is already public information, vitaly azhnov plays malevich in the main role here, he is a theater actor, but
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we chose him, and tatlin is played by a young actor, oleksandr novikov, he is probably less known as a film actor, but he is so structurally similar to tatlin that we just couldn't help but cast him in this role, and he played it very well, very well, now i definitely want to ask you. to say about this dramatic story, i know that this is not the first time that you will tell about it, but i think that not so many people know this story about malevich's will, about how he thought out his funeral and his burial and his grave, and how it all ended? yes, actually malevich was ill for a long time, he knew that the disease was incurable, and he had time to prepare for his farewell. he, like a true artist , turned his funeral into a performance and
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he himself wrote the script of the funeral , he drew a sketch, he actually left a will, and what to do, where and so on, and actually according to this will, according to this script, everything and happened, and it was probably also his protest against the regime, against the system, yes, when he actually thought... he was able to realize the gesture at the moment when in fact the system had already pressed a person and his freedom to the wall, yes, that is, it 35 -th year, this is the moment when malevy. already outside of any permitted art , that is, it has not been possible to exhibit it or talk about it at all for several years, in fact it should have been forgotten by now, but nevertheless, thousands of people who remembered him gather at his funeral , loved, respected, his students, followers , supporters, he was to be buried in such
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a wide coffin, with outstretched hands on the lid of this coffin there were to be a cross, a circle and a square, this is actually a supremacist triptych, but the censor did not allow to draw a cross, because saw in it a symbol of christianity, although for malevich it had a completely different meaning, and actually one of his students adapted this coffin a little, and it was actually realized according to the sketch of his student, malevich was transferred from leningrad to moscow there. his body was burned and his body was buried near nemchynivka, this village was near moscow, where their family dacha was, where he liked to spend time, and actually outside the village, under an oak tree, that is, his love for nature, for some open spaces, it was as if embodied in his last will. this grave was eventually
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lost, lost, and now, as of now , there are no ashes, nor the actual exact place of his burial, and moreover... his last will has not been implemented, in his will it is said to put a vertical a column, that's what he called an architect, an architect is such architectural forms that he created during the 20s, so this form, it is so similar to such a skyscraper, i don't know, it's just a column that's so tall, and to put a telescope on top so that every person could see jupiter, that is, his last will... it was the desire for a person to realize himself as a cosmic unit, as a cosmic entity. instead, they say that where his grave was, there is a residential complex, some russian, yes, and even, i don’t know if this is true, oleksandr royburd told me about the fact that there is almost a parking lot, that is, the entrance to the parking lot at his grave, and that, well, actually there some time ago, a few years ago, his
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family and some artists did research. filming, trying to at least somehow establish where this grave was, and now they assume that the place where it was is now the territory of a closed private residential complex, and it is precisely at this place that there is a parking lot, a playground, that is, some these are the zones and residences, and i know that there was some kind of litigation, some kind of court case between this residential complex and that means tried to somehow win back this piece of land, but what is there in the swamps? we are no longer so interested, but simply as a metaphor for russia's attitude to its artists and not only its own, but also those they want to appropriate, it is simply vivid. thank you tetyana, tetyana filetska, the creative director of the ukrainian institute, was with us today, thank you for this conversation, thank you to all our viewers for watching, i think it was a wonderful, interesting
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conversation to understand, first of all, who we are, yes , what is our identity and what artists are our ukrainian artists. thank you and see you next week. these were proper names. thank you. we are looking for 14-year-old angelina panfilyuk from the kherson region. the girl lived in the beryslav district in the village. dudchany is the right bank of the region, which was occupied almost from the first days of the full-scale war, but already in the fall of 2022, this territory was liberated, and it was during this period that angelina's disappearance became known. no one knows where the girl may be now. perhaps the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe even to
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of russia that is why your help is very important. if anyone has any information about angelina panfila. urgently call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,00 requests for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children already. found, but still fate remains unknown to many, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and. communication problems , anyone can help find missing children , take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos
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of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. take a look at the photo: this is 12-year-old svyatoslav volchast from henichiv district, kherson region. this territory was occupied almost in the first days of pregnancy. invasion, but communication with svyatoslav was cut off in february 23rd, and in fact, nothing is known about the child's fate for exactly a year. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. look at the photo and remember the face of svyatoslav, who looks like he was 12 years old. he is of medium build and has blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen the guy or at least knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile operator a short magnolia children's tracing service number 11630. calls are free. if it is suddenly not
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possible to call, write to the chatbod of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that the search for 15-year-old ilya polishchuk from mariupol is still ongoing. imagine, nothing is known about the fate of this guy from the very beginning of the full-scale war. contact with... was lost on february 24, and no one knows where he may be now, so i am appealing to everyone who can see me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. closely look at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy, or knows where he might be now, don't delay and call us on the hotline of the service. search for magnolia children by the short number 11630. i would like to remind you that calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. and i will ask for a moment of your
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attention. this is nine-year-old nikita nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement has been occupied since may 2022, but nikita disappeared already in may 23. and in fact , nothing is known about the fate of the child for more than nine months. therefore, i really hope that thanks to your concern , the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo once again and try to remember nikita nikolaev's face. he has blue eyes and light blond hair, looks like a nine-year-old child. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service from any mobile operator. 1163 calls free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created
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a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop edge. ua. maidan is over, but not for everyone. for us, the field continues. regarding our case, the case of january 22, the victims of... i remained almost a little active, because zhyznevskii's parents have already died, they are gone, mother nigayana, has been sick for a long time, she is practically
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unable to walk, the father is tortured by everything and killed by the fire because his only child was killed, he is already indifferent to everything, he tells me that no one will return this strength, that's why everything, he just gave up and is not interested , only i, the right one, and practically the only victim remained, such a corner of memory, this place of memory, the place of memory of my brother, you see, we always have a lamp there, we light it, maybe someone is wondering, thinks there, twisting a finger near head, says that i am a little abnormal. but i just can't help it, it's so sacred place, but this is a novel in life. it was he
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who whitewashed his house, he actually knew how to do everything in the world, he did it with pleasure , here he is on the square, it is the month of december, it is in december, when they came with the boys, here he is, you see, they arrived with the boys on december 3 , er, it's er january 21, it's the penultimate day, er... he took a picture, and it was somewhere in the month of january, i think i don't remember some 10th or some january there he was on the maidan, well, from different days, he is so happy here, i remember when he was calls and says: "you know, i was entrusted with the flag of our hundred, now i'm always with it, i don't go anywhere without it", for him it
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was such a pride, he was so proud... he talked about the fact that he was entrusted with the flag . for the first time, roman went to the maidan, after that , when the students were beaten on the maidan, and he didn't tell anyone that he was going, he called straight from work, from his shift, and said, as usual, as usual, after the glory. when we explained that they are beating there, well, they are beating there, in reality, the whole world has already seen that they are beating, he said, well, you don't understand, well, i have to be here, they beat the children, which they have the right to beat, so from that day on, he was always there. he lived on the maidan, as he said
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, the maidan is the country we plan to build, and so they say, so many heroes of the heavenly hundred said, because families remember today, they created their laws, their rules there, there was such an order, they understood each other, they stood behind each other, they, they underwent some kind of military training, they taught each other everything there, well, they well... they lived on the maidan, it was their life, he could not live without the maidan, there were already constant conversations about the maidan. on january 21, he called me again, although before that he said he would go to the maidan, i asked him, for god's grace, not to go, and he
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simply ran away again. i just took the train from work and on the 22nd and 21st he called me and said: thanks to ukraine, i’m on the maidan, i’m on the maidan again, and we talked with him for a long time, it was the evening, as he said that he stands as usual at night on duty, because he says young people go to rest, they stay every other day, we older people go every night. there are a lot of golden eagles, he said then that there are a lot of golden eagles, he says, i don't know if we can handle them, well, but we have no right to... we have to stand until the end. on january 22, i was unable to call him in the morning, when i had already seen that they had killed nigayan, killed zhyznevskyi. and around one o'clock we called him, and his first words were: i received my first combat wound, god, what a wound, but nothing terrible...
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i'm worried, just a grenade exploded near me, and but the girls already got shrapnel in the leg, but the girls already processed everything, everything is fine, i'm having breakfast now and i have to go again, we asked him again, begged him to go home, to come back, and he got even more angry , he says, what are you making up , you understand that i have to be here, roman, why are you standing there, well, go home, people are being killed, i am standing here, these were his last words, i am standing here for you, for your children, for grandchildren, ukraine, he was wounded, an armor-piercing bullet of 12 caliber, in the shoulder, which passed through, hit carotid artery, passed through the lungs and stuck in the rib, it remained there, and in the operating room...


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