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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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international, was rubbed espresso. now we pass the floor to iryna koval, who with the news editor has already managed to prepare for you relevant and fresh information precisely in order to inform us and you about what is happening around us. ah, i hope, we can now pass the floor to iryna koval, we congratulate her, we are glad to see her. well, iro, actually, maybe tell me what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, about the most important events, which at home for the time being , i will tell you, so wait literally in a moment. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the tv channel espresso, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and just now about the most important thing.
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familiar method unrecognized transnistria turned to russia allegedly for help. the so-called deputies of the republic at the congress created an official letter to the federation council and the state duma, asking to protect the region from the pressure of moldova. they also appealed to the osce, the cis, the european parliament, the international committee of the red cross and the un secretary general. they call on international institutions to influence the pockets so that they stop the alleged violations. their rights and of freedom, the text of the decision added that over 220,000 russians live in transnistria, and the aggressor country is the alleged guarantor and mediator in the negotiation process. ukraine concluded an agreement on friendship and cooperation with albania, the document was signed in tirana by president volodymyr zelenskyi and the country's prime minister eddie rama. according to the ukrainian head of state, the document
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will contribute to the development of our cooperation and the strengthening of ukraine's position in the balkan region, they also discussed the defense needs of ukraine and the possibility of joint production weapons since the beginning of the war, albania has consistently supported ukraine in its fight against aggression. the french president's idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine is worthy of attention. so western allies need to think about it too. this opinion was expressed by the minister. of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielos landbergis. he added that the fate of europe is being decided on the battlefields in ukraine. such times require political leadership, ambition and the courage to think outside the box. the armored personnel carriers promised to kyiv will leave for ukraine in a few days, the bulgarian defense minister announced todor tagarev. he also added that more priority aid had already gone to ukraine a long time ago. let me remind you, national.
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back in november, the bulgarian assembly approved the transfer of 100 decommissioned armored personnel carriers of the bulgarian ministry of internal affairs to our country, but the delivery was delayed due to the issue of covering transportation costs. the netherlands ordered nine of the latest dit self-propelled artillery installations from the czech republic for ukraine, the kingdom's ministry of defense reported. these saus have an advanced management system and lead fire from... at a distance of up to 39 km. also , the czech republic ordered 100 mi-2 anti-aircraft guns , together with the usa and denmark, and 100 modernized t-72 tanks. all this will be handed over to the armed forces of ukraine. the ministry of defense of the netherlands emphasized that supporting ukraine remains the highest priority for the country. the polish government has promised to find those who scatter. ukrainian grain.
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warsaw considers such actions inadmissible - said the minister of internal affairs of poland, marcyn kerwinski. on the air of polish radio. he assured that the polish police are also responding to the culprits will definitely be caught and punished, because this is a crime. at the same time, the minister refuted the information that allegedly cargoes with military and humanitarian supplies for ukraine have problems at the border. he emphasized that the transport with such cargo passes normally thanks to the work of border guards, customs officers and the police. profits from frozen russian assets should be directed to arms of ukraine. the president of the european commission, ursula fondeyan, called on the european union to consider such a proposal, reuters reports. she also noted that it should not to exaggerate the risks of the russian-ukrainian war for the eu, but one should be prepared for them. for this, it is necessary to urgently replenish and modernize. it's time to start talking about
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using surplus profits from frozen russian assets for joint military procurement. a safe place to live. a civilian was shot during the occupation. prosecutors in the kharkiv region have identified three russians who killed a man during the capture of a village in the bogodukhiv district. suspicions were handed to them in absentia, they are servicemen from dagestan. according to investigation, in may 2022 they entered an agricultural enterprise in makarovo and started shooting at cattle. the 70-year-old guard of the farm asked them to lower their weapons, but the terrorists shot the man in the back. he died on the spot. the occupiers, disregarding the laws and
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customs of war, shot a civilian man for commenting on the slaughter of livestock at the enterprise. local residents buried the victim on their own. because the occupiers forbade burials in the cemetery. after the de-occupation of the village by law enforcement officers an exhumation was carried out and the cause of death of the victim was stated. he went to work and at half past four he was brought by guys on a motorcycle. ugh. all closed. was yours killed, how was it killed? well, that's all. impersonated a policeman. the security service of ukraine in odesa detained a recidivist who was terrorizing the city with a fake law enforcement officer's id. residents the perpetrator was caught in the act when he attacked a local volunteer. threatening with a weapon, he tried to take 50,000 dollars from the man, which he had collected for ukrainian defenders. by according to law enforcement officers, the detainee turned out to be a recidivist who had previously served
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a sentence for serious crimes. the investigator informed the accused about the suspicion of robbery committed under martial law under the fourth part of the article. 187 of the criminal code of ukraine, the sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of eight to 15 years with confiscation of property. at the request of the investigators, the court ordered the suspect to be remanded in custody. the director of one of the departments of ukrnafta under the time of receiving a bribe of uah 160,000, the capital prosecutor's office reported. according to the investigation, in 2018 he offered an acquaintance to use. 30 hectares of land owned by poltava naftogaz. for this, he wanted to receive uah 80,000 annually, but in 2022, due to problems with harvesting, the woman did not pay him the money. then the official began to threaten to take away plots and prevent
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harvesting. this year, he demanded to pay double the amount, upon receiving which he burned himself. citizens of ukraine have changed their attitude. to western countries and russia have deteriorated even more. according to a survey conducted by the razumkov center, 78% of respondents believe that it is important for ukraine to continue cooperation with european countries, and 65% support the development of partnership with the usa. also, almost half of the respondents support ukraine's active participation in international organizations to strengthen its position on the world stage. in may-june 2014, the attitude towards russia deteriorated sharply, and here we, at this very point, began to measure the attitude towards the united states of america, and
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then the attitude towards the european union and the usa was positive, and towards the european union, a little higher and noticeably higher. an uncontrolled forest fire in the american state of texas has more than doubled in size. the fire threatens the cities, so the local authorities decided to announce the evacuation of the population, cnn reports. a state of emergency was also declared in 60 districts. the fire has covered more than 100 km and has already spread to the neighboring state of oklahoma. currently, the cause of the fire is called the record warm spring weather. probably a ufo. ukrainian military in war zone filmed an unidentified flying object, writes the british newspaper daily mail, referring to the video of the 406th separate artillery brigade. the military managed to capture unusual footage using
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the mavic 3t thermal vision quadrocopter. a representative of the drone manufacturer could not provide an explanation, but acknowledged the possibility of technical failures. well, the espresso tv channel continues to collect on fp drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous warriors actively lead fighting in the donetsk direction they are attacking and restraining the enemy, thanks to drones they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower, so we have a goal - to collect 1 million uah for flying weapons, and thanks to you, our viewers, we have almost 800 thousand uah in our account, therefore, we ask you to hasten our victory. thank you everyone for your donations, that's all the news for now, we'll see you at 4:00 p.m.,
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read more on our website espresso tv, also a summary of the highlights on our social networks and watch us on youtube. marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi continue to broadcast on the espresso tv channel. thank you to iryna koval, thank you to the news editor, well, that the armed forces of ukraine are continuing the defensive operation in the avdiyiv direction, hoping for the relief of the area, in particular , we are talking about the cascade of reservoirs in the area of ​​the settlements of tonenka orlivka and berdychi, this is the line of defense that the armed forces of ukraine have now chosen. i am now quoting dmytro lykhovy, the spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of tavriy troops. direct speech. there, the defense itself should contribute. there is a caskat reservoir and this was chosen as a priority. in this way, units of the armed forces of ukraine
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in the avdiyiv direction continue to conduct a defensive operation. according to the spokesman osuf tavria. assault groups of the russian army were blocked on the outskirts, and on the approach to the village of orlivka, russian forces tried to advance with the support of artillery, mortars, fpv drones and aviation. direct speech is ominous, not everything is as simple as it might seem to someone, happening in this direction for the enemy. russian assault groups were near the village of orlivka blocked on the approach to the village or on its outskirts. well, we move on to the discussion of a rather scandalous topic, in my opinion. yesterday evening it became known that the polish police detained ukrainian pravda journalist mykhailo tkach, who was actually performing his editorial task. obviously, he wanted to show what is happening on the polish-belarusian border, at a time when we see protests on the polish-ukrainian border. so says the weaver. that he and the operator were detained. how did this story end and, in principle, what were the reasons for it
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polish police to detain a ukrainian journalist. we will try to figure it out. lyudmila pankratova, director of the institute of regional press, is already in touch with us. mrs. lyudmila, we congratulate you. good day. so, we would actually like to ask you, do you know, did you communicate with the ukrainian pravda team, or are there any new details regarding the situation with mykhailo's delay? and does the polish police actually recognize the fact that he was detained, because there was different information, at first there was information that it was like fake information about the detention ukrainian journalist, later there was already information that after all, well , they, they were dealing with a ukrainian journalist, would like to understand the essence of this problem in general, and how it all ended, well, i would just add a little bit, as far as i i understand, mr. tkach was in... which has a special, so to speak, security regime, as far as i understand, that is, it did not happen
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somewhere in krakow, we are talking about the border strip and, accordingly, the issue of the so-called journalistic accreditation for conducting relevant filming , so we understand that on regime objects, well, more precisely, on objects that have a certain additional status or, in simple language, are called regime, corresponding situations can occur, there is nothing here either. please explain, thank you very much for the question , let's take it one by one, well, yes, the first one asks the answer to the first question, we contacted the ukrainian pravda team and mykhailo kach, because the situation, despite certain restrictions, as you say, it is all - still extraordinary. so, first, did the journalist have the right to conduct such filming and where did he conduct it? well, let's start with what he crossed the border legally, that is, he was on a business trip. ah, this
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is not the first time such business trips have taken place, that is , mykhailo conducts his journalistic activities, conducting shootings, conducting interviews, gathering information, in short, he returns to ukraine. is there a special regime for filming in the border areas, yes, but this is a detention, according to mr. mykhailo. the ducking did not take place in the border zone, it was far enough from the border zone in general, and this is surprising, because there is no accreditation here necessary. that is, the journalists and the cameraman and mykhailo tkach showed their ids at the first request of the police, and this was enough for them to show their documents and their documents that confirm the right to cross the polish border and further collect information.
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detaining a journalist for such a long enough time is more than four hours or about four. is enough in such an intrusive way, i would say why? because, well, in fact, it prevents the journalist from collecting information, if the polish authorities needed some, some additional verification, this verification could be done on the spot, or this verification could be done with preparation and assembly. documents from those reports that i saw yesterday, it is obvious that the documents neither about the interrogation, nor about the inspection or search of the car and the journalists were not drawn up, and this is also very suspicious, because in fact, according to mykhailo, they were not presented "there is some kind of explanation of
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why they were detained, for what purpose, in a language that is understandable to them, that is, everything... was happening in polish, although neither mykhailo nor the operator of this language spoke the language in its entirety, and only in the police station did communication begin in english, which was so, so, so, a very interesting moment, and we understand that i i don't want to be a lawyer for the polish policemen, or the people who detained, well, very often, that our policemen, if they were to carry out a symmetrical action, detaining polish journalists, well, i would hardly hope that during the detention... they should have served their client, or it is he from poland, or is he from africa, the language he speaks. the second point is the issue of accreditation. i just once worked as a special correspondent in poland, yes, and accordingly, in addition to ukrainian, so to speak, documents and papers, accreditation from the ministry of foreign affairs was required, which i
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received while working, although i did not work, of course, in the border zone , because it's not my field. responsibility, and accordingly, as far as we understand, the fact of detention, we do not support and condemn it, but the stay of the weaver in the police station rather, it was connected with checking, so to speak, his powers and his person, not a person as a person, but as a person who is really a journalist, well, so that there are no similar incidents, so to speak, usually everything works in this mode, well, or the editorial office. for example, informs the relevant authorities, which can be, so to speak, well, in working mode, this whole thing is very often conducted on the telephone line, well, that is exactly what happened, mykhailo informed that he was detained, and accordingly, the editorial office of ukrainian pravda added to that,
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its ambassador, its ambassador of ukraine in poland, mr.... zvarych and so, and then there was a report that mr. zvarych contacted the police in order to find out the status of the detained journalists. as for accreditation, i did not find out about this issue, but the fact that the weaver's stay was official on the territory of poland, well, this is exactly what follows from the journalist's words, and precisely from the fact that the diplomats got involved. dear lady, i wanted to. uh, can i have one more, one more explanation, regarding, regarding service in polish, or comprehensible for journalists, no one requires the police to communicate in ukrainian or english immediately upon arrest, but when such measures as a search, car search or car inspection are carried out, the questioning is appropriate, then
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already in these cases, of course, the detainee is given the right to .. to contact a lawyer and hear all the claims, roughly speaking, from the police in exactly the language that they speak, this is a really important point, yes, well, the key story is the admission to the lawyer and unhindered actions to ensure that there is an opportunity to involve this lawyer, it is still important to understand, because mykhailo tkach reported that they deleted part of the filmed material, and here we would still like to somehow understand whether this material... could not be filmed, relatively speaking, because it was there some kind of regime territory and actually filming was prohibited there at all, or was it some kind of interference in the journalist's work and actually some kind of effort... to delete materials that, in the opinion, subjective opinion of those or other police officers who detained him, should not be was to publish. in any case,
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deletion of any information from the cards and devices belonging to the journalist, it must occur for a certain reason, this reason must be explained and occur with some sanction, that is, simply take the devices that are on... the journalist and delete the information from there, i it seems that this is a violation, yes, without a doubt, but what can be done in this situation and what will happen next? well, let me quote you now, a very interesting opinion, for example, mrs. lyudmila, i think you know yaroslav yunko, yarik yunko, who was for many years a special correspondent of the polish state press agency of the information agency of poland. that's what yaryk yunko writes on his facebook, that the ukrainian police detained me, stopping my car near the war zone, asking why we
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were photographing military objects with the hands of vladyslav musienko, the existence of which we did not even know. true, there was no transportation to the commissariat, only a polite conversation and a farewell goodbye, but maybe it was necessary to somehow publicize it at one time, i don’t they had to be, because there was no reason for a quarrel. i would think 100 times about the way to work in the border controlled zone of poland with belarus, just as i always think about what i can and cannot do when i work as a foreign journalist in ukraine during the war. this is the interesting opinion of yaroslav junko, who, i say, worked for a long time in kyiv as a correspondent of the polish agency prasova. yes, marta, you still had some, so here we would like to understand how this whole thing will happen. history, whether there will actually be any attempts attorneys in the legal field, that's all , that's all, that's all to find out, as they say, and go into it, well, to translate everything into the legal plane
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, to understand whether there was a violation, whether there was no violation, but in this context, well, let's start with the first question regarding, to me regarding the difference in the detention of the polish journalist, who was in what i understand to be a zone close to the combat zone, and mykhailo. who was on the territory of the republic of poland, we did not establish in which zone it was, whether it was really a border strip, or it was just is the territory already distant from the border strip? in the case of a polish journalist who was in ukraine, he was spoken to and released, in the case of mykhailo tkach, he was detained and without the opportunity to communicate with a lawyer or anyone for four hours in... he was held in the police station and at the same time search and interrogation, i think that these are different actions, and they are obviously
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different, that is, it is obvious that they are completely different actions, in relation to the answer to the question of the polish journalist, whether it was necessary to publicize such a case depends on whether he believes that his rights have been violated, in the case of mykhailo tkach, it seems to me, more... began to think that his rights were violated, because more actions were taken that limited the work of the journalist , this is both detention and detention for four hours, not giving the opportunity to communicate with a lawyer, seizing his gadgets and extracting information from these gadgets, i think this is enough to talk about the fact that there may have been violations here, i already answer to your question as to how the case... can develop further, well, in order to protect the journalist's rights, it is necessary to do it at the national level, that is, in poland, to open criminal proceedings
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regarding this fact, or to protect one's rights in another way, as provided by the polish process, the polish legislation, and a lawyer in poland will definitely work for this, if there is no result, then... then the rights of the journalist will not be restored and the damage caused to him will be compensated, there will be no relevant decisions or judges, yes, then the way to appeal to the european court will be opened with of human rights, and here a violation of several articles of the convention can be established, in particular , detention for four hours without proper grounds, yes, ms. lyudmila, well, in any case, we understand that... the key story is to find out where exactly it was held shooting, was there permission to shoot, this is one case, that is, well, we understand, if it was a regime object, a regime territory, and that's the whole thing... it
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was, so to speak, marked, for example , where filming is not allowed there, whether the filming was done covertly or openly, yes, have all the proper documents been submitted, because i don't know what documents need to be submitted in order to conduct filming in the regime zone, if it was such, this is one case, and the second case is, so to speak, a violation of rights a person and a journalist, a citizen of ukraine, by polish policemen, well, we will carefully monitor, thank you for this very much. meaningful conversation. lyudmila pankratova, director of the institute of regional press, was at eter espresso. it's a difficult situation, frankly speaking, but we hope that the lawyers will be able to to put, as they say, all the dots above the i, and to understand and explain who was in this situation, what is right and what is wrong. now we will go on a break, after which we will be in touch with pavel latushka, the deputy head of the joint transition office of the head
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of the people's anti-crisis administration. talk about the situation in belarus, so stay with us, we'll be back in a few minutes. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and shrubs it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. also for... a reliable battery included, call now and order, free delivery is available, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how fast it is copes with even thick branches, once it is ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in difficult available places, includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order
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