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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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hryvnias, such a decision concerns naftogaz, ukrzaliznytsia, ukroboronprom, ukrhydroenergo, the ukrainian energy machinery company and nizhnyodniprovska hpp. the decision of the government, as a shareholder, is due to the need to fill the budget in the conditions of a major war in order to finance current expenses, the ministry of economy explains. the polish government has promised to find those who scatter ukrainian grain. warsaw considers such actions inadmissible - the minister said. of internal affairs of poland, marcyn kerwinskyi on the air of polish radio, he assured that the police reacts, the culprits will definitely be caught and punished, because this is a crime. at the same time , the minister denied the information that cargoes with military and humanitarian supplies for ukraine are having problems at the border. he emphasized that transport with such goods passes normally thanks to the work of border guards, customs officers and the police. well, but despite everything po... may introduce a ban on
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the import of new ukrainian goods, this will happen if the european union does not offer an effective way to protect the polish and european markets under threat, here are the eggs, fruits and meat from ukraine. this was announced by the prime minister of poland, donald tusk. during the last week, farmers have been protesting at the border, including those who yesterday in warsaw held an action against the european green course and the influx of ukrainian agricultural products. is going to repeat his move again on march 6. the accrual of cashback under the buy ukrainian program can be similar to the "e-support" service, when ukrainians received funds on a virtual bank card. this was reported by darina zarivna, adviser to the head of the president's office. spend these the accrued money can then be used exclusively for goods produced in ukraine - experts say. in addition, the main issue is reality. new initiative of the president is
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to attract appropriate funds for it. according to the senior economist, economist of the center for economic strategy, yuriy gaidai , in theory, the so-called cashback can really increase tax revenues in the budget, stimulate import substitution, that is , produce more ukrainian goods, sell more ukrainian goods, accordingly improve the situation with the hryvnia and gold and currency reserves. let's go further: ukrzaliznytsia will not increase tariffs for passenger and cargo transportation within the state. this was announced by the chairman of the company's board yevhen lyashchenko. financially , no such changes are foreseen for this year - says the top manager. as for international shipments, joint pricing with international partners is currently in effect. if there will be an increase in prices, it will not be significant. let me remind you that last year ukrzaliznytsia announced that it was reducing discounts and harmonizing. prices for international
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flights, respectively, this will allow to continue renew the fleet of cars, reduce the total losses of the state-owned company. well, the director of one of the departments of ukrnafta was detained at the kyiv railway station while receiving a bribe of uah 160,000. it was reported to the capital prosecutor's office. according to the investigation, in 2018 he offered an acquaintance to use 30 hectares of land that belonged to him. poltav-naftogaz wanted to receive uah 80,000 annually for this, but in 2022, due to problems with harvesting, the woman did not pay the money, then the official began to threaten to take away plots, obstructed work, this year he demanded to pay double the amount, upon receiving which he burned himself. exports of russian oil reached the highest level in almost four months. and this is a mark of 190,000
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barrels per day - bloomberg analysts note. this became possible thanks to the sharp increase in the supply of oil of the vsto brand, because one of the current brands of sokol's black gold is now simply sagging in sales. experts say that due to the shortage of tankers, there is nothing to transport these bloody barrels to muscovy. also, oil refiners india fears sanctions from the united states and complains that purchases are already in russia. it is too expensive, unprofitable and even dangerous. and the russian government will ban the sale of gasoline to other countries as of march 1. the embargo will remain in effect for six months, it should help to get prices in season, the increase in demand for fuel in moscow, well , of course, due to the reduction in production, this is recognized by the russian government. officials of the aggressor country took this step after a series of drone attacks on oil refineries. except
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moreover, refineries plan to oblige to sell 16% of diesel fuel on the stock exchange, which is more than the companies currently sell. on the trading floor. well, the very end, roscosmos will sell off property for more than 11 billion rubles. 150 objects of various purposes are reported, including land and property complexes, boarding houses, recreation centers. in 2024, i.e. in the current period, they plan to sell objects in moscow, moscow region, krasnodar region, samara, tver region and a number of other regions of the aggressor countries. traded funds, well, should go to poly'. economic condition of roscosmos, we see that the state corporation really needs financing. according to the head of the company, yuriy borisov, last year due to international restrictions , contracts with western partners worth up to 180 billion rubles were lost, a significant amount. well
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, that was the last piece of information about money during the war, i'm oleksandr morchyvka, i'll say goodbye, but the big broadcast continues. vasyl zima will tell a lot more. interesting, look at us, well, and we continue our conversation, i said that we will have such economically, well, the economic and political bloc, because we discussed the topic of money with oleksandr, now we will continue to talk about money and politics, also, the topic of grain, the topic of blocking the border, myroslav chek is with us, a polish politician and public figure. mr. myroslav, i congratulate you, good evening, congratulations, well, here is the information that we planned, how the statement was made before that, that ukraine and poland have decided to block trade, the exchange of goods on the border of ukraine and poland, just to block it completely, well with the fact that they are not yet certain issues will be resolved, and then they will be unblocked
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, but already during the ether, and we also invited mr. myroslav to a conversation, but already during that information appeared from the ministry of economy of ukraine that poland and ukraine were able to find a common language and are working on. .. a constructive decision, obviously, it was not a constructive one, there is no question of closing the border, but how did it happen that at first they say, we block, that is, we completely limit the exchange of goods, well, that is, trade, in general, we put a lock from one to the other side, and then we say no, we found a constructive solution, what does that mean? and can it be trusted again, because now they found it, and then closer to night they didn't find it, well, first let's understand what he said about er... freezing trade on both sides, prime minister donald er said tusk, speaking with the prime minister of norway, this is a very serious statement, moreover, the prime minister said that he will submit to the european union forum, a departure from the proposal of the european commission,
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which said that ukrainian products and products will be allowed on a duty-free basis and without quantitative restrictions in accordance with the average indicators of the two war years 22-23, and they want to return, and poland wants to return to the indicators from before the great war, that is, in fact, that the free zone will be restored, the conditions of external free trade between ukraine and the european union, i don't want to go into details and so on, how it should all work or something, but it meant firstly... that for poland the war in ukraine is over and that the situation is returning to before war, that there is no war of attrition on the part of russia, there are no occupied territories and there is no problem with the ukrainian grain corridor, that russia is shelling odesa every day, as well as
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other ports, that this is simply such a more or less normal principle, but in this statement there was one more point... which surprised me extremely: what guarantees does poland give that it will fulfill the association agreement in general, well, and the agreement on the world free trade organization, because , for example, we go into details, but rypak does not had no quotas, ripaku imports had none quotas before the war, that is, what will now be blocked... the embargo will be introduced on what basis, that is, in fact, the position of poland in introducing a full embargo and so on, it is extremely shaky due to the attention, firstly, to reality, that is, the war, and secondly, to international law, the third - over the decision of the european
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union on aid, because here i am not donald tusk - he is a great friend of ukraine, a supporter of ukraine , he does a lot, argues a lot, and i have no... doubts about the sincerity of his pro-ukrainian position, not the slightest doubt, but on the other hand, of course there is political realities, but the political realities of farmers' protests, those farmers and so on. that the political situation is always tense, one election, second, third election and so on , well, but the country must function normally, well , a country that has a border with ukraine, this border of the european union and nato, cannot make such a decision that we we transfer control over the border to some group of people there, it is not known who and so on, well , by the way, you were talking about rapeseed, there was also talk about meat poultry, about sugar, and there about... well, this introduced by the french, the french, out of consideration
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for the fact that the mhp came to them on the corn, yes , and the ukrainian one, it seems, and president macron said, and there the oligarch will not dictate any rules and so on, well it turned out that no more tobacco comes on a duty-free basis from brazil, in fact the competition on the french market is brazilian. because we are dealing with, and i can say this, the wines and poles who wish ukraine and poland well, and because it is the security of poland, and likewise for all other europeans, we are dealing with a huge by a special operation, its lies, the spread of lies, because the european union imports more agricultural products from russia, huh. agricultural products from russia are more or less twice as much as from ukraine, and nothing is being done about it
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, there are none, there are also huge agreements, so huge, agreements with the countries of south america on the duty-free curtain of products, there are also agreements on the world trade organization trade, corn, for example, if we enter such details, it is not subject to restrictions, from brazil to from america, corn can... travel to the european union without any restrictions, i know that in the past a lot of ukrainian corn was exported to india, where it is simply eaten in huge quantities, but it was quite such a serious market, i don’t know how it is now with that right, this market is being restored is being restored, that is, what i am actually leading to, the ukrainian ministry of economy has announced progress, tomorrow prime minister tusk has called a big meeting at which he will be. is present and will talk to the leaders of these protests, thank god, this is already the situation, and this
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there will be a leader, excuse me, but these will be the leaders of the protests, but the real leaders, will they be people who have a very conditional relationship to the agricultural sector, to the production of agricultural products in general, no, they gathered there, you know, who went out to protest in the summer, well, the farmers are bored, winter is not yet sown, you know, to go out somewhere with tractors to drive them, in addition to the problems they have, for example, grain, the price of grain. is now low on world markets, well , not ukrainian grain is sold in poland, 9 million tons of polish grain were not sold, well, this is very a lot, and what to do with it, prices are low , people don’t want to sell, well, then what , well, let’s give extra payments from the european union from the state budget, well, well, well, extra payments go to agricultural products, and to other business activities i don't pay extra. and here the situation in public consciousness began to break down, people began to perceive
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information, journalists began to work, experts began to work and say, listen, this is not the case, as we are told, that there is a great threat from the ukrainian agricultural products, the threat is from russia, russia applies dumping on the price of wheat and corn, and what russia sells, i don't know how to european markets, it sells a lot of crack. grain, well, actually from the occupied territories, well, this is the moral side, yes, but then again, no one will check, probably to the end, this grain is from the zaporizhzhia region, it is not written on a grain of wheat or corn that it is ukrainian, yes, yes that, and here they began to break into the situation, in addition to other things, people applied for the survey, there 67% believe that problems with grain are the result of this removal of customs duties, but half of the poles... understand, yes, the same half of the poles understand that this is the result of the war against ukraine, that is
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, there is also a problem in communication, in presenting arguments, arguments about apply any extraordinary measures against ukraine, there is no one, not the least fault, there is no side of ukraine, ukraine recovered on its own with the enormous efforts of the armed forces of ukraine, plus its own businessmen, with the support of romania, the british, the americans, the french restored the grain corridor, and now the indicators of shipping goods by sea have reached pre-war indicators, that is, in fact, there are no ukrainians. when they thought that someone would do them good here and so on, they went to those who want to make money from it, because for transit and for the development of infrastructure, for example, romania receives additional payments from the european union, and the poles blocked it for themselves, and it is absurd , even bigger, poland has a large surplus, it is called in trade with ukraine, imagine, then it sells more than it buys from us,
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so, for two war years, this surplus amounted to 11 billion euros. this is 47 billion zlotys, and 470 or 60 billion hryvnias, that is, ukraine and ukrainian consumers are actually helping to develop the polish economy, when the border is closed, the border will be closed on both sides. but you know that, by the way, why do 66% of poles believe that it is because of the customs duty for ukraine, and in general, why is it so hot right now, and this fire is burning so strongly, well, because... for example, according to the secretary oleksiy danilova of the national security and defense council of ukraine, russians every week, think about every week, 166 million posts on social networks with misinformation are distributed, 166 million, well , you can imagine how it is, forgive me, well, i wanted to , i will not say that word, after all, we are on the air, littering the heads and networks with
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such and such things, you touched on the main issue, i believe that... the government of both poland and ukraine made a cardinal, absolutely basic , fundamental mistake at the very beginning of these protests by carriers and so on, because it decided to solve the problems of protests at the border, blocking the borders, well sorry to be perceived as an economic issue, it is not an economic issue, it is a matter of the basic interests of the national security of ukraine, poland, and europe. union and nato, and until this situation is turned upside down and the border is blocked, the problem of capacity for military transport, civilian transport, commercial transport, for warring ukraine is a matter of national security, nothing will work, so that there will be some groups of people who will block the elections and so on, and
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this is my conditional appeal to the governments of both countries. eh, to consider this very situation as a matter of national economy, everyone will understand, well, how can a state that has this surplus in trade with ukraine, apply against ukraine or go against ukraine with a trade war, because in fact, introducing an embargo in april of last year , on all agricultural products from ukraine, poland followed a trade tariff against ukraine. noy, well, how is it so, well, especially since even here in lviv, well , a lot of such polish products are on the markets, there are shops there, all this, mr. vasyl , i will tell you a big secret, they say that 30% of polish cheese production is sold to ukraine, 30%, 6% of all dairy products go to ukraine, well, what is it, what is it, and those
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people you know, people who supply ukraine. the market, none of them came out to protest against those, against those protests, moreover, they themselves took part in these protests, well, maybe they will count, i know here, at the end of the conversation, because unfortunately time ran out, i want to say that it is very good that they reached a constructive decision, but not now there will be this blocking of the mutual border for the movement of goods, first of all they decided to speak, well, speaking is always better than quarreling, even more so than being silent, in this situation there should be a dialogue, i thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, myroslav chakh was with us, a polish soldier. and a public figure, well, now we will, we will move on, we, yes, that’s it, we will move on, well, but one more minute , here, by the way, to a word about these, these posts in social networks with the misinformation that alexey said danilov, you must understand that it is not only what is stirring up scandals and other
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things on the border between ukraine and poland, but what affects the minds and decisions of politicians, perhaps some in poland. whether there are activists or other certain people, this is something that affects ukrainians as well, because we have to understand, already moving away from the topic of poland, and we have to understand that much of the information that you read on social networks every day, it it can also be disinformation, and disinformation is not frank words like that, let's say there putin gave zelensky a trillion dollars and he betrayed ukraine, and you read there, you say, well , firstly, they wouldn’t have given a trillion, secondly, well, everything can’t be so unambiguous, well, that is, yes, it doesn’t work so clumsily, or there is a syrian exile. he works at the head of the ukrainian army against russia, no one will say that either, he always lies, so now it is especially important, first of all, to trust professional journalists, and espresso, i mean, well, not only, but secondly, turn on . it is necessary to turn on the head and it is desirable to divide everything into three. now the time has come for us to find out what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, and
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natalka didenko is already in touch with us. ms. natalya, please tell me good evening. congratulations to vasyl, dear viewers. well, now let's talk about the weather and not only about the weather as usual, literally in a second. spring is coming, winter will end tomorrow, we, thank god , have experienced it together, and now we will talk with you about march, about its climatic characteristics, of course it will be such rather limited information, because there is not much time, but what is important to know about the actual traditional, usual climatic march in ukraine, i.e. the average monthly temperature. the air is from 0 to 6°c, well, in the carpathian high mountains, of course, it is a little lower, about three degrees below zero. the absolute minimum air temperature in march within ukraine ranges from 20 to 37 degrees of frost.
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absolute maximum 19:29 heat. in the carpathians below 14:26. the average monthly amount of precipitation is from 26 to 51 mm, in mountainous areas it is higher, up to 106 mm. in the highlands up to 135 mm, and according to the ukrainian hydrometeorological center, for your attention, very approximate of course, but still a professional forecast of the average monthly air temperature and amount of precipitation, so what will march be like, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be within 1-7° of heat, which is 1-2° above the norm, and here is the monthly amount of precipitation expected in the range of 30-60 mm, which is... within the normal range, this is the kind of march it usually is, and what it will be like from the day after tomorrow, we go further and talk about magnetic storms, it's already
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long enough time, and tomorrow too, now you see the forecast chart, the situation calm, stable , we are not threatened by any magnetic storms, so we usually observe every day and actually smoothly transition to the weather of each region of ukraine from... tomorrow , february 29, that is, in the western regions of ukraine, precipitation is not expected in most of the regions tomorrow, but in volyn and there is a chance of light rain in rivne region, the air temperature is the highest among all regions of ukraine, +12 +16, in transcarpathia up to +18°. anti-cyclonic weather is expected tomorrow in the north of ukraine, as it will be dry, sunny and quite high. the air temperature is warmer in kyiv oblast, zhytomyr oblast, slightly cooler in chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast. here you see the numbers on your screens, i hope. in the east tomorrow
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, the weather is also expected to be dry, without precipitation, with the sun, but it will be cooler, at night even up to 2-5° of frost, during the day, as you can see, somewhere within 5-7° of heat, this is the maximum, well, maybe up to eight . in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow also everywhere without precipitation, increased atmospheric pressure. sunny clearings, air temperature from 7 to 11, from 7 to 12 degrees of heat, but do not forget that at night it can be close to zero and even small minuses. in the southern part of ukraine, it will be quite warm tomorrow, and it will be south, +10-+12°, in crimea it is possible up to +13 +14 in some places, without precipitation, sunny. in kyiv, in the capital, precipitation is not expected tomorrow, either. you will be able to admire the sun, the wind from the southeast is light, or at most moderate, and the air temperature is maximum, tomorrow in kyiv the temperature is expected to be in the range of 10-11°,
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this is the nearest synoptic perspective in ukraine, thank you natalsidenko for the information about the weather, now we will have such a short one a dialogue, well, maybe, maybe not very short, but... a log with serhiy rudenko, because he will talk about what will be discussed in the verdict program, and i don’t want to be a guest of the verdict program, but i will try to be a little bit like him, but at least very short time before the program, which starts at 8:00 p.m., but serhiy is already with us, good evening serhii, congratulations to vasyl, so what will be discussed in the program today, what are the main questions that will be raised, well , the most important question for ukraine and for of the world, too for europe, this is future security in conditions of constant russian threat. this will be the main topic of our two-hour broadcast, in the first part of our broadcast will be the diplomat roman bezsmertny, as well as the journalist tetyana
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vysotska, who... monitors the sessions of the european parliament, today they talked about security, yesterday emmanuel macron talked about security and offered to create all the conditions in order for ukraine to win the war against russia, and even talked about the possibility that nato member countries would send military contingents to ukraine as much as possible, how likely it is, and most importantly, whether it will be close to... then another security system has been created in europe, which will allow ukraine to quickly become one of the leaders of this process, we will talk about all this in our first part of our program, this the most important thing is that today there will be, of course, a military expert, aviation expert valery romanenko, because our armed forces of ukraine have achieved incredible success on the russian-ukrainian front, 10 planes in
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10 days. i'm here just to talk now about macron's statement, and then lansbergis' statement about of nato troops in ukraine, will the large number of reactions that came from different mouths be mentioned separately, the last reaction that i heard was even the vatican, well, it is the vatican state, but there it is actually located in rome, and both the state and the religious organization , but they even commented on macron's statement, so now the world is divided into those who want a solution to the problem in ukraine. does not want or how? i think that in this situation we should talk about those who are still afraid of the russian language threats, although the russian-ukrainian war proved that the russian army is not as terrible for europe and the world as it seemed at first glance, and it is clear that there are those who fear the expansion of the war, the transformation of the russian-ukrainian war, or expanding it into the third world, trump is talking about it.
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they say this in europe, and here it seems to me that there is quite a large field for discussion, how to protect ourselves from the russian federation, this is the main task, probably not even this year, the next decade, until putin will live, how long he will live, no one knows, well, at least they plan that they will wage war until 2030, well , at least until 2030, that's six years ahead, is it necessary, or seven full. for 7 years , you need to do something and in some way protect yourself from russia or set up borders so that russian troops do not enter the territory of european states. well, in the second part of our program, i will immediately announce: at 21:15 we will have political experts, maxim rozumny and igor reiterovych, we will talk about maidan 3, the possible and the impossible, what does that mean, everyone. message, what this means
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from the point of view of the security of ukraine and from the point of view of the development of civil society, in short , the discussion will be big, so stay with us, i think we will start in a minute, everyone will be interested, join our conversation. thank you, serhiy, so i will turn our viewers over to myself for a while, as they say, and finish our program, it is interesting, by the way, about the maidan, this story, well, maidan 3, you know. to be honest, i get lost when i, well, this word comes up, is mentioned, the maidan is it a holy word for the vast majority of ukrainians, let's say so, because the beginning of the war happened there on the maidan, ukrainians shed their blood for their freedom, we remember these people, we respect them, we want all those responsible for their murders to be punished, but when him, well, but it will be discussed , well, it will also be very important to hear, and what were those planes shot down, because they say, let’s say abroad, the edition of forbes, that we are the ones who shoot down the last missiles of the patriots, and for some reason i do not believe it, in any if
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you hear more, i'll be with you until tomorrow. by a few moments program verdict, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. 10 downed planes in 10 days. the air force of the armed forces of ukraine demonstrates miracles of efficiency, thanks to which the aircraft fleet is rapidly losing. there will be no nato troops in ukraine. western leaders are preemptively commenting on macron's unexpected statement. meanwhile american aid to ukraine continues to slow down. protect the region.


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