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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EET

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more good news from khrystyna parobiy in a moment. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, what will happen with the help from the usa for ukraine, the situation at the front and the losses of the enemy, i will tell you in a moment in the issue, do not miss it. espresso news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. the third separate assault brigade repelled russian troops from krasnohorivka in donetsk region. the city is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, the brigade's press service reported. they also added that the occupiers lost about a hundred soldiers killed and wounded. surrender to the russians refused, so they were liquidated. in the third assault unit, it was noted that in a short time , the russians... prepared for a long
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defense and the battles in the city were fierce. the day before, the occupiers attacked the southeastern part of krasnohorivka and entered the settlement. to prevent them from gaining a foothold, units of the third assault unit, soldiers of the first and second assault battalions cleared the city of enemies. a woman, a 69-year-old resident of the city of siversk, died in donetsk region due to a russian attack. was near her own house and received fatal injuries, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the enemy also fired from drones during the yar period. a 40-year-old man, who was near his car, received numerous injuries. in general, during the day, the occupiers injured three people in donetsk region, and beat them in the pokrovsky and bakhmutsky districts. a resident of kherson was wounded by russian shelling.
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at the time of the enemy attack, he was on the balcony of a high-rise building. the man was hospitalized with an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound to the left shoulder, khersonska reported city ​​military administration. several times the russian army shelled the city from the temporarily occupied left bank. there is information about hits in the ship and dnipro districts. and one person died due to enemy shelling in the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region. the occupiers were forced from the ar'. and attacked with drones. the communities of nikopol, myrivska and marganytska were under attack. a total of 12 russian attacks were recorded there, - informed the head of the region serhii lesak. russian shells damaged 17 private houses and 11 commercial buildings. also through shelling destroyed the infrastructure facility, power lines, harvester and cars. glory to heroes.
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a group of soldiers of the 73rd marine center of special operations of the armed forces of ukraine died during a combat mission. the information about this was confirmed in the sso command. it was noted there that the ukrainian special forces ensured the departure of the main forces of the group after completing the task. plan b. against the backdrop of delays in congress, the pentagon is studying an alternative option for providing aid to ukraine, cnn reported with reference to its own sources. the united states department of agriculture has has about 4 billion dollars at his disposal, which allows him to attract military equipment for kyiv from his own reserves. previously , the pentagon dared not spend any of this money without assurances that it would be reimbursed by congress. government officials carefully assess the risks, because they seek not to harm their own defense capabilities. no decisions have been made yet, but in any case, priority will be given in the future aid package. t ammunition, the shortage
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of which is currently acutely felt in the armed forces. the last point: the council of the european union is final has allocated eur 50 billion in aid for ukraine, the ministry of finance reports. the european parliament recently supported this decision, but in order for the program to enter into force, it had to be approved by the council of the eu. the aid is calculated until 2027, the first tranche. plans to receive in march. the border with poland will not be closed, no one from the ukrainian side is conducting negotiations on this, - said the minister of community development, territories and infrastructure, oleksandr kubrakov. he noted that for our country a stably working border is a matter of survival war with the russian aggressor, and its closure is beneficial to no one but our common enemy. the minister also added that ukraine offered.
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constructive solutions to polish colleagues and hopes that they will not allow the situation to reach a dead end. let me remind you that earlier the prime minister of poland, donald tusk , suggested that ukraine and poland... a humanitarian car convoy is heading from germany to ukraine, it is about six ambulances, an evacuation car and a hospital bus. all cars are scheduled to arrive today to lviv. according to the organizers , the cars that will help save the lives of ukrainian soldiers were purchased thanks to donations and money collected by germans. artists the presidents of ukraine and moldova discussed russia's attempts to destabilize the situation in unrecognized transnistria. volodymyr zelenskyi and maya sando agreed on how to counter the country's aggressors. the ukrainian head of state assured
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his moldovan counterpart of his country's absolute support. let me remind you, the day before the so-called deputies of transnistria during the congress, allegedly turned to russia for help. asked for protection, as it were, from pressure on them from kishenev. moscow immediately reacted to such an appeal. the ministry of foreign affairs told vorozh that the defense of transnistria is one of the kremlin's priorities. another 1,150 russian invaders did not live to see spring. and in general, the enemy army has lost almost 414,000 soldiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. i will also secure the armed forces of ukraine. eliminated 23 tanks, 44 bmp and 41 artillery systems of the enemy, destroyed two anti-aircraft vehicles and 47 units of cars and special equipment russian the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and operational information from
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the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 99 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. heavy fighting continues near krasnohorivka and novomykhaivka in donetsk region, where the enemy 38. tried seven times to break through the defense of our troops. the russians do not stop attacking in the avdiiv direction. they stormed positions near orlivka, tonenko, and neversky 25 times. the armed forces of ukraine repulsed the occupier near the factory in zaporizhia and near sinkivka in the kharkiv region. in general the occupiers launched 10 rocket and 105 air strikes, covered the positions of our troops and settlements with rocket salvo fire systems one and a half hundred times. our aviation. and missile forces hit 10 enemy concentration points. the espresso tv channel is calling to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan, the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers
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are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the half-drones, our defenders have already been destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and... the aggressor's own forces. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. with your help , we have already collected almost uah 780,000. remember, each of your donations is important. therefore, join, you can see all the details on the screen. cancel visas and residence permits for russian diplomats. this is how the usa should react to putin's re-election in the temporarily occupied territories. at the request of ukraine, believes ex-deputy chairman of the central election commission andriy magera. he too added that if the un member states have enough political will, they can launch a mechanism to remove russia from the organization. the
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sooner there will be a reaction and a tough reaction, believe me, only then will there be any effective measures. and limit yourself to just the statements. that we do not recognize the election of the president of the russian federation, but tomorrow we will hug, kiss, shake hands, sign contracts with him, this is a path to a dead end, it is a path to encourage the aggressor, and, unfortunately, the issue here is not only in ukraine. russia is waging a hybrid war against italy, using disinformation, cyber attacks and illegal migration. she stated this. italian intelligence in the annual report to the parliament, local media reported. in this way, moscow is trying to influence the upcoming elections to the european parliament, which are scheduled for june this year. the last time russian disinformation was recorded was about farmers' protests against the european
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union's agricultural policy. one of the most dangerous volcanoes, popoca tepetel, woke up in mexico. the day before, he threw out... the sky a pillar of ash and steam several kilometers up. in total , there were more than 10 eruptions per day. the volcano is located about 70 km from mexico city and is one of the largest and most active in the country. due to the eruption , 22 flights have already been canceled at mexico city airport. in norway , a helicopter crashed during a training search and rescue operation. bors with six crew members fell into the ocean. one person died, five others were injured. according to the police, the rotorcraft disappeared from the radar for unknown reasons after the distress signal was issued. for 50 minutes, the crew was in... while the rescuers reached him, the causes of the accident are currently unknown. we will see you
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at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, like , my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the show, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. thank you christina, thank you to the news editor for all this information, we will only add that we continue our collection for fpv drones for the 81st separate aeromobile brigade 50 of these birds, we want to buy here requisites that will help you support our collection, uah 800,00 need to be collected, and at this moment, thanks to you, uah 105,235 is already collected.
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infantry, artillery, as well as heavy armored vehicles are coming, we will be very grateful to you for your concern and understanding, we need as many fp drones as possible, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, actually, we will continue to donate as a community, thank you, and welcome our next one. lyudmila denisova, human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. good morning, mrs. lyudmila. good
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morning to you ms. lyudmila, we broadcast, in particular, the court session, you saw serhiy pashynskyi, who has already been released on bail and continues to work in the ukrainian arms manufacturers association, during his speech in court, but we saw you in the footage, that you were at this meeting, actually , wanted your assessment as right. the defense specifically about the course of this court, was it a court or still a court? you see, it was a show in my opinion, the investigating judge played the role of such a court that supposedly everything is fine, that she listens to all the evidence from parties from the prosecution and the defense, but only then something started to annoy... sergei pashynskyi, not giving him the opportunity to calmly release, speak and
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prove his evidence that there is no case, that he does not understand at all what it is about, because no one has ever asked him in this case for 10 years, that is , neither the investigator nor the prosecutor talked to him, that is, this is his first opportunity to prove his point. in this criminal case that supposedly exists against him, and therefore, you know, in me i had the impression that at first, when the prosecutor spoke there for more than 5 hours, he proved assumptions, well, these are assumptions, these are views, these are some reports of investigators, nor interrogation protocols, these are not evidence according to the criminal procedure code, so it was doomed, we all knew that they would be arrested for... the judge found the huge amount justified, and that's why we, i
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was in the court all these three days and had the opportunity to see everything, and i have the following conclusion: the investigating judge fulfilled this task, which were put to her in order to be arrested and humiliated again to inflict such... that on the authority of bashinsky, because he really does a lot, and these military men who were in court proved it, and you just need to ask those who from... are at the forefront now and are fighting against this influx of the russian federation , who exactly is serhii pashinsky, so i already think that the investigators will still have time to interrogate serhiy pashinsky in calm circumstances, he will definitely prove that he is innocent of what he is being accused of, and
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justice will be proven, proven, and you know, we didn't broadcast, and then... i rehearsed it, i spent a lot of time rehearsing the side of the prosecution, i had déjà vu, something similar happened when they tried to convict, in the case, remember, about the terrorist attack in the center of kyiv, when they tried to sit the riff master and the volunteers, also made such a show, you know, and it all came together so that we think that the dad was here. it seems to us that pahodki was definitely a riff master, so, it seems, it seems that it was played out as a show, and also with the participation of key figures of the state authorities, that ’s how it turned out for me, i see for myself, yes, it is so it looks like, you understand, i have been to this court many times, i sat on this
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bench for half a year, when there was a trial against yulia tymoshenko, then there were also... persons whom i supported and came to this court, but nothing can change, the government has changed , but the court is the same, that is, it is not a court , the court is correct, as you said, so you have to, well , you know, you don't have to live in this country, where there is no court, but today we protect everyone together, and i thank the armed forces ukraine and all others involved in what they are doing is a defense. our ukraine and we will build such a state that there would be a court, well, my dear , we want to move on to some other issues, as far as i remember, this topic has always been very painful for people with disabilities, about the fact that special commissions need to be passed every time, to confirm his status, if a person,
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say, does not have an arm or a leg, it is quite obvious that regeneration will not work here. unfortunately, even now this topic concerns a huge number of people, both military and civilians, yes, because as a result of the war, a lot of civilians also receive wounds and injuries that are no longer amenable to frequent treatment or recovery, as now, what will be the scheme, how can these persons actually receive the status of a person with a disability as a result of the war, or only the military can this status? can civilians also get this status and what will happen to confirm it, will special commissions be held every year or every two years, or will it be possible to somehow optimize it? you have raised a very sensitive, very difficult and very contemporary subject today, which is persons with disabilities
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as a result of the war. indeed, with the current legislation, even a military man can issue such a status. and civilian, but there is an unconditional difference in how to do it and for what this status, eligibility for disability due to war is given, the main condition to receive this disability is that it occurred as a result of a wound, contusion, disability or disease received during direct participation in measures to ensure the defense of ukraine for... protection of the security of the interests of the population and the interests of the state in this current war the russian federation against ukraine, this is the main condition, how military it is, what kind of military it can be received by all servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as other groups,
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others from the defense and security forces, all including good. voluntary formations. with regard to civilians, there is a little different here. that is, civilians are persons who work at enterprises, organizations that are involved in providing these measures. then, if individuals are involved in confederate cooperation with intelligence agencies. if persons were blown up by explosives all these devices during demining and persons who became disabled persons as a result of injury, wheel contusion. diseases during direct participation in measures that defended ukraine, or protection of the interests of states or the population, that is, these civilians also have, but... as you correctly noted, the procedure was difficult before, it is difficult now. as for the military, yes, they received a conclusion
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on the establishment of disability, and in their certificate, the secretary of state immediately writes what this acquired disability or protection is related to homeland, then and or the performance of military duties. these alone will be the amount of support for this military defender or defender, or during the service. it is the msek that provides such a certificate, established by the cause and disability, military men, defenders, defenders go to the social protection authorities of the population at their place of residence, receive a status and certificate, and then use these benefits that are provided for civilians there... commissions created under the ministry veterans, if it is a disability acquired during these explosive weapons, then it is necessary
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to apply to the commission, where it is precisely the ministry of veterans who establish that the disability occurred as a result of these explosive weapons and these wounds, mutilations, which the person received, and then the msec goes with this certificate, the msec makes changes... the conclusion of the establishment of disability indicates a causal relationship, if it is during the activities of direct participation, then another commission, again created by veterans, considers this issue: in order to obtain the status of a certificate for these and other civilians who received such disability and relevant documents confirming that it is related to their direct participation in these defense or defense measures'. interests of the state during the armed aggression of the russian federation of ukraine, it is necessary to apply to the social protection department at the place of residence, they receive a direct
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certificate there and also such a badge as a war veteran, a person with a disability, the term: if everything is determined, the term for which this is granted disability, then this status is valid only for this term, if in... it is written indefinitely, then there is no need to do any more checks, ms. lyudmila, we still have half a minute, i will ask the directors to have the number of the hotline, and we have rams, so it is 08330709, the hotline of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, and in case of what, if if there were any other questions, lyudmila denisova, her colleagues are ready to advise you, mrs. lyudmila, there were difficulties in this direction. have you ever had to help? yes, this is the most difficult line of work to establish exactly this connection of receiving disability
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as a result of these actions, and therefore it must be done, if any help is needed, to get some certificates, we write to the state authorities, and the state authorities, thank you, respond to our appeal, we help our defenders, civilians in ... to issue, this is to finally receive these benefits and guarantees that are provided to them by the legislation of ukraine. mrs. lyudmila, thank you for participating in our program, i hope our viewers wrote down the number of the hotline, lyudmila denisova, human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of rights person, and you will continue the collection while ms. lyudmila and i were talking, uah 19,500 arrived on the account for drones for the 81st separate airmobile brigade, here is this one. the qr code in the lower left corner of the screen is what will help you increase this amount. thank you for such crazy activity, let's take a short break now, then we'll come back and
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the ship district, kherson, inclusion. live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day
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by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. russia again pulled out her trump card. intimidation with nuclear weapons. the financial times writes that according to classified documents, the threshold for using tactical nuclear weapons is lower than russia has ever been. publicly admitted. most importantly, today at 21:15 velikiy lviv will speak in the project. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we
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know that... only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over the world. europe, here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. by support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. we
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are returning about 25 enemy attacks in the areas of avdiyivka, berdychi, orlivka, tonenka , pervomaisk, nevelske, in donetsk region, our defenders report this , serhiy tsehotskyi, an officer , will tell us about the details, how it looks on the ground, and not in the headquarters 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. mr. sergey, we welcome you to our airwaves, good morning, good morning, mr. sergey, despite all the difficulties, good morning. good, we ask you about to talk about the actual operational situation near avdiyivka in the places where you are, it looks like in practice, and not short, dry from the reports of the general staff, well, you named the populated areas in which direction they make constant assaults, i will say for the section of our brigade for the past day 12 assaults, 12
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assaults. yes, yesterday there was practically no equipment used, only for transporting the bc there, they used mtlb there and plus the wheeled equipment was destroyed, the previous previous days were with equipment, both tanks and bmp, and all this equipment was practically either destroyed, or damaged, and this morning again from 5 in the morning there were new assaults. they are coming and what can i say, we are happy that every day, every hour there are fewer of them, it must be that we have 736 days, and for every day a certain number of occupiers are still destroyed, they remain inactive for that matter.


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