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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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civilians who died as a result of russian aggression. a minute of silence for the dead ukrainians. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, a project about important events, my name is oleg galiv and we are starting. during a combat mission in a clash with russian troops... soldiers of the 73rd naval special operations center were killed in the occupied kherson region. this was officially reported in the sso. russian telegram channels they write about allegedly five boats. what is known in this story as of now. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine is closely monitoring the events in the separatist region of transnistria of moldova and calls for a peaceful solution to the problematic economic and social humanitarian issues between chisinau and teraspol. this was announced in the department against the background of the appeal of the so-called dep of the unrecognized
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region of moldova to russia with a call to take measures to protect transnistria. what is the purpose of this appeal and how can the kremlin respond. more than 400 comments were submitted to the people's deputies bill on mobilization. these amendments are now being considered by the specialized committee of the parliament on national security and defense. restrictions on travel abroad, blocking of accounts and electronic summons were no longer supported there. this was reported by committee member iryna friz. today, the work with the documents of the people's deputies will continue, i will ask. they have more details. each of your likes and comments, as well as the distribution of this video, helps it become popular on the network, and this is support for quality content. also, subscribe to youtube radio svoboda channel. ukrainian servicemen of the 73rd naval special operations center were killed during a combat clash with the russian occupying forces. special operations forces officially announced this at night. they say that the military died while covering the withdrawal of a group of main forces from
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special task ensuring the departure of the main forces of the group after the completion of a special task, the soldiers accepted their last battle, forever remaining in the formation. heroic and extremely difficult combat work of units of special operations forces on land, at sea and in in the deep rear of the enemy - this is the daily contribution of soldiers of special operations forces to the victory over the enemy. always remember the cost of our freedom. how many special forces were killed in the landing. what task they performed in the forces of special operations is not officially reported, but the russian state media rianovosti writes that ukrainian special forces tried to land on the tendrivska spit, this is a long narrow island in the black sea near the coast of the kherson region. russian pro-war publications write that twenty people died of the ukrainian military, one was allegedly taken prisoner, in total, four out of five boats were shot, the crew of one boat allegedly escaped. also, russian bloggers publish photos of shot soldiers and weapons. pavlo
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lekiychuk, head of security programs at the strategy 21 center for global studies, joins our broadcast. i welcome you, good afternoon, thank you for joining, i immediately have glory for the heroes, i must say right away that radio liberty also asked the special forces for additional comments operations and to the spokeswoman of the actual direction of this, they said that all the details that could be divulged have already been announced, my question will relate to what, in fact, perhaps without going into... details, how everything happened, because it is unknown, at the moment, how far such tasks are carried out at all , actually within such limits and in such territories are difficult, either for special operations forces, or for the military in general? well today is a really hard day for all veterans of the intelligence units of the naval forces for veterans of special forces in the... marine
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units, unfortunately, this also happens to the special forces, the naval special forces are the most prepared, but the enemy also hunts them, and when such events occur, well, it is very tragic, but we must understand that we are waging a war with an insidious enemy, with by the overwhelming forces of the enemy, and without the work of our scouts, divers, victory at... at sea will be, well, if not impossible, then extremely difficult, when they talk there about strikes on crimea, on sevastopol, on tarkhankut, and they say about the fact that our scouts ensured that the strikes were carried out there, that is
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including mostly fighters of the 73rd special operations center, special. a specially trained unique unit of the compound is appointed, which can perform tasks in the deep rear of the enemy, and every exit to the rear of the enemy is an extreme risk, and even the most careful planning does not guarantee against surprises, not even to say from mistakes, navi from. .. from the fact that something may not go according to plan, unfortunately, our losses, and the 73rd center, they are the part that participated in the russian-ukrainian war from the very beginning, this is one of the oldest parts of the armed forces,
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the successors of the glorious 7th brigade of special operations, i will remind you that. in the 15th year, two brigade commanders died in the war with russia: losha zinchenko, yuriy borisovych, liferenka, and that is, you have to understand what difficult tasks our reconnaissance divers perform in what conditions. and tell me, please, when such operations are being prepared, to what extent do they have a high level of secrecy? they have and should have the highest level of secrecy because, well, again, these are units that are small groups operate in the deep rear of the enemy , the enemy can oppose them with significant forces, each
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such operation is unique, it is prepared for a long time, and if some sneaky m... something from the left corner, then the consequences will be tragic, i ee i am convinced that there are not so many such scoundrels, that's why, well, what happened tonight is more tragic, the circumstances did not turn out so tragically, because , well, tender. our soldiers of the 73rd center know it like the back of their hand, this is theirs, it was once a training ground, an enemy ambush, unfortunately, was waiting for our soldiers, i understand correctly, the territory where they tried to sneak in , it is currently controlled by russian forces,
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so 90% of the operations of the center of special operations of the sea, these are operations in the rear of the enemy with the aim of destroying either his important objects or important equipment , these are high-profile operations, well , we don't know about most of them, we will find out, maybe after many years. i thank you very much for coming forward, sharing what is known and your assessment of this incident. pavlo lekichuk, head of the center's security programs globalists strategy 21, guest of svoboda ranok broadcast. above the people. mps of ukraine from the national security and defense committee are working on amendments to the new version of the bill on mobilization, more than 4,000 of them have been added to the government draft of the law. member of the committee on national security and defense, deputy from the servant of the people, fedir vienislavsky, explains that the amendments were divided into 17 blocks in order to speed up the review. people's deputies, according to venislavskyi
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, have already rejected the issue of an electronic subpoena and an electronic cabinet, as mandatory for use, the issue of expanding the powers of local self-government bodies, enterprises, organizations in the mobilization process will still be included in the law. people 's deputy from the eu, iryna fries, who is also in the specialized committee, writes that the committee does not support restrictions on traveling abroad, blocking accounts, lowering the conscription age from... 27 to 25 years old, debatable amendments regarding the mobilization of graduate students under contract and restrictions on consular rights for citizens outside ukraine will be removed, deputies say, to complete consideration of amendments and in general, the deputies plan to put the bill to a vote next week, writes the left bank publication with reference to its own source. vadym ivchenko, member of the batkivshchyna faction, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, joins our broadcast. i welcome you. good morning to everyone , mr. vadim, thank you for joining, how many of the more than 4
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amendments reported by the people's deputies, your committee has already considered yesterday, or how many blocks, maybe if it is easier to comment that way , you know, don't get confused, please society, because we considered the blocks that were submitted as innovations during the first screening, i.e. there was a restriction on consular services, there was an introduction... a reduction of the conscription age from 27 to 25, there was a reservation for an enterprise of an organization, and so on and so forth. so on and so on, we divided it into blocks and decided to go there not 17, but 16 blocks and decided to go directly, what is generally accepted as a concept and what is not accepted, and then after what is accepted, it will be easier for us to take into account accordingly . edits that will not accepted by the committee, we will still work
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with the amendments and tighten them up, i.e. either we will shoot in one direction altogether, or the ministry of defense with the general staff, or the majority will push in the other direction as well, so now it is only a discussion of positions, at which starting positions we will start considering edits, by the way, this will make it easier, because we can consider 400 edits for several weeks, and so we do it in blocks, when we understand... for example, what should be left for the disabled, care of the third group: care for the disabled, care for parents, disabled people, we know that even if 300 amendments were submitted, almost all of them will be taken into account, or taken into account editorially, if we say that the committee did not support the restriction of travel abroad, we understand that there, if there are 300-400 amendments, it means they will all be unsupported, only on the condition, for example, of a court decision, so in this way... a committee has started to work, please tell me which of the blocs is currently causing the most discussions,
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at which deputies cannot meet, for example, representatives of opposition factions and the ruling majority, which was already mentioned today , that is what causes the most discussions, what are the norms, i would not divide the committee into the ruling majority or the opposition, it seems to me that the committee has highly professional people, people who are independent of the actual opinions there. positions of factions of the party and people who can discuss, when we will already consider the amendments, then the dependence will manifest itself, since the deputies will look back at those amendments submitted by the respective parties, factions, this is the first, therefore, of course, the most debatable issues are demobilization and how it must pass according to the decision of the rate, or it must be in the law, the terms of demobilization and restrictions, that is, restrictions. when leaving there , blocking of accounts or consular services and so on, these are the most debatable things that there are,
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for example, regarding the disabled, there is no discussion, everyone understands what needs to be returned, and why are there people at the front who cannot perform combat tasks, therefore, in principle , the committee works like this now, and let's see later, because each faction submitted its own proposals and the leaders submitted, therefore, the deputies here will join a-a already when... we will consider amendments to the position of our leaders, do you have a personal understanding, when the parliament will already be able to consider this bill in the second reading in the session hall and, accordingly, in general, how long will it take to the deputies, roughly , in order for all these blocks to actually pass first, and then the amendments that were made, previously it was called i don't know the sixth number for the example of march, when it could be, that 's your understanding, look, today we have, today and tomorrow we will finish the blocks, i think on saturday not... i will make a table where the edits will be taken into account or, accordingly, not taken into account,
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and then there will be a protection of the edits. i think that next week he will be key in the decision of the committee, well, the corresponding proposal, well, i mean the proposals of the draft law, and we will go to the hall, i think that if the parliament will sit on friday, there saturday, as it was last week, it is possible and even on saturday we had a meeting, so it is possible in principle. that these days the draft law will be put to the vote in verkhovna rada. please specify one more point: whether there was a meeting of the committee representatives, or maybe it is planned with ... commander-in-chief syrsky or the new chief of the general staff, who is appointed in relation to the mobilization draft law, and whether representatives of the ministry of defense or the government come to the committee meeting, or ask them the question, why were the same norms introduced that were, for example, in the first draft law? let's go further, there was a meeting with commander-in-chief syrsky and the chief of the general staff, ah, and of course
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everyone comes to the committee, but yesterday, constantly at the committee of the ministry of defense. the general staff is just constantly, representatives of the central committee , the central, ah, let's say this, the apparatus are also constantly, and representatives of the legal department of the general staff are also constantly, but yesterday, for example, the minister of social policy, the ministry of health came, the chairman of the health care committee joined i, the head of the national assembly of ukraine was coming, and we are also still waiting for the head of the prosecutor's office, so in principle we are joining... all for the fact that this law contains all regarding mobilization, postponement, reservation and so on, the ministers of the cabinet of ministers came, so everyone joins, let's say, the discussion in this law, so that those norms are prescribed fairly. mr. vadim , what about commander-in-chief syrskyi, what is his position on the bill on mobilization, what did he tell you, as representatives
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of the committee, conditionally, maybe he insists on some norms that must be supported and asked for it, or vice versa, he says.. unfortunately, i can't tell you because the meeting with commander -in-chief and head of the general staff was in closed mode, there was considered not only the issue of the bill on mobilization, many, many issues were considered, including avdiyivka, and including the downing of our a50 russian planes and so on, many issues, so on unfortunately, i cannot say that... in an open meeting, but the stakeholders are definitely involved in the process of adopting the relevant bill, they are present all the time, if we work from 10 in the morning, and now i go to the committee by 6, then all stakeholders are present, because they represent the law, and they mostly answer these questions, than the
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communication that was for example with the head of labor, do you think it is better, easier, or you can't compare yet? it is difficult to compare, because we only met for the first time, we spoke in secret mode , and then we went to the mobilization bill, there, in essence, only amendments to the law are communicated, that is, there are no other communications, regarding strategies, regarding some steps, but believe me , i will tell you that today there are plans together with our allies to strike such a key... strikes on, let's say , the enemy's army, it will concern, say , some logistical things, and counter-offensive things, and it will also concern assault things, and of course, without people it will be extremely difficult to do, i mean, if it's going to be some stormy things and the return of our territories,
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we literally have 20 seconds. yes, our partners, that is why they also ask what is happening with the mobilization bill, that is, the deputies received the plans from the armed forces of ukraine, from the general staff, if earlier there were complaints there, for example, with maryana bezuglai, now the deputies got some understanding of how they will actually act in 2024, no, these are not plans, it was a dialogue, the plans said that there will be more, it is possible to share with the deputies and so on , it was the dialogue and vision of the commander-in-chief and the leader. headquarters about all the events in all areas of the front with representatives of the committee. thank you very much for enabling. vadym mivchenko, faction of the motherland, member of the verkhovna rada committee on defense, security and intelligence. ukrainian special services warned about russia's preparation of a special operation to allegedly destabilize the situation inside ukraine and demoralize the population. this
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is stated in the statement of the intelligence committee under the president of ukraine. this statement is also relayed by the security service. on the pages of the department, it is said that this operation will allegedly unfold in march-may of this year. the russian side will incite conflicts in ukraine and abroad. they will question the legality of official decisions made after may 20. it is on this day that the five-year term of the presidency comes up zelensky and spread conspiracy theories in society. intelligence officials call it the most expensive operation in russia, they say, its budget was 1.5 billion dollars. andriy yusov, representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, joins our broadcast. mr. anriyu, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. let's start with the main thing. maidan 3, this name that is used, is that name. i don't know what this operation was given to her in russia, ukrainian special services there call it, well, it's a russian operation, of course, this is the name given to it in russia, and
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this is not the first time, since the soviet times , the soviet special services, then the russian special services , have called openly anti-ukrainian measures and xenophobic measures both in ukraine and abroad with nice ukrainian or foreign words. that's why for them the maidan is a threat, that's why they use this terminology in order to change it, to turn it upside down, if we remember, there are a lot of operations of the nkvd against the ukrainian insurgent army, against the organization of ukrainian nationalists, the ukrainian underground were called beautiful ukrainian sweet-sounding words, that's why , in the end, the pseudonyms of many nkvd agents were just as beautiful ukrainian names, that's why it's... the name, and of course, when such detailed information is provided in this joint statement, which was made public by the ukrainian special services, then precisely those names, terminologies, and
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measures used by the enemy are revealed. please tell me, if the details of these documents, actually these plans of the russian side are to be delved into, whether ukraine has an understanding of what forces, or is it possible activists will actively contribute to the destabilization of the situation inside ukraine, or is this not the case? now, literally in real time, the active purchase of various tools continues, starting from telegram channels, pages in various social networks, to indirect access to the leaders of public opinion, that is, it does not always mean that a person is approached by someone with a bow and a red star, no, it there may be an outlet through intermediaries on neutral topics. the main thing is the inclusion of those narratives that are needed, needed by the enemy, and this work is being done her attempts, both in ukraine and abroad, and of course, are monitored,
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relevant measures and counterintelligence are also taking place , and whether they will possibly be involved in this special operation, or whether the russian side plans to involve political figures of ukrainian officials, or is it still a question of those who are not involved today in any adoption there do not know the impact on decisions in ukraine? certainly. it is about the fact that the cohort they had of political figures, well, i am directly associated with them, it has already been burned and there is no weight in ukraine, but every time we hear such narratives that shake the middle of the country, inside our country, that delegitimize state decision-making, well, accordingly, we will understand for whom these narratives work, we now, i now can not. to name specific names, but believe me, the task, yes, there are lists of people on whom the enemy works, and there is the task of attracting them to spread their
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rhetoric and influence the socio-political situation in the country, these are dozens, hundreds of people, these are dozens of people who , if we are talking about influential categories, but the task is to buy up hundreds and thousands of pages of accounts and everything. as far as possible, that is, yes, this is the work of bot farms, this is also a large number of either overbought or newly created telegram channels, anonymous, of course, and this is also work with living people, again, this is often not done directly, and so such lists it is known that a person's name is on the list, this does not mean that he is a traitor, but he may be the object of development of the interest of enemy special services. tell me, please, the general staff confirmed in the morning that the armed forces ukraine was inflicted. missile attack on the concentration of russian troops in olenivka from an anti-aircraft missile system, what details are currently known and what are the consequences of this hit, in fact, how can the russian side react? and how can she react?
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well, this is not the first and not the last, it is the planned work of the ukrainian security and defense forces and the effective use of available measures, of course, on-the-spot intelligence, military intelligence is working to identify places where the enemy is concentrated. manpower and technology, and in this situation it is perfectly practiced operation, the information was quickly used and a significant blow was inflicted on the enemy, once again this is not the first such blow, and such operations will continue in the future. mr. andriy, who provided the information, well, i understand that we will not name names, after all , i do not know that there are representatives of the ukrainian special services, i do not know that there are any hostile places there, who were these people, or that is also not possible, it is always combined history and information are obtained. from multiple sources to ensure that it is indeed the answer reality tell me, please, the central intelligence agency has already commented on this topic, but today putin's address to the federal assembly is expected,
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what are the expectations? to the ukrainian side, to the ukrainian special services, what can he say and can this address be somehow related to what was announced the day before in the unrecognized transnistria, so what is the understanding of what this address will be about? yes, actually, what was announced in the unrecognized transnistria, well, there was a disinformation campaign about what supposedly an unrecognized republic should ask to join russia, this information was refuted by the main intelligence agency itself, which... corresponds to the reality in moldova according to official sources, and even on the eve of the congress , the pmr itself, the so-called, said that they were not going to do this , as a result, an appeal was made, well, as if in the ukrainian traditions of multi-vectorism, if we remember this term is forgotten, when we appealed simultaneously to european structures and, unfortunately, to russia as well regarding protection from economic pressure, that is, it is definitely not a request for accession,
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as we reported. accordingly, russia does not have such a weapon that russia would count on, well, what they will use, well, they can use anything and without any appeals, we have already seen this many times, there will be historical excursions, there will be attempts to ascribe to themselves some victories, to show that everything is going according to plan, well, stories about this maniacal pseudo-imperial greatness and other delusions, nothing new will happen, i don't think this is the factor ... which we really need consider: the speech of any european or north american leader is certainly more important for ukraine today than the tantrums of this aging dictator. thank you, mr. andrii, for your inclusion. andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, is a guest of our broadcast. this is svoboda ranok, so don't miss such events. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine
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is closely monitoring the events in the separatist region. region of transnistria of moldova and calls for a peaceful solution to problematic economic and of social and humanitarian issues between chisinau and teraspol. the department announced this against the background of the appeal of the so-called deputies of the unrecognized region of moldova to russia with a call to take measures to protect transnistria. what is the purpose of this appeal and how can the kremlin respond? already in march , a feature film directed by eva strejnikova, stay online, will be released in ukrainian cinemas. in the center of the plot of the film girl kateryna, who accidentally gets a laptop at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. she is also trying to find an unfamiliar man its owner. we will talk about the tape in more detail with the director. in the comments, write where you watch us from and share your thoughts on the topics you want to see in our broadcasts. the united states supports the sovereignty and integrity of moldova and is closely monitoring, this is literally a direct quote from russia's actions in transnistria - said the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller. this is
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washington's response to the appeal. as they call themselves, local elected officials of all levels in the separatist region of moldova before russia, call, i quote: to take measures to protect transnistria. the resolution with this request was adopted the day before at a meeting convened by the leaders of the separatist region, vadym krasneselsky, in teraspol. there was no call to the russian federation to annex the region. the russian federation is being asked for help, they say, because of economic pressure from moldova. these calls were made on the eve of the president's speech. of vladimir putin's russia before the federal assembly, where he will announce the main directions of state policy. ministry of international affairs ukraine, responding to these events, called for a peaceful resolution of economic and social-humanitarian issues between chisinau and teraspol, and i quote: without any destructive external interventions. they reminded that ukraine supports the peaceful settlement of the conflict with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of moldova. at the same time, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine says that the results of the meeting in
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teraspol are not correct. expectations of the kremlin, we actually heard this from andrii yusov, because they did not ask moscow to include the region in composition of russia. mykhailo shabanov, a political scientist, joins our broadcast at this moment, my greetings to you. congratulations, congratulations. please tell me how important the appeal of the unrecognized transnistria to russia is, should it be given so much attention in the ukrainian information space, in particular? you know, first of all, this is... really an initiative of local, let's say, elites, aimed at drawing attention from russia, the european union, and moldova to a specific subjectivity, especially a political subject. objectivity transnistrian in fact, the elites of the region, they are not directed to follow the path of annexation by russia, because they have the corresponding economic and even flights...
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profits from their own.


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