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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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the third world, let's go to a full-scale war, i remembered that he is the only nuclear power in the european union, without question, that is, you understand here, the saying, or somehow it sounds differently in different shades, played, to hear paris die, let it be heard somewhere there, that everyone will die, paris , everyone will die if a nuclear war starts. a crazy statement that can lead to nuclear armageddon, if you call a spade a spade, on the other hand, the consequences are such that it has become obvious to us here, a war with moscow, with putin, with the europeans, if suddenly will be, no one big will come, well , they were propagandists, and here is putin, well , that is, let's say, they were at putin's warm-up. objectively speaking, because all this
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screaming lasted for three days, but on thursday putin finally spoke. the strategic nuclear forces are in full readiness for guaranteed use, without any embarrassment they claim that russia allegedly intends to attack europe, but you and i simply understand that this is not just some amount of bp, and at the same time, they themselves are for the task. .. according to ours territories choose the most effective, as they think, means of defeat, they started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate of those who once sent their troops to the territory of our country. but now the tragedy for potential interventions will be much sadder.
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they have to eventually understand that we also have weapons, yes they know, but that's about what i just said, there are also weapons that can hit targets on their territory, well, that is, before it was definitely not heard in this case, what are you doing there? talk about some troops. on the territory of ukraine, yes, and we will suddenly strike, as solovyov likes to say in paris, well, that's exactly how it goes, that's how the narrative goes that if something appears on the territory of ukraine, then russia has, if the right to hit paris or london, and here it is, well, probably such a turn is new, i would say, because it did not come to this before, moreover, to say that this turn is so logical, also...
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it is impossible, therefore that, actually, ukraine is an independent country, on its territory there can be anything that ukraine considers necessary, in including the troops of other countries, if we so decide, our parliament will vote, and so our president will decide, and there will be such support from the population, then we can have any troops here that we want, so please do saying, it doesn't work, and in principle, well, i would... say that somewhere in this regard, the russian propaganda themselves realized that they overdid something a little with these conversations and started to crawl away. this is an interesting legal casuistry, because if they attack ukraine, with national armies, and not with the nato alliance, it decisions of national governments, and if we answer, oh, god forbid... true, it is scary
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to imagine a world war, if we answer, in paris, it is already an attack on nato, well, yes, that is , it will be an attack on nato, and in principle there will be an unprovoked, frankly, attack on nato. and this, let's put it this way, a problem also arose, like with transnistria, that is, they wanted to arrange something in transnistria, but then they found out, remembered that, in principle, how to fight, how to send troops there it turns out not possible. to prove, here the situation is different, you see threatened, threatened for a whole week that macron said something, and now we have the right to strike somewhere, here it turns out that it will be an unprovoked aggression towards nato. well, it could be said here that everything, but not everything, you see, the fact is that, well, macron's words, whatever they were, were not really the reason for this talk of a nuclear attack. about all these weapons and all that,
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the escalation actually happened much earlier, and it happened 10 days ago, in fact, at the moment when... in the western media began to throw out some very strange articles about the fact that russia is going to place nuclear weapons in space, there they reacted to it in principle, well, somehow, so did western politicians, linkin managed to say something about this, but most of all it was actually the russians who reacted again , there was such an interesting story when... suddenly the whole conversation between shaigu and putin was recorded, where shaigu and putin are sitting and what all these publications were for, we do not place anything in space and are not going to, and probably that's all not without reason, well, i hope, maybe
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we will be able to show it to you, or maybe not, we will see now, but the fact is that all these conversations, they were long before that, how some kind of statement by macron arose there, moreover . .. immediately after, in parallel with this conversation, all these screams on state russian television about the use of nuclear weapons intensified, they were already saying that they could hit somewhere there, and all these, well, these kinds of things, they've been going on for literally the last two weeks and that's why i think that you don't have to connect them in any way, you know that, it's not a spontaneous reaction. to statements or articles somewhere in the western press, this is an unspontaneous reaction to the statement of the same macron, moreover, it is possible that these same articles were once again posted by russia, or somehow with their assistance, or someone somewhere, well, organized some kind of leak, nevertheless, judging by everything
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, the reason is somewhat different, the reason is that with all this talk about nuclear weapons, russia is actually trying to... warn something else, but even if you pay attention, very pay attention, what putin mentions first of all when talking about macron's statement, he mentions not deploying any troops, no, he mentions providing weapons to a remote radio judge, and this is most likely the main reason for all these statements and brandishing this nuclear rod, which but it happened again now, there is an impression that we are now at such, you know, very turning points, which are connected with the fact that in principle, well , a lot of people, both the military and western politicians, understand that fighting according to the principle of that russia is living its life, and ukraine is bleeding, well, it's just killing
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ukraine frankly, and you can't call it any other way, that is, they have, if there is a war and russia uses all the weapons it has, well, then ukraine. should get the opportunity to use all the possible available weapons that are provided to it by its partners and use them where it considers it necessary, that is, now, in principle, there are discussions about the possibility of using those weapons that we did not use on the territory of russia, but still use them on the territory of russia, moreover, there are talks about the fact that this weapon would be somewhat much stronger, well, you have probably heard talks about the provision of taurus and all there... these, you know , doubts, whether to provide, not to provide taurus , etc. republican parties in
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order to delay the provision of funding to ukraine as much as possible, because again, it is clear that this funding will come, and it will be used to purchase not just those shells that are on... the battlefield, but much more weapons will be purchased for it powerful, which will be again after all, to act much more powerfully and with a completely different philosophy of its application, and at this, you know, turning point for russia , it is important to stop this process, because it is brewing, such a turning point is brewing in how to understand aid to ukraine in general, or not to give... to play to ukraine, yes, as they told it before, or to let russia win after all, these are different stories, and in order to prevent the formation of this opinion that in the end ukraine should win, and not just not
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to lose, now russia is rocking this whole story with nuclear weapons, even that listen, how these two, you know shoigu and... these two old worlds are sitting and think that they have come up with everything very cleverly, but they talked somewhere about weapons in space, and now they will tell everyone that a... a let's talk now about strategic stability, because you understand that we don't use nuclear weapons somewhere, don't go out, don't take them into space, well, that means we have to agree, sit down, agree, and what they will agree on, they will only agree on one thing about essentially surrendering ukraine, and the father is all the talk, they are before that, listen, just look at these peaks, and it is directly read on these peaks, the question concerns the noise. which has been raised recently in the west, in particular something like
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, and the placement of nuclear weapons in space, now for some reason in the west this topic is raised again, and at a fairly high emotional level, as you explain it, we don't have it, they know, that we do not have it, but nevertheless they make a fuss, the surprise is different, everyone knows that we have it, this was said in 2018 in a message to the federal assembly in fact, for the whole century, they know that we have a fairly high stage of completion of work on both poseidon, peresvet, and petrel, work on the sarmatian and vanguard is completed, two regiments are already almost fully armed, in this situation, of course, it is possible to add a few more, for some reason they don't talk about it, but it's really something to be afraid of. the reason the uproar was raised is the situation they would like, renewing and
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prompting us to be such a clumsy stability. yes, i agree, as far as space is concerned, in space we only do what need, what other countries have, including the united states, and of course, you're right, they know about it, and in... that's about negotiations, we've never been against, we 've never been against negotiations, so , that is, you know, an invitation to the event to negotiations, well, actually at the price of ukraine. i won't say that i know how this blackmail will end, i don't know how it will end, i'm just recording that it's happening now, and it's really a turning point now, which from'. it is not the first time they try to wave it away a certain, i would say, such is the immunity of
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western politicians to this, you know, the threat that we have such nuclear weapons, and nuclear weapons, well, there is this certain immunity of western politicians to these threats, but how much of this immunity is enough , to understand that it is simply necessary to ignore it, i don't know, but i know for sure that... it will not be limited to threats, they will try to destabilize the situation in various parts of the world, transnistria, not transnistria i, somewhere else, and literally that's it this destabilization is something that russian propaganda also constantly talks about, and which in fact is now the main such strategic direction of russian propaganda, they will destabilize the situation wherever possible, as possible, with the fact that... would, well, now let's sit down and agree on all these issues, at the expense
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of ukraine, well, here and there, here and there is what the russian propagandists say, believe me, in fact, it is no different from what putin and others are saying there, it's just said in different words , look what's next, sergius, next, a big war. well, actually, we are up to that let's go gladly, as if we finally got to the main topic. let's just say , well, in general, everything that has been developing in the world in recent years, of course, this is about all of humanity, this whole world is heading for a big war, where will it break and at what moment, this is a question, it can be sausage, it can be taiwan , it could be lebanon, it could be an exchange of nuclear strikes between israel and iran, it could be anything, and you know, it's not mankind heading for nuclear war, it's russia and china dragging the world toward... nuclear war, and the only one the way to actually stop it is to give russia a warning in time, because this will stop
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such an uncontrollable desire to arrange something, but knowing that they will give a warning, well somehow china will not particularly do this, especially russia will not do this, this is important to understand, well, how much this understanding will be enough, i can't say about it yet, well, we'll see. damn you, stepladders, the great danes don't walk anymore, wait, i'll strangle you. that there is no health? and what is the health like in the sixth decade? and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ - a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. herovital+ - good health, active life. the novelty of herovital energy. even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day. there are discounts on pairs of villages - 20% in the pharmacies
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when there will be a liver, alohol, but what about the bile? alohol, it protects both the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive. no interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. watch this week's judicial control program with tetyana shustrova. doubtful fortunes, bogus divorces and attempts to avoid qualifying assessments. what
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is judge pavlo gorbasenko known for? my mother gave me two apartments and cars. but why the head of the supreme court. of vsk region is hiding from journalists, depending on the load, we agree with you when to accept. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. however, how successfully... the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards, we will talk today, but first to the news. vitaly snigirov, a former judge of the bryankiv city court of the luhansk oblast, who betrayed his oath and defected to the enemy after the start of the war, leaked russian fsb data on active
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ukrainian judges and military personnel. by snigiryov contacted an fsb employee with investigation materials. and sent him photos and contact details of his former colleagues, as well as information about ukrainian military personnel and their relatives. on july 22, snigirov sent the fsb officer a photo of a ukrainian soldier who was captured by the russians, indicating that he was the father of a major in the armed forces of ukraine, and sent his photo with his mobile phone number and place of service. vitaly snigirov left for russia in the 20th year, received citizenship there, and the state judicial administration in the luhansk region for more than two years she paid the salary of a snowman. in total, he illegally received almost uah 2 million. the suspicion of fraudulent appropriation of funds in particularly large amounts and treason was reported. finally , after two years of war , nataliya sharko, a collaborative judge from the kherson region, was released. even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, she sided with the occupiers and makes illegal decisions against the citizens of ukraine. recently, the judge arrested the ukrainian lenur khalilov, whom
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the russians accuse of allegedly participating in illegal armed formation. the judge has been working for the occupiers for two years, but until recently she was not fired and received her salary from the budget of ukraine with all allowances. and only now, when the judge did not appear for the interview for the third time, the supreme council of justice recommended her dismissal. the higher qualification commission of judges continues to assess ukrainian judges for their suitability for the positions they hold. not everyone, and especially resourceful servants of themis, pass the test, while the qualification commission decides whether they can perform at all judiciary, are submitted in parallel to the competition to another court, and suddenly it will work. this is pavlo gorbasenko, head of the economic court of the kyiv region. he is one of the most scandalous judges and one of the most influential people in the kyiv region. currently, gorbasenko is waiting for a decision from the bks whether
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he will continue to sit in the judge's chair? the commission cannot. meanwhile, the higher qualification commission is waiting for an application from pavlo gorbasenko. information, he decided not to waste time, submitted documents for participation in the competition for the position of a judge in the northern commercial court of appeal. in this way , you can get a promotion and reset some facts of your personal and professional biography at your previous place of work. and gorbasenko spams the prosecutor general and the high council of justice with complaints and complaints about alleged interference in his work. in fact , he tries to justify himself in a banal way, because to appeals were received by the higher-ranking commission. about his alleged non-compliance with the qualification criteria due to errors made during the consideration of cases. it is about one of the enterprises of critical infrastructure in the kyiv region, the bilotserk thermal power plant.
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the shareholders insist that in the pad case, the judge made many unjust decisions, took measures to secure the claim by suspending the effect of the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders of the company, which owned significant assets. in another case, judge gorbasenko took the same measures based on a statement that was signed representative of the and is considering another statement of claim, again, signed not by the plaintiffs, but for some reason by a representative of the defendant. the northern commercial court of appeal overturned the decision made by gorbasenko. therefore , the shareholders believe that the actions of the judge have signs of raiding and illegal interference in economic activity, and have informed the higher qualification commission of judges, which must decide whether the judge will continue his career. instead , gorbasenko decided that the appeal of the shareholders to the vkk is nothing more than interference in his. with pavlo gorbasenko's message about interference in the judge's activities. i consider it necessary to report the interference in my activity as a judge, regarding the administration of justice, as well as
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the manifestation of contempt of court. in fact, spamming higher authorities, the prosecutor's office and courts with complaints and lawsuits is a common practice for gorbasenko. in the odious district administrative court of kyiv, he challenged the negative conclusion of the public council of virtue. then he tried to challenge the decision of the vkk itself in the supreme court. experts regard these actions as a simple attempt to evade the qualification assessment. the judge provided the known truth or revealed information in the procedure of cheating and tried to avoid passing the qualifying examination. ingenious, interesting, qualification assessment for a position in the northern commercial court of appeal, he will avoid in the same way? for answers, we go to pavlo gorbasenko. the business day is in full swing, so as the presiding judge, he must be. at the workplace, we are not allowed to go to court, but
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they say that we can only contact him by phone and only through his assistant. hello, congratulations, this is darya vyacheslavivna, mr. gorbasenko's assistant. greetings, my name is olena, i am a journalist for a tv channel, i would like to know if mr. gorbasenko will be at work today and in general, is it possible that he is already in court? she is at work, but... it is impossible with her head, the assistant promises to inform pavel gorbasenko about our visit and to provide an answer to the information request. draw up a list of questions that interest you, that you want to get an answer to, and we will then consider your application, depending on load, we will agree with you when to accept you. well, let's try again, so far pavlo gorbasenko has not answered any of the requests we sent over the past year. well... gorbasenko was appointed a judge of the economic court of the kyiv region by presidential decree in 2010, the judge used family, friendship and other prestigious careers since 2007. pasenko
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was married to was married to her daughter by a person who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the judicial chamber in main cases, as well as a member of the higher radio stations. it was at the end of the zeros that gorbasenko, who worked as a legal consultant in a private firm, suddenly decided to change his activity and get a job at the economic court of the kyiv region. just during the time of his membership of the then. barbara in the supreme council of justice. an interesting coincidence. gorbasenko remained in office even after the revolution of dignity. he managed to get into several scandals and live off a considerable number of square meters. a housewife's mother helped the judge to earn his property. at least that's what he assures. it was my mother who gave me two apartments of 116 and 136 m2 elite area on obolonska naberezhnaya in kyiv. my mother gave me two apartments and cars. here are some of the most expensive residential
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complexes in obolon with... hunting views of the dnipro. prices for apartments start at $100,000 for a simple one-room apartment, and the gorbasenk family actually owns an entire floor. i wonder how much such pleasure cost? having given apartments to her son for herself, pavlo gorbasenko's mother built a house of more than 800 m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. next to a picturesque green forest on a huge private area in over half a hectare there is a two-story building pool gazebo. where did the mother of the housewife get the money for such a big house? pavlo gorbasenko assures that all the money is for the support of the businessman's father. father is a builder with many years of experience, and in addition to construction, he is engaged in various indirect activities. judge volodymyr gorbasenko's father runs his business in occupied crimea, so he obviously pays taxes to the terrorist state. and this is hanna
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svyrede. a member of the kyiv city council and the owner of a large amount of real estate, in particular in kyiv and the occupied crimea. according to the documents, she is divorcing for the second time from the head of the commercial court of the kyiv region pavlo gorbasenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time on december 24, 2014. however , they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce. in 2017, they gave birth to a joint child, then traveled abroad dozens of times, even during the war. all this is too similar to the manipulation of the norms of the law, presumably precisely in order not to declare property. we are with her divorced in the 14th year, and therefore in the future i did not indicate her, but we continued our communication, two circumstances simply disappeared under which i should declare her. in january of the 22nd year , gorbasenko and sverenko got married again, and in the fall of last year, they once again hastily decided to divorce. everything was organized literally in a day, trying to speed up this one.
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gorbasenko does not hide the process, my ex-wife and i tried to file a lawsuit in the order of a separate lawsuit in order to speed up the proceedings. gorbasenko's divorce happened just in time on the eve of the start of the qualification assessment and the opening of the register of declarations, which the judge did not submit for the year 2023, despite the fact that he is passing an attestation important for his future fate and is applying for a position in another. judges already on march 4, the higher qualification commission of judges should make a decision regarding the further judicial career of pavlo gorbasenko. we hope that the members of the commission have carefully investigated his biography, professional competence, legality of decisions and compliance of his lifestyle with official income and will decide on him fair decision and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in
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system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge making wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine.


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