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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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restrictions and abuse of the power of the leadership of the parliament in relation to the permission or disallowance of trains to this or that on this or that business trip and this translates, you know, from a sick head to a healthy one, because those who speak about it are accused of what they do, instead of refusing from such practice, well , i would like to. but to draw the attention of colleagues to the fact that, as clearly formulated in the resolution of the european parliament, this is such a serious remark regarding actually democracy in ukraine, a violation of the basic principles of democracy in ukraine, violation of the law in ukraine, you know, it's not just about abuse, it's actually a violation of the law on the status of a people's deputy, about that, it's a violation of the law about martial law, about an unusual state, that's all. those things
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that today, well, literally on a daily basis , are violated by the leadership of the parliament, i am sorry to state this, but we should also pay attention to the fact that in the same, in the same resolution, it is also very clearly stated about the inadmissibility of collapsing decentralization, which has proven its importance for the success of ukraine, and this is also another serious bell. for the authorities, well, perhaps not only for the legislative, but also for the executive authorities, and i would like , of course, that behind those serious, serious calls for further support to ukraine, which are the main narrative of this resolution, our colleagues also saw growing concern with the fact that today ukraine is rolling back in terms of democratic rights and freedoms. but i want to remind you that precisely if
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we insist, and we all together insist on in order for the negotiating framework for ukraine to be approved as soon as possible, the first chapter, the first cluster that will be opened for ukraine, as for any other country, will be a cluster that will be about the basics, and that is about democratic principles, about the rule of law, about all those basic things that , unfortunately, continue to be violated in ukraine today, just by heartbreaking steps... under the guise of martial law, this is not only the implementation of activities, but i spoke with hanna hobko the other day , she is a deputy of the past convocation, she told how many meetings and conversations she held, well, you see, now they can release her, she is not an inactive deputy, but at the munich security conference on the sidelines, explaining something, but she is not there, she is not there. petro poroshenko is not there
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, there is no one else, and there is no one to explain, congressmen, senators, deputies , from france, germany will come there, and there is no one to talk to , and they talked among themselves like that, and they did not hear another opinion, well, that’s it minus, there will not be a fair or anyone else running there, relatively speaking, between everyone and everyone to explain whether arachamia , that's what the problem is, here the question is that the deputies themselves are european, your colleagues, they say that we will meet in 10 years, when not... maybe, and how much they need this opinion ukrainian deputies, who know all this from the inside, who still have access to certain information, can tell more as a deputy, and you know, the leadership of the parliament periodically resorts to such and such certain manipulations, they say, don’t eat, go online, of course you can to make a speech online, but you do not really present additional arguments through online speeches.
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you feel what exactly is this or that skepticism of this or that country, of this or that representative of political forces, of various political forces that work in various european countries, including at the pan-european level or in others generally in other countries of the world, and then you can answer these nuances and these details, and you know that there is no general message for everyone, you always need to find additional ones. e facts or additional words or additional wording for one or another audience, literally yesterday i spoke before the labor audience in the british parliament, so i obviously prepared for that, analyzed, and what challenges we can face as ukraine in this labor environment, one must understand, in a conservative environment there are other challenges, and that's why... it's not just
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a performance, but you have to understand the nuances and you have to work with each specific representative according to one or another, maybe even prejudices, and that's... exactly it is impossible to do simply by writing letters or communicating exclusively online, and it is not clear to me why today we have constant, constant putting such sticks in the wheels to protect the national interest of ukraine. we , unfortunately, see that ukraine does not have all that stockpile of weapons from... stockpile, financial capabilities that would give us the opportunity to confidently continue our struggle, and we need to activate various societies, so i think it would be necessary simply ask all those who are able to deliver in different audiences with different
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societies of ukraine's position, to ask them to work as much as possible with foreign audiences, and this... unfortunately, our colleagues either do not want to understand, or they are deliberately, deliberately destroying this system of protection of ukraine, even in the political field. we have literally two minutes, very briefly, this program performed by putin as a guest of oskazka, which was on russian television today, how should ukrainians evaluate it? i will not ask you to comment on him, well, there the majority was directed inside the country that he would be there to do, to build, but in general, how do ukrainians now evaluate this... ledge, because everyone is waiting, he said that he will take over ukraine next, and that's all, yes, but we thought that he would say now, i surrender and you won, please, we haven't heard anything new from putin, and that's why i think that there were no surprises at all in this, all the nonsense and delusion that he has been carrying,
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well, for decades, in an intensified form during the last two years , it continues, so ukrainians should just focus on what we need... in order to be freed from this enemy and free the country and have the opportunity to develop and live and create, this is what we have to get out of this next delusion that putin demonstrated today, well, we literally still have time, you answered so quickly, what do you think about macron, is he really trying on a triangle, napoleon's triangle on his head, or do his words mean something else, then i mean sending. troops of france, at least the french army to ukraine, to the borders of ukraine, as he said, you know, france always had, well, such a position within , say, the north atlantic alliance , you remember that france once left nato, then turned back, joined
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nato, although it was among the founders of this organization, then i think that to some extent it is the search for a leadership position, it is not just, you see, it forms. but this definitely does not mean that france is ready to send its troops to ukraine today, this is an attempt, perhaps, to grope for those options, but how, in what way france, maybe even against the united states of america , and we know that there is a certain, a certain kind of, you know, rivalry between the french and the germans, between the french, the united states of america, between the french and the british and... this is an effort, an effort to find one's own word , with which it may be possible to go down in history, this certainly indicates exactly that, but it is good that this discussion has started at all, that it has been published in the columns, well already of a large
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number, let's say of the foreign press, we, unfortunately, see rather harsh statements there, never never, never, from many, from many european leaders, including american ones... as well, but you know, never say never in a situation that must take the first step, if macron does it, he will definitely go down in history on difference, with a plus sign, unlike johnson, who so far enters history with a huge minus sign. thank you very much for joining ivanna klympushtentsadze, people's deputy of ukraine and head of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on ukraine's integration into the european union union, well, always like that, someone has to be a plus , someone has to be a minus, someone has to be bright , someone has to be like that, that is, a person who, well , inhibits help, like, say, mike johnson, although again, maybe he has something is clearer in the head, but actually, because of the fact that johnson is blocking aid to ukraine, the chairman, the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, the ukrainian troops today really lack ammunition and means on the battlefield,
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unfortunately, but they are fighting and about the situation at the front and around the front, serhiy zgorets, the director of the defense express agency, the host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey , congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will... you about the destruction of enemy aircraft, about the situation on the front line, and in a conversation with the former head of the main intelligence department about whether indeed , there are as many as 12 bases on the territory of ukraine, this... and what is behind the words of volodymyr zelensky that the plan of our counteroffensive was on the table in the kremlin even before the counteroffensive actions themselves began. more on that in a moment. i'll start with the fact that today our air force demonstrated a kind of combat hat trick. on february 29, the enemy did not count three su-34 front-line bombers at once, the first one
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was shot down in the morning, two a little later, it is stated that these machines were shot down in different directions on vdiivsk and mariupol, and as for the first su-34, then in erected , a more general eastern direction appeared. thus , since february 17, the enemy already has minus 10 su-34 front-line bombers, two su-35 fighters, as well as a downed long-range aircraft detection of a50, i.e. a total of 13 downed enemy planes, it can be stated that the destruction of the russian tactical aviation in the air force was not just a methodical work, but really such a massacre, let's remember that literally the day before yesterday , air force commander lyschuk said that it was necessary , so that the russians will surely stop these meat... offensive assaults, considering such colossal losses, but we see that the enemy does not draw conclusions and continues to try
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to use aviation with such consequences as we see today, thanks to which it is not known exactly, the main version is the so-called blocking patriot, although objectively it is the most likely means of destroying such high-altitude air targets with gmt anti-aircraft missiles. from patriot is just up to 160 km, and we can see that there are actually areas from where this zerk can be used to destroy russian fighters, yes, at the same time, russia still begins to actively use aerial bombs, because these planes are bearers of these planners cabs and the statistics of the use of these cabs are quite indicative, here is oleksandr kovalenko from the information resistance group. counted and he said that in the month of february there was a maximum of the use of these bombs in comparison with
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previous periods, more than 1,200 dropped of these aerial bombs weighing from 200 to 1,500 kg, this is actually a colossal number, the largest number was just 16 on 17 february, 151 drops, with of which 94 were in avdiivka, let me remind you that just on the 17th, our troops in ... settlement. how many stolen su-34x aircraft remain with the enemy. let me remind you that before the active phase of the war there were 140 such bombers, in two years they built another 16 and a certain number of them were destroyed, i haven’t found the exact numbers yet, but we still have to conclude that our air... forces will still have to good work to, well, destroy even more of these
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enemy air targets in the form of su-34, but our air defense should destroy not only fighters, because today the president of russia, vladimir putin, is the main criminal admitted that in the battle against ukraine the hypersonic shock complex of the sea-based zircon was also used, just at the same time... putin mentioned it in this message to the federal assembly, he said that this system is already in service, why is it really important, because in fact, this is a confirmation that the enemy is involved in terrorist attacks on ukraine using various types of weapons, and these words will also be another proof of the criminal actions of the russian federation, against the background of which we must understand that all intimidation... of putin which is related with the mention of these different types of weapons that russia will never actually bring to
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a technical level. in fact, these are rather attempts to intimidate our partners, i think, will have the opposite effect, namely to spread and deepen interaction with ukraine at the expense of strengthening our defense potential, our military mission, at the expense of the use of various effective mechanisms that have proven themselves in the course of hostilities actions, and this on... not only a direct confrontation with the enemy, not only artillery, not only ammunition, but also the interaction of our special services, and now we will talk about the potential and opportunities that cooperation between various special agencies gives to our... country and our partners, what effect we have from this, and our next guest is a person who has a unique experience of working in in various extremely important positions, we are joined by valery kondratyuk, lieutenant general, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine at a certain time, head of the main intelligence department of the ministry
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of defense, as well as head of the code intelligence department of the security service of ukraine. sir generals i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you on the air of espresso channel. namzaem, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i would like to start with such a difficult question. when volodymyr zelenskyy's press conference was held on february 25, he said that in the fall or last year, when the counteroffensive was being prepared, the plans for this counteroffensive were made quite quickly. on the table in the kremlin, does this indicate that we have not yet gotten rid of the enemy agents at the highest levels in ukraine, or is this some kind of reproach by the president towards our special services, which are not guaranteed the safety of our military plans, what do you think about this? i do not
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believe that this was a move by the president in the direction of our special services, but this is an understanding that today a... in the country, let's say, there is still no really such powerful or guaranteed protection of information, that is, a counterintelligence regime, and the question first of all, it is about the military counter-intelligence of the security service of ukraine, which is responsible for ensuring the counter-intelligence regime of the ministry of defense of the general staff, but regarding the list of persons who, let's say, according to the version there, well the majority, let's say our journalists. had nothing to do with these plans, then there are definitely only five or seven people there, but if we approach this issue more professionally, then it is clear that the removal of information should be not only from the first persons, but also from their closest entourage, assistants and those people who were directly involved in the preparation of documents on the combat planning
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of our counteroffensive, and in this context ... i would like to emphasize the importance of precisely reminding once again that the main function of the service security of ukraine is to unsuccessfully compete with the main intelligence agency on the launch of drones, but to create a powerful and reliable counterintelligence regime in the state, because counterintelligence activity is the main function of the security service of ukraine. mr. geral, thank you for this clear explanation, and then something to another topic, very much related to usage. effectiveness of the potential of the special services of different countries, you probably saw, you probably carefully read the publication that appeared in the new york times called there, the spy wars, how the cia secretly helped ukraine in the war with putin, this publication there is based on a conversation there with a number of officials
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of both the united states and ukraine, the material is quite so complex and difficult to understand, but quite ... extremely interesting, and in your opinion, why did it appear now, or it carries some threat from the point of view of disclosing the terms of cooperation, in particular the cia and the main intelligence agency, at that time you were the head of this structure, is this an impetus for some important changes, which now, well, it is extremely necessary to ensure the conditions of the realities that are in relations between ukraine and united states? mr. sergey, regarding the content of the publication, there are indeed two laureates of the laureate prize, that is, people who approach their journalistic activities more than professionally, and according to their testimony, they conducted more than 200 surveys to prepare the materials for this article, and i understand that the materials were published maybe six months, and maybe it lasted for
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more than a year, in order to conduct so many interviews, collect this material and understand. that he already was, let's say so ready, but due to the timing, why it was directly published by the world's leading newspaper right now is not even a secret, because according to high-ranking officials of the united states, this material was agreed at the level of the leadership of the intelligence agency of the united states, and was also pre-agreed with the office of president biden , and it was decided that exactly... on sunday, on the eve of this important week, when there will be another attempt in the congress of the united states to achieve there the support of ukraine and the provision of funding, and so it was... this publication was published, why, because congressmen need to know that ukraine is not only, you know, a recipient of military aid from the united states, but also a contributor
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to the national security of the united states, and those materials that which i was there, when i headed the main intelligence department, they were transferred, they estimated that the spectrum allowed there to save millions of dollars for american taxpayers on their national. safety, and these things cannot be ignored, but if you go back to that, you know, sad the 94th year, when ukraine gave up nuclear weapons, and the states were the only country that benefited from this refusal and the so-called budapest memorandum was signed, that is, then, you know, i would say today as follows that it is never too late to repay debts, here and these things today, they actually, well, have something in common... ukraine and the united states, it is not only a question of, you know, national interests, although
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the interests of each special service for protection are definitely at the basis, well, there are their own national things, but also also a high level of mutual trust and essentially a strategic perspective. if they say that , for example, joining nato, you definitely need to gain trust along the lines of separate special services, joint operations, then i want to say that... that we have these criteria, we passed them a long time ago and passed these exams, exactly how on, let's say, a confirmed level of partnership and compliance today with the criteria of western special services or special services of democratic countries. mr. valery, and there is a reference that surely needs an explanation, because the left part of the audience and readers, in fact, i think about the material at least diagonally, but i read it and there is... about the fact that 12 secret cia bases operate on the territory of ukraine along the border with the russian federation, what exactly is meant by this
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interpretation of a cia base, probably this or a translation problem, or some nuances that only you can know? mr. serhiy, i want to explain to our tv viewers that in this case i, well , the term was used incorrectly, it was never about any... cia bases on the territory of ukraine, but starting from the 15th year, there is the main intelligence department under my leadership, understanding that we currently do not lack sufficient forces and means to track possible, let's say, russia's preparations, and this has already taken place , the seizure of crimea, according to our rise of the state, tracking their further preparations for a possible large-scale aggression, and for this very purpose were created along the border. the intelligence center of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and in the future, when the level of trust was already high enough between by our
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departments, american and ukrainian, that is, at that time, the officers who served there, they also had the opportunity to undergo additional training in different places under different programs, and our european partners, and from the united states, and to implement joint for.. actions in the interests of our countries on the territory of russia, i.e. it was never discussed that the russian-american cia bases were created on the territory of ukraine, it was discussed, is being discussed and always is , as it was only about intelligence centers, that is, the capabilities of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. well, this is an extremely important explanation, i think that all the viewers heard and understood. and i would like you to comment on one more detail, this is actually. well, the cia director's visit to ukraine was reported to have taken place there last thursday, how important are such
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visits, why does a person personally come there, well, to ukraine, does this mean that some extremely important things are happening now that somehow similar to the period when the russian federation, well, in a few days was ready to launch an attack on... on ukraine, mr. serhiy, well, if we look at the biography of the director of the cia, the atlantic magazine in 2019 called him the secret weapon of the united states, and the secret diplomatic weapon of the united states, because this person , he is first of all a high-class, highly professional diplomat, and who was the ambassador of the united states to russia, he was also behind the preparation of the, let's say so, agreement ... regarding iran, that's what this person is, she prefers diplomacy, that is, personal contacts, during which he, you know, he can not only capture a person's reaction, but also
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understand that... what is actually happening there, and such visits are primarily related to his professional activities and pere, that is, he he prefers such personal contacts, just like on the eve of the war, when he visited russia, that is, his goal was to make sure to see, feel in the interlocutors there, it is in the leadership of the russian special services, and putin personally already, as they say, the irreversibility of their decision has been made there regarding military aggression against of ukraine, the number of visits... and it is precisely on the territory of ukraine that it shows interest, and strategic interest, and important, you know, such professional things, they are constantly in his field of vision, and what he gives preference to personal ones trips there, this is of great importance for ukraine, because it is precisely evidence that all the statements of the united states, they are definitely supported at the level of departments and on the line of the ministry
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of defense of the united states. but now , in fact, we are all waiting for this to be unlocked a significant package of american financial military aid there and what are your predictions, do you allow a situation that a long delay with this aid could have such an irreversible leveling processes for the front line that our armed forces are now receiving, and then what will be the consequences then for authority of the united states, do you still... can you assume that this plan b, about the references that already started yesterday, will be put into effect, and we will still receive the much-needed samples of weapons, in order to get the front line and and in the future, to give the enemy the maximum impression, and when we always evaluate any processes in intelligence, we always make approximately three options: the worst, what can be the best, but intelligence must always give out the worst option, and here is
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the worst option - this is, for example, the fact that we will have to stay there for a certain time, well, let's say this, with the resources of our european partners, and these negotiations and the corresponding decisions are already there today, they have already been adopted, and it seems to me that the main thing today, our partners should understand that russia's tactical successes in seizing certain villages here and there are not there, they are important, but this is what is increasing today, the losses among the servicemen of the armed forces are multiplying. why, because precisely in the absence of the necessary number of artillery rounds there, including for our long-range combat weapons, but in a strategic perspective, our partners also need to look at history, because in those occupied territories in those 10 years and youth , who grew up, she is now replenishes the russian army with contracts, and if , god forbid, they believe that
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ukraine can still talk about... this war, then they must understand that in 10 years russia will be replenished with human and, let's say , industrial resources of ukraine, which will significantly strengthen its capabilities and further inspire further aggression there, already directly, towards countries like nato and europe, and they are already starting to think about this today, mr. general, thank you very much for these explanations, for your time, for what you have done and are doing for our country and our viewers let me remind you that we are co-intelligence... the bank was valery kondratyuk, ex-head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine and former head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgorets,
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thanks to his guest, it was. military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, the second hour of great etero is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you. the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr orchivkoi. also today there will be culture news from lena chechenina and weather from natalka didenko. well , i am also with you today from the 8th to the 9th in the verdict program, so a lot of interesting and important things are waiting for you. well, now about the most important news. i will tell you in detail: there was a massive airstrike on the front from the first, since the beginning of the day, the armed forces shot down three enemy su-34s , they report to the air force, the defenders were withdrawn at night by bombers in one of the eastern directions, after in the morning destroyed two more fighters in the avdiyiv and mariupol directions in the donetsk region. in total, russia lost a record 13 aircraft in february. russians
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injured a person in sumy oblast. from artillery shelled the production plant.


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