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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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during which time boryspil airport is ready to serve flights on a regular basis, and according to our calculations, this period is about three weeks, that is, in order to be fully ready to serve flights that will be performed according to the schedule, for one-off flights, of course, we are ready now, precisely because we support the qualifications of the personnel, we support the equipment that is available, when exactly ... passenger planes will take off into the sky of ukraine , no one can predict at the moment, because full-scale russian aggression against our state continues. dmytro didora oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. there are 10% discounts on bronchialik in pharmacies, plantain, pam and savings. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, am i suffocating that there is no health? but what is our health there. ten and i thought so
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evening, we are from ukraine. let's get back to the conversation, the great ether continues, and i invite oleksandr morshchevka to the conversation, money during the war. oleksandr, please speak to you. good evening to the audience, congratulations vasyl , thank you for your words, in the next few minutes you will learn about the expansion of the geography of ukrposhta pharmacies, what kind of service it is, it is especially important for the frontline territories, i will also tell you about frozen assets, as well as the expansion of polish brands into ukraine, why goods from a neighbor . countries come to us, and polish farmers do not even allow ukrainian grain to transit, we will discuss everything with the expert, wait, i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, an important figure was heard from the lips of the minister of finance, and i will start with this, the need for external financing of our state this year reaches the mark. said
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serhiy marchenko, head of our ministry of finance. delays should not be allowed, because the money is needed to ensure important social expenses, the government official notes. the ministry of finance took the necessary measures to support the financial sector stability at the beginning of this year, when there was still some uncertainty as to whether there would be money for macrofinance from the eu, what about funding from the united states, when... the first tranche from the european union is scheduled to arrive, but we are already expecting that at the end of march we will receive the first share of macro-financial assistance from the european union, and in fact such a policy of the ukrainian ministry of finance was highly appreciated by experts of the international monetary fund, they recently conducted a cooperation mission and were recognized by leading world experts. tion
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frozen russian assets in france will not happen, they did not support, finance minister bruno lemaire is convinced that there are no sufficient grounds for this in international law, according to... according to him, such steps should be fully supported by the g20 countries. the g7 representatives have been trying for a year to agree on what to do with russian property, with russian finances, with securities that were frozen after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. but mobile pharmacies of ukrposhta will start working in zaporizhzhia from march 1. mykolaiv, kharkiv, kherson, chernihiv regions. banner, the general director of the company, ihor smilyanskyi, announced this. at the beginning of february, ukrposhta received the appropriate license, and at the end of this month, it started accepting orders and delivering medicines to the donetsk region and certain border areas of sumy oblast, where
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there are currently no stationary pharmacies at all. this service saves money for pensioners, because in addition to the free supply of various pills and drugs, they can participate in the program and receive affordable medicines free of charge, added the head of ukrposhta. but poland does not rule out the withdrawal or introduction of a ban on agricultural production from the aggressor country. this was announced by the prime minister of the country, donald tusk. he met with his latvian girlfriend in warsaw and says that he will analyze latvia's experience in this regard. questions, will consider a similar initiative for poland. let's hear what they talked about. i want everyone to understand that the problem of food and grain surpluses in poland and europe and the problem of unequal competition is not only due to
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import of grain and food from ukraine. few people realize that our market is also destabilized by products coming from russia and belarus, so we need to take advantage. all possible measures to stop it. we see the potential in banning the import of certain products from russia and thus stifling the russian government and the russian economy. at the same time, we continue to work on more effective implementation of those sanctions that are already in effect. and here, vasyl, by the way, myroslav cheh, a polish politician and journalist, was also your guest yesterday says that ukrainian grain is not allowed even if it is in transit. it does not settle on the markets of poland, but russian grain is bought precisely for the needs of poland's internal needs, and russia creates such a smoke screen, so that they do not see what it is doing and concentrates all the beams of information, so to speak, on ukraine, well, it's just that ukraine
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it would have been possible to react earlier, to explain earlier, well, on the other hand, you know, but in fact the discussion on the part of donald tusk is such that they will pay attention not only to ukrainian weights. who pour in grain, and will turn their attention directly to grain from the aggressor country, but in the meantime the blockade is still strengthening, polish farmers almost do not let trucks out of our country, the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko noted that the farmers blocked six checkpoints, well one at a time the car actually manages to skip somewhere in an hour, the situation is too much. complicated, well, in fact, why are such things happening, well, i’m not afraid of this word, atrocities on the part of polish farmers with ukrainian food, we are not talking only about grain, they are already talking about banning the export of poultry meat, eggs, sugar, not only about this, we will talk with oleg penzyn, the executive
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director of the economic discussion club, he is in touch with us, good evening, good evening, i am sincerely glad to see you, mr. oleg, well, they accuse ukraine of excessive exports. products from poland, but let's talk about the fact that, in fact, poland is such a leading producer, well, of textiles, clothes, and now polish retailers who trade in retail, well, this the product already owns more than 10% of the retail market, if we talk about clothes, clothes, we do not mention chocolates, various polish milk, 30... polish cheese exports, i am an active consumer, but i do not like this product , and i can't even save money on it, because it is sometimes even more expensive than from the ukrainian manufacturer. tell me why polish business can now, during the great war, get some preferences, customs, in particular, enter and
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expand in ukraine, and we don't even we can transit grain to other countries through poland. well, i want to say, a conscious ukrainian, a conscious consumer, that's why you bypass the polish tenth road, it's normal, look at the situation, even by recognition. minister of good politics of poland , there is not a single ukrainian grain on the polish market at the moment, poles are extremely concerned about the european market, where german, french, and italian consumers who buy ukrainian grain do not buy polish, due to the fact that 70% of the income of european, in particular polish farmer, this subsidies of the european union. and a very large share of these subsidies goes to the sold products,
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so without a doubt every ton of ukrainian grain bought hits the pole's pocket, they kind of dreamed of it, so the situation is actually quite complicated, i'll even explain more, look, criticize a little the agrarian policy of the european union, which by and large has created such... agrarian socialism in europe at the moment , well, imagine, at the moment, the average size of a polish farm is about 9 hectares of land, the average size of a ukrainian farm is 89 hectares, the average wage of a polish worker, a pole in an agricultural enterprise is 1,700 dollars per month, roughly, the average wage. ukrainian, well, the average salary in ukraine is somewhere around 420-430
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dollars, well, in the field, our agricultural producers receive a much lower salary, that is, if we take those, yes, by the way, in poland , sand, soil, in ukraine, chernozem, under all conditions , so that we now clearly understand, small-scale polish agricultural production cannot be profitable in those conditions that exist, especially if we also take into account. the green course, which brussels is actively implementing today, is both a ban on the use of plant protection products and a ban on the use of certain types of agrochemicals, and it is also the preservation of ecological diversity, that is, even those small farms cannot use the entire amount of land, at least 5- 7% of that volume should remain indestructible, because i mean ecological diversity, that is, all the things for today. lead to the fact that there is an extremely high dependence of the agrarian on
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the essence of socialist concerns on the part of the european commission, and this applies not only to polish farmers, it applies to all european farmers, and here ukraine with its chernozems, with its volumes, with its capabilities, and without the green course that the european union is conducting today, that is, all all agricultural chemistry, well... it can be used and is used to ensure yield, no doubt, we are much more competitive on the european market , mr. olezh, and here i would like to mention the quiet expansion of only here is the agricultural sector, about the quiet expansion of the retail market, in particular we are talking about clothes, about food products, this niche could, in fact, with certain benefits, if the state gave them more, ukrainian processors, ukrainian retailers, why now it is so easy
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for a foreign business, in particular a polish one, to simply rent huge spaces in shopping and entertainment centers that the average entrepreneur cannot afford, how to deal with this, well, look at the level of interest in polish banks for business loans are much smaller, working conditions in poland. business is better, subsidies from the european union are large, ukraine, euro-polish business , entering ukraine, there are no restrictions, and by and large it can afford such things, although i say again, the total volume of trade between ukraine and poland is 11.5 billion dollars per year, about 6.5 of them are poles and four with a tail to five are ukrainians, that is, if we compare it like that. well, we have a negative trade balance with the poles, that is, we
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we buy much more from the poles than we sell, and if we are now talking about closing the border, which mr. tusk has agreed to, although, to be completely frank, he said that this is a very unfavorable option for polish business, it will definitely hit the poles, except in three shifts, the romanians are plowing the autobahn to... with ukraine, it is between bucharest and chernivtsi, and there is such an echo to constanta, if it is done. then the entire cargo flow, which currently goes through poland, will go through romania, it is necessary to understand that such a number of cars passing through poland include restaurants, excuse me, service stations , gas stations, motels, and a lot of jobs. the poles will lose a lot if they continue to spend such a policy, moreover, you must
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have seen, and the poles began to block not only the ukrainian border, but also the cardboard. with the baltic countries, and the german border and the border with slovakia began to be blocked, among the demands of polish farmers, somewhere around the ukrainian share, well, 20 percent. the latter, it requirements for the european union, increase in subsidies and postponement of the green course. yes, thank you, the situation is difficult, it continues at the border, it continues in the economy, we are monitoring it, together with oleg penzen, the executive director of the economy. discussion club, which we were in contact with, i will finish the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on, vasyl zima will tell a lot of interesting things, watch us! thank you alexander for the information about the money and for the conversation with the guest, and now i still have a plot for your attention, with
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a team of french surgeons came to lviv on a medical mission, they operate on military and civilian ukrainians who... suffered as a result of russian aggression. kateryna oliynyk will tell what ukrainian-french cooperation looks like and how many patients need such treatment. valery, a military serviceman from mariupol. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the man joined the ranks of the 92nd separate assault brigade. in january 2023, the machine gunner was wounded. in the fight in the matchmaking direction. there were all the endings, well... the most difficult one was this one jaw, lower jaw, the operation will be completed tomorrow, initially there will be recovery, and then there will be several more operations in the future. a team of french and ukrainian surgeons operated on valery's complex injury
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. three foreign specialists, including the famous surgeon chloe, visited the superhumands lviv rehabilitation center. this is my third visit to ukraine and the second for my colleagues. restoration of the face itself is extremely important for patients, for their reintegration into society. in july last year, french and ukrainian specialists examined more than fifty patients with explosive injuries of the maxillofacial areas. this time, the surgeons will operate on eight patients who were selected at the previous stage of the mission. we must build in ukraine. the kind of rehabilitation system that will become the best in the world, and we started to do it, and we understand that the rehabilitation system, it cannot be apart from reconstructive surgery, these are related things, and today right here at superhumans we combine these things, to help comprehensively restore aesthetics face,
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a modern department of reconstructive surgery was opened in the superhumans center, two operating theaters, three intensive care wards and... a ward fund with 70 beds were installed here. we have this arch, which makes it possible to do 3d modeling during the operation. that is, we do not need to do repeated operations. we see what is happening. we have a microscope and very modern anesthesia stations with artificial intelligence. and the plus of this room is that there are different paths for the patient and for the doctor, and we can shorten the patient's rehabilitation period from two months to two or three weeks. in the next two weeks, the ukrainian-french team. will carry out 21 reconstructive operations, every six months we will have a mission from france for a month, teams will travel for two weeks, that is, a mission for a month every six months. more than half a thousand ukrainians are waiting for facial surgery at the superhumans center. kateryna oliynyk, andriy
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polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. well, we continue, and now it's time for culture news. deservedly and predictably, the actor and director oleksii i hnatkovsky became the most attractive winner of the 23rd year according to the version of the popular golden lifon award. it has been awarded for many years, previously serhiy zhidan often became the laureate, but recently he has had many competitors. lina chechenina will tell you why this award is important, even if it seems frivolous. even though... these awards may seem a bit frivolous, they're not, because any list of the best, the most beautiful, the sexiest, they incredibly develop... the industry and they make artists even more recognizable, and accordingly for us this is extremely important, because in the film industry they are still constantly talking about the fact that this institution
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of movie stars has not been formed in our country, and now it is being formed, in particular in this way, i will remind you that in the past very often serhiy zhadan received the golden liphon, and he was such a classic, predictable winner, but then he began to be displaced by other people, no less beautiful than himself... serhiy, and in 2023, according to the version of the golden liphon , oleksiy hnetkovskyi became the sexiest artist, from my point of view, it is completely predictable, they know him and loved for a long time by people who respect ukrainian theater, he plays in many ukrainian theaters and is also a director, but in 2023 he became even more popular, because he appeared on the screen in dovbush, where he played the brother of the main character, and i i want to say when... the teasers just started to appear, that is, the first small videos that announced dovbush, it was many years ago, precisely the excerpts with oleksiy hnatkovskyi, well, they created such an effect
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of anticipation, because already then it became known , that this character will be super interesting and charismatic he is my mountains, i am the owner here, and whoever comes to my house and will rule how i should live, will spit out his little bigams of god, i will make them slaves. announcement, because on saturday my program war and culture will be released at 4:20 p.m., and there we will talk with oleksiy himself, ask him how he feels about this award, and also talk with the organizers of the golden liphon, we will talk about how influential this award is with their point of view, because the writer andrii kokotyukha constantly comes to them in the comments and asks: girls, how influential this award is, we will figure it out in the end. my second news is that ukraine... are extremely active and effective in social networks, we must continue, lp, the american singer did apologize to all of us that she took a video of herself on
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instagram with a hoodie on which the tricolor was painted, this is her hoodie presented by russian fans, she made a video, and ukrainians didn't like it very much, let's listen to what she said: hello everyone, i want to apologize to my friends and fans from ukraine, who... was rightly offended by my thoughtless post thanking the russian fans for the hoodie, they made it for me with my logo and the russian flag, i deeply regret my insensitivity this time, it was a mistake, i'm so sorry, i want to show that i love and support ukraine, and will always do so. i will also note that she did not immediately record this video, but only when she... realized that serious problems could await her, because at first, after a wave of indignation, she recorded a video on instagram, saying, i love everyone fans,
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theirs, peace to the whole world, and then already in lithuania they canceled her concert, unfortunately, the arena, its leaders said that they absolutely will not accept such cases, and they are also absolutely against such sympathies expressed towards the russians, and therefore they... cancel the concert , by the way, going for financial losses as well, and lp itself does not want to go for material losses, so they recorded such a video, for the sake of justice, i will also remind you that she also supported ukraine at once, she also performed with flags, and many other things i wrote about ukraine, but here you just have to remember that many artists who support us so much, they can at the same time support good russians, because we understand that our attitude towards russians is different from that which exists there in the countries of western europe or in america, after all, it is customary to sympathize with many ordinary russians . well, i will correct this kind of story. well, i will also say, i will remind
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you that in april a play called "patriots" will be staged on broadway, it will be about putin, and it will be a production from netflix, you see, netflix is ​​such an online cinema that comes and in the field of theater. also, ah, it will be about putin, and, probably, that... more about berezovsky, it will be about the year 91 and how the oligarch helped putin come to power, but then, as we know, he became in opposition to him and for under mysterious circumstances he died in london. on april 22, these performances begin , they will run for 12 weeks, and i hope that there will be a great success and attention will be drawn to this play, why, because it is directed by peter morgan, he is the creator of the super popular coro series. it will also be played by famous actors, so i don't know who can be there go to broadway definitely definitely go there tell us but i just
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can't... how much will the tickets cost for this show, well, we're waiting for the reviews and we're waiting for the reviews for this show, i hope it will have a huge impact . thank you to lina chechenii, and about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, we will now ask natalka didenko, she is ready to talk, ms. natalya, good evening, please. you have a word. congratulations to vasyl, not just tomorrow, but on the first day of spring, and i really, really want to emphasize, with i congratulate all of you and vasyl and all our tv viewers, and in general all ukrainians, so that we can overcome the winter with a bang. literally all the details in a second. we are ending
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the winter with you. we meet spring, and of course, in the spring such a question becomes very relevant and popular, to be honest, like the question of vitamin deficiency, of course, we did not get enough sun during the winter, and especially considering that the winter was incredibly cloudy, maybe not so cold, but the sun there was very little, i am not talking about stress and in general our psychological state in difficult conditions war, everything usually affects. on our health, so we will talk about what products contain vitamins and in general, what symptoms can be avitaminosis, well , in general, avitaminosis is a disease caused by the lack of necessary vitamins in the body, well, of course, but still, you see , they say that this is a disease, well, the general symptoms are frequent headaches, fatigue, nausea, drowsiness, frequent colds, a decrease in the immune barrier, unfortunately, i think,
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many people can complain about these... such manifestations, well see vitamin a, carrots, pumpkin, beans, beets, vitamin d, in addition to sunflower, which should be grabbed now, cheese, fish oil, mushrooms and butter, well, vitamin c , of ​​course, all citrus fruits, cabbage, especially sauerkraut, among other things, apples, kiwi and hibiscus, vitamin b1, buckwheat, potatoes, among other things, oatmeal, nuts, b2, milk, almonds, b6, bran, sprouted grains, wheat, b-12, eggs, sour-milk products. you can, of course, read all this yourself, but it is best to definitely consult with specialists, with doctors and prevent this insidious vitamin deficiency, because we have yet to meet the real spring and admire the green leaves, then the wonderful color of trees and flowers, actually. we go further and move on to the behavior
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of the magnetic field. for a long time, now you will have a prognostic chart for your attention , it has been a long time, there are no surges, there is no threatening or in general any such serious magnetic activity, so we observe and calmly move on to the weather forecast for march 1, we traditionally start with western regions and i want to say that the western regions on the first day spring will be the warmest in all of ukraine, from 12... to 18° of heat, no precipitation is expected, there will be a lot of sun, but there will also be a gusty southeast wind, maybe even strong gusts, be careful. in the north of ukraine, the weather will be fresher, but also without precipitation, also with the sun, from 8 to 11, from 8 to 12 degrees of heat. in the east of ukraine, in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, the air temperature
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will be the lowest, because there at night... it will be somewhere around -2-5°, during the day +6 +8, which is also not bad. it will hold in the central part of ukraine anti-cyclonic nature of the weather, increased atmospheric pressure, it is cold at night, close to zero, maybe even small minuses somewhere, for example, in poltava oblast or in the dnipro and districts, but during the day, as you can see, +8 +12° almost everywhere. in the southern part of ukraine, the air temperature will also be quite high. +10 +12 +10 +13° in the crimea to 14-15° heat. no precipitation is expected, there will be lots and lots of sun in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. well, dry, sunny weather is expected in kyiv on march 1. the maximum air temperature will fluctuate close to 10-11° of heat, moderate south-easterly wind.


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