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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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during his life he baptized ukrainian children, married young couples, prayed for peace, but now his prayer is for another peace, russian. when russian tanks entered skadovsk and occupied the city, he decided to leave it to the beasts in order to later impose kremlin ideas on them. that peace, love and harmony flourish in their prayers, our families, our relatives and our society. pip began to appear more often in propaganda stories, here... he says that for him the clergyman is russian peace. russian peace, according to the words of the saint patriarch, this is not some political entity, some bloc. and for us churchmen , it is primarily holy russia. next, buzzard promotes kremlin ideas to children. here is a video where he gave a lecture for the seventh grade of school number one in skadovsk, in which he talked about human honor. and loyalty, i wonder
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how he knows about all these qualities? this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not be the last, this time, and that this conversation comes not only from church officials, so that this topic is also raised in society by parents. better give this pop a lecture about treachery and a venal soul. according to the message of the media together with the priest nikolay. to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves in the church of st. sergius in skadovsk, taras kanyuka. here he is talking on camera about the united people of ukraine and russia. we say again, we are a single nation, triune, i would even say united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son have made their choice, now they will have to answer not only before god's judgment, but also before earthly judgment. and years in prison for treason and... guaranteed. called
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shell ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennady shkil, born in 1966. before the full-scale invasion, he was an anti-priest, abbot of the saint seraphim church in the city of gola, a port in the kherson region. as a priest, he led his tiktok, where he answered the question of what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said that he was mistaken for. in our country. the gift of peaceful times to our country. let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. soon the school will pray for another country, the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the city of gola pier was occupied, he stayed and at first called to help each other and keep good in the heart. he also emphasized that it was not ukrainians who started the war. russian troops passed through us on the first day. we are now, as if in the rear, not us. we started this war with you and you and i will not
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be able to finish it. but over time , the topic of the video priest changed, as did his position. in may 2022, the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this on the holiday, pip visited with his sons, who had gregorian ribbons and tricolors. later, at the forum we, together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil said that in 30 years, ukraine has been turned into a failed project, and the occupation of a non-priest. called it a positive phenomenon: russian troops allegedly liberated the city of kherson from the west. before that, he urged believers to go to the church of the moscow patriarchate. you can always find a uoc temple and go there. if it is in the village or in western ukraine, then of course it is more difficult, because there are many people there temples were captured. if not by the uniates, then by the peceushniks. but it is better to come to the church where christ is present once a month than to visit the meeting place of the ungodly every week. in the summer
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of the same year, the collaborator submitted documents to obtain a russian passport, and in october 2022 he fled the parish in the bare harbor of the kherson region to russia. he posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation. in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because he left the kherson region before stavropol krai, this is allegedly legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't speak there. that i ran away because the evacuation was announced. that's it, he said that the ukrainian army will never enter kherson, that he is not always russian, he himself gave a drapak from our armed forces, because he understood that he had spoken and made himself suspicious, and her school would definitely be handed over. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook, together let's send everyone. in pursuit of the russian
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ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings, dear viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about geopolitics, war and the game of special services. our guests today are daniel frith and general alnur musayev. our first guest is daniel frith, ex-coordinator of the united states department of state for sanctions policy, an american diplomat. with more than 40 years of experience. glory to ukraine, sir ambassador, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. well, we in ukraine are extremely painfully watching how the domestic american political situation is developing. of course, we have our own selfish interests, but this is the selfishness of people who want
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to survive. when can there be a positive decision, whether the congress and the head of the american congress will continue to play in their politics. almost all democrats, and many, if not most, republicans support continued u.s. military aid to ukraine, but a small but decisive a number of republicans, including former president trump himself, still oppose this aid, which has led to a huge fight in the us congress. it is dangerous to follow the policies of those republicans who oppose aid to ukraine. they are wrong. i believe this struggle will end when help is sent, but i cannot say exactly when that will be. i have no excuses for
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the ukrainians. apart from the fact that our policy repeats the mistakes made many years ago. to hitler when we took our time with intervention i am very sorry for that. this political struggle in the united states is serious. and it still continues. mr. ambassador, perhaps there are some additional tools or leverage with the president of the united states or the american administration? we understand that it is necessary to urgently look for additional mechanisms. well, it's a matter of life and death. there may be additional tools that the administration can use to provide some military assistance to ukraine, but they will not be enough and they will not be enough fast for example, i would like the j7 countries
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to use russian sovereign assets that have been frozen in the j7 countries, mainly in europe, and direct them to help ukraine. however, this process takes time. the battle in congress is still going on, and i am very sorry to inform you that our policies are blocking much-needed aid for ukraine. it's a shame that americans can't do what's right. but my job is not only to express condemnation, but also to explain to ukrainians the situation we are in. i i believe that biden will finally succeed and congress will vote for these funds. however, i cannot say this with confidence. mr. ambassador, extremely important decisions were made for a long and extremely long time, in particular, when we talk about
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the transfer of the f-16 to ukraine, when we talk about the etekms missile systems, right? well, and if american journalists are to be believed, yes, well, the decision is similar. kind, it depended entirely on president joseph biden. president joseph biden has some internal doubts. rather, he may have received an additional one information from cia director burns, right? perhaps we are talking about some additional threats and additional scenarios, but this decision was not made, even when the appropriate funds were available. the united states can provide ukraine. additional ammunition for its artillery, additional means of air defense, and equipment such as abrams tanks for offensive operations. especially important are anti-tank missiles with a longer range, which would allow ukraine
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to attack targets in crimea, putting russian forces in a vulnerable position. all this is key. factors in the persuasiveness of the strategy of ukrainian success, but the implementation of this strategy requires additional military support, in particular anti-tank missiles, so that... ukraine can launch an offensive and strike at significant distances. friends of ukraine in the us, including in the biden administration and congress, are aware of this. the question remains, however, whether we can overcome the resistance of some, but not all, republicans. what should we, what should ukrainians do to help administration of president joseph biden to convince congress. yes, because we were in ukraine. amazed when american parliamentarians went on vacation, almost a month vacation, that's a long time. i believe that the deputies
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of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, who will come to washington and meet with their republican colleagues, can really help. the personal presence of ukrainians would be very appropriate. the ambassador of ukraine to the usa , oksana markarova, is an active and effective personality. people respect her, and they have a right to it. however, the presence of ukrainians is here in washington would be very helpful. i don't want to consider this bad scenario, but god forbid if we do, we won't get permission from congress. what then should be done to our friends, whether, for example, the european union will be ready to take on the burden, the financial burden of the war, or the united states will be ready to use european funds in order to ... help us with powerful weapons. european countries, especially those that are part of
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the european union and nato, are going to do more to help ukraine. they already are measures are taken. they will produce more ammunition and provide weapons to ukraine to the best of their ability. however, they cannot fully compensate for the deficit or gap caused by the slowness of the us congress in decision-making, and even so. the minister of foreign affairs of poland is already making every effort, and polish president andrzej duda and prime minister donald tusk will visit washington in the first half of march, where they will strongly advocate for ukraine's support. the polish government is very committed to support of ukraine. your european friends are doing their best, it's up to the united states to get it right. i hope we will. at one time you were the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of the united states in poland, so you
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know polish politics, and you know ukrainian politics, and it is as if nothing should prevent in-depth integration and cooperation, but there are very different things that are happening in ukraine we are taking this extremely seriously. many polish farmers are worried about the consequences of the appearance of ukrainian products on polish markets. they fear that the availability of cheap... products will drive them out of business. so, there is real concern in poland. you are right that part of the solution to this problem lies with the european commission, which is working to find this solution, including ensuring that ukrainian agricultural products passing through poland are not sold in poland, but end up where they are needed. at the same time, it seems that the russians are taking good advantage of this situation. there is some
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evidence of russian interference. and i believe that the polish authorities will react decisively to prevent further russian interference. this is a difficult question. the polish government is doing everything it can, and i think the solution will require poland, ukraine and the european union to work together. we understand that there are strong sanctions against the russian federation, but given the situation, maybe there are some additional tools to make the russians not feel so comfortable, yes, because trade with india, in particular, when we talk about petroleum products, it goes for the limits of common sense, that is, the russians managed to stabilize their internal economic situation, although rather in just a year and a half it will... go through powerful cracks, yes, when we talk about the so-called cumulative effect, well, but maybe there are cases that
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would be painful have already hit the russian economy, what do you think could be done? president biden announced additional us sanctions against russia on friday. signals from the administration indicate that they will be directed at the russian military industry. it probably means following the networks of sanctions violators who provide russia with equipment necessary for its military production. we can also target... chinese companies and hope to dismantle third-country networks that facilitate the re-export of western products to russia, thereby circumventing sanctions. i would like to see even stronger measures included in the sanctions, such as the decision by the j7 and the us j7 partners to use russian sovereign
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assets to aid ukraine. although i don't expect that to happen any time soon future, i still believe that we will see a package of measures aimed at stopping russia's evasion of sanctions. well, in any case , we see states that serve the russian economy, and here we are not only talking about iran or north korea, which began to supply russia with ballistic missiles, yes, and they are flying into our territory, there are a number of other countries, which serve openly business. russian aggression by laundering russian money or supplying russians with dual- purpose goods. ukraine has every reason to be outraged over the supply of military equipment to russia by north korea and iran. this morning on american television, i heard
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radek sikorski, the polish foreign minister, describe the real scenario for ukraine's success in this war. no, this scenario involves the allocation of funds by the united states to help the ukrainian military. with these funds, ukrainian forces will be able to deter the russians on land. however, if we provide them with atakms missiles, they will be able to hit russian logistics and other military facilities in crimea and occupied ukraine, taking a more advantageous military position, perhaps even before the nato summit this summer. this is a real success scenario. so, if the ukrainians hold off the russians on land as successfully as they have pushed back the russian black sea fleet with long-range strikes, then we can already see how time will work against russia.
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the russian economy is already in a state of stress. if we can increase this stress, and make it clear to putin that he will not be able to win his war, then ukraine's chances for a more favorable end to this wars will definitely increase. this is a plausible theory of ukrainian success, which largely depends on the united states. ukraine will be able to win this war with the help and support of its friends in the west. very important words, mr. ambassador, the visit of tucker carls. to putin, we understand that this story is not just about journalistic work, his visit is a kind of mother-of-pearl, which contains several layers at the same time, in particular, the first layer is the message that putin sent through tucker carlson to the civilized community, we understand, that putin's interview with the pencil was analyzed in the state department, in european
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countries and so on and so forth, because putin sent quite clear signals about his cannibals. in relation to us, in relation to ukraine. the second point, the famous ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi, in a conversation with me, suggested that what were called the documents of bohdan khmelnytskyi and his correspondence with oleksiy mikhailovich, the tsar of moscow at the time, which putin was passing on, as if to the american audiences, actually in those the folders could have contained something else, and no one, of course, checked what... documents or what plans could be there, of course, this smacks of conspiracy, but this is a multi-layered russian story related to mr. carlson's visit to putin. what can be said about tucker carlson's visit to moscow? let's see. first of all , his interview was shameful because he had no idea
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what putin was saying. he was clearly not on his plate. he was... no longer capable of protesting putin's historical falsifications, it was as shameful as the interviews with stalin, which were arranged by well-intentioned left-wing western figures, but in the end they were not good-natured. there was a tendency for western europeans and americans to go to moscow, ignorant of reality, imagining that they were giving away some version of a socialist paradise. they designed. their fantasy to moscow and imagined that they saw a good social system, but it collapsed, and carlson is doing something similar now, but from the right, he ... went to moscow and immersed himself in the right-wing nationalist or even a fascist utopia. it was a disgusting display of western ignorance. takir carlolson
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had no idea what he was actually seeing. his visit to a moscow supermarket was laughable in its naivety. this again reminded me of the western leftists who traveled to moscow and claimed that the moscow metro was proof of superiority. of the soviet system, it is funny now, but at the same time disgusting, this is a shameful episode, you are a great friend of ukraine, you have not only done a lot for ukraine, but you do everything that depends on you and even a little more, but the current situation, putin is actually sending a signal to the collective event: let me bite the bloody pieces out of ukraine, but instead i will not declare... the third world war, so to speak, or provoke further escalation against individual nato states, for example against estonia , or against finland, or against lithuania and so on.
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this does not make it any easier for us, and accordingly we understand that putin's publicized position through carlson, his trade position, generally boils down to the fact that he wants to continue to prey on ukraine. putin is trying to do several things at once, he threatens the west. and is trying to convince a certain type of americans that ukraine cannot win, so he believes that we in the west should push ukraine to an immediate settlement on terms favorable to him. putin is probably counting on the fact that the us congress did not vote to allocate money for ukraine now that he will win. however, two years after he launched a full-scale invasion of ukraine, it is clear that he has not achieved his goals. goals that included quick conquest of ukraine and reducing it to the status of a puppet state under the power of the kremlin. he
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has failed at this, and if the us gets it right, he will continue to fail, but he will also continue to threaten the baltic states, moldova, and even poland, hoping to intimidate us in the west to sway ukraine into a settlement. we can not. let that happen, we have to find a way to help ukraine, because ukraine can still succeed, and it will benefit us all. and someone has a plan, well , of course, except for putin, maybe erdogan has one some plan, maybe chancellor scholz has some additional plan, so what should we do in a bad situation, taking into account the limitations of our resource base, so resourceful. base, well , this is what allows us to save the lives of our soldiers, yes, that is, in general, this is unprecedented history, to fight with the russian federation, without
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aviation, and so on. if we can find the resources to help with training this year, ukraine's prospects will begin to improve. weapons production in the west will increase, which will give us more weapons to send to ukraine. production energy in the west will also increase. which will make russian natural gas and oil less important to the world economy and give us more opportunities to limit them. there is a reasonable probability that ukrainian defense production itself will also grow, including the production of drones and ammunition, both within ukraine and in friendly neighboring countries such as poland or the czech republic. there are different ways to achieve success in ukraine. but now we are facing a particularly difficult moment, especially in the year american elections. if we can overcome this, in particular, if the us congress
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votes to allocate funds for ukraine, ukraine's prospects will only improve. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the television channel, i want to remind our television viewers that daniel frith, the former coordinator of the united states department of state for issues, is currently working for them. of sanctions policy, an american diplomat with over 40 years of experience.
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channel espresso and ukrainian pen present own names project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals, who are eight. and commenting on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. general alnur musayev, the former
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head of the committee of the national security of kazakhstan, ex-adviser on national issues security, president of kazakhstan. glory to ukraine, mr. general, salam alaikum. glory to heroes. aleikumalam. a very important story. murders of a russian defector in spain. yes, we understand that the considerable powers of the federal security service, perhaps the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, were involved, that they were able to organize something like this. there are a lot of questions as to why he went to spain. found myself and so on and so on, but i understand that it fits into certain textbook moments and accordingly i would ask you to analyze this motor case. first of all, it should be noted that kuzminov violated all elementary rules of personal safety. he didn't even violate, he gave as much information as possible in order to lose his safety and die from enemy bullets. there are several
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ways to ensure personal safety in such cases. first and foremost: the bunker method, as we call it in the special services. this method was used by putin before the hot phase of the war in ukraine in the first year of this war. this is complete concealment of your whereabouts. maximum reduction of contacts private contacts in the absence of the use of technical means of communication and all the things that completely hide a person from the outside world, this is what putin used. this method, as assessed by the special services , is practically ineffective in modern conditions. people who do not have the amount of protection that putin has, cannot use this method in
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modern conditions. but there are general rules that anyone can use. these are primarily two ways: legending one's actions, stay and contacts. and the second: complete restriction of contacts with sources with their own connections that can reveal the conditions of a person's stay. but access to a nato country, an armed group, whether they used, for example, their own, i don't know, local. first, for personal safety. we have spain, kuzminov chose not the most prosperous country , many people know about it, related criminal structures, and not only russian, but also many european ones operate there. this is a country where not only
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the special services, but also the criminal ones feel quite free. in kazakhstan, we had such a leader of a criminal group, rudy almaz, nesybai nasenov. he had a conflict not only with the law enforcement agencies of kazakhstan, but also with the soltsev group of the russian federation. and was forced to flee abroad. he chose spain. we then sent a special employee under deep cover to find a way to extradite him and thereby save his life. the employee, viktor avyarshin, whose last name can now be revealed, was next to the red diamond. but the conditions of the country.


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