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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre au. big ether. vasyl zina, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the sponsor
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of the national team represents those united by football together are stronger, well, now the funeral of oleksii navalny has ended in moscow, he was buried at the borysiv cemetery, the broadcast was introduced associated press, the coffin was lowered into the grave to... music from the song mayvey french sinatra and the melody from the movie terminator, yulia navalna, his widow, she is outside russia, well, it was not possible to drag her in, although the kremlin propagandists have already started spreading the story, as they, so to speak, promised under all guarantees and protection, well, that's all , so to speak, we understand why she did not arrive, about this and about other igor eidman, russian sociologist, political expert.
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journalist and publicist, congratulations, congratulations, igor, yes, our guest is not answering, well, we will try to restore contact with him , because we understand that the events today in moscow developed sufficiently, i would say, very quickly, because at first people came there, there were so many of them, some of them were even allowed to... where navalny was eulogized and only a few dozen of the closest people got there for a short time, but it was indicative that people came, and actually, well, there were quite a lot of people, and there were people who actually, well, chanted certain slogans, for what certain people were even tied up, we don't know how many there were, but we will actually try to find out all the details of today's event in moscow. mr. igor, can you hear us, we welcome you. well, accordingly,
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they buried alexei navalny, a victim of putin's regime, right? but the important point is that they allowed him to be buried in moscow. and accordingly, we saw that people left, as far as we understand, those whom they wanted to detain, those were detained, but almost nothing so powerful happened. yes, we hear that igor is saying something, but i don't know if there is a sound. yeah, i can't hear it, oh yeah, it's fine igor, you hear us, now i hear you, but the air is gone, yes, here, the air is here, we hope that igor edman hears us, igor is a russian sociologist who is on immigration in germany. so, let's try to analyze. what do you think will mean
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for the stability of the regime, the death of navalny and the reaction to his execution in the colony, yes , yes, let's try to recruit now, perhaps mr. igor, in order to transform the regime.
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settle this story with the translation, well in the meantime we will continue to inform you about important news, it is also necessary to understand what is currently happening in ukraine, as well as aid to ukraine, and actually. what will depend is now, actually, i'm talking about the ratings in the united states, so bloomberg did a study that actually found that biden is currently behind donald trump in all seven key states, it's arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, north carolina, nevada and wisconsin. according to the poll, a significant proportion of americans in these states ... expressed concern about biden's age, while those respondents themselves consider trump dangerous, in all seven states 48% of voters said they support trump, and 43% support biden. trump's lead is strongest in north carolina. here, he
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leads biden by 9% out of 50, compared to biden's 41%, and overall , trump maintains a 6% lead over biden in arizona. georgia and pennsylvania in the four states where biden led in the 20th year. come on, let's try to add igor eidman, a russian sociologist, political expert, to our air again. a journalist and publicist with whom we hope to talk and, in fact, i hope that we will have the opportunity to translate into ukrainian . yes, come on, let's test the technical points now, so to speak, live. so, the key question for... the sociologist who is in germany, igor, what will this funeral mean for the kremlin regime, is there a reaction to your opinion from ordinary russians, yes, and in general, your version of why the kremlin went to the execution navalny in the colony? ugh.
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yes, as if. navalny's death will not affect the transformation of the russian regime, because it will become even more brutal and even more police. there will be even greater repressions, political and...
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and that is why navalny was so cynically imprisoned and now cynically killed. i'm pretty sure it's murder. and this, too, may affect radicalization.
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i think that the killing of navalny motivates many to resist and oppose this regime by force. because there is still an opportunity, but it may end, the opportunity to go abroad to western europe. i think a lot people will choose this path, but so will many people. will become more radical against this regime, well, in any case, we understand, ihor, that the task of the kremlin is to convince any environment in the russian federation that it has no alternative. yes, we understand that putin and the kremlin will move
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in that direction, in that direction. but i was personally offended by the very clear and harsh statement of navalny's widow, yulia, who, you know, without further ado, so to speak, but... called putin a monster within the walls of the european parliament yes, and the next day there was an extremely important vote in the european parliament, and everything would be fine, except for one thing, namely the issue of recognition. the reappointment of a russian dictator in europe is most likely possible and recognized in the united states, although this should have very specific consequences, not recognizing him, but no, it seems that they recognize your opinion.
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yes, now the translation will go, well, in such, such small fragments, but it is interesting, interesting, interesting, yes, we are waiting for the translation, now a second, uncomfortable silence, well, but, but, we are trying... currently, no one in the west among the leaders of such major politicians is saying that they will not
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accept or recognize these elections. and that putin is waiting for an international court in the hague. i think after the election. political convictions will be even stronger that putin is illegitimate and not to recognize him. as a legitimate and democratically elected president. the maximum that can be, in fact, the actions of the russian authorities here, are some attempts to threaten terrorists. and continue to behave exactly in this way, in the way of a terrorist. thank you, mr. igor. igor, igor eidman, russian sociologist, political expert. the journalist and publicist was eteris press , in fact, we apologize for such a delay with
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the translation, but we are trying to work in such a way as to work for the ukrainian-speaking audience, that is, to translate russian-speaking speakers, we will now go on a break, but before that, i will remind you once again about our gathering , we need to buy 50 fpv drones, our goal is uah 800,000, so if you have the opportunity, please join our collection, bank card numbers, and also... the monobank qr code is now on your screen, so you have the opportunity to join in order to help our military. we are now going on a break, and after it we will add andrii meger to our airwaves, with whom we will talk about the restriction of foreign trips to members of the verkhovna rada, and in fact , the european parliament has already reacted to this, you will find out what they are talking about there in a few minutes. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lakalut aktiv
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how to... our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko , from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world,
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the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are now adding to our broadcast andrii magera, lawyer, constitutional law expert, deputy chairman of the central committee of ukraine in 2007-18 . glory to ukraine, mr. andrii. well, the order in our verkhovna rada seriously worried our european partners, and when we talk about yesterday's resolution of the european parliament, we understand that there were extremely many powerful formulas, but, so to speak, we understand what else the european deputies talked about a little later,
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yes, well, our deputy prime minister stefanyshina already had time to react, and of course, who, who is to blame... poroshenko, so to speak, but what is it about, about the fact that the european the deputies reacted to the fact that ukrainian deputies are not released without special permission from the head of the verkhovna rada, that is , we understand that this is a very complicated story, but it is divided into several cases, so mr. andriy, we would like to question you right away, that is, it is normal is it not normal if people's deputies have to excuse themselves in order to implement some... really important state missions, well , as far as we understand, this is possible, it should happen automatically, interstate cooperation of ukraine is not only cooperation on government line, that is, on the line of the ministry of foreign affairs, the president, the head of the government, but it is also an important, important component is interparliamentary cooperation, that is, between
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parliamentarians of ukraine and parliamentarians of foreign countries, in particular such cooperation. this, as far as i can see, was completely failed along the line ukraine-ukraine, and also thanks to such and such circumstances, when representatives of the opposition were deliberately not allowed abroad. and here we are talking, in fact, about representatives of many political forces, it is not only european solidarity, for example, petro poroshenko or oleksiy goncharenko or other people's deputies, these are also deputies from the voice of roman kostenko. were not allowed abroad, you know, and recently andrii ovsyatchuk was barely able to leave the territory of ukraine, when he was also headed not for vacation, but for an important international event in support of ukraine. that's why such things, frankly speaking, they simply disgrace the ukrainian state, such facts that are taking place, and i have the impression that some people still live by the events, messages, memes,
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even of 2019 and do not understand. it's been 5 years and the country is in a state of great, large-scale, full-scale russian aggression on the territory of ukraine, and now we are all in the same boat, and we need to get together as quickly as possible so that we can all survive together, and not search for, find out the relationships, who, to whom, how and what i liked. look, mr. andrii, i would like to focus on the actual reaction of olga stefanishyna's profile. the vice-prime minister on this, on this letter, yes, where the european commissioner will be told that the opposition is not allowed to go abroad, and actually she says that such... the opposition questions and is de facto disrupting our european integration, i would like you to explain what exactly is
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wrong in this case when the vice prime minister tries, as they say, to change concepts when she talks about the disruption of european integration, based on a letter from the opposition , which asks to release her abroad so that she can perform her functions, that is , there must be... some certain limit, and we understand that a certain limit must still be observed, well, vertical, so that the deputies must perform their functions, which the ukrainian people entrusted to them, and despite the fact that which party they belong to, they should be able to fulfill this mission of theirs, in what way can we put our european integration in jeopardy now, if we discuss specifically this, this, this, this saying of olga stefanishyna? it is worth reminding that people's deputies of ukraine, according to their function, not only carry out legislative work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine , not only participate in the control function
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of the parliament or participate in the appointment or dismissal of officials in the parliament, when similar voting. this is also an important component of the interparliamentary cooperation of people's deputies of ukraine, let's say, those people's deputies who have sufficient authority, knowledge of foreign... languages, have a sufficient level of training in jurisprudence, economics, international relations, they definitely know them, they are invited to events, well, with all my respect for the profession of photographer or actor there, but who knows about them, for example, and what is the perception of our international partners that these people have a sufficient level of training or to hold conversations on an equal footing about really important topics of support for ukraine, that is why ukraine is not being shamed... people's deputies of ukraine are being shamed by individual government officials who , frankly speaking, do not understand their place and role in the coordinate system, in a country where there is
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a parliamentary-presidential model, and where the government must be accountable to the parliament and it is definitely not for government officials to criticize members of parliament, it should be the other way around, members of parliament should follow the activities of the executive authorities and, first of all, the activities of the cabinet of ministers , and themselves... well, there is definitely something to do than to follow who, how, with with what purpose people's deputies where they go. here it is important to overturn this system of values, which for some reason is not in the right place for some people. they decided that someone is the boss for someone. well, actually, people's deputies of ukraine are the authorized representatives of the ukrainian people in the parliament. and in my opinion, from my subjective point of view, absolutely... the majority of those who go abroad for institutions, on the contrary, they bring ukraine's victory in this war closer, they do a lot for the ukrainian state. on the other hand, for people like, for example,
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novinsky, there are no questions about going abroad, he seems, if i am not mistaken, to be in the united states, he had no problems going there. well, who knows, maybe novinskyi swam across the tisza on some kind of inflatable mattress, well, for me, it's a mystery, i don't know the specifics of novinskyi's departure there, but another equally important point. because we are discussing this matter with you, but we have people's deputies, that is, they could, i don't know, during the plenary session, so speak, apply, vote for it and oblige, for example, the chairman of the verkhovna rada to review, for example, the same regime, so to speak, obtaining permits, they are currently somehow too sluggish, they are doing all this work, maybe they, well, a significant majority is it just fine or what? in my opinion, neither a decision of the parliament nor an order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada on some kind of regulatory regulation of the issues of business trips of people's deputies abroad is needed here, it should all
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happen as a matter of fact, there is an invitation from the parliament of such and such a state, personally in the name of such and such a people's deputy, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, his function is to ensure the work of deputies, he is not the head of deputies , he is the first among equals who must ensure... the proper functioning of the powers of the people's deputies themselves of ukraine and issue a travel order. this is his function at this stage, no more and no less, and it is not up to him to decide whether this deputy should go or not, he does not receive an invitation from some vacation of the united arab emirates or from the maldives, this is an official invitation from the parliament of our friendly state, or let's say from nato. from the european parliament, from other respected international institutions, there should not be any discussions at all, and no
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doubts on the part of the speaker, speaker. finally , he must understand that he is not appointed to fulfill the whims of the bank in the verkhovna rada at 5 hrushevsky street in budilla. his task is to do everything possible so that the parliament functions as efficiently as possible. see if they can in general, i don't know whether these or other delegations of people's deputies threaten or harm the interests of the bank, but we understand that there are many messengers of some kind, well, the deputies do not sit in the walls there. of the supreme council, you know , under the hood, that is, they are able to communicate and so on, why is this non-release so important, i think that there are some small, some wrong images, probably some complexes more like this, somewhere someone, maybe from a teenager he has not yet reached the age of majority and he lives with this, he has lived for 5 years and he cannot do this get rid of, that is, i do not know the rational reason for any logical explanation for this.
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i find, because there really is no harm to the ukrainian state from deputies who profess and have proven their pro-ukrainianism for many years, and we can say this about deputies from various factions, and from european solidarity, from the voice, from the homeland, many conscious deputies are from servants of the people, they are, and they all together effectively help the ukrainian state in this period. mr. andrii, look, after all this the situation with this letter to... the european commissioner was publicized, do you think, will there be any change in the policy of people's deputies' business trips after that? i would like some people to come to their senses and understand that these games are not worth playing, moreover, they are kind of passes, free passes for pro-kremlin regimes in europe, first of all, we must keep in mind mr. orbán, who only. .. it is necessary to look for
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clues every time to block the allocation of aid to ukraine, or for the approval of some decisions that ukraine desperately needs, he finds motives to block such decisions. i think that ukraine itself should not create such obstacles for its european integration. the government should still be more mature, more pro-ukrainian, pro-state, i would even say so, and not live by elections, not live by ratings. if the russian federation comes here tomorrow, the ratings will be for a united russia, there will be no voice, no european solidarity, and even less a servant of the people. everyone should understand what the ratings are for today the day must be forgotten. thank you, mr. andriy, andriy magera, lawyer, expert in constitutional law, deputy chairman of the central committee of ukraine in 2007-18, well, we
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are finishing ours little by little today. broadcasting, but i just have to quote the head of the french ministry of foreign affairs, stephane cezjournay, a rather not very pleasant statement. everything we do, says the french foreign minister, is aimed at avoiding war, and obviously not to add to the anxiety of the french, so our strategy in times of uncertainty is aimed precisely at not let russia win. the french will not die for ukraine or see combat because our borders are clearly established. to prevent russia from winning, and this is what the president of the republic said, well, in particular, it is about the prospects of expelling the relevant contingents. we will now go, as they say, to the final word, today we finish working for you, but our colleagues continue to inform you and keep you informed of all the most important things. we will see you in this studio already on monday, so we will say goodbye to you from next week
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see you at the same time, take care. yourself, and remember that if you have the opportunity, help our armed forces. 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. ukraine and the netherlands signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation in the field of security. this happened during volodymyr zelenskyi's meeting with dutch prime minister mark rutte in kharkiv. the document recorded the provision by the netherlands.


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