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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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there are some republics there, and he is afraid of nationalist hands, because of this he started the war in chechnya, but to call ukrainians nazis, i think it is childish. well, this is a statement, and it is very funny, putin, who hates nationalist, nationalism, who is a russian chauvinist, and the same nationalist who calls himself that, in principle, putin is the leader of the russian nazis, how, how is he afraid of nazism . but volodymyr, what does such a statement indicate, that this person, i mean, takira carlson, was silent for a month, here suddenly got out and started telling something like that, well, according to the cardson, it was very simple , it was clear that he was so prepared for this interview, and he was blindsided and intimidated so much that it was visible on his face when he was writing his stand-up while leaving kremlin, and they quickly got to the airport and flew away.
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it was clear that he got quite a fright in moscow, that is, he did not even expect what kind of animal environment he would have to communicate with, but we can see that he definitely received a list of taboos that cannot be, well , questions that cannot be asked to putin, and he i didn’t ask them, then it was obvious when they talk about the fact that taxon earned his millions from this... interview, it is possible that it was a little different income, and income for 200 million views, plus well on falling into such, all kinds of media trends, but the fact that after a month he began to speak like an american, and not like a waiter, putin's, that is, a person from a free society, this indicates... that the fear of moscow,
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his simply got demoralized at some point, and i just don't remember after that interview with putin, he vividly shot another interview, that is, it clearly exhausted him, twisted him and, well, morally crushed him, that he cannot come to his senses, but he, it seems to me, only now began to collect himself piece by piece and to finally try... to hear who he is, whether he is a journalist or a showman, what his new mission is, because at a certain point, well, i think that he performed a certain important service for trump, with this trip to moscow, and now , when all the burdens, both in front of trump and in front of some other environments, he dropped it so to speak, that is, it no longer burdens him, he decided to talk a little, well, i ... you know, i don't have such an optimistic
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view of this situation, because it seems to me that he actually fulfilled all the obligations that he was going there, that is, he advertised this interview as much as possible, already knowing what was said to him in it, he promoted it as much as possible, and i associate his reaction, these words of his, primarily simply with a negative reaction to the interview yu, which took place after it was shown, he saw that he even in his these games'. didn't get into the expectations, but it's interesting, wait, wait, volodymyr, it's interesting about the expectations, he actually no longer acts as a journalist, as a politician, because we all know that there are talks, maybe trump will offer him the vice presidency or some other position, and i think he is aiming for it, but the expectations of the trumpists are interesting, and from the point of view of these expectations, he probably did not hear much from putin that he would influence, well, fit into these eyes.
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because excuse me but these expectations absolutely anti-ukrainian, they sound like if there is a strong country, it can conquer neighboring, less weak ones, but let's just listen to one of the trumpists, i think these are the same beliefs that tucker carson tried to broadcast in this interview, by the way , let's see, i think it's funny for people to think that putin is such an enemy, he doesn't do anything, he just wants to take back what... was his, he invaded ukraine, killing thousands of people, i'm fine with that. yes, the fact is that tucker carson himself slandered that authoritarian leaders kill people. so. see why i am here because nothing has changed in these beliefs. he didn't come out and say that the very idea of ​​acting like a guide. and attack poland because
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she did not hand over dantsy, well, that's nonsense, he didn't say that, well, that's fine, he did , he didn't ask any sensitive questions for putin, but in fact he tried to... to play like an american patriot and he wanted to convert into something because he approached the topic several times ivan hershkovich, and it is clear that he probably expected that they would give it to him directly and say yes, you came to us so cool, we will give it to you, take it and take it, that's it, well, the point is that if putin really wants to .. trump , then we will remember, now trump says that he will establish peace between russia and ukraine within 24 hours, but when he was president, the same war was going on, the war has been going on for 10 years, why trump then
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did not do anything, and now it seems to me that it was such a certain test for putin, if putin is really... counting on trump, on trump's victory and on his participation in the break-up of ukraine, so to speak, that is, in theory, he should have putin so generously should give hershkovich away, take this ivan, take him to the united states states, this is not important to me, but then a completely different story came out, when putin wanted to exchange hershkovich for this beauty. who is a murderer from berlin, but this is german sovereignty, this is not american sovereignty, that is, to exchange hershkovich for krasikov, there is no way it didn't stick, the americans could n't put enough pressure on berlin, so
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in essence, it seems to me that this gesture was the only interesting and productive option when it was possible to tempt putin to some kind of generosity, in the end. in the end, it seems to me that really after this interview, you have to understand where, on which platform this interview was shown, on x, on twitter, there people watch for a minute at most, even read one phrase, they will not be a two-hour interview. i want to watch, just like them, well, musk too carlson promoted this topic, that they have 200 million views, 200 million clicks, yes, but to watch this shit... no one watched it, that is, it really failed, but nevertheless, here is the story that you mentioned at the end about hershkovich himself , i think that this is not even so much for putin, it should be a test, rather for trump and the trumpists, how much,
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how much they are ready to bend under putin, this is what asked them this question, and this question is actually for the same guy carlson he can't pass it, that is, it is ready to bend, judging by everything further, judging by his further comments, are phantoms for ukrainians, because ukrainians are afraid that trump will win and surrender ukraine. trump, first of all, will not be able to bring putin to any kind of peace, if he could do it, he would do it now and win the election in a landslide, trump cannot bring ukraine to peace, just give up, let's be honest, and this is the question, not that he is not. thank you, volodymyr tsibulko, for joining us, we have another guest next, but now i'm just reminding you to you again about our survey, whether
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deputies of the verkhovna rada should be restricted from working trips abroad during the war, if your answer is yes, this is 0821381, if not - 0800. 11:38 and oleg rybachuk is joining us now, right now, oh, congratulations, mr. olezh, and we are already so hot here, simply, this is a former deputy and, now, this is the head of the geocenter of joint actions, ex-vice... on issues of european integration, and actually we have already started talking about the possibilities , what the trumpists are doing, what they are ready for, what they are not ready for, i think to some extent we are let's continue this conversation with you, just a little from the other side, because there is actually some kind of strange delay with the vote for aid in
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the us congress, moreover, there was a vote for there to be some kind of special mechanism for... financing the actual budgetary there of the ministries of various budgetary organizations of the united states, which for us is a bad sign in principle, it means that the aid for... and the vote for aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan will continue to be delayed, and everything in principle on this indicates, it seems to me, and here of course, the question is, well and and and and why actually the speaker of the us house of representatives, the republican mike johnson, feels so confident and so impunity and why nothing prevents him from further delaying his voice. well, i think here, if we were to look into the soul of this mike,
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we'd see that he's a scared bunny, because actually, politically, he's probably going to go down in the history of the united states as one of the weakest speakers, his political life could end very quickly, and what would he has not made a decision, he will put it to a vote. the question of allocating aid, be it to ukraine, israel, taiwan, or separately , in any, but it is important to ukraine, if he appoints, then he is in danger of resigning, because trump opposed it and the trumpists were exposed, if he does not appoint, then he will be expelled the other part, the greater part of the republicans, who are called real conservatives there, eat. there are republicans who are associated with the politics of reagan and mccain, and
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of course the democrats. and that's why his political life is just huge a threat one of the versions, why he was very eager to go to biden, they sat there and talked one on one, they say, there could be some hope that if he put the question to the vote, and while... in this almost the majority of experts say that in this case there will be more than enough votes in the congress to vote for the provision of aid to ukraine, then in the event that the trumpists again try to make him a vote of no confidence, then the democrats will not support them, or a part of the democrats will not support them, and thus it can be preserved in this seat due to the support of the democrats, but this is already a huge advantage... they have elections in the fall, he will have to go for
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re-election and he will go for re-election as a congressman, and then, in the event that trump wins or trump does not win, he will have almost negligible chances of getting into the congress again, so you can't envy his position, ugh, that is, his position is in principle so absolutely hideous, let's put it bluntly, but there is another one, well, like a side of all this. process, it also became known that the administration of us president john biden as if there is a plan to help ukraine with weapons right now, without waiting for congress to approve this $60 billion aid. because earlier it was reported that the us department of defense still has about $4 billion in the presidential powers fund, which is available to ukraine all this time, and are and were. but the us ministry of defense for some, well , frankly, inexplicable, deep reason does not
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use these 4 billion, and it seems to argue that if the weapons are withdrawn now, there is no certainty that something will be allocated, which later will replenish weapons in warehouses, and this, you know, this is really a very strange and incomprehensible motivation here in ukraine, that... that it is necessary to keep the warehouses filled, not to take them out, waiting for something, explain to me this incomprehensible behavior, and what can be done at all, in order to somehow remove this fear in front of slightly less replenished troops from the ministry of defense of the united states, well, if, and if putin attacks, it is the united states, you are in alaska, probably it is also in scholz’s, in many countries that i every time when i hear that... no, no, we can't give it, it's good that denmark is so, well, really, challenged all
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these countries, saying that we give all the weapons, because we understand the importance, but here the first thing is, it's not, no, it not the pentagon, you understand that this is a language, formally the owner of the funds is the pentagon, the ministry of defense, but the decision is made by the biden administration, why, and about this, this is not a new story, it was said there, you remember, they are in ... at one time they found some additional four or six billions there, which turned out to be in as a result of the fact that something was miscalculated, but i always said that the pentagon has a... well, there is no such situation that the pentagon and the president of the united states can make a decision to provide this or that assistance, it depends only on the congress. the american president always has an opportunity if he has the political will, and the pentagon
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can always screw something up. and they talked about these 4 billion for a long time, you are telling the truth, but i... tend to think that this is the way, and why this topic was brought up again, it arose there in the fall, when the funding period was already ending there and the americans said that, yes, maybe, but it is on the extreme, that is, it is already a nz, that is, if at all it will be bad, but - why do they do it, well , it's a form of pressure now on and so this stretch, melt like... you know, like it, like it's chicken, tobacco, yes, this is georgian, when they splash you, so johnson now to me reminds me, this is a chicken that was simply put in a frying pan and pressured from all sides, and it is actually him cannot but put it to a vote, cannot put it to a vote, and the american administration is simply increasing the pressure, and including this is also a form of pressure, but simply, what
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strikes us as ukrainians in this is that it looks very cynical to us, they... every day they talk about support, they talk about the fact that we see the price paid by ukrainians, we see this price, we see what is being done to our armed forces, but there are things that even they do not recognize, i think that they could and, i do not rule out that it happens, they could give weapons , artillery shells, in particular, not particularly advertising, but it's like a sick person on a drip, you know, it's to support life, so... so the big hope is that next week, they're back now, and so far, the congressmen have rested for a couple of weeks, and now they are starting to consider the budget, and you said that this is very good for us, they must first approve the federal budget, because without the federal budget , part of the support for ukraine cannot be included, and then they somewhere next week there is a good chance that
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they will still be forced to put this to a vote. some resolution, there are two options of 60 or so billions, a resolution that was approved by the senate, then there is some such, well , the second option that arose there, as a compromise between congressmen, from which 12 billions of economic aid was taken, and and and, and maybe there will be another option, for us it is important that it be done as soon as possible, but even with realistic forecasts. it will take at least a month as soon as possible, and then, by the way, this possibility of biden and the pentagon, when a decision is made, they may not wait until everything works there politically, but may already then give certain tranches of aid at the expense of this special fund of the president of the united states, which is at
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the disposal of the pentagon, uh, well, i understand, that is, this is the way, to increase pressure, why give a little and so that everything remains in order, when you can provoke a big crisis, so that later with this crisis you can pressurize and get not 4 billion, but 60. well, it’s clear, well , somewhere, somewhere yes, somewhere yes, but here certainly an interesting story, what are we doing now have already lost a widow, we have enormous pressure along the entire front line, everyone understands, well, even the western media already understand, and some observers, that... ukraine's failures at the front are completely due to the fact that there are not enough weapons, but only this factor, that's why that planes are not shot down , enough russians are not destroyed, manpower is not destroyed , because there is nothing, just no artillery shells, many different stories, and
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from this point of view it will of course also have a strong enough impact, and in principle i see that it it even affected ours a little such... some allies who looked at this incomprehensible situation in the united states, if this situation has arisen now under biden, then what can happen if, god forbid, trump is elected? and then everyone cheered up, well, they cheered up, because french president emmanuel macron received the leaders of 20 countries, where they talked precisely about supporting ukraine, about how they could be armed. first of all, to provide support, and there president macron said that it is possible that we are talking about sending some military personnel. directly, then the debate began, on the one hand, there were several statements, including stoltenberg, of the poles that this could not happen, on the other hand, maja kalas said that no, it
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could be, after which macron again declared and said , that no, it wasn't a mistake, that's how he talked about it, let's see what he said, verbatim here is this very quote, he said this way that every word that i say on this subject is considered, thought out and considered , said... he, when the first series, let's say, discussion, and with for her part, estonian prime minister kaya kalas also stated that, after all, western leaders should not rule out the possibility of sending ground troops to ukraine, as this would be a defensive reaction. let's see her statement as well. russia wants to intimidate me and estonia and thus force us to abstain from the resolution. ukraine, western unity, everything that annoys them very much, but i am convinced that we should not be afraid, and we should not refrain
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from making such decisions, because this is exactly what terrorists want, and that's how they operate, they want to see our fear, and the only answer is that we are not afraid, we are doing the right thing, these statements of ground forces and all this discussion. what does it mean, is it some kind of rate hike, is it some kind of subtle message, what is it anyway? well, first of all, i welcome such a discussion, it stirs up this quagmire, which was formed during two years of war, which infuriates us, when last year's financial support there was for... less than in a year there the 23rd, for the first war year, by 90%. our defense minister said that even out of those contracts that were
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already, you know, so concrete, we got half of the weapons very late, and some still haven't, so the situation was, well , just terrible, and what happened, you said , which had a certain influence there, the situation in america is not certain. it had such a cold shower effect, and for the first time the europeans understood what we were talking about from the very beginning, trump with his rhetoric, and the trumpists who say, oh my god, why is this for us and ukraine, and europe, to hell with it, let them sort themselves out there, the europeans just understand that ukraine is europe, and the war is going on on the european continent, and if formally there in america from time to time they exist. the tendency of the presidents, who say that they should take care of themselves and not look beyond the borders of the continent, the europeans understand that the fate
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of their continent is what is happening in ukraine, and the result of the war in ukraine has a colossal, direct impact on the future of the continent, and that's why the politicians are european, even the same scholz that we are now we are snoring again, and it is for what, he called on the european... leaders to wake up and significantly increase the allocation of funds for defense, and germany became second only to the united states, and in general, collective europe speaks almost in unison about what needs to be compensated or minimized the risks that have arisen in connection with the delay in support of the united states to ukraine, and in general europeans have begun to talk about the importance of... the need for much less dependence, defense or security of europe on whoever is going to be president in america, which
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there, a wasp will bite the speaker of the congress for what , they don’t want to be dependent, and they began to change their attitude dramatically, and here is macron, because france, let’s ask france, we just ran out of time, absolutely, i’m sorry, thank you very much oleg rybachuk, my in my opinion, this was a good statement by macron, but it would be even better if they started giving us russian assets and on time bought shells that they could buy outside of the european union. there are discounts on voltaren forte of 20% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on combi mushroom hotsyp, 20% in plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends.
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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it is the news that will analyze the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 5:10 p.m. espresso. we continue the verdict, now we have a journalism club and... we will discuss such topics. objects of influence. ukrainian intelligence has a list of those involved in the kremlin's "maidan-3" plan. why hasn't the name been made public yet? readiness for negotiations and nuclear threats. putin's speech contained many contradictions, which message the russian dictator wanted to send to the world.
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indiscriminate volume. restrictions on political activity. the european parliament is concerned that some people's deputies are not allowed abroad. are such time restrictions necessary? war? and i remind you of our poll on whether deputies of the verkhovna rada should be restricted from working trips abroad during the war. if your answer is yes, call 0821381, if not - 08021382. well, everyone, all calls are free , of course, and colleagues have joined us, these are our wonderful journalists, oleksiy mustafin, journalist, historian, publicist, media manager, congratulations oleksia, good evening, larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychology, good evening, larisa, congratulations, and serhii garma, journalist, analyst, president of the center
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of research on social... prospects of donbas. i congratulate sergey. good evening. well, actually, let's start right away, try to answer this question that we keep asking. should deputies of the verkhovna rada limit foreign trains during the war, and in general, what does this whole story with controversies surrounding these trips mean? let 's probably start with oleksiy. please, oleksiy, your opinion is, of course, to say that... deputies, like any citizens of ukraine, should be completely free in their movements during the war, say you can’t, because you know, we had experience, the war started in the 14th year, and we have representatives of a wonderful faction, known to everyone, went to moscow, in fact, if you do not coordinate with the leadership of the verkhovna rada of the trip, that is, it turns out that they too ...


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