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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. ulyana pnasyuk works at the espresso studio in ukraine at 2 p.m. congratulations. the enemy attacked kupyansk in kharkiv oblast. a 55-year-old volunteer was seriously injured, the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, said. the rashists also chased her around the village of liptsi. residential buildings and cars were damaged there. previously, the occupiers fired at the territory with a s-300 missile. two women were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol and.
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of the chervonogrihoriv community in the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region, serhii lysak, announced this. the russians hit the region with artillery. as a result of the attack , a fire broke out in the cafe. emergency services are on site. a fourth body was pulled out from under the rubble of a destroyed building in odessa. among the dead was one child, eight people were injured. in particular, a pregnant woman and a three-year-old boy were injured, the regional military said. administration one of the drones completely destroyed the entrance of a nine-story building. they continue under the rubble look for people more details in the plot. at night , a russian drone completely destroyed one of the entrances of this nine-story building. 18 apartments were destroyed. while the emergency workers are sorting through the ruins, the rescued hope for a miracle that their relatives or neighbors will be pulled out from under the rubble alive. the husband and the baby, the older
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daughter, they made it, they were in the other room and they're alive and well, and they were sleeping in the other room in their bedroom, and unfortunately they're down there. it adds hope that around 9 a.m. the emergency workers managed to free one of the residents of the building from under the rubble, he alive and conscious, he was hiding in the basement at the time of the drone strike, which saved the odessa citizen. debris clearance continues. russian terrorists attacked odesa with eight rockets from the black sea. our air defense forces repelled the attack for more than an hour. the whole route was laid out so that these shaheds could hit the ... high-rise buildings, this is a really
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densely populated residential area of ​​our city, the tactics were familiar, again from the sea, as they say, they rose, flew above the water surface so that there was less time on to destroy them, it's all the same, i think the result is quite good, to say the least, because out of eight amikaze drones, seven were destroyed by air defense forces, mobile fire groups, unfortunately, this study, now missing.. 12 people, including four children, are considered to be indicted, the prosecutor general of ukraine, andriy kostin, said. in addition to the destroyed nine-story building, utility networks and the boiler house were damaged, and nearby houses were disconnected from heating. part of the kha-101 missile was found in a field in vinnytsia region, the regional office reported about it police as a result of falling into pieces, the rockets scattered in a radius of 200 m. the main part did not detonate. however, posed a threat,
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after an examination, explosives experts neutralized the fragments of the rocket. at least three more k-52 attack helicopters were damaged in the temporarily occupied crimea. during yesterday's attack, the air base of the russian army near simferopol was hit. there is also a secret facility in sevastopol, russian publications write. there is also information about a possible damage to the fighter and casualties. officers in addition, propagandist publications report that in a drone crashed into a house in st. petersburg. residents of piskarevsky prospect allegedly heard the sound of a motor in the sky, and then saw a bright flash. debris fell next to the house. six people sought medical help, one woman was hospitalized, the propaganda media reported. a hundred people were evacuated. it is assumed that the target of the drone was the ruchi oil depot. which is
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located nearby. every day, border guards detain up to 25 men who try to flee ukraine illegally. this was announced by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. border guards patrol the ukrainian-romanian border with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, camera traps and patrol dogs. our correspondents will tell you how the border defense was strengthened. in these shots, men who tried to illegally enter romania were detained by transcarpathian border guards, thanks to a patrol helicopter, some conscripted citizens are trying to illegally leave ukraine. with forged documents through official checkpoints, but are more popular cases on the green area of ​​the border. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border , there are border guards that protect the state border, in the most dangerous directions, detained by the forces
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of the border guard. the border guards of the hrushevo branch guard the ukrainian-romanian border 24 hours a day, and every week they stop men trying to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold at this time of the year, and the plus to the bank of the romanian side is about 30-35 m, the current is very strong and unpredictable. the most common cases are that with the help of a wetsuit they put on, so that it is not so cold, inflatable circles, children's inflatable sleeves, mattresses, boats. at the entrance to the border zone, 70% of men are stopped at checkpoints. who are trying to leave ukraine illegally, spokeswoman of the mukachevo border detachment, lesya fedorova, said. to stop the flow of illegal migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border. we use both manned aircraft and drones. in addition, we
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strengthened the engineering barriers on the state road border, we also actively use it. and they show themselves very well with camera traps, as well as the installation of bispectral surveillance cameras, the uav operator oleg ihrak launches a drone into the sky, from a bird’s eye view, the border guard detects potential violators, for example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with a thermal camera, she sees and can see through trees, through branches, after delays. violators are taken to the department of inspectors of the state border service, men often flee abroad the so-called forwarders help. in the past year alone, border guards detained almost 60 such dealers, prices for their services start from 4.5 thousand dollars and up to 900
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greens. shippers themselves usually try not to contact their clients, because an attempt to illegally cross the border entails administrative responsibility, and as for... it is the organization of such illegal shipments, they incur criminal responsibility. since the beginning of the great war , 24 cases have been recorded in transcarpathia alone deaths of men who tried to illegally cross the state border, so border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. the press continues with... on fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state border special transport service. cypriot soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications
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and manpower. so we have a goal to collect 1 million hryvnias on a floating charge. more than uah 700,000 have already been collected, and there is very little left. so, let's donate together and accelerate our victory. that's all i have, but the espresso broadcast continues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the broadcast, stay with espresso. today near odesa , drones attacked a residential building in the early hours of the night, work is still ongoing, but we already know that there are four dead, among them a three-month-old child . mourning has been declared in the city, that is why we need to give
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an adequate response to the enemy, and each of us can actually participate in this , you do you remember that we are collecting combat fpv drones for our defenders for the 81st separate aeromobile brigade, they are currently working near belogorivka, luhansk region. uah 800,000 need to be collected, here are the details, and this is what these combat fpv drones look like on... at this moment uah 378,790 , almost half of the amount has already been accumulated in the account, and anyone who was with us in the morning knows that roman and i would very much we wanted to collect half of the required amount by the end of the day today, there are 22 not quite a thousand left, and we know that you can do it, well, you you continue to report, and we continue to collect the opinions of our guests for you, and in connection with our studio... military expert in the past regiments, colonel of the sbu, mykhailo prytula, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you,
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congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, sir mykhailo, let's start with the spies first, because we really want to understand how the security service of ukraine should have reported to the society about two cases, after wagnergate, when the kgb of belarus received information about shvedesenk. and then transferred the wagnerites back to fesbeshniki in moscow, a lot has passed since that time , there are already many opportunities to find out the spy, but now kyrylo budanok, the head of intelligence, tells us: "we have confirmation that the plans for the counteroffensive were in moscow even before the counteroffensive began, and there and there is a case about spies, about individual spies , by the forces of special operations, then we will talk a little later, but first, why do we not know that
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the next counteroffensive will not lie in the kremlin before it begins there this year or next year, well, there is no such guarantee in general, in principle, because we do not know at what level spies can be spies, we see that the security service of ukraine regularly extracts informants, well, spies, let's say that, and moreover, i am sure that they are in state authorities, but look, mr. mikhail
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, when you talk about a counteroffensive, the counteroffensive plan is being developed at the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief, and there , for sure, the fingers on the rutius are pressing people, and everyone knows each other, that is, everyone knows, is it so difficult, is it so difficult from such a small group of people to check and give us an answer after so many years, so who is talking about it? well, i could have called these surnames live, on the air, because sometimes the past of people, it shapes their future and ours and our present, but unfortunately, well, it would not be very appropriate, let's say so, but the question is , who is checking and how they will be checked, the only question is this, huh. it's simple, why are we asking about it so much, because we found out about the counter-offensive, that it was as if
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they had already officially announced that, that there were all these plans are on the table in the kremlin, a few days ago we learned about a new tragedy, when our guys from the special operations forces were actually handed over, they were already waiting, they were waiting, they were, well, they were just aiming for them, because we knew that they would be there when they will, as it will all happen. and the question now is whether all subsequent plans, all subsequent counteroffensive plans, as well as any hostilities, will not be leaked to someone somewhere and will not be waited for. well, parallel to this is the history of defense structures and fortifications buildings, when we see that the russians have been temporarily occupied for another 10 years in the two years since they invaded our territory, a little further than donetsk and luhansk regions. that's why they immediately started building all these structures, for a long time, not much
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happened in our country, and now we see that the defenders are retreating and immediately have to dig in themselves along the way, isn't this also part of some such one campaign, on the one hand, we surrender positions, on the other hand , we do nothing to hold them, friends, well, a very delicate question, excuse me, well... there are spies everywhere, there are, in addition, there are analysts from one side, from the other, who analyze, act and teach. plans, as if this plan was written right in front of their eyes, in the same way we look at the actions taken by the opponents, at the smallest movements, and we understand what they will do, only based on such side situations, with lateral movements, and we see that this is happening quite,
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well, actively, well, the question is for the president, who knew about what... would be, who had access to that plan, what plan was on the table, the one that was made by analysts side effects, or the one who was really there with the secrets , who was on the president's desk, who had access to this plan, these are simple things, each familiarization with the plan must be signed, the person on the back of any document, if it is of particular importance documents must write down what he got acquainted with and when, whether these requirements of the secrecy regime were fulfilled or not, if not, whether through whom he passed, that is, all these things, they are determined within one day, in one word, within one day it is possible to establish the entire chain because because all x, as they say, moves are recorded, fixed, within 10 minutes, it is clear, that is, where he, this
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chain is not, should not go next time, that is. we can safely ask mr. malyuk why we don't know about the arrest of spies, and the same can be asked by the parliamentary committee on defense and intelligence, that's right, if an appropriate parliamentary commission of inquiry, commission of inquiry, temporary commission of inquiry is created, it should the authority to climb anywhere, if they have the appropriate permits, mr. mykhailo, here is a very interesting detective story the story in which you are now involved, including... and the special services of germany , a recording of an alleged telephone conversation appeared on the eve of the german military talking about the possibility of using the taurus to destroy the illegal crimean bridge, we see that in germany they have already started checking that it?
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friends, we live in an electronic world in which intelligence and... surveillance systems operate and are sophisticated enough to intercept almost any e-e conversation, and there is also information , which corresponds to reality, and which they specially make a drain in order to ventilate the channels of communication and the channels of leaking information, that is, for example, a fake conversation was made about such a sensitive topic. it is expected when it will appear , then it is checked whether the channel is connected or not , well, of course, the topic is quite active and two people talked there, the topic comes up, yes, that is, we understand correctly, mr. mykhailo, this is a fake conversation, it is a false one a conversation, maybe real, maybe fake, that is, these are such dandy games that no one knows who is who, i
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, roman, will give you one last name in private, you you will understand what we are talking about. and then you, well, you and i simply cannot check all the sources of information and all the motivations for actions, well, that is, there can be such a game, well, for example, we need to find a crook there in the administration, in the office of the president or in the cabinet of ministers or in the committee of the verkhovna rada issues of security and defense, is launched, for example, a piece of paper with some very seemingly secret text. but which has all the details, in fact it is a fake document and it is expected where it will appear, in what way, the sources of technical receipt can also be checked information and so on and so on, that is, all these are games, its intelligence and counter-development, and we observe them almost almost online, and we do not, we do not think, but where did it all come from, but how does it
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happen, when budanov says something, then this does not mean that it corresponds to... 100% reality, but you have to think about why he said it, and whether it is not about whether it is true or not, and why he said it, unfortunately, sometimes such things happen events, as we have now seen the death of our military, when the battle of information, and indeed ours died, but how how was this information received by the enemy, or is it satellite surveillance? was it information that was obtained at the expense of radio-intelligence, or was it intelligence data, because agents, agents, for example, there one said one thing, the other said about... the analyst who is sitting on the other side of the border, he is drawing an elephant for himself , that is, he understands what we are talking about, although none of these
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agents had complete information, that is, based on the mosaic data, he can get absolute information, mr. mykhailo, you, as a veteran of the sbu, are not interested in the question of why our is kyrylo budanov a publicity champion among specialists? why? i understand why he does it, absolutely, i don't see any problems here at all, that is, he uses this channel in this way for his game, his work, as information, disinformation, maybe communication even with agents, who knows, that is friends, this is not a bad thing, because it is actually a job, one of the intelligence jobs, and well, for example, budanov goes on the air and is silent. without seeming to have said anything, the enemy begins to sound the alarm, begins to turn on all means of control, to communicate with agents and ask what happened, these channels
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are intercepted, that is, it seems that nothing happened, the shack kept quiet for a while, but intelligence was activated and some channel of information leakage was discovered, if a channel of information leakage is discovered, it does not mean that the security service of ukraine should react immediately, for example, such a classic example, great britain during the second world war acquired an enigma, this is an encryption machine, and made a system that deciphered the communication channel of fascist germany with its submarines, with troops, with aviation and so on. and well, for example, there was an airstrike. the command knew in advance that such a raid would happen, but had no right to warn its own. air defense units in advance, because otherwise the nibs would have known that their communication channel was fuel, and they allowed the processes to go on as if they
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did not know anything, in order to keep this secret until the end of the war and win, i.e. friends, who is who we do not know, for example, the soviet intelligence officer kim philby was in charge of british intelligence against the soviet union. classic situation sir mikhail, one more question, we have literally two minutes, we understand that the russians constantly declare that they will advance their lands and so on, we understand all their rhetoric, but intelligence and sources of the western media often report on several of their goals, they are constantly talking about kharkiv, about kyiv, that they have not gotten rid of this stupid idea, and about odesa, can we hint... that they are really interested in these routes, and in particular the south, because here and transnistria began to ask for some kind of protection , well, we remember
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two years ago, it was really very scary to watch how they were suddenly advancing in the ukrainian direction in the direction of odesa, and it is good that they were stopped in time, can we say that we will be ready to meet in any case and not let them go, who instructed you to do this admit? intelligence sometimes uses very beautiful women to get information. this is the question, how will we defend kyiv, ode our party. i am not asking how we will defend, whether we are ready to stop, prevent, but in your opinion. i think that are ready i think that all the enemy's plans are completely clear to our analysts. well, it's clear what they wanted, what they want there, how they plan, it's clear, potential. actions of the enemy , i.e., a very simple formula is used in the analysis: the enemy uses all the possibilities that he has, and here and there there is a threshold for the use of certain
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types of weapons and this threshold, which will be not, well, impunity for them, the most impunity situation for them will be, it will demobilize the large russian army, and here we see that putin already yesterday signed a decree there about what... call for a meeting of reserves, this is the first swallow, then they will develop this situation, they will form a large, large mobilization, i think that somewhere at the beginning of may, in the second half of may, why then, because they do not need to be dressed in winter uniform clothing, very simple, you don't need to burn fuel to keep them warm, and thus, the warmer it is, the more green will appear, the more opportunities they will have to mobilize the army somewhere... will they go south hardly , because it is very difficult there, will they leave transnistria, it is difficult to explain to the transnistrians who live there, who
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for 30 years have not... fought all day and did nothing, grew up on free food from moscow, that they have to go and fight for this food, they will say, guys, well, there is nowhere to go and they will pretend, well, people , there is only one moment left, people are busy with business, someone is involved in drug trafficking, someone is working on the contrabass , there is somewhere to go to fight, the vinogori are playing the contrabass, well, there is a penyayak and so on, well, that is understandable things, yes , mr. mykhailo, thank you for... answering to our questions, now that you have answered our questions, we now have a bucket and a few more questions for mr. malyuk, the head of the sbu, but that is how it should be logically. mykhailo prytula, military expert and veteran, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, answered our questions. now we have a short break, and then we will talk about the south, actually about the new details of the night attack by shaheds on odeshchyna, stay with us in a few minutes.
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drones on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10. on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. thanks for the espresso. if you see the qr code and card number on the screen, then...


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