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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EET

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this instability, it also works against maysand, the elections that are planned in the fall and and and and against this and against the referendum, yes thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro levus, political scientist inter-ordinary expert on transnistria was in our program, now there will be news performed by ulyana panasiuk, and then there will be mykola veresen again, but now watch and listen to ms. ulyana, thank you mykola. i will tell you in detail about the consequences of russian attacks on ukraine, do not skip over.
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let's start with operational information, we are already talking about seven dead people, they have been found under the rubble of a destroyed building in odessa. rescuers recovered two more bodies. among the victims is a child, eight people were injured. in particular , a pregnant woman and three three-year-old boys were injured, the state emergency service reported. one of the drones completely destroyed the entrance of a nine-story building under rubble, they continue. to look for people, one person also died due to the artillery shelling of primorsky in zaporizhzhia, residential buildings were also damaged there, informed the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, the total number of. objects are still being specified.
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and during the day , 53 combat encounters with the enemy took place in the tavria direction. our soldiers eliminated 336 occupiers and turned into scrap 38 units of military equipment, including four tanks, 12 armored combat vehicles, six art systems, four air defense vehicles, 10 vehicles and a unit of special equipment, said the commander of the tavria troops group oleksandr tarnavskyi. the armed forces were also destroyed. 258 drones and three warehouses of enemy ammunition. olaf scholz confirmed the authenticity of what was published by the russians by propagandists of the audio recording of german officers' conversations about ukraine. the chancellor of germany called the incident a serious leak and promised to provide an explanation - the german publication dpa reported. let me remind you that yesterday russian propagandists published an audio recording in the network where german servicemen of the bundessphere. discussed, in particular, enemy targets
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that ukraine could destroy with the help of taurus missiles, in particular , the crimean bridge, which is strategically important for the russian occupiers. what was reported there is very serious case, and therefore we will conduct a very thorough investigation, very intensively and very quickly, it is necessary. 14 planes in... 14 days the air force has calculated the cost of downed planes in these two weeks. so, the occupiers suffered losses of one billion 100 million dollars. i note that the cost of the su-34 fighter is approximately 50 million dollars, the su-35 bomber is twice as much. and the air command post of long-range aerial reconnaissance a50 drew as much as 350 million. in general, our defenders on... shot down 10 su-34,
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2 su-35 and 1 a50 and the following will be: dry cargo the rubimar, which was attacked by the yemeni houthis, sank in the red sea, the ship was transporting 41 thousand tons of chemical fertilizers, the satellite images of maxsar technologies show an oil slick stretching to a distance of 29 km. the trident is safe. a ukrainian coat of arms made from destroyed enemy equipment was hidden in kherson. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the trident stood at the memorial to the heroes of the heavenly hundred when russian shells often flew by. so, for security reasons, the monument was temporarily removed. still at the stage the installation of the structure, when gokkars workers were doing welding work, a drone was hanging above it, after which the enemy began
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to target this perimeter of the park. shelling was conducted several times, so we decided to temporarily move the monument. there is no treason in this, because first of all it was done for the safety of the residents of the surrounding houses, as well as in order to preserve it for the citizens of kherson, who will later return to their hometown. the first pulmonary hypertension center in the western regions of ukraine was opened in lviv. how dangerous is this petology and where small patients will be accepted, our correspondents found out. the doctors did not give any chance for the life of this three-year-old boy. oksana from lviv gave birth to bohdanchyk prematurely, his lungs were filled with water, at five months the baby was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.
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the disease is extremely rare and the disease itself is incurable. hypertension, especially if it is not diagnosed in time, can kill children. you understand, but we, he says, were diagnosed in time, or took medicine, followed the instructions, followed the instructions and lived, we are happy with this disease , the blood vessels in the lungs are strongly narrowed, due to which a person does not have enough oxygen. after climbing the stairs, she may begin to suffocate. most often, the disease is diagnosed in the late stages, when the heart rhythm is already disturbed, seizures occur, and the lungs swell. provided timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the child has a chance for life. gradually, for the first time, the deafness disappeared completely, dissolved, the blood poured out, he began to walk, that is, about six months ago, he began to walk, now he is walking, running, he began to assemble toys, in
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he's a logical mesok, he's developing, he's quite so interesting, he's always interested in moving, and the pressure started to drop from 120, dropped to 40. doctors who diagnose such a pathology. there are not many in ukraine. the center for pulmonary hypertension in lviv already operates on the basis of the children's cardiac surgery department of st. nicholas hospital, because it is cardiologists who work with patients with this diagnosis. with the help of echocardiography, doctors can establish the causes of the diagnosis and monitor the course of the pathology. we have an echo machine for echocardiography, which we can actually examine child for availability. this, and also due to such auxiliary indicators, we can also measure the pressure in the pulmonary artery in order to understand whether it is high or low. the creation of such a center was initiated by oksana kushnir, a representative of sister dalila's charitable foundation. the woman was born with
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a congenital heart defect, which caused the pathology of pulmonary hypertension. now she dreams that the lives of children with similar pathologies will become better. that's why i lived with chronic hypertension all my life. increased, increased, increased, and actually already i became inoperable, and now i take expensive drugs, which cost the state much more, that is, but if the state helps, for example, the functioning of this center as well, and children are diagnosed on time, treated on time, then in the future the quality of life of such patients will be much better , longer, better quality. in the center, children with pelvic hypertension are ready to provide both outpatient and inpatient care, doctors of various specializations will work with patients, and together they will select the appropriate treatment, taking into account the main diagnosis a child who, upon initial admission, may not have qualified for radical surgery, over time, having undergone certain medical treatment,
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sometimes palliative surgical care, may qualify for radical surgical treatment in the future after a certain period of time. on the basis of the center , an educational hub for doctors will also be launched to teach. timely diagnosis of pathology and quality treatment of patients. defects in diagnosis and defects in observation are one of the main reasons why such patients appear in general. and that place, it was created in order , firstly, to prevent the appearance of new such patients, that is, to diagnose ship defects in time, accordingly, children can receive surgical treatment and we give energy, claims, a chance for development. this center is ready to accept little ones. patients from all over ukraine. according to official data, 11 children with a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension currently live in lviv region, 117 throughout the country, but doctors say that in reality there are many more, but not diagnosed. natalya stare pravo, vitaly kolekha,
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espresso tv channel. and we continue collecting fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan, state special. transport services. cypriot soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and. manpower, so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. there are already more than 700 thousand hryvnias in the accounts. so let's donate together and accelerate our victory. you can always find more news on espresso tv, my colleagues work there around the clock. the most important information is in a summary on the telegram channel espresso tv and on social networks, facebook, instagram and twitter. become our readers. and stay with the ukrainian view of the world,
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stronger together, two hours to learn about war and how the world lives, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening over espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, war. to whom in the east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to do. let's fight, let's win, help understand the present and predict the future,
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the second trump presidency will be terrible for the world. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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and good health again, my name is mykola veresen, we will be with you until 7 p.m., i.e. we have 45 minutes left, in just that time we will have time to discuss many topics without... russia has nowhere to go, how can we do without russia? roman tsymbalyuk, journalist, former correspondent of the union agency of russia, a real expert on russia, because he lived in moscow, the last time i was probably in 2000 or so. i was in moscow last year, so i don't know what 's going on there, i'm watching what they say and write. good health, mr. roman, thank you for joining our broadcast, thank you very much. and the first question is so philosophical, i would say: putin's russia or putin is russian? this is a very important component, i think, because a lot of russians themselves, even liberal ones, say that this is putin's
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russia, that is, we, we, we have nothing to do with it, we just stand on the sidelines, and that's all he is. or maybe he is just a product of russia, that is, putin is russian, that's how i would say it, what do you say? congratulations mykola, well, without russia, we will not get anywhere, at least for now, until no one has reset this state, and this factor, the factor of constant threat, must be taken into account not only for us, but in it seems to us with understanding that everything is fine here, and also to our western partners, what you are asking is that... which came first, the chicken or the egg, in fact here, in the same way that this nazi state and such a fascist population or putin came first, it means that it is clear that nothing is taken from the void, and
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it seems to me that vladimir putin has had the opportunity to somehow follow a different path in 24 years. but he chose such that they enjoy killing us, and they really enjoy announcing for four seconds a moment of silence regarding their murdered , as for the russian liberals, well , you see, they have such a job, they cannot give an honest answer to this question, because then scholz, macron, will not give them money, but will save more for... for us, because this idea that there is some part of russian society that is against the war, it's cool, and it's actually true, there are some people in russia that are against the war, they have one little, little flaw, they in no way affect what happens there, most of them from
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them in emigration, there they are either silent , well, actually the story itself is from the shame of the nominal, it actually... and shows that yes, there are such people, they are a minority, and they cannot do anything, well, to a certain extent, and this helplessness, it seems to me that it makes me angry, because you probably heard, mykola, how they chanted, ukrainians are good people, they chanted at funerals, they did it en masse, at night they killed five children in odesa, russians, that is, do we need this characteristic whether we are good or bad, i am not sure, because you see, we are here they showed the footage, now you just mentioned mr. navalny, i want to return to him later, more precisely, not to him, but to her, already to navalny, but there was a great speech by putin, in which he said that the armor plate is a quote, russian songs, we will be here,
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we are very strong, but strangely enough, he gave greatness'. attention to the social problems of russia and said that we will build here, and we will do it here, and it will be beautiful here, and someone calculated that all this together is somewhere around 130 billion, well, there is no such money in russia and it will never happen, but if he promised everyone, the russians would believe again, the russians would say again, oh, they told us that they would build toilets and schools, and there would be two schools each. subject of the federation, as far as i remember, i would count, count, there are about 75-85 and 150 schools there in 10 years, that is, such a huge russia will build as many as two schools per subject, as far as russians will believe this is another time, well, here we still need to decide on the terms, they are going to spend not
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billions, trillions, that is, the amount is huge and... actually it was interesting to listen to it in what context, here the main conclusion must be drawn, which means putin's message, it is divided into two parts, it is war, death, death and death, this is the first part, it was the first and main , and the second part, you can tentatively call it demography, and demography also complements the war in the first place, soldiers are needed, soldiers, this is living meat, well , temporarily living, which will perform these insane tasks without... invasion, because when, when putin spoke, his soldiers were very bright burning, dying, well, just like any other day, as far as... these promises, well, you know, they, it's, it's a ritual, they have nothing to do with it, there, you know, as we speak about russian schools , we must remember our own, look, i, for example,
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never thought that ukrainian schools were, especially in the east and south, in such a wonderful condition, with me mariupol, other cities, just remember the cadres of destroyed ukrainian schools , and... all of them after a major repair , there are double-glazed windows everywhere, i have never heard of that we had a massive problem, the lack of toilets in schools, that is, our schools are ukrainian, they were all put in order over the years, we had a state program, apparently there is a state program, and no one somehow paid attention to it , in fact, well, schools and schools, toilets and toilets, and in a different way, but that's the same... here they like to compare, so it's interesting that everything is very, very good here, it applies to hospitals, not everywhere, but in the east so precisely, so there, among other things, putin said,
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that they need to be overhauled, attention 18,500 schools, this number sounded, i listened to it personally and wrote it all down to myself, and i also had this thought, well, if dude, this king, neda king, mannichela, he... for how long for 24 years, he hasn’t found time to overhaul schools, so he probably just isn’t up to it, so what he promised there doesn’t matter, it just doesn’t matter, because this is the second part, they ’re not that bad there, well these are schools that have been renovated, and many of them are social achievements, but we understand this and they understand that this is... the secondary, first, first question is the war, and the answer is when this whole, excuse me, bloody war will end, and this question is
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being asked in russian society to one degree or another , he decided not to answer him, that is why this is a social block, well listen, okay, mr. roman, now an important question for navalny, if it is obvious, of course, she lost her husband, husband, there is absolutely nothing to talk about here, yes, he is not was not as pro-ukrainian as many ukrainians would like, but such which already exists, you know, and in one of the speeches that were made after his death, after his murder, after his death, there was quite such an interesting thought, which surprised me a little, if i had, i would have said that we should help the russians, that's it ... in europe, she said, because sanctions do not work, there is no point in cultivating them there, aid to ukraine does not work, because it is not worth cultivating,
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europe must focus on overthrowing the russian regime, and then i sat and sat and thought, she still the third said what not to do, and so did i if i was confused, because if you compare her words, words... and his and her late husband, who after the russian invasion said practically the same thing that you say, that i say, that all ukrainians say, except for the fragmentation of russia, about this he did not mention, but crimea is ukrainian, the borders of 1991, russian troops away from ukraine and so on and so forth, contributions, reparations, these are all points, and now there is no need to help ukraine, translation. it is possible, there is no need to introduce sanctions against russia, because they act not against russia, but against russians, and russians are good, and even if, in your
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opinion, this is a new word, or we simply understand that she is in mourning, did not understand everything, is not yet trained, not yet experienced, and that is why they said what she said, but when do you hear these discussions of the so-called russian...positionalists, then i just remember a poem so cool that we had it after the 14th year, it was very popular, we will never be poor, so let's start with what concerns navalny, not what he is, but what he was , and to some extent it is clear that all from the point of view of humanity, there is compassion, for the loss, death, the murder of navalny, we, i join in this, but... we are not talking about a separate individual, but about the consequences of his policy, so, at that time, i had been working in moscow since the 14th year, after the murder.
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oleksiy navalny did everything to turn this protest into such, you know, an interesting channel, troops there and so on, and so on. in fact , in my opinion, he canceled the protest, there is such a classy citizen of ukraine, oleksandr nyzorov, i will quote him, at one point, it means that the agreed protest is the highest. the degree of obedience, well, that's exactly what they are engaged in building this beautiful russia of the future, we see that, we see the coffin with alexei navalny, and that's how putin really killed him, because i don't know if he was poisoned, or if he actually had health problems, because he he was in the solitary confinement, that's all, he was simply mocked, well, this is this, this is the horror, and
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now what we hear... and these are interesting moments, well, first of all, yulia navalny has some kind of virus, you know , putinoid, putinoid, let's call him, conditionally so, because she is afraid to say the word ukraine, and before that, oleksiy navalny was afraid speak the word ukraine, crimea, he did, even when he wrote this last text, about the borders of 1991, he did not say the words about... clearly, clearly articulated the return of crimea to ukraine, that is, they are trying to engage in a sort of politics in russian realities, but all of them , well, those who remained, are in the west, and here is the wording, you know, a neighboring peaceful country, well, it seems to me that if you want to fight against
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putin's regime, then... there is nothing wrong, when you call a spade a spade, and you call ukraine ukraine, russia, russia, and so on, all these stories about the fact that russians are suffering, i don't know, well, in the news everyone is suffering, but as you wanted roman, one more question, very important, very also, something today, i'm sorry, they pulled me into philosophy, today i listened to some russian liberals again. and one of them said something quite interesting to me, he said that navalny is russia's last chance for more or less peaceful transformations, then there will be a russian rebellion, as we know, there is some crazy, merciless one, well, in short, here i am just i sit and think, maybe it's true, because you mentioned borya nimtsov, i knew him well,
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he could really negotiate. such an evil uncle, and they say that his death with a smile, even criticizing, if he was not, he would knock out the peaceful, peaceful future of the russian federation, now in the future revolutionaries, they will be real revolutionaries who will begin to tear this russia apart, there is... this is some kind of healthy the opinion, well, it's obvious, listen, it seems that someone in russia is starting to get the word that putin and his team, he likes to kill both russians and ukrainians equally. let's remember three such almost random surnames, that is, girkin, navalny and the manager.
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in prison, or in the ground, well, first in the air, then in the ground, well , everything turned out interestingly with the beautiful one there, everyone remembers it, so it is clear that the power in russia, it is not elected in elections, it not elected and accordingly, if you want change, then you should not wave balloons, flashlights and chant ukrainians are good people, if you want change, kill, kill, because or they will kill you, actually this is obvious to everyone and, thank you very much, thank you very much, roman symbalyuk, journalists.


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