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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu. how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestria au. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm namelnik and this is news. three people were injured as a result of the explosion in myrnograd, donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. occupiers hit the city with four s-300 missiles. as a result of the attack, the school, lyceum and shops were damaged. there are also 17 high-rise buildings, 13 private houses and
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cars in ponivachyna. in odesa, they continue to search for two children under the rubble of a destroyed high-rise building. five residents, who were considered missing, contacted the rescuers today. at the moment , ten people are known to have died. in the morning, rescuers found the bodies of the mother and child. a woman was holding an eight-month-old baby. so they were found under the ruins. children who are also wanted. this one family among those who were killed by russian terrorists in this house were two more children - three-year-old mark and four-month-old timofeyko. today is a day of mourning in odesa. the townspeople carry flowers, candles and toys to the high-rise building. the occupiers have reduced the intensity of the assaults in the kupyansk direction, ilya yevlazh, the spokesman for the eastern group of forces, said. in recent days, fierce battles took place near the village of senkivka kharkiv. region, the enemy is now
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consolidating his positions, as he realized that his attacks in this direction are unsuccessful, - yevlazh added. sinkivka remains a strategic stronghold on the kupyan defense line. the russians slowed down their offensive on the left bank of the dnieper. during the last day , they stormed only once without the support of armored vehicles. at the same time, they suffered considerable losses minus 40 attack aircraft, killed and wounded. after an unsuccessful such invaders retreated to their positions. our soldiers continue to hold and expand the bridgehead on the left bank, the southern defense forces added. in the zaporozhye direction, border guards destroyed the enemy's video-thermal imaging system observation by murom m. this is what our soldiers hit, and our soldiers also hit the antenna equipment of the occupiers, the state border service said. russian targets were destroyed with the help of kamikatz drones.
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the government has allocated more than a billion hryvnias for the construction of fortifications in the zaporizhia region, ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhia regional military administration, said. he assured that the construction of defense structures will be completed as soon as possible. currently, military and civilian contractors are working on it around the clock. failed attempt. go abroad the evaders paid $5,000 each to the organizer of the illegal scheme. this was reported in the state border service, an observer was supposed to accompany the violators to moldova. however, not far from the dniester segment in odesa region, border guards exposed six violators. reports were drawn up on the detainees. they are blocked on the ukrainian-polish border. all six directions,
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there are almost 2.5 thousand trucks in queues, the most trucks at checkpoints, kraków and yagodin, the spokesman of the state andriy demchenko of the border service of ukraine. truck traffic is stopped in both directions at the sheghini point. exclusion of trucks carrying humanitarian or important goods for ukraine. only trucks going to ukraine are allowed on the berry. during the past day there were such. only 70. protesters do not block cars and buses. italy will recall the sumpti air defense system from slovakia. like, this equipment is needed elsewhere, - said prime minister robert fitso. according to him, without protection remain strategic objects of slovakia, in particular the as. let me remind you that italy leased an air defense system to slovakia for a year. she.
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replaced the american patriot last year. a forty-ton container with unique medical equipment arrived in kyiv. the cargo was delivered to one of the capital's hospitals, which provided much-needed medical assistance, our correspondents learned. medicinal preparations, means for prosthetics, operating and rehabilitation tools. one of kyiv's military hospitals received unique medical equipment. all this succeeded to purchase thanks to the project of the organization charitable fund of mercy and health. on the territory of the hospital, volunteers unloaded... a cardboard container with medical equipment worth more than 14 million hryvnias. all containers are filled with medical consumables, means for surgical interventions, for rehabilitation, medicines and consumables. this is such a thrilling and important moment for our
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charity as we have been supporting military medical units for two years now, but here we are assessing how the sheer volume of what we've brought in and... of course, it's a serious thrill and we've got the whole team together. the mercy and health charitable fund takes care of medical facilities, hospitals and medical units of the defense forces of ukraine, mainly in the front-line territories and in the combat zone. volunteers provide the necessary equipment to more than 35 hospitals, as well as more than 100 military units. we understand very well that the health care system has a huge load right now. and cannot cover all the entire volume of medical care, we we try to be as personalized as possible and implement the closure of the very need that medical institutions provide us, one of
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our main directions is, of course, to find donors who are ready to help us, these donors are mostly foreigners, i do not want to offend any countries, because almost all of europe. er, the united states, great britain, civilian hospitals and military hospitals of ukraine are constantly in need of medicines and special equipment, and the work of volunteers helps them a lot in this. there are a lot of guys who are protecting ours now the state, they not only protect the state, they protect their homes, and so that it does not spill over, the guys risk their lives, their health, and they also need to be treated, to pay them some respect, since in our country, well... now we can't cope, it would be very good if they would exhibit not only medicines, but also consumables, inventory, equipment, because both civilian hospitals and military hospitals need this. high-quality medical equipment allows ukrainian doctors to quickly put injured defenders on their feet.
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we can only thank the charitable foundation of mercy mercy and health, for the great work they do, in particular for the military hospitals, because... they gave one of the military hospitals equipment and consumables for the treatment of our wounded for a large sum of money, all this is from abroad, it is important that organizations such as this foundation and our foundation take care and help, because a very large number of these wounded men even return, thanks to the quality, qualitatively provided help in formation back to... comrades in the army and will continue to fight against the occupiers. as part of the project of the charitable organization charity fund of mercy and health, in the near future six containers of valuable medical aid will be handed over to 16 hospitals and clinics of ukraine. the cargo will be distributed among institutions that provide
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medical assistance in donetsk, chernihiv and kyiv regions. tetyana golunova, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. and tv channels. continues collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems peregrine falcon of the state special transport service. these powerful soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones , they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons, we already have more than uah 700,000 in our accounts, together we will speed up our victory. for the moment, i have everything, the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, in the next issue at 5 pm we will tell about important events and also more about current affairs, current events, you can read on our website espresso tv, subscribe to
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our channels in social networks, be close and continue to work for you my colleagues oksana vysychanska and roman chaika. we are coming back. let's not forget the community to support our collection, it is moving and it is very good, but we need to collect 800 thousand, as you can see the qr code or card, remember right away, this is for the fdropron in the luhansk direction for our defenders, and in the meantime we will join conversations, the card is already there, that’s what we ’re collecting for, it’s a qr code, if you point the camera at it, or the number of the card, well, in the meantime, we will add oleg rybachuk to the conversation, he was the vice-prime minister for issues... now he is the head of the public organization center for joint actions. mr. oleg, congratulations. glory to ukraine.
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congratulations to the heroes slava. about european integration, i wanted to take practical classes with you on european integration on the western border from our volunteers. with his own eyes, oleksiy hetman saw everything from the other side, he also told us. and now, despite all statements, guarantees, and even the transfer of customs transitions to a critical one. infrastructure of the polish republic, trucks, who go for military equipment, they cannot pass, the military equipment is on the polish side, they do not let it pass, we are dealing with a small handful of aggressive polish guys, on whom various confederations are parasitizing, and what to do with it, when they do not even comply with , what is promised to drivers who have already passed through the customs corridors? to fight with them or what is the way out in this european integration story on the
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western border? well, this is distantly related to european integration, but it is a result, it is also a result of the fact that in the european union for some reason competition began to be perceived as a huge threat, in particular... our fellow poles, polish farmers, who simply do not want to hear and see them, although they already admit that the issue is not that there is ukrainian grain, ukrainian products are undermining their market, the same story that ukrainian journalists showed about trade with belarus, i don't know how much polish society is informed about all this, but it is clear that... the main problem of the polish government, because so
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citizens have the right to peaceful protest, sometimes not peaceful, ukrainians are more than once demonstrated, but here we are talking about something else, we are talking about the fact that poland is a member of the european union, poland is a member of the world trade organization, it has obligations like ukraine, there is a decision of the european union that poland does not want to implement, there is a number of others. provisions, in particular on the transit of goods, and on the borders, well, these are not the borders of poland, poland is not some separate planet, it is part of the european free economic space, and when they try there, as you say, a handful well, it is not known who, because we do not know how far they are there farmers, because people who... work on the land, as if they wouldn't have time for that, and
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others also say that a person who works on the land can't just throw the result on the asphalt the work of other farmers, but it is clear that the polish government will have to solve the problem, and it is also clear to me that our path to european integration will not be strewn with roses at all. that when it comes to real, demands, real quotas, then we have to fight as well, as the poles did at one time, for the fact that if we they discriminate against the common market, well, you have to pay subsidies, and plus another painful topic, probably the poles should have understood by now somewhere that they should not siphon funds from the european union, so what? affairs in different
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countries, and apart from poland, we are very, very hurt by the problems and nuances in the united states of america, because our guys are betting on zero, as they say, there is a lack of bull everywhere, there is not enough of it, and the price of this issue, which is in america, this is the price of the lives of our defenders, well, because it's already in... the comedy of the absurd has dragged on, well actually we see who is leading at the moment, the question now is whether biden will stay or trump will come, we don't know what trump will be like, we see that... we don't always get guns for biden, but there is such a disapproval rating, new york times published that biden has now reached the maximum, and the last scandal, when he confused gas with ukraine twice during the conversation, they are already talking about the fact that it might be worth looking for someone else to replace
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biden, they say that trump still has better chances now , but trump does. much more blunders, but again this is a problem, well, na which we have little influence on, americans would like to see young candidates, both democrats and republicans, this was shown by sociology, but now we have a situation with this system, simply, if we return very objectively to the conversation, the tired congressmen returned after a rest, they agreed and biden signed a resolution to continue, probably. it is time for temporary funding of the federal budget, because without it you cannot do anything else, and we were promised simply, i am quoting almost johnson, that the aid package document for ukraine will be signed in a timely manner, this timeliness feels completely different for the ukrainians than for
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the tanned and well-rested johnson, and only formally. they approved the budget and now they have a week until march 8 in order to try to vote once again on one of the options for providing assistance to ukraine, whether to support the senate package, or whether they have another package that is 10 or 12 billion less , they removed the economic aid there, but we need it to be resolved as soon as possible, maybe there is hope that that this is shevchenkov... he promised us that if we avoid the shutdown, we will vote, and they did it, then after that nothing prevents him from putting to the vote, this package of aid, which is so necessary, in particular, for supplies from america from the pentagon , because
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there is no more money, the pentagon confirmed this, or could it be that johnson will not keep his promise again and will play like this... the same variant that elon musk, a stubborn, aggressive trumpist, is playing today? well, we should be optimistic and believe that far from all the nonsense has been exhausted from the point of view of the promises of johnson or the politicians there, so they have to consider this issue, yes there is a big political scene, but johnson is not so independent, we know that on the one hand he is personally held by trump, on the other takes sides... there are a bunch of trumpists, but his situation is like this: go straight , you will find death, go right, you will find death, and if you go left, you will find death, because if he does not put the question to the vote, then his colleagues there have already prepared presentation, which allows, after gaining 218-220 votes in the congress, to consider the issue without the will
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of the speaker, but it is actually a vote of no confidence, if he put... then he has a threat that part of the republicans, who are trumpists, for the very fact that he dared , gained the audacity and put trump to the vote against his will, then he should also be touched, well, accordingly, he is between these lights, well, these are the democrats, and he tried to negotiate, i think that he and biden raised this topic, that in the event that these naked trumpists raise questions about his resignation as speaker, so that the democrats don't support it, because the republicans themselves are there with johnson, most of the congressmen, the republicans, well , the true republicans, they are in favor of giving aid, and the strangest thing to me is that everyone says that the votes in the congress are , just take it and do it,
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vote, i really don't understand what, well, what logic or what political responsibility there can be in this situation. well, but i really hope that this week, that this nightmare can't last forever, that this week, they will put the question to the vote , then, in parallel, where in our country is there, what can we cling to, where is the positive in our country, somewhere have they already found funds for the 800 thousand artillery shells that we desperately need, that the czechs have found in the world, already and the money was found, and in a week or two these shells should arrive, i think that the pentago, i don't think, i'm sure that the pentagon has an opportunity. while the congress is even there, because if the congress even votes, then it will pass there within a month, maybe the pentagon will already be more ready for this decision, but a certain time will pass, then the pentagon has... remember, part of these 4 billion, and from there they can throw us the most important weapon without any congress, well, these initiatives, what macron conducted, this
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conversation that gained, gathered momentum about the importance of urgent support for ukraine, well , we can hope that we still have the opportunity to hold out there, but i always remember that cartoon there, remember, little boys, we would like a day to stand still and... and a night to hold out, but this is not a cartoon, this is our life, and we really need this weapon. sir, we have another trumpist on the agenda is tucker carlson, a month has passed and he has officially reached or officially decided to state his own opinion. it is hard to believe that this person was traveling unprepared, but he was not an average journalist, a beginner, not a freshman, not... an intern, a person with experience and knew exactly who he was going to, what he was going to talk about, knew what questions to ask, and what he did not ask, we saw, this is all that is happening now, this is what,
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there may be some new agreements, some other way to earn money, or just another option to chain attention to himself and again, to this interview, which is a lot, yes, but we want our viewers to understand, tucker himself said that... it was a joke, that he heard the biggest stupidity in his life when he putin started talking about denazification, but during this interview, he never commented on it, and for almost a month after the publication of this interview, he didn't say anything either, no, it didn't break through, that is , we should have no doubts that there are people like orban, because in our country orban will say something there or something will do something semi-human there, and we think, well, everything is human. is fizo enlightened, or tucker, or elon musk, they sometimes say something that makes sense, but this does not
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mean at all that they have reconsidered their attitude to ukraine, that they somehow became wiser there, no, you are probably right in it means that for tucker, perhaps, the result of the interview turned out not to be the way he would have liked. yes, there are some millions of views there, but it could be clicks, it is hardly anyone - well, until recently i listened there for two hours, and he just like that commented, but his views and and probably his hope that he can be on trump's team, and i have no doubt that if trump becomes such a grief, such a person is elected president, then he will have such people there, as such, it will be his his team that they. they did not change their credentials, he will not come to ukraine, he will not go, he will not look at the destroyed cities, this is not his format, and he
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does not want to do it, he is a spokesman, like elon musk, for other reasons, he is a spokesman and it meets the expectations of this one categories of naked trumpists with a very strange understanding of history, in particular, the causes of the war and... what is happening in ukraine, so i know that it may seem that a person has realized something, but i categorically reject the idea that there is, you know, any conscience woke up, this, this is most likely some kind of informational stuff, he may be reminding himself, maybe he is thinking about something else, but he did not realize, the mind did not work there, mr. oleg, we will return to europe, we see that in fact such a first violin, at least the words x began to play macron, it was important for him to declare, he talked about this contingent, ground troops and the army, then the parade went, no, no, we
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will never go with the troops to help the armed forces of ukraine, some countries said that it would be possible under certain conditions circumstances, in a word, this is happening in europe, it will have consequences, or was it just such waves of information, macron got his own? siks in karma and in the rating and that's all, it will all stop. we literally have one minute. yes, but look, macron is already elected second term, there is no temptation for him to win the next election, but he has the ambition, like every french president , to become a real leader in europe. and the fact that his ministry did not refute the statement, because we were told, now the refutation will go, and the fact that he repeatedly said that he had thought through his statement, what... his prime minister repeated, speaks of the fact that france wants to take this initiative on you, maybe it already has allies, canada said there, three or four european countries are talking about
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what they are looking at. the possibility of delegating its military to ukraine, and it must be honestly said that many military are already in ukraine in the form of advisers, so the ice has broken here, and this is a very powerful signal to putin, who is trying to convince the europeans that they do not need to come close here , thank you, oleg rybachuk was with us, the head of the geocenter of joint actions and ex-minister, ex-vice-prime minister of ukraine for european integration, it's about poland, that's what we'll hear, so stay tuned for espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saw, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool.
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every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as we always talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics, about the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 220. in collaboration with se. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in there will be some katsaps in ukraine, on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday. 17:15 at
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