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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 4:30pm-4:59pm EET

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and it happened in those days around avdiivka. in general, this operation coincided with a change in the military and political leadership of the country. as we understand, it started under the previous headmaster and continued under the current one. plus dances with tambourines around the mobilization, public mood in general, the lowest point of support for our army with western weapons, and the generally tense situation in many areas of the front. dmitry, optically, what... can we say, what conclusions should we draw from the history of avdiiv now? well, as a military man, as a battalion commander, who carried out the order to destroy enemy forces, for me the most important conclusion is that we had to evacuate in a short period of time, and this was the most important moral issue, for me, as well as for the wounded people. settlement
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during the exit, we also managed to accomplish this task, about the fact that it was difficult, yes, it was probably the hottest fighting since the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, it is worth noting that the enemy continues to advance , currently the third assault brigade imibatalion directly the same works on donetsk direction, that is, during this period of time , we already managed to visit the offensive. in your opinion, why did the russians not need to take an operational pause after establishing control directly over avdiivka, with what forces in general do they continue to advance further ? does not exclude the fact that they will climb there again, by what forces, where do they take them from... why don't
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they regroup, and so on, perhaps our estimates of russian capabilities are somewhat underestimated, maybe we are a little fascinated by their so-called inefficiencies? look , it was not necessary from the very beginning to be fascinated by their inabilities, so as not to be disappointed in their capabilities later, this is the most important thing, the enemy does not know about his own losses, that is... they act according to the following principle: the command remains the same, they are simply given new battalions , new battalions are constantly sending helms, new battalions are being erased from them, but at this stage we have to mainly lead defensive, not offensive battles, that is, actually defensive battles and the importance of engineering and fortification structures of positions prepared in advance. defense, as you like
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, this is all something that should be planned in advance, as far as it is, we have, because there are a lot of different speculations around avdiivka in this sense, someone notes that avdiivka was perfectly dug in, and this was the guarantee that the defense forces have held the settlement since 2014, some emphasize that it is purely its natural industrial landscape. let's say, played into the hands of our defense forces, that there were no crazy positions and so on there, as in fact they supposedly don’t exist, further along the movement of the russian troops is already beyond avdiyivka to the west, i would like us to bring some clarity now, ifs - engineering and fortification forces, the second, the third line of defense, is it there, or in sufficient quantity, or? in sufficient
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quality, i want to emphasize that yes, if, as someone says, there were no executions at all, well, this is not true, reliable, if we talk about their quantity and quality, then it is clear that what was wanted would more and better, uh, uh, thank you, thank you for this honest answer, uh, well, i can't help but ask, actually, the dance with tambourines continues in our country around its optimization of rules. and approaches to mobilization, many note that a competent, proven approach, such as the one used by the third osha, namely recruiting, not mobilization, should become the main model by which people will be recruited into the army in our country. we can see that a lot of people have already responded to the ministry of defense initiative, the last number i saw was just a few weeks ago, it's 50,000 communities certainly, all mobilization plans -
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it will not cover, but less with the way you see now the implementation, replenishment of personnel of the ukrainian army? well, look, if we are talking about shobr’s recruiting campaign, then it is not based on empty words, it is based directly on our affairs, on the survival of our personnel, and on combat training, that is , recruiting itself must be based on something, it is based on he is on the result. can we say that the third oshb actually, you know, what is called self-made, created itself, itself. made itself with the appropriate role, with the appropriate background, and i will surely not be mistaken if i say that in principle the third osha relies, in particular, on the backbone of the azov family, so many representatives of the
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former azov regiment are now involved in the work of the third osha, and i remember how our partners treated the idea with caution. about the fact that weapons provided to ukraine may end up in the hands of, for example, the azov regiment. an honest answer, i hope, will be from you now, does the third oshb face such a problem, or do you get everything necessary in order to carry out, in fact , the most complex operations, for which you, well, which you are actually given to implement, well, look, if we talk about selffmate, then i can confirm this, since i am also about kistya kazova... a veteran of the azov regiment and directly the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, of which i am the commander, it was created by me and my team, at that time it was still part of the teroborona azov, then ssso azov, then directly this unit was
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reformatted into units of the zsu, the third assault brigade, as far as the concerns are concerned, i think that again we have to talk about the result of the execution. every commander would like his personnel to be 100% equipped with ibk weapons, but i cannot conduct a comparative analysis, for example with other brigades, because it may sometimes seem that some brigades have more than this, but i am their organizational i don't know the staff structure, and their distribution of bc and staff weapons to them, so my opinion here may be of some kind, but it will be subjective, okay, thank you, thank you for this... answer actually, i'm just wondering how the military has something like that, but they have leopards, and they work with them, but they didn't give us, i can, i can, i can assure you that it is , but again, my planning as a battalion commander takes place at the tactical level, although quite often
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, as avdiivka showed, we perform tasks at the operational level, and of course, what we see is that those leopards, in those abramses, those bradleys, those... don't have it, it's clear that it causes a certain dissatisfaction, again, everyone has its role in this war, everyone has their own mission, their own tasks, and i can assume that they have, we do not have, some other tasks are planned, unlike ours, the war is not over yet, so the final answer on this account i can't give, well, recently for the first time there was a frank answer to... the question about our actual casualties, the answer to this question was given by the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelensky, at a big event dedicated to the second anniversary of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. everyone immediately picked up calculators and started calculate how it correlates with what
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the general staff previously announced, how it correlates with what we know about russian losses, exclusively verified, someone, someone's numbers matched, someone's did not match, but... in general, how do you feel to the idea of ​​announcing at this stage our losses as dead and possibly wounded, missing in the future? look, i 'm always a stickler for honesty, so i honestly believe that it would be appropriate to declare that there was going to be a full-scale war at a time when it was on... it was declared that i hope that the figure is true , no matter how it is, no matter how it sounds, it is, but the figure of 31 thousand ukrainian soldiers with such an intensity of hostilities, this is a low figure, as far as enemy losses are concerned, it seems to me that they are all more, taking
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into account the nature of the hostilities and the meat assaults that are taking place, for some reason i think that there are more of them, maybe these numbers were not ... component of the so-called subdivisions ardlo, which also only recently happened. of the russian army, so if these are losses directly exclusively of russian personnel, the personnel of the russian army, then they may correspond to reality, if we also take into account the wagner pmc, of ​​which there were more than 60 thousand on the same bakhmut alone, plus the units of ardlo, yes, what are there, well , there are 50-100 thousands, well, i take it, then in principle, in the final version, the number. this component component may correspond to some reports
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of the general staff that he provided before that, well, well , the future of the 24th and plans for the 25th year, actually many note that we now have to put ourselves firmly on the defensive, but it should be a fairly active defense with efforts to look for the enemy's weak spots and hit those... spots if we find them, is it possible to implement this strategy now, which was noted in principle even by the previous head, the current head is supported, as we can see, from his first public big speeches, and whether this will lead us, perhaps in the future, to some, well, let's say, more active positions for us, well, first, every person who has read... military books, she didn’t even study, but there is no military education in military academies
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like me, she knows that initiative is only possible in the offensive, at this stage, for example, it is still impossible to advance in the donetsk direction, although it is possible to carry out certain local offensive operations to repulse our settlements and forest areas, so if we talk about defense, it should be active in any case... defense, maneuverable defense, which will, first of all, be considered by the enemy, will implement its original objectives , as for the 24th year, it is difficult to predict, but i noticed such a strange feature that the ukrainian people very often hope for western support, western aid, that someone will give us something one day, and this inferiority complex. for some reason, it prevents ukrainians from relying on themselves in the first place, i am simply considering completely different
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scenarios, and for sure some of these scenarios do not look realistic, after all, we are doing it in order to be more realistic, but if ukrainians do not take the issue of mobilization more seriously, then more pessimistic scenarios can become a component of ukraine's future. dmitry, thank you for this conversation, extremely important , planned for a long time, i really wish you military success, it is extremely important, and we are definitely looking forward to new meetings, because it is also very important for our society to hear the opinion of our military, who are directly involved in hostilities. dmytro kuharchuk, blind, commander of the second. of the assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, the storm of russians, who have already managed to demonize him,
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make him legendary, and absolutely deservedly, you you know, like everything else. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and this was an exclusive interview for espresso. stay with us in the future. we thank christ for an interesting conversation with the third assault unit, we remember them from many heroic episodes, the last one in ovdiivka, and now they are there, and in the meantime we want to remind those who have not yet made it, please let us know, because we are just collecting drones for fpv on luhansk direction for our defenders to see the card numbers or qr code, and those who have not done so will join, because this is the option when rusoris can see their investments immediately in the form of videos. which will then come from our fighters, how it works and where your funds were invested and why black
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bags for russia are always a good bank deposit. meanwhile, a rescue operation is underway in odesa, and the russians dropped an aerial bomb on the center of kurakhovo, this is donetsk region. unfortunately, there are already 16 victims, they say that two of them are in serious condition, a large number of them, at least 15 multi-story buildings, have been damaged. well , they believe that it was most likely such a controlled aerial bomb, that is, they did not last long the ukrainian sky is calm and clear. we are waiting for the f-16, in the meantime i had time. we are talking with our next guest, he is a polish politician, once in the diet, now a public figure , we will talk with myroslav chech, in particular, we will talk about what is being done on the ukrainian-polish border, as they say in the state border service, there everyone
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six crossings are completely blocked, and the queue, which was in 2001, 200, today is already almost 2,500 ee tires, this blockade, let's remind, is happening from the side of polish farmers, carriers promised to join on march 1 , there is still no confirmation, because i was with them, yesterday they did not join yet, because in fact there are enough of these alleged farmers that we have at the moment, what works, legal laws and... those who poured ukrainian grain on polish territory, found, detained, who scattered these, punctured wheels, thorns, so far the police are still looking for them, that is, in a word, everyone is working in the legal field. myroslav chuck is already in touch with our studio, mr. myroslav, we welcome you, and good day, congratulations, sir myroslav, we heard two such encouraging
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moments, because this series and this comedy of the absurd dragged into ... big losses on both sides for the economy, one way or another, and it seemed to us that there was light at the end of the tunnel after the government donald tusk said that he would introduce these customs and border crossings into the critical infrastructure, and we realized that oh, so there is a legal mechanism and already, as they say, within the framework of the critical infrastructure , it is not possible to engage in a total blockade, but this is fresh a few hours ago directly from the border. on volunteer nazar smyk posted photos and tells that there are blocked trucks on the polish side, they are without grain, without containers, there are military trucks, and six more trucks and trailers are waiting in the netherlands to get to the front with our troops, but the trucks that
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follow them, empty to put these trucks on the platform, are also blocked, and this contradicts, at least, promises that critical humanitarian goods and military personnel will not be blocked. what shall i do? well, i also read the message of the state border service, that no trucks from the territory of ukraine are allowed on the territory of poland. well, the situation is multi-level, but after that noise, the fog begins to settle, and we understand that the polish authorities are determined to meet the demands of the protesters, which actually consist of several points: first, that there was an embargo on the supply of ukrainian grain to poland , secondly, to expand this embargo to other products, thirdly,
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to actually stop the transit of the territory of poland. other grain, thus we have to deal with at that moment, with a full-scale trade war on the part of poland against ukraine, when it comes to agricultural products, ukrainian grain, as well as other products, and this war is now expanding to transit the territory of poland, and what to do with military cargo, well these trucks are definitely... not about agricultural products, well, from the very beginning, when, mr. roman, you remember, we talked about this, that these are not economic issues, in fact, they are issues of national security of ukraine, poland, the eastern flank of nato and the european union, until this issue and the solution of this issue are transferred precisely to the plane
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of national security, we will have to deal with such a mess, with injustice. on the polish side of the border, which affects the absolute deterioration of relations between the two countries, and, well, this is firstly, and secondly, the situation on the ukrainian front, because please note that yesterday's strikes on odesa are not the first, they as well as efforts to target ukrainian port infrastructure, they are clearly correlated with this strengthening. blockades on the ukrainian border, but there are for all of us understandably, when the western ukrainian border is blocked, it seems to putin that it is easier to destroy ukrainian infrastructure, ukrainian opportunities. export of own products through the grain, the so-called grain corridor, and in fact it is about ukrainian ports, and it is clear that the shelling of odesa and
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over the black sea ports, they will intensify together with how the situation on the border will become more complicated, and all will be, everyone will, everyone will understand that the main... land corridor that connects ukraine with the european union, i.e. through the territory of poland, it becomes, well, completely closed, completely unreliable. mr. myroslav, we know that poland has declared that no, we will not send our soldiers to fight in ukraine. in france at the moment they say otherwise, says macron, that his words were considered and thought out, not just like that, he moved on. now the elasey palace has invited parliamentarians to a meeting on march 7. the leaders of the political parties represented in the parliament, and they should discuss the issue of cooperation between ukraine and france in the field of security, and also of course this shipment, possibly of western
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troops to ukraine, the format is similar to the format of this meeting, i go back to the one that was when hamas attacked israel, immediately after that there was such a meeting, what can they actually agree on, and if they do agree on something? so when can we implement it in literally two minutes? well, of course, i don't know when the words of president macron can come true, i would pay attention not only to the meeting, to the sequence of words and steps of the french president, but also to the statements of others heads of other states and governments, other countries that clearly say that they allow such missions, some speak of strengthening missions of... air defense, others of training, but in general it is about the presence of military countries of nato member states on
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the territory of ukraine, forgive me for interrupting mr. myroslav, but even a map has already appeared on the kruzhlya network, where it is indicated where these military personnel may be located, it is about the northern border of ukraine with belarus and in the south, approximately on the border of odesa and they say that there may be representatives there, a little, a little further, actually on the territory of ukraine , that there may be representatives of moldova and romania, i am afraid of all those maps and so on, drawing, because we have an example of the counteroffensive of ukraine, the summer counteroffensive of the 23rd year, everyone drew arrows and so on, and putin said that everything must be against this. resist and so on, the less information there is about this location, the better it is, it is important that it is realized in action, not just in words, and it is in that moment
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there is a key matter. last minute, i will return for a moment to polish-ukrainian relations, the day before yesterday, when there was a deficit in the electricity grid, and the ukrainian one has now become part of the european one, ukraine immediately sent surplus electricity to poland at the first request, that is, we are fine. normal relations, normal in all areas, except for this one on the border , is this taken into account now jointly by society in poland and the polish government, these are absolutely friendly and partnership relations in all areas, well, mr. roman, we love to ironize you, i.e. what you said a minute ago, well, i don't have a leg and an arm and i can't hear in one ear, but besides that i'm healthy and alive and everything is going well. the issue of the border is the main one, the unblocking of the border is evidence of any relations between the state, between two states, as well as the termination of the trade war on the part
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of poland against ukraine. thank you, mr. miroslava, for your comment. myroslav czach, former member of the polish diet, polish politician and public figure, is in touch with us about the current situation. and on this, roman and i also say goodbye, thank you for donating uah 78,000. we are with you. we are going to the goal confidently and quite quickly , have a peaceful, safe sunday evening, take care of yourself, and tomorrow morning in this studio meet our colleagues, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk, but today also remains with espresso, because our colleagues still have a lot of information. blood flow. this is inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lacal-active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lacalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately.
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ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals. who interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names from myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. from now on, in a new two-hour format about ukraine, the world, the front, society, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by
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telephone. poll verdicts with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. greetings, dear viewers, it's time to learn about the most current events at the moment and i'll start with the situation in donetsk region. the russians dropped an aerial bomb on the center of kurakhovo. as a result of the attack, 16 people were injured. two of them are in serious condition - reported in the donetsk regional military administration.


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