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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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possible next steps, how they will be perceived, well, first among the parliamentarians, well, in general and in the armenian society, besides, if we take into account his loud statement when the activities in armenia were suspended or frozen in the bodies of the cis, in particular the csto. well, this was not just a statement, but really, as we can see , recently, armenia has been avoiding meetings at various levels with representatives of the csto, this already indicates a serious intention in armenia to change course, but of course it is very difficult, taking into account its close ties at various levels with russia and its dependence in all of them. spheres, in particular
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military, economic, and political spheres, i'm not talking about trade relations, since russia is the largest trade partner in armenia. so , as we can see, little by little, this idea is finding its implementation, and i think that if the armenian government headed by pashinyan continues to act like this, it will obviously have the appropriate support, he will have the appropriate support from of the european union, and according to those statements, which european structures have already also did regarding the seizure of nagorno-karabakh, so how did it happen from the side of azerbaijan, so... when as a result of such
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sharp, and one more question, mr. alexander, i'm sorry, but this is important, you expect a new escalation between azerbaijan and armenia, there will any military actions continue, or do you think that everything has already healed there and we have to wait for the signing of a peace agreement? no one can be guaranteed that something like this will not happen. taking into account the rather difficult legacy of armenian-azerbaijani relations the war and the forty-four-day war and the eviction, in fact, the eviction of armenians from nagorno-karabakh, that is the statement that azerbaijan makes regarding... regarding
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the belonging of certain territories that are part of armenia, belonging to azerbaijan, i will remind you that until now, azerbaijan has not revealed its military subdivisions from several settlements, which are actually on the territory of armenia, so all this is a very complex tangle, you are talking about this composition. at the beginning of your speech, your speech, you talked about it, so it really is, and it is very difficult the reasons are positive, not so, recently the ministers of foreign affairs of azerbaijan and iran met, who made rather optimistic statements about the gap.
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the possibility of continuing preparations for the signing of a large peace treaty between azerbaijan and armenia. thank you very much, oleksandr boshko, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to armenia from 1996 to 2001 and from 5 to 10 years. but i would simply draw your attention, ladies and gentlemen, to the fact that when you just saw the foreign ministers of azerbaijan, there are no meetings by yourself. always some third person should be an intermediary, and between themselves directly, to put it mildly, they do not contact so often, and the leaders and ministers of azerbaijan and armenia, so the road is really long, difficult, difficult, and now we will have an interview, my colleague yuri fizer interviewed his old acquaintance john bolton, a diplomat and adviser to the president of the united states on national security. trumpsky
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is also an adviser who was very loved in ukraine, he had special powers here regarding ukrainian-russian relations, in general, regarding relations with ukraine, he is very a pro-ukrainian person. and for 18 minutes , you will listen to what he answered to the questions of mr. yuri, and about trump, and about the american troops in ukraine, what trump is against and what, and what john bolton himself is not against, in short, me it seems very interesting, and well, it will give you more opportunity for reflection, eat such food for reflection. who is interested in thinking about the international politics of ukraine, then there will be advertising, and then we will fly to the balkans, but now the interview of mr. yuri fizer and mr. john bolton. congratulations,
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this is an exclusive espresso. my name is yuriy fizar, today we will talk about security, about help from the united states of america. after all, when we get it from the us congress, well, we're going to talk about donald trump, and i'm going to talk about all of this with my guest today, the national security advisor to the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, john bolton. mr. ambassador, congratulations and thank you for joining me, it is a pleasure to be with you. mr. ambassador, my first question will be somewhat introductory. why ukraine is important for the united states states of america? if it is important at all. i think this is very important, since 1945, the key national interest of the us has been peace and stability in europe. we got through the cold war, and we really have great prospects for achieving these goals. however,
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due to russia's desire to recreate the russian empire, and although ukraine is not a member of nato. ukraine's security is vital for the rest of the european continent. and for the united states. you know that george bush proposed to admit ukraine to nato in april 2008 at the bukhara nato summit. and frankly, if our french and german friends agreed to this, then maybe we could avoid invasions in both 2014 and 2022. okay, let's talk about the recent statement by french president emmanuel macron that we should not rule out the possibility that... at some point in history, western troops may be stationed in ukraine. president joe biden's administration has already responded , and john kirby, the white house security council's strategic communications coordinator, said, that the only american military personnel currently
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in ukraine are those who work in the american embassy. and there will be no other american troops in ukraine. but in the last few days, there have been different opinions from various western leaders on this matter. some say that western troops cannot be in ukraine because that would mean further escalation. but some of them, for example, the prime minister of estonia kaia kallas, said that we should not rule out such a possibility. what is your opinion on this , given that you are one of the the best in the world. in the field of security and foreign policy, and what would you advise the president of the united states of america on this matter, if you were his adviser? i don't often agree with president macron, but i'm happy to say that this time i did,
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i have to say that we're in the middle of a presidential election campaign and i think the chances of the biden administration saying they agree with macron are zero. concerns the fundamental question of the overall response of the us and the west to the russian invasion, two years ago, it is clear that we did not were able to deter the russians from attacking, in fact i would say we didn't even try very hard, one of the ways we could act in addition to a few other things we could do is to send more troops into ukraine, especially american troops, not to fight the russians before the invasion, for training purposes, and let the russians... about what an increased american or increased nato presence would mean. as i said, it was necessary to act differently, more economic sanctions, more rapid delivery weapons, but the failure to contain the russians has been reflected throughout the two years
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of conflict in the constant fear of what the white house calls a wider war. this inhibits the strategic supply of weapons that would allow. to wage war most effectively, that's what has largely led to the current impasse we're in, so it's been very unfortunate to see the behavior of the white before... i think this indecision for fear of provoking the russians is giving the russians what they absolutely want free. what do you think? on bilateral security agreements that ukraine signs with various european and world countries. do you think it would be possible or even better to have such an agreement with the united states of america? it is an inadequate alternative to nato membership until we achieve what every nato member calls
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our goal of fully restoring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. in accordance with nato practice, we do not accept members who are under occupation by an enemy state because this immediately puts us all in a position war the first step here should be victory in the current war, the next step should be the accession of ukraine. to the nato alliance. today we see that the threat is that russia is multiplying the transnistrian republic. i am sure that on the initiative of moscow, ukraine asked for protection from the russians, if this leads to the fact that more russian troops enter transnistria, then this will be a very bad development. we are in a precarious situation, we need a strategy for the future, and we don't have one now. sir ambassador, there are some world leaders and even
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european leaders who are still cautious about helping ukraine, about giving ukraine everything it needs to fight the russian aggressor, is the west really afraid of an asymmetric response from putin, and that is why they are so cautious? if the russians try to attack nato members directly in cyberspace or elsewhere. they are taking a lot of risk and they should know it. the fact is that all this concern about the possibility of a large-scale war presupposes that russia has the ability to wage a large-scale war. with given her failures in ukraine, i doubt it. even when it comes to nuclear intimidation over the past two years, we have never seen evidence of a russian nuclear deployment that would threaten ukraine or the rest of europe. ago. so i don't think that the kremlin has many reserves, i think that their military failures in ukraine
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have caused them great difficulty, and yet the deterrence effect that they have had on us, on all of us, has actually found ukraine, unfortunately, close to three weeks ago, the agency bloomberg reported, citing its own sources, and i'll quote now: trump is considering pushing ukraine to negotiate an end to the war with russia if he returns to power next year, end of quote. one of trump's advisers told the agency that the threat of cutting military aid could push ukraine into negotiations, while increasing it would only provoke russia. can we say that trump is already on his way to his goal? attempts to pass the last tranche of aid
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through congress have seen a complete stalemate confusion. and yet i hope that they will find a way to overcome these difficulties. the problem with the general budget for this financial year also remains relevant. now the progress in solving it is obvious. i think there is significant majority support in both chambers to pass this package. approval slows down. unrelated to the issue, such as the failure of the biden administration to pursue an effective policy on the mexican border against illegal immigrants. however, i am worried about trump because, firstly, as the president, he has said about the withdrawal of the usa from nato, and secondly, during the election campaign he also promised to put zelensky and putin in the same room and solve the problem in 24 hours. now, as zelensky said, it's funny, but i would... obviously, trump won't blame
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himself, it's not his fault, but i would worry that he would blame zelensky and not his friend putin. therefore, in my opinion, trump's presidency would be dangerous for both the united states and ukraine. since you've already started talking about trump, i 'll ask a question about him. what are the chances that will he win the election this fall? unfortunately, he now has a very good chance of winning. biden is considered too... old to be president, he won't be any younger by november, and the democrats don't seem to understand that. i think the final decision will be made by a large group of american voters who don't like either of them, and the question will be in november which one they don't like anymore, and that will mean the other wins. it's not the best way to elect
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a president, but i think it's a perspective which we have, and it's impossible to predict who... will be more unpopular in november. can a court prevent trump from becoming president of the united states of america? no, if it doesn't sound strange, even a convicted felon can be elected president. it is currently unclear whether any of the four criminal cases will go to trial before november. and even if a jury returns a verdict against trump, he will file. appeal, i think for many americans who do not want to elect a convicted felon as president, that will be a significant factor, but even that is hard to say. trump's support has soared since he was impeached four times. and he became even richer, as far as i know, after that.
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a few weeks ago, putin said, or rather it was a week ago, he said that it would be better for russia if the new... the president of the united states of america was joe biden, not donald trump. and yet, in your opinion, which us president would actually be better for putin? putin, a former agent of the kgb, conducted another operation to influence american voters, saying that he supports biden. and all this in order to get some people to support trump. but i've been to trump's many times , and i can tell you that in my opinion, whether it 's vladimir putin or xi jinping, america's opponents are looking forward to a donald trump presidency because they think he's a winning party for them, and that's one of the reasons why i don't think trump is fit to be president. they consider
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him a winning party, but what is the phenomenon. i would put it this way, trump's popularity among americans, particularly among republicans. why are some of them serious do they even consider him the president from god? it's a bit hard to understand, but i think it reflects the opinion of many people who are quite alienated from the system. they feel that the democrats look down on them. remember, in 2016. clinton called trump supporters pathetic, and they don't think they're pathetic, they don't like how they're being treated by educated elites, and they 're expressing frustration and displeasure by supporting trump, and i understand and actually sympathize a lot with their feelings, but trump - is the wrong means of expression these feelings. i hope that the americans, i
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mean the republican americans, the right vehicle for themselves, i really hope so, we're working on it, we're working on it, are there any other candidates? at this point, no, i mean, i think it's realistic, trump is very likely to get the republican nomination, i don't see anyone who can stop him at this point, but the convention in july is still a long way off , and we are witnessing a very strange time in american history, a lot can happen, how realistic is this threat? i understand that this threat from trump is not even for the united states of america, but for the whole world. but are there any deterrents for the president in the american legal system? in case trump becomes the new head of the united states of america.
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the law should apply to every citizen in the united states. trump claims immunity and has been violated. criminal cases. the supreme court decided to consider this issue and make a decision. i think they will rule against him. yes, there are limitations, but he sees things through the lens of what benefits donald trump and the laws and regulations that most sane people are bound to be responsible citizens of don't really care about trump. that's one of the reasons why i think his second term will wreak havoc. to trump's advantage, can congress somehow limit him in this. well, they passed a law that tries to... prevent him from withdrawing the country from nato without congressional approval. i believe that this is not constitutional. the president has the constitutional authority to withdraw from treaties, even
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very good contracts. after all, there is no paper document in the world that can restrain someone who does not feel any limitations. if trump is re-elected, it will be a test of the american constitution and our institutions. i think we 'll win in the end, he won't be able to do everything he... wants, but he'll push his limits. i don't think there is any doubt about that. that is, if he decides not to help ukraine financially, no one and nothing in the united states of america will make him change his mind. they can try to impeach him again time. remember, the first impeachment was about whether he tried to bribe zelensky by denying him military aid if he didn't... get help in finding hillary clinton's computer server and other things like that. so there could be an intense political battle over many of the things
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trump wants to do. and it can reach the level of a constitutional crisis. which is one reason why no one should expect a second trump term. and my last question for you today, mr. ambassador, what are your questions do you think the main challenges stand? over the world in 2024 and is the world really ready for them, the war in ukraine remains at the forefront, the war in the middle east is another very worrying situation, i think the threat that china can do something somewhere on its indo-pacific periphery while the usa, and others captured in europe and the middle east, also remain a very serious concern, it is a dangerous world, and i fear... that a weak, self-absorbed america will only make this world even more dangerous. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, thank you for joining
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to me today and thank you for answering my questions. thank you for the invitation. well, it was the national security adviser to the 45th president of the united states of america, john bolton, i talked to him about a lot of interesting things, in particular about the aid from the united states of america to ukraine, will it receive? we her, will we get her in the event that donald trump becomes president, and as he said, trump has a huge chance, and about a lot of interesting things. well, my name is yuriy fizar, this was an exclusive on espresso, see you soon. and what do you think about lakakalut fix? reliably fixes, my dentist advised me , even particles of food do not get under the denture, and the price
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o'clock. to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso . premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football, stronger together. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now
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we will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. news time to talk about money for two hours, to be aware of economic wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on predeshnaya day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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so, we have half an hour left to be on the air,
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let's talk about the balkans. and let's talk about ukrainian aircraft construction, but let's start with the balkans. nataliya ishchenko, head of the balkan columnist project, i hope it will appear now, it has already appeared, good health, mrs. natalya, thank you for finding time for us, it is very nice, here the editors have written a lot of words for me, and i i wrote below that i forgot about zelenskyi in the balkans, this is my first question, what, what, where are the balkans, where is ukraine, and i have it too. such an impression that the balkans do not belong to ukraine, there are so many of them inside, they are still the sick people of europe, as they said exactly, not 120 years ago, and therefore their diseases are still ukrainian diseases, your version, to the first question that zelensky forgot in the balkans , the answer is very short, weapons,
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a lot is produced in the balkans. weapons, ukraine needs weapons, and that is why zelensky went to this region, and you know that the balkans are bulgaria, and partly romania, and this is croatia, that is, these allies who have been supplying us with something from the very beginning, there are no details always well-known, but nevertheless the deliveries are coming... and zelenskyi also met with the leaders of these countries at and at this summit and the day before, but also at this summit as well. now, regarding the problems of the balkan countries, it already concerns the regions of the western balkans, the former yugoslavia and albania. yes, in fact, the problem of ukraine and western...
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together, if you look at the situation, is being considered.


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