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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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at casper ortolight consultants from mattress tv experts. call there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in podorozhnyk-bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on lisovakt in the pharmacies psyllanyk vam and oschad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about? two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours.
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vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. telecal espresso information day in rozpala, right? well, the situation near avdiivka is extremely difficult. now we will talk about this and other things according to dmytro lykhoviei, the spokesman of the united pre-center of the defense forces of the tauri region. mr. dmytro, we will now be joined by dmytro lykhova. yes, well, there is a report that... defense lines were built there at one time in order to to hold back the russian offensive, but people want to see a certain wall, but the line of defense in the avdiiv direction is not the same as that of the russians, in other directions everything is tied to the local landscape, the landscape is used as a certain defensive auxiliary structure. well, there are a lot of events today, so come on...
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come on, let's inform lykhova, where is mr. dmytro ? we welcome you to our air. mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine. good health anton and marto, glory to the heroes. well, the avdiiv direction, we would like to immediately describe the current situation there. well, because there are a lot of questions, and people, people are worried, because i don't know what could happen. about strengthening the offensive capabilities of the enemy, specifically in the avdiiv direction. in the avdiyiv direction, the enemy does not stop trying to capture new territories and conducts offensive assault actions. at the same time, the battle line remains dynamic. our soldiers continue to restrain the enemy, if necessary carry out regrouping, carry out remote mining and other measures to deter enemy attacks. actions that
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take place mainly in small assault groups, but including the enemy and increases activity and numbers to the company, and sometimes to the battalion-tactical group in these offensives. if you are asking specifically about the avdiiv direction, then over the past day, our defenders in this direction repelled a total of 28 enemy attacks in the areas of the villages of novoselivka and berdychi. thin, pervomaiske and nevelske, but i emphasize that this is one of the hot directions in our operational zone, and er, i apologize, and the enemy is also conducting active combat operations in the novopavlivskyi direction, this is the former mariinsky, where he does not stop trying to attack the eastern outskirts of the village of novomykhaivka, and also conducts active assault operations in the districts of the villages of georgiyivka, vodynoe, and prichysti.
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22 assault attempts by the russians were repulsed there during the past day. dmytro, if we talk about the intensity of the fighting at the current time, that is, the situation is more intense in the avdiivsk direction or in the mariinsky area. in different days are different, these are two parallel tracks, as it is now fashionable to say in our communications, sometimes there are more attacks in the novopavlovsk direction. i.e. the one in mariinsky, sometimes in avdiivskyi, but if i monitor general trends, i can , for example, correlate it with the number of air strikes, and this is certain positive information against this general background, which, well , few people are happy now, because we are on the defensive and we are conducting a defensive operation, so in the last day the enemy has fired 1170 shellings and 144 strikes by drones, drones
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kamikazes, which are already becoming such a very significant additional means of attack, in addition to artillery, as well as 20... six air strikes, and if you look at the statistics of air strikes, then you can definitely say that as a result of the dry-landing, when our air forces by means of anti-aircraft of defense are knocking out russian planes, primarily su-34s , behind the demarcation line in the territory controlled by the enemy, and thanks to this , the number of russian airstrikes in the last two to three weeks has decreased by one and a half to two times, if in mid-february we were talking about... 50, 60, 70, even enemy airstrikes per day, now we are talking about one and a half to two dozen, the last few days are 26, 25, 14, 22, and if there are fewer airstrikes, it means that the russians are less using guided air bombs
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of great striking power , this means that their infantry in the ground attack has less air support, according to the results. of these assault actions is already smaller thanks to the impressive action of our anti-aircraft defense. mr. dmytro, if we are talking about these two directions, we would like to clarify with you mechanized units of the enemy, whether the weather is conducive to the enemy using armored vehicles, and so on. about the weather is a classic question, but now it is, well, not quite relevant, because the rainy season, if you can call it that, hasn't started yet. season and the ground is mostly dry, it allows the use of armored vehicles, and if we talk about the zaporozhian direction, that is, about the robotinian salient, where for the past day, for example, there was one offensive, offensive
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action of the enemy, and for the beginning of this day, as of this morning, there were already three assault actions the enemy, then there the enemy can even use bugs on the fields. atvs , that is, unfortunately, the weather now allows it, and when the rains come, it will probably be a little easier to defend when there is mud, mud, reduced traffic, but for now, well, the enemy is taking advantage, maybe even the fact that the ground is relatively dry, but i emphasize that the more the enemy uses personnel in its offensive actions, the more the enemy. is destroyed, if we talk in the complex with the avdiiv defensive operation, which has been going on since october, then with its continuation, which we see now, the total losses of the enemy in killed and wounded amount to about 5.50 thousand, and
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for yesterday, the losses of the russians in the entire operational zone of osukh tavria amount to 417 people in manpower, that is killed and wounded, in technics. two tanks, nine armored fighting vehicles, nine artillery systems , three rocket launchers, one anti-aircraft defense device, 14 vehicles and two units of special equipment, in addition neutralized by means of electronic warfare or shot down by small arms, a total of 329 unmanned aerial vehicles russians, if we talk about the specific nomenclature, then we can boast of what was destroyed yesterday... three jet systems of direct fire hurricane, a new portable reb complex to combat bpua russian called harpy, the osa anti-aircraft missile complex was damaged, as well as 152 - millimeter hull-self-propelled gun
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giaact s. its work is willow, we understand that the battles continue, the offensive activities of the enemy are also observed, recorded, well, plus or minus. but if we talk, for example, about the intensity of hostile actions at this performance, well, speaking very relatively, of course, among those directions that comprise the entire operational zone of the tavria operational-strategic grouping of troops, the orihiv direction is now relatively calmer, for the whole of last week there were days when one, one, three were recorded there. actions of the russians, there were days when there were no assault actions at all, but yesterday, when there was one assault action, i already told you, but this morning the enemy, well, in principle, began to resort to what was expected of him in view of the overturning some additional reserves for rotation,
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attempts to use fresh forces, and for today, during the night and during the morning inclusive, three were recorded in the orihiv direction. noisy actions, which at that time were still going on, that is, the enemy does not stop trying to cut off this robotic salient, which was deoccupied during the summer offensive, also in zaporozhye. campaign of the armed forces of ukraine last year. mr. dmitrii, finally, we would like to ask you whether our command knows and actually understands about any strategic and operational plans of the enemy, where they are trying to get out, what key population centers are they currently targeting? of course, there is intelligence information, there is data about the enemy's plans to strengthen their ranks. well, it is obvious where they are directing their main strikes after avdiyivka, what concerns
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the avdiyivka direction, it is clear that they are just banging their heads against the wall in the novopavlivskiy direction against the village of nevelyke novomykhaivka, which for them is obviously very fundamental there from a logistical point of view . i just told you about the robotic direction, and it is known when they use their reserves, when they troops are withdrawn when they carry out replacements, i... which units are being replaced, and by the way, a separate question about the fact that the russians are activating the reserves, on the one hand it is of course a little, well, there is little good in it, because the enemy is deploying fresh forces, on the other hand, when it is known that the enemy is transferring some new marines or newly formed... units from stavropol, from orenburg, or even from the pacific fleet, what does this mean? this means that the old units are either exhausted, knocked out,
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or otherwise unable to perform combat missions this means that they are being replaced by fresh, newly formed, poorly trained, well, unfired units, in which they can be inflicted even with the e-e that, with the ratio in the artillery that we have now, if you inflict fire damage on them, they will panic and flee, that is, from this point of view, the use by the russians, the russians , i apologize, of their reserves means that the armed forces of ukraine in the osuv tavria operational zone are carrying out their work qualitatively, carrying out combat work and destroying the main russian forces, so they must already want you don't want to activate the reserves, which will also be destroyed in the end. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro lykhova, the spokesman of the united press center of the defense forces of the tavria
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direction, was on espresso and informed us about the situation in the tavria direction. now we will go on a short break and after that we will return to our air, but before we go on a short break, i want to remind you once again that we are currently collecting funds for 50 fpv drones, this is the amount of uah 800,000 that needs to be collected, so if you have the chance please donate to our gathering and we would like to thank everyone who has already joined our previous gatherings and this gathering as well . a break and in a few minutes we will return, and what will happen, you will see what women will be , the telniuk sisters will sound in a special way in lviv with the program of our shevchenko,
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russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. on tuesday, march 5 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. well,
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the information day of the tv channel continues, the patrol ship of the black sea fleet of the aggressor state, serhiy kotov - the name of the ship, was guarding the kerch strait, said the spokesman of the ukrainian navy, dmytro pletenchuk, i quote pletenchuk. this ship specifically performed the task of guarding the kerch strait, of course illegally, i did it in the territorial waters of ukraine, i remind you that shipping was prohibited by ukraine last year in this part of the water area, however, the russians do not listen to our advice, and pletenchuk added that in total, the enemy has four such ships in stock black sea fleet, but two of them have already been eliminated. serhiy kotov and pavel derzhavin, which derzhavin is undergoing repairs. according to platenchuk , there are not many units
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of enemy ships left in crimea, one missile-carrying ship of the karakurt project is used as air defense. on board is placed. sea-based, well, that’s it, and also, by the way, to this topic, here is an interesting detail that a k-29 helicopter was also on board this ship, and it was also destroyed, and for the placement of refueling aircraft on patrol ships of this project , provision is made the hangar helipad, as well as storage tanks for aviation fuel, and from the intercepted conversations it was also known that there was... not only a helicopter, but there was also some kind of weapon on this board, we hope that all this together with this ship actually there were 80 personnel , there were seven dozen people, more likely, so to speak, they worked out the drones very, so to speak, concentratedly, so it is unlikely that the russian sailors will return to their native one or another novorossian port, well, but, but let’s move on,
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let's talk now about the lyman direction, it's extremely difficult there, andriy. the captain of the medical service, the offensive guard brigade, bureviy. a neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences, is already in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. andrii. glory to the heroes, glory to the nation, death to the horns. death by horns. the situation in the lyman direction, they immediately wanted to ask you , tabaivka, what is going on there and in general, what is happening with you now. we have heavy battles going on, unfortunately, we have already been warned about the possibility of encirclement of slavyansk and lymano, so now maximum concentration, maximum work on prejudice, unfortunately, there is still a question about the means of communication, remains
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the question is open about ammunition, you understand what is worse about me... i recently worked with one of our wounded, he said that such a war, he is afraid of 2014, he is not saw when they cover, the enemy covers with almost all possible types of weapons, and today we already have official information that even chemical weapons were used more than a thousand times during the large-scale attack, and chemical weapons... i assert that they are also used, that is, all types of possibilities , the enemy uses all types of weapons and all possibilities in order to advance. and in your direction, in particular, how often does the enemy on... try to use this or that chemical weapon? well, at least every two weeks we have a message and we have our defenders with
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signs of exposure to chemical weapons. mr. captain, you mentioned liman, we understand that there are ongoing battles in the zarichny area, and yes, the enemy is also trying to advance in the dibrova area. topographically, how far is there? difficult terrain or how much it lends itself to use it for defense? well , i can say that you and i can talk a lot about how favorable this or that terrain is, but taking into account at least five times, for some weapons, ten times surpassing the enemy's exceeding its capabilities, i will say that this is already of secondary importance, ugh, that is... it is said, first of all, it is about artillery, secondly about aviation, thirdly about fpb,
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drones, and the most terrible thing is cabs, guided bombs, i already talked about it, the number of them is off the scale, er, from open sources, you can even see that russia, unfortunately, has a very... large, i would say, infinite, amount cabs, which it actively uses, but we understand that not with an infinite number of tactical aircraft, although there is enough of it right now, but our air force is trying to do everything to reduce that number, have you seen, for example, in the days when our air force was landing several sorties a day, so that they reduce the use of tactical aviation, so i i also support your optimism, and it's so... not optimism, i'd say realism multiplied by optimism, why, because you know, i recently saw a couple of our fighters in action, and
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well, actually, let's say, that an element of the air was happening almost before our eyes battle, and i must say that i am proud that despite everything, despite the fact that we do not have enough equipment, but... i think that our courage and professionalism are much stronger, more, and therefore our air force, then they, they just inspire us that they are winning, despite the fact that, unfortunately, they have limited resources, and of course, i completely agree with you, we see it here and state that the impression is that they are already afraid to fly out , because they know that they will have a lot, i mean russians, i mean enemy. they are afraid to fly out and they are afraid to feel even a little bit dominant in the sky, i would say, they are more panicked now than they were once dominant. oh yes
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, mr. captain, well, accordingly, the artillery, you mentioned that there is no parity, and somewhere one in six, one in 10 shots, if we talk about the infantry activity of the enemy, in what approximate groups they are trying to attack, that is, it is ... that level, i don't know if these are companies, no, they have now moved more to the company level, that is, they are groups of 10-15 people, i want to say that these are no longer the ones that have been from the very beginning, it is clear that they have undergone training, it is clear that they have quite good equipment, eh, but we are successfully resisting in what i always said and... motivates our guys, and even the wounded guys motivate me, we on our land, we don't need someone else's, but we will never give up our own. the nature of the injuries and what is the situation with the medical
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care of the soldiers, well, that's why there was a scandalous news that about 30,000 high-quality tourniquets, yes tourniquets, were found in one of the warehouses of the ministry of defense blood stops, which should have been working on the front line for a long time. mr. captain , i would like to ask you in general, the problems, the communication problems, which i will tell you, there is always, unfortunately, there is the human factor, we are not going to get anywhere from it, and you know that the explanation of why the there were, for example, these same turnstiles, because what if supplies stop, and if they don't, you need to have some kind of strategic reserve. on the other hand, you know, i really like the training in tactical medicine that all our fighters go through, and because if earlier about the tourniquet
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could talk... about whether it exists, now we are already concentrating on the quality of this turnstile, and a lot depends on it in one of the interviews, i probably already said, you heard that a lot depends on the level of commanders, if the commander strategically thinks in advance about what kind of support is needed, especially we are talking about medical support, and there is a medic who works with him, then i already see very good examples when m... we have, i would say , the positive results are that the fighters themselves approach and ask if they need something somewhere they are not guided by the tcc or march protocols, they themselves ask for an explanation or an explanation, and our stormtroopers, well, without four turnstiles, they do not go out on the watercourse, well , but simply speaking about the situation with the turnstiles, i don’t know there, well, maybe.
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the combatant is normal, but the combatant may, so to speak, not organize the appropriate supply, and no, not communicate at the appropriate level, for example, with the relevant medical service, yes, well, there are simply different situations in different units, yes, mr. captain, but as you think is correct it would be to protect the interests of military personnel, in particular, when we are talking about providing high-quality turnstiles, where should they turn, well, in different subdivisions. everything is just different, well, look, i work and serve , i have the honor of serving in the national party of ukraine, and independence from where it is in which defense forces, it’s all the same, the department of medical support, which kazmerchuk now heads, or the medical department provision, it is now the main thing, because we all obey the armed forces to the forces of ukraine, the ministry of defense,
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so now... we are developing, in fact, it has already been developed a joint strategy for medical support, regardless of which, to which branch of the defense forces, the defense defense, this or that part belongs, so that we have unified, and you know, the recently adopted law on the transition of medical and hospital care to nato standards, this law is special, it is small. but it is very clear we expect it to work soon i would say god forbid to have such a medical the provision that we now have at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, i think that my colleagues will confirm with me that it is possible that we could save many more of our brothers and sisters with their lives and health, a significant positive dynamic, so absolutely.
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positive dynamics, and i state this , being practically at the forefront, because there are problems of logistics, there is again, i repeat, the human factor, and there is a question of coordination of actions, but it all again depends on the commanders, i always said that first of all, we need to think about ours command staff thank you, mr. andriy, andriy gu, captain of the medical service, buryviy offensive guard brigade, neurosurgeon, candidate. of medical sciences from the lyman region was on the air of espresso, he informed us about the situation in the lyman region and not only and not only, but we will pass the word on to our colleagues little by little, because news time is gradually approaching on espresso, and our news editor and anna eva melnyk we managed to prepare relevant information for you, so anna evo, we are glad to see you, we congratulate you and pass on the word, please be brief
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to tell what will be about... in this issue. greetings, colleagues, the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, i will tell you about the most important, and this issue will start with the situation in kharkiv region, where the number of victims has increased as a result of russian attacks. be with us. russian occupiers killed a 67-year-old woman, a resident of korylivka village, kupyan district, in kharkiv region. terrorists attacked the settlement in the morning, and in the evening they set fire to the village of senkove. a 49-year-old ambulance driver was injured there, the head said military-civilian administration.


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