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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and... every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent people those who care this is anna's former office.
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she worked at the local cultural center for more than one year, she remembers the last holiday that she organized with her colleagues, the day of unity on february 16, two years ago, it was like that, you know, a feeling of pride , unity for one's country, and then somehow it was not thought that it will happen like this, well, such tragic events, the life of the horbel family changed radically already in the morning of the 24th. february, they and their neighbors moved to live in a shelter nearby, the city was shelled by the invaders from the first days of the great war, they had to run to bathe or to wash, but it was shelled here and it was even scary to run out, this shelter is now open, it is warm, clean and there is light, this is where we constantly charged our phones, people brought food. you know, they united
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, and everyone did everything they could, someone cleaned , someone brought extension cords to charge phones, there were a lot of sockets, anna walks through the basement and remembers every corner, who lived and slept where, we sat here , there were still chairs from this building, and we lived here, it was our home, for about a month, we spent the night and the day here. because it was scary to be in the apartment afterwards airstrikes, but after a couple of weeks it became scary to stay in the basement, anna recalls , the occupiers had already entered the city, they were here and there, they were a squatter, here they rose up like this, and they folded their hands like this and waited, and what they were waiting for, i don’t know what they stood, i don’t know, they did , they didn’t touch, they said to them on the contrary, get out, they came by storm, we
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won’t touch you, go home, don’t suffer, don’t sit here, people have gone home, but the houses are already for the evening on the same day, they continued shelling, to top it off, the light, water and heating, - the heroine recalls. anna's family decided to leave the city, she says, then in the first weeks it was still quite easy for the russian military to pass through the checkpoints, and she and her family were able to break through. anna and her children lived in the west of the country for more than a year, but she still decided to return because she wanted to home. when you see all this live, when you come back and see the destruction of your city, what the enemies have done here, your heart bleeds. when they returned, the woman got a new job, now her husband is waiting from the war. konstantin, at the very beginning
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full-scale invasion, he volunteered for the front. i wouldn't say that it was a shock, that, in principle, somewhere in the depths of my soul, it seemed to me that it would still be like that, well, knowing him, so if i had reacted, not as emotionally as possible, i should have to his wife, but i supported him, vanna's most important desire is victory. for the husband to return home, for the family to be together , this is the main dream, well, in principle, the same as my husband's, because he says that if he did not see how his daughter grows up, but for now how can approaching victory, from the kharkiv region for the espresso tv channel.
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when i start to remember, well, more like this. a feeling of anger and some desire for revenge is present in me, it does not subside. pavlo, a 60-year-old resident of mariupol, painfully remembers the terrible russian invasion of his hometown, before the start of the great war, pavlo and his wife svitlana had a happy life, he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts coach. the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new countdown began.
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weapons in our hands and were going to kill us, and then they have already brought up the regular troops , they have already brought up the equipment, they have already brought up not just modern equipment, they started as a mockery to get there, that 's where they will get from the burning house, they will get there, what was the need, god knows, shells were constantly hitting the city, russians were dropping bombs from airplanes , the cannons and howitzers did not stop. pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived.
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thus, the makukh family lived in blockade mariupol for 3 months, because they could not leave svitlana's bedridden old mother. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at his school. one day, svitlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon... destroyed by the russians, and the children already thought that she had stayed there, and a woman came to the home theater, thought, thought, said, i am one of the mothers-in-law left, i am there it's hard, she
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leaves this drama theater, the kilometer is 1:15 p.m., she goes under bombings, she returns home, at the end of may there was already a corpse on the streets. pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading. however, the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31 , 2022. two days before leaving , svitlana's old mother died and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard. i dug it myself, it 's not very deep, i dug it in the hope that in september, i had some information that we would liberate mariupol in september .
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for less than two years, the husband and wife have been living in germany, for the first time during this time they met their relatives already here in ukraine, the son and grandson of svitlana and pavlo left mariupol already in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region, his father went to serve in the army, the boy remembers those humiliations and the long way down. control territory of ukraine. there was a large convoy, all the seats were occupied, we drove standing all night, and then at night we arrived at a russian checkpoint, there was a gas station, and at that time we were told that
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that we would not go any further, and we stood there in vain for two days. the next morning they brought us water from the sewers, which was not drinkable. then they threw a loaf of bread at us on the whole bus so that we could just eat, on the day when they brought us that water, a military vehicle just drove in front of us. russian, we saw it, and we were not allowed to pass because of this, that they simply drove the equipment. difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing, when they will be reunited and will return to their native, ukrainian mariupol. i dream of restoring my house, this is my dream, and i understand very well that they will return there, it will be replaced, the border is 40 km away.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. september sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say , let us have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, you can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events happening right now. and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known,
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what is happening must be understood, antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, that saturdays at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m., studio event with anton borkovskii at espresso. vasyl zyma's big ether, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zyma. air time, two hours of your time , we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about what is in happened to the world, read more yuriy fizar will speak, yuriy, good evening , please, you have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news , a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of loved ones. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that
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have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. les favorites.
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congratulations, for five days now the main thing for russian propagandists is a special operation, which the russian, well... special services are actually conducting against the leadership of germany, it is not just an information operation, it is a special operation. on friday evening, the russian media released a recording of a conversation between german soldiers, during which, in particular, discussed the possibility of taurus missile strikes on the crimean bridge. the bottom line is that this is not only an information operation, because
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these conversations still had to be taken from somewhere, that is, they had to be listened to first. to find them, well, actually, only then did they throw them out to the public, and it happened quite quickly, because these conversations are dated, at least that’s what is indicated on february 19, that is, they didn’t even , you know, somehow keep the sources, maybe this is a hack or something, everything was thrown out very quickly, well probably because it is very, very important for russians now... and these conversations were spread through margarita simonyan, she published such a post where it was written that something extremely interesting was conveyed to me by comrades in uniform, just on the day when scholl said , that nato is not involved and will not be involved in the ukrainian conflict, such fascinating reading and audio that i really
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want to publish it, please the readers, on this interesting recording, high-ranking officers ... where the sphere is discussing how they will bomb the crimean bridge, and how would it be better for them to do so that at to this their scholz could continue to say that his house is from the edge. such a post. after that , in fact, there was such a, you know, massive distribution to all russian media of these records, which were not even published, let's say , that is, ria novosti posted, for example, photos of those officers who participated in the conversation there. this is actually, i repeat again, it was on february 19, like this conversation, and the topic was discussed by the chief of operations and training of the air force command grefe, air force inspector gerhards, an employee of the air force center fensk and froshtedt operations. at the same time, one of the officers mentioned the planned trip to ukraine on february 21 to coordinate, as it were
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, strikes on russian objects, as the russians interpret it. here is the message , well, actually they published it, they even asked something about sergey lavrov, there was a public speech that day, they even asked him something, he managed to report something about all this, and well, it was not limited to that, that is, they as if they were holding a pause, they showed the eyes all the photos, that's all after that, in fact, margarita simonyan published more... introductory posts that, first of all, the germans still haven't responded to my post, well , then we'll distribute and indicate the names of the officers, and after that she actually published herself this conversation for 38 minutes in german, then later published a transcript of this conversation, well, that's all, all of it was thrown absolutely by a
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russian civil servant, well, actually, it was thrown. a person who is a leading russian propagandist, well, you will laugh, but this did not impress everyone, because they they said that taurus is already in ukraine, that is why there are even such propagandists who , despite everything, continue to bend this line, tell, no, after all, those taurus are already in ukraine, it’s all somehow incomprehensible, ows in ukraine or not, well, according to me according to data, there are already several of them in ukraine. and they are probably located in the area of ​​the western border, the negotiations were published by these representatives from the actual german side, they caused more confusion than they shed light, and the usual reaction was the russian
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propagandists, you probably already have it understood someone shouted about hitting somewhere with a nuke, someone shouted, well, mostly solov'ov, about bombing paris, london and, obviously, berlin, well, the most original story was of course, and it is almost such an official version of russian propaganda that it is necessary hit the german bridges, not someone, but germany is at war with russia, despite the progressiveness of the interlocutors. images of the best bridges in germany do not appear in her head, but in this rather narrow country, of course, there are no such long ones as the crimean one, but still there is something to see. through a missile sight, here, for example, the femerzunt road-railway bridge in the baltic sea, is not an answer to our hypersonic zircon. the gryugin bridge is also,
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we add, the total length is about 3 km, one of the parts is sliding for the passage of large ships through the stralund strait. let's pay attention to the gauguin-solern railway bridge in cologne itself, across the rhine. the day passes through. 1,200 railway depots, there will be a traffic jam, and we still do not reach the length, and the icing on the cake is the magdeburg water bridge, the length of the main span about a kilometer, the width of the channel is 34 m, the depth is 4.5, the waterway connects the inner river port of berlin with the ports on the rhine, it will be a pity, but what to do with our crimean bridge they don't mind, well of course not... because it some pathetic likeness of all these beautiful engineering german structures, well , that is, well, at least you understood the main
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idea here, that since the germans are planning something like this, then we now have the right to strike somewhere, well , of course, this is complete nonsense, because the language is there in these conversations in fact, it was about the fact that the germans were thinking, if the ukrainians get these missiles, how exactly will they be able to use them, how many pieces will they need, that is, for us to destroy the crimean bridge, how can there be guidance on targets, should we go to advise the ukrainians in ukraine, should it not be done, it is enough for the ukrainians to come and consult in germany, and of course there were talks about the fact that, on the one hand, it seems that ukrainian staff should be trained for six months or eight, and then the other says, well, you know , we so thought that they would take a long time to learn to use. patriots, but it turned out that they learned in a few weeks, so let's not talk about long months there, well, that is, such a conversation, which in principle indicates that at least in the german
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military leadership , some details of what and how , if you transfer weapons, how to do it, a completely normal conversation, because it is clear that people need to understand what they are transferring, to whom and how this someone will use them, nothing else there was not moreover, of course, all these cries of the russians about hitting somewhere, they are somewhat stupid, because in the very conversation there is a narrative that, well, we probably shouldn't go to ukraine, it will, perhaps, be appreciated somehow wrong, so we have to let the ukrainians themselves come and consult with us, that's actually how it was said, that's why there's all the shouting, well , it's a completely artificial story, but it's clear that it's incitement... well, but it's interesting
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it was completely published by the russians, well , it is clear that the russians somehow took it somewhere, but at the same time they began to tell who could have messed it up, who could have messed up these conversations, and this is very russian, to do something somewhere, and then try to tell that it could be someone... someone else did it, well, listen to it , to whom and how can these leaks be beneficial? russia, of course, published this material, it fully corresponds to our interests, who and how somewhere made the leak, the big question is still who is listening to the entire german leadership of nato, i don’t know, the question, you have to think whether the british are listening, or the americans are listening, what the americans are listening to, we know for sure who leaked these negotiations, it was real... skabieva laid them out, skabeeva
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messed with them for a long time, they were all shouting there, she told me that people in uniform gave it to me, of course, that it is not german, but russian, and who broke these negotiations, why did they say it, they said it in order to literally tell some kind of story, you know, which probably has, i don't know, to evoke some kind of story in scholz. .. there is a reaction or some kind of hysteria or it is not known what about it, that probably this is something specially designed against everything scholz is more than that, it is probably the german military themselves who spread it, russian propagandists say, in order to frame scholz, but everything is terribly confused, who leaked these negotiations, was it a real interception of our intelligence or something else, or the germans themselves leaked these negotiations, the military they do not take the initiative by themselves, it was an order from above, so it was an order from the minister.
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it is quite possible that this is a strike against scholz, and it was done directly by the military, it was done by german people inside, like admiral canaria in its time, these are separatist negotiations that begin with the transfer of information, well, you know, what is interesting here is what a certain volodymyr sergienko is saying, volodymyr sergienko, literally a month ago , an investigation was published for insider and derzhspiegl, where i will simply tell. it turns out that volodymyr sergienko, who has been living in germany for many years, even in november 22 , he received german citizenship, so he is simply a russian agent of influence, a russian spy, and that is what this investigation is about, that is, he is now, you know, with of germany has already completely relocated to russia, precisely because he was exposed as a russian spy, and here he is thinking something about the fact that it must be something
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there... the german military, and between what he was doing, he was an assistant a deputy of the bundestag, well, in principle, and now he formally remains one, from the alternative for germany party, which is also accused of this, that it is simply, well, some kind of concentration of such germans, you know, in germany , of russian agents, so this deputy from the alternative for germany, kazakh agreement, this yevhen shmid, who is also... a regular guest on russian television, journalists got access to the correspondence of this sergienko, whom you saw, it follows that in the summer of 2023 he was in contact in moscow with fsb colonel elya vechtomov, this vichtomov, an employee of the ninth department of the fifth service of the fsb, which is responsible for ukraine, and it became clear from the correspondence that sergiyenko reported to this moscow curator about his actions, agreed on various
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steps to be taken. funding from him, among on the other hand, sergiyenko helped the alternative for germany parliamentary faction file a lawsuit with the federal constitutional court of germany to stop the supply of tanks to ukraine. in addition, in june 2023, sergienko brought a politician from the alternative for germany, ulrich oima, to sochi, and a few months before his visit, sergienko wrote to the pope of the roman catholic church. a letter of expulsion from the orthodox, well, the orthodox moscow patriarchate in ukraine, and a draft of this letter to the pope of rome, expulsion from the orthodox church in ukraine, sergienko agreed with his moscow curator, this fsb curator also provided sergienko with money, and currently the german authorities are trying to deprive this person of german citizenship.
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what is interesting for us here is that he is this sergey. it is quite possible that he has not only russian, german , but also ukrainian citizenship, because he was born in lviv, and in principle, he moved to germany back in 1991, but in 2019, on the air of the solovyov program, he called all residents of lviv there there are rules, livestock, accused him of suppressing the russian language and culture, and called for lviv to be buried, in general, and besides, he... this figure constantly talks about the fact that he is proud to be a citizen of ukraine, has a wikipedia page, which is also in ukrainian for some reason , this is his only such page, and there he seems to write that he received an award for sports cooperation between ukraine, poland and germany, as if from the mayor of the city of lviv andriy sadovoy, well, of course, it is very
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interesting to understand, after all, he has '. or no and find out, but he definitely has accusations from the ukrainian national security and defense council for actually working against ukraine, because he constantly sits in all these russian studios and just , well, non-stop tells how to bomb ukraine, such an actor, so this person , she talks about the fact that there is something military and there are some internal affairs, and he is not the only one, because in principle it is like, well, like... one of the main theses of russian propagandists, regarding this whole story, with with this, with these recordings of conversations, they tell that it is just a little not military coup against schulz. here we can talk about constitutional treason. i will say more. i didn't want to say that word. in fact, i strongly believe. my friends and i consulted here. it is about...


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