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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand processes taking place in ukraine and the world.
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vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, we will now continue our marathon. to our account from and since the morning it is already 36 00, you and i collected this, we thank everyone who joins, and now denys nagorny, major of the national guard, chief of staff the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade is already with us, mr. denis, we welcome you, good morning, studio, good morning, dear viewers, good morning, and to you, please tell me, if you can tell me where you are, what news do you have?
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today we will talk about the bakhmut direction , where our fourth brigade of the operational assignment of rubizh is located, the direction is quite difficult at the moment, because after the tactical withdrawal from ardiivka, the russians distributed forces, in particular, the distribution of forces took place in the same way bohdanivka, on ivanivsk, khrumov, and klishchiev heights, these are the main points where the enemy has concentrated their efforts, why? because the main operational task is first to get to the border of the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, then to capture the city of chasiv yara, that is, such an outpost of the donetsk fortress, these are cities like sloviansk, druzhkivka, kostiantynivka, kramatorsk, why, because he needs logistical nodes, here... at the moment
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, assault groups of the russian airborne troops are operating from the enemy's side the federations, which are quite well prepared, but with them... let's say it's hard to compete, but for now, thank god, they are becoming fertilizers for our native land, and it works well for them to move in this direction, they are the most interesting the fact that the amount of use of artillery in this direction has increased, that is, the amount of use of precisely such high-precision ammunition as krasna pol, and these troops have also increased. la, but at the moment the weather helps us a little, it helps in what way, because it is not always possible to use uavs when it is raining, when there rain, snow, which will most likely not be there, but when the weather is sunny in 90%
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of cases, you can really observe such swarms from fpv drones, from aerial reconnaissance drones, from... unmanned systems, i.e. from wings , this is how it goes, and why, why is this observed, because this is the parity in the use of our, our response, more precisely, our response to the use of a large number of uses of artillery by the russians, because at the moment there are enough artillery shots only for defense, because most likely the west is delaying the much-desired help that ... they should have been delivered to the front line a long time ago, you know, different people who know the situation at the front well, in particular yuriy butuzov, a well-known ukrainian journalist, write that after leaving avdiyivka, that from bakhmut, also in general our positions in
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these areas are weaker than the russian ones, since we are not on the heights now and there are no good fortifications, it has not been done, and he says that anyway... it will be worth leaving later, can you say that there are really problems with this well, i will say that in order to build a good fortification, to dig a certain pit, you need resources, here it is so difficult to get to the front line because of all these drones, that it is simple to leave, for example, a car with provisions, it has to leave for a certain number of kilometers and carry everything on yourself. on backpacks, because there is not always such an opportunity , the same, roughly speaking, the concrete mixer was filled with concrete, how, i don’t know, some experts tell what you did not pour concrete, you try to pour concrete when in something is constantly flying at you, when there is always such and such a movement in the air
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, that your eyes just crawl on your forehead, yes, even with the fact that it still somehow needs to be delivered from point a to point b, yes, and when it was winter. that the roads are washed out, so everything has to be done manually, it is not as fast as it seems, they put their fingers there once and everything, and a concrete one appeared there, i understood this idea, i am now speaking as a layman, of course, but we are six months therefore they laughed at the muscovites that they were building fortifications in the crimea, it would seem where is the front, and where is the crimea, yes, but either in the belgorod region, although we have absolutely no intention of going to moscow or. from the belgorod region at least, and in general, before that, i don’t know what, but in general, well, these same drones, they have a flight range of some kilometers, which means that nothing is getting in the way now near sloviansk and kramatorsk to build some kind of super
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wall of defense, just in case, well, that's how it is built, i say, but not at the speed with which people want to build it, it's not a computer game, it's even more so... there were drones, there were lancets , there were scalpels, there were, i don’t know, there were shakheds, there were geraniums, here they are significant, everything is being modernized here, too, the technology does not stand still, yes, if we could have used an excavator under "to drive 10-15 km, 5 km to dig in, then there is simply no such possibility, firstly, we expose the equipment to danger, and then... not the equipment, but the personnel to the danger, and secondly, we lose technique, it is not very effective, but we regretted the muscovites that they dig, so do we ourselves we dig, we take the shovel ourselves , we don't whine, we dig, it's just that everything goes in
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a complex, every complex in the troops is tied up, the air defense covers the engineering, they dig , they create fortifications for the infantry, the infantry regroups in the meantime, that's all. .. such a great, great, great symbiosis of troops, everyone depends on everyone, so here, let's put it this way, everything depends on the extent to which ... the resilience of our soldiers will be enough, and it will be enough for a long time. hreby, as a means of fighting against russian drones, to what extent do we have a promotion here? i'll start with russia itself, taking into account that yes, the country there is 10-15 times larger than ours, so the amount of use of the reb and its production is much greater in them, plus ... they move much faster here, than us, because they also have tsndi, and
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a lot of them started working, roughly speaking, on this issue since 2022, we started to think about the need for a reb sometime in 2023, and while it has passed from the handmade stage to the stage of a full-fledged guest product, time has also passed, on the current moment, what we have, what they have... let's say, 40 to 60, let's say so, in their favor, because it's not always possible to do some things that, let's say like they do, the same trench reb, the same rebs that are used at long range, but we are also moving forward in this regard, why, because certain protections for our logistics have already appeared. this is a certain rap for which we collect, here is a qr code, i would be grateful to the studio and tv viewers to join
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the collection, because it really works when, for example, you fly in a car, that is, from your own situation, you are flying in a car , there is a lot of ammunition behind, roughly speaking, it is somehow a little steep without a reb, because it is really a lot of fpv, there are a lot of all kinds of lancets, shmonsets, which just want to eat you, and even though it is small, but reliable protection. well , mr. denys, have you seen this qr code, we just saw the qr code, so we need to explain to our viewers , first of all, 40,000 uah for this morning , you, dear viewers, collected already for the 81st separate airmobile brigade , then you can still throw in a little bit for denys nagorny, major of the national guard of the initial staff of the artillerymen of the fourth brigade of rubiche, they are gathering on the lines that would confuse the russians. drones, so that you can also throw them at our gods of war, who reliably cover in fact the same
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infantrymen for whom we also collect fpv drones, there are also russian drones and protection from them - they are slaves, so we ask you to support this collection, we warm with the fire of the enemies, and you will play, warm our souls with a donation for the rebbe, and a beautiful call, mr. denys, thank you for participating in our broadcast, denys nagorny, major. national guard, chief of staff artillery of the fourth brigade rubizh was with us, dear friends, we will now go for a short break, then we will return, we will talk with our military expert serhiy zgurets. 40,000 hryvnias have already been added to our account this morning, continue to inform us that we are actually only 155 hryvnias away from our goal of 800,00 hryvnias. here the viewer tells us another one, that why we don't invite. representatives of the authorities to our airwaves and why not ask them pressing questions, we like to, we constantly, constantly appeal
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to the representatives of the authorities, taking advantage of this opportunity , we invite shmyhal, zelenskyi and everyone to our broadcast . questions to us, and to them, dear friends, and it is necessary to ask them, as well as you. you can write to them somewhere in their social networks. let's take a break, continue. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong will unpack the tv, just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. her yes convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499 , and a reliable battery is included in the kit, call now and order, there is a possibility
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stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. on espresso. dear friends, we are on the air. yes, an air alert has been declared in ukraine. please do not ignore this announcement. go to the shelter. we will agree with serhii zgurets, a military expert, director of the defense express company, and we will do the same. this is what the map of ukraine looks like now. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. spectators now it's really
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an air alarm, as i understand, this continuation of the story is connected with the use of shahedds at night. is it certain that the enemy is trying to provide some complex approaches to breaking through our air defense system, i hope that our air defense system will work effectively enough. as we all hope for it, so i understand that it could take off, there could be danger of attack, daggers, supersonic supersonic missiles. i will probably start, mr. serhii, with what yuriy wrote butusov yesterday, who writes that the critical losses of our troops at the front and the advance of russia. to a large extent, it is due to the lack of construction of a defense line, well, again , we are talking about the fact that there is not just a situation of botusov, he goes on to say that ukrainian troops are actually in a disadvantageous position near avdiivka near bakhmut, because the russians are already controlling it height there, that is, something must be done, we just spoke with mr.
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denys nagorny, major of the national guard, chief of staff of the fourth artillery brigade headquarters of the fourth brigade. and he says that, in general, now the construction of serious fortifications directly on the front line or next to the front line is actually already impossible, because any equipment breaks down on the approaches, literally 15 km and further from the front line , the equipment breaks down, that is, a difficult situation, fortifications mean that it is necessary to build them at a long distance from the front, or does this mean that the front line will have to be moved over time, so to speak, back, give some more land. well, actually, i wouldn't such conclusions that it is necessary to advance the front line, indeed, now we, as we understand, are working on mistakes related to ignoring, creating fortification structures. in fact, these structures are being built on several lines, the zero line and the first line,
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where the brigades are located, there are the engineering support groups that are in the warehouse. the brigades themselves, the equipment of these engineering support groups during the two years of the war, of course, it was destroyed, and there the bet, unless it is made on a large and small sapper shovel, is not really, well, it significantly limits preparation or restoration fortifications in the combat zone, this is our current reality, but there is a different situation when we talk about the third line of defense there, or about fortifications in the regions, and here the actual er from... the responsibility, like mine, for that , that we are now forcing these works, it falls on the government, and on the military administration, and sometimes on the military themselves, because if a certain time. we ignored the fact that we have to build fortifications, now we have certain consequences of the fact that these fortifications simply do not exist, and here the question is not
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only money, the government literally said yesterday that 20 billion hryvnias have been allocated, another 11 billion are in reserve for these needs, but not only money is needed now to ensure these works, but also the active work of the government itself and the military administrations, because. .. now they are busy concluding contracts with civil organizations there, there are questions for various projects, for various organizations, costing, typical projects and all this really takes time. i hope, in fact, that the situation should change somewhat now, because there is money, there is a lack of responsibility, as far as i am concerned , on the part of the government itself, the military administrations, and partly the military. because conventionally speaking, now, when we are talking about the situation there with the construction of these structures, then in fact, even now, when we are talking
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about the zero line or something else, in fact, even we lack the technology that can ensure this, although there is there are a number of regulations that allow military administrations to take the equipment of civilian enterprises and transfer them to the military, the military, unfortunately, well... dependent in these situations, from the military administrations, they do not want to criticize their civilian partners there, but this affects the pace of fortification construction, the situation, in my opinion, is not normal, but i still think it will change, because, in particular, a couple of days that is why the commander of the support forces was changed, the chief of the engineering forces was appointed to this structure, which takes care of a number of directions there, and now the military engineer himself there , the general brigadier general, will deal with the work of the support forces in general, and this is what i think
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will partially affect the efficiency of work on the construction of engineering structures, but i repeat that sometimes the brigades themselves did not always take their own equipment seriously, on the one hand they said that there was no equipment, and on the other hand... in fact, everyone was preparing for an offensive, a matter of defense postponed for the next one, and now it is precisely this postponement that needs to be urgently filled with specific works in conditions where there is a shortage of technical personnel. mr. serhiu, yesterday the european commission and, in particular, the head of diplomacy of the european union, jose borel presented the european defense and industrial strategy (eed), it is called and actually proclaimed. that it should actually transfer , so to speak, to the military economy of the european union, in order to finally give a decent answer, for these two years of russian
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aggression, to help ukraine decisively, but i read that it is better to say stimulation, or stimulation , the defense industry is going to allocate as much as one and a half billion euros next year, which looks like just some kind of bullying, maybe... you are still better have already familiarized ourselves with this strategy, to what extent is it really a strategy of transferring the war into the economy of the european union? in fact, the questions are extremely interesting, and one must understand that in reality, defense or military projects within the european union were regulated the least, because despite a number of different agreements within the european union, when it came to the defense industry or the defense-industrial complex, then national ones.. interests and national priorities of the countries of the european union were recognized as higher than interests of the european union, and then in fact each country relied on its own approaches
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to ensuring defense capability, on its own projects to stimulate its own defense industry and on those initiatives that are implemented in the european union on the basis of certain partnership agreements, and in fact now this is the first attempt formalize the process. cooperation of the defense industry within the european union, there is a goal by 2030 for half of the finances to be spent on the purchase of armaments within of the european union, then this share should be increased, but it should be understood that these good intentions will now have to be implemented in conditions where, on the one hand, there are own enterprises that profess their own. development strategy and we will see how it will be done within the european union. there is such a european defense agency, it was created 10 years ago. european
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defense agency. now engaged for a long time in promising areas of development, various projects, cooperation of european enterprises, trying to attract some enterprises to powerful joint projects , but de facto it turned out that when they talk about creating their own joint european aircraft, the f-35y actually enters as a serial model and european countries buy the f-35 as a basic aviation product, and so many other things, when the americans simply outplayed. europeans precisely because of such inertia in the development of their defense industry. now we see that europe wants to change the rules somewhat, and even includes ukraine in this process, at least mentions that ukraine it should also be included through the passage of our enterprises certain certification procedures, which are characteristic of all european enterprises, and the creation of some joint alliances with european enterprises. in theory, everything
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looks good, but... i am still a supporter of the fact that european countries now use a more directive way of working with their own enterprises when it comes to increasing the amount of ammunition or other factors, but unfortunately, the directive way in europe does not work, the economy remains market, and in any case precisely the market character of the economy will still prevail over even such mild methods of form'. which are now announced within the framework of the european union, so the initiative is good, but i am afraid that it will not give the result, especially in the short term, that we can hope for. well, the very end, yesterday emmanuel macron answered a question about whether he exaggerated the possible participation of french troops directly on the territory of ukraine, to which he answered rather interestingly, rather harshly. not
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everyone admires this speech, well , some really remind us that france has so far managed to allocate as much as 0.7% of its gdp to help ukraine, and here it is clearly not among the leaders, let's say so, but nevertheless, the speech is powerful, where he said, what if we, that he is not going to take back his words and said that the europeans should accept the reality and ask putin where his red lines are, because if we are going to set them up. its red lines in front of putin, then this is a strategy of defeat, in fact, indeed, france is not a leader in terms of the volume of supplies to ukraine, in particular there are 30,000 ammunitions, this is a small amount compared to what france actually had and has, but in any case , macron is now acting as the champion of this extremely important ideas, and he really destroys these red lines that existed in many european countries, nato countries, which
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conditionally speaking, well, there will not be... our military there to act on the territory of ukraine, formally we do not ask for it, but de facto we we understand that the process is connected there with the participation of foreign military in the creation of joint enterprises, in the repair of equipment, in computer security, in the training of our military, in demining, all this can be carried out at the expense of the support of the military of other countries, i am very interested , so that macron's initiative continues to be in... the professional space, because it is extremely important for the spread of our security format for fighting the enemy. well, the same naryshkin is already showing such a bit of fear and again the threats of nuclear weapons that means it really hit them. thank you mr. serhiy. serhiy zurets, expert, director of company x was with us. dear friends, 42 have been added to our account for the 81st separate airmobile brigade for 50 semi-buckets, we are collecting for them, they are now on the pakel luhansk direction. thank you to everyone, we
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still have 100 left that need to be sorted, but now let's remember a moment of silence for all those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russian aggression. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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