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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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of the military of this unit and stole money, which was actually written off through fake invoices , we understand in the public anti-corruption council that such a scheme was definitely not in one military unit, and it is quite difficult to detect them, if the military themselves do not hand over, but in our there is a suspicion that there are also dishonest nachfrauds, there are quite a lot of them, and that is why such schemes exist, they allow very large sums of money to be laundered. of our budget, and well, in this case, it is simply unacceptable, because in fact we are creating an opportunity, it is not known to which people who do nothing they don't produce, they don't take any goods anywhere to any front line, but actually have some incredible margin, build hotels in croatia, live beautifully, and at the same time we periodically receive complaints from the military there.
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then some kind of stew consisting of veins and bones, then oil in which there is nothing but vegetable veins, then tangerines that rotted there a week ago, but they were sent to the military unit, and then fish, excuse me, in which worms have already started , but they are still brought by the military, and we, when they are still only went to the ministry of defense, and we asked the employees of the state procurement department how many... complaints the state files against such suppliers, they told us that there was a big problem, because the parts did not always have time to submit applications to suppliers in three weeks. suppliers took advantage of this and supplied what was profitable for them, that is, conditionally, if you wanted a sausage of the highest grade from them, then they brought you sausages of the third grade and said, eat it, it is your, your fault, that you did not order on time, well, what else please write us that what you actually ordered so that there are no nuances. and the military there
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having no special food, well, the military must be fed, they must eat something, and they often agreed to the fact that instead of buckwheat, pearl barley, and pork instead of beef, the companies received extra profits, our soldiers who risked their lives , got just some disgusting food, tatyana, here you are telling and... it is clear that these problems are much more than you can tell, and much more than i can ask, and it is clear that, that it is endless something is going on, and in our previous inclusions we talked with you about the fact that there was a previous leadership of the ministry of defense, then rustem umerov came, then there was a reform, reforms of anti-corruption officials in the ministry of defense, tell us, is something changing in these structures , or we...
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will always catch them by the tail like rats and say: well, here is the atomic service, here is grynkevich, here is someone else, and that is, it is endless, for someone it is a war, for someone a mother , and if now dot can to take away the collection of applications, it will already be a significant step forward, therefore that they will at least accumulate data on how much potatoes, meat, and milk are needed to supply our military a. and in this way they will make this corruption on the ground impossible, because there will be no such contact between the military unit and the supplier, this is a very big deal, and that is why this very big scandal is happening because of this nuance , because precisely they do not want the suppliers to dot knew and was such a bridge in these communications between the part and the supplier, so this will allow us to move forward, unfortunately, but we... hoped very much
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for a reform that will allow purchasing directly from manufacturers, and now the ministry has found this way, well, i don't know if it's a compromise, or if it's a success, or if it's already a failure, and because there, literally in a few days, the discussion shifted from what will be an experiment in three regions, then it was reduced to an experiment in one region, where it will be just purchasing by individual food groups from manufacturers and separately buying logistics, and i think that the opponent... i really expect that this experiment will fail, we really hope so, that he will succeed in this way as well the state will invest its money, a small amount of money from a real manufacturer who has hired staff, and not some filkin with diplomas and it is not clear who, that is, people who most likely do not exist, who have neither warehouses, nor transport, and this there will be another step forward, but unfortunately it is now rather delayed. everything is at the end of the year,
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so i'm afraid that this will probably be a task for the next anti-corruption council, which will be elected there, or i don't know how the ministry will appoint these people. but this is a very long way, unfortunately, we would like it to be a little faster, because there are a lot of problems of the ministry of defense, not only food, there will be a lot of work, i can't help but ask you about hristo groziev and his statement as the head belinket, who said that russia had a fairly wide agent network among ukrainian politicians and law enforcement officers, and they were anti-corruption officers. they say that they worked there for the fsb and the game, then a large-scale invasion began, well , in a word, let's listen to christ better gruziva, so that i do not repeat it. there are a lot of people who were political activists in pro-liberal organizations, and
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even in organizations funded by western foundations, who also met and probably received money or something else, but most likely money from the fifth department. fsb, some of them were supervised by the gru, some by the fifth department of the fsb. now we do not see their activity in favor of the russian occupation authorities. on the contrary, we see that they take a pro-ukrainian position. maybe they have something changed inside. i am not sure how much information should be published about them, their names. maybe they are defending their country. well, to be honest, i was confused by what he said, and especially the fact that he... still made this investigation public, because hristo gruziev has a reputation, but this statement, frankly, for me , not really i got it, maybe you can explain who he is actually talking about, unfortunately i don’t have any ideas either, i wouldn’t even want to create a field for the
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speculation that some people are currently conducting telegram channels, and because, well, they are now simply raising the level of erakin on specific people, probably from the side of the thunderstorm. it would be more correct to issue an investigation and accuse people of something specifically, and this would be entirely in the spirit of this organization, after all , as you rightly said, it has a certain reputation, and because to do such a measure that, well, they might have something , but i don't know if it should be made public, if their position has not changed, but it's as if you have some information, but you haven't finalized it and therefore don't you know what to do with it, well... so, probably, it would be better to continue the investigation, do it as it is, ask some comments from these people, and then decide whether to make their names public or not , because well, now it is just a field for manipulation, unfortunately, our society is already quite unbalanced,
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there are many paranoid attitudes and many internal conflicts in it, which prevent us from being a united nation in the fight against our real enemy, and this only makes us weaker . and therefore it seems to me that all these theories are about the third the maidan, i understand that russia will really shake things up now and prove the illegitimacy of the president, but it seems to me that it is not very logical to talk about the third maidan, because we understand that for russia in general the maidan is something completely unacceptable and foreign, and they will never go for it, because they will never allow free thinking in their country and demonstrations against... the authorities, that is, for them it is completely foreign and hostile, but really we live in an era when there will be many throwaways, and i i chat briefly there with women who left kherson, or they live two cities away, and if you
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also saw the message about these ibso that kherson will be surrendered, unfortunately, these people are so under the influence of such information, they are afraid for their city, they are afraid that they will be surrendered, and. .. periodically i come across posts in social networks of people with whom i wrote interviews after the liberation of kherson, and they also have such rather difficult impressions, and therefore we would probably be better off working to calm these people down, to give them confidence that no one will betray anyone, so it will be very difficult for us this year, we, on unfortunately, we do not have the support from the united states of america that we were counting on, we have very little... so this year will be a year of defense for us, and the most important thing is that the russians do not advance and take some more of our territories. thank you tatyana, well, we will wait for this investigation by khristo gruziev, because it would be interesting to see what he will say as a result, and what this announcement
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is connected with, among other things. thank you for the conversation, it was tetyana nikolayenko, journalist, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine. friends, cont we are conducting this broadcast. today we are asking you about the following: do you approve of zelenskyi's decision not to attend biden's speech to congress, at this speech zelenskyi wanted to sit next to yulia navalny. refused, did zelenska do the right thing, that they refused it, now we see the intermediate results, 43% yes, 57% - no, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use and for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home or business. and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict
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with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict, today in the program. the anti-putin coalition is one step forward and two steps back, fear of russia and fear of the fall of ukraine. olena zelenska refused to fly to the usa. who in washington wanted to reconcile zelenska and navalna by sitting them together at biden's speech?
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untimely sociology. zaluzhn is predicted to win over zelensky, who needs pre-election ratings during the war? about this and about other things, for the next 45 minutes we are talking with our guests, whom i will introduce in just a few minutes. let me just remind you, friends, that we work not only on the live air of the tv channel. and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there now, please like this video, subscribe to our platforms, and also take our survey, today... we ask you this , do you approve of zelensky's decision not to attend biden's speech to congress, very much in short, during biden's speech before the congress , which is to be held on march 7, zelenskyi was supposed to be seated next to yulia navalnya, and it was supposed to be a symbol of the struggle and of the ukrainian people,
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whose representative is olena zelenska and yulia navalnya, who... is the widow of oleksii navalny against the putin regime, so we ask you this, do you approve of zelensky's decision not to go and not participate in biden's speech to congress, 0 800 211 381, yes no 0800 211 382, ​​that is if you watch us on tv in youtube, everything is quite simple, either the yes button or the no button, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video. let me remind you that all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. oleksiy koshel, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you
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joined our broadcast. thank you, good evening. so, gentlemen, i have. you will also have a short question, first about whether it is correct that zelenska refused to fly, of course, the official message of the office of the president of ukraine does not say anything about the fact that zelenska did not want to sit next to yulia navalny, but the washington post writes today that this was the reason why the first lady of ukraine did not want to fly to washington and be at this solemn ceremony. announcement of biden's speech in front of the congress, how do you perceive it, whether zelenska did the right thing, or the wrong thing, and whether it is right that the ukrainian side does not allow, at any moment , to question our desire to defeat russia and our desire to defeat
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, including the good ones russians, mr. maksym, eh... i don’t think that in this case it was about any kind of confrontation between olena zelenskaya and oleksiy navalny’s widow, rather, it would have been a very unfavorable context for the first lady of ukraine, and she accordingly did the right thing, and it is obvious that this decision was made by a wider circle of people involved. by zelenskyi's headquarters , relatively speaking, because in this situation , of course, if yulia navalny won, she would become the main character, she would be in the center of attention, and completely undeservedly, since after all, olena zelenska, the wife of the president, that is, she is by status
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represents, including the ukrainian state, and yulia navalna... so far only herself, only the memory of her husband, and a small circle of russian oppositionists, with the logic of public relations, and a spin doctor and everything else that goes with it, it was absolutely the right decision, the only thing, of course, we run the risk of somewhat spoiling the relationship with the biden administration, maybe with him personally, since it is clear that ... it was about their own biden staff's pr find, it was not enough to look spectacular, it should work on his image as a person who is not only able to support ukraine, but also gives some prospect of reforming russia,
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it will take us a long time to fight this, and uh... i don't i know how successful this aspiration is to see the russia of the future, democratic and so on, this is absolutely, well, such a long-playing story, we will be dealing with it in the near future, maybe even decades, and here the logic of the americans can be understood in principle, they have always acted this way in the fight against similar regimes, they found some alternative, and... pushed and at the right moment it worked, that is, it is a political technology, and the fact that we perceive it very emotionally, and look at it from our point of view, absolutely nothing... changes in american politics , well, by all means doubt, the americans wanted to use this story, well, first of all, joseph biden during his election campaign, and it is clear that
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here the russian yulia navalna, here the ukrainian olena zelenska, well, it is almost like in the vatican, in 2022 they want ukrainians and russians , whether a ukrainian woman and a russian woman carried a cross, and showed it in this way. the pope wanted to show that this unity is what we all carry this cross through life. mr. oleksiy, how do you perceive this whole story with yulia navalna, well, maksym is quite clear explained everything about their statuses, but it is clear that in this situation, probably, some ukrainians did not accept it. who is zelensky next to navalny, and even more so, all these stories about oleksiy navalny’s sandwich, they would, in principle, probably have the opposite
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effect in ukraine, and whether the world would understand this, except for the united states of america, which, well, biden planted next to two women who are fighting against putin, but in different ways and in different places, by the way, on many, rich platforms in the world, there is a temptation to sit next to ukrainians, russians, to play such a game that they say there is a part of good russians there, there is an opposition, there is something else, and you absolutely correctly mentioned the pope of rome, and this story with two girls who will lead the procession there is similar the story with the nobel peace prize, which was shared , including with the russians, and there are enough such stories, there are sports grounds. cultural, various cultural events, they say, culture outside of politics, and much more. ukrainian diplomacy made absolutely free,
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freedom, the right decision, it is not the decision of olena zelenska, it is certainly obvious that the ministry of foreign affairs, maybe the sites of the national security service of ukraine, maybe the advisors of the head of state, but the decision was absolutely right, because we would have been accepted, well, i think that ukrainian society, at least, accepted ... this is extremely negative, well , first of all, navalny's wife is far from the size for us to be able to communicate, negotiate, influence the position, because her influence is purely symbolic, but now after navalny's funeral, obviously, they will be more willing to accept it there at various world events, later this influence is simply minimized, and here it would even be from our side... it would be incorrect to draw a line of such similarity with tykhanovskaya, because tykhanovskaya, some states of the world recognized her
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as the legally elected president, this is very important, she forms her the government is in excel, and this government even works, that is, i talked to several members of the government, they really work, this is not an imitation of work, and navalny's wife is a completely different story, that is, first of all, this person does not ... has a clear political position of war, the fact that it does not say special operations, it uses the word war, it does not mean anything yet, that is, there is no position regarding the borders, by the way, what is key, you mentioned the sandwich that navalny mentioned, i will remind you of these words that crimea - not a sandwich to be returned, his wife does not have any position in crimea, and therefore this is not the direction of cooperation with good russians who... we must support, there are some good russians with whom we really must work, these are russians legions entering the rear, working in the belohorod region,
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who are working for victory in ukraine, but this is about individual people, and from navalny's project, i think it will not surprise anyone if they say that we will not see any results there, but it is unlikely that a serious opposition force will emerge from this environment. in russia , it is unlikely that there will be any influence on, say , the formation of the opposition environment in russia, that is, it will be such peripheral political games and nothing more, but the future anti-putin opposition will certainly appear in russia, but i think that it will to appear very quickly, chaotically, perhaps in the format of those on duty there riots, another power play there and many other things, but this is not about the story with navalny's headquarters. well, not the story with yulia navalna, because it is clear that she is not in russia on the territory of the russian federation, it is clear that it is very difficult to
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fight. against putin exclusively outside the borders of the russian federation, and this anti-putin story, which can unfold on the territory of the russian federation, can really only be in the form of some riots, if there are any. but there must be an anti-putin coalition in the world, in the end we see the election of this one of the anti-putin coalition, we see that this coalition is trying to cooperate in various formats. in the format of rammstein and in the format of the european union and in the format of the north atlantic alliance, but we have been witnessing for the last few days, gentlemen, how this anti-putin coalition is taking two steps back, because the russian federation should have made public the recordings of the german military, where they are discussing the issue of a possible strike by tauras long-range missiles on the kerch bridge, when suddenly everyone
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starts. to make excuses, to say that it is not so that germany will never provide taurus, that germany will never allow itself to be drawn into this process, what, mr. maxim, in your opinion, prevents the world from clearly articulating its position that the world does not need such a russia, well, that's that form, it is not needed, it simply threatens everything, not only ukraine, the whole world, the whole world. planet, because when obsessed people have a bunch of weapons, including nuclear weapons, it is dangerous for the world, and the sooner the world understands this, articulates its position, perhaps the sooner this regime will disappear in russia, well, if we talk about the north atlantic community itself, or more broadly, the west, although it
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encompasses. today and such reliable partners and allies of ukraine in the current conditions, such as, for example, japan or australia or new zealand, this progressive part of humanity, it seems to me that its attitude to this act of aggression and to the nature of putin's regime has expressed already clear enough. the only thing we don't see yet is determination to help ukraine win on the battlefield. why me i say so because, in my opinion, a certain scenario or a certain strategy is being implemented, which allows destroying russia and reducing its influence in the world, well, in ways that are more painless for...
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uh , the west and less risky than those that would we calculated, that is, if russia gets involved in a protracted war, if its putin regime continues to slide into international isolation and exhausts to a certain extent its economic potential, technological potential, then it is this attitude and this understanding that it must cease to exist, it. .. is realized in a certain way, it is very unpleasant for us that at the same time we are suffering, and we have also exhausted our survival mode, but when we talk about geopolitics, there is, so to speak , not much left for the sentiments of the place, so if we talk about rhetoric, it seems to me that everyone the necessary words have already been said, the steps have not all
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been taken. no steps have been taken to ensure the proper supply of weapons, the economic sanctions are having an absolutely laughable effect so far, when we hear that even british firms, britain seems to be our most loyal and most determined ally, but we learn that in russian weapons and ee there are elements that are supplied from the west and british firms cooperate with russian ones, that is, there are... in many ways the west could be more decisive and ee, but one more short remark, it seems to me that he will push him to such a greater determination, as it is not a pity, but the threat of a catastrophe in ukraine, that is, we heard when the thesis arose that the russians could pro...


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