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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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football is stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00. in collaboration with seestre au. i congratulate you. this is freedom live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom.
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frankly and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. well, what about the press infoday in rospol, we are now adding oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, to our broadcast. glory to ukraine, oleg mykhailovych, we congratulate you. congratulations espress tv viewers. well, the so-called parliamentary crisis. yes, we understand. the crisis is not directly related to the parliament itself, but it has appeared. the initiative to second people's deputies or to give the opportunity for a part of people 's deputies to go with an inspection trip to the places of fortification and corresponding construction, well, as far as we understand, a number of people's deputies said that they were ready to join, they were not invited, this is one story, but in any whatever happened, the plenary session of the parliament flew off. share, be kind more news on this. reason:
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the government does not allow the parliament to work regularly anyway, and i am convinced that the reason why the plenary sessions, which were supposed to be held on the sixth- eighth, were canceled, was that european solidarity submitted to the parliament simple, understandable and very necessary question, and this is the first question, it was a question about the creation of a temporary commission of inquiry regarding the fortifications, because anybody... whose relatives are close to the contact line with the rashists, knows that the soldiers are very is not easy, and our withdrawal from avdiyivka is very often associated with the fact that we did not withdraw to the prepared fortifications, and the creation of a temporary investigative commission, this would be a certain incentive to those representatives of the authorities who are responsible for these decisions, to move faster, to help to rearrange their legs, because... we heard
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from the authorities since the end of last year that they allocated a sufficient amount of funds for the construction of fortifications, but there was no concrete and reinforcement that should protect our soldiers and stop the raiders, although general zaluzhnyk has been talking about fortifications since the middle of last year, and let's remember 2015, then president poroshenko actually blocked... the impossibility of racist troops moving into the country, when fortifications were built from luhansk region to mariupol, i remember it very well i say, because on the left, on the line of the siversk dvinets, opposite the occupied slavic-serb region, actually the lviv region, which i had the honor to lead at that time, built fortifications, crimea, novotroitske, and neither these fortifications nor fortifications. the enemy failed
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to take a frontal attack, they, unfortunately, bypassed them from the north or from the crimea, and only then were our troops forced to leave, well, in mariupol we know that they were encircled, and the fortifications that were built in marinka, avdiivka, the enemy tried to storm for 24 months, and if they had not been bypassed from the sides and there was no threat from the encirclement, then i am convinced that in globov these fortified districts would not have... to those fortifications that were being built then in 2015 as a backup line. i think the second question is why representatives of the authorities did not want to hold a meeting today, this is the issue of banning the cyril sect, which hides under the veil of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, because the specialized committee finally agreed to a friend.
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reading this bill, i want to tell you that this bill has become much better than the one that was voted in the first reading, because there should be a ban in ukraine. any organizations that cooperate with the aggressor country, that cooperate with the racists, and each community should have the opportunity to decide whether to remain moscow church, whether to join the ukrainian orthodox church, and this term was clearly defined in several months, and i am convinced that this is usually the third question, this is the government's hour, because we see it more often. representatives of the governments of other countries, than the representative of the government of prime minister mr. shmyhal, who, by the way, is proud of the fact that he has been in the prime minister's chair for four years already. i am convinced that we, in the parliament, should help the government to better
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fulfill its powers, including by performing control functions. and of course, that there are such rumors among the parliamentarians of the monomajority, i can neither confirm nor deny them. that they already do not have enough votes for the bills that they are tasked with from bankova street, well, in the end, the last vote on the adoption of the bill on the reorganization of the economic security bureau in the parliament did not receive votes, they say that this caused great discussions in the middle of the power structures , but it is obvious that this draft law had no right to be adopted, because it directly... contradicted the proposals before us our western partners appealed , and of course we wanted to raise in the parliament the issue of the implementation of the resolution of the european parliament, which adopted a very correct and very clear resolution in support of ukraine,
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but in that resolution, not for the first time , the european parliament drew the attention of the authorities to three things: first - on the inadmissibility of oppression of local self-government, secondly, on the need to fight corruption, well, and thirdly, a separate point was about the fact that it is impossible to hinder the activities of people's deputies of ukraine, first of all, from those parties, which before the start of the full-scale aggression were both oppositional, in particular representatives of the european solidarity government , so to speak, reacted quite sharply to the resolution of the european parliament, yes, well, trying to make whom guilty and... far-reaching representatives of the opposition, in defense of which the european parliament, such a vicious circle. well, not only the european parliament, we had, if someone misreads the resolutions of the european parliament, the next decision came from the osce parliamentary assembly, which actually
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also repeated the resolution of the european parliament regarding the need for democratic foundations, that the need for faith. the rule of law, the need for freedom of speech, in the end, let's look at the ukrainians , what does the latest socis poll say, about what ukrainians consider the biggest mistake of the government, firstly, 65% of ukrainians consider the biggest mistake of the government to be the lack of fight against corruption , and ukrainians are beginning to talk about the fact that today's corruption is even greater than it was in previous times, and it is actually already very, very dangerous, especially for... which went with anti-corruption slogans, secondly, ukrainians believe that it is necessary to return general zaluzhny by 30%, that is, every third ukrainian considers among the mistakes of the authorities, well, these are erroneous decisions regarding the release of the hero of ukraine, general
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zaluzhny, well and of course, again errors in personnel decisions, errors which, well, are they not errors or conscious activities that lead to curtailing freedom of speech, i.e.... obvious things that are already being demonstrated to us today and signaled by the european parliament and euro-atlantic structures , these things separate and representatives of ukrainian society, it is so strange that both europeans and ukrainians see the same thing, which the authorities do not want to notice under any circumstances. mr. leger, we don't have much time, but i would still like to have time to discuss with you what is happening now around the reconstruction of the roman shukhevych museum destroyed by the russians, we know... that petro poroshenko proposed to rebuild it, so allocate funds to rebuild it museum, on the other hand, the city authorities see this project a little differently, what is going on? well, on march 5, the city authorities showed themselves
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to be not at all cowards, on september 5, ukrainians commemorated the date of the last battle, which was fought with the nkvedists by general khorunzhy of the upa, roman shukhevych, in bilogorshchi. and by this time, the city authorities hung a banner on the site of the destroyed house, which was hit by the rashists with their drones, and on this banner it was written that there will be... roman shukhevych lived in the house with his family, well, it must be absolutely weak enough to understand that it was an underground headquarters, and not a single day roman shukhevych was never there with his family for a single minute, by the way, maria's daughter, maria shukhevych, was also present at this event in honor of general shukhevych, and it was very shameful when the authorities did not even invite this person. a direct descendant , the daughter of general horun zhogopa, the only person who is blood from blood, flesh from flesh, is
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today the representative of general horundjo, and she was simply not even given a word, and the fact that this one did, the communication glitched, with us on the oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, let's, well, half-words just interrupted, let's hope that now the connection stabilizes. and oleg senyutka will agree, so he returned, oleg senyutka, go on, forgive me, but this museum should have been rebuilt for two months already, because on january 2, actually the leader of european solidarity, petro poroshenko said not only that he is giving his private funds, but and gave a signed bank guarantee for the financing of funds in the amount of 4 million for the reconstruction of the museum, and why the city authorities do not want to rebuild the museum, why did they... announce this pseudo-competition, it is very strange, and when one of the announcers of the city authorities began
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to talk about the fact that they will design an elevator, allegedly for the disabled, for the hiding place in which he hid, then this once again says that these people have never been in this building when it was not destroyed, the hiding place - it is between the first and second floors of a room that is 30 cm deep and 1.5 m wide, and actually leaving this room from... a narrow staircase, general khorunzhyn was wounded and at the same time destroyed several more nkvd officers, that is, today we are dealing with ignorant, people who do not know history and who, unfortunately, today represent the lviv government, but i am convinced that the community will put everything in its place and the museum will be rebuilt. thank you, mr. oleg, oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine , eteriya from the press, we will now take a short break, after which we will have our correspondent on. who works in european institutions, we will talk about how ukraine became part of the european
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defense and industrial strategy, we will talk about it with tatiana vysotska in just a few minutes. laughter, physical activity, sneeze. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps to restore. control over urination both day and night feminost uroro - urination under control, ask in pharmacies what to do so as not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main one - quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin imuno. four components together in one capsule. quertin imuno for strengthening immunity and protecting blood vessels. is discounts on pulmopriz - 20% in drugstores of travel bans and savings. there are discounts. in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. and what do you think about
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united by football, stronger together. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. searches in the dnipro district court of kyiv. who was responsible for the illegal actions of law enforcement officers. interference with judicial activity, the challenge is serious enough. why did the sbi refuse to initiate criminal proceedings? they cannot put themselves in prison, although there is every reason to do so. watch the judicial control program on thursday, march 7 at 5:45 p.m. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world
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dreams, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17.10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every day represents united by football, together stronger. well, today sweden officially
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became the 32nd member of nato. so, a corresponding protocol has already been made public about this, publicly published on the website of the state department of the united states. the protocol on sweden's accession to the alliance entered into force. the ceremony of raising the swedish flag over the nato headquarters in brussels is to take place on monday, march 11, and swedish prime minister ulf kristerson will take part in it. well , what has ukraine become in the meantime? part of the european defense and industrial strategy, well, let's hope that we will also move in the euro-atlantic direction , of course not at the swedish pace, because the war and russian aggression are ongoing, but in the near future, so to speak, tatyana vysotska will be in touch with us, our journalist, correspondent of the tv channel in european institutions, glory to ukraine, tatyana
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, glad to see you, heroes of glory, greetings from strasbourg, well , what would you like to ask about... the european defense strategy, of which ukraine has now become a member, i immediately want to think about certain additional means and ammunition and so on and so on, although perhaps this story is much broader. actually, yes, the story is much broader, because while nato is expanding, the european union is developing its own defense industrial strategy separately from nato, because it realizes that because of... the threat from russia is great and the threat can be for any state of the european union. this is actually a continuation of what we talked about last week, when ursula fondelein stated in the european parliament that the european union's war with russia possibly also this week on march 5, presenting the european defense-industrial
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strategy. the european commissioners stated that russia poses an existential threat to... the european union, and in fact, if earlier the european union relied more on the umbrella of nato, which was supposed to protect it, now, when, in fact, the united states from january 1 2024 removed from providing military aid to ukraine and it is not known what will happen after the elections if donald trump, who has repeatedly threatened to become the us president to stop actively participate in nato and even said that he would not mind if putin attacked one of the nato member states for not paying additional contributions to the unified defense budget, and therefore the european union, realizing all these risks created its own defense and industrial strategy so that all 27 member states plan together which
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defense procurement to carry out, which defense means to produce and... it is really very important that ukraine has become part of this strategy, in general ukraine is considered as now in this strategy as the 28th member of the european union, that is, ukrainian defense enterprises will participate in this same production and procurement planning system, and ukraine can also count on investments from the european union. currently, the investment fund is not very large, as we know, it is 1.5 billion euros, but it will expand, including at the expense. that the european investment bank should change its policy and start financing defense projects, that is, now ukraine is really in defense plans of the european union are being considered. annually as the 28th member of the eu, which cannot help but please, and immediately regarding the plans for ammunition, there are already announced plans of the european
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union that the production potential for 155 and 122 mm projectiles at the end of 2025 will already be 2 billion, that is, ukraine can still count on a significant increase in supply. projectiles and the day before yesterday, when the high representative of the european union for external relations, joseph barel , presented this same defense strategy, he said that ukraine needs 200 thousand shells every month, that is more than 2.5 million shells a year, and the strategy adopted in europe will also be dedicated to these plans, because actually, as he said. no one can fight berel with her banknotes, we need real defense orders, we need real defense plans , and
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an innovation office will also be opened in kyiv, where european countries will share all technological achievements in the defense field with ukrainians, that is, once again we are in one family european defense, and europeans also want to learn for some reason, in ukraine as well, because ukraine has many innovations that... it actually implements on the battlefield. studio. yes, but we would actually like to clarify how many years this strategy is designed for, and actually, as i understand it, it is about a certain transition to the military rails of the economies of certain countries, in order not to fight with banknotes, as you rightly pointed out, actually to transform and convert these banknotes into weapons and technologies. currently, there is talk of planning until 2000. 27th year, but actually they are already talking about 2030, because ursula fonden, the president of the european commission, set the goal
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of making european armies stronger in five years, that is, so far this strategy is for the next four or five years and so on, and again, one more point, regarding funds, if we even count, then ... one 155 mm projectile costs $200, and that is, if ukraine needs €200, if ukraine needs 2.5 million of these projectiles per year, it means that we will need somewhere around €5 billion just for the projectiles, this is a very large amount, and there is very encouraging news that the european peace fund will be unfrozen, which just... predicts to receive 5 billion euros of funding every year, and this is how ukraine will still get its shells, which it so badly
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needs. actually, on march 21-22 , a meeting of the european council will be held, part of which will be devoted to the defense sector, and there the eu leaders will present specific news and proposals regarding financing, procurement, and arms production. of ukraine. tatyana, well, accordingly , we would also like to ask about lihuey's visit, as well as his meetings with representatives of european diplomacy at the highest level. we understand that the meetings were technical, but there has already been a leak of information that the chinese emissary demanded, so to speak, to suspend the sanctions press against the chinese, regarding the fact that they, well, supply russia with certain means. step-by-step military plan , and accordingly there was a kind of discussion, now i will read our colleagues, so the european union was told, the eu called on china to take effective
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steps within its jurisdiction to limit the flows of these most sensitive goods, so the european union also called official beijing to influence russia, what is currently being said about lihui's visit, to what extent... in general, well, how will the attempt to pressure the chinese look in reality? and it is absolutely true that the european union is trying to put pressure on china, because what they can put pressure on, they can only put pressure on with sanctions, and now there is another predictive list of chinese companies that may be included in the next sanctions list of the european union, precisely because of the help of russia, precisely to circumvent with the help of russia. sanctions and supply goods to russia dual-purpose, which can be used for military purposes, and that is why so far such positional games are going on, that is,
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each side. threatens the other with some actions , and it is not yet clear who will win, whether the european union will press china, or whether china will somehow force the european union to slow down with sanctions, well, the main thing is that there is a reaction, so to speak, on the part of the european union, that they see problems and are ready to work in that direction, and president macron, here is a recent statement by the president of france, he said that there are no limits'. red lines for aid to ukraine, so this was preceded by president macron's statement regarding the prospect of the possibility of sending military personnel, yes, well, maybe not to the front line, but in general to ukraine, well, some perceive it, so to speak, as macron's rosy optimism, on the other hand, well , the president of france bends his line, and accordingly, what is said about it in the structures of the european union and around them, again
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. the european union realizes that the threat from russia is great, and if putin is not stopped in ukraine, he will go further into the territory of the european union. that is why macron was worried, that is why there are now statements about sending the military to ukraine, so not to participate in direct military actions, for example, the issue of training the ukrainian military on the territory of ukraine, and not abroad, as it is currently being done, is being discussed, and there are also such if thoughts about what pe'. the military of certain european states may be stationed along the border with belarus in order to somehow strengthen the ukrainian northern flank, but of course this is only talk so far, no document yet no specific plans of this kind were considered at the level of the european union, but drop by drop the stone is sharpened, and i would like to say about lihuey that he just recently made
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a statement that... visa-free regime with hungary, that is, after all, china still has its own preferences and on the territory of the european union, including viktor orbán, who is starting a visit to the united states today and will meet with trump tomorrow, by the way, and by the way, we know, and it is interesting how, by the way, the european union reacted to this news that orbán is going to florida to see trump, actually we see now that in the european union. e the tendency to obstruction of hungary and slovakia at the eu level is increasing even more. just the other day, the czech republic announced that it would stop holding joint government meetings with slovakia, because the leaders of the european union, who are pro-ukrainian and anti-russian, began to banally distrust orban and fice. likewise , orbán's visit to trump clearly indicates that he
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is demonstrating his affiliation with this. the most pro-russian bloc for the so-called peace and negotiations with russia, and therefore we can say that the further, the more trump will also be isolated from participating in these same pan-european negotiations about the same, for example, the purchase of ammunition for ukraine, the purchase of ammunition, this is a sign, thank you, let's go to conclude, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye. tetyana vostotska, journalist, press correspondent at the european institutions, was in touch with us. i just want to add, we're just saying we've moved so smoothly to the events in the united states, today has president joe biden will make a speech, it will be at night in kyiv time, and in washington at 20:45. well, i think we'll know in the morning what joe biden talked about in his speech. unfortunately, now we have to say goodbye to you little by little and pass the baton to our
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colleagues, who will continue. i will not stop informing you about everything, well, we will say goodbye to you already until tomorrow , antin burkovskyi, marta oliyarnyk worked for you in this studio at these hours, so now our colleagues are going through the floor, and we say goodbye to you. greetings to all who are from espresso, yananamelnik and chas to learn about the most relevant events at the moment, i will start with the situation in the regions of ukraine. the russians are shelling kherson, covering the central part and the shipping area with fire.


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