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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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are mobilizing, because why should they mobilize themselves if there is a ukrainian who fled there, that is, well, this is my opinion, everyone has his opinion, and he will express it, these are very important words, and probably our audience also needs to hear them , to overhear, and well, to ask myself certain questions, probably to ask and look for answers to them, how much time passed from your injury to the time when you got back on your feet, i received the injury quite a long time ago, by the way, at white's. luhansk region, uh, uh, well, it was back on may 29, 2022, that is, it was a very serious wound, it was an amputation of two legs, well, the wound went like this, well, honestly, i will say, for myself, after the wound, when i blew myself up, i had a long evacuation, somewhere around four hours, so i i thought at such a moment that i would survive or not survive, that is, well, but it no longer played such an important role, that is... because in
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2016, when i went only to the war, that is, with friends, that is, what brothers were with us, we agreed with them, sometimes you think like that and say, if something happens to me, for example, i will become disabled there, or i will lose my legs or something, like, well, i don't want to live, that is, i don't want to be a burden to my family, and you understand, well, there were many conversations, that is, many guys can do it to confirm, but when you blow up, i realized that i will not have legs, but then i had such a desire, i wanted to survive, that is , i just wanted to survive and prove... that is, that life is possible, well, what, what would it was not, that is, it can be lived, and it is possible to live happily, but while we have a war going on, we must understand that all the efforts we have we have to contribute to the victory , so the faster we rally , the faster we make more efforts, the fewer victims ukraine itself will suffer, the less my brothers will die, become, for example, disabled there or something else, that is, well, the faster we rally, the smaller the price we will pay and... the longer we delay, the higher the price
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we pay, i want to add one more thing, for example, there about the deputies, that is what you say there, that in the first place, that they had the means to be there, for example , that everyone was supposed to receive less than the military on the frontline, right, well, but why all this is being said now after two years of a full-scale war, i don’t understand why at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, all the deputies received 100 00 each, that’s right, they each raised 300. and then everyone was silent, why was this, but now, when it is already like this, then we start to do something, but i don't understand why, first of all, the government itself has to show that it is ready, that it wants to give its all, that it is ready for victory, and not sit back, you watch sometimes live broadcasting of the same verkhovna rada or one more thing, but most of them, they sit on their phones and click, and ordinary people think, damn, what are they doing there, well , like the same if there is a vote on some laws that go for ukraine. well, you see who
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is pushing, no, well, why keep that person, if he obstructs this or that law, right or wrong, if he is simply opposed to ukraine, he obstructs what will give us development there in the future, the same weapon whether funds should be allocated for the same drones, well, why keep these people, well, i just don't i understand, but until we begin to treat it all like this, that everyone is our family, every relative is yours there at the front, because now i feel like this... that the war concerns only those whose relatives are there and that's all. and for the majority, who has no one there, who has armor, that's all, he walks, walks, doesn't think about anything and that's all, well, i think, these are very important questions, and first of all, before blaming someone, you have to think for yourself, that is, what did you do for the army, what did you do for the victory, what did you do for the same veteran who returned or for the person who came from vacation, who protected you, that is, the first ukraine begins with itself. and
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before you look at someone else, you should look for yourself, that you are pure in front of yourself, that you are from myself, i gave everything, everything, i am pure, i know, that's all, and in the future, very many questions, everyone has to ask himself whether he is in his place, because i know very, very many people who are simply not in their place, who are in the army, and the same with deputy powers, despite everything that people just, and as they say, why won't he make a mandate, eh? he doesn't want to, he sits in a warm place, he receives funds, that is, that 's all, he doesn't care about anything, he has armor, he receives money, that is, they came to him , they brought bribes, as it is, and that's it, society must also feel its responsibility for everyone whom we bring to power, whom we, to whom we give this mandate, because this is not a breaking part, they are not taken from us just like that, so we will have all such conversations and such questions more, it's 100%, well we're... not that not
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let's avoid it, it seems to me that this will be the main topic, then, mr. andreyki, i wanted to see, you and i talked a lot, and before the full-scale invasion there were also studios and broadcasts. we talked about how it could be, but right now i would like to return to europe, because they have recently talked a lot about the possibility of an attack on nato countries, they are preparing for it, prime minister tusk of poland said that we are already everything, we are starting to live forward in a war world, and france is taking over and in particular the president in france, macron assumes the role of such a leader, says that we are ready to send our troops, and now he held such an online meeting. the thing about ukraine , well, what does it all say, that is, how real is this war between nato and the russian federation, will they take this step, what stage are we at now, looking at the framework of the whole world
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, look, i want to continue, very briefly, i have such a mixed feeling, because we do not have black and white tones. and if someone says that there is no mobilization, why is there no mobilization, that mothers did not give up their sons to the front, and that civil servants who receive a penny salary do not go to work, that our lights do not work, we have gas, our people are actually mobilized, we have a people's army, we have a people's war, we just have some issues with management, you see, we have, for example, a system of military administrations, but this is factual. former state administrations in which only the name has changed, the tasks are military, the risks are military, the challenges are military, and the relationship to this is all civil. in fact, all civil laws lives must now be put on the back burner, and we cannot mobilize only
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the army, we must mobilize the economy, we must mobilize social life, we must mobilize the judicial system, well, when, excuse me, i read in... court decisions that medvedchuk filed in 2023, in the month of may, for the renewal of citizenship, renewal of the post of people's deputy, for the cancellation of sanctions, and the supreme court of ukraine, which judges receive 150,000 hryvnias, cannot for a year, for a year, the supreme court cannot deal with the one who is medvedchuk, they demand the security service from the investigators... to carry almost operational data, why do they consider him unworthy of the title of a citizen of ukraine or a people's deputy, well people, the people are mobilized, our government, unfortunately , is not mobilized, i am not
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i can explain why, maybe because the risks that we are going to talk about now are so big, because we are communicating, we have to give something to people in return, so what should be the toolkit, well, if everything goes... bad: first , we must once again return to the ability to survive small in groups, i will decipher later, we must understand with you that no external help can compensate for the internal mobile potential that we have inside people, i will explain why, we had training camps where we trained 500, 800 people, women cooked food at night, we didn't have enough dumboes and submachine guns to distribute to people to teach basic skills... tactical combat, people came themselves, they had the energy of zeal, what happened in two years? and the following happened: everything that happens in ukraine used to be called vso, a military special operation, now the russians themselves write svo, a special
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military operation, a special component is implemented by special services in various fields, and the military army, the primary asset of the people, the state is its. the economy continues to be reflected in politics, politics is already moving into the military-political plane, and what is happening now in europe is their realization that the economic realities of life are reflected in the political future in such a way that neither diplomacy nor economic relations are will allow us to avoid the crisis that returns again and again to of europe, because europe could not honestly respond to... threats, which, and these threats are disclosed in an interview, by an american journalist and putin. at the heart of interstate coexistence is the pact san-servant agreement, the agreements must be respected. all crises
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ended with peace conferences, when international treaties were concluded, and states signed up to the fact that the boundaries of borders, the level of cooperation, contributions of reparations. will be fulfilled, putin, when he communicates with tucker in the main model of interstate relations, and this began to worry europe very much strong, why? he said where there is dew. interest, there will be an instrument of russian influence , where, in fact, this is the principle of fascism, where there is our blood, there is our land, and this is the counterbalance of what created the world with such a great asset, europe understands that the system of international agreements that guaranteed security, coexistence of states, free economic development, stability, it does not work. and there is no other model, in fact, putin is returning europe to the middle ages, because there are
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limits of tolerance, if they are crossed, there must be an unconditional rebuff if you all signed the budapest memorandum that any country, let it not be ukraine, country x gives the second weapon potential, you guaranteed its security, this sanservant pact. agreements must be respected, it had to be implemented by all the unconditional subjects who signed this agreement, europe began to play with tolerance, with politeness, with the possibility of giving someone an excuse, and now they realize the first thing is that there is no going back, the tools that would be possible were, but are they ready to take a step forward, i think they are are not ready, we are actually facing very difficult times. because those on whom we rely, as an ersatz, as a complement to our
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subjectivity, our military mission, our some tool of influence, they, he is actually ineffective, we have faced a cruel reality, the other truth is that that according to my inner feelings, russia is on the brink, it has exhausted its resources, and this can be confirmed statistically, according to the level of economic development, according to the level of the population, by the way... that in russia, when the census was conducted, 30% people, 30%, there are 140 million people , the population of russians was estimated, 20% said that they are not russians, they are other nationalities, and this is 25 million, and 10% refused to name their affiliation at all, we see a great increase in the russian federation of chinese one, where up to 6-10 million chinese moved to russia, and that's already... russians of chinese origin, there are other people who call themselves russians, but
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they are of a different origin, there are very few russians of slavic origin in russia, but the trouble is that they are ready against us to fight those russians who are not actually ethnic russians, that is the phenomenon that in the cities around kyiv it is impossible to live so well, they wrote. representatives of those ethnic groups that have nothing to do with the slavs, and this is actually a phenomenon of the tool used by putin and the russian authorities, they send here people who have a very weak saturation with the values ​​that are characteristic of us, as a european, as representatives of european civilization, and we now have, on the one hand, europe's fee, the world's fee, for non-compliance with those obligations, which they took upon themselves, and they are now facing a situation... when just financial aid, just the sending of weapons, they will no longer be able to compensate for the threats to their own
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security, and when the president of one country, the second and the third, speaks about it, they are completely conscious that we are now approaching the rubicon point of no return, why? because the russians are running out of resources, and they are preparing for the last leap, but not even in their own interests. everything that is happening today in ukraine is ours confronting the aggressor, this is a test of red lines, western democracy, a coalition of dictatorships, which includes russia, china, north korea and iran, and how we will behave now on the battlefield, how european countries will behave in support of our upheld values, will be taken into account toolkit by china when it goes on the offensive against taiwan. he will go because it has been announced as one of the priorities of the senzipin government. it will be
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dangerous. the results of today's broadcast, worldview, conceptual, let's name it its so mr. serhiy gaidai. we, we are trying to look into the future, what awaits us? many layers were lifted altogether. in fact, unfortunately, we have a conceptual problem, it's a... a bit of a failure , to put it mildly, such an informational policy, that's why even during a full-scale, the beginning of a full-scale invasion, everyone rallied, because here... there is an enemy, everything it is necessary to unite, and time has passed, and the whole war has turned into a state of anti-terrorist operation for many people. and that's a completely different story, er, and we all understand that. if we hang out now, i'm sure that we are able to repel the enemy,
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despite the fact that there is a political crisis in the united states of america. there are certain problems in europe, their lack of consolidation, disunity, scholz hesitates with those tauras, there is a problem with orbán, there is a problem with fico, there is a problem with the prospects in the balkans and so on and so on, but if we unite internally, then we we will endure, i am sure of this, if we focus on... our information as well as messages in international in international politics, then yes we ourselves receive some help, because many countries are tired of the ukrainian war, they do not understand that the war can be
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directly in their countries, they do not understand that, speaking in lviv, a woman drinks a cup of coffee there... feel free to have coffee somewhere in vienna or there in another capital of a certain country, it really costs us our lives, our ukrainians, so if we unite, we will endure, and of course victory will be ours, but these are not just words, everyone who fights must work, then here absolutely every one of them is a hero who works behind the scenes, well here... everyone just needs to understand that every donation, every camouflage net made there, every assembled fpv drone, it gives us the opportunity to maintain our defense, mr. andriy ryzhenko, and i to mr. serhiy, if i also had a question, but fine , you mentioned orban , i know, i immediately thought, well, this is yet another branch of our conversation, you have already
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studied the region in which you will probably work, i have worked there since 15... now i am interested in the mukachevo region, it is so historically closest to hungary, yes, yes, how is munka there, or do they call it mukachevo, and is there some varosh there, you know better, is there any destructive work by the hungarian government with those communities, or is there a problem there in general, but few people know about it said, i understand that this may be the topic of an entire broadcast, but let me tell you the story, to be brief, so as not to turn this broadcast into an exclusively hungarian issue, because there is a lot that can be said about it, let's do it briefly facts: i worked as the head of the mukachevsky district state administration from the 15th to the end of the 18th year, i had the heads of village and settlement councils,
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in which only ethnic hungarians lived, in schools, when you came... you also say: good morning, they say to him, they don't they understand the ukrainian language , the flags at the village councils, at the fo, at the fops and so on and so on and so on. the narratives of either russia or orban and siya, well that is, in general there. we hope that everything is calm and everyone, everyone is a mouse until recently, we also thought that there was no problem at all when in the majority of ukraine they speak russian, when they go to russian churches, when russian flags hang, and when we forget about our history, about the history of the ukrainian people, about the history of the ukrainian
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spirit, and we start reading books in school where the history of the russian empire prevails, and we have reached the point, yes, we have reached the point that today we have a war and i am very supportive regarding culture, because it is mega-important, i consider weapons and the topic, and i would like to note one more issue, to say one more thing, that where the russians were not waiting, there they did not hold out, they did not hold out on kyiv. they did not hold out in sumy oblast, they did not hold out in kharkiv oblast, they did not hold out in donetsk, luhansk oblasts, and there in a part of zaporizhzhia, and so on. my conviction is that where they were expected, where they are expected, there they stay, so now it is very important for us to realize and to understand, for our entire society
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, what we have, to completely cut out everything, russian in ourselves, to forget about tricolors, to forget about languages, about churches and about everything that connects us with the russian empire, and then he will not be, they will not be sense and... point of going here, because they won't have any arguments, yes, as andreykiv said, that they are the same there, they, they, they are all around, they are also in europe, they go around according to their blood type , well there, well, they want not their own blood, they want our blood so that we repainted and i urge everyone to wash off that paint and... take only two colors to heart - blue and yellow. mr. najenko, your results. and about what, i'm just
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broadcasting. results. we are summarizing today's broadcast, you know, we touched on many aspects. in the end, we are still talking about international. and you know, here you are as a person who, well, understands military affairs deeply . as you think, the european military is ready. and so, let's say so, the military countries of nato, members of nato, really, that's what macron is saying, enter on the territory of ukraine, it is possible not to take part in active hostilities, these are peacekeeping operations and so on and the like , but nevertheless, do we have enough spirit and do we need it, well, look at this kind of informational, well, such throwaways, i i would say throw in, well, okay, you can not throw in, but macron is speaking. such a very, very serious decision, they start with this, and this is a very serious signal for the same moscow, because well, we remember the supply of various
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weapons to ukraine, starting with javelinov, how negatively it was perceived in the russian federation, how badly it affected the process itself, and we went through many such steps, first it was javelins, then it was... artillery, then it was hymars, we had, we had such a time when, well, proverb i'm hymars, well, it's just, well, the american administration felt so very nervous, well, now this system is already working, and in principle it works very successfully, but what they are saying now about the presence of nato forces on the territory of ukraine is very - a very serious question, because it is already, well, it is actually possible to start a war with nato the russian federation, the russian federation will not go for it now, it is there, there are also people who calculate the resources, and the resource
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is a ratio, an economic ratio, nato, the russian federation is 20 to one, and it determines the combat potential, and well, we are looking at it now, which weapons go to the russian federation, everything that was there... more or less, let's say , copied, again from the west, it is no longer there, a 100% soviet missile, it was produced in the soviet union, a russian missile, it is in russia is produced, well , maybe a maximum of 30 percent, all by themselves critical components, they are produced in the west, and so i think this is a very , very serious signal, and i ... i think it is related to some such serious geopolitical communications, but i would like to say that this is a large-scale invasion
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, it really showed, this determined the remnants of the soviet system in our lives, the same mobilization, again, it is built on the tsarist soviet system, we are now on... i know, but finland, you know that finland, well, it in principle, they even have a day, the national day of finland, it coincides with on our day of the armed forces, it's still december 6, i worked there a lot, when i go to the headquarters of the finnish brigade, they have historically such a... their finnish military leaders, they look like our fabulous ottomans, well, i mean, but finland has a population of 5 million, they have... these people are prepared,
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they are trained, they have uniforms, they know where to go, and at the beginning of the war he can be anywhere in the world, he receives a signal, he arrives at his military unit in time, and i want to say that in principle, we still have a lot of work to do, but it is very important that the ukrainian people, they chose their direction, they chose their... values, and now they are fighting for it, russia really, really doesn't like it, russia has invested a lot in it , so that this did not happen during the past 30 years, but i think that in reality we still have what we have not been able to achieve, well, the last, say, 400 years, still make such a choice, and it will be where there is a civilized world , we will definitely be,
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thank you for your attention. next week traditionally on thursday we will meet on espresso tv channel at 21:15 in the evening prime time. thank you for being with us. take care of yourself, think. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. turn on the heart-chilling investigation. the new chapter of the hbo series is already on me. real
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ukrainian. present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant issues social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda lyme, my name is vlasta lazur. today we will be talking about mobilization entirely and completely. to wage a protracted war, ukraine needs not only new technologies, as is often said by representatives of the authorities, but also people, to involve in troops, which are becoming more and more difficult for the state. we begin.


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