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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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if, conditionally speaking, we have a vacancy for a person who is supposed to deal with healthy people and the person responded to her, then she will deal with healthy people, but in other words, she will do exactly what she chose. good, and please tell me what vacancies are now, firstly, which vacancies are in the greatest demand, and secondly, which ones do you manage to close the fastest, the greatest demand for back-office positions, staff all different specialties, in the second place of programming, on in third place... transport, that is, everything related to transportation, drivers, in fourth place uav operators, in fifth place, positions in press services, this is if we talk about popularity from volunteers, uh, that is, as i understand it, there are no particularly willing people for the first line, in seventh place is intelligence, well, we had to continue further, reconnaissance, which is not aerial reconnaissance, but which is on the ground, is a very dangerous job, it is ... in fact
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, even more dangerous than the assault operations there, it has become popular in this place, in particular because of the fact that we cooperate fruitfully with the main intelligence office, until people want to go to them, even the most risky positions, write motivational letters , and well, quite a lot of people, and why so, and why so, why so, because the main intelligence department, as it is in this case, creates a certain market of employers among the brigades, and the main department of various things, well, when there is an assortment of on our site, i don't know how many there are now, but in total there are over 500 different units in all time, there are probably over 400 active now, and it gives people a choice, people are interested in which unit has the best reputation, where they think the commanders will be , for example, more professional and will take care about their life and health in the first place, where they analyze all the content that is on the internet and posts, posts in various social media.
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analyze and learn about the culture and values ​​of these units, feel whether the provision there will be better, worse, well, gur obviously has a reputation as a unit that is armed to the teeth with all modern means, and there specialist special forces command the personnel, that is why such a review, tell me please, vladyslav, what do you think, and recruiting can completely and completely replace... mobilization, as of today, no, because the need for people, replenishment of personnel, defense forces is much more than what can be generated today, well, for example, lobby x, we have, on average, 12-13 00 feedback from volunteers every month, i.e. , and the need for the defense forces to replenish personnel is greater, even if all these people...
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join the ranks of the armed forces, they are still undergoing interviews and not all of them actually pass the criteria, and therefore not now, but it all depends on many circumstances , from the needs of the armed forces, and from the way in in principle, the army is changing as it transforms, we recently completed a large survey on attitudes to mobilization, and there is, well, a huge segment of people who are theoretically ready to join the ranks of the defense forces. however, under certain conditions, and here are some of the key conditions - this is a visual observation, so to speak, of qualitative changes in the ranks of the army, more progressive approaches and orientation towards professional commanders, who will primarily take care of the preservation of the lives of personnel, and of course people , you already know that, running ahead, i still give the biggest ones insights are very important for people.
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you see that teams that are not competent to hold such positions, which are either unprofessional, lead units or achieve goals with insane losses, but of course for a society that is hypothetically ready to mobilize, it is important that such commanders do not hold their positions, so that, because life, health is the greatest value, and of course a person who wants to join village defense wants... a guarantee that the army and the state have done everything in their power to save her life. thank you very much, in the end i just advise everyone to read stanislav asiyev's column, it is , of course, maybe not, we hope that there are not many such examples, but we still consider it our mission, first of all , to testify to such negative examples so that they simply do not exist. thank you very much, vladyslav greziev, founder and head of the lobby x employment platform. thank you very much.
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the mobilization reserve of ukraine is 4,800 thousand men. after all, either these 300 million already serve, or they don't. are subject to mobilization, it is 4,300, this is stated in the study of the analytical publication teksta.orgua, researchers they also actually counted women who could potentially serve such 3 million. well , at the same time, they note that ukraine still has a potential reserve, and these are men aged 18 to 26, as of the beginning of 2024, this reserve is 707 00 people, this is without taking into account those who are not subject to mobilization, which are, for example, reserved, students, caregivers, parents with many children, teachers. ukraine does not have enough people to wage a long-term war, the military personnel themselves, who are on the front line, say this, and politicians admit. as i have already said, the people's deputies promise to consider the bill on mobilization at the end
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of march. here, however, there are doubts, because there are more than 400 amendments in the law, and the current promobilization law does not take into account the duration of the war, as the advisor of the president's office, mykhailo, recently stated. the new law that is planned to be adopted must take into account the issues of rotation, demobilization, training, and against the background of the advance of the russian army, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi does not know how to recruit additional troops, this issue has become for him and his team one of the most serious challenges since the beginning of a full-scale war, writes the washington post. zelenskyi's failure to reach a political consensus on mobilization, despite months of warnings about an acute shortage of qualified military personnel at the front, has led to deep divisions in the ukrainian parliament and wider ukrainian society. this forced the military to rely on a hodgepodge of recruiting efforts and sowed panic among conscript- age men, some of whom went underground,
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fearing that they will be conscripted into an ill -equipped army and sent to certain death, as aid to ukraine remains at a standstill in washington. the lack of a clear mobilization of this strategy, or even agreement on how many more troops ukraine needs, influenced zelenskyi to fire his top general, vulyutum, but the new commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi has not yet brought any new clarity. vadym ivchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, motherland and representative, joined our broadcast committee on national security, defense and intelligence. good evening. good evening to you. let's clarify with you, from your point of view, when to expect for... the project on mobilization, what are your forecasts, because earlier your fellow deputies said that it could be the end of march, and look, today we finished as a working group of the committee all the amendments, these amendments will
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be made today, today, tomorrow, will be made accordingly the working table, and i think from next week we will start considering the amendments, we will already have a clear idea of ​​what the amendments are. in fact, the committee supports which amendments the committee takes into account editorially, and which amendments the committee rejects, what does this mean, it means that 90% of us have an understanding, where we will quickly vote, well, the appropriate amendments, and 10% we will still speak, because there is the amendments of the people 's deputies, which are quite qualitatively written, and we want to, let's say, take them into account in the body of the bills, if we talk about restrictions, because it was this... moment that caused the biggest discussions, so your colleague, fedir venislavskyi, previously noted that that only one will remain in the updated draft law restrictions, and it will provide, it is about restrictions on driving vehicles, driving vehicles, can you elaborate here, is this the only
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restriction provided for people who evade service, or will there be more? there are, let's say, three or four main norms in the law. and not only the restrictions that everyone is paying attention to, the first is demobilization, the second is demobilization by law or actually demobilization by the decision of the rate, the third is the issue of disabled people, people with disabilities, more precisely caretakers, and what to do with them, and the fourth - this restrictions, including, this is an electronic cabinet and a summons by e-mail through e-mail. cabinet, these are the four main things that today, well, we are actually discussing for quite a long time in the relevant draft law, previously according to the restrictions, in my opinion, only the blocking of accounts has been removed, because the government can do it in principle, if it has the will to do
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it normatively by legal acts, ah, according to the national bank, and the second is that we previously removed the restrictions, regarding the use of motor vehicles, all other restrictions, previous, as far as i remember, they are supported by the working group and will now be considered by the committee, that is, the committee... well, we also received a special strong agreement there regarding the limitation of consular services for citizens who are abroad, because we had many workers who left and live some for 10 , some for 15 years, and of course many of those who left already during the full-scale invasion, that is why relevant discussions are taking place, it is impossible to say that there is a final decision of the committee, well, it is not possible, we are just starting with amendments, i think that the amendment.. ... there will be many more questions to find out before the full-fledged document is voted in the committee and
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enters the hall of the verkhovna rada. did i understand correctly that one of the deputies on the committee proposed so far at the discussion stage to restrict consular services to those men who were abroad and left ukraine illegally after february 24. did i misunderstand ? ah, i don't even know that information. that's what you just said, you just said that it's under discussion consular restrictions. i said that it is discussed because it is in the body of the bill, and the deputies who voted for the first reading, they voted to limit the consular services of those who are not on the military register, this has already been voted by the verkhovna rada, the majority of the deputies, you know that i personally did not vote for the homeland in the first reading '. draft law, and since it is in the draft law, the committee is working on it and
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on it, including on these issues, but the fact that now the verkhovna rada, as i understand it, was supposed to hold meetings on these days, they were canceled, it somehow connected with the bill on mobilization, i don't think that it is related to the bill on mobilization, i think that there are many other such high-profile issues, where... the votes of the relevant factions of the groups are sought, and understanding that many deputies, some on business trips, some i went there on other matters, parliamentary affairs, someone works in the committee, someone in the districts, so i see that deputies are simply gathered when there is an opportunity to have a sufficient number of votes for the adoption of the relevant bills, so in principle and understanding the fact that there may not be deputies and... many laws, which, including good laws that will be proposed, will not be able
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to get 226 votes, so i think that the decision was made by the leadership of the parliament to postpone the meeting, or rather not to postpone it, but it we have a continuous one, but start the meeting on another day, and briefly the last question, look, always when the question of mobilization comes up, the representatives of the authorities try to moderate these discussions a little, mobilization still continues, we have a law on mobilization, the current law simply does not take into account the duration of the war , mykhailo podolyak spoke about this recently, and the new law must also take into account the issues of rotation, demobilization, training, but in any case it also provides for the recruitment of new people to the army, do you now have an idea about which how many people are going to be drafted after you pass this bill? well, first of all, i would like to say that this is confidential information. many people who are on the military register today are wanted, almost
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half, many people who are booked, they did not fulfill the requirement of the law and did not register with the tsc, many people who went abroad and only maybe 1/10 of them registered with the consulate, that is , many of those who can be called up by the armed forces today, they are in the air , they... are nowhere, that is, it is impossible to understand them, where they live, where to send a summons, whether to send their summons to them there at all, maybe they are disabled, people with disabilities, people with limited fitness and so on and so on, there is an understanding, let's say the initiators of the bill, that it will improve the state of mobilization in ukraine, therefore and accordingly if we work on these. bill , but there is one question that is unclear to me: if the deputy head
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of the president's office is commenting on this, and you mentioned his name, then why did the president actually refuse to take responsibility, firstly, he did not submit the bill, and secondly, he told the press -conferences that the deputies supposedly have to figure it out there, although in fact it is his area of ​​responsibility, and the ministry of defense submitted the corresponding bill through... he should have his say, why it is necessary, how much he sees the possibilities of mobilization and so on and so forth, that's why we practice, that's why it's a question, it's a question to... that person who comments, if we say that it 's so important, where is the position of the president and the president's office, respectively, this is an important question, we do not avoid it, it's just that we have already finished the broadcast, we will definitely return to it, vadym ivchenko, people's deputy, motherland, i say goodbye and see you tomorrow, there are... discounts on lactial - 10% in
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. presentation of facts and competent opinions, as they also say in america, let us have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand about... tesy, what is happening in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club. every saturday at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for a 17-year-old. student alina boshko. on february 17 , she disappeared under very mysterious circumstances in the volyn region. her friends asked for help in the search. they said that alina rested with them on a meadow near the village of ugrynichi. around 2 p.m., the girl left for the forest, but did not return. she left her mobile phone in the car, so there was no contact with her. friends, of course
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, began to search and call for alina everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. they could not find the girl. the search for alina has been going on for more than a week, 250-300 people are involved every day, including police, military, border guards, caring locals, friends and girlfriends. so far , more than 15 km of forest have been surveyed, specialists with quadrocopters and canine experts with service dogs are working. the search for the missing student takes place on the water with the help of a special camera and equipment, as well as survey the bottom and coastline. friends say it was her decision. they rested and she went in an unknown direction. then they got up and started looking for her. at the moment, we cannot put forward any other versions. we work precisely in the direction of search. we are working for the result and there will be no result yet. until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. the search does not stop for a minute, and there is already some
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result. they found the girl's coat, it was lying in the forest 7 km from where alina is. last seen, searchers do not lose hopes, they say that as long as there is even the smallest chance to find the missing girl, you should do everything possible for this. at the same time , fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where the girl studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group, she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, she went to classes. until the new year , she lived in our dormitory. she followed the rules of residence and was always at classes. it is also known that in the summer of 2023 alina's 20-year-old fiance died in the war with the russian invaders. after that, the girl. returned to studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and she will be found, and in turn, we are doing
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everything we can for this. and the least you could do to help in this situation is to repost, share this video on your social networks. the more people see the information about the missing girl, the more chances there will be to find her. and of course, i ask for more take a close look at... chilina, she is 17 years old, she is of medium build, she has blond hair and green eyes. if you know anything about alina boshko, don't delay and immediately call the hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. you can also write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search. any little thing, any detail can become decisive. so we really hope for yours help, attention and care, and please share this video. and finally, as usual, i ask you to go to the website of the
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children's search service. here you can see photos of all the boys and girls who are currently wanted. do not be indifferent, take just a few minutes of your time and look closely at the faces of these children. they are all missing, but with your help we can find them. if you know any information about any of them, immediately call the hotline of the children's tracing service on the short number 11630. of all calls to mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll launch as many as we can.
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you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time, i am natalya leonova, congratulations. us president joe ba'. will address congress on thursday night with his annual state of the union address. traditionally , presidents focus on the success of their domestic policies. spectators note that due to the war in ukraine and the middle east, foreign policy may be higher on the agenda of biden's address. we will talk about expectations from the speech, the main messages and the mood on the capital hill with yulia yarmolenko, who joins us from the white house, and kateryna lisynova, who works in the congress. congratulations. speech about the state of the state, what is its essence and what makes it special this year? natalya, this is probably the most important speech for every president of the year and it is really an opportunity for one or
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another president to emphasize the achievements of his presidency this year, but 2024 is a special speech, a special year, because it is an election year, just a few days ago it became clear that in the presidential elections of 2024 two people will compete for the presidential seat, it is the president of the united states joe biden himself and former president donald trump. therefore , today for president joe biden, it will not only be an opportunity to address the congressmen, to the country, but in fact, natalya, it will be a big and important campaign speech by us president joe biden, which will be broadcast by all america's biggest tv channels, and so he will certainly use this opportunity to encourage americans to go... to have his vision for america for the next four years, and he will certainly contrast that vision with donald trump's vision for america. katya, what
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is the mood on the capitalist hill, what do the congressmen expect to hear from president biden? traditionally, during the president's annual address to congress, leaders, both republican and democratic, invite their own guests as listeners to the speech the president thus, the leader of the democrats, chuck schumer , has already announced that he invited the ukrainian military officer to the garden and ... from the crooked corner of andriy chevazorov, who was wounded, he was blown up by a russian mine and lost his leg up to the knee. he is currently undergoing rehabilitation in the united states of america and will be present today as a listener to the president's speech. in turn, the leader of the republicans, the speaker of the house of representatives , mike johnson, invited the parents of evan hershkovich. he is an american journalist of the wall street journal, who was was arrested in moscow and is now illegally in russian elm. in general, regarding the expectations of the president's speech in the congress, it all depends on which party you actually belong to. yes, the leader of the democrats, chuck schumer, said that this speech will be a list
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of documents. not president biden in office. with his turn, the leader of the republicans, speaker may johnson, said that the state of affairs in the state can be described as decline in one word, and i suggest listening to the statements of both. when president biden will address congress with the annual state of the nation address, americans will hear clear messages: our economy. is growing and inflation is slowing, all because of the investments democrats have made over the past few years. i am proud to have served as majority leader during perhaps the most successful and productive session of congress in 30 years, and this investment has truly been worthwhile. we will hear from president biden about the state of affairs in the country. i, like many here, have been asked more than once how we would
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describe the state of affairs in our country with one... word now, you've heard the words crisis, you've heard the words disaster, i think the best summary would be the word "decline", i say this with great sadness, we're all sad, but thanks to the current president, we are definitely in decline. these are the pole assessments of the legislators, yuli, what key messages is president biden preparing to deliver to the audience, will he focus his attention on helping ukraine? natalia, do you know? usually , the focus of such speeches is domestic politics , and president biden will talk about important things, such as the economy, strengthening of control over arms circulation, protection of reproductive rights, but in a year when the russian war in ukraine continues, when the war in the middle east continues, president biden certainly will not be able to deal with these topics either. during his speech today, president biden is expected to announce the construction of a new port in gaza to bring humanitarian aid there, and
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president biden is also expected to try to... once again appeal to lawmakers to approve a request for additional funding for priorities of national security, this bill in particular, more than 60 billion dollars of aid funding for ukraine is provided. and kateryna already talked about the fact that legislators invite guests to present their priorities during this speech. president biden also invites, actually the first lady, invites special guests whose stories also reflect the priorities of domestic and foreign policy. and so... today, from the first leda, there will be, in particular , the prime minister of sweden, the most recent country to join nato, and therefore the topic of global leadership, like the united states strengthen alliances around the world will be very important, in particular, john kirby, a representative of the white house, told me about this the day before in an interview, and he separately emphasized that the topic of ukraine, the topic of helping ukraine is extremely important for the national interests of the united states, namely therefore, president biden
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is out of my hands. once again emphasize the importance and urgency of approving aid to ukraine. this is what american leadership provides: the strength to come together to meet challenges. huge opportunities, and undoubtedly it helps influence the decisions and actions of other leaders around the world, especially adversaries, in ways that are most in our national security interests. and of course, support for... ukraine is in the first place here, it means helping ukrainian soldiers succeed in the fight against russian aggression, but our national security benefits from this again, because the situation on the european continent has changed. if we just leave it at that and let putin conquer ukraine, which he still wants, then he will be on the brink nato. so, the administration emphasizes that aid to ukraine is in the national interests of the united states. katya, i know you succeeded.
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to speak with speaker johnson and other lawmakers from both parties. what do they say about biden's chances of persuading them to approve funding for ukraine? in general, as yulia also just noted, the call for continued aid to ukraine will be an important part of biden's speech during today's congressional address. i directly, as you rightly noted natalya. i talked to the speaker yesterday of the house of representatives, representative mike johnson, we asked him if there was anything president biden could say that would ... encourage the speaker to bring aid to ukraine to a vote as soon as possible. in turn , the speaker said that, as they say, everything depends on what the president says, but in his opinion, not a single word of the democratic president, the representative of the democratic party and the current head of the white house can be believed. i suggest you listen to what he told me. can biden say something that will encourage you to withdraw aid to ukraine on
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voting? let's see what the president will say.


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