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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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the kharkiv defense council, at which a decision was made to finally forcibly evacuate children, including 161 children from the veliko brolutsk territorial community and the vilkhivad territorial community, and a decision was also made to forcibly evict the population from 55 settlements. to us it is the kupina community. i think that the russian, russian tv media and pipso will make another throw at the expense of the fact that if there is a forced evacuation, it is planned to leave, leaving the territory, but i believe that this is an absolutely correct, forced measure, because today we see the enemy almost every day. we shoot
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at civilian infrastructure, they hit lyceums, schools, kindergartens every day, well , for example, there was shelling yesterday, or the day before yesterday, i don’t remember exactly, the village of martov, the lyceum was shelled there, there was also a study in the city of borova, also, the may day celebration of the boriv territorial community was also shelled, and today... we see that the enemy is simply aiming at schools, lyceums , kindergartens, well, as much as possible, er, making, er, alarming, life in these territories , ago i believe that the decision to e-evacuate , the forced evacuation itself, took a very long time to reach this decision, it was not easy, because , for example, when there was not a forced evacuation, but a voluntary one, we had it there... in
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apupina community, for example , there were more than 225 refusals to evacuate, but this situation is dangerous, it does not change, and these children can die, so i believe that this is an absolutely correct decision, correct, and i would like our population and the population of the whole ukraine did not listen to the russian psui in any way. which be sure to e-e-e make intrusions into our information space with the aim of discrediting our government, our population, our defense forces, with the aim of making it appear that the territory, no one from the territory is planning to surrender, there are correct things, the forced evacuation of people from those territories where they may die due to intense shelling, by the way, i read today about this... what you said, and here, you know,
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the question is what, well , that in certain communities this forced evacuation was carried out, and most importantly, where are these people being taken and who, who generally responsible for where these people will go, i understand that someone may have relatives there, or in the kharkiv region or in other regions of ukraine, someone may have decided to go abroad, has certain funds and decided to live on the help that well, for now they are paid there in the countries of the european union , for example, and, well, but someone, let's say, has nowhere to go, so he sat in his house and understood that this was his only place in ukraine, so exactly, or on earth, where is he, where can he live, where is his home, who takes responsibility for these people, they take them, sit on the bus and take them, who is responsible for where they will be placed, if these people have nowhere to go, well, look, the defense headquarters of the kharkiv region are actually responsible, and that means , excuse me, that is, it is implemented for money regional budget. this is implemented at the expense
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of the state and at the expense of the regional budget, we have it as desired, people can either stay in the territory of kharkiv or in the territory of the kharkiv region, and they can also be evacuated to neighboring regions free of charge. for example, zhytomyr, zakarpattia, lviv, rivne, and almost to any oblast... the regional military administration communicates with our friendly regional military administrations, this issue has been resolved at the state level, and ukrzaliznytsia will transport these people free of charge and provide them with all the conditions for life are provided, so the issue is sufficiently professionally settled and i see no point in people being afraid, because they have the right to... where they will
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be and in what conditions, while there are such that when a child is evacuated, they must... evacuate, at least with one of the parents, or with a person who can provide care, it is not necessary, even that the whole family leaves, but the child must be either with by a guardian, or with one of the parents, must be forcibly evacuated from this territory, so the issue is resolved and i would urge our people to evacuate from these territories, where they are found every day. it is in the mode of constant danger, constant danger, and under practically inevitable, inevitable at any minute they may die, because the intensity of shelling, it simply took on some catastrophic consequences for today, well, in the first two months of this
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year, there was information about the departure of 100 thousand people from kharkiv, just to understand, what percentage is this, how many in kharkiv people approximately, whether such assessments are now a million, more budgetary. commission, when we asked about the number of people in kharkiv, by the way, how is it calculated, it is calculated by the number of mobile connections, yes, there is an algorithm, the number of mobile connections, but there are people, in which have one or more telephones, and are not taken into account here, it is quite difficult to take into account, for example, people who do not have a telephone connection, and children, for example, children who do not have a telephone or newborn children, but the latter. the figure was 1,300,000 population , it was before the new year, from the point of view of our statistics, i can't say how they calculated this figure, by the way, the head of
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the regional military administration there said 50-100, well, if so , you know, 50-100, well, that's a very, very large error, and i think that such things should be treated more responsible and clearly calculate, in my opinion, there is some departure of the population, in my opinion, it is not 100,000 of our population, i think that less left, but at the same time in connection with the shelling of the border, after all there is internal emigration and internal resettlement from the territory, for example, zolochivska, kozachelopanska, lypetska. veliko bburlutskaya, borivskaya, kupyanskaya and other territorial communities, which are in the zone of constant shelling, and recently, recently, the intensity of these shellings has increased significantly, so we have, and this by the way, we didn't count the number either
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, that's why i would be so skeptical about these numbers , because a clear calculation algorithm is needed, because no one counted them, we can't count how many people left, we can record them now. how many subscribers do we have on mobile communications, and calculate the population from this algorithm, i would say that the population in kharkiv today is definitely more than a million, what i see from pre-war feelings, and from feelings, for example, when we were in the 22nd year, for example, in the month of march, the city was really empty, and then, according to experts , we had only 300,000 left. population, today there are traffic jams in the city, today we see that coffee shops, new shops , business are opening, on the contrary, on the contrary, it is coming to life, somewhere something is closing and we see that there is a change
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of locations, everything else, but the city works dynamically, dynamically is developing, i do not believe in this figure of 100 00, and i believe that it is overestimated, thank you very much for that... a detailed account of the situation in kharkiv oblast, well , part of the life of kharkiv oblast, which we had time to discuss oleksandr skoryk, mp the kharkiv regional council finally decided that families with children should be evacuated from several communities in the kupyan district. we have seen what happens to children on the front line, or not far from the front line, and even in odesa. well, it can also be called the front line, because odessa is flying in from the sea, odessa is standing on the sea, and immediately these shaheds, ballistics are flying in, the last time we saw five dead children, two babies. 12 people died, died, so of course, if there is an opportunity, people are needed to evacuate, even more so, well, the whole city is big, you don’t evacuate, there is odessa or kharkiv, but those communities that are just near the front line, it is of course better to take the children out so that they, that they live, and about the events in and around
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the war , serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summary of the day column, serhiy, congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the state of affairs on the front line about ammunition, which has already begun to appear in our military in greater numbers and about a new one the tactics of using drones in battles with the enemy, about all this in a moment. so, about the front: the new commander of the ground forces, oleksandr pavlyuk, stated that, i quote: we will stabilize the situation in the near future, and we will do everything to prepare the troops for the transition to more active actions. in my opinion, this and other theses of the lieutenant general deserve special attention, first of all, as he said. a certain fixation on how our military leadership now assesses current and future developments on the front line, where
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the enemy now holds the initiative after the start i have been coming since last october. we remember that volodymyr zelenskyy, after replacing the zuluz silsky, demanded from the top military leadership to develop a war plan for the 24th year. i am sure that the details of this plan will be known only to a limited circle of people, but i do not... include that this statement of the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk is related to this plan. what else interesting did the general say, well, regarding the actions of the enemy, the estimates are that the enemy is trying to seize ukrainian territories as much as possible before the presidential elections of russia federation, therefore everything possible and impossible is thrown at the assault. as for our actions, everything is done to intercept. the initiative and in detail, this means that it is necessary to stabilize the front line, inflict maximum
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losses on the enemy, carry out, as the general says, regrouping to withdraw the units that need to be restored to training grounds, and it is important to create a strike group and conduct counterattacks this year, yes said the ground forces commander. of course, these words sound quite optimistic, because according to other estimates... uh, in particular, mainly low foreign experts, specific experts who can be trusted, then the actual task of ukraine this year, according to their estimates, is to hold the existing lines of defense, strengthen the defense, exhaust the enemy, prepare reserves, do work on mistakes, and this work must be done by our military, and our foreign partners, and launch an offensive at the appropriate opportunity, and most importantly, everyone assumed that such offensives ... will be more likely in the 25th year, probably our ground forces command may have tighter
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time constraints, that is, if we are correct understood the words of our general, however, the seizure of the initiative, which pavlyuk is talking about, and the conduct of counterattacks will require appropriate forces and means, for this , new brigades will be needed, or well -restored old ones and replenishment of arsenals, and we understand that this is not ... certainty about the amount of aid, primarily american , significantly complicates operational planning, and therefore it is perhaps not worth talking about a new counteroffensive yet, but quietly preparing for it , taking into account all the uncertainties and difficulties of the current stage, but in any case now our army, our armed forces are restraining the enemy on the entire front, there were 92 clashes in the past day, this is a significant number, this... the main priorities of the enemy's actions were precisely avdiyivka, the novopavlovsk direction, but
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the number of combat clashes also increased around bakhmut and in the south around robotic. and now we will talk with our guest about certain details in certain areas of the front. yuriy fedorenko joins us now, he is the commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion, fighting as part of the 92nd separate assault brigade. mr. yuri, i congratulate you on... glad to see and hear. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. your brigade and your unit operates in several directions. one of them is just west of bakhmut. if i'm not mistaken , your operators probably see there what is happening near bohdanivka, and what is happening in ivanovsky, and what is now near klishchiivka. now there are grueling battles everywhere. i would like you to describe what is happening there now in more detail than. we know from the general staff. i think that the maximum meaningful information
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can be provided by the general staff. i can only say what i see with my own eyes during combat missions. as for the vetting in general, the first thing that is needed is to understand what the enemy's plan is and what task the russian occupation command sets before him. the tasks are as follows: to recapture from us those positions that were vacated by the defense forces during the summer and autumn counter-offensive. and also to do everything possible and impossible in order to occupy the city of chasiv yar. why this is important is because chasiv yar is a panymic height, and it is powerful a bridgehead for the possible further development of a shock assault. actions in the direction of konstantinovka. in the event that the enemy captures the settlement of chasiv yar, he will be able to take konstantinivka, druzhkivka and even the city of kramatorsk under fire control. the situation near chaso yar is very similar to the one in the spring of 2023. the enemy was focused on the same lines, then it was possible to stabilize the situation and during the summer
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to recapture a significant part of the enemy's land. i believe that at the current moment difficult... battles, objectively, around the clock, but forces the defense managed to somewhat stabilize the situation, and when we have the capabilities, strength and means, i am sure that it will be possible to push the enemy away from the temporal abyss itself. as for the settlement of ivanivskoye, heavy active battles are taking place on the outskirts of the settlement, in the direction of krychiivka and andriivka, the enemy has not had any tactical success. as for the nature of the enemy's actions, he uses all his available... potential, this is manpower, this is armored and lightly armored vehicles, and artillery means, and mpla means, such as those which arrives in service, both civilian and aviation, the enemy is also trying to work with guided aerial bombs, by the names, you are used to hearing it as cabs, objectively the enemy has improved the guidance system, made it more
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anti-rep, and now the cabs fall much more accurately , than it was a year ago, but at the same time... with that, the air defense forces do enough to prevent the enemy from feeling free in the air. as for the work of the defense forces on armored vehicles. in the last two weeks the enemy lost about 32 units of armored vehicles. this result became possible due to the fact that the brigades holding the shade have a clear and coherent communication among themselves, as intelligence tools that help to identify their armored vehicles with infantry groups. at certain distances, and the combined fire effect, these are our anti-tank means, and artillery, and, accordingly, uav means, uav means of the two main types, i will name them, these are both drones for day use and night bombers, which are enough powerfully educate the enemy, so at the moment, in difficult battles, the defense forces manage not to lose
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the tactical initiative on the battlefield, which is also worth noting and which i emphasize every broadcast. when given the opportunity to express their opinion, i thank the ukrainian people for continuing to preserve unity, not succumbing to provocations, including information companies that the russian federation is introducing inside our state, and that, despite the objectively difficult economic times , support the defense forces, in particular with donations, because the formula is in the world uavs, this is our specialized occupation, works as follows: the more reconnaissance means, the better we see the enemy, in online mode, the better we see in... the more effectively we can destroy him on the approaches to our advanced positions, and if the enemy was destroyed on the approaches, then accordingly our infantry did not engage in shooting battles, this saves the lives of our infantrymen, gives the opportunity to gain positions, and when certain circumstances arise, to take further actions to improve our position, i.e. in those places where the position of our enemy is sufficient close, to knock out the enemy from
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the positions occupied by him. mr. yuriy, how has the load on your operators changed now, for some time we said that, relatively speaking, there are 10 drones in one shift, when we talk about fpv, now we are talking about 40, at least, what are the dynamics of using these disposable strike drones per your unit in this area, where is the one you just described? many factors depend on the number of drones that are used, firstly we understand that the daylight hours increase, accordingly the working time and efficiency of the daytime calculation of fpv kamikaze, it also becomes longer and the number of applications becomes. more, if during the winter time, when the daylight is short, we could shoot approximately 20-30, today one calculation can freely shoot 50, and here it is worth noting that of these 50 , at least 25 fp drones are guaranteed to reach their targets , and this leads to the fact that the equipment will burn,
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as you can see on the screen now, by the way , the jewelry of one of our calculations flew into the hatch with a bucket. this is now, until things, on the screen you see the reflection of enemy attacks, when the equipment catches up right in russia, and is accordingly destroyed together with the enemy's infantry units. therefore , the intensity of the use of means is extremely high. objectively, we began to receive more uavs from the state, both reconnaissance, night, and anti-aircraft drones. for comparison, i will say this: at the beginning of the 23rd year, the statistics were as follows: 20% from the state, 80% at the expense of ukrainians and charitable organizations. at the moment , we receive 40. from charitable organizations ukrainians, we get 60% of uavs at the expense of state funding, but the scope of the war and the intensity of hostilities and over. from the enemy, they are so dynamic that it is necessary to fully understand that the state in the 24th year, despite the crazy crazy dynamics, will not be able
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to block the increase in production volumes. i believe that the state will be able to fully meet the needs of the defense forces in the current situation with this line of defense not earlier than the second half of 2025 with the available funding. is the information about what... is getting more and more, and the frequency resource is non-rubber, and you have to queue up for a strike mission there, as is the case in your area, are there really such reservations about the frequency resource already? look, we won't talk about that for sure, there are many, many problematic issues in the world of drones, sometimes when they tell me how it works, i say yes, air and magic, that's what makes things work, yes, well it's a joke, but i'll tell you the following in response to your... more objective question, so that it is clear for ukrainians, by any means the enemy is getting used to our uavs, he is accommodating us with his radio electronic warfare systems, taking into account the fact that the number of means is
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increasing, they are beginning to interfere with each other on the field, but we have to solve some issue so that there are many groups on the battlefield and they can simultaneously be effective, to make a massive impression on the enemy, accordingly , there is constant communication between the front and the manufacturers, so that they modernize their means and ... we can work in the conditions of complex radio-electronic warfare, which concerns channel divisions and many other things on the other hand, there is a constant work of conditional leases, which provide various solutions that help to increase the number of possible e -channels, corridors so that we can perform the task en masse, without interfering with each other. this issue is resolved in the defense forces, all those who are problematic thoroughly, i believe that they have an obgovation. to be carried out exclusively behind closed doors by specially trained people from among engineers, developers and those who perform combat tasks, because the enemy, for
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him, any information about the force is valuable of defense, and sometimes it happens that some military personnel and especially me, i will put such bold three dots, experts who have nothing to do with military matters, but have heard somewhere and understand how it works, and maybe... even figured it out, are very angry , and they go live and talk about all the problematic issues, or how it works for us, about the tactics of application, and the enemy, when he hears how we apply it, very quickly adjusts to himself the mirror application of certain means, for example, on the current one the moment of using intelligence tools , such as dj mavic 3, dj3, resets, the enemy fully took over the tactics of use in the strength of the defense, we already did it, they did not know how to do it yet, but they took it over due to the information they gleaned from our open resources . mr. yuri, your brigade is there and your unit has been without rotation for two years now, it seems that drone operators are not assault infantry, it seems to be a little easier, but in any case
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the problem of motivating people, it is for the commander, well, it is a certain challenge, how do you motivate people on task, how do you incentivize them to improve their skills, as a commander , what, what arguments do you use, we're trying to... start selecting people who are going to win the war, which means that everything else takes a back seat, everything that connected us with civilian life is on the back burner, unfortunately, families and all civilian affairs are on the back burner, everyone devotes as much time as possible to the performance of combat tasks, so we are all living people, and there are soldiers, which, for example, a newborn baby in 2022, from the beginning a full-scale war was seen once or twice in two years. sometimes, that's really true, but the level of motivation is fueled all the time by the fact that people
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understand that they are effective on the battlefield, because really the means at the moment give the military, who perform tasks for them, the ability to see the result of one's work on the battlefield, and it is certainly inspiring, when there is no success, such situations happen, there we readjust, there may be a small period of time until the work is adjusted, it is... motivates people, but only the work went well, it raises the level and spirit of motivation, and i will tell you a short story, so as not to take up a lot of air time, it unites, probably, all military personnel, one of mine was on a short-term vacation of five days in the city in kyiv, he and his wife went to bed in the evening, they fell asleep and a rocket flew into kyiv, his wife was scared and he has two children, they are younger, one is three years old, and the daughter is seven and... the children started crying, when he told me this story, i won't tell everything in detail, he says: i'm so in favor of it his malice and hatred towards the russians,
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towards what they are doing against the ukrainian... nation, which says that even when we defeat them on the battlefield, i will devote part of my life to the fact that we will crush them in all other places where it is possible that this hydra will never raise its head again, that my wife and my children will never again know what war is and do not hide, do not shudder from rockets, so those people who are serving here, they understand that the door to of their houses begin right here, from the battle line , because if the enemy is not stopped exactly here, when he comes to the doorsteps of your houses, it will be too late. mr. yuriy , you had your own expansion, you became a battalion commander, previously there was a cerot, this means that there is a need for operators, how is this recruiting done, are there such direct connections, so that a person is trained, or a person who suits you according to all the requirements , i got to your unit, because there are various examples when i talk to other units, they say, i trained a person,
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i didn’t get in, i went to... due to certain restrictions there are procedural problems no no were we able to take it home, how are you doing with recruiting? it happens differently , i would say that those who are already in the military, the process of transferring it is difficult and takes a lot of time from one unit to another, in the event that the commander, where he is doing this or that military service, releases him, because we have not to bleed other units when we equip ourselves, the main main task that we set... for ourselves, as the leadership of the battalion, is to equip ourselves at the expense of civilians, who are military obligations within the recru, so it takes a long time, why? first , you need to choose a person, if he passed the interview, you are legally there is a way of relationship and agreement, this is a conditional document that guarantees that the person after all the procedures will get to serve you in the unit, after that the person is mobilized, pass
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the general . military training and this is a mandatory measure, i.e. a month of training in general military affairs, how to use small arms, means of communication, provide tactical medicine, work in the composition of the unit, such infantry real training, because during active hostilities, dynamic hostilities, as was the case during the kharkiv peter offensive, drones also engaged in shooting battles, and they must be able to do it qualitatively, then after that, if you go for the position of external pilot operator, pilot operator, another month of specialization. preparation or 45 days, depending on which means, and only after 2-2 months after mobilization, a person actually gets to our unit, where he first begins to adapt for one week, enter the general state of affairs, gets to know the commanders, after that for one week, a person in the rear conditions goes through coordination with a combat unit, which already has one and a half to two years of combat experience, then as part of this unit, as
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an observer, they accept... the experience goes to combat positions for in order to master this tool in combat conditions, over time it is given to the control lever after a week, and after a month of such adaptation in the unit , the serviceman is assigned to a combat calculation with an experienced team and continues, begins, more faithfully performs combat tasks on his own against the destroyed enemy, that is, the adaptation path from the moment of civilian to the full performance of combat tasks takes approximately 3 months, but it is worth it. "we have to train personnel, because even in order to give leave at least twice a year for 10 days to those who have been in service for two years, we need someone to perform combat tasks, if we are not talking about commanders here at all, then about personnel, they should be allowed to recover, they have a load level of combat conditions are crazy, well, imagine in the cold from flying for example even 8-10 hours there,
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well, it is objectively difficult and..." leaves its mark on health, but at the same time, the level of training and discipline makes it possible to preserve not only life, that of our comrades, to successfully carry out combat tasks, and at the same time to take care of our health, because this is an important element, we must take care of our soldiers, because this is the main resource that is in the armed forces of ukraine. mr. yuriy, on behalf of our viewers, i would like to thank you and your brothers for yours service, for your work that you do for our state, thank you for the inclusion. i will remind our viewers that it was yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade. and these were the main military results of this day, then more international and economic news, then vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. these were the military results of the day, i thank
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serhii zagorets, i thank his guest. an unusual look at the new ones.


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