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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 3:00am-3:29am EET

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at the same time, the level of training and discipline makes it possible to preserve not only one's own life, that of one's comrades, to successfully perform combat tasks, but at the same time to monitor one's health, because this is an important element, we must take care of our military, because it is the main resource , which is in the armed forces of ukraine. mr. yuriy, on behalf of our viewers , i would like to thank you and your comrades for your service, for your work that you do for our country, thank you for the inclusion, i will remind our viewers that it was yuriy fedorenko. commander of the battalion of unmanned aerial systems achilles of the 92nd separate assault brigade, and these were the main military results of the day, then more international and economic news, then on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel, these were the military results of the day, thank you to serhiy zuhorets, i thank his guest. an unusual look at... good health, ladies and gentlemen,
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my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the korabelny district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. events events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. there are many of you ahead. important and
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interesting information will be world news from yuri fizer, sweden in nato or not, will also have an inclusion today on a very important and socially important and loud topic, money during the war with oleksandr morchavko and also today will be the weather from natalka didenko, well and now i will tell you in detail about the most important events. and one person was injured as a result of the russian shelling of the city of sumy, the enemy hit the city with a rocket, the premises were damaged schools the central city hospital, the regional center of emergency medical care and the water supply. it was reported in the regional military administration that the necessary services are working in the city of vluchany. the russians continue shelling kherson, covering the central part and the shipping district of the city with fire, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin reported. and in the kherson region , a farmer in the village of myrol was injured by a russian mine. bivka
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, a tractor ran over enemy ammunition, a 60-year-old man was injured, he is in the hospital, the regional military the administration says that a lot of land in kherson is still mined, so it is safe to travel only along those routes where sappers worked, the authorities remind. and one woman, unfortunately, died, another was injured due to the enemy shelling of vovchansk in the kharkiv region, the russians hit the city with guided aerial bombs, targeting a private person. sector , at least 12 residential buildings were damaged, the head of the region, oleg synygubov, said. specialists are sorting through the debris in the destroyed building where a 40-year-old civilian died. the rescuers found her cat, miraculously it did not die babble specialists lifted the heavy structure and pulled the animal out of the deadly trap, the state emergency service said . and officially in kharkiv region, the zone of forced evacuation for families with children has been expanded...
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parents with minors will be forcibly removed from 18 settlements of the velikoburlutka and vilkhuvka territorial communities , the defense council decided to evacuate 100.61 children, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. a decision was also made to carry out mandatory evacuation of residents 57 settlements, all will be provided with temporary housing in a new place of life. they leave for specific places to live. this is not only the city of kharkiv, it is not only the kharkiv region, our settlements, this includes other regions, if people want. in those regions, it can be zhytomyr, rivne, zakarpattia, lviv and others, actually our territories, people will also be ready to provide places for temporary
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residence. defense is being prepared in the zaporizhzhia region, the construction of fortifications is actively underway, as reported in construction of concrete shelters is underway at the ministry of defense of ukraine. trenches, firing positions, anti-tank ditches and the so-called dragon's teeth. earlier, the head of the zaporizhzhia regional military administration, ivan fedorov , announced that uah 1,300,000,000 had been allocated. these funds are enough to complete the task. specialists work around the clock, so the work will be completed in the shortest possible time. the enemy has become noticeably more active in the orihiv direction in the zaporizhzhia region, according to information , the tavria offensive is an operational strategic one. military management. at the robot performance our defenders repelled 16 russian assaults. the situation remains difficult, but under control, notes ternavskyi, the commander of the troops. ukrainians repelled 21 attacks on novopavlivskyi in the avdiivskyi direction. the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops 20 times.
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over the last day, the enemy lost 389 of his soldiers, 54 units of equipment, three ammunition depots and 312 drones of various types. for the family for putin, the security service of ukraine exposed a network of pro-kremlin agitators operating in various regions of ukraine. law enforcement officers detained four accomplices of the russians. in pervomaisk , mykolaiv oblast, a 52-year-old woman worked remotely for a collaborator, tetyana montyan. for her telegram channel, she prepared pseudo-scientific posts about the war in ukraine. and in kharkiv , a metro worker told her colleagues about the so-called civil war in kyiv. supporters of the dictator putin turned out to be a parking lot guard, as well as a local beauty blogger. in social networks, she spread fakes about the war in ukraine. everyone faces up to eight years in prison confiscation of property.
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four militants who fought on the side of the russians were sentenced to 15 years in prison. ukrainian defenders captured them last year during the battles near bakhmut. men, residents of the temporarily captured part of luhansk. voluntarily joined the enemy army at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the security service of ukraine said. the occupiers enrolled one of them in the storm battalion, which was formed for so-called meat assaults. the man took part in the capture and three more militants were mobilized to the 123rd separate russian motorized rifle brigade. they stormed the defense positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the village of spirne, they also built fortifications and were on duty at the checkpoint. in the temporarily occupied areas, helped the evaders, the state bureau of investigation detained a border guard who was illegally transporting men to moldova, for $300 he offered conscripts to bring them to a place near the border without being caught by
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the border outfit, he was detained while receiving money for the service , the sbi reported. the border guard will now face up to 9 years prisons, also confiscations. property, now exactly yellow and blue in nato, the protocol on sweden's accession to the alliance has entered into force, the us state department reported. thus, sweden officially became the 32nd member of the north atlantic alliance. the white house notes that the country has a strong democracy and highly effective armed forces, and also shares the values ​​and vision of the world of the alliance, so its accession has greatly strengthened. nato forces. well, with this accession, in fact, the baltic sea is closed for putin. we hope finally. well, hopes also disappear capture of the island of gotland. the strong support of france will expand the training programs
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of the ukrainian military in the 24th year, the ministry of the armed forces of ukraine said. they noted that the main goal for this year is to extend the training of ukrainians to the air force and navy. in total, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , france has trained almost 10,000 ukrainian soldiers. guilty jury trial in. in the state of new mexico found hannah gutierrez reed, the gun expert from the movie rust, guilty of intentional, unintentional murder of cameraman halyna hadchins. tragic events happened during filming in the 21st year, when hollywood actor alex baldwin shot a camerawoman of ukrainian origin. gutierrez rrt faces up to 18 months in prison and a $500 fine. after the verdict was announced, she was taken into custody in july this year before the court. democrats from the house
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of representatives of the united states of america initiated an investigation into elon musk's company spacex. according to the washington post, deputies are concerned about the reports ukrainian intelligence on the use of starling terminals by the russians at the front. it is also said that the president of spacex, the president of spacex was informed that the situation, i quote, is a serious threat to the security of ukraine, the lives of ukrainians, and the national security of the united states. the publication notes that lawmakers also plan to contact the pentagon and other relevant agencies to clarify the circumstances. earlier, musk's company assured that they do not cooperate with the russian federation and do not transfer any equipment to it. they give their lives better for ukraine, but by sacrificing dearest, our soldiers know what they stand for until their last breath. these are the words of dmytro kotsyubail. a year ago, the legendary fighter called davinci died near bakhmut. he
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joined the russian invasion force back in the distant, now distant 14th, when he was 18 years old. kotsyubailo is the first volunteer who received the title of hero of ukraine during his lifetime. let's remember the legendary warrior. words to the heroes. by the way, it's only there, it's gone there, glory to ukraine! dmytro kotsyubailo wanted to become an artist from his school years, but he did not choose his own dreams, and reality, my homeland. in 2014, dmytro, an 18-year-old participant in the revolution of dignity, volunteered to go to the front. da vinci's nickname stuck to him, because before the maidan he studied at an art lyceum. then in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation. defended one of the hottest areas, the sands, in the same year he was seriously injured by a tank shell and
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after a few months of rehabilitation he returned to the front, already at the age of 21 kotsyubail was appointed commander of the first separate assault company, da vinci wolves. the unit worked in almost all hot days points of the ato, the volunteer company was not part of the armed forces of ukraine and actually did not report to anyone in the army. i'm proud of my boys, especially me. interests of the ukrainian people in the protection of territorial integrity. da vinci was convinced that a big war is a matter of time, he openly said about it from okop in donetsk region back in 2017. what is going on? well, i think it's going to a big, big war. me, i believe that only by military means. we can in 2021 dmytro kotsyubaylo becomes the first volunteer who
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received the title hero of ukraine during his lifetime, with the award order of the golden star, for personal courage shown in the defense of ukraine. in february , dmytro's unit encountered a major attack by the russians in the luhansk region, near the city of shchastya, and also repelled the attacks of the invaders in zaporozhye and. kyiv region, they also worked in the kherson region, liberating kharkiv region from the occupiers, then in 2022, kotsyubailu joined the armed forces and received his primary military rank - junior lieutenant. when the attackers threw all their forces at bakhmut, the unit returned to the donetsk region. dmytro kutsyubailo died on march 7, 2023, he was 27. they said goodbye to the hero of ukraine
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, dmytro kotsyubail. on march 10, in the ukrainian capital, thousands of soldiers and civilians escorted the hero on his last journey, and buried the legendary warrior at the askold grave. indeed, this war, a great war, unfortunately takes away great warriors, but without great warriors there can be no great victories. this is a great loss for the ukrainian. for the family, first of all, for dmytro's relatives and friends, but on the other hand, for the whole of ukraine, for his unit, for his brothers and sisters, but of course for the whole of ukraine a great loss, on the other hand, is a great example for moderns. and future generations , how one can actually put one's whole life on the struggle for independence, so honor, glory, respect and great thanks to dmytro kotsyubailo and to all those who died in this battle for our state, for you and me, thank you, and we in an unpaid debt to dmytro, and to all the soldiers who are in the heavenly army today, and now
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let's look at the events outside ukraine, from yuri fizer in a short overview. ukraine is the main security topic for the european union of the union the president of the european commission, ursula fondelaien, said this during a speech at the european people's party congress in bucharest. according to her, the prosperity of eu member states is impossible without security on the continent. therefore , official brussels will continue to stand side by side with kyiv as long as it is necessary. i will give more. ukraine has even more money and weapons. in addition, ms. fonderlaijen called for the russian leadership to be held accountable for crimes committed during the war. china supports holding a conference on finding ways a peaceful end to the war in ukraine. this was said today by the minister of foreign affairs of china wang yi during his annual speech at
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the session of the thai people's assembly . at the same time, he emphasized that it must be at this conference. both ukrainian and russian delegations are present. according to the head of the chinese foreign ministry, official beijing is ready to discuss all peace plans and initiatives, but at the same time it is necessary to adhere to the united nations charter nations and listen to the concerns of all parties. relations with the czech republic are threatened by prague's military support for kyiv. the prime minister of slovakia wrote about this on his facebook page. according to him, the government of the czech republic canceled the previously planned intergovernmental consultations. the head of the slovak government emphasized that he understands that such a decision was made in prague because of the support for the war in ukraine, but at the same time added that it will not affect the foreign policy of his country in any way, and even more so, it will not affect slovak-czech relations.
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large-scale nato military exercises have begun in the north of europe. northern answer. military personnel of the north... atlantic alliance will train for several weeks to repel an attack from the north and east. according to published information, about 20,000 soldiers from 13 allied countries will take part in these maneuvers. in addition, they will use about 100 military aircraft, as well as naval forces with frigates and submarines. the north korean army must constantly build up practical skills and combat training to be permanent. unprepared for war if it starts, north korean leader kim jong-un said during a visit to a large military base in the west of the country. according to him, the new period of rapid development of the country's armed forces is caused by the danger posed by the united states together with its allies. according to the telegraph agency of north korea, the test site where the training took place makes it possible to conduct them in
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close to real conditions. donald trump called on... the current president of the united states joe biden's states of america. he wrote about this on his page in his own social network social truth. according to the 45th owner of the white house, they need to discuss issues that are important to the american people and added: "i call for debate always, everywhere , anywhere, i look forward to the answer." there is no response to this challenge from the us president or his administration yet. us president joe biden will deliver the annual speech. about the state of affairs in ukraine, this will happen during a joint meeting of both chambers of the congress of the united states of america at four in the morning kyiv time. the topics of the message are not made public in advance, this time the administration of the white house did not even outline the possible directions of the speech. for joe biden, this will be the fourth such speech in the congress. the first took place at the end of april 21,
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three months after biden took office as head of state. well, now we will talk about a very important topic, which yesterday became a shock for many, actually a shock, because it seems like this is such a local story, but it it opens up a lot of problems, it's both from the personal to the general, and such a deductive method, and nina krydenkova is with us, the advocacy manager of the foundation, ms. nika, ms. niko, congratulations. i congratulate you, thank you, the constitution of ukraine, let me remind you, it was adopted, it was adopted on june 28, 1996, he said, this judge, that it was adopted in 1991, that's what we see now. this video, well , actually, i don't know, if you can listen, then we can listen, now they will tell me if you can hear the sound, a small question,
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how much are you preparing for the position of a judge of the constitutional court, could you tell me when the constitution of ukraine was adopted and what chapters and articles it consists of. can you answer the questions? i ask you to answer as a member of the honorable group of experts to the question of my deputy mr. shakun. year of adoption of the constitution, year. no more questions? lyubomyr andreychuk, this is a judge
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of the transcarpathian region, a judge of the commercial court, he was in office from 13 to 18, then he was allowed to work again by the decision of the higher qualification commission of judges, well , explain what it is, how to call it and what it is at what level do these people want to go to the constitutional court, in fact at... this level is already shown by several candidates, perhaps not in terms of knowledge, but in terms of the quality of how they prepare their answers, in fact we see a very sad picture, and considering how many positions are currently vacant in the constitutional court, five of them are vacant, three will be appointed by the parliament's quota, it will be elected by the supreme council and two by the congress of judges, unfortunately, we see that there are candidates from each. there are no less, some of them get to the interviews and such embarrassments happen, when really, well, a judge with such experience can name the date of adoption in the constitution, uh, there is
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also candidate voynarivskyi, who was previously detained by the police allegedly for drunk driving, he began to tell the interviewer, well, his answer was reduced to the fact that it would be ordered videos against him, against his activities and so on, uh, there was another one... a representative of themis, who called the police to the institution, because they allegedly did not increase, did not serve, well, that is, we already see some embarrassing things, but they actually show a lot the sad trend of candidates of a really good level of lawyers, or we simply have a huge shortage in the country, or b) for some reason, they do not apply for the highest judicial positions, and the constitutional court is definitely tired of that, you can say , the dawn of a correctional career, and well, obviously there are attractive conditions and interesting work and a good salary, and we already see a trend
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that eight candidates have withdrawn their candidacies, that is quite a lot, there are only a couple of dozen of them, er, and we we believe that this is also due to the fact that earlier public organizations analyzed these candidates and provided information to the competition commission, and since we at... in fact, very many had serious questions about property, about their previous activities, for example, oksana blazhivska, who used to decide the fate, prosecuted other judges in the supreme council of justice, behind her there were a number of questionable decisions regarding the same judges of oascu, the famous court, and so on, and they are withdrawing their candidacies one by one, because they obviously do not want answer to the person in front of international experts, for his property, for his previous decisions, and the picture as of now looks very doubtful, that it is possible that even according to
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the result of this competition, not all vacant positions of judges of the constitutional court will be filled, er, good, the constitutional court in we consist of 18 people, now five are vacant , and conditionally, if we fill some part, it will not be a disaster, but we will have to continue... think about what to do with it, because the question of integrity, as always, is with us will be very critical, eh, and where to look for these candidates, who could really be virtuous examples, and not candidates who, who were caught, for example, drunkenly, or do not know, this will be a very good question for the next years, and in fact, this is again the question that should be raised, well, globally, in the state strategy, and this question also concerns legal education and its quality, because... probably somewhere the result of such an answer, which was accepted by the constitution from a lawyer , well , it is probably also a result of the quality of the lawyer of education, here you correctly said that 18'.
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judges, that means, three according to the quota of the verkhovna rada, not appointed, two from the congress of judges, well, there is also a quota of the president of ukraine, as far as i understand, well, five people must be appointed, and this is a new, new appointment procedure here, well, people just need to understand that i have a lot of friends who are lawyers, once during my journalistic career i often participated in court hearings, some court cases, and that's why i understand so little about life and some gradations, well, that is, a judge. of the constitutional court - it's like that they say, the top of a career is like an academician in science, it's like a general in the army, well, higher there, well, the supreme court, well, but the constitutional court is, well, that, you should know everything, you just in fact, you decide the fate of the state , now you can decide whether there is a legitimate president after april 20 or an illegitimate one, well , relatively speaking, i am not questioning anything now, because i am not in my competence, but i am simply saying, what about dissolving the verkhovna rada early then at the request of president zelenskyi whether or not to dissolve, it affected a lot of things
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decision, it actually... determined the fate of the state to a certain extent and determined the composition of the verkhovna rada, it would have been later, maybe everything would have been different, but these are people who, they should be , it’s like, i don’t know, patriarchs, they should to be penniless, well, just to get good money and work in legal science, but we see that some people come who , well, this procedure, interestingly, it can be effective, and we can really hope that these are those who have dishonest knives... they'll just weed out even before the constitution day questions, actually the procedure is quite effective, because it was changed before this competition for about five vacant positions
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. such a formal showcase... competition, but in fact people were appointed there more by agreement and by some personal preferences, and not as a result of an open competition, and for the first time in history we are now seeing a truly open competition for the constitutional court, and the key thing here is the participation of international experts, who make up half of this special group of experts who are currently selecting them, conducting a competition, and we actually have a lot of... great respect and gratitude for their involvement to this process, to the national experts, well, we expressed a very big warning, because among the national experts there, for example, there is currently yaroslav romanyuk, maybe someone does not remember this last name, but who remembers the revolution of dignity, it was man, who was the head of the supreme court of ukraine and spoke publicly, one might say, in support of the laws of january 16, and instead of worrying about the fate of the protesters,
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who... were thrown behind bars en masse by the same judicial system, he actually worried about the independence of judges, because no less than him, this did not prevent him from being elected and now choosing judges of the constitutional court, but the key here is that the final, one might say, final blessing from the relevant group of experts rests with the international experts who appointed there, because they have the decisive vote, they have to vote in the majority, so the procedure has already shown several times that it is strong. than what happened when national bodies, some kind of selection commission, was formed there, and much, clearly much better, when this competition was only a showcase and incomprehensible, closed and the selections, well , the judges of the constitutional court were selected in the background, and well this openness of the competition, unfortunately, shows what we have.


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