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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EET

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ukrainians whose lives were cut short by the bloody russian war, let's bow our heads with a moment of silence, remember everyone we know who is no longer with us. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia. yep.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha and in this stream we talk about the following. zelenskyi approved the candidacy of zaluzhny for the post of ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the alliance with britain should only be strengthened, the president said and added that the ex-head himself chose a diplomatic direction for himself. a military background will be an advantage in the position of ambassador, according to minister kuleba. how should it help ukraine? deputies are allowed to go on business trips abroad only on command from the president's office, opposition people's deputies say. and according to them, due to the lack of votes in the ruling majority. this
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week, the session was canceled altogether, is this really the case, why were the deputies unable to gather in the voting hall, is ukraine on the verge of a parliamentary crisis, and what about bill on mobilization? kiev can stop putin if the usa provides the necessary weapons, because putin will not stop in ukraine, - said joe biden during his address to congress, adding that freedom and democracy are under threat both at home and abroad, so how white the house is struggling for support. of ukraine. only important topics, sharp statements, operational news. join svoboda ranok broadcast. participate in this broadcast. write your thoughts and questions in the comments under the video on the radio liberty channel. ex-head general valery zaluzhnyi can become the new ambassador of ukraine to great britain, his candidacy has already been approved by the ministry of foreign affairs and the president. general valery zaluzhnyi told me. precisely
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about such a direction for himself, diplomatic. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine sent a corresponding request to agremman. our alliance with britain must only grow stronger. zaluzhny himself did not comment on his possible appointment, nor did the british ministry of foreign affairs make any statements, instead the head of the ministry of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba of ukraine said on the air of the telethon that the appointment of the general as an ambassador is a logical and strong step, and that it would be useful. there is both education and desire for this, and the ex-ambassador to the usa valery chaly wrote on facebook that the public announcement of the ambassador's candidacy before great britain approves the candidacy is already a violation of diplomatic norms, and according to chaly, it would be possible to publicize the ambassador's candidacy only after obtaining the consent of the receiving party. well , it is worth reminding that there is news about the possible appointment of a diligent ambassador to britain appeared even before it was removed from it. central committee in
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february of this year, however, the president then stated that he was considering the candidacy. chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, on the air of marathon news, named eight criteria for approving foreign business trips of people's deputies, according to the speaker of the parliament, among them, in particular, decisions of the verkhovna rada on representation, participation in parliamentary assemblies, participation of people's deputies in friendship groups, and trips by people's deputies to assistance to the defense forces. if the criteria. coincide, people's elected representatives receive business trips, stefanchuk said and added that requests from deputies regarding foreign business trips are not always justified. stefanchuk made such a statement against the background of criticism from opposition people's deputies regarding restrictions on foreign trips of elected officials. thus , a few days ago, the vice-speaker of the parliament, olena kondratyuk, wrote on facebook that it is necessary to solve the problem of approving foreign business trips for deputies, which has already caused concern on the part of the european union. according to her, this is stated in the latest
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resolution in support of ukraine. even earlier a group of parliamentarians, mostly from the eu faction, registered a resolution proposing to cancel restrictions on foreign trips of people's deputies of ukraine. and also the representative of the voice faction, roman kostenko, who is the secretary of the committee on national security and defense, on march 6 on radio liberty said that on the last day his trip to the munich security conference was canceled, adding that in the verkhovna rada, the command for the trip is given from the office president, but prime minister denys shmehal before that said last week that he does not see any oppression of the opposition in the country. he voiced such a position during the final press conference in response to a rfe correspondent's question about the disk. the mining practice of travel restrictions for people's deputies from opposition political forces. and in the updated bill on mobilization , the working group excluded restrictions on the use of motor vehicles and blocking the accounts of persons who evade the draft.
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a member of the verkhovna rada committee told about this on radio svoboda's svoboda live project national security, defense and intelligence council and representative of the motherland vadym ivchenko. however, other restrictions provided for by the updated draft law are operational. the group supported. at the same time, ivchenko noted that the main norms, which are currently under discussion, do not apply to restrictions. i would like to remind you that the verkhovna rada adopted the government draft law on mobilization in the first reading on february 7, despite the number of contradictory norms, more than 4,000 amendments have already been submitted to the draft. in general, this draft law can be adopted until the end of march, said the speaker of the parliament, mr. stefanchuk, in a news marathon. let's discuss what is happening in the parliament. then with representatives of the government and the opposition, with people 's deputy from golos solomiya boprovska and deputy from servant of the people fedor vanislavskyi, both members of the security, defense and intelligence committee of ukraine. welcome ladies and gentlemen to our broadcast, i thank you for joining and i encourage you to be constructive, i know that you can do it and you know how to talk within the framework of our live broadcast.
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i understand that it has been a long time since the verkhovna rada met there was and is a lot to talk about. mr. fedor, the first thing i want to ask you is precisely what happened, that this week the verkhovna rada was canceled literally in a day and there were no meetings for almost a month, important tasks for partners and a mission to the front could be done earlier than this week, what caused the cancellation? greetings, i have no information on what exactly was the reason for the cancellation, i received information that the plenary sessions are being postponed or canceled due to with the fact that a group of people's deputies of ukraine from different factions, according to my information... performed the relevant functions of parliamentary control in those places where, say, there is a certain danger, including near the front line, and we now have feedback regarding the issues that the people's deputies were studying, the main reason from the point of view of the fact that i have
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information is precisely this, ms. solomi, what is your version of the reason for the cancellation of the meetings , perhaps the draft law on mobilization so that the deputies do not engage in, as arahamia wrote , right-wing terrorism. glory to ukraine. good morning. no, according to our information, the session was held precisely because the deputies were not gathered to vote. we know that our colleagues from the servants of the people have problems with the number of votes when adopting the necessary bills, and we are talking, in particular, about the so-called former opzh camp. someone did not return not from the front areas, but from austrian areas, slovak areas, and some other foreign stories. that is why there is a lack of voice. actually caused the absence of a sudden session week, session days, actually, because in on monday it was a fire council, on tuesday it was a fire council, and then they suddenly changed course , in fact, you can work in dangerous areas at the front, near the front and on the territory of ukraine, on all other days of the month, because the session
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does not take place often in our country, and i am very to be honest, it was very sad and funny to read the post and the explanation of the head of the servants of the people faction e. this is far from true , although i really would like my colleagues from the majority faction to be more often at the front and work there, and more effectively, including . mr. fedor, do you have an explanation, perhaps, how do you feel about this opinion of your colleague? well, i think that solomiya and i can say completely in sync, i think that her warning was definitely not about the members of our committee, because who, who are the members of our committee, are constantly at the forefront and ... participation even in the execution of combat problems and solomiya knows it perfectly well, and as for everything in general, well, maybe it really is me, i will tell you honestly, i have no information about the fact that there were not enough votes, if solomiya has this has information, well, maybe it was so, but i have such information, and i have an accurate
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understanding of it, that our colleagues were on the audit, let's say so, including defensive lines, and those inclusions in the live air of various channels, they testify, that the representatives... of our political force were precisely within the framework of parliamentary control in those areas where it is necessary, but in general the representatives of our political force in exactly all... practically directions work closely with the brigades and are systematically at the front in the brigades between plenary meetings, i.e. me i don't think that this is some kind of, you know, reproach in our favor, because in our address, because it is enough to look even at social networks, where every people's deputy of ukraine works on issues related to the security and defense of our state, mr. fedor , here ... i will quote, a public source in the service of the people reported that the deputies will return to work when the draft law
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on mobilization is ready to consider all amendments to it, and that mr. arahamia proposed a trip to the front, so what can you say on such the rumors in the media, well, these rumors definitely have no basis, and here i think that solomia will not object either, because to date we are still... entering the committee meeting, entering the phase of consideration of legislative amendments item by item, yesterday we completed the last block, which was the most, let's say, controversial regarding the issues related to the legal status of the disabled and axis, or rather, persons with disabilities and the right to deferment from the draft, as well as persons who take care of such persons and issues related to demobilization, from monday we plan to proceed to item-by-item consideration of legislative amendments. therefore, to talk about the fact that hypothetically someone could have predicted that this plenary week
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the draft law could be considered in the second reading is absolutely nonsense, ms. solomi, here is mr. stefanchuk, he said earlier that this draft law could be adopted by the end of march , in your opinion, is this possible, and i would also like to literally add a sentence that actually the session days are a priority, and people who work on frontline areas, are returning, especially with... having the working schedule of the verkhovna rada, and this cannot be the reason for the cancellation of plenary session days, especially when there are laws, of course, including those related to security and defense, speech about mobilization, about social protection there or any other areas. as for mobilization, it is possible that if there is political will to get this bill on the agenda, then of course by the end of march there is a chance that it will be brought to the session hall, although fedin absolutely come on, despite the fact that we have been working for two weeks on... documents on blocks, on topics, with discussions, all relevant ministries and so on, we have only
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been sitting down for these 4195 amendments since monday, and this is not the end, because there will be a completely different atmosphere in the hall, a completely different discussion and different twists and turns that will apply to this draft law, accordingly , the fact that, in my opinion, it is written in a crooked way, and the actual decision on the amendments and how this draft bill will look in the final version, if it will be brought to the hall. but i would like to say one more important thing here, that when we talk about the mobilization law, i would also like to talk about the possibility and excessive use of the right of the cabinet to make reservations for certain types of workers, from supermarkets to football clubs, it seems to me that here the cabinet of ministers should also present responsibility for mobilization, for their work, and shmygel should communicate this, and not only, and not only the ministry of defense. mr. fedor, what about the deputies' business trips abroad? in ukraine according to the constitution, the president of the parliament is a republic, and now deputies cannot even
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go to important international venues, for example, roman kostenko told on our broadcast, on svoboda live, that his business trip was canceled, literally before the train and noted that in the verkhovna rada the command for the business trip is given from the president's office, is that right? well, i don't know information about the fact that they give business trips from the office of the president, all the business trips i was on were very few. say, for two years of war i have been on foreign business trips, if i am not mistaken, three times, you are also not approved for business trips, just as i was giving me an order to go on a business trip, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, with whom he agreed or disagreed, i do not have any information for sure, but i have all the business trips were connected precisely by the security sector of the defense there with weapons, with the strengthening of our capabilities, etc., but you know, let me answer this question, it is very interesting by and large, and it should be broken down into mine, let's say so, and each deputy for himself. not in perception and subjective desire, of course we would like to be able
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to travel whenever we want, wherever we want, using, among other things, a diplomatic passport, which by law every people's deputy of ukraine has, but let's return to legal regulation, as a specialist in the field of law, who has been lecturing students for 25 years, including on the status of a people's deputy, i can say that according to the constitution, a people's deputy fulfills what he otherwise has the authority provided by the constitution and the law on probation. foreign there is only one rule in the law on the status of a people's deputy, this is article 17, part one, which provides for the possibility of a people's deputy of ukraine to enter into relations with representatives of other states, and... but if there is no special authorization of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, he has the right to enter into relations exclusively on his own behalf. what does it mean? from a legal point of view, one sentence, i'll finish just real quick. from the point of view of legal analysis, this means that a people's deputy of ukraine has the right to be on a business trip if he represents the supreme radu, because if he goes on his own behalf, then it definitely cannot be a business trip, so the question here is precisely the procedure and
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the criteria that allow a people's deputy of ukraine to have a special authority in the verkhovna rada in order to perform those functions, tasks within the framework of interparliamentary diplomacy, which are defined by the law on the status of a people's deputy. mrs. solomi, do you agree, or in your opinion, as an opposition deputy, there is still a difference with these agreements for pro-government deputies and for opposition deputies. i want to remind you how it is happened, happened the whole story with the ban of the executive power for the legislative power, here thought fedir would also comment on this resolution, the wild government, which seems to, in a strange way, bans us. mps to leave and regulates our travel abroad in work cases, in private situations, we want to wonder how it happened, it happened after teshchenko went to thailand, and aristo went to the maldives, after that the president probably took a deep breath and realized that it wouldn't be like that, because it's generally beyond cynicism, any understanding, if there are such fellow deputies who do not understand what they should do during its martial law, during
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the war in their country, well, then they are doing their educational work, but eh... when the government forbids the parliament to leave and regulates these trips abroad, this is simply a complete absurdity, which i am very sorry that we, as deputies, did not immediately appeal there in the first months of this resolution, and if i am banned due to, for example, a business trip, i also had a ban on leaving, we were supposed to have a trip with colleagues, by the way, the servants of the people, who are the heads committees, including to the states for these 10 days, but we did not see the expediency of that trip, canceled this business trip, it... to be just this week, this week and next week, and as a woman, i also cannot leave for border, and for this one must have only family circumstances, and this is some kind of complete and strange discrimination, and we all understand very well that to receive an invitation from the speakers of the parliaments, it is just, well, some kind of game, and all these and these rules are twisted, twisted, despite the fact that we see how colleagues, for example, do not
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colleagues, i consider the enemy states from the former camp of the opposition bloc to rest easy. or by invitations to the example of some austrian parliament there, and these are all top vips of the opzhe, who have no problems with departures, or this even includes the abuse of our intelligence agencies with letters and trips abroad, it looks as strange as possible, unacceptable, and i believe that it is simply not, well, not simply monopolization, it is not an understanding of foreign policy, it is not an understanding of the role of the parliament, inter-parliamentary diplomacy, why... can speak on behalf of parliamentarians on some economic forms in britain, that is, these are such and such things that do not need explanation, and this is the game of the middle ages, not understanding then what democracy is, what the branches of government are , how ukraine is built, and what is here, what is here the role of institutions, in particular the parliament, is not just recruited people from the street called someone's team, these are people who in four years
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perform the representative function of the people and also know how to work, i am saying here. about my colleagues, servants of the people, who i do not know why they cannot convince the president and explain, what is parliament and parliamentarism, after all , that's why i do not tolerate such things, i believe that these are unconstitutional and illegal actions of the speaker, which, among other things, do not defend the parliament and the constitution, in conclusion , taking into account these problematic points that we mentioned, which are very are now loudly discussing whether, in your opinion, mr. fedor, to you and then to ms. solomia, i ask very briefly, whether the verkhovna rada is currently on the verge of a parliamentary crisis, well, first of all, i... want to completely agree with solomia in this case that the cabinet of ministers cannot of ukraine to limit the rights of people's deputies , there is absolutely no doubt here, but from the point of view, again, let's be objective, from the point of view of the constitution and laws, the president of ukraine and the minister of foreign affairs are two persons, according to the law on international treaties of ukraine that have the right to represent ukraine, all the rest are those that must be specially authorized by the relevant bodies,
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including the verkhovna rada, as for your question, i do not see any signs of a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, if there are any, let's put it this way, personal motives that allow people's deputies to block the work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, then this is not a question of political rhetoric, but of abuse of the status of a people's deputy, ms. solomiya, and to you the question of whether a parliamentary crisis is on the threshold or not, i'm all i still want to strike back in my reply to my colleague, mr. fedor, in fact yevgeny shevchenko is a kind of parliamentary diplomacy, representation, er , the interests of the parliament, or an arrestee, by the way, or anyone else who very strangely leaves for the border has the opportunity in some strange way, and here, unfortunately, neither fortunately, nor about the president and... and the kuleba, and the ministry of foreign affairs, but about other things, i think, we understand exactly what we are talking about , will there be a parliamentary crisis, i believe that it is coming, and the dispute, in particular, about
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the possibility of working abroad, it will become one of those, probably indigenous, in not in any- or in blocking, or in not understanding how to move forward, because these rules, rules more familiar to others, they will not work, this leads us into a very deep discussion and argument. i thank you for joining our broadcast and for the constructive conversation. solomiya bobrovska from voice and people's deputy from servant of the people fedir venislavskyi were guests of our broadcast, we talked about the situation in the ukrainian parliament. thank you. putin will not stop at ukraine, said biden. why did zelensky choose a hard worker for the post of ambassador to great britain, how will this affect aid to ukraine. we will discuss these topics later on the air, but in the meantime, support us by subscribing to the radio liberty channel. put your favorite this video. and directly participate in the war. president biden mentioned ukraine
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from the first minute of his speech. he expressed confidence that the ukrainian army can stop putin if it is given the necessary weapons. abroad, putin is moving forward. he has invaded ukraine and is wreaking havoc throughout europe and beyond. if anyone in this room thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you, he will not. but ukraine, ukraine can stop putin, ukraine can stop putin. if we support ukraine and provide weapons, necessary for her protection. president biden criticized republicans for delaying the approval of an aid package for kiev worth more than
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$60 billion, as well as his predecessor donald trump for flirting with putin. not so long ago, republican president ronald reagan loudly declared: mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. now my predecessor, the former republican president, says: to putin, i quote: do whatever you want. this is a quote. the former american president actually said this while bowing to the russian leader. it's outrageous, it's dangerous, it unacceptable biden emphasized the importance of strengthening nato. of russian aggression and congratulated in the hall the prime minister of sweden, which had just joined the alliance. the official response to biden from the republicans was voiced by alabama senator katey britt. she
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has traditionally criticized the president for inflation and the unresolved crisis at the border, and also mentioned external threats, calling biden a weak leader. our commander-in-chief is not in command now. the free world deserves better than a trembling and humiliated leader. america deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are the cornerstones of a great nation. meanwhile, the most likely candidate for the us presidency from the republican party is donald trump. in social networks , he commented on biden's speech in a flash, wrote: nato became stronger thanks to trump, and putin would not have attacked ukraine under his administration. iryna shinkarenko, kateryna lisunova, kostyantyn golubchyk, dmytro savchuk, voice of america. ruslan osypenko, diplomat,
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an expert, an internationalist, joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. what do you think of biden's speech in the context of increasing aid to ukraine, did he convince the republicans, in your opinion? a powerful speech, i listened to it all. in great detail, he started with ukraine, exactly, he started with the fact that america will not fall, that america will not back down, he will not back down, these are strong words, that's exactly what he showed, i also liked that he showed that they can solve the issue together, and on this agreement on the border, he said, let's solve it together this is the issue, and that help to our allies will come and the issue of creating new jobs and many other things will be resolved. we can do together, along with the criticism , there was also a call to work together, continue to make america stronger, that's why the speech is so powerful and so impressive, he...
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said this is a historic moment, really, and today history is looking at what decisions will be accepted by everyone in the lower house, he talked a lot about internal politics, about new jobs, about reducing prices there for e-e accounts, so that people pay less, study better, education is better, and these are impressive things that - really, not in words, but in reality can make america stronger, if america is stronger, then we... as ukrainians, we also receive more help, i i think so. if we talk about this thesis of his, that freedom and democracy are under threat, he said, both at home and abroad, is there a chance to save the situation? i think there is a chance to save the day, many republicans understand that america's interests are at stake, not party interests, not personal interests interests, this is precisely what biden emphasized , that today, as he said, history looks
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at what decisions will be... made, he called on the republicans to pass the law on the border and on aid to ukraine after all, because this is a historic moment , he said a turning point in history today, and let's call together to make history together. i think, after all, many republicans realize that helping ukraine is america's help, maintaining america's leadership position in the free world. mr. ruslan, how about you? another topic, but how do you like the news? about the appointment of the meritorious officer, well , it has not yet taken place officially, we are waiting for information from great britain, as far as i understand, because officially the british side must agree to the appointment, but in general, this candidacy, which was discussed in this context, but we heard from mr. zelenskyi , who was engaged and wanted to engage in diplomacy, will this strengthen the ukrainian position? i think this solomon's decision is one that, you know, saved, saved the situation
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in order to demonstrate on external outline that we are united, still , that solidarity is maintained in wartime, it will also help to solve the issue of strengthening relations, spreading, deepening relations with our one of our serious allies great britain, because we know that the united states and britain first, who provided weapons even before the beginning of the ukrainian-russian war and thereby supported us ukrainians, gave us the opportunity to resist... and preserve our country, so i think that this is a good decision in this direction, it will strengthen our relations, and if we talk about the internal contour, well, it is certainly clear and obvious to everyone that the likely opponent for the new elections is not an opponent, let's say, but a possible candidate for the presidential position, he will go as an ambassador to the political periphery, let's say, and there will be no confrontation, that's why i said that this is...
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a new decision, well, somewhere in the middle, and if we talk about whether there were any diplomatic violations, as mr. chaly wrote about, for example, that it is not done that way, you need the partners of great britain first get a response from them and then this to announce, what happened, it happened so publicly, and we learned about it last night, how do you feel about it, well , there will always be criticism, but it happened, how did it happen, the president announced that he approved the candidacy, he did not say that he appointed... there is a certain mechanism, there is a request for greman 30, britain has 30 days to confirm that they want to see valeriy fedorovych appointed to the position of ambassador there, as a representative of the president or an ambassador, that is, the alterego of the president, let's say , in another country, we are waiting for 30 days, if there is confirmation, then there will be a decree and then this decree will be printed in the central press at the same time and in...


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