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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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meeting, do not forget about it, and then we have news on the espresso tv channel. and this is news: british defense minister grand shabs came to kyiv on a visit, he managed to take a walk on mykhailivska square and has already declared that he is ready to fight for the support of ukraine. i am in kyiv to scare the democratic world, we must make sure that ukraine wins this war. the uk has done more than ever to provide the biggest package to date. military support, now every
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nation must do the same and provide victory of freedom over tyranny. and another important visit to kyiv was made by the vice president of the european commission, valdis dombrovskis. he published a photo near the train on the ex social network, and also wrote that it is a great honor for him to return to ukraine, which is courageously fighting back against russia's brutal and illegal aggression. europsadovets expressed unwavering support for ukrainian. people from the european union and emphasized that the future of ukraine is in europe. the coalition is expanding. luxembourg will join the czech republic's initiative to purchase 800,000 artillery pieces for ukraine. about this announced the minister of defense yuriko backes. the day before, the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, confirmed that the allies had transferred the entire amount necessary for the purchase of ammunition outside the european union. predicts that they should
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arrive in ukraine in the coming weeks. they will not decide the outcome of the war. taurus long-range missiles are not transferred to kyiv, because they will not affect the course of hostilities in ukraine - german defense minister boris pistorius said at a press conference in helsinki. he also added that germany refuses to supply ukraine with this type of weapons because it does not want to be a party to the conflict. before. chancellor olaf scholz spoke about the fact that they cannot control the deployment of long-range missiles in ukraine, and therefore they cannot hand them over; for observation, the presence of the german military is necessary, which cannot be either - noted scholz. the combat unit of the enemy's shahed got stuck in the propeller of a windmill in mykolaiv oblast. this was reported to the national police. law enforcement officers had to dismantle the wreckage from a height. 55 m using a crane.
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also for accurate search of the combat unit used a metal detector. after carrying out a complex operation, the mine was neutralized. it was very difficult, because when pachet hit the propeller of the windmill, it crumbled inside, metal fragments of this uav were almost all over the plane of the propeller. the thalode detector gave signals almost all over the plane, after a thorough inspection we still found the location of the warhead, took measurements, and also made drawings there at a height so that we could safely make holes around the perimeter to prevent damage to the warhead. and we have a new collection of the espresso tabla tv channel.
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iryna koval foundation is asked to help with the purchase of mavics and their components, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction. drone losses are constantly increasing and must be renewed. so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. we already have 20 00. join, you can see all the details on. screen maidan cases in court. the sbi and the prosecutor general's office completed the investigation into the ex-head of the cherkasy regional police for dispersing participants in peaceful protest actions. on february 20, 2014, he gave the order to forcibly disperse the protesters who were near the monument of cherkasy. then ten people were injured and five cars were damaged. now a former policeman.
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is in the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region, where he holds a position in the so-called law enforcement agencies of the russians. he helped military service. leave the country, on the ivano-frankivsk region's law enforcement officers exposed a civil service worker in emergency situations. the rescuer helped his friend to issue the second group of disability for going to the czech republic to earn money. for the service, he first asked for 800 dollars, and then 16. the transfer of funds took place in several stages. he was detained while receiving the next part. more than 3 million were stolen. hryvnias for the reconstruction of a children's hospital in kyiv, law enforcement officers kidnapped an official of the capital's regional development department and the director of a construction company. the perpetrators concluded contract for repairs in one of the branches of the children's hospital in brovary, already during
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the works, the construction company submitted false information about the volume and cost of materials. also, the reconstruction was not completed in full, but the official accepted the work, neglecting it. technical supervision, perpetrators face up to 12 years in prison. an influx of drones in the belgorod region, where russian air defense forces allegedly shot down three drones, and then two more - said the former governor. according to him , the armed forces dropped an explosive device on one of the agricultural enterprises. previously , no one was injured. also, the ministry of defense of the russian federation reported the downing of an unknown person. uav over the kursk region. day of struggle for women's rights and peace. march 8 still remains a debatable issue in ukrainian society. our correspondent katryna
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galko found out what mood prevails in the capital and whether kyiv residents are celebrating today. she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you and tell me what the girls say. i congratulate anna eva, i congratulate the tv viewers. channel espresso, so even though march 8 still remains a public holiday, today is a formality and today, as usual on any friday , is a working day, so the center of the capital is not too crowded, but, of course, we saw young ladies with bouquets and gifts. i would like to note that last year a draft law was introduced in the verkhovna rada, which tried to cancel the celebration of international women's day, but it has not been considered yet, but according to last year's survey, 62% of ukrainians still speak out. for leaving march 8 as a public holiday and day off. we passers-by in the center of the capital were asked whether they were celebrating, whether they greeted someone and whether they knew what this holiday was really about. let's hear them. the soviet union is all lies in the way that it is always bad, and therefore
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a bit of a misunderstanding. the main thing is not to congratulate anyone, wishing them a woman's fate. yes, this is the worst. so. just congratulate women on the holiday and say. thank you that we have them, we are already celebrating, we have planned for today, well , what a joint peace event, i would say that yes, everyone is used to celebrating in some way, and this is more such a positive holiday, i would say, for every woman, how can i say, i don't particularly think about it, i just know that i should congratulate my girlfriend on this holiday, i don't really celebrate, but why? well, it's just, i don't know, it seems to me that now is not the time. in general, i want to remind you that today is the international day of struggle for women's rights and international peace, before the great war in ukraine since 2008
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, women's marches and feminist marches were held annually, where women reminded about gender equality and about standing up for themselves. now the war has come shoulders not only of our brave defenders, but also of defenders. more than 60,000 ukrainian women are currently serving in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. also, ukrainian women volunteer, ukrainian women help, they choose victories for us in sports markets, rings and political arenas. ukrainian women are self-sufficient, free and, of course, independent. taking this opportunity, i want to congratulate all our female viewers, all my colleagues, and of course. i congratulate my mother, annaeva, and you, and this is all the information for now, so i am passing the ether to you. thank you for your work, thank you for information, it was my colleague kateryna galko, from the capital, who was telling about the mood in kyiv regarding the celebration of march 8.
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that's all for now, i tell you, see you at 3:00 p.m., the news team is working, we're monitoring what's happening in ukraine and the world, we'll tell you about the most important things in the next issue. and then my colleagues marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii will work for you. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing, in the next few hours we will inform you and together with you analyze and understand all the current problems and not only, there are quite a lot of events today , well, but at the beginning of our broadcast i traditionally remind you about our gathering, we are gathering now. funds to buy a lot of things , in particular, buggies for evacuating the wounded and
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transporting combat kits, we are also collecting for a car and trench rebit for the 12th separate special forces, a special forces force, our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield that we hold back the aggressor, our goal is uah 480,000, so if you have the opportunity, please join. to our gathering and actually, let's do everything we can to help our armed forces. well, in the meantime, information about zelensky's visit to turkey flew in. the president's office announced the details of this visit and says that zelenskyi will meet with turkish president recep tayyip erdogan. the leaders will discuss the peace formula, the organization of the peace, security, shipping summit in chornoy sea, global food stability, as well as the release of ukrainian captives and political prisoners in the russian federation. special attention during the visit will be focused on joint projects in the defense and industrial sphere, the office
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of the president said. well, in the meantime, we are adding vasyl bohdan, a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, lieutenant general, to our broadcast. mr. vasyl, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to our ukrainian women. mr. vasyl, i would like to talk to you about the general situation at the front. how are you now? evaluate the unfolding events. in the russian-ukrainian war, given the international situation that has developed around the russian-ukrainian war, we can say several positions: firstly, that what is happening on the front is natural, secondly, what measures are taken by the higher military and political leadership in... the country to stabilize the front, it has its results, and thirdly, the optimistic statements and
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commanders of the ground forces of general pavlyuk that the armed forces are preparing for counteroffensive operations already this year. in this regard, it is necessary to emphasize the following, that of course, war, each has its pros and cons. er, the armies opposing each other periodically have successes, or vice versa, defeats, advance, retreat, counterattack, attack, and therefore in the situation that has developed now on the front of more than 1,500 km, there is nothing surprising from the point of view military history. a warrior on a global scale, but there are moments that deserve the fact that in the future these
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shortcomings or miscalculations will not be allowed by our side, these are also things related to how are being prepared and how the defense structures were prepared, these are things related to how active the targets are. our diplomacy, the higher military-political leadership of ukraine worked purposefully to encourage our partners to provide the necessary weapons, military equipment, ammunition, aircraft and drones, and the same f-16 , and now, since sweden has already become... the 32nd member of nato and those planes that this
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country promised us as soon as it becomes a member of the north atlantic alliance. of course, we know according to the data of the general staff, and according to the testimony of open sources, that the situation is not easy, difficult, both in the lumansk-kupyansk direction, and in the avdiivsk and bakhmutsk directions, but it is being managed. i understand that, taking into account the statements of our general staff, and general sirsky, and general pavlyuk, it is possible to stabilize the situation, moreover... in the last two or three days, information has appeared that the counter-battery struggle, if previously it was in favor of the russian sides, then now it is leveling off and obviously the necessary number of shells needed to impress the enemy has reached today, well
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, you know the latest events, and the president of the czech republic said that it was possible to find funds to purchase not only 800,000 shells for ukraine, and a million, because additional funds have also been found, and therefore in the coming weeks the 155 shells will begin to arrive en masse, well , in short, you know, we currently had minister of defense sharp and the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of britain, general radakin, they also announced support for ukraine and the provision of financing for 10,000 drones and other things, but the situation nevertheless looks like ukraine does not have everything it needs, and not everything it needs is ready to provide us with partners, and in this regard,
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of course, the leadership role of the french president must be emphasized. emmanuel macron, who stated that a strategic breakthrough against russia is needed, and in this particular case there can be no restraints, no red lines in order to to support ukraine, including, and if such a need arises, the introduction of a military contingent of individual nato member countries. he, however, later specified the circumstances under which it could be, but the fact that training missions of foreign countries will be in ukraine was also talked about by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and called on our partners to do so, and the fact that after all , despite the statements of the french president that we can enter
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the continent only when there is a breakthrough of the russians on odesa and on uh... kyiv, still a discussion is already getting stronger and stronger , as i observe, and not only me, that at a certain stage, in order to really make that strategic breakthrough against russia and prevent its expansion further into europe and generally harming global democracy, everything - it is obvious that a certain military contingent of our... partners will be introduced, and i drew attention to the fact that large-scale nato exercises are currently being held, both in the north and in the east, and with the new members of nato, sweden, with the participation of sweden, finland, and note that these trainings will be held until may month, well, i will allow myself to joke that in
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may the soil dries up there and favorable conditions are created for... to deploy appropriate military actions, including with the help of our partners. mr. vasyl, i would like to clarify with you, you mentioned about ammunition, about this coalition of artillery shells, which the czech republic actually decided to create in addition to the opportunities offered to us by europe, which, by the way, promised to provide us with a million shells this year, but yes it looks like he cannot fulfill this promise at the moment, at least in to its full extent. if we are talking about additional capabilities, do you mean exactly air defense, aviation, actually, or did you mean something else, i would like to clarify this, regarding the promises of the european union, then practically we can state that they have already been implemented, because we already have clear statements
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from the president of the czech republic and others who joined this projectile coalition that there will soon be a million of these projectiles in ukraine, they will come gradually, but nevertheless, this is serious support, this is a serious factor, which allows ukraine not only to strengthen its counter-battery struggle, but soon to seize the strategic initiative to carry out those measures for the final deoccupation of ukraine from the russian enemy, this is the first. secondly, yes, ukraine repeatedly at all levels, including the highest military and political leadership of the country, and diplomatic and public. declares that it needs to be additionally strengthened with long -range missiles, anti-
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aircraft defense systems, aircraft, drones and certainly those means impressions that should be successfully used against terrorist missile and chess'. enemy attacks, and this is connected with the way we understand that our defense-industrial complex is starting to work actively. moreover, we know that the european commission and the european union have just approved a new strategy, the defense-industrial strategy, which provides, first of all, the integration of certain sectors of the defense complex of ukraine in compliance. the defense-industrial sectors of european countries and thus the boosters, increasing the military capabilities of ukraine, and secondly, it will also ensure the building up
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of the military capabilities of the countries of nato and the european union, because there they have felt the threat that the russian federation poses to them already in the foreseeable future, and therefore it is certain that europe, although... contradictory, is mobilizing and anticipating significant funds for the production of the appropriate types of weapons and all that, but nevertheless , of course, i understand that we continue to work with germany, despite the statements of the minister of defense and the chancellor that they cannot to provide us with tauras missiles, well, if they are motivated by the fact that it is their ee... will consider russia as a participant in this conflict, then i apologize, germany has already provided us with so much military equipment and ammunition,
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including in the field of air defense, that it already looks somewhat, you know, so indelicate, i would put it so mildly, in relation to ukraine, this is frivolous, unfounded and not... objective motivation, justification of why they do not want, do not want to provide us with taurus , and this is now very necessary for the ukrainian side, as well as american atacoms, and, of course, the first problem now is the attraction or allocation of funds by the united states of america, which is and has been and hopefully will be the largest dollar donor. and a leader in providing ukraine with military, economic, financial and humanitarian aid, and what
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we will do today, or yesterday, we will do, and today they will do, speaking before the congress, president biden gave a very clear assessment of the situation that is developing on the russian-ukrainian front, and announced the importance of... the importance of providing aid ukraine, ukraine, whose victory depends on the stability and security of the united states of america and the entire transatlantic partnership, this still inspires confidence that, despite all the somersaults, intra-political, intra-party, inter-party, the decision in march about the financing of ukraine will be resolved and... it will certainly be the important factor that will cause the movement of our army forward and the liberation of ukraine as a whole. mr. vasyly, i would like one last
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question, which is actually related to today's issue of zelenskyi's visit to turkey, we know how recep tayyip erdogan gravitates towards peace talks, although no talk about it is announced at all, but we understand that eh, maybe somewhere between the lines it will be read, what do you think in general, is this war in.. . in principle , it can end at the negotiating table with russia, which obviously demands the capitulation of our state, if you have the opportunity, then two minutes, please, well, i will say this, any war ends with negotiations, depending on who won it, and depending on who won, that's it results for one or another side, of course, that in the conditions that are currently developing on the russian-ukrainian front and in the... international arena, no one from the ukrainian side will dare to sit down at the negotiating table with the russian federation, that's
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for sure, about that repeatedly. declared the president of ukraine, and he is also the commander-in-chief, because we understand what russia wants, it wants to freeze the conflict, to create such conditions that the negotiations take place on, i apologize for the taftology, on the terms of the russian federation, which means all the occupied territories behind russia, crimea, this is , firstly, and secondly, to breathe a little and then move forward again in order to erase... from the face of the earth the ukrainian state and the ukrainian nation, but pay attention to the fact that in which this is happening under the conditions, it is happening in the conditions when the questions about the international peace forum based on the peace formula of the president of ukraine have already been practically resolved, in switzerland, somewhere in a few months, this is against the background of how europe is mobilizing, this is against the background of how decisions are being made still a question
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with ammunition, weapons. and military equipment, and against the background of the fact that , despite all efforts, russia does not manage to get any strategic victories, any tactical victories, a small advance and that's why, in this situation, russia wants to use china as well, you know the mission of the corresponding representative there, and to russia, and he is going to come to ukraine, and to the united states of america, and to brussels, in order to... as he, as china says, calm down and resolve the ukrainian crisis, although we we understand that this is not a ukrainian crisis, this is aggression, well, of course, to some extent , putin and erdogan are involved in this, but erdogan is a very powerful figure, it is not controversial, turkey's position remains firm, the complete liberation of all territories of ukraine.
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thank you very much, vasyl bohdan, a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, a retired lieutenant general, was in touch with us, but unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to move on. yes, now we will take a short break and after it we will talk with serhiy tsekhotsky from the avdiiv direction, so do not switch, in a few minutes we will we return tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the tv unboxing strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah , also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, there is a possibility
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