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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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how women won their rights in schools, how in the sense, i mean , they talk about it in schools, about how women came to the current position, and what still needs to be done, and on this way, we will definitely put an end to it , unfortunately, ms. olga , because we have to finish with you, unfortunately, olga popadynyts, an expert on non-discrimination , was on our air, we have to pass the floor to our colleagues who will tell more news, so anna eva melnyk is already going over. we congratulate you and actually give you the floor, we would like to ask what will be about in this release. greetings, colleagues, i will start this issue with the situation in the regions, and a very interesting, extraordinary event happened in denmark, where more than 7 million dollars are allocated for monuments, to whom exactly in a moment. be with us.
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they freely hit the rescuers. the russians attacked a group of emergency workers with a drone. vovchanska in kharkiv oblast. they were just returning from extinguishing a fire caused by enemy shelling. the invaders threw ammunition at a special vehicle, damaged a fire truck. fortunately, people were not injured, the ministry of internal affairs reported. one person died, another was injured. the russians shelled the village of olhivka in the kherson region. the regional prosecutor's office was notified. they hit with mortars, the consequences of the attack are being clarified. the number of people injured as a result of the missile attack on sumy increased. two people died, another 26 were injured. this was reported to the regional military administration. as a result of the attack , a school, a hospital and an emergency medical center were damaged . also, the damaged building
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of the water utility, desnesnyky, has already completed the emergency rescue work. president of ukraine flew to turkey on a working visit, reports the turkish anadolu agency. the media reports that the ukrainian delegation includes defense minister rustem umyerov, the program of the visit begins with a visit to the corvette hetman ivan mazepa, which is being built for the armed forces. at the shipyard near istanbul. the program of the visit includes a bilateral meeting between zelenskyi and president erdogan, as well as negotiations between the ukrainian and turkish delegations in an extended format. certain discussions regarding the decisions of the military leadership. commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine mykola oleschuk shared data that russian pilots increasingly express dissatisfaction with one-way flights. after losing two li'. there are a50s and more than 10
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ships, the occupiers have reduced the number of strikes, and there are still no anti-aircraft missiles in the sea of ​​azov, which reduces the enemy's capabilities in radar reconnaissance. and only yesterday, ukrainian pilots hit russian planes from a distance of more than 150 km. the result of the work is being checked, lyschuk noted, therefore, possible russian sabotage may increase when the air force receives more from western partners. tools to protect the sky," concludes the commander. and we have a new collection. the espressa tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend our land in the zaporizhzhia direction. the losses of drones are constantly increasing, and they must be replenished so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and go on an assault. through lightning fields, we can help.
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our goal is uah 500,000, so join us, you see the details on the screen. border guards , together with the bureau of economic security, seized the illegal production of alcohol in the kharkiv region. it is about the activity of three shops with vodka products. the suspects produced ethyl alcohol, strong alcoholic beverages without special permits. later, the goods were knocked down in stores. and food establishments during searches, law enforcement officers seized raw materials worth more than uah 3 million from the offenders. he sold drugs and psychotropic substances. law enforcement officers detained a man in chernihiv , a 27-year-old drug dealer was spotted with packages in a local park. molodyk threw away his things and tried to run away from the police, but did not make it. a crystal-like substance was found in zip-packs during a search in... also found
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packages with a plant-derived substance, the drug dealer faces up to 10 years in prison. block import. to the eu , the sejm of poland called to do this with agricultural products from russia and belarus, accordingly the resolution was adopted by members of the lower house of the polish parliament, as noted in the document, the import of food and agricultural goods from the russian federation and belarus continues to bring huge revenues to manufacturers, traders and budgets of these countries. 441 deputies supported the resolution, two abstained. denmark will allocate 300,000 dollars for the installation of monuments to women, this should equalize the gender imbalance, because in the country 90% of statues and busts are dedicated to men and mythical creatures, out of 321, only 31 depict
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women, for example, in copenhagen, the capital of denmark, there were fewer female statues than statues of mythical animals, a special commission will be created to determine which of the young ladies should... give birth to a statue. charitable cargo, two new ambulances were purchased by volunteers of the armed forces of ukraine. today they will go to pavlograd and pokrovsk. the cars are fully equipped and equipped with equipment, anesthetic machines, monitors and medicines. along with the cars, benefactors are also sending a large medical cargo for the communities of donetsk region. equipment. for operations, rehabilitation and parts for prosthetics. volunteers will also provide assistance for the military, fpv, drones, first-aid kits and generators. the total aid package costs more than uah 14 million. we still have it
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specialized cargo to a specialized hospital in slavyansk. this shipment was received from the united states there. all in order to provide resuscitation medical care to our brothers, to people who suffered as a result of the war. the total value of the cargo is about uah 5 million. we never hand over anything just like that, that is, we first collect the need, and then we transport it as needed, that is, we understand that everything that is in these four cars that are going east today is all that is needed, and that's it. .. will immediately begin to serve and save life to our defenders. persistence, indomitability, devotion and self-sacrifice, that is what the documentary faces of war, which was shown in the lviv officers' house, is about. in this special project, there are seven stories united by one goal - the victory of ukraine.
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these are recorded memories of the traces and scars of war crimes committed by the russian occupiers. candid accounts of pows, stories of pain, fear, suffering and depth. faith that helped our defenders survive. the film consists of only seven plots, that's seven different heroes, heroes who were in captivity, doctors, there is also a polish volunteer, they all shared their unique stories, and the end of each story is very instructive, in one story it is more an appeal to parents, in another to youth, to children. mother's story about the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war. a new book by olena cherninka was presented in lviv. lemberh, mother, don't cry. my colleagues will tell you what this publication is about and why it should be read by every ukrainian. this is
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a book for every ukrainian. exactly, writer olena cherninka talks about her publication. the author wrote a story about the missing son of a volunteer. in may. in 2022, she started making posts on the facebook page, which she later made into a book. i think that the book will be useful for ukrainians who care, and i think that it will even be useful for those who did not have the experience of touching the war as close as i did, but they will be able to better understand those who live next to them . in the book , the author talks about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army. shares memories sisters and her own experiences, ms. olena also raises the topic of how to survive the loss of a dear person. the book has already been called so by the people that it is such a survival primer for those who are involved in the war. these are either military personnel or their family members who are waiting as i
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waited and am still waiting. modern, modern heroes, about whom we once studied at school, in the university, and now the time has come that... modern, modern heroes, they are among us. the book in the genre of nonfiction was published by the publishing house of the old lion, and timed to the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia the first circulation - 3000 copies. there are no internal illustrations there, there is a cover, and olena actually told the meeting today that the basis for this cover was the selfies mykhailo took himself, and this is a very powerful portrait, the idea after the speech, it arose completely spontaneously, when olena and i just we met over coffee and already discussed the last edits, we understood that this afterword should be like a chord, like something special, and she asked there, according to her in the words of elena cherninka, lemberg represents a generation young ukrainians who took up machine guns
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to defend our independence. when i started reading that book, i realized that our sons are very similar, our sons, probably, our ukrainian simlia has been preparing those soldiers for a long time, she fed them, prepared them strong, they, they were born strong, buy the book - lemberg, mom, well, don't cry, you can go to the bookstore. city ​​or on the website of the old lion publishing house. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. i have everything for the moment, i'll see you at 5 p.m. and then my colleagues marta will work for you oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi.
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the maternity hospital in vorzel in the kyiv region was under occupation from the first days of the great war. this place remained the only medical facility where you could get medical help during the offensive on kyiv. here, minnow injuries were operated on, pain was anesthetized and wounds were bandaged. after the liberation of kyiv oblast , it became clear that the work of the institution had to be resumed. that is why in the charitable fund from foundation, whose main patron is vibet ukraine, decided to provide the maternity hospital with modern equipment. vibet foundation made a significant contribution to our capabilities, namely a hysteroscopic module that can diagnose and operate minimally invasively, and those women who were previously forced to go to kyiv, to the kyiv region, in order to receive appropriate assistance, will be able to receive it on the territory of our institution, a woman can be operated on, diagnosed, and discharged within three days. according to doctors, they have already
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managed to use the device and are satisfied with its work. the vibet foundation cares exclusively for humanitarians projects. their priority is to help the civilian population. we respond to the initiatives and requests of medical institutions, other charitable foundations, and volunteer organizations that provide assistance and support to medical, recreational, and sports institutions. build temporary premises for internally displaced persons, we provide assistance to those working in frontline areas. new projects to help ukrainians are being implemented. according to the philanthropists, they are already launching initiatives for prosthetics and sports rehabilitation for victims of war yesterday, yesterday, the enemy
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launched an air-missile attack on a hospital in sumy. yes, and there are already updated statistics: as a result of the russian missile strike, two people died there, 26 more were injured, among them six in medical institutions, i quote the sumy regional military administration, 26 people were injured as a result of the strike, two people died, six are in medical institutions , in the regional military administration should also be noted. that the premises of the school, the central city hospital , the regional center of emergency medical care were damaged and vodokanal, in particular broken windows, damaged doors and walls and damage to an ambulance, i remind you, this happened yesterday, well, but there is already a clarification, so to speak, we are moving on, 2:00 p.m. in the next hour, in the marta olyarnyk espresso studio, tantin borkovskyi, we are now adding ivan krychevskyi, a military expert for defense-express, to our ater. mr. ivan, we congratulate you, we are glad to see you, glory to ukraine. good day, happy mutual, glory to the heroes. let's talk about the czech
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initiative on shells for ukraine. so, the day before, the president of the czech republic, peter pavel , said that ukraine's allies had already transferred the entire amount of funds necessary for the purchase of 800,000 artillery shells. and today the prime minister of the czech republic, peter fiala , announced that funds have already been collected for the purchase of the first batch of 3,000 shells for ukraine, that is, some slightly different information from them. well, let 's talk less about that, let's talk about realistic, as they say , more news about these 300,000, who already say that they have collected funds and can actually buy, how quickly this batch... maybe to get to us, in your opinion, you know , i think that once there was such a mess that at first, let's say, on behalf of peter pavlo, we had to report, let's say, the investor about the collected funds, and today they already started oh, and you know, there is not 800 00, but 300 00, well, it looks like, well, maybe we can talk about these projectiles for our military
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not in the future tense, but in the present tense, but maybe, well, because then where do you know how to start this sudden thing? it's a miracle that there are no, no, there were no shells, here op, the military from the fields say that the shell, the problem with the shells is being solved, the general staff records that if there were again good decent indicators for the destruction of russian artillery, russian armored vehicles on the battlefield, everything is provided there not only by kamikaze drones, but also by artillery ammunition, so here it is simply it turned out, as i personally assume , this is the story, that on the one hand, there is a moment regarding the fact that it is necessary not to collect money for projectiles that... are free, in free access, ready to sell to ukraine, he at a certain moment, this the moment turned out to be such that it was necessary to publicly say on the world stage for the country of the west that it is necessary to collect urgently, it is clear that all these some amendments, well, nothing, almost a million shells, the russians could do, accordingly, at this stage, it is still just the czech republic, the czech republic i could talk about the fact that they collected so much there
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in order to somehow speed up the process, but now the story has passed to the stage when it is necessary to say exactly the opposite about the fact that there is nothing there. nothing will happen, it will continue to arrive for a long time, and accordingly it will somehow be masked of course, the question is how all this affects the russians, but on the other hand, the main thing is that our military at the front now have something to shoot at and it affects the russians accordingly, we can even see there how many of them were eliminated yesterday, and thank god, sir ivan, our guys already have something to fight back, well, look, i have a short question about purchases outside the european union, so we have already... discussed this topic, well, that is, there is already an understanding, for example, which countries will be ready for us, well, not for us, for our friends, in particular this projectile coalition, which is currently headed by the czech president, yes, which countries will be ready to sell, which will not, and does it generally apply to, for example, artillery shells, well, mr. anton, right here, usually such things are revealed very much in advance after, respectively, once
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we we already have a case that was actually certified last year and now i am repeating it again. that all of a sudden the serbs sell shells even through some third hands and this is what results in open access, we can only imagine what kind of things they manage to hide, especially since you know, fortunately even in the world there are enough producers of the 155th caliber outside the countries of the west, for example, south africa, for example, i think peter pavel was talking about it, but considering what a dialectical position south africa has taken in this world, who in the world ... it is admitted that shells were sold for us from there, no one ever admits, they only ride on top there, as always they write everything off, let's say that they are conditional czechs or czechs, there are serbs, bosnians and the like, so no, the main thing is, that we have all these shells it is known that the money has been collected, but where it will be taken from, no one will say, if necessary, they will announce that these shells themselves appeared somewhere
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there, you know, in the salt mines of our transcarpathia, they materialized themselves, they were identified in military auctions, well yes yes. marta , you had an important question, i interrupted you according to my good habit, well, less about that, less about that, mr. ivan, let 's talk about the statement made today by our commander of the air force, mykola oleschuk. he says that after significant losses in aviation the russians have significantly reduced the number of strikes by guided aerial bombs, and for a week, for more than a week , the a50 long-range radar detection aircraft has not appeared near the ukrainian borders, this is... one news, and it is also known that russia has at least six such aircraft in storage, but without engines, we would actually like to ask you, does the enemy have the opportunity to provide these planes with engines, and in fact, so that they perform combat tasks, including? well, unfortunately, according to the engines, there are some of them with whom yes, engines, where
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to take from them, it’s just an interesting thing here that just these planes themselves, first of all... there were certificates on the storage of satellite images, and secondly, that there, in the first place , they remove the engines, even, and not the complex of radio technical intelligence shmil , a.k.a. the heifer seen from above on the plane. in that all the stories with today's message of the commander of the air force, i propose to pay attention to another important point. well , first of all, there our anti-aircraft fighters report, albeit not directly, that they are constantly working on russian aircraft at a distance of more than 150 km, here we are, you know, bumping into a new interesting weapon wonder, ugh. they got it, where do we have these missiles for 150 km, take more than 150 km, here it is important to note 150 km, but which constantly allow the parsians to work there, because it is of equal probability. it could be a patriot, it could be a soviet s-200 , it’s still a scarce category, well, something so interesting happened, plus here’s the information that he later provided that the thresian
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had started there, let’s call it that discussion, who among them doesn’t want to more fly in one direction, that is not it's simple, let's say, the information is there , you know, to cheer us up, i understand that this information is to be taken into account and continue to work in this direction in the sense that once this vector has already been felt, let's call it this, that there are constant losses in any types of aircraft... they lead to a certain demoralization in the russians , that is, when they do not want to fly, let's call it that this trend must be continued, even if it takes a few weeks or a few months, so constantly shoot the peresyans, with with an undetermined result in advance to shoot down or not to shoot down, well, because there are nuances, the main thing is that this vector exists, you can follow it, well, what about the plane and the a50 planes, well, there may simply be different options, there you need all possible details collect, including what is in storage, what is not in storage. there it even seems that the institute for the study of war paid attention to this thing, when russian propagandists there spoke so that they would not buy a rather simple chinese aircraft of the kj200 radar detector, one must
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be careful with the fact that the same chinese have there is an a50 clone under the index kj2000, that is , this is such a specific story, which there are a lot of details that need to be paid attention to, but the main thing of this story, i say, i suggest paying attention to the fact that there eh... still in the fact that russian warplanes crash quite regularly, so that this spoils the mood of the russian military and creates problems for them in operations at the front, because the a50 is like that, but the less kabiv fall on the front line, the more difficult it will be for the russians with the concept of a flying artillery, which provides them with offensive actions. totally with you we agree, and mr. ivan, we cannot but ask you about the strengthening of the contingents, in particular the french contingents in romania, it is not because we love romania or france so much, but... taking into account, so to speak, the powerful messages that we heard from the french side, in particular here we say that france may be preparing for something, yes, well, let's give some
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statistics, france already has 750 soldiers there and 13 leclerc tanks in romania, this is of course a small thing, but by the end of the year they plan to increase the number of the contingent up to 4 thousand, and the number of leclerc tanks up to 50 units , that is, in small, small... steps, but france is trying to strengthen romania as a potential weaker place, well, if, for example, romania and poland are compared, yes, in particular, it is about combat capability, and especially since the zone responsibility germany is the baltic states and in communication with poland, but romania belongs to france. so, to what extent france will be ready for those scenarios that have been openly discussed. in paris in the elysée palace, in particular. well, let 's start here on the flip side, well, what was heard there today, that macron seemed to be talking about the possibility that if the russians
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suddenly, god forbid, break through to kyiv or odesa, he said, the leader of the french communist communist party turns out to be where we saw true communists, forgive me, it seems to them that there are french communists different from the ukrainian communists, you know, well, at least they know the french language and the international language, you know. verbatim, well, a certain phrase taken out of context, that maybe macron was talking about some other things, that's it here's an example with the romanian contingent of france , we just noticed that's why, you know, at first glance, if you listen to what the french say, how it's all served, how it's discussed here, you might get the impression that france is not preparing lychees there to lead all your troops there in such a decent contingent under the marseillaise, if necessary, and in the case of romania , you know, the sad reality begins there, and the sad reality is what, to begin with, let's be precise, build up to 4 thousand bayonets of french romania is planned by early spring 2025. plus, the very fact that
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it turns out that the french need, well, a whole year to plan the transfer - the transfer of the entire brigade in romania is already telling. plus, the fact that this transfer must be agreed upon at the nato summit, which should be held there in the summer, is quite telling , you just know that the french will have to spend more. effort to simply transfer only one brigade of 400 people, in the french ground forces 116, it simply illustrates how well the country nato, even france itself, may be far from ready to send a large-scale contingent, a small contingent, in the case of chuva, they may send imperceptibly, because if we take the same romania, well, which we also really love, we are already sorting it out, to a full-scale invasion there was only a small polish contingent of 400 soldiers. and there is a small number of rosamak armored vehicles, there is an op, and nothing prevented the french from transferring almost 1000 people and there 13 licklers, so you know that transfer there until the 22nd year at least
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10. tanks somewhere in the baltic countries for the french, you know, this was an unprecedented scale, here they just took such a step quietly and imperceptibly, so simply the story that we are analyzing now, it simply shows that even france itself wants and raises questions from the troops in ukraine, but i am not ready to do it on a large scale, but this is for now, we will continue to monitor the dynamics and even catch such small things, it would seem that 13 french tanks in romania, mr. ivan, look, even today from the minister of defense of france, sebastien lecornu stated that french and ukrainian defense groups plan to create a partnership to strengthen kyiv's military efforts, in particular to ensure the production of drones and spare parts for weapons. in particular, he mentioned the french drone manufacturer delaire and the franco-german battle tank manufacturer knds. what do you know in general about the capacity of these actual manufacturers, to what extent it...
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can quite seriously affect our defense capability and actually strengthen this cooperation . to drones, their embryonic state was discussed, and as for knds, well, let’s say so, we don’t need to be very loud here, because well, okay, the french have to name this company by the brand, in our case it will apparently be just nexter, which is manufactured by caesar and the manufacturer of these armored vehicles is vab, and i say it simply. do all the words lekarmnu mean that finally we won't have to take caesar and these french armored vehicles anywhere, they will be able to be repaired in ukraine, if in a simple way. we thank you. ivan krychevskyi, military expert defense express was on our airwaves, let's move on, and we're actually going on a short break now, after that we'll join mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, to our air, and we'll actually talk with him about the nuances of this draft law, which was adopted by
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the committee , but not yet... will be brought before the parliament, so wait a few minutes, we are coming back, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is for you, with it you can easily cut down trees, it is so convenient can also be used for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, it is also reliable... the battery is included, just call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a log, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is done, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in difficult available places, complete with a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order
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