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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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a volunteer for the first full-scale invasion and fought as part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo. about almost two years of captivity, adaptation and plans, see below. 648 days in captivity, i was released from captivity on january 3 of this year, 2024, i myself served and still serve in the 24th unit.
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as soon as i found out that the war had started, i immediately went to fight. yes, namely, when there was a full-scale war, he went to defend our state. this is putin. a bad person, a bad person, let's put it this way, it's not enough that he has already taken people's heads over there, zombified them, and he still wants to seize our state here under the pretext that it is their land, well, this is not normal, it is not normal at all, i had to stand for several days. in line, several times
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, four, five hours each, then i was mobilized, well, they already accepted the 24th unit in yavor, we stayed there, i specifically for 5 days, received a uniform, there was such a basic special training, and after that we they already sent east, well, they didn't tell us where, so i was thinking somewhere in kyiv. will be sent, i wanted, to be honest, to get somewhere in kyiv, because it was the third day of the war or something, and they were already traveling around kyiv, i think it's okay, they need my help, we were sent first to bakhmut, well, to bakhmut. everything was calm there then, this
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donetsk region, then a little further east, in pokrovsk, it was already like the second line, and then in popasne, and in popasne we stayed there for more than a week, we didn't have time to stay there very long. we were still in the center of popasna, well, in principle, it was normal while i was there, that is , they were constantly shooting at us, sometimes from mortars, then from hailstones then air bombs were dropped, but this one, but there was no direct contact, it was in the center of popasnoye, then when i was on the outskirts of popasnoye in the early sector, there was already direct contact, let's say so. we were
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in the third position, and there were two positions in front of us, well, they disappeared somewhere, something happened to them, i don’t know, and everything and they surrounded us in the morning, they surrounded us, well, it all lasted for several hours, they threw grenades at us, exchanged fire with them , well, we were in the basement then, and it turns out that we were at a dead end in a closed room. and they could do that to move only in the basement, then it happened that we retreated to the last dead-end room, there were already two options, either death, or this, or to surrender, they offered us more than once to surrender, well, we refused, they said tell them, the girl said, they were sent somewhere further, but then there was no way out, so a few guys left first, not all of them gave up at once, four left at first. and then
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five minutes after that we hear shots, well , to be honest, i thought they were shot, but no, then after a few minutes one of them turns around, says surrender, surrender guys, you won't be shot, everything will be fine. first, they put us on our knees, tied our hands with cable ties, and read morals to us there for 20 minutes, like, you are westerners there, why are you climbing here, we ourselves are local, well, we don't want your support, we don't want to be in ukraine and so on, we just shook our heads that there was nothing to say to them, then they took us to the basement, where they transported us several kilometers already. to their territory captured there and this one, they started us to undress, check for tattoos, whether anyone has any tattoos, they began to ask everyone where he served, where you serve, whether he fought in the ato, who was in what specialty,
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they asked, that's how one man was shot in the leg simply because he gunner, hit several times there. me specifically, that’s all, they sent us further, they sent us , i don’t know what city it was, they sent us to the bullpen, we got there, it turns out, we arrived in the bullpen around there, well, it was 5 o’clock in the afternoon, six, somewhere in the middle of the day yes, i don't know, but they stayed there for about 12 hours, they took pictures with our uniform, i don't know why they need our uniform, but i guess they were selling it somewhere or something? they also give this one, some of them even took away their berets, they were so barefoot, then they were there for a month, they walked barefoot in socks alone , ah, one of our guys was badly wounded in the hand, a bullet hit him there, maybe not even one, i broke his arm in several places,
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then he bled, well, he just bled, he was shocked more than once , he was already so white, the cap, we wrapped him there... we just took his hand and took it off t-shirt, they tore off his sleeve, rewound his arm, but we thought that maybe they would provide some kind of medical help, well, no, they said that if you survive, you will survive, if you don't survive, then you're not lucky, they also questioned everything, how, they bought us trains once, well they went to a supermarket somewhere or something, there were amber curds, cookies , something like that, they bought this somewhere, they gave us food, and they gave us two packs of cigarettes, that’s it... you can say that the most humane people were those who will further, let's say this, and this one, after that at night we were already taken away without warning further, further already, there were russian the military and these are their ufin employees in blue uniforms, well, how can you say the police, then
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we were transferred to luhansk sizo, we stayed there for a month, i think, we were also asked questions, some were asked, well, i was lucky, you can to say, there were three different investigators, well, i got to one that is normal, some guys, here we have several people taken from the cell, one by one, for the whole day, several guys, they got to such two lieutenants, who they said, what if you guys go into the office and see the flag of ukraine on the floor. it means that you were unlucky, they beat you there, and with a slipper, you know, a slipper, beat them with electricity, and they put bullets on their heads, they told stories, they strangled them like that, and they even wanted to shoot one of them, well,
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scare this one too, but everything was fine, they just beat him and that was it, then, well, me too... they made me appear in one video, not even in two, in two videos, they also hit me several times, and that was it and took off, and so the person was not beaten very much, then it already works for us in the 10th hour there was an adboy, that's all they said adboy, we already went to bed and i didn't even have time to fall asleep when our cell opened and 10 people were called by name, and then we were taken to an unknown place, at first. they threw us into the pit , threw us like cattle, just like 44 people, in my opinion, we all sat down in a row, that is, you sit down with your legs to the side and another person sits down in front of you , you hug him and they tie him up with heavy weights and
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so everyone together so that no one escaped there , nothing, then they brought us to the airport, well , at first i thought it was for an exchange, glad. everything like that, and then i realized that it wasn't for exchange, because i heard that one of them was at the airport, we didn't even see where we were, where we were going, because they put a cap on our heads and bandaged us. with scotch tape, we arrived at the airport and one said to the other, the russians were like saying that this, now, a bird will fly from the north, well, that is, a plane somewhere from somewhere, then we were transferred to autobags, we didn’t see anything either, we just drove and that was it, and then we are already arriving, they open, i hear, the gate opens, we drive in, well , we are just there one by one, just like that... and threw them out on the asphalt, threw them out, immediately asked for the name, surname, position and further
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forward, somewhere forward, forward, and this one we went into some kind of room, and something like a temporary cell, that is, just a grid without a door, and i heard that all the guys, that there are a lot of us there, that they are all right next to me, well , right next to me, i could touch one of them , but i never saw anything, and i couldn't find mine either. and then you hear that several people are being taken somewhere, someone is listening to the russian national anthem, they are singing, we were told to just stand, whoever sits down, well, one in a word, they were beaten so well, i will tell you, very hard, then, when i entered the cell, i was all blue from behind, and the other boys were also all blue, well, i was still relatively lucky, someone was even more lucky, someone there two- they just hit them three times and that was it, and some guys... well, i won't say who, well , one, for example, was told by
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the authorities in general, then he was lying down until the end, they told him to lie down, one went with his head , one of them broke the glenoid stop, there were many people who fell down, lost consciousness, they transferred me to the cell, at first in the 23rd, there was a cell for six people , the cells were different, there were from... two people, there were also single ones, well, i did not come across such a one, in general there were from two to 14 people in a cell, but we had a camera for six people , i come, i look, too, all are blue , the same as me, er, and this one, first, and the first day there , the guys were already sitting there for a long time, it already turns out, how i got there on the second day, on the first day in general i was not given anything to eat. on the second day, they gave us a little soup for lunch, a spoonful of potatoes for dinner, and
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a piece of bread, well, we could just starve they wanted to say, well, i don’t know, i didn’t count spoonfuls like that, but in general , it’s about five spoons of porridge and a piece of bread, and there’s no porridge there, neither salty nor sweet, nothing at all , and the tea is also the same, no, it’s for one meal, i.e. breakfast, for example, or at school and... and this one for lunch was first and second, the first was soup and the second was also porridge, well, the soup there was such that i remember in december they gave us that one spoon, how to say, there was food there, the attitude was very bad, we were forced to stand all the time, at first, for the first few days, we still sat there, but then we they already let us know that you can't sit , that you have to stand, they wanted us to stand for 16 hours, everything was fine with me at first... my legs didn't swell for the first year, but then a year later they started to swell as well and are still swelling , they stood there,
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forced to constantly sing the russian national anthem five times a day, well, there were such days of exclusion that it was much more often there and they sang 20 times, well, in general, on average , they sang the national anthem five times a day, that's why the day was beginning, that is, you are sleeping, you hear the russian national anthem and that's all, you have to get up urgently, to build somewhere in a column towards the door and sing along to the anthem, after that immediately charging for 15 minutes, this is charging, how can i explain it, well, just to get fed up even more, then after charging , cleaning for half an hour, and then here is breakfast, after breakfast we just stand there, they forced us, forced us to constantly learn all their propaganda, their kind of nonsense. there about general zhukov, about the second world war, poems were forced to learn more than 30 poems, and
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the poems have poor names, such as russia or russia, russia, russia, or beloved russia, and then everything was interrogated, every morning, every morning there was a morning check, there should have been an evening check as well, but it was only a morning check, then they opened each cell one by one, then for about an hour in total. occupied and brought out the camera all outside the camera, we moved only bent, so you can say the hands from behind, so we moved and we ran out with... eyes, they said to keep the eyes closed, well, how , how to move, i don't know, well, i tried so cover one eye, and this one, and while we were standing in the corridor, one of them was checking the camera, whether there are no, well, extra objects, there were cases where they were beaten just like that, well, i rarely had such a thing, in general, once five or six times, once
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for several months, they just took it and hit me with a shocker in the groin. 30 people out of 200 of us with tuberculosis got sick there because of the bad conditions, because there was a lot of dampness there and it was very cold and they ate, well, they ate very badly, even one guy who was sitting with us, then this one fine day he was very afraid of getting tuberculosis, one fine day the door just opened, he was called last name, and there they still laughed at him, well , he had tuberculosis and they took him and forced him into another cell when we arrived at the village. we were given to write letters twice, this time, the first time according to the template, that is, as they wrote there, so we had to rewrite, like, i am healthy, everything is fine, and they are well fed, something like this, and then after a week , they gave me to write again in my own words, but they said that if we write something wrong, then they simply won't send it, that's all, after that
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there was no communication, i was already thinking there before i will sit for 30 years, to be honest, and then one... beautiful day, this is january 3 , the door opens and my name is called and they take me out, they hit me several times to say goodbye, threw me into a truck and took me somewhere, i didn’t believe it even then , even then, to be honest, i didn’t believe it, i thought that it was just that we were being transported to another prison, especially since there was a guy sitting across from me who had already said that he had changed eight... these institutions , and then we were brought to the airport on a plane, that's it they treated us somehow when they flew back much better, they said that we didn't raise our heads, but they didn't bandage us, they didn't beat us like that, then
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the plane landed, and i look like this, and there the buses are blue and. .. at least we were told not to raise our heads, i’m so tall, i looked, i look at the buses, then i was already 99% sure that on but not yet 100, 100 already when i got on the bus and once again decided to take a chance, i look there is an inscription above the belgorod airport, well, belgorod is near ukraine, and then i already realized that i did not understand one thing, what mrs. lutkovska and yana told you. i was so happy that i couldn't even let my emotions out, somehow i just couldn't believe it, i just couldn't believe it, there were some guys crying, and it was so unusual that it was a cap in general, and then for a few days this apathy passed, then i, too i'm so happy, i'm still happy, my mother and grandmother
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were very happy, they were very happy on the phone when i called, and then they also cried and hugged me. i was very happy to see them, and i also have many friends, everyone is happy, i was also lucky that i have compare with some other guys, i 'm still fine, the only thing is that i have a little problem with my legs, my legs really hurt, and yes, everything is fine, in fact, the sled broke a little, i became 4 cm lower, well, we're there stood like that all the time, i used to have the idea that there are no bad nations, there are bad people, well now... it's hard, it's hard for me to hold on to this idea, well, abnormal people are just, well, i don't know, they really they just got some satisfaction from the fact that they did not beat us, mocked us, questioned us all beret, forced to whistle, then questioned, why do this i do not understand, it is not normal.
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dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, with even more analytics, even more important. topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. premium sponsor. represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. my god,
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my dear, disaster struck again, it was so nice, it was quiet, we were about to untie the shackles of our slaves. life's blood, the executioners are gnawed like dogs hungry for butter, gnawing again. shevchenko, prophet. my friends, tanya, already tomorrow, and tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, the oscars start, i don't know if you plan to watch this ceremony, because it takes time,
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inspiration and some strength, because it all happens at night, well, we have night in ukraine, so what well, usually people here are so concerned about the oscars, partly, and this is the main film award for us, because there are others there, for example, the golden globe is happening, well, the discussion is not so loud, but usually people are clear, from monday to sunday they don't watch any shows on monday, they sleep, then get up in the morning and watch the news that happened there, i believe that this year a lot more people will probably watch this ceremony, or well , they will read the news much more carefully already in the morning, because i will remind you... our ukrainian tape can win the oscar award in 20 days in mariupol give sufficiently high chances of
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winning and are essentially competitive. we have only one trend, it is so serious, i will tell you about it, first i will remind you about 20 days in mariupol, about its success, about the fact that the film recently received a bafta in the same category, the best documentary film, full-length, but there these films had completely different competitors, because here they will compete with other films at the oscars, i want to remind you that from the very beginning, when that year... days in mariupol was shown at the american festival, there was success in this film tape, and already from that time it became clear that this film is not only serious, it is skillfully shot, because the authors and mstislav chernov, the director and yevhen malalitka, who also included his materials, because the two of them went there with the producer in the village of stepanenko is all about filming, but at the same time
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audience, it is made so tensely enough, it is made, well, almost like a documentary thriller, it keeps the attention, but at the same time it is not non-manipulative, more precisely , there is no such cheap manipulation that you can hear in other documentaries of the world, and here in we, too, now have many tapes about the war, where there is such sad music, and it makes you feel some kind of emotion. and i am not very pleased to watch such tapes, where as a viewer i am directly forced to feel something, not here, here there is respect for the viewer, and it seems to me that this is what gave the 20 days in mariupol such a powerful global fame, because when you go to various discussions, there are such special sites in the world where you can come and write a review of almost any film, give it evaluation, but i saw mostly positive
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reviews. admired by the world audience, so we are waiting for the oscar, and whether our group will receive an oscar, by the way, i want to remind you, it is important that this is actually the first, we are loved like this, the first ukrainian film, but this could be the first ukrainian film, well, it is already is the first ukrainian film, which is completely ukrainian, was nominated for an oscar, because there was a film called winter on fire, for example, but it was a co-production, ukrainian authors and... netflix, americans, that year we saw that the house made of rocks entered also in the nomination , when the film about navalny won, then it was our film, but it was also a film about ukraine, about a ukrainian orphanage in the gray zone, but it was such an international large-scale co-production , right there for 20 days in mariupol, at all screenings, festivals it is shown exactly as ukrainian tape, although there are american producers,
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american producers, and honestly. say, if you talk to any producers who are somehow interested in the oscars, each of them will tell you that making a good, talented film is still not enough to get into the shortlist, nomination, or even win an oscar , and for this you need to have a lot of money, you need to conduct a good marketing and promotional campaign, you need to communicate a lot, communicate, in particular with film academics, this does not mean that this is corruption. that means you're promoting your feed, if you're not doing it, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, your chances of getting there are greatly reduced. well, let's now talk about the competitors of our film. i think, at the end, i will tell you about the main competitor, and i think that the others are not competitors, well, i'm joking, all the films are good, of course, but there is a film called bobby wine , the people's president, this, can you watch this film, by
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the way take a look legally on the national geographic youtube channel, she talks about uganda and about, actually, bobby wine, this the pseudonym of a rapper, musician, representative of business, who began to engage in politics many, well, some number of years ago, so in many texts about this film you can hear the comparison of bobby wine with volodymyr zelensky, but it seems to me that here... it is only in the key the fact that both of them are representatives of show business who went into politics, but if volodymyr zelenskyy came to his position without such a special struggle, then no one pointed sticks in his wheels, then bobby wine never became the president, because it is told about a ugandan president named
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yoweri musavena who... came to power in 86


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