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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sesttry au. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom life - frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the proper names project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will the guests of the project analyze?
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this week, and in fact, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. we continue our "war and weapons" program. it is aimed at reviewing the technological solutions used by our military battlefield in the first part, we talked about how the military themselves see such models, why they need them, and now we will talk with ... companies, representatives of companies, with industrialists who create such models, because actually now, if we are there we read the message of the minister of technology, there are no numbers, then formally everything is fine with us, the number of drones is increasing, profit margins are increasing, the potential of the company is expanding, but in any case, all the same, the manufacturers have a number of basic questions for our customers, there are a number proposals and now
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we are joined by kateryna mikhalko, she is the executive director of the technological forces of ukraine association. mr. kateryn, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. good afternoon, thank you very much for the invitation. on the website of your association, the technological forces of ukraine, there is written the phrase that i already used in a conversation with the military, about the fact that we must fight with robots, but not with people. and precisely due to the use of technology. your association strives to preserve the life and health of as many ukrainians as possible. i would like you to be a little more told our viewers in detail what was the purpose of creating the association of technological forces of ukraine. when it was created, which enterprises are part of it, and what is the goal it sets for itself. ugh. absolutely right, you said that the latest technology today, it helps, first of all.
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to bring our victory closer, to give an advantage on the front line, and it is also important that they help save and preserve the lives of our military, because part of the operations that are performed by people can be performed effectively by drones today, but it is important it is efficient and predictable for the state to purchase these drones and to ensure that ukrainian companies stay here, do not go abroad and only build up their capabilities, for this... the technological forces of ukraine appeared, we help with our analytics, state authorities to shape their policies there in such a way that the conditions for conducting defense business in ukraine are more comfortable. and how many enterprises are now part of your association, what is the specialization of these enterprises, do they participate in execution of the state defense order, what about the members of your association? union now? has more than 20 enterprises,
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some of them have been supplying weapons to the front line since the 14th year, some of them appeared recently, all of them are united by one idea, which is the application of the latest technologies on the front line, that is, every product that is manufactured by these enterprises, ee has some kind of innovation inside, that is, whether the software is unique, or the use of artificial intelligence, or some specific developments that apply specifically to the hulls. and hardware as a component, but all of these are the latest models of weapons. and i know that you conducted a survey among the enterprises that are part of your association, where you sought to identify the most problematic or bottlenecks in the development of the enterprises themselves, their cooperation with customers, and you described it as such a certain pyramid of industry pains. so i would like to hear from you what our people are suffering from now.
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producers, what worries them most, what systemically worries them, what needs to be changed? the first and most important thing is the predictability of the order, because at the moment. already the month of march and some of the companies that manufacture weapons , drones, which have already proven their effectiveness on the front line, are still not contracted, and this is an absolute disaster for the private sector, because in order to exist this production, to support its teams, of course you need to have working capital, it is currently is a big challenge, because some enterprises simply do not understand when they receive contracts and whether they receive them at all. it is very important for the state to plan the purchase of weapons for 2-3 years. currently, there is a maximum of planning, which receives the private sector - it's 6-2 months, it shouldn't be like that. the second thing i would say is localization. it is very important that we have preferences for local arms manufacturers, because for the last 30 years, the rules of the game
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were such that all preferences were given to imported zemstvo weapons, that is , it is more profitable and more comfortable to manufacture them abroad. it should not be like this, there should be an advantage for ukrainian manufacturers. and thirdly, let me say that it is important to integrate the ukrainian market into the world market, so if some manufacturers do not receive orders from ukraine as states, then it is important to allow exports so that they can transfer their technological samples of weapons to our friendly countries, partner states and thus bring currency to the country, and about these problems, i think you talked with representatives of the ministry of digital, the minister of technology and industry. er, the ministry of defense, what is the reaction to the fact that these moments, which are painful and difficult for manufacturers , must be somehow, well, regulated, is there any positive feedback from our officials? in fact, i am very grateful to the government for
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what they hear is the industry, and already a lot of deregulation has happened in the last two years, and that is, the rules of the market cannot be compared to what they were before. that is, there is a positive e-e direction of activity and law-making in the government and in the parliament as well, but simply the volume of problems is so large, and we have not had a reform of this industry for so long that, of course, it takes some time. you talked about the fact that it is necessary to seek the export of products, if they are not completely bought by the ministry of defense or other power structures. because... there is such a political moment here that , conditionally speaking, how can we export when we ask our partners to supply and sell us weapons, how can we bypass this trap, which is ideologically created around this issue? uhu, i would like to say
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a few important things on this topic: firstly, exports do not reduce the amount of weapons that ukrainian companies can produce, on the contrary, they increase this amount. because when companies receive inflows of additional capital, they can build up their capabilities, therefore exporting products abroad does not reduce the amount of weapons that ukraine will have inside. the second thing i would say is that , for example, in such fields as the production of drones, we have made a lot of progress, we have many different models and objectively not all of them are needed by our army, because they have different functions, or ukraine does not always has enough funds to buy all lots. ago. it would be expedient to allow this surplus production to be exported, there are other categories of technologies in which ukraine does not have such a large capacity to manufacture them, and it is usually for them that our western partners are asked to provide us with technical assistance, but it depends very much on
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the category, technology and type of product, and returning to the issue that you raised in the list of pain points about what i am saying linguistically. .. do local or local producers feel in worse conditions than foreign suppliers, this concerns the determination of the price, the conditions of purchase, what are the peculiarities here established for our manufacturer and supplier of foreign-made products, well, for imported suppliers do not apply, for example, the limitation of the cost of products, that is, they simply submit their price offer. and if ukraine needs these weapons, we buy them. for ukrainian manufacturers, this is cost regulation, it is very rigid and uncomfortable. and this, this amount there, the profit that the companies get, is not enough to make reinvestment in the latest technology.
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so that's where the biggest pain point is that import suppliers have a lot more resources to invest in the latest developments, these resources later. another aspect that is more difficult for us to influence than for the state is the fact that ukrainian manufacturers are under fire, and they are very often a target for the russians, and that is. this imposes certain security risks, of course , on the teams that make the weapons, and it would be nice if the state helped, for example, with underground facilities and somehow made additional subsidies so that these underground facilities could be used, as a production, also i b noted the persecution of power structures that happen because of the fact that legislation in ukraine is not always unambiguous, for local business there is a risk of later... these persecutions, which are not always expedient, of course, when we are talking about arms importers to ukraine, for them there is no
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such risk, no ambiguity of ukrainian legislation. well, that is, in fact, it can be argued that such a reality, well, relatively speaking, even pushes our national manufacturers to leave ukraine and create enterprises outside of ukraine, under other brands or under their own brands, but to withdraw from these national difficulties. which relatively speaking, well, significantly complicate the production of defense products, such trends, but among your enterprises, there are those who want to go abroad and create an enterprise there? unfortunately, such discussions exist, and i would very much like to emphasize to the state authorities that if we do not have preferences for the ukrainian manufacturer, if the orders are not predictable, if the export of surplus products is not opened, there is a great risk that a large number of enterprises, if they do not leave completely, then at least they will think about opening
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subsidiaries abroad, in ukraine, as a state, we do not need it at all for this to happen, it is very important to preserve this defense-industrial complex, which we have at such an incredible price in ukraine was finally built, and therefore these three points that i have listed, they are key to ensuring that enterprises will remain in ukraine. and pay taxes here and, of course, supply weapons directly to our army. mrs. kateryna, i will ask again about the association itself, because linguistically speaking, we mentioned the purpose of this association, but we still did not name the companies, i think it is still worth reminding our viewers that among the participants of your association there are enterprises that have been engaged in the production of military products for more than 10 or even more years, in particular ukspetssystem. skyeton, athlon avia, deviro, that is, those companies that have serial samples that have already been tested
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by war, that have such highly professional teams, bought the equipment, and actually they are the top enterprises of the ukrainian defense industry, and when you talk about the pain of enterprises, it actually means that the largest and most stable, most powerful manufacturers suffer from the problems that you told our viewers about, so it turns out. yes, everything is correct. moreover, i will say that by the 22nd year, they were actively exporting their products to the international market, so it can be said that these products are competitive on the world stage in western countries. and also some of the developments made by these companies, for example, the drone shark, which i think many ukrainians know, it was developed with the company's own working capital during a big war, at the risk of shelling, with all these legislative blockers that exist, so ... the industry very often creates the latest models of weapons , which give us an advantage on the front line, in spite of, if
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not because of, the circumstances we have. ms. kateryna, but where now are companies taking funds for their first of all new developments, because on the one hand we know that part of the projects you mentioned were collected for volunteer money, part of it was the funds of the companies themselves. the government is talking about the fact that they raised the profit rate there by 25%, and this is quite ... enough to conduct rnd in certain companies there, but what is actually happening with the finances to create new solutions among the leading defense industrial companies? this is a big problem, there is a shortage of working capital at all large leading enterprises, and it is difficult to find funds for the latest developments, to be honest, we are grateful to the foundations for the fact that they purchase weapons, it helps a lot in moments of unpredictability government orders. funds save companies and make these purchases, er, you mentioned
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a profit of 25% there, i want to emphasize that this is ee this 25%, they do not take into account the development of the latest e samples of weapons, that is, the rnd process. that is, in no way is the development of the latest types of weapons, it is not financed by the state, and this is in principle true from one point of view, that the companies themselves really have to invest in it , but simply in the absence of all others. conditions that i listed earlier, i.e. the predictability of orders, exports, these working capital is constantly insufficient, so companies here come up with different ways, sometimes take investments. sometimes they try to find loans, but none of these ways are clear and easy. you mentioned loans, at a certain stage there was an initiative that loans for defense enterprises should have , so to speak, a zero or minimum interest rate, but this was talked about and forgotten, that is, i understand that now loans are still too
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burdensome to calculate this well, to create new projects, because... defense companies don't have much opportunity to give any guarantees to the banks , that is, what should these guarantees be under, if, for example, their production capacities are a target for russian missiles, and it is clear that the banks see this as a great risk, and they are, after all, arms manufacturers, which are for banks, this is an additional, additional excuse to check these companies in more detail, therefore, some special lending programs that were worked on by the state. levels, they would really be useful to this sector, because currently there are no such programs. and one more the component is the development of the professional composition of creative collectives, production collectives. how about it in your enterprises, because when you talk to individual directors, everyone says that it is actually, well, that is the essence
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of the problem, to find designers, to find technologists, to find, well, guys or girls who can do it right there. these or other things, these are, well, as they say, essential problems, should the state help here, or should some mechanisms be created there, so that this component related to training personnel to decide somehow systematically, so i would definitely emphasize two directions here, this is the first training, that is, we have specialized universities that could now focus on the latest technologies specifically for the military sphere, it would be very useful, including the question . military training, how to use the latest weapons, including drones. the second important question is how private companies can protect these talented employees whom they find, because the question of reservation is critical, because now it is actively a mobilization company, and often these
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employees, who have very specific knowledge that is difficult to replace, are mobilized to... the army, but it is important to keep these companies and give reservations to the defense-industrial complex, because it still ensures our technical advantage on the line front, and it is important that these people remain in enterprises, continue to make ammunition, drones and develop the latest technologies that give a significant advantage on the front line. panikaterina, and extreme questions, what main goal is yours trying to achieve unification, well, by the end of this year, what is the most... more priority and important for all enterprises that are united in your structure? we are building a market economy in the field of defense industry, so the key topics for us are the predictability of orders and the localization of production in ukraine, we are working on this the most. panikaterina, thank you very much for participating in our broadcast, i hope that we will continue
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to contact, highlight and support all your enterprises, which are part of the technology. forces of ukraine, i will remind our viewers that it was kateryna mikhalko, executive director of the association of technological forces of ukraine. these were the main components related to the use of the technological potential of our defense enterprises. the military wants to have technological solutions, robotic, disembodied platforms to be used effectively on the battlefield, our industrialists are ready to manufacture and supply them, but they need a system. the attitude of the government and the removal of those obstacles that we see still exist in order for this process to be fast, efficient and multifaceted, so stay on the espresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting information and news.
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congratulations, this is a project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel razom beraber, a project in which we, khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev, and all our esteemed guests talk about the temporarily occupied crimea, recall the actual course of the occupation and try to understand how they are currently acting, in particular, the defense forces and the ukrainian state in order to liberate the peninsula as soon as possible. we welcome you. we will probably start with a reminder that simple and very human dreams about coffee on the embankment in crimea cannot be limited. in general, our thoughts and our desires to return the peninsula , we need to actively participate in making it happen, actively and constantly, we can
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deny ourselves coffee once a day, or once a week, at least pay for something that brings us closer to real coffee, of crimean coffee, by the way, coffee appeared for the first time on the territory of modern ukraine in crimea and tradition, tradition. they are all crimean, and even the names, filjan, filizhanka, have, coffee, jezve, jezve, these are our native names, that is , do not think that this is from turkish came, no, it’s all ours, and on the engravings of the 17th, 16th, 18th centuries there is culture, like in the crimea, there were cafes, and how it all looked, you can inquire, take a walk and make sure that... i’m not lying to you here i say, in short, but we give up coffee whenever possible for good, thanks for the tip, i never forget it, actually yes, our
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program has one such purpose, charity, and really, we help with the collection for komikaze night thermal imaging fpv drones 48th crimean separate assault battalion named after noman chelvijhan, armed forces of ukraine. we congratulate and wish you success on the battlefield, and now the guys are on the battlefield, so that everyone understands, and there in the same direction that brings us closer to the crimea, to the sea, to ours, to everything that we deserve, well, if we we help to his army, not from time to time , but constantly, so now you will see the details on the screens, this is a qr code and a bank card number,
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the goal is 1.5 million uah, by the way, there is less than 10% left, let's close this collection in honor of our soldiers, brave, sincere, crimeans, ukrainians, who together liberate our the homeland now, also, there is also paypal , it is possible to donate from abroad, if you are watching us from abroad, there are all the details that you can scan and make your contribution, i encourage you to do this, because otherwise, otherwise it does not work, thank you , and we also want to thank everyone who signed the petition to posthumously award the honorary title of hero of ukraine to the serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, former political prisoner gennadiy afanasyev, the required number of 25,000 votes has been collected, it is reported on the official online representation of the president of ukraine. we will remind that gena afanasev was an activist of public resistance to the russian occupation of crimea, in 2014 he became
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a political prisoner of the kremlin, spent 767 days in prison, was released in 2016, as a result of the exchange he became one of the leaders of the movement for the release of ukrainian political prisoners , participated in international meetings, initiated public ones. events, exhibitions, charity evenings on public grounds held the position of special representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine on issues of the release of prisoners, and to all those who wants to understand a little more the story of gennady afanasyev, a man who had a difficult path, and of course there were falls along the way, but he always got up, that 's the name of the book he wrote, get up after the fall, please get to know and... and thanks again to everyone who joined this initiative. and i remember, christ, when there was an exchange, so he already returned for the exchange, right? yes, back then, yuriy solyshenko seems
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to have returned, yes, we crimeans were collecting a new camera for him to use, which he could earn, he wanted, he wanted to be, to earn money with this, well, that's what his friends, at least, my mother said, and i remember how they collected there, well , a normal amount, such a good one, for a good camera, he probably would have. to do this if there was no war. well, now we will talk about the military situation around the temporarily occupied peninsula, you understand that the situation on the front line is like a chain reaction, and when something happens related to crimea, it generally affects the situation at the front. and we are glad to welcome vladyslav seleznyov to contact us now, military analyst and ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations, glory to ukraine. friends, congratulations and glory to you heroes, salam aleikum. with your permission , let's start with the highlights of this week. well, first of all, the paramilitary ruha also
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reports that the movement. of enemy equipment in the crimea continues and similar concentrations of enemy scrap metal are recorded in dzhankoya and simferopol. it is hoped that this information will help the defense forces to plan appropriate operations. as a matter of fact they were brilliantly planned and executed once again in the black sea this week. sergey kotov. this is another loss of the black sea fleet. a patrol ship that should patrol. in particular , the territories around the so-called kerch bridge, it is no longer on combat duty, it is quite interesting how the destruction was for me, and we have more and more audiovisual materials that confirm this. i would still like to listen to andriy yusif, a representative of the main directorate of intelligence, about what serhii kotov is and what are the features of the destruction of this particular ship.
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please, were there plans to... move anti-aircraft missile systems to the ship itself, and there have already been such attempts, well, actually, the fewer such ships, the correspondingly smaller anti-aircraft missile systems will be placed on them, which means more opportunities for ukrainian forces of security and defense, serhii kotov is also notable for the fact that he participated in the attack together with the cruiser moskva on snake island, and actually now joined the same cruiser moskva, ugh mr. vladyslav, well, another loss and another minus for chornomorsky , this is an achievement, you’re not right, this is an achievement, because the bottom suits the russian black sea fleet very well, it looks, oh, it’s disgusting, it always spoiled the appearance of crimea for me, well, honestly, that’s it so unaesthetic, bad, i can't even call them ships, there are some ships, you know, i apologize for the emotion, mr. vladyslav, what is happening to the black sea fleet in general as a result of yet another
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successful work? well, in fact, the ukrainian defense forces clearly demonstrate what is worth eavesdropping on russian military personnel from the russian black sea fleet , what is worth it, it is worth fleeing away from the territory of ukrainian land, we must leave the territorial waters of our country, because otherwise they will only have a one-way ticket to the bottom of the black sea, and of course it is not for nothing that our intelligence reports that approximately 30% of the combat personnel. warehouses of the russian-black sea fleet have turned into objects for observing e-e divers, which drivers, which divers, which are active in the water area of ​​the black in the perspective of the azov seas, this is great news, because the more losses the russian black sea fleet suffers, the calmer it will behave in the waters of the same black sea, because just a year ago, the russians behaved like pirates, they actually constantly tried to interfere with our grain
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agreement. they created threats to free navigation not only for ships that were heading in the direction of our party, and many other black sea countries were at risk, because the russians believed that their dominance in the black sea equator the seas are forever, the ukrainian defense forces clearly proved this and convinced the whole world that the domination is not forever, and the ships of the russian black fleet and the black sea fleet are burning and collapsing. and sent to the bottom of the same black sea to its flagship, to the russian guards missile cruiser moskva, which has been resting for quite some time, since april 22nd, in its paws, of course, at the bottom of the black sea, in the northwestern part of the water area the black sea, by the way, it is important to note that the russians no longer dare especially to advance with their ships from zarog torkhankut, this is the western part of the currently occupied crimea, because they understand the risks, well,
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in fact, all carab'. carriers of sea-based missiles of the caliber type, they were taken away from the territory of crimea, restocked closer to non-russian territory, i believe that they will be more intact there, the authorities, well, actually the ukrainian army has already proven many times that the russian fleet cannot exist in the black sea , it's heavier than water, well, it's just physics, so without lyrics, it's just physics and can't exist yes, why, and i'm sorry, yes, yes, definitely. this is confirmed in the same way that russian planes often fall to the ground, because they are much heavier than the same air, and just before our conversation i saw another post from our air commander to mr. lyschuk, which confirms another fact of a plane crash, and it happened on at a distance of more than 150 km from the combat reporting line, why such a good missile arrived
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precisely at such a distance to... destroy another russian plane is unknown.


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