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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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china to answer, i will only say one thing: if someone thinks in china, or anywhere else, that they will pressure ukraine, so that ukraine is forced to give up part of the territories to russia, which russia has declared as theirs, well, they are currently occupied there, and on to make peace with this, as they say, then it frees hands, a lot. in which it is not only china's responsibility to resolve the conflicts that china has, including those that are not yet military, but they are a forceful method. if it is assumed that in this way it will be recognized that it is possible to force a sovereign country to be different there, forceful efforts, military precisely such a violation of all the rules and the un charter, well, in essence, annexation, and it is possible. to admit
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it under such conditions, well, then the same actions will unfold in other parts of the world, so i do not think that they want to fix the right of force in this way, well, i hope that they simply have a position of advantage for china now, they have with russia, they use russia as they want, and you know, this is an advantageous position, a weak russia, which is weakening, which is economically... gives everything, gives passage to the arctic and everything that now he is giving china whatever he wants, as a vassal, as suggested, it is beneficial to them, so why, i think so, on their part, why are they in a hurry, let ’s wait a little longer, that is, we will also have economic results in our results, but eh, well, for the ukrainians this, for me, this is a rather cynical position, although i want to say that when something happened in other parts of the world... and we
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looked at it in such a way that it is far from us, and how it is in our interests, here we can admit that every country has its own national interests, its own vision, but in this matter, let me remind you that after all, china if he was not a direct guarantor of the budapest memorandum, then he made his statement then, but the same wang ye, the head of china's foreign policy, he said in munich: he replied that these obligations did not concern china's attack on ukraine with a nuclear attack. it seems to me that such statements greatly change the truth, what is now, because from a legal point of view, of course, you can make your own assessment, but it is so cynical and dry to talk about a hot war in europe that can go to the south asia and with a high probability... would start with
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south asia, if putin had not entered the very heart of geographical europe with his completely unworthy delusions, that is why i really, really hope, i would like to hope that it is only a matter of time before china will adopt a more balanced policy. today, according to my subjective, personal conclusions, despite the huge role china could play in establishing peace. a just peace, without violating the un charter, and china is calling for it, china's position could be more balanced. start, i say with moreover, the indicator for me would be, for example, at least the phrase that this is not a ukrainian crisis, a ukrainian crisis, but a russian war against ukraine. mr. valery, yesterday the governing board of the magat supported by a majority of votes the ukrainian resolution with the demand to russia to withdraw urgently.
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all unauthorized personnel of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, including military personnel, and immediately return the nuclear power plant to the control of ukraine. today , magat general director rafael grossi held a meeting with the president in sochi of the russian federation by vladimir putin. i followed the propaganda media, well , i didn't see anything so special there, that is, according to the report, i visited the capital of sochi, this one. the resolution that was passed by the magathe, that according to this resolution, there may be more about russia's behavior, about sanctions, about russia, maybe about rosatom, is it possible at all, or is this resolution solely as an expression of concern, no more, let's be brief, i i believe that we will lose now in magat, and there are purely technical points here, ukraine, which is currently in the council managers uh, still, despite the fact that
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there is a delegation, ah, it should now work on the fact that russia will throw this out to the board of governors, there on rotation. in june of this year, this can only be done through an active position , through diplomatic work, not purely specialized expert work, which can be done precisely by representatives of the nuclear power plant or the ministry of energy, namely diplomatic work, because this is the practice only in a few countries, including ours, that our delegation is headed by energy workers, not diplomats, in other countries there are 35 countries, there are diplomats, and we need to work with them speaking, there are different countries, and the embassy at... at the international organizations in vienna, it is now in such a transit state from the point of view of management, the new one, just in the middle , is assigned, but as far as i understand, it has not yet arrived there, and we have very this work is technical, you have to constantly submit notes,
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constantly work, it slipped a little, and then i look at it like this, well , there is no such emphasis on this issue of throwing russia out of this body, moreover, money from... meets with putin, money , when asked, it now the director is marat, he is asked when he is at the zaporozhye station, the russian military with machine guns are fully equipped, they say, we will provide, we welcome you to our russian land, and he nods and goes on, that is, you understand what is happening, yes, that is, here it's not that there is no balance, it's very far from a solution, i'm very afraid that they will break our hands, so that it's all just for effect. control of russia passed, and as a result , explaining this with nuclear threats, as a result , russia is now not switching fuel to nuclear, we are no longer we are monitoring which units they connect and disconnect, our employees there are simply already there, as far as i know, the russians could
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not rotate there or no one wants to bring their own there, then only partially, and there are not so many specialists and ours are already exhausted gulf situation, and this threatening situation, well, i absolutely do not see how it would be solved, and grosi’s meeting with putin in sochi does not inspire me at all, well, that is, the world could do more, regarding atomic energy in russia, they are they are building a lot, rosatom is building a lot around the world, would it stop sanctions on russia, because it is a very large item of income. of the russian budget, we can say anything hypothetically, but all these packages regarding rosatom, in relation to this, are hanging, hanging and not being accepted, moreover, i will tell you, there are levers of influence, if russia were really put under consolidated pressure, then china would also here with india, for example, i would not have offered anything, i would
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not have offered anything, that is, this joint decision could have been the united states and european countries, consolidated, it started without sanctions, but so far , even me. let's be honest, and we have, well, despite such resolutions, that's all, well, this is such a mandatory program, and such drastic efforts, i'm not saying that i see all the solutions, no, i just see , that in international terms, just like in france, something about the zaporizhzhia station, in germany, or even in the usa, people's attention is focused on this, and we are not highlighting this issue in any way now. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was... a politician, a diplomat, the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states states of america in 2015-19, valery chaly, we are friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, if you are there to watch us live now, please do not forget
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to like this video so that would not advance in youtube trends, well, take part in our vote, because today we are asking you about this, whether you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to the vela. britain, you see on the phone numbers, on your screens, those who watch telecast 0800 211 381, if you approve of this appointment, no 0800 211 382. now we will look at the intermediate results of this survey: 47% yes, 53% no , well, almost 50 to 50, who approves, who does not approve, on youtube it is also 50 on 50, this is a unique phenomenon when our tv viewers on youtube and on tv, they were divided in half, some support this appointment of the hard-working ambassador to great britain, some do not. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests:
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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air of the espresso tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, it is being broadcast today. the rocket exploded 300-400 m away. zelenskyi shared the details of the attack on odesa, what is russia trying to achieve by assassinating the ukrainian president? unexpected appointment of a volunteer from. ambassador to great britain. honorable exile or show of confidence by the president.
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political sociology. poroshenko and prytula were named leaders of the ukrainian opposition. why is zaluzhny also counted among the oppositionists. and while our broadcast continued, a press conference was held between the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, and the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi. today. the ukrainian leader is in istanbul and is meeting with his turkish counterpart. i will quote what erdogan said during the press conference with volodymyr zelensky that turkey is ready to host a peace summit with the participation of russia recep tayyip erdogan. from the very beginning, we contributed to a negotiated end to the war. we are ready to host a peace summit, to which russia will also be involved - he said during. press conference, in addition, erdogan emphasized that we support the territorial
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integrity, sovereignty and independence of our strategic partner ukraine. unfortunately, the war is having an increasingly negative effect on the regional and global level, first of all , no diplomatic steps were taken on ukraine regarding the use of the negotiating table, which we built in istanbul in march 22 to establish peace, - said recep tayyip erdogan. well, exactly what recep tayyip erdoğan says, we knew even without him that this transition table that was in istanbul was disadvantageous for the ukrainian side, and this, among other things, was written by the american newspaper wall street journal this week. they, the americans, claim that ukraine was ready to make concessions to the russians in april 22 , when, remember, the delegation led by arahamia was in istanbul, and where... actually discussed all these issues of the future of ukraine at the negotiating table,
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then there was a massacre, and this story gained international publicity, ukraine withdrew from the negotiation process, because they do not negotiate with terrorists and murderers. erdogan again says that it is a pity that this negotiating table did not take place in istanbul, as. followed the scenario proposed by turkey. thank god that these negotiations did not end in anything. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those, who is now watching us live on youtube and facebook. please like this video and take part in our voting. we ask you this today, do you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to great britain? yes, no, everything is quite on youtube. simply, if you have an opinion, please comment, if you 're watching us on tv, pick up
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your smartphone or phone and vote if you approve of appointing a hard-working ambassador to the uk 0800 211 381, no 0, 0800 211 3802, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce today's guests of our: studio, this is yanina sokolova, journalist, tv presenter, public figure. yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation today. greetings, greetings, sergey, greetings to all viewers of espresso. thank you for the invitation. andrii yanitskyi, journalist, editor of tv channel, andrii, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations. yanina and andriy, because we we ask our tv viewers whether they approve of valery's appointment. ambassador to great britain, i will also ask you about this, what do you think in the format of a blitz poll, yanina
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, please, eh, certainly for all ukrainians who know valery zaluzhnyi as a combat general, as a symbol of our struggle, for independence, for existence , since the 22nd year, i think, no ukrainian in the country doubts that this is really a figure... the number one among combat generals and the number one commander in chief in the history of our independent country without a doubt, so it was initially wildly, and then, if without emotions with a cold head, i think the audience... ours also digested it all in their heads to evaluate this appointment, you understand that it did not happen without approval, without considerations, valery zaluzhny’s own considerations, and conversations with minister of foreign affairs, head of the ministry of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, we can name several very positive things for valery zaluzhny,
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as a person with combat experience, a person who can clearly... dream within the framework of both defense alliances and the supply of weapons, britain, as one of the leaders of aid to european education, the war will be long, we must now attract support, establish the production of weapons, together with the europeans, it is not clear what will happen in the elections in the united states of america, so it seems appropriate to me now to pay attention to european countries, in particular, france, germany and england, which are in a heap with the leaders of these countries, it is clear what is wrong with us. can perfectly cooperate, well, and the second point, this was written to me by subscribers, we analyzed it the day before, and it is interesting that on the day we analyzed the story with the sausage survey regarding political ratings, and valery zaluzhnyi appears in them, as a person with the unconditional support of the electorate, he did not say that he will be swamped somewhere, as well as create
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a political force, but ukrainians are already ready to vote for him, which, in principle, we already discussed later. .. his resignation, the reasons for this, i think, are already obvious to everyone , we talked about it a lot, so these rating numbers, why i linked my answer now with these numbers, indicate that you and i, maybe , i emphasize, maybe after war, when the elections become possible, we will see another candidate who will now have not only combat, but also diplomatic experience, because for valery zaluzhn... politics, now a diplomat and a combat general, this is invaluable experience, well, for our country , this is a plus, i think you do not doubt the effectiveness of his work, believe me, the soul of valery zaluzhnyi, she is in ukraine, she is in the armed forces, so this is not exile, as someone says, maybe within the framework of the president's office it looks like that, or he
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did not plow somewhere, and people forgot about him, but believe me, today i spoke with experts from... from the field of social research, who told me, listen, well, at most there he will lose some 8%, and then it is clear that he will have them, because people remember their heroes , too those who have an unblemished reputation, so to sum it up, i appreciate it as a positive, for our country today, a positive, and for the future as well, listen, there is no one on the horizon that we are focusing on at the moment... moment, i know what will happen in 5 years, you and i do not know in 10 years, how long will the war last and when the next elections will come, we currently do not have a person on the ballot who does not have this background, and the powerful one, people wanted it, that's why they voted for zelenskyi, who has a negative background, but at the same time has a positive combative background, that for a country that will
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always be a geographical neighbor of the russian federation, friends, we will always be there, no matter what happens. no matter how we win the war, they will breathe with their stinking mouths all our conscious lives of our children and grandchildren, so i positively assess sergey, this is my conclusion. thank you, yanina, we will definitely talk about sociology, because sociology was before the appointment, before the announcement of the appointment of the diligent ambassador, and sociology appeared already after the appointment, it is very interesting what concerns the leaders of the opposition, but we are a little later, i am just a spoiler for our tele'. i will let the audience go, andriy, how about you, do you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to britain, if we reject the fact that agriman is not yet approved in london, it was simply announced before that, and as the diplomat valery says a guy who was on my air just 15 minutes ago says that this is not
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typical of any diplomatic rules, that this is a violation of the vienna... convention, and a lot of questions arise, and why was this announced so quickly? well, i don't know why it was announced so quickly, but if we talk about the country, then of course it is better for the country to have an ambassador in britain than to live without an ambassador in such difficult times, and this is not the worst candidate, even though he has no experience work in the diplomatic service, during the war. a combat general who represents our country in our ally country, this is one of the countries that supports ukraine the most. this is, of course , a plus and a positive for valery fedorovych himself, so i think that it is also a positive for him, because he remains in
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the information field, he remains in a leadership position, if he were not there, and he remains a part of our political landscape. and maybe the authorities really thought that they were hiding in this way. from the political future, but - it seems to me that this is not a fact, as they add he has some additional features, namely diplomatic ones, as ms. yanina said, and i also mentioned, regarding agriman, and yes, we do not yet know whether britain agreed, but most likely they did not publicly announce the candidacy. zaluzhnyi without the prior consent of the other party, so i hope that there will be no complications, we remember that there were rumors about the appointment of reznikov, who
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was the minister of defense, as ambassador, but only rumors, and publicly, officially, i do not remember that it was declared, probably, even if there was such an attempt, the british side did not show it some signals she didn't want to see. whom the ambassador, so that the fact that we are talking about zaluzhnyi today as a candidate at the official level of approval, most likely says that britain also agreed with him. well, and the best diplomat, of course, during the war, it is of course the ukrainian army, and the person who heads the army is the chief diplomat, in general, well, i hope that in the office of the president of ukraine they will not turn us off from other networks yet for the fact that we are the main diplomat of the country, let's call a hard worker. that he was the chief diplomat of the country, but during the war , that is how it is. let's listen to what zelensky said yesterday when he announced zaluzhnyi as the new ambassador to great britain? today
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, general valery zaluzhnyi also approved the candidacy of our country's ambassador to great britain and told me about such a direction for himself: diplomatic. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine sent a corresponding request to agreman. our. the alliance with britain should only strengthen. yanina, in this situation, in principle, one thing is clear: the president's office and the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine for the fact that zaluzhnyy was an ambassador. obviously, great britain is also in favor of this, because it is quite a serious position and an important position. great britain is such a big military hub, and they are great friends for us, and they support us also... militarily, politically, diplomatically, but we haven't heard from the most important person, that is, whether he agreed to it, because here it is, at least there must
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be three parties in order for everything to work out, well, on march 6, i had my birthday, my 40th birthday, and valery fedorovych congratulated me, we also congratulate you, thank you, thank you, and i would like to meet him and we would like to... just the material about the anniversary of the death on the next day on march 7 of davinchi dmytro kutsyubael, a hero of ukraine, who reportedly loved zaluzhny, and zaluzhny loved him, and we were just making materials, i wrote to valery fedorovych like this after congratulating him, he said that at the moment there would be no comments in the near future, but then i did not know that he would be appointed ambassador, in any case, for now ... i am sure with many reasons, in including, i am sure that there are agreements
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with the office of the president, who continues to be afraid of the figures of the ratings of the good man, and i think that despite the fact that the ambassador is still a public person, he is a diplomat who, given our partners, allies, one of the most powerful, on our future military. unions, construction, god forbid, defense enterprises together, of course, will have to comment on all this, in which mode he will do it, in the form of articles, materials, posts, channels, and all this will be in written form, we will see it in electronic form as well , or it will it's done live, we'll see, but at the moment valery fedorovych has no desire, or i don't know for sure, the rights, agreements , to comment on all this, so i can only say that i'll take it for granted if i were to give my assessment
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to the former commander-in-chief. for me, he remained just a legendary person , i observed several very critical moments in our history from the point of view of friendship with the army, and after the release of valery fedorovych, when i am pleased with the trust in the army, believe me, he had an influence on them making certain decisions on a very difficult areas, so i will return to this question, a very balanced person, and you saw how he said goodbye to this position, when the internet and facebook were boiling, and everyone was talking about the fact that they say he was fired, unfairly, and everything else, valery fedorovych is in arms presented the award , said goodbye to zelenskyi, and no one, not a single person, had any other reason
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to think otherwise. uh, about this whole story, uh, so it was all done wisely, understanding the whole background of this situation, i think you know about it very well on espresso, and vitaliy portnikov has spoken about this more than once, let's not repeat ourselves, but now these shots actually, then there was a period of valery fedorovych's recovery and negotiations, which he confidently conducted with the president's office, and they reached this option. to the option of the position, which, i think , he accepted consciously, positively and for the success of the country , including, i think, it is unlikely that we would now discuss the diplomatic position there, i hung up, but you hear me, right, yes, yes, it is good , here, i think, i think that without communication with my colleagues, with my own the command, which left the general staff after the dismissal in full, that is, all
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close people. he communicated, consulted, and this decision was made in view of his effectiveness in this position, despite everything , but, therefore, you and i will see effective work, believe me, i, well, valery fedorovich, in addition to the fact that you saw it, in addition to the fact that he is a combat general, he is also a person with a high level of purely personnel qualities of a diplomat, and believe me, he showed them more than once in various situations, long before 24'. february 22 and in the prices of the president's office including, there are simply a number of things that military generals, discussing with politicians, novices, dilettantes, cannot accept and working for the benefit of the country, are forced to talk about it all, or write articles in the economist, and then talk again, because all this it was perceived, you saw how, or to come out and justify the mobilization, although he should not have done that when
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they... put him out there to cover this, this hole, this short history that we are all still going through now, that is it's a conscious decision valery fedorovych hasn't said anything yet, but i can muster courage and say that the sure decision is balanced, it's not a bone, friends, you understand, it's not a bone that was thrown to the poor, he took it, he's not the kind of person who will agree to something, well, why am i saying this, because we have a tendency in the authorities, well, there, for example, when with... our prosecutor general benediktova, yes, who went as an ambassador, that is, everyone who did not come due to various circumstances, they were often appointed ambassadors , here's the office, i think the president had this fragmented motivation, but on the part of zaluzhny, the decision was made positively solely with an eye on the effectiveness of this work, and i will carefully say that you
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will see it, but i am not involved in this. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba spoke about the reasons for the appointment of zaluzhny as the new ambassador of ukraine to great britain on the air of the united telethon. let's listen. for a very long time, the president was looking for the strongest possible candidate for the position in london, and one of the key requirements was military understanding. waxy context, because britain is not just our strategist there , a special strategic partner, it is one of the leaders in military affairs, in military aid to ukraine, no one is sent there , london is an extremely important destination for any country, and in communication with these ambassadors, who work in london, i am sure that valery zaluzhnyi will be there absolutely...


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