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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EET

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that's how trump and orban hug and together with the pope, all three of them want to hand us over and sign the capitulation, but that's after the news. yes, now khrystyna parobiy will tell you about all the most important things, about what happened during the last time, and she has more information about it, khrystyna, you have my word. greetings, colleagues, thank you about the situation in ukrainian cities after the night attack of the occupiers, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the work of our air defense and the situation at the front. don't miss it in a moment. news in etheriso. khrystyna works in the studio perubiy 15 shaheds were shot down by anti- aircraft forces that night. this was reported in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in total, the russians launched 25
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attack drones over ukraine. they maneuvered between residential areas. at night, the russians again launched shaheds across odeshchyna. our air defense managed to destroy 10 drones. but there are also hits in the odesa region that damaged infrastructure facilities, administrative buildings, private houses and farm buildings, the south's defense forces said. previously, no one was injured. russian terrorists attacked kharkov with drones at night, one of the drones hit a civilian infrastructure object in a residential area of ​​the city, - reported the mayor of the city, ihor terekhov. as a result of the attack, residential buildings near the place of impact were damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt. the russians struck at night in dnipropetrovsk oblast as well. nikopol and the chervonogrigorivska community came under enemy fire. this was reported by the head of the region
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, serhii lysak. as a result of the attack , six private houses and three farm houses were damaged buildings also along nivychyna are power lines, a gas pipeline and several greenhouses. fortunately, people survived. nine cities and villages of zaporozhye were attacked by the invaders during the day. the robots were fired from the rocket salvo system. also caught from aviation in orikhov, novaandriivka and pyatikhatka. he declared ivan fedorov of the regional military administration. gulyaipole novodanilivka and mala tokmachka were hit by drones. residential buildings and infrastructure objects were damaged. people were not injured. at night , drones also attacked russia. air defense forces the occupiers were allegedly destroyed by four aircraft over the bryansk region. and two more over the territory of orlovskaya - the ministry of defense of the aggressor country declared. as always. without damage or casualties.
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a historic victory. for the first time, ukraine received the most prestigious film award, the oscar. the documentary film 20 days in mariupol by director mstislav chernov was recognized as the best in the feature documentary category . it was announced last night at the oscars 2024 ceremony. during his speech , chernov said that he would like this film to never had to shoot. and i'm honored , but maybe i'll be the first director on that stage to say, i wish, i wish i never had to make this movie, i wish i could trade it for russia never attacked ukraine, never occupied our cities.
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i want to give credit, i would give it for russia not to kill tens of thousands of my fellow citizens, i would give it for them to change all the hostages, all the soldiers who defended their land, all the civilians who are now in russian prisons, but i don't can change history, in mariupol tells about the first weeks of hostilities in the city during the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. director and photographer mstislav chernov, photographer yevhen maloletka and producer and journalist vasylisa stepanenko worked on the film. they became the last journalists to cover the beginning of russia's destruction of mariupol. for this, they received the policeman's award, and later the shevchenkiv award. volodymyr zelenskyi reacted to the statement. to the pope
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about the white flag, according to the president, all ukrainians, regardless of faith, stood up for the defense of their country. vseukrainska also commented on the pontiff's controversial statement. church, they said that no one will ever force our country to capitulate. let me remind you that in one of the interviews, pope francis called ukraine for negotiations and also stated the need to have the courage to raise the white flag. subsequently , the head of the press service of the vatican tried to explain the words of francis. it is said that the pontiff wanted to call for a cease-fire, not for surrender. however, the statement caused a wave of indignation. when... russian evil february 24 started this war, all ukrainians stood up for protection, everyone, christians, muslims, jews, everyone, i thank every ukrainian chaplain, who with the army in the defense forces, there on the front lines, protect life and humanity,
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support both with prayer and conversation, and in fact, that's what a church is with people, not for 25 sia. somewhere there to engage in virtual mediation between the one who wants to live and the one who wants to destroy you. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 64 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest on novopavlivskyi direction, the enemy tried 25 times to break through our defenses near krasnohorivka, georgiivka, urozhainy and novomykhaivka. another 17 assaults were stopped by the defense forces in the avdiiv direction. zaporizhzhia is also restless. our defenders repelled three russian attacks near novodarivka and verbovoy. four more assaults were stopped in the kherson direction. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 10 areas
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of concentration of personnel of the occupiers and destroyed enemy air defense systems. rockets and gunners hit the warehouse with ammunition. two districts concentration of russian personnel, two anti-aircraft vehicles and... the same number of reb-occupier stations. and i will remind you about our collection. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed. and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 70 000 hryvnias. remember, every hryvnia of yours is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. warming vitamin mixtures
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for our defenders. for the second year in a row , espresso employees gather in the volunteer kitchen. packages are transferred to different areas of the front. how are mixtures prepared? and how you can get involved in this case in our story. once every two weeks, saturday morning starts for the espresso staff from the volunteer kitchen. ginger, citrus fruits, cranberries, sea buckthorn, honey, gentle hands and faith in victory. this is a homemade recipe vitamin teas for those who are currently defending us at the front. in every spoonful of mixtures, our colleagues add not only selected healthy fruits and berries, but also their care and support. and gratitude, in fact, this is also very important for the espresso team, because this is our good tradition, it's the second year that we make these vitamin mixes for the boys and girls on the front lines, for our defenders, and we always get feedback from them, they give us thank you and
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it really motivates our team to make more and more and more mixes like this. not only the employees of the tv channel can participate in the preparation of mixtures, but also our readers and see... thank our viewers for their activity, supporting us, because every time the story is broadcast, we have a feedback from you, and this it's very nice, that is, that you see us, hear us, and not just have some emotions, but with concrete things , first of all, we want to thank the brewers, who for the second time... votka was also organized by the fat. the military express their sincere gratitude for the support and delicious vitamin mixes. to all who is involved in the production of these vitamin sets. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. if you have the desire and opportunity to join
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this cause, scan the qr code that you see on the screen now. each of your donations is a contribution to our common victory. canada cannot transfer. ukraine has been promised a nasams anti-aircraft missile system, the country's minister of national defense bill blair said. he explained: the contract is being delayed because the united states of america is delaying funding. canada understands the importance of this project, but without cooperation with the usa cannot fulfill it. we will see you at 10 o'clock , read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, and my colleagues oksana vasochanska and roman chaika will continue, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, thank you for espresso , we will remind you how good we can start monday, of course, a donation, any donation is definitely a guarantee of a good day, because it is all for our common victory, now we are collecting medevac on the buggy, such a special a truck that can evacuate wounded soldiers, this is very, very important, even on our airwaves, the military themselves have repeatedly said that this is lacking, medics and volunteers are also talking about this, that special means for evacuating the wounded are very necessary, too in this collection, we are placing a collection for automobile and trench levies, 480 00 hryvnias need to be collected, there is already a large part of this amount, less than 140 00 will be collected and we will be able to buy everything in... well , if the community works together, then maybe even today we will close this collection, but everything depends
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from our viewers, in the meantime, we will pay attention to one more. on saturday, sunday, in a number of cities under the city administrations , relatives of prisoners again came out to draw attention to ukrainian prisoners of war, and we will talk about them with human rights defender lyudmila denisova, she head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. ms. lyudmila, congratulations, good morning. good morning. well, actually , we don’t forget to remind you about your hotline, but you should also remind them when relatives find out that their someone in the family is captured, their algorithm of action, what should they do? you know, sometimes the relatives of prisoners of war or civilian hostages turn to us
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and ask: here we are in russian public places where we saw that our relatives were in captivity, our statue has disappeared, under special circumstances they do not change it to the status of a prisoner of war or a hostage. yes , the notification itself, it’s just to see in the cinema, oh my god, let’s run, such information about... one’s native is not enough to get such a status, so i advise everyone to do the following applies: it is necessary to contact the international red cross, so that only confirmation, according to the geneva conventions, is from this body that the russian federation has confirmed the presence of our citizen in the captivity of the russian federation or in hostages, and are in places of detention precisely in the russian federation . this can be obtained through the national information office, which was also created in accordance with the geneva
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conventions. what to do next to issue all these documents? if it is a military serviceman, then you need to contact the commission on issues establishing the fact of deprivation of personal freedom, which was created under the ministry of reintegration. what documents must be attached to the application for establishing such a status? it necessarily. a certificate from the ministry of defense stating that a military person is in captivity, or a document confirming his direct participation in measures aimed at ensuring the defense of the russian security of ukraine against the russian federation of this invasion, this can be a notification of the central security service, which is provided by the commander of a military unit through this body, or direct. e commander of the military unit provides a certificate regarding the actual
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participation of a military serviceman, defender, or defender in such events. it can also be an extract from the unified register of criminal proceedings, if it was initiated, and i advise you to do it without fail, contact the territorial police, and notify the security and defense forces that he is such a person in the register, a civilian e. when the hostage, when the relatives learn that there is also information about the captive, a certificate from an international organization is also required, this is an international red cross, confirmation of that, an extract from the unified register of pre-trial investigations, if such a case was initiated, and a notification of the security and defense forces, it can be the joint center of the sbu, it can be the national information bureau, and it can be the coordination headquarters of the handling with a prisoner of war. what exactly does the commission do during the ministry of reintegration? it establishes the exact
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date of deprivation of this citizen's personal freedom, as a result of which he is armed. aggression by the adoption of the commission, such a decision is entered into the unified register, then an extract is provided, but in order for the family to be protected, supported by the state and to receive direct social security payments, the family and family members must also apply to this commission and receive the status of a family member, a person who is deprived of personal freedom as a result. armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. ugh. ms. ludmila, you mention that an important step everywhere is the appeal to the red cross. ah, here is an option, but where exactly? because we see that some units in some countries of the red of the cross simply went over to the side of the occupier. together, with the money of unicef, they
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are transporting our kidnapped children to stalin's camps in belarus. then they say that we can't do anything, they won't let us to olenivka, and you remember all the other scandalous things that happened in russia with the red cross, in particular their minister of foreign affairs, and in this case there is some option, what is for sure, well , our people will receive an answer from the red cross to the central office to write, where, where exactly, ha accepts appeals. from around town income of relatives, that is, our citizens need to contact the ukrainian branch of the international red cross. you know, i completely agree with you here that the international red cross is an organization that very slowly takes care of our citizens, yes, it cooperates
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with these russian invaders, but according to... the geneva conventions, only this body has the right to confirm the capture or deprivation of personal freedom of our citizens. we can help our citizens apply, advise how better to do? we sometimes appeal for our citizens, for our relatives, who cannot do anything to the international cross, several times, and only after... the fifth, sixth, sometimes 20th time, they give the answer that everything after all, the russian federation has confirmed, it must be done, it must be insisted that the icc open a personal investigation case, an investigation case, that there should be a number of this investigation case, that the central investigation agency, which
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is located in geneva, must take care of this, because only after... it is possible to obtain such a status, as, for example , the family of a prisoner of war who has been deprived of such personal freedom, therefore it is necessary to do this, of course, the national information bureau, which was created in our country under the geneva convention, which is also subordinate to the ministry of reintegration, also does such requests, you can turn to them to get one, turn to the ministry of internal affairs, turn to the general... headquarters of the civil administration, to the coordination headquarters, you have to knock, and this is our work with relatives, in order to still take care of that person who fell into such a terrible poderation. ms. lyudmila, if , for example, the family, relatives of a soldier have information, say, from his brothers, from
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someone else, that a person is in captivity, but there is no official confirmation from them. of this red cross, is such a family entitled to any payments, compensation from the state, it often happens that servicemen have, for example, small children, yes, and then the family is often left without any means of living at all, in fact, how to act in such a case, well, first of all it is necessary to establish the status of a missing person under special circumstances, we have already talked with you several times about how to do it, but briefly, you need to contact the territorial police station, open a criminal case, get an extract from the only one. pre-trial investigations, the territorial police apply to the ministry of internal affairs, they will be entered in the register of missing persons under special circumstances, the family
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also needs to apply to the dos, get this leak from this register, and then financial support will already be assigned to the military serviceman, if it is, what is it received directly at the last place of service at the last position, and this will be the support of the family that they will... receive, you can still issue a survivor's pension, but when there is already confirmation of the icrc, then you need to contact the ministry of reintegration, establish all these statuses, and then the family can receive annual financial assistance in the amount of 100,000 hryvnias for each year the servicemen serve this captivity in the russian federation. who exactly can do this? it can be obtained by a wife or a husband, a person like is in captivity, children, including adult parents, brothers and sisters,
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grandfather, grandmother, grandchildren, persons under guardianship or care, persons who live together without registration of marriage, if it is proved together by the court, the decision entered into a legal force, such annual allowance is paid only to one, one member. once a year, and in order to receive it , i remind you once again, you need to contact the ministry of integration after obtaining all the statuses, if a serviceman, then he, then his family can receive monetary military the security that he received at the time of capture, capture, it can be a recipient of a wife or a husband, or the husband does not have a wife, this is an adult... children, and under guardianship without removing minors or who are dependent on a serviceman, if there is no marriage and children, then the parents
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should receive it in equal shares, and here it is necessary to turn again to the military unit through the tsk territorial center of recruitment and social support, and it must be said that civilians are not extended from... salary provision, sorry, but only for saved, saved in the place of work. mrs. lyudmyla, thank you for the conversation , thank you for the information, lyudmila denisova, we were with a human rights defender, the head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, we also remind you of the hotline number, 33307 09, it is there that you will receive help and advice in order to ... you are right, what to do with the ministry of internal affairs, what to do with the ministries and how to communicate with the odious red cross, on which the geneva convention rests
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on the shoulders we are going to take a short break, then we will have a very difficult, special and important guest, dmytro lazutkin, laureate of the shevchenko prize this year, and at the same time the head of the public relations service. military serviceman, that is, we will have a lot of questions about the war, and about the front, and about culture during the war, about poetry, please stay with us, there are 15% discounts on karsa at travel pharmacies, ban and savings. shevchenko, a musical interpretation from sister telniuk in lviv with a program by our symphony orchestra, which inspires to believe,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. on espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the collaborators program. rashishtka-khersonian. regional thought. who are they? non-deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but how traitors wash the cities of schoolchildren. only development awaits the kherson region. watch the program on tuesday, march 12 at 5:45 p.m collaborators with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. according to the results of february, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. greetings,
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time of news on espresso tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. we 're back, thanks for watching. thank you for that donate and, as a bonus, we now offer you very good shots. we invite you to listen and watch with us how ada rogovtseva reads the requiem of dmytro lazutkin, our modern ukrainian poet and military serviceman. we listen, watch together, and then return to our conversation. according to the laws of mathematics, minus fate, minus time. the sky is sobbing, soldiers, the sky. the rhythm
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sobs at you, someone has checked the routes on the map, someone is looking at the stars from the caves, they will count you with unopened parachutes now, scattered on the soft grass, the beaten sun, as if amber, now the sky is sobbing, sagebrush is bitter in the wild field, homeland. or the territory , everyone chooses his own path , history is baked with blood, the tree of language is lit up, your crosses, your shelters, your truth, your sorrow and shame, so laid down, according to the rules of ballistics, so flourished by a mute god, they are still
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waiting for you. they are still begging, scanning the news lines and gouging out their eyes with circles of these enraged ukrainians, and nothing can be seen through the tears, and the axle is more cracked, now the sky is weeping, rhythm, wax is pouring from the candles, everything is already forgiven before god, the angels of dembel are pouring. sleep tight, boys, this is your land forever. that's how adarotseva read a poem by dmitry lazutkin, winner of the shevchenko prize, who once wrote about completely different poems and never thought what would happen.


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