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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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it is simply necessary to produce such a large number of such pig breeding complexes so that we simply have the opportunity to compete, and we will be able to compete, because we have our own raw materials and they are cheap, in denmark there are no chernozems like those in ukraine, in denmark there is not such a quantity agricultural products that could be raw materials for the production of meat, and any goods that are produced from meat after processing. thank you, mr. kostyantyn, kostyantyn zhivaga, an entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, we were in touch, thank you for this conversation, we are now let's take a break for just a few minutes, and you stay with us, then there are more serious conversations, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use and for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 10,004,399. a reliable battery is also
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, crisis on the border between. ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country
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should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and. to predict the future for the world of a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. vitaly portnikov is with you. and we will move on to the topic of the polish blockade, which we already discussed at the end of our previous hour. olga popovych, editor of the ukrainian almanac annual published by the association of ukrainians in poland in connection. congratulations, ms. olga. good evening. so, what is happening now? how much does the government manage to negotiate with farmers, because we know what has already happened the meeting of prime minister donald tusk with representatives of the protesters, but i honestly
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do not see any real results. yes, it is true that it is difficult to expect real results at the moment, although tusk said that the real results will be on march 15. but nevertheless the protesters do not intend to stop their protests, the fact that they demand a complete closure of ukraine, that is, a complete, complete embargo on ukrainian goods, agricultural products, and tusk is not ready to implement and is not ready to close with ukraine has a border, they are ready to do this with russia, they are ready to prevent russian belarusian goods from entering, but in the end tusk declares that... that he is not ready to completely block ukrainian goods, on the other hand , the protesters now in the parliament have , in addition to the confederation, good support for the previous actions of the authorities rights and justice, and actually the previous government, trying
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to gain electoral points, because in april the elections themselves for self-government in poland. and the politicians of law and justice have already announced that they will submit a draft law, for which will block agricultural products not only from russia and belarus, but they will also demand that supplies of ukrainian agricultural products be completely blocked, and accordingly it is very difficult to expect a positive result in ukraine. because i already said something on the air of spress that polish society absolutely supports the protests of agricultural producers, and by the way, maybe this is the reason why the party of law and justice is trying to be
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tougher in its position than when it formed and headed the polish government? so definitely, except if you look at the sociological polls that are conducted for the zama. for different editions, the vast majority of respondents say that the fault lies in what has happened to farmers in poland now, and the situation that has developed for farmers, the main fault lies in the previous government, not the current one, but the previous law and justice, and i think , that this is actually also a game of law and justice, in order to get back the votes they lost. still in the parliamentary elections and who are afraid of losing now local government is also in the elections. if we talk about what a compromise might look like, there are generally at least some sketches of such a compromise that could satisfy both ukraine and poland, and
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the so-called farmers' protest movement. in poland, between the farmers and the government, the negotiations that were held, there are statements that the government will try to try. convince the european union to move away from the strictest norms, the green system, and the government is ready to compensate the farmer. to compensate polish producers of wheat and grain these remaining grains that are now in poland and sell them in some way, or pay them the quota that they would have lost without realizing the sale of this grain. if we talk about ukraine, then there is already a broader aspect here, because it is necessary to involve in... european and poland and, accordingly , ukraine, and in some ways ukraine too,
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will obviously be forced to take a step back, although it has already declared that it is ready to take a step back, it is also in its supplies of sizskobotorsk products, more precisely, those preferences that it received from the european union on a time of full-scale war. at first full-scale, but i don't think that... it will be solved so quickly, because there are so many different players involved in this problem, and unfortunately, we see that russia is effectively taking advantage of this. in principle, how can one explain the mood of polish society, which on the one hand continues to support ukraine, and on the other hand supports polish farmers? well, this is probably explained by several factors, one of the factors is... generally fatigue from the fact that they have lost a lot, polish society has lost a lot from
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the beginning of the full-scale war of russia against ukraine, which the residents of other european countries have lost, respectively, losing some of their elementary benefits that they once had, they are trying to support those who, in their opinion, are losing the same way, i.e.... to farmers , and the main slogans of farmers are very often manipulative, because these slogans are taken from the polish press, they have been circulating for several months, about the fact that ukrainian goods have completely flooded the polish market, the society believed it, the media only started in the last month to undermine this thesis manipulatively, or rather to refute it and present facts, statistics are printed. it is said that ukrainian products did not really
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flood the agricultural products, did not flood the polish market, as it was presented before, but the society already believed in it, the society believes in it, and the society in this way says yes, we support ukraine, but not at their own expense can we say that this situation somehow affected the attitude towards ukrainian citizens in poland? it's hard for me unequivocally. to answer, because i have not seen the latest polls, which are conducted monthly by the center for sociological surveys from los, about the attitude towards other peoples and nations, so i do not know how exactly these processes could affect the attitude towards ukrainians, the attitude towards ukrainians seems to me , other chinks influence more, this is also her daily life with ukrainians, poles e. interpersonal conflicts can develop into dislike also for
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the nation, for the people in general, there are now a lot of ukrainians in poland, accordingly every pole practically has the opportunity on a daily basis to face ukrainians. also, the attitude towards ukraine can be influenced by the blunt statements of politicians, which, in the opinion of poles, are offensive to... both the country and the people, which at one time, at the beginning of a large-scale war, gave almost everything to accept ukrainians and show their support, and in the end it was. what do you think the ukrainian government should do, the situation, should it really seek compromises with the polish government now, even at the expense of the economic interests of its own country, well, actual economic interests, in fact. here indeed it is difficult to answer clearly, because it will depend on what
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the polish government is ready to accept, but we see that the current polish government, especially in the person of donald tusk, because the coalition includes various parties, and, for example, the psl has a peasant party , has a slightly different attitude to the issue than the civic platform. so, when talking about the prime minister of poland. the prime minister of poland is sufficiently open to negotiations with ukraine, he needs specifics, but he is ready to defend ukrainian interests somewhere. and try to convince in his talk to his citizens and in particular the farmers protesting here, for example, at the last meeting, tusk said that he is not going to close the border with ukraine. instead , the ukrainian government should constantly conduct this work
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and negotiations with poland, not sporadically, not when problems arise, but constantly in contact with its own. polish colleagues, and we will probably have to make concessions in some way, because we see that farmers' protests, they cover europe and, accordingly, the european union can somewhere, let's say, ukraine put us in a position that is not entirely convenient for us now. and are they talking in poland about a possible russian trace in all these actions, how serious it is from the point of view of polish observers. differently, some , yes, some of the experts speak very clearly when they talk about the protesters, or rather the leaders of those protesters, who are directly politicians of the confederation, the far-right polish party, which is the largest, the most closely connected with russia,
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but so strongly linked these protests with russia'. followed by how often it was in rhetoric on the ukrainian side, especially at the beginning of all those protests, unfortunately, we do not see such a strong voice in poland. if we talk about polish-ukrainian relations, when we discuss european integration, euro-atlantic integration, we see that, on the one hand, poland is now among those countries that say that this is how troops can be introduced to ukraine, and are here in solidarity with the president. french macron, radislav sikorsky even says that there are already certain countries that have sent their military personnel here, and with on the other hand, there is a fear that poland will limit the possibilities of european integration of ukraine, based on its economic interests, and where to find a balance here, it is very difficult to say, yes, it is very difficult to say, because poland on the one hand understands russian aggression, on the other hand polish
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russian missiles do not fly in the city, accordingly for it this aggression... to a greater extent for the majority of citizens, it is aggression from television or from the conversations of already familiar ukrainians, and an active part of polish society that supports ukraine and is very often even in the war zone, because he is engaged in volunteering, helps the ukrainian military directly, they are more aggressive in their attitude to this problem, that is, they clearly say that it is not possible now... to make concessions in favor of polish farmers and thus close the market for ukrainian products, and accordingly hit its economy and weaken it in the war with russia. if this discourse continues to develop, if it enters the mainstream media more often, there is a chance that polish
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society will not be so blind , at least. to be caught behind such manipulative theses, as i said earlier about the fact that ukrainian goods fill the polish market, and accordingly, when this threat to them, the threat of russia, will begin to take on more concrete features, not only in the conversation that poland will be next, and it will be more serious, then maybe yes, maybe this will affect the change, thank you, ms. olga. olga popovych, the editor of the annual ukrainian almanac, a publication of the association of ukrainians in poland, was in touch with us and we talked about one of the most difficult, i would say now, topics in ukrainian, in foreign policy and in the ukrainian economic situation, this is the relationship between ukraine and poland, the protests of polish farmers, which really create problems for the entire logistics of border traffic, and
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not only for those cargoes , which go from ukraine to a european country. union, we know that there were also delays of strategically important cargoes for ukraine at the ukrainian-polish border, and by the way, unblocking these cargoes is also an important task for the ukrainian state and for its allies, and among these allies there is no doubt poland itself, so these problems will be resolved one way or another in the coming weeks, months, i hope, and we will monitor it with you, we will take a break with you for just a few minutes , but you stay with us, yes, because we will have another big conversation with the diplomat. by the head of the russian research center , volodymyr ogrysk. stay in touch with us. the key to beauty is a healthy liver. kar of strength gives the liver strength. there are discounts on cars 15% in travel pharmacies, ban and savings. poems
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savings. there are discounts on lyzak - 10% in psarynyk, vam and ochadnyk pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. according to the results of february , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian views remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. we have volodymyr ogrysko in the studio
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, a diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, head of the russian research center, and here is a great opportunity for you, as a person who worked for many years in the ministry of affairs, to ask what happened to this story, with the appointment of valery zaluzhny to the post of great britain, because i i will honestly tell you that this is the first time in my own practice, no, the second time, i see it this way. the situation when the appointment of an ambassador to great britain is announced without the consent of the country, only the groman population, the first time it happened in 1991, when the former minister of foreign affairs boris pankin was sent in this way in the soviet union, too, but it was not a fantastic situation for me , i first learned that it could be like that and forgot, and after 30 years again, in fact it is not like that, well , let's say it can be, but it shouldn't be, because after all. despite the fact that we are now we live in a world in which everything changes and everything is questioned, there are certain standards, well , you know, diplomacy is so conservative,
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it, it requires certain, certain, maybe conventions, but still those that should be followed, like, which, i found the answer to this question, it means that the topic is actually agreed, formally, or rather informally, consent... was obtained a long time ago, and the formal things that need to be done now will be done, well that is, and again , let's do not forget, it removes, a question that has already become for many in power quite painful, how long will we not have an ambassador in great britain, but it will be, well, there is very little left, so they say, let's lower the temperature a little, lower it, everything will be fine, but on the other hand, how effective... political appointments to diplomatic posts, after all, the former ambassador to great britain, the previous one, he was the minister of foreign affairs, before that, it is a completely different situation from the point of view
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of understanding how the embassy works, the embassy is not just to go out there and say about the language , the embassy - let me tell you, it is a complex complex organism, it is essentially an institution, a specific institution, the truth is, you see, mr. vitaly, i am also like you. in this regard, a conservative, i believe that professionalism is the first word that defines everything that happens later, well , remember gennadiyovych syudovenka, our, our truly extremely famous diplomat, he gave birth to the formula of three in order to be a successful diplomat, professionalism, patriotism, decency, well, you can of course change places, but that's all gives exactly that option, and that is why professionalism is in the first place, but, well , let's look at this situation a little from the other side, what is
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great britain for us today, our e... well, as you remember, he said one of our politicians, although i am not the first, but i am not the second, that is, great britain today, although it is not the first, but not the second, in what it gives to ukraine in the political sphere, in the military sphere, well, let's let's not waste time, that is, this is our extremely important, indeed, here i will use the word strategic partner, well, there is, which in the main topic for us right now is with... our western partners, including great britain, the topic of weapons, well, you understand, the diligent ambassador, there will be no need to build a political system, there are mutual relations, friendship with one or the other, and so on, he is coming to a really big and thick foundation, which has been laid for a long time, and by the way, we would like to thank mr. prystayk, who, i think, has worked brilliantly in this position in recent years. that is
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, zaluzhnyi will have a completely different topic, and this topic will be called weapons in one word, more nothing, he doesn't need, i say, to go to the ministry of foreign affairs, to cameron or to someone else and tell them that ukraine is good, so give us, give us that, aunt aunt, no, he will go to the minister of defense, to the chief of the general staff, to all his colleagues and to talk with them about those things that they know a thousand times better than any diplomat, well , let's be honest, so i think that's exactly what it is. in this case, such an appointment is correct, well, if we are talking about other methods of diplomacy, well, let's say there connected with some skills to do something with hands, well, for example, here i will tell you honestly, for me it is a shock, in this situation i believe that it is correct, but tell me, if we are talking about another diplomatic story there, about the attempt of the presidential administration of the united states,
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position. next to the first lady of ukraine and the widow of the recently killed russian opposition leader oleksiy navalny, this was also a diplomatic attempt to create a certain structure during the speech of the president of the united states with a message to the nation in front of senators and congressmen, how much it was needed by the presidential administration, how right it was that we were not at this, this event, well, you see, now everything that... that plays in favor of one or another presidential candidate, it is extremely important for them, and for biden, i understand that it really could have been such a beautiful political gesture. look, here i am hosting the wife of the president of the country, which, which, which, who is fighting against russian fascism, who is fighting against the aggressor, and i am hosting the widow, well, let's
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say this, who is also trying to do something to do with this regime and so on and so on, that is, politically it is definitely profitable, but they, our dear american and european friends, still cannot understand that we should not be married against our will, and if they do so , they consciously or subconsciously or unconsciously, they film those things that are extremely painful for... ukrainians, we never again want to sit at the same table with those whom we consider to be the culprits and what is the absolute truth of this tragedy, which they have arranged, so i think that these attempts, you know, die and bring closer and so on, they look, firstly, stupid, secondly , fake, thirdly, hopeless, so i think that logic probably prevailed here...
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political for itself, but not political for us. do you in general understand why the anti-corruption fund, even after the murder of alexei navalny, continues to provide vladimir putin with a turnout in the presidential elections, continues to call on people to vote, to vote for anyone but putin, to do something with the ballots, but for by and large it is the same turnout, that's all that's needed, so what's the logic? mr. vitaly, you have lived and worked in russia for many, many years. i think you know very well what russian society is, what the russian so-called opposition is, the so-called liberal opposition, and we will choose any other words, in fact it is a fiction, it is something that, well, it is even close to what what we understand in the context of liberal, and even more so , democracy is not possible, is service to the regime.


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