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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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i wouldn't, i don't consider them to be gentlemen and i would like them to be checked, if we can't do it now, okay, for certain reasons, but it is necessary that either we do it later or the competent authorities do it now. mr. viktor, volodymyr zelenskyi still brags about the fact that now there will be a new ambassador of great britain to ukraine, general zaluzhny, although not generals, as i understand it, the general is already retired, because there was information that he passed. military medical commission, he was declared unfit, as was serhiy shaptala, the former chief of the general staff armed forces of ukraine. but the question is actually not about zaluzhny himself and not about shaptal, because it is about 16 generals who were dismissed, and therefore, the question is probably more about personnel policy in general, because we are witnessing how 16 generals who fought
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since 2014, russians on the ukrainian front have resigned and there is not a single message, and what about these generals, they will also be sent through the vlk, the same general zabrodskyi, the same general anayev, the hero of ukraine, why do you think the office of the president of ukraine did not even trying to explain, what happened and what happened to these people, actually? yes, because there is nothing to explain, because kuleba declared. oh, how good, uh, what a good, well-considered decision to send zaluzhny, er, as an ambassador to britain, and before that to release zaluzhny - it was the right decision, and for some reason we do not hear comments, not only from the office of the president, in general, from the servants of the people, from no one, their mouths watered, this issue is taboo for them, and they do not want to conduct a dialogue with society, he has even already brushed it off the question on february 25, when...
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a japanese journalist asked him this question, he was like, it 's none of your business, it's our internal affairs, and volodymyr oleksandrovich, millions, millions of people are interested, for what, for what, there are no explanations, no explanations it won't happen, but the question will remain, in general, the information policy of the state, they either keep silent, or deny it, or brag, generally strategically. they speak to society as to small children, as to teenagers, as adults there tell about santa claus, something to children, yes, and they want to prove something so that the children will believe , well, actually, in the office of the president , they think that you and i are children, and they will now tell us about santa claus, but they will tell about santa claus, that is, he is not there , they talk about him, but they don't talk about sex, although we may wonder how mean they are. yes, but they don't tell, because the topic
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is taboo. so, in fact, we also talk about santa claus there, but no one ever tells us about the fact that we are very interested in what is behind the keyhole they have, here is something like this in i am interested in the analogy. so, this is a road to nowhere, because distrust arises from this. yes , let's be honest that you and i know about the elements of political technologies, it doesn't matter if some part that is stubborn, staring at a single marathon, they will believe, but... first of all, the number of those who believe is decreasing, that's why that they see lies left and right when they look, yes, the number of these people is decreasing, as they once decreased, you know, when everyone watches the vremya program, well, but they only believe the weather forecast, and then there, and then it is not exactly, a newspaper it's true, everyone reads, but between the lines , and everyone is waiting for something on television, or obituaries... or something about the ballet,
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yes, they are waiting for tchaikovsky, but it seems that everything is there, but no one believes, but soon there will be a single marathon together with the office of the president and with podalyak , this will be played out, but here are these numbers that were made public on the eve of the announcement that zaluzhny is going to london, sotsis numbers that zaluzhny wins in the second round of zelensky in any. in the case of 67 there against 33%, or could this put the final point in this decision, because it is somehow very strange it seems, because the announcement about the trip to london of the zaluzhno, it appeared between two opinion polls, one opinion poll was about the second round, well, the presidential prospects of the zaluzhno, and on the other hand , information appeared from kmis that, who are
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the leaders of the ukrainian opposition, they didn't name him there, uh, in this survey, there was no surname of the hard worker, but people named 3% called him the leader of the opposition. and it is a good thing, instead, the same survey of kmis gave the first and second place to petro poroshenko and serhiy prytula, and the appearance of serhiy prytula among the oppositionists, this is also a very big mystery, because i don't know the politician of the opposition politician serhiy prytula, well, i want to kill him, that is, i passed on all his statements, everything he said there during the last few years, well, there is no such positioner of serhiy prytula, no. how much are these ratings, how much can these numbers influence and influence the decisions of zelenskyi's office? i am sure that these numbers are decisive for the construction of domestic politics, and the zaluzhny took off precisely because
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volodymyr oleksandrovich, who is a textbook narcissist, has these socialists and these social polls, as he asks, you know how the world is, my little mirror, tell the whole truth yes... they have a behavioral stereotype such that, yes , only someone who can leave the stage and somewhere overshadow the sunny one must go somewhere, and that's why they send him to london so that he will be away with the hope that they will forget about him, i think that podolyak is also telling zelensky that volodymyr... listen , he will soon be forgotten there, who remembers nadya savchenko there now or not or the same razunkova that they have ratings there it fell flat, but they are strategically wrong here, why because if the people have already fallen out of love and disillusionment with zelenskyi, and
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this is the second time, because before the war his rating had fallen, now it is falling again , then for the third time, they will definitely not like him, and therefore they will look for him. anyone, and you see, even this very statement that why do voters give shelter to an oppositionist, because anyone who is not zelenskyi, who is not zelenskyi, is also in opposition to zelenskyi, and shelter, okay, let there be shelter , poroshenko, there will be no shelter, conditionally, if even zaluzhny refuses , says no, i will definitely not go, there will be budanov, there will be anyone but zelenskyi, but even zelenskyi cannot realize that now he would... still win, but for some time will pass and no longer, well, that is, now he will lose only to a hard-working person, but time will pass and he will lose to anyone, and they cannot accept that this is all, this, this is the end already, well, political, but look, despite all these stories, despite
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what is happening in the vlk, the business trip to london, we, we don't really know the position zaluzhnyi himself, because he is not public in any way artic. he does not say anything, that is, he passes the vlk among ordinary servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, the question arises, how could this general be dismissed, and he could be, receive unfitness, and they have been there for the third year, and some are even more in the trenches and cannot get it, well, that is, there are very, very many questions, how much this will all affect it , they will now promote it, it will be used against... the meritorious one , clearly, if you see, you cannot blame the private, but you can, i think that this part of the agreement, you can explain it simply, as the doctors say, there are no healthy people, there are those who are under-examined, yes, of course, there are some, maybe there were, well, i did not
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stand as a candle, maybe there were some agreements for him to go there, well, someone will take a critical view of this, someone with understanding, that's right, but... the very fact that, for me, the general is a hard-working and honest general, why doesn't he tell, while he was a military man, he couldn't talk about his ambitions, even if they were, well, whether they are or not, well, actually, they will be now to push, but if he didn't even have them, then now he was caught on a hook, which, well, he too, if he will be a diplomat now, he won't be a diplomat, the ambassador of a country there disgraces his country by saying that... our political leadership here has played a bit of a game, draws arrows on the globe, tries to fight there somewhere else, to lead the military, and this is stupid, that is , decency will play against him,
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of course, but it will play against all of us , because we are not given an alternative to zelensky, those who has already had enough of zelenskyi , we still need it, but... well, zuluzhnyi is a symbol of victory for ukrainians, and you can't take that away, no matter what podalyak says, they will forget him, but they won't forget him, no more, that is. even his stay in london will not erase from the people's memory general zaluzhnyi and what he did during these two years, of course, of course, and he, well, he will appear as a politician in politics, he will appear as if on a white horse , thank you, thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was political expert viktor boberenko, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now. watch us there live , please like this video so that it is trending on youtube
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and facebook, and vote in our poll, today we ask you about whether the criticism of the pope's words about the negotiations with the russian federation is valid , yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, everything is also very simple on tv, now we will see the interim results of the survey, 52% think so. 48 no well, that is, 52% believe that the criticism of the pope's words about the negotiations with the russian federation is valid and 48 no, then we have bbc news, after bbc news, we will have the second part of the program, we will talk about russian fascism, the vatican, and whether russia god, stay with espresso. tired of heavy
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lactacyt 25% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. see this week in the collaborators program. rashi-kherson regional council. who are they, deputy deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but how do traitors wash the bridges of schoolchildren? only development awaits the kherson region. on tuesday, march 12, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more. even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world,
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the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. greetings, friends, in the second part of our verdict program, we talk about russian fascism, the vatican, two, two criminal cases of shabunin, and whether russia is ruled by god. however,
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before we start our conversation, let's see video. as the command of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine reported on the destruction of the enemy control post, the video shows a hit on a ship near the shore. let's see. friends, we are live on the channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there, please like this video, leave your comments under our stream, and most importantly,
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vote in to our survey, today we ask you about whether it is valid to criticize the words of the pope... negotiations with by the russian federation, yes, no , everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion , please leave a comment under this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the criticism of the pope's words rimsky on negotiations with the russian federation is valid (0800-211-381, no), 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, later we will... let's talk about what the pope said and how these his words were interpreted in ukraine and the world. however let's start our conversation with general zaluzhnyi. we know, friends, that on march 7 , president zelenskyi announced that the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces
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of ukraine, zaluzhny, would be appointed ambassador of ukraine to great britain. exactly one month ago. on february 8, 2024, president zelensky signed a decree on the dismissal of general zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. there was quite a big resonance, quite a big reaction among ukrainians to this dismissal, since general zaluzhnyi is a people's favorite, and about this all the sociological polls of the last two years testify. general zaluzhny. more than 90% of citizens, and this is a fairly high rating of trust, both in the military and as a person on whom the future of the ukrainian state depends, and suddenly, after president zelenskyi announced the appointment of the honorable
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ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to great britain, information appeared that the hard-working vzim... passed the military medical board, where he was declared unfit for service in the army, and at the same time wrote a report on dismissal, this is reported by the mirror of the week with reference to its own sources, i will quote this publication: after being dismissed from his position by the decision of the president, zaluzhny was placed at the disposal of the minister of defense, some significant military post, with an adequate level of training and experience of zaluzhny, the minister of defense umerov did not offer, as not president zelenskyi also proposed it earlier. under these conditions, general zaluzhnyi decided to resign from military service in order to have the opportunity and the right to do something else. did the minister sign the report? of defense after the announcement by the president of his intention to send valery zaluzhny as ambassador to london , the editors are unknown. later, our colleagues from ukrainian pravda wrote about the fact that
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lieutenant general serhiy shaptala, who , by the way, was the commander or chief of the general staff of... the armed forces of ukraine, was also dismissed based on the conclusion of the military medical commission that he was unfit for military service with removal from military accounting. this information about the passing of the military medical commission and the status of people who are unfit to military service, obviously needs additional clarification from the supreme commander-in-chief, from the ministry of defense. of ukraine, because these questions, regarding their suitability or unsuitability, are already articulated by people who are on the russian-ukrainian front, what happened. with these generals, why were they brought to the status of unfit, well, and most importantly, most importantly, what is happening now with these 16
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generals who were dismissed along with the deserving of their positions, remember, general zabrodskyi, general naev, heroes of ukraine, people who went through the russian-ukrainian war, starting in 2014, what positions did they have? and most importantly, what these generals, combat generals, who have combat experience behind their shoulders, who can teach servicemen and students , cadets of military schools and not only military schools, what are they doing now, what are the positions offered to them, what do they do, and don't they all pass the military medical board together? which will determine their status as unusable, we do not know this yet, and we do not know it is certain whether the military medical commission
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still made a decision on the zaluzhny and on the shaptal, because this was information from several sources from our colleagues, well, these are publications that usually use verified sources, the tserkalo of the week, let me remind you, and the ukrainian truth, none yet that there is no confirmation of this information. i hope that with the appointment in accordance with the presidential decree of the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to great britain, in what way this issue will be articulated and explained to the citizens of ukraine, because it looks like the generals were released from military service , they were released from the army for offering them some kind of diplomatic work, well, in this case , a meritorious one and... i don't know what the story is with shaptala, the lack of transparency in this matter arises, as a result of this , different interpretations arise, and people
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ask the question: what exactly is wrong with the hard worker, and why exactly did he agree to this position and is everything so simple in this appointment? unfortunately, we do not know the answers to these questions either, because general zaluzhnyi is absent in information space, he also does not say anything. and that is why these questions, which i am articulating now, can obviously be asked by all our viewers, all ukrainians who are watching general zaluzhny, his future fate, and actually, who are concerned about the future of ukraine. whether valery zaluzhny will return to kyiv after the diplomatic mission in london as a political leader or a leader of a political party is still unknown. now it is clear that... zaluzhny is part of a big team fighting for ukraine's victory over russia. let's see, friends, what it is everything will come to an end, but i hope that this
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week the authorities will put an end to the question of passing the military medical commission by generals, and i hope that the supreme commander-in-chief minister of defense will still tell what happened to those... 16 generals , who were released on february 8-9 , 2024. another story that is unfolding before our eyes, and literally during the last few days, all european leaders have already managed to comment on the words of the pope of rome about the white flag and about the possible peace negotiations that ukraine should go to with kremlin. however, before i told. this whole story, i suggest you listen to what pope francis said in an interview with the italian channel rci, about ukraine and
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how he sees the future peace negotiations between kyiv and moscow. i believe that those who see the situation, those who think about the people, those who have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate, are stronger, and today this... can be negotiated with the help of international forces, the word negotiation is a bold word . the press service of the vatican explained these words of the pope as follows: the pontiff calls for a ceasefire and the resumption of negotiations, not for the surrender of ukraine. however, peace negotiations with russia, in the current situation, are already the capitulation of ukraine. if this is not understood in the vatican. if the holy throne does not understand this, then in such a situation they are playing on the side of the kremlin grandfathers, and first of all vladimir
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putin. we understand. that in this situation the holy see should articulate its position more clearly: russia should leave ukraine, russia should stop the war in ukraine, russia should stop killing ukrainians, because it should be, and so the holy see believes. however, during the last two years, pope francis has not said a single word about putin, about how putin... should behave in this situation, about the fact that russia is an occupier and an aggressor. instead, the pope praised russian culture in an online conference and told young russians who are coming here to kill us, told them what a great culture they have, how he is fascinated by this culture, how this great culture educates russians and, in general, how it affects the whole world. and it can probably be called... a shame
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of the current pope, just as his predecessor was disgraced. in march 39 , a pontiff called pius xii came to power in the vatican. it was eugeniro maria giuseppe giovanni pacelli who was brought to the throne. yes, pius xii. began negotiations with the italian fascists led by benito mussolini, then he did not negotiate with the german fascists. the main task that pius xii saw in front of him was to reconcile the fascists with europe, or rather, to reconcile europe with the fascists.
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behave in europe, and these negotiations lasted a very long time. already after germany captured poland, a delegation led by ribbentrop came to the vatican in the spring of 1940. moreover, they came with their nazi flags. so, ribbentrop greeted pius the 12th. sig, that is, he raised his hand, and this is nazi. the question was addressed to the pope, instead of reacting properly to this insult, the pope also greeted rabintrop with a raised hand, but no reconciliation, of course happened, german, german fascists used the vatican and pius xii could not do anything even with mussolini. nor with hitler
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, and obviously, this is the same, this experience had in some way to learn pope francis and also to understand that you cannot reconcile with aggressors, you cannot throw away white flags, because a white flag is a flag of surrender, and he very correctly said president zelenskyi that we... defend europe under blue and yellow flags, and blue and yellow flags are our flags, and no white flags will be over the ukrainians, because ukrainians protect europe from racists. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, reminded the pope of the conciliatory strategy of the vatican, that is, in the first half of the 20th century, and urged not to repeat
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historical mistakes and... and to consistently support ukraine and its people in the just struggle for their own lives. our flag is blue and yellow, under it we live, die and win, we will not raise other flags. at the same time, the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church, his beatitude sviatoslav, while arriving in new york, emphasized that ukrainians have no intention of giving up. let's listen to the most blessed saint. slava, i want to tell you one thing on behalf of the people of ukraine: ukraine is wounded, but not conquered. we are all wounded in one way or another. we are all wounded in one way or another. ukraine is fine, but in...


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