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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. in russia, an ill-76 military transport plane crashed near the city of ivanovo. the russian public writes about it. after taking off from the severny airfield, his engine caught fire. having made a circle, the crew tried to make an emergency landing, but could not. they also say that he was an educational politician. according to preliminary
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data, il-76 fell in a forest strip near the cemetery. the ministry of defense of the russian federation confirmed the fall the plane eight crew members and seven passengers were on board, none of them survived. the russian authorities also deny the destruction of the su-27 fighter over the belgorod region of russia. the video was published by local media. witnesses wrote about a powerful. an explosion in the city of valuyki, after which a large-scale fire broke out in the forest. the village of tiotkine in the kursk region has completely come under the control of the russian liberation forces, the free russia legion reports. it is reported there that putin's troops are leaving combat zone and throw heavy equipment. let me remind you that a massive attack on the border regions of kursk and voronezh began today.
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and belgorod regions. the russian volunteer corps, the legion of free russia and the siberian battalion operate there. combat actions on the territory of russia are likely a special operation of russian volunteer battalions. these are independent units made up of russians - said andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine. he added that these formations coordinate their actions with the ukrainian military, helping. to fight the occupiers, at home they have the right to do what they think is necessary, in this situation to defend their civil and political rights and free their country from the russian putin dictatorship, this is despite the fact that the enemy is trying , of course, and reports that everything protected and everything under control, they manage to return to their home again and again and realize their tasks. on a man blew himself up with
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russian explosives in the kherson region, it happened in a field near the village of andriivka. a 42-year-old man stepped on an anti-personnel vehicle mine lipistok. as a result of the detonation, he lost part of his leg and also received an explosive injury, the regional military administration reported. the victim is currently in the hospital. two children and an adult were injured by russian. shelling of sumy region. in the morning , the enemy carried out an airstrike on the velikopysarov community. the russians dropped guided aerial bombs on the residential sector from the plane. two arrivals were recorded. a large family was injured, two children aged six and 10, the regional military administration said. five private vehicles were damaged residential buildings and a garage. in the taurian direction in 44 combat clashes, russian.
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the army lost 420 of its soldiers. the situation remains difficult, but under control - said the commander of the tavria troops, oleksandr ternavskyi. according to the general, the enemy lost 38 pieces of equipment, including six armored fighting vehicles, six artillery systems, the buk m2 anti-aircraft missile complex and 24 cars. 328 uavs of various types were destroyed or neutralized. in addition ... defense forces burned down five warehouses ammunition, one warehouse with fuel and two enemy dugouts. the president of ukraine does not believe in the use of nuclear weapons by russia, even despite the failure on the front. this opinion was expressed by volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with the french publications bfm tv and lemont. after all, the use of nuclear weapons by any country will lead to the third world war. on the other hand nato
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can be moldova, i am sure that he will destabilize kazakhstan in order to have a dialogue with china, that is, his plans are clear, there are many destabilizing points in the world, and what more, the greater his negotiating position. he tried to triple the commanders. the security service of ukraine detained a serviceman of the armed forces. of ukraine, who worked for russia. he ruled to add a poisonous substance to the water in the bathhouse complex used by the command staff of the armed forces, in the southern direction. the fsb agent was exposed at the stage of preparation for sabotage. the attacker also transmitted to the enemy
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data on the location and movement of units of ukrainian troops. the traitor was recruited through his parents, who live in the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region. by according to the investigation, the occupiers in... imprisoned the man's relatives and, under cruel torture , forced him to persuade his son to betray ukraine, he faces life imprisonment. amendments to the bill on mobilization. the committee of the council on national security and defense removed the entire section of amendments to the code of administrative procedure from the document. in this way , offers to freeze bank card accounts, restrictions on departure for border and driving a car, people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko said. seven voted for lifting these restrictions deputies of the committee, and six opposed. after that, the chairman of the committee closed the meeting, it will continue tomorrow. the poles completely
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blocked the movement of trucks from ukraine to poland at the checkpoints of shegyny, yagodyn, ughrynyv and stelug. this was reported to ukrinform by a spokesperson. andriy demchenko of the state border service of ukraine. at the yagotyn and sheghina crossings , protesters let 50 and 30 cars pass from poland to ukraine over the past day, respectively. in total, there are 1,500 trucks in queues on the polish side, the largest of which is opposite the checkpoint yagodin pass. according to demchenko, the farmers are not blocking the korchov-krakowec route, but they plan to renew the protest from march 13. it stands close there. rebellion in haiti, prime minister ariel henry announced that he will resign after appointing a transitional council and a temporary replacement. this is reported by the reuters agency. currently, the prime minister of haiti remains in
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puerto rico, a territory under the jurisdiction of the united states. according to the media, during the reign of henry henri, the gang significantly... or its wealth, influence and territory. it prompted the prime minister to travel to kenya in late february to enlist its support for a un-backed security mission to assist the police. the spresso tv channel together with volunteer yevhen rosenblat handed over 50 fpv drones for the soldiers of the 81st separate airmobile brigade, who are holding back the enemy's onslaught near beilohorivka and... the köln luhansk direction. thank you to everyone for donating, we are getting closer to victory together. i want to thank the readers and the team from the press for collecting and producing after those povidrons. we
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perform tasks in the eastern direction and these feeddrones will help us destroy water. thank you all, let's win together. glory to ukraine. and i want to remind you about another collection of ours, we ask you to help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, they need drones, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 100.2000 hryvnias. remember every donation you make matters, so get involved . you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website spresso tv, also follow us on social
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networks and watch on youtube. my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskii, will continue the broadcast. we will see you at 3 p.m. wagons held hostage in august of last year , at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the office of the general prosecutor, the pechersk district court of kyiv seized poltavsky freight wagons mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged material evidence of the illegal sale of production waste. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers. does not agree with her accusations and so many arrested cars. we found out and
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received written answers from ukrazaliznytsia, ukrazaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, with which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in the transportation of products for this specific counterparty. at the same time all those who are owned by pgz have been arrested. we see clear illegality in this. i emphasize on the combine. arrest of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it has become much more difficult to sell products. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes timely delivery. therefore, we now see a decrease in the volume of shipments of akatki, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company's profit will be lower, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced. due to the seizure of its own wagons, the plant had to rent transport.
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sales and significant losses, moreover, due to such actions, the company, which is one of the largest taxpayers and an employer in the region, has already suffered losses of more than uah 150 million, and more than uah 30 million of taxes have not been received by the budgets of all levels. the poltava mining and beneficiation plant hopes to correct this regrettable mistake as soon as possible, which can lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, and others will be punished accordingly for such deliberately illegal actions, the lawyers emphasize.
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information day of the tv channel in rozpal itself in the coming hours. we will talk and analyze with you about all important political and not only political events of the day and not only of the day, in general we will have a lot to talk about, so i welcome everyone who has joined us at this time and i will remind you, our viewers, that we now we are collecting funds for the needs of the 12th separate special forces unit, our defenders need buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as firecrackers. there will be automobile and trench workers, and ours the defenders destroy the enemy
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in the eastern direction every day, they need our help, donate 40,480 thousand hryvnias, this is the amount that needs to be collected now, and we actually hope that you will join our collection and also be useful for our armed forces and defense forces of ukraine. now we are adding oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, to our ether. and we will talk about all the most important things of today. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. so, we would like to immediately start with the il-76 accident on the territory of russia in the ivanovo region. it is known that the cause of the accident was a fire in one of the engines, which occurred during the take-off of the plane, according to the ministry of the russian federation. i mean the ministry of defense of the russian federation. do you think it was some kind of sabotage? what could actually be the versions of why this engine, well, had some kind of
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malfunction that led to such a situation, well, many, i think, had time to watch the video from this about this plane, there was no it was visible that something was burning, but it was visible that something was falling out of it, most likely the engine fell out of it, or was it some kind of air attack, or was it? sabotage or was it just a technical malfunction of the plane, well , there is no official information yet, well, we hope that we did help, we helped this plane in... the past, and not just that it was in a bad technical condition, because it is a military aircraft and before each flight certain routine work is carried out, which is the act that states that the aircraft is ready for departure and is still there in it’s such a flight, but no, you see , even here, well, i saw a little different, there it wasn’t burning, there it was, something fell out of it, but well, in the grand scheme of things, there is no
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difference, it was burning like that, that is, is it eh, is that something else you see there? for oh, now you can see that something is falling out of it, well already, and the pagasa fell out, well, that’s it, there were not many people there, there were eight crew members, if i’m not mistaken, seven people who were, well, or a plus - the minus is not known for sure, but why it happened, well, i want to believe that it is yet our main intelligence agency, or the security service, or just the air defense of the armed forces somehow helped this plane land. in this way, because this plane, a military plane of the russian federation , is our legitimate target, in any case, wherever it flies. mr. oleksiy, i would also like to ask you about the attack of volunteer troops on the belgorod and kursk regions of the russian federation. since this morning, the rdk, the legion of freedom and other russian volunteers who are now fighting for ukraine, yes, they
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decided to conduct another raid on the territory of the russian federation, well, actually. it is noteworthy that all this is happening on the eve of putin's re-election. yes, the information still arrived. marto, look, the village of tyotkino in the kursk region is completely under the control of the russian liberation forces, the legion of freedom russia reports. i don't know what i imagine the village of tiotkino to be, but in any case, the settlement is taken under control, so to speak, from the outside - this is an extremely serious challenge for kremlin propaganda. mr. oleksiu, well there prescribed an urban-type village, that is, what exactly are they there, well, you know, this raid is different from their previous raids, heavy equipment, and the russians were frightened and began to say that they destroyed five or six units of tanks there, 20 bros or how many 10, well, maybe 20 armored cars, it seems to me that they neutralized more than 100 people, that is, the question arises, i
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think that the russians will change their propaganda rhetoric. because they have confirmed with such reports that it is a powerful military group that has a heavy equipment, which has armored vehicles , which must enter their territory with combat and even control some settlements there, so i am sure that they are the ones who inadvertently feed these russian legions, and well, i think that the information will change, because it has already begun information appears on certain... there are channels that it was a small subversive group, that it came in, it was immediately intercepted there and everything is there, everything is fine, everything is fine, but maybe someone heard, maybe someone else will take a look, today was the appeal of this, well , the press, you can't say that, these fighters legions, the rdk or the legion of freedom, they said that they were going to liberate their own land, they would liberate it centimeter by centimeter, and
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that they had thus come to vote, to take part in... the elections, to help all the russians who are there to elect the , which they want, they are not afraid that they will knock on your door at night, well, in general, that freedom reigns there, that there is a democratic country and so on, so this is a very, very serious thing, and this measure, it really has political overtones, the emotional subtext, the political one, is that on the eve of the elections, which will take place on 15-17, well, the so-called elections in russia, this is a serious... a serious challenge, well, for putin and his camarilla, but the emotional subtext is to echo, that it is more that she will go now on the so-called radio, as they say, and many servicemen of the russian armed forces, who are now on the line of confrontation, will hear about it, and there
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is hazing, there is no respect from the leadership, and this is his appeal , respect commanders to his subordinates, there is no love of any kind from subordinates to commanders either, there are very such strained relations, and many may wonder whether he should continue military operations, but in a slightly different way in order to fight with his fellow citizens, but against this putin regime, which turns them into cannon fodder, if that is the information. well, here it is necessary to make this information as wide as possible, in different ways, in the form of leaflets that can be scattered from there in different ways for on the line with... as many russians as possible military personnel, especially private and non-commissioned officers, so that they read it and , well, maybe some of them will think, and if it happens that one unit at
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the level of a battalion, at least a battalion , of the russian army will go over to the side of these russian legionnaires, let's say, then it could be a chain reaction throughout the russian army, well, we would very much like it, we would very much hope for it, well, in any case , the story with the beautiful one suggests, so to speak... that a certain inertia is also quite powerful in them, mr. oleksiy , well speaking of unloading is possible for the front line, yes, if the russians are forced to transfer or withdraw part of their combat-ready groups, for example, from the donetsk direction, i would like to ask you to comment on a fragment of the interview of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi with the french news media, so i am quoting the president of ukraine now, yes ee s... the words he said on february 19, that the ukrainian army is in an extremely difficult situation on several parts of the front, but now he assessed the state of affairs more
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positively and noted that the situation is better than has been for the last three months, we have had difficulties direct speech of the president due to lack of ammunition maps, air blockade, russian long-range weapons, high density of russian drones, so a situation that looks better than it was before. the last three months, what does it mean when we talk about the front line, well, the battles are tough, well , only, well, there are two main components, there can be many components, you can't simplify it like that, but the two main components, the first is what is exhaled the russian army, because any army cannot lead all the time offensive actions, losing resources, losing people, losing equipment, well, it, well, we would predict at the level of the main intelligence department that at most such ... in march, they will have enough of some active combat operations, then they will be forced to stop and these battles will become positional , this is the first reason why it got better, and the second reason is that
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we finally either have or will soon have artillery shells, so we began to use artillery more actively, we saved them without realizing it, will or will not be, but now they are either already there, or we know for sure that they are already on the way and they will arrive, so it was possible to take more shells for artillery systems from the warehouses and start giving counter-battery combat on a more similar basis on a more serious level, it seems to me that these two components have influenced the fact, that is , the artillery and the russian army, that the activity of hostilities has dropped a little, although there may be many other reasons, i am not saying that it is possible, that only two there you can have them, well, if there is a desire, then you can have a dozen to find another 20-30 reasons, but here... these are the two main reasons why it became a little easier there. look, we would also like you to comment on zelenskyi's words,
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which ones relate to emmanuel macron's statement. so, in the same interview, zelenskyi said that the proposal to send nato troops was related to the training missions of instructors, not the army, and actually, i would say that such, such a statement of zelenskyi, it is something... that illuminates the whole this story, because different versions have already begun to be put forward what foreign troops can do on the territory of ukraine, namely the training missions of instructors, do you think that russia will not consider such a step as the involvement of nato troops in the war, or is this a completely acceptable alternative option for the enemy? well, you know, acceptable or unacceptable, well , you can refer to mr. sikorski, the minister of defense of poland, who says that there are already certain units, certain foreign units that are fighting on our side, so, you know, uh, well, first of all, attract in the form of instructors, well
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only possible as instructors, specialists in the technology that we don’t have yet and that should be handed over to us, then they can teach us whether it’s a leopard or something else, maybe the instructors are training our pilots there, we understand that if everyone . other instructors , i do not understand, but what are they, why are they, what kind of instructors, what do they want to teach our people, who have been in a full-scale war for 2 years, 10 years of war with the russian federation, people who have 5-10 years of combat experience experience, and who showed their skill such that all people, generals from the same of nato countries, they say that what the ukrainian army is doing on the battlefield can be called a miracle in one word, that is, we are doing a miracle on the battlefield, and then when... some instructor will tell us how to fight, well, listen, there is no need to insult us , you know, we have dignity and we must respect our armed forces, many countries, not least the baltic countries, recently she
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came there, let's say... such a business trip, they believe, they ask us to become guarantors their safety, firstly, and secondly, they are all in one voice, well there are 90, since 1999, i believe that the ukrainian army is the most powerful army in europe, that it is much more powerful than the polish army or the german army there, so i wonder what kind of instructors they will listen to a powerful, very saturated with manpower, equipment not so not so... so operational situation in the marin direction, well, we would also like to ask you about the fact that we understand that the enemy is quite active, trying to advance towards georgiivka in the direction of the so-called victory, marinka, well this and that this is this direction, well, they are trying
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in a big way... you can understand their tactical plan, there is nothing unexpected here, they want to go around ugledar from the north and thus try to somehow surround it or capture it, because they stormed from the east , they put a bunch of technical people there, they couldn't achieve anything, because volidar is also a commanding height and it's easier to defend from above than somewhere below, so it's one of the directions, well, the mariana direction, the bahamud direction. ddiivsky direction, kupinsky direction, robotynskyi direction, well, all directions, they, they in all directions somewhere more, more, somewhere less, continue offensive actions, which they will still be able to do, well, we predict a maximum until the end of march, then the fighting will not stop, but they will not as it is now, he is already talking about it, everyone is talking about it, a serious conversation, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-
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ukrainian war, was with us on the air now. that we are going for a short break and after it we will talk about the mariinsky direction and not only about him. wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong will unpack the tv just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499 , and a reliable battery is included in the kit, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just take a look, how fast it copes, even with thick branches , once it's done, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, it comes with a powerful battery, a wrench and a screwdriver, as well as
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