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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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i think this is exactly what was meant when the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlajen, said that the negotiating framework would most likely be approved after the elections to the european parliament, although it is not in the interests of ukraine, in my opinion, the longer this process of adopting the negotiating framework with ukraine will be delayed, which, unfortunately, is increasing. chances are that it can be postponed not until the month of june, but until the next year 2025. i am talking about this because, unfortunately, the next presiding country in the european union will be hungary from july 1 to december 31, 2024, and it will definitely not be a priority for her during her presidency. in the european union to achieve
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an agreement of positions between all countries, members of the european union regarding the agreement of the negotiation framework with ukraine and with moldova. thank you, mrs. ivano , mr. andrii, how can we negotiate with our neighbors, and first of all with hungary, so that they do not put sticks in our wheels and understand that ukraine is currently at war, and it is very important for us to be a member of the european union. it was necessary to do 5-10 years ago to start doing, such things do not happen in a day or two months, it is a long painstaking work, and now we just have to be as realistic as possible, i will just continue a little what ivanna told me, i do not completely agree, because i i think that approving the framework before the elections to the european parliament, before the beginning of june, is probably bad. because it will definitely be used in
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the political interests of competing parties in europe. we already see that the ukrainian theme is perfectly used in political battles, and of course, this does not go to our use of the word in general. therefore , precisely from this point of view, it might be better if they agree on it after the elections, but on the other hand, yes, after the elections , hungary will take charge and... until december , and i have no doubts, that during this period we are also unlikely to succeed in achieving anything there, because hungary, you see, is very clearly playing its part, orbán recently went to trump, said a lot of things, and based on all this, i think that the realities are such that if by the end of the year we will receive these frameworks are approved, it will probably be quite good, but at the same time... it should not
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be taken as something unexpected, even when the decision to start negotiations was made in december last year, it was absolutely clear that a very, very difficult process awaits us, and the further, well the further it has passed , only three incomplete months have passed there, and we see what difficulties are ahead of us, both from the point of view of relations with hungary, and these absolutely insane strikes in poland, which are absolutely manipulative... is used rather than all through russian agents by pro-russians parties, and the same situation with slovakia, to put it mildly, is not very in our favor, that is , it is called welcome to reality, the reality of the european union is complex, cruel, and actually, just like the situation with the pope, which we discussed literally a few minutes ago, as well as in all matters of relations, as with our closest ones. we are neighbors, as well as with
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all members of the european union, there is no other recipe than permanent dialogue, and permanent means permanent, on any platforms, anywhere where they gather politicians, public activists, activists, we should be like a country with our own agenda, we should be our arguments, we should be our proposals, because not only we should ask for help and cry, how unhappy we are, that we are here in... we we have to constantly offer something and in this way build our ukrainian interest in europe, otherwise nothing will happen, thank you, mr. andriy, mr. oleksandr, how do you see the passage of this great change procedure, it is clear that first there will be a framework, then there will be these negotiations, or we have enough strength and opportunity now to convince our european friends that we must... necessarily be a member
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of the european union, and this is our choice, it is the choice of the ukrainian people, not just the choice of some officials or politicians there, but for some reason i remembered the known. slogan of the 60s: be realistic, demand the impossible. i believe that we need to take a rather radical position here, because for us the question of ukraine's membership in the eu is not just a question of membership in an international organization, it is a question of our life, our survival. i am sure that the accession, as soon as possible, the accession, the accession of ukraine to the eu, will contribute. our victory, why, because putin, he is afraid of one thing, he is afraid of solidarity, european solidarity, which is behind every member of this organization, the european union, in addition, there is a common defense policy, a common foreign policy,
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which is also important for ensuring the security of ukraine , therefore, for me, the issue of our accession is, firstly, an issue of our security, and secondly, it is a political issue, political will, for some reason i think that if leaders of such a caliber as cherchel were in power in european countries now, they would understand this very well, and the issue of ukraine's accession would be resolved in the shortest possible time. i think that it is necessary to take such a decisive, radical step that will save ukraine, that will help us protect ourselves. and in the end to win, therefore there is one argument, a strong argument that outweighs all other arguments, it is that now ukraine is saving the european union at the cost of the lives of its citizens
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and all of europe, so this strong argument deserves ukraine to become a member of the european union as soon as possible. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr mereshko, andriy osachuk ivan. were guests of our program today, thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in this program, i would like to remind our viewers that during our program we conducted polls and are conducting polls, we ask you this, are the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation bringing our victory closer? these are the results of our television survey of 81% of those who watching us now on the tv channel thinks that... that these raids bring us closer to our victory, 19% say no, on youtube we have the results yes, 79%, 21% - no, these are the results of our poll today, i remind you, friends, can you join our
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stronger together. big comeback. great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we are this eyelash. well, we haven't started, but we have to finish it and we have to win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political. analytics objectively and meaningfully, no no political season, exclusive
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interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and without bias, you draw your own conclusions. les foyes!
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good evening, we are from ukraine! the russians are fighting the russians on the territory of the russian federation, what is happening in tytkino and its surroundings and did the formations enter other regions of the russian federation, it did not arrive, what happened to the russian il-76 plane in the ivanovo region, were there really too important for the russian aviation officers, and help from the united states of america, what will we get in the near future, we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes, my name is vasyl zaman, this is the program... the great ether, and i and my constant and wonderful colleagues, have prepared for you a lot of important
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information that we will voice, well and of course to respond to all the actual events that are just now developing, but in particular in the border areas of ukraine, on the territory of the russian federation, we will monitor and inform. we begin with the announcement of the collection, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection in bagi for the evacuation of the wounded and transportation of combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench rebs for... the 12th separate special forces unit. our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which our army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which our army mercilessly cuts down this aggressor. our goal is uah 480,000. i will see how much we have already collected, we are doing well. join us, let's support and make it a success. rather, we will start with the situation on sumy region, where the enemy dropped aerial
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bombs today, and let's also talk about the situation on the border with sumy region in the kursk region of the russian federation, where hostilities continue, and the russian army is fleeing for some reason. viktor babarenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health to you, it's still interesting there, they haven't renamed it to tytchene yet, the ukrainian word for such a wonderful thing is titchene from the word aunt. yes, but we are starting, we will now move on to this topic, but let's now from the news like this, unpleasant, unfortunately, the enemy carried out an airstrike in the sumy oblast, well, the information was that a large family suffered, two children and one adult were injured, maybe something changed in the evening, well, i hope that luckily there were no victims, but please , yes, we have to fly to the velikopysariv community, so what do we have with what we have , so far i have... also, like you, i have no other information, i am not there now, although i
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was not so long ago in that community, well, they fly in from time to time, people got used to it, not only that, it really bothers me sometimes, well, it shakes me that children were almost hanged from the five-kilometer zone, although again not all of them, there are many parents who don't want to have fun in the protest, but they try to from the five-kilometer zone to evict... we still have a 20-kilometer zone, this is a zone, well, if the five-kilometer zone is a zone of impression by mortar systems, which the detachment came there, unloaded, fired a few shots... moved tomorrow in a different way the settlement is being shot at, in fact for them it is an opportunity for this kind of training, then can you imagine the cynicism, yes, that is, they learn by shooting, well, before , that is, how it happens, they have, for example, some injured part of the brigade, which was torn somewhere under the bugledar, there near kupyansk
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avdiivka, conditionally, yes, its they are brought out here, redeployment, it is replenished here. and they are being adjusted here, yes, that is , there are some new fighters, well, there are conditionally there, 150 have been withdrawn, 50 are left, they are being replenished again by 100 new fighters, the veterans are training the young, and they are also training there, for example, how to use mines, mortars calculations, they are just training, if there were 18 of the 51st residents of neighboring communities in sumy oblast. arta also shoots , they try to shoot back arta is up to 20 km there, and new cab pilots, yes, they also train not on the front line, but how to teach a young pilot, well , for now, train in sumy oblast, shoot where you can, yes be able to enter there,
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drop off 40 km from the front line and withdraw to the airfield there, everything is so that there is no take-off and landing, several times... nat was trained and then he already flies to perform tasks in a more place, that is, it is some kind of front, it is clear that the front is not the one we imagined there, as in the ato zone, there it was conditionally in some, well, after the debate, and there in the 16th, 17th, 18th year , it's hotter here, it's definitely hotter here, people suffer more here, but people are used to it, i say that, despite all this, well in... 70% of the pre-war children remain there, whoever wanted to, went there , there are students, of course already of student age, they all left, but many who returned, or did not run away, they are there with their children sit and not evicted, well, i don't know, it's people's choice, sometimes it's very strange to me, but as for the aunt, so that we know that this is
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the entire glushkov district of the russian federation, suja, glushkovo, tetkino, that's all. these are ukrainian villages that once belonged to the sumy slobitsky regiment, there was such a suzha hundred, and aunty, it is also suja , and glushkova - these hundred cities, well aunty no, suja, the hundredth town of the sumy slobitsky regiment, you can see him there, suja from tyotkino a little to the east, to the south a little east, here is a rezhilka near tyotkino, i i was there, well, i’ve been there several times in my life for sure , it was a paradise for... robbers, why, because it was until the 14th year, and from the rezhevka to the aunt’s house, in fact, the rezhevka ends and the aunts begin, even the last houses of the rezhevka, they are in the russian federation, so you can pass and he won’t see how you crossed over from ukraine to russia, well, that’s how it was, well, conditionally there in zero, yes, when i was there several times, we took ethnographic
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expeditions there, that our philologists study so... ukrainian philology, yes, what are you looking at ukrainians also live in the territory of the russian federation, they sing the same songs , cook the same borscht, drink the same moonshine, and he does not marry russians, so what does his mother go to the diet, and through the diet there are already russian villages and russians, russian ethnic russians live and they did not interbreed with each other, well, maybe in the last generation, but until... let's say until the middle of the 20th century, they definitely did not marry each other, well, how different were they, by the way, right there understand that ukrainians and russians are very different they are different and now, well, i don’t know how the russian volunteer corps got there, but they report that they took the mother, but i’m still
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joking that now a referendum should be held there and they took melitopol from... they took melitopol and said there on behalf of melitopol the whole zaporizhia region is a holy russian land, so we could hold a referendum at 3:00 p.m. on the 16th region. as a part of ukraine, we could make it so that we were like the russians, but fortunately, or perhaps, in this case, unfortunately, we are not russians, we must all... civilize ourselves and respect international law and internationally recognized borders, therefore it is the business of the russian volunteer corps, to liberate the russian
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federation, russians, russian rubyat russians, as the oven was saying, one literally one second, so you know what, the russians from the russian volunteer corps, here they are, like the russians take cities, first they... are leveled with the ground, and then they say, oh, this is the russian city of mariupol or severodonetsk, or bahmud chievka, well, that is, the ruins are declared a russian city, then the russian volunteer corps takes teotkino and there is no destruction, no murders, no buche, that is, everything is as it should be, that is, the russians who are fighting for ukraine have gained civilization from us and are fighting as a civilized army , that is, without killing civilians and without ... without total devastation, i'm only here, well , we still have three minutes, i'm important, we need to explain to our citizens, listeners or
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viewers, and the logic, you know, people say, and why are there such people, well, i just always read there are all social networks, posts, and everything must be discussed in order to explain to people, because it is also wrong to remain silent, why this circus, we went in, then we will leave, it would be better there something or... it would be better there, but there, and why you you are doing this, well, first of all, the russians are doing it, i say so right away, there and then, but what is the importance here, especially before putin's elections, which he wanted to hold under, so to speak, the sound of a fanfare from captured by the russians, captured by the russians avdiyivka, relatively speaking, they may have wanted more work there, but they wanted to capture both berdichi and the whole of karlivka, i didn’t i know, but well, here it turns out that it is not the sound of phonographs, but from... shame will be heard from the cloth, please, why it is important or not important, i do not know, well, no, it is extremely important, because again
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elections will not be held in the same tetkino, no one will vote for putin there, well, i think that they will now find all the strength to fight back, push us away, well, let's say, our allies, our allies from the russian volunteer corps, but this extremely important, important, this is the answer, well actually. it's like the leader of the rdk, he's the same today, when they came in, they distributed a video that they are participating in the russian elections in this way, and that their choice is not putin's russia, that there is another russia, and it's good that they showed it, it's good in itself, well if any move in russia, and not on the territory of ukraine, is already good, and it is also indicative. that is, now the whole of russia is boiling , and this too, well, this is good in any way, that is , there is nothing bad for us here, although some say, well,
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now they can suji push the stock of sums there, well, theoretically they can expand thus the front, but theoretically i want to assure, well, first of all, my compatriots and everyone, that there is in order for them to strengthen there and... a storm fist conditionally there are thousands in 15-20 yes, imagine how much it takes somewhere take these echelons somewhere and transfer them, and we live in the 21st century, the war of the 21st century is a war without military secrets, that is, to sink a battalion or a battalion of 21 tanks , and they need a russian one there. well, 20 tanks, yes, this is already an echelon, and you also need to pick up cars there, they must be a plus to bring the people themselves, plus to bring
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at least a few rounds of ammunition, that is , to transport one battalion, that’s already several echelons, and you can imagine how much it would take to move several brigades, how can it not be, our satellite will even notice it and i am sheltered, plus the allies will tell us that as soon as this group will... accumulate, the first thing that the cia, mishest, masad and so on, and so on, will tell us about it is sigurantsa, even the romanian will tell, well, budanov well , there are ears and eyes, that is, plus some moscow shtirlyts, who works there for pinyons for for for for for bucks to the washington abcom, he will also surrender in such a simple way, we will know from 10 sources that here from the court they are preparing to go there for sums, for example, yes? "okay, okay, we will know and meet them, that is, suddenly they can't, suddenly only we can, they don't have such satellite, well, satellite
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capabilities, so we could ..." aunty, so that we have no illusions, it is clear that they will not reach glushkovo, let alone reach kursk, they will no longer repeat the feat of prigozhin, they will be ousted in a day or two, but still they can say that we disrupted the elections, well, at least in some part of the territory of the russian federation, and everything will be fine, fine, thank you very much, mr. viktor , for emotions, for profession. story and according to the objective information of viktor boberenko from sumy oblast , an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, about the shelling of sumy oblast, two children and an adult were wounded, but according to this last information, fortunately, there were no casualties, fortunately, but the enemy struck these taverns in the community of sumy oblast. now we will leave sumy oblast, move, as they say , to europe and talk with tatiana vysotska, who is our
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correspondent today. who observed the work of the european parliament today and will tell us live from strasbourg. tatyana, i congratulate you. greetings to vasyl, greetings from strasbourg from the boulevards of the european parliament, i will briefly stand up, i know that you will say everything yourself, but still , an important decision was made today, if i understood everything correctly and there is nothing there canceled that the european parliament voted to criminalize the circumvention of european union sanctions to work with russia, what is it? means how difficult this decision was, was there any opposition and from whom, well, except for some parliamentarians of some countries, i won’t even have them, i’m guessing for some reason, please, it’s actually very good that there was practically no opposition, and the vote was very successful, more than 500 deputies voted in favor, and this directive is a law of the european union, it is not just a resolution of the european parliament, which declares something and has no real
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consequences, this is the approval of... the european union, the european law, which will be uniform for all european states, regarding the fact that from now on, the violation of the sanctions established by the european union, and primarily it concerns the sanctions against the russian federation, will be considered criminal a crime, and therefore it is very important that at the moment, every state of the european union has its own legislation on this matter, certain types of circumvention of the sanction are considered. for example, certain types of circumvention are criminal sanctions, this is an administrative offense, some other types of violation of sanctions are not considered a violation at all, and in this way the russians find loopholes in order to purchase goods on the territory of the european union, which they then use in the war against ukraine. and there is even such a thing, as the deputies said during the debate here, there is a rule of finding
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a convenient court when... for example, some company that wants to trade with russia, it looks in which state of the european union this type of activity is not a crime, but and may not have any sanctions at all punishment, and works through that state, and thus bypasses sanctions worth billions of euros, and from now on, it means that any fact of circumventing sanctions will be considered a criminal offense, and the heads of the relevant companies will receive criminal liability and imprisonment. for a period of up to 5 years in all states of the european union, and similarly, for example, in relation to companies, large fines will be unified, which will be received by all relevant companies, that is, a very interesting , cool directive, and what is important, to the type of these same sanctions include dual- purpose goods, which are goods that can be used both in normal civilian production and in the defense industry.
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and for the european union, these are, for example, the same chips, microcircuits that can be used for the production of missiles, for the production of high-precision weapons, or, for example , some machines that can be used at russian defense enterprises, or the same, for example, spare parts for civil aviation, but these same spare parts can be used for military as well aviation, that is, there are a lot of such goods that can be used in the defense industry, and from now on their trade with russia will be considered... a criminal offense, and moreover, the directive clearly states that even if the absence of criminal intent is proven, that is, some the company supplied some microchips, some russian companies, and then they hop and appeared somewhere, have already appeared somewhere at a defense enterprise, then the managers of this company will still be subject to criminal liability, so if a very important initiative was voted today, it is important here, who?


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