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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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in the meantime, 9:00 a.m. is approaching, the time when we commemorate every day all those who died due to russian aggression, all the military and civilians who died because of russia. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you, and we are talking about such topics on this broadcast. the rescue was completed in kryvyi rih. operation dozens injured, among them 12 children, four the dead zelenskyi said that losses will be inflicted on russia in response. let's talk about the consequences of the russian missile attack on the city. we spend the night in our native lands. members of the russian battalions fighting for ukraine said that they are still on the territory of russia. where exactly are the russian freedom legion, rdk and the siberian battalion, and what is the purpose of their campaign. the parliament plans to register a draft law on savings. not
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reservation from mobilization, what plans do mps have, how much could it cost, does that mean you can buy off from mobilization? join our episode in the comments below this video, ask your questions, discuss the topics, and we go to the main topics of this morning. the army of the russian federation attacked the city of sumy with strike drones of the shachet type around two o'clock in the morning, a multi-apartment residential building was hit, it was reported in sumysk. ova. 10 people were rescued from the rubble, eight of whom received injuries of varying degrees of severity. information about the dead is being clarified. rescue operations are ongoing. the day before, russian troops also shelled the city of myrnograd in donetsk region. and as of this morning, it is known that two people died, five more were injured. this was reported by vadym filashkin, the head of the donetsk regional military administration. rescuers pulled a 13-year-old girl from under the rubble. search and rescue operation. completed in kryvyi rih, which
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the russian army attacked the day before, the rescue operation was also completed. according to the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, the number of dead has increased to four. another 43 people were injured, including 12 children. according to preliminary information, a crooked corner russian forces attacked with kh-59 air missiles, the air force of ukraine reported. the head of the city defense council, oleksandr vilkul, wrote, in general. about the three hits, radio liberty's correspondent in kryvyi rih, oleg enderkson, oleg enderkson , congratulates oleg, tell us what are the updates after yesterday's rocket attack, what is the condition of the victims, who were hospitalized yesterday? colleagues, congratulations, good morning, although it can hardly be called good for kryvyi rih, we are in a location that has suffered mostly as a result of yesterday's strike, yesterday at 10 p.m. a rescue operation was completed here.
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work was known at that time about three injured and as you announced that this number increased to four this morning, in total about 40 injured, currently it is known that 20 people are in hospitals and 10 of them almost almost half are children , rescuers are currently working on clearing rubble, and the location is nearby. people can receive material assistance in the form of osb, films, and there are also locations where it was possible to receive psychological help. currently, it is known that 300 apartments, several dozen high-rise buildings, schools, kindergartens, and shops were affected. colleagues thanks oleg for the information. radio svoboda correspondent from kryvyi rih, oleg anderson was a guest of our broadcast. thank you
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for updates in the russian city of ryazan , drones attacked the local oil refinery ryazan-neftoprodukt tonight. and then a fire broke out on the territory. with an area of ​​100 km, the russian telegram channel baza writes about it. so we got to ryazan, and now we got to the ryazan plant, just as everything caught fire in front of us, in front of the machines, here we all stand, everyone and the ryazan plant. the head of the region, pavlo malkov, confirmed the attack on the oil plant and said that there were casualties, but without details. in the meantime, the base publishes a video of eyewitnesses and... writes that according to residents , three drones attacked the plant, at least one of them was tried to shoot down with a small weapon, but it did not work, the base writes. in general, the ministry of defense of the russian federation reported the alleged destruction or interception of 58 drones in six regions of the country. we spend the night in our native lands, so do
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the members of the legion of freedom of russia the day before, together with the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion, broke into the territory of russia from the territory of ukraine. reported that they are still on the territory of russia. earlier in the day, they announced the fighting for the village of tyotkina in the kush region and published a video of the alleged damage to the company's stronghold and the escape of russian soldiers. meanwhile , the russian ministry of defense declares that the breakthrough attempts were foiled on all four fronts and is publishing footage of the supposedly peaceful life in tiotkin. the man in the uniform shown in the video as the commander of the paratrooper company, says that in exactly. no one entered, and the fight started on the border with ukraine. but the russian service of rfe/rl managed to geolocate a video of the fire after the attack on the russian armored personnel carrier in tetkin, which was published by the rdk. here are these two locations on the map: one of the fires in the village itself. i will note that the ministry of defense of the russian federation
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calls the participants of the border breach nothing but ukrainian terrorist organizations, this is a quote. despite the fact that all members of the russian freedom legion, the russian volunteer corps and... the siberian battalion, as they themselves declare, are citizens of russia. the military-political leadership of ukraine does not officially speak of any involvement in the actions of russian volunteers on the territory of the russian federation, although it confirms that while performing tasks on the territory of ukraine, they are part of the armed forces of ukraine. but russian president putin, who nevertheless reacted to the events in the belgorod and kursk regions, says that foreign mercenaries also took part in the border breach operation. he said this in an interview with to dmytro kysilov, the host in ukraine and the eu. according to putin, ukraine resorts to such actions because of alleged failures on the front, and the goal is, if not to disrupt, then at least to damage the elections in russia. meanwhile, in the schools of russian belgorod and
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the border regions of the region , self-training days have been announced until the end of the working week. it's probably about homeschooling. this format is also recommended for higher education institutions. about such security measures. the governor of the region, vyacheslav gladkov, said. he assures, and i quote: the enemy on the territory there is no belgorod region, but there is a statement about the death of a member of the territorial defense, and , however, he did not specify the circumstances under which it happened. i would like to note that the day before in the belgorod region, there were reports of drone attacks in the region, in particular, it is known about the damage to the belgorod administration building. about the results of the first day of the campaign of the russian military volunteer battalions in belgorodsk and'. region, my colleague oleg galev asked the representative of the legion of free russia, oleksiy baranovsky, and as of yesterday evening, combat clashes have calmed down a bit, says baronovsky, but at the same time he announces, quote: a hot night on the ukrainian-russian border and calls the volunteer battalions armed russian
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opposition. let's listen. combat clashes took place throughout the day with that chi. with different intensity, they flared up , then faded a little, both in the kursk region and in the belgorod region, so we are now in the semi-final point of the first day, but this whole adventure, a special liberation operation, is only in full swing, we only watched the first action. from those statements that could be heard earlier, they talked about the fact that the legion of freedom of russia, other voluntary formations, they are going to the elections, that in this sense the words are going to the elections, you mean. what is the main goal of this, as you say, liberation operation? well, they invited citizens to participate in the early voting, but the citizens of russia decided to take part in the early voting and make a corresponding declaration of will. our expression of will is that
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we believe that putin's regime should be dismantled, and putin should be in the international tribunals this is our political will , and today we are demonstrating that there are such people, there are russian volunteers, there are three russian daughter units, the legion of freedom of russia, the rdk and the siberian battalion, who are ready to fight with weapons in their hands for the overthrow of putin. this is our main political statement that we wanted to make at this election. please tell me, do you understand that any use of weapons, including those, can pose a danger to civilians living in russian near the border, to what extent these moments are somehow taken into account, do peaceful people suffer during these events on the territory of russia itself, but in this context, tell me also, well unfortunately they suffer, of course. unfortunately, they are suffering, of course, putin started this war and the residents of peaceful cities in
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ukraine and now russia are suffering. moreover, putin's army of russia, it showed itself again in all its glory today, now already in the kursk region. if earlier they did not take into account the damage they caused to civilian buildings, they are doing theirs to peaceful quarters attacks, then in russia, in the kursk region, they do the same. roughly speaking, they think that our assault troops are on some street, they start pouring weapons there. and small arms are used, and mortars, artillery, everything is thrown there, we have not been there for a long time, but they continue to shoot there, and the fact that civilian houses and buildings of peaceful people suffer there, this does not concern putin's army at all, they conduct business in ukraine and conduct business in russia in exactly the same way. you coordinate and adjust with whom exactly, because the russian side traditionally blames ukraine for everything, or coordinates? your actions, at least some institution that has a center there in kyiv? we
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coordinate our actions between three russian volunteer units, this is the legion of freedom of russia, it has its own military leadership, the rdc has its own military leadership, and the siberian battalion has its own military leadership, but we coordinate our actions among ourselves, we act with a single fist. by the way, we show an example for russian politicians, often like this the question of whether the russian opposition can we, the armed opposition, are showing that we can unite, we can also act together, and as for ukraine, today gur made a statement, and everyone made a statement that this is our internal russian matter, it is so, it is ours an internal russian affair, how we liberate our homeland from putin, and how we participate in electoral events, this is absolutely our russian history. as for the weapon, actually, which one do you use? where do you get it from? so, watch when the legion
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freedom of russia, other volunteer units are located on the territory of ukraine. we are part of the international legion of the armed forces of ukraine. we are ukrainian servicemen, we are embedded in the vertical of the ukrainian defense forces and we carry out the orders of ukrainian commanders. and when we go to our homes in russia, these are russian citizens on their own initiative, with their own trophy weapons. something. a trophy, something bought from a military dealer, we are leaving with all this economy, this, i repeat, is our domestic-russian business. to our broadcast serhiy kuzan, head of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, joins. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. in your opinion, what is the greatest effect, the greatest achievement of such actions of the leon svoboda rdk of russia and the siberian battalion? your expectations? they have already come true, well, first of all, we are talking about the political plane, we have a reaction at
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the highest level, that is , there was already a statement from putin this morning, he actually takes this situation seriously, he directly called things, voiced his fears when he said that there will be some parts of the territories that ukraine is going to exchange in future peace talks, he talks about disrupting the elections, and neither of those statements. it is of course false, because the russian volunteers do not need parts of the territories, they need the actual overthrow of the terrorist putin regime. so if we say that putin is a terrorist, then, strictly speaking, the russian opposition has finally appeared , which is conducting, is capable of conducting an anti-terrorist campaign, albeit limited for now, but these anti-terrorists are a full-fledged anti-terrorist operation. well, as for the disruption of the elections, there are definitely several, let's say, forces that will not vote, will not take part in the elections, it will not affect the kremlin itself, which will draw the results in ballots
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, which are arbitrary, that is, in no way it does not affect, strictly speaking, the results that will be shown, but he, this raid shows everyone, certainly the opposition, how it is necessary today, how it is possible to fight against the putin regime, and strictly speaking, this is the only such marker, who supports weapons the struggle, that can actually be called the russian opposition, everything else is just playing along, playing along with the kremlin, that is , even the death of navalny, his torture in prison, and those... the subsequent trials and protests of the russians, they showed that all this inactive and is completely under the control of the fsb, but it is still military, well, the result is also military, because the russians have been bragging for a long time about how well they built with what billions of dollars they just spent on the defense line along our border, we remember
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one year ago, when the kadyrovites were praising that belgorod was now in the castle and that... they would crack down on any uprisings there, and here is the question: where are these kadyrivites now, where are all these fsbeshniks that the russian federation was so proud of, i.e. all of them were brought into the mode of enhanced combat readiness of combat duty. let me remind you that border guards formally belong to the fsb structures in russia. so, even under such a regime, even under the conditions of the fact that their russian guard was a national one. transferred wagner's property and machinery after their failure uprising, and even under all these conditions, with the full support of the kremlin vertical, they did not manage to do anything with the breakthrough of the state border in three places by three volunteer groups. well, actually speaking , this shows that please give ukraine weapons, and we will overcome them here on our land,
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give russian volunteers weapons, equipment, ammunition, and they will... calmly, that is, exactly the same as wagner in last year, russian volunteers will also be able to reach moscow and finally overthrow this terrorist the putin regime. mr. serhiy, why do the russian forces allow such measures on their territory, can they not control everything, or will they simply aggravate the situation? well, they would escalate the situation if they could, but i repeat that the professionalism and most importantly the motivation of ... russian volunteers today is much higher than that of russian special forces, such as the russian guard, as well as fsb structures, border structures, as well as in the kadyrivs, but all of them do not have such motivation, such a desire to fight, which russian volunteers have, and well we will see, it is precisely in these areas
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that repeated provocations by russia took place, that is , they came out with mortars, fired at our border troops, and in fact russian volunteers are performing the task of creating, these are the first steps and the task of creating a 40-kilometer demilitarized strip, because from in those territories, the russians have always terrorized our border villages with long-range weapons, so this suggests that the supposedly hottest areas are supposedly where russian special forces should be stationed, but they just entered real fighters, and those special forces... ran away together with other security forces, but do you understand what is happening now on the territory of russia, that the battles have been going on for a day, or that russian volunteers are simply not particularly touched, what is there, well how are they not particularly affected, there are lioblavy eyes arranged there , reserves are drawn up there, heavy weapons are used against
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places where the russians think our volunteers are located, because, well, ours, of course i... name all the fighters, because formally these fighters are part of the international team legion, and today there are successful raids in the border territories of the russian federation. the russians are trying to surround these areas, they are shelling these areas with long-range heavy weapons, there are both mortars and large-caliber mortars, and russian volunteers are successfully carrying out their raids, attacking other russian objects, by the way, captured russian servicemen, destroyed military high-ranking security forces with the rank of major, attacked administrative buildings of the russian administration, well, that is, i believe that already this the raid did not just fulfill its tasks, but over fulfilled them. thank you, mr. serhiy, for your
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assessment of the situation and the fact that serhii kuzan, the head of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, joined us, and we talked about... the progress of russian volunteer battalions fighting on the side of ukraine in the territory of the russian federation. next, we will talk about whether the verkhovna rada will allow buying off the army, what deputies and economists say, pay into the budget or serve, whether this is a forced measure for ukraine today, and where is social justice here. wait for this one topic, it will be interesting. qi. funds are not enough, this is how american president joe biden spoke about the first package of us aid to ukraine this year for 300 million dollars and again emphasized the need for congress to pass a security law'. project, which includes financing for ukraine. this new aid package, meanwhile, included ammunition for hymars and artillery, missiles for stingers and anti-tank weapons. the us found this
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additional 300 million thanks to savings in contracts to replace equipment that was previously sent to ukraine. meanwhile, ukraine considers alternative scenarios for financing military needs. people's deputy from servant of the people, head of the parliamentary budget committee roksulana pidla told about this. in an interview with the financial times. according to her, the ukrainian government is conducting negotiations with the j7 countries, in particular with japan and canada, as an alternative to support from the united states. in addition, ukraine can significantly reduce non-military spending and raise taxes. however, as she says, such methods will be unpleasant. yes, the cabinet of ministers is already developing a draft law that obliges ukrainians natural persons, entrepreneurs to pay military duty. it is expected that thanks to this, the state budget will receive taxes on... hryvnias. money for the budget should not be sought from increased taxes. people's deputy from the voice party and deputy chairman of the finance committee, yaroslav zheleznyak, is sure of this. he
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is convinced that if gambling, tobacco and alcohol businesses are brought out of the shadows and corruption in these areas is fought, payments to the budget will increase tenfold. i will add that almost half of the expenses are in the budget for the current year, it is provided for defense, it is almost 46 billion dollars. and... the largest financial support during the war to ukraine, apart from the usa and the european union, was provided by the imf and the j7 countries. so, is the government going to raise taxes for ukrainians, which non-military spending can reduce, or will this affect social benefits, including pensions? i talked about this the day before with the people's deputy from batkivshchyna and the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada's budget committee, ivan krulk. by reducing non-military spending and increasing. taxes is it possible to accumulate money in the ukrainian budget somehow, are there any calculations, have you as a deputy seen these calculations and how much are the norms,
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they may not be popular, but how much money can they give to the ukrainian budget? well , first of all, i would like to say that if such calculations are being made somewhere, they are currently in the government, in particular in the ministry of finance, so far to the parliament and to the budget committee, where i... no draft laws have been submitted changes to the budget, but as a rule, such bills appear somewhere in april, at the beginning of may, that is, according to the results of the first or second quarter, as regards any unpopular steps and, in principle, reducing the budget or directing expenses to other purposes, one thing must be understood. the fact is that all the expenses for the last few budgets of warring ukraine, which ukraine itself is able to earn, are directed to expenses, er
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, to the security and defense sector, everything else, which is 50% of the budget of the expenditure part, is directed to er, other purposes, that is, to social expenses, in particular for pension payments. for payments to state employees, for the entire social infrastructure, i.e. for everything that the country that is in the rear, i.e. not at the front , lives by the security and defense sector, and the revenue part of the budget is being implemented, it is not being implemented as it was definitely wanted. b, but in principle, tax revenues and customs payments are received, even despite all the problems that we see on the border, in particular on the border with poland, where
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the border is artificially blocked in order to affect the ukrainian economy, but at the same time, here we have to understand one important thing: if all social expenses and pensions are not paid in the country, this will have a very negative effect on public, public sentiments and on the socio-economic situation, precisely because of this for it is very important for us to support our western partners, in particular the united states, to overcome the internal problems that exist in the united states today, its internal politics and the election races that are going on there, and it is undeniable that if the balance of foreign aid and those internal resources that are available, i believe that ukraine will be able to solve everything at a minimum this year, but of course we are working at a minimum, but to solve those issues that relate to the fulfillment
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of our goals, she said that this is such an alternative the scenario for replenishing the ukrainian budget, if there will be problems with aid from the usa, including, yes, the phrase "reduction of non-military expenses", well, if it is clear with taxes, although we will talk about them now, then what does the reduction of non-military expenses mean costs, these are the pensions, social security that you mentioned or what it is, or military spending... well, look, there are protected budget items, that is, pensions and all the salaries of state employees, these are protected budget items, they are in any case must be implemented, and there are so-called unprotected articles of the budget, these are all kinds of programs, in particular , programs for reconstruction, restoration, programs for some repairs, construction of social infrastructure, that is, everything that, in principle, will not directly affect
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the country's survival at least somehow, at least to survive country. here we were talking about such non-military losses, and here some programs can certainly be revised. with the increase in taxes, can more money be collected for the budget? is this an alternative? ukrainian business is not alive today. today, ukrainian business is barely surviving. it is precisely because of this that the increase in taxes does not contribute to an increase in revenues, revenues to the budget. then this may happen in the very short term, but then , in order to survive, the business will still be forced to go into the shadows and reduce payments to the budget, and do not increase i am not a supporter of increasing taxes during the war, on the contrary, i am a supporter of maximum business support and reduction of the tax burden. why? because business is jobs, and jobs are wages and support for ukrainian citizens who
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live in ukraine and have not left. ago. in my opinion, just when business taxes are reduced, it helps ukraine to fight in the war, because the business is able to direct the surplus to help the front, which is what most of the ukrainian business does, i.e. what they earn and what they can send to the front, they do it through the purchase of drones, cars, well, everything else that is needed today to support the armed forces. and then we talk about taxes in exchange for... for mobilization, the verkhovna rada plans to register a draft law on economic reservation from mobilization, currently there are two models of such deferment, either based on a certain level of salary, or upon payment of a special tax for each booked employee. the chairman of the committee on economic issues told the public about this development council dmytro natalukha from servant of the people. one model is actually a model that was born in the president's office for 35 hryvnias. and
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the second model is the one we are working on. with a command, it is a model of paying an additional military fee for each booked person, regardless of their position, salary or any other criteria. according to him, the initiative with reservation from mobilization with a certain level of salary can be perceived, as he says, quite ambiguously. also, about a third of taxes will go to the local budget, and a fixed salary for the reservation will not apply to natural persons-entrepreneurs. the deputy says that in the bill proposed by them, they increase. it is the military levy, so this money will go exclusively to the armed forces, and not to local budgets or funds. according to natalukha, conditionally uah 20,000 of the military levy will fully cover the minimum salary of a serviceman. people's deputy from eurosolidarity oleksiy goncharenko gave details about the government bill, he says that they plan to book all employees of the fuel and energy complex and communication operators. also, according to him , the cabinet of ministers will reserve management positions in
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state institutions. workers of the defense-industrial complex and suppliers for the armed forces, as well as policemen. it is worth noting that at the beginning of march , the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal stated that the government was working on a new system of reservation from military service. at the time , he said that reservation from mobilization would take into account tax payments and wages, as well as the impact of a business or industry on the economy. in general, shmyhal stated, that people should be divided into two categories, those who fight and those who fill the budget. maxim zhorin, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, criticized the idea of ​​economic reservation, but the military believes that instead of changing the approach to recruiting and training, they decided to legitimize the principle of war only for the poor, this was a quote. how do ukrainians evaluate the possibility of economic booking depending on, for example, the amount of salary . our colleagues asked passers-by in kyiv about it.


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