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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 9:30am-9:59am EET

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management positions in state institutions, workers of the defense-industrial complex and suppliers for the armed forces, as well as police officers. it is worth noting that at the beginning of march , the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal stated that the government was working on a new system of reservation from military service. at the time , he said that reservation from mobilization would take into account tax payments and wages, as well as the impact of a business or industry on the economy. in general, shmehal stated that people should be divided into two categories: those who fight and those who... fill the budget. maxim zhorin, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, criticized the idea of ​​economic reservation, but the military man believes that instead of changing the approach to recruiting and training, they decided to legitimize the principle of war only for the poor, this was a quote. how do ukrainians evaluate the possibility of economic booking depending on, for example, the amount of salary . our colleagues asked passers-by in kyiv about it. chernihiv and
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kropyvnytskyi. i will note that this survey is not representative, it expresses an opinion individual people. let's listen. i think this is unfair. ugh. i understand that there are reasons for filling the budget and all that. but reasons can be found for everything. in this case, we are talking about people's lives. and that's why we should be equal. well , if a person can do more, just in... life, then that's right, all are equal, and no, it doesn't depend on your income, so i think i'm negative, oh, i don't know, i'm really having a hard time to answer such a question, because everyone in my family is military, well, i think it is necessary tie to wages, because the funds from taxes go to the budget, someone has to work. to populate the budget, it
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should not be, and it cannot be accepted now, because it will be such a dissonance in society, it is not necessary. these are the thoughts of people passing by on the street. iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity party joins our broadcast, iryna is also a member of the committee on national security and defense. welcome, thank you for joining. good morning, congratulations. mrs. irina, please explain plz about economy booking, seriously considering it? today's government and verkhovna rada as an option? given the fact that we see that this topic continues to circulate in various corridors, starting from the verkhovna rada and the government and ending with the office of the president, surely it is considered as a possible concept that can be presented to the parliament, from my point of view it is completely immoral and not... fair,
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because the principle that is even established regarding the military levy, which will be mandatory for a certain category, is selective and therefore unfair to apply. i would like to say that if we had really adjusted to the economy during wartime, then we would not have bought 17 billion in asphalt, 1.7 billion for the pink marathon, which sells victory and sells in advance. the advantages of everything that is in ukraine , that is, we just need to consider which items of expenditure we are now able to redirect to the provision of the security and defense sector, fully provided for by the armed forces of ukraine, and not to invent these absolutely idiotic schemes, according to which you can to book, or for which certain categories can actually be redeemed. let's say, if we take a regional
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business, yes, then they will not be able to pay these funds in that amount, either in relation to salary, or in relation to a specific amount, and therefore they will actually be closed, the maximum that can happen is an individual manager of an individual regional enterprise who bans himself, and this is absolutely unfair, because the constitution clearly states that... the duty of a citizen to protect the state, this is the first, second, it is the state that must provide the citizen with everything so that he has the proper opportunity to protect his state, and not invent all these quasi-ideas that only deepen the division in society and do not contribute to unity. mrs. iryna, who is promoting this idea, these conversations, as you said, and what are the arguments, is this really the only way out today, this is how those... people who
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are promoting this idea that this is the only way out so that ukraine economically persevered see, well , actually, the reservation issue, even already now, yes, so we're already in the third year of a large-scale invasion, it's being regulated now. with the resolutions of the cabinet of ministers, in particular the 76th resolution, according to which the criteria and methods of reservation are defined, so, that is , it is functioning, and now it is about the fact that they want to further expand the format of this reservation so that certain categories of people have the opportunity to buy for themselves postponement of mobilization, from my point of view, if laid down at the level of the draft law and now in the law of the same on mobilization on... the most noisy is the establishment of criteria for reservations for positions and specialties, then this will in a certain way reduce the corruption risks in the matter of reservations, which today are used directly by the executive branch
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of the cabinet of ministers, so if it is laid down at the level of the law, we will reduce the corruption risks, if not we will not remove them completely, because further under the legal acts, regulations... the cabinet will still solve this issue in order to implement the norms of the law, but all the same, corruption risks will be much less, society will not be divided into those who can pay and who can get a deferral and those who will be forced to go and serve, because they fall under the mobilization age, and in this way, in fact, the greatest threat that awaits our state today is the division within society, the division of this unity in order to... mobilize everyone and everything and repulse the enemy, mrs. iryna, and in conclusion, you, your colleagues, what is your attitude, are the deputies ready to support such norms, pay to the budget or mobilize? i predict that, and i will speak for myself for the time being,
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because i have not seen any draft law yet, there are many conversations already somewhere around the third or the fourth month they are rolling in relation to this economic postponement, yes economic bro reservation. i believe that it is immoral and unfair, and i think that the european solidarity faction will not support such norms, simply from the point of view of moral principles and principles. i thank you, ms. irina, for connecting and explaining your position. iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity party and member of the committee on national security and defense was a guest of svoboda ranku. arguments from... for such an approach are economic our next guest has a reservation, sergey fursa, an investment banker, joins our broadcast, mr. sergey, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, congratulations, you are a supporter of this approach of economic booking, explain the logic, why, well,
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look, i just don’t love populism and that i just joined, i have heard very, very, very much populism, see why it is effective and rational, we have to understand that... during war, to be exactly efficient and rational, we will always have a certain number of people fighting and a certain number of people who are in the body, and it is critically important for the state that those who paid more taxes, that is, filled the budget more, rather remain in the rear, and those people who do not pay taxes for various reasons, whether they receive little money, or they they simply do not pay taxes in principle, there are many such people who avoid taxation in ukraine, so that such people are caught sooner. to the front, and it's not about justice, not about five there, but vasya there, no, it's about the efficiency of the state, because we can finance the ukrainian army exclusively from ukrainian taxes, we cannot spend the money of our western partners on this, the costs of the war are increasing, including the costs of the ukrainian army,
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this money must be taken somewhere, and therefore the state must effectively approach this distribution, because again i repeat, not everyone will ever fight, that is, some part will fight, some part will... the greater part will remain in the rear, and it is important for the state that those who remain in the rear are those people who pay the most taxes at the same time, plus it solves a certain problem now , they don't like to talk about it out loud, because again , well, it's kind of unpleasant, now there's a big shortage of personnel, including a big shortage of personnel in large enterprises, and it's not only because we have a demographic crisis, although this is one of the reasons, and also because people are afraid to go to work in... in white and work in gray and dark, conditionally there kryvorizhstal or bitinvest factories cannot now increase steel smelting, although they already have the opportunity to export it, because the fact that they do not have enough people, and people do not go to them, because they they say, well, as soon as we come to you, we will be immediately mobilized, so we will not come to you, as a result, those people do not pay
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taxes, they remain out of the system, they still cannot be mobilized, because they are hiding somewhere, yes , and the factories do not work at full capacity without paying additional taxation, so if you give ... such an opportunity, all people will go out in the wall, will appear bright, will start paying taxes, and the state will not lose anything, it will only gain by increasing the same taxation. mr. sergey, you say that it is will help to remove jobs to the wall and replenish the budget in this way, but are there estimates of how many men are currently working officially with a certain high salary that will help them stay under this economic reservation, and how many people are potentially in the shadows, and thanks to such norms, they can get out of it and add money to the ukrainian budget. well, look, i think such calculations are in the office of the president, because they are actually the initiators of this initiative, they are always so inaccurate. especially to, that is, to men who work and pay taxes , i think that the statistics are all there, but how many
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men do not work, are somewhere in the shadows , it is always a gray area, because actually they are in a gray area, and we do not know for sure, there is an understanding, that these are millions of people, actually millions of people, but there are four, that is millions or five, for example, few people can tell you for sure, i am watching the material of ukrainian pravda here, they wrote about this topic about a month ago, and it also says that , that 25%, if we talk about the population of 25-60 years of age in ukraine, these are people who are employed officially, yes, i.e. 25% only. mr. sergey , as an economist, you justified your logic , but what to do with this social injustice, which was mentioned by the people's deputy ms. iryna fries, and before that we heard it on the air about social injustice, for example, there from ms. solomiya bobrovska, that what to do with it, how to regulate it, first of all , don't stir it up, because that's exactly what populism is, it's an attempt to shake up the very society and invent this social disorder. again, there is no such thing as the state determining what petya must serve, and vasya must not, no,
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the question of who pays taxes and who does not pay taxes is the key, the key is actually efficiency, because when the state chooses who should serve in the army, it is also guided by certain criteria, and these the criteria also create, for sure, injustice, because some fall under, some do not fall under, there is also a ban if people have not paid taxes for years. is this fair no, that 's not really fair. and now these people say, well, it's unfair that they can mobilize us in the first place. that's why this one in fairness, we can play both ways, we can use a lot of manipulations here. and the point is that the state must proceed from rational efficiency in order to survive during the war. that's what's key, because in fact there is now a reservation. can we say that this reservation is now fair, for example, yesterday football players were booked there. in dnipro-1, is it fair? well, probably, well, why, why
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suddenly, yes, there will always be reservations, and we will always have questions about the fairness of this reservation. mr. serhiu, but one it is one thing when there are such enterprises that are really important now for ukraine, for the defense capability of ukraine, and another thing is when, well, you gave an example, it is really being discussed, and when it will be economic armoring, well, basically, everyone will be able to adjust their somehow. do you pay and not fight and thus use this option? well, what does it mean to adjust your own? first of all, you will have a long time how many taxes you paid there. secondly, well, you will start paying taxes in the state, that is, if we are talking about arrange your own, everything is much easier there, go and make an agreement with vainko. well , everyone understands everything very well, but there they arrange their own, here we are talking about the general context of the state, about the fact that those who pay taxes really receive. a more advantageous position , but i like it, and because it is necessary for the state , not because we are there for some reason, he is there for us
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so that people pay more taxes, if it will stimulate going out in the wall, then this is also the achievement of the result in reality, because again i remind you, all the money goes to the army we are being taken out of our taxes, if there are no taxes, there will be nothing to pay the soldiers, such a cold calculation, thank you mr. serhiy for connecting, serhiy fursa, an investment banker, expressed his logic, further on our broadcast iryna ostrovska with news. hello, this is the news in a minute. today i have some good news for you from the sphere of culture and sports. a ukrainian stand will be opened at the london book fair today. eight ukrainian publishing houses will present their books there. this is reported by the ukrainian book institute. the london book fair is one of the largest international business events in the book world. more than 25,000 publishing professionals visit it annually . and as part of the ukrainian stand , there will also be a panel discussion by paverov. ashes and for the first time in history, the national team of ukraine became the winner of the winter deflympic
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games. the day before, they ended in turkey. thank you, colleague from svoboda. we also continue to collect information for you from all corners of ukraine. and also from the country of the aggressor, in particular, because there today, well, very much good morning. it's a fantastic morning there, because there are many places to bask and it rains. that in ryazan, this factory , near which drones flew successfully, may stop being able to work so efficiently for several months, that is... well, a few drones flew in, and then people have vacations for up to six months, well, great news, it was applied here russian tactics, this is what the ryazan tactic is called, we can repeat it, that's why we repeated it today on the ryazan oil refinery, and a good russian, good russians are called those who
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who, during the sound of the ukrainian drone, quickly run to the window, turn on the mobile phone , with a clearly not trembling hand, shoot us exactly the point on... because the coordinates always need to be adjusted when we can repeat, so do this in the future, and we will chat now about this, this morning and this night, and maybe the previous one, and not only, but let's start, you are the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine andriy yusov in connection with our studio, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, oh, we don't know you we hear, but we see and now you hear, now we hear and see, yes, yes, whose good drones fly so beautifully over all, ryazan, st. petersburg and other regions of russia, are they yours? well, we won't confirm, but we won't deny either, after all, you can
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buy them anywhere. after all, you can buy them at any voentorg. so. mr. andrew. we have already cheered on ryazan and other regions, and a few days ago we cheered when drones flew in and flew near the aircraft carrier and damaged hangars from the a50, well, we understand that we can fly quite far, but yesterday valery romanenko told us that , in fact, part of those a50s are hidden quite far away by the russians, because they understand that... not everything is so simple, but maybe you will reveal the secret to us, or already are there any options to reach that far where they try to bury their good? these are always combined options, and people can always work where one or another means cannot be reached, that is, there may be some
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good guy on a bicycle who can come even in the far east, where flights cannot reach none of ours, right? well, we will not reveal what exactly this guy will ride on, but of course there are many citizens on the territory of the russian federation, including citizens of the rs, who consider this war criminal, genocidal, who consider putin a usurper, who are ready to help the ukrainian security and defense forces . we simply mentioned these as the komsomol construction site and the tunnels of the baikal-amur highway, so this is such a small nuance. we know that we cannot open any. information of the enemy, heard your statement yesterday that the russians volunteers from the units that are fighting as part of the armed forces, that they operate autonomously on the territory of russia, and this all ended yesterday, are these shots that we saw this morning, they still
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remain on the territory of russia, and the operation continues, there are very ... captured fighters, and it will end when for them, when their goals are met, as i understand it, it is about overthrowing an illegitimate dictator, a usurper, a person who looks like vladimir putin, so the fact that some can interruptions occur, of course, but in general and the rdk and the legion of freedom of russia on the territory of the russian federation have clear, including political, tasks of their own, which they will certainly fulfill, in general... i would like to personally thank, probably from many ukrainians, both the rdk and the legion freedom of russia, and sibat , for that feeling, yes, the feeling of justice , which the boys gave yesterday, risking their lives, certainly and continue to risk now, ukrainians for all those two years of terror, which putin arranged in ukraine,
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it turns out that the war may literally not only by arrivals, but also physically... not only on ukrainian territory, and this is what was clearly seen yesterday, once again the whole world and in particular the subjects of the russian federation, and now let them think. mr. andriy, very important things , we want our viewers to hear, we have a little problem with the connection, we will try to reinstall it now, so that the quality is better, it is a little worse to just hear you and we want our viewers to hear everything, and not confuse anything, and in the meantime, i paid attention to the fact that we asked the gentleman from gurets how technically... qualitatively prepared nuclear forces and the triad of the russian federation, if everything falls apart, burns, burns in them everywhere, even before the arrival of ukrainian drones, right? he says that if there is an escalation of the war and some non-ukrainian units appear on the territory of ukraine, then it is possible to consider nuclear strikes on ukraine.
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yes, andriyu so is already with us, and i am right away, i have a question, because it has been bothering me since yesterday, no one can confirm or deny us, or shed any light on the story of yesterday su-27. so what, such a minus? there is information about this, but since we are talking about... the probable crash of a plane in enemy territory, of course, it will be established definitively, well, for this it will take some time, huh, and if you look at the morning, then the source of truth and and and light is called the fsb of the russian federation wrote that as a result of the work of these drgs, as they called these units on their territory, was destroyed, there were more than 100 fighters, e. sao, caesar, bradley were knocked out, the tank was knocked out, in a word, simply armageddon in this report of the fsb. are there any already? verified losses on the one hand
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, on the other hand, because on the contrary, we saw the video when the armored personnel carriers were destroyed, we saw that the border outposts, the russian troops, left, and therefore this statement of the fsb, well , it must be communicated, can it tell us something in response? well, regarding the statements of the federal service of lies, i think that it is simply impossible to seriously comment on them, those numbers that are drawn from the ceiling, it is obvious to everyone that these are lies, well, maybe except for those to whom these are carried from there, regarding the defeat, yes there is also information about destroyed armored vehicles, in particular, we are talking about the destroyed systems of automatic fire, and there is video confirmation , video recording of this, there is a military vehicle destroyed and damaged at home, well , in the end, i think that new data will come today, mr. andriy, we have seen
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a lot of activity in crimea, a long time, now for some time now we have been observing that here and there, oil refining enterprises in russia are burning very well, and you announced, i mean gur announced that there will actually be a sale. we are interested in the course of this continuation when we talk about natural ones in particular enterprises, it's not just about factories that produce fuel for school buses, these are military facilities that the putin regime uses precisely for military purposes, to supply fuel and lubricants, primarily diesel and other necessary things for the military group, for the army. of the aggressor, which are located in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories, it was putin who turned these enterprises into military objects, and what is involved in the war against ukraine, well, one way or
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another is subject to demilitarization. mr. andrew, on the front, we see how and in what directions, until the day of the so-called putin elections, announced by putin for the re-election of putin, what is being done there in chasovoyarivsky, lymano-kupinsky. in terms of. intelligence, does the main intelligence agency have any data that they are still preparing for us until the 17th, that is, they are holding so-called elections this whole week, and the last day of the 17th, are they any other things besides shelling sleeping areas, as they did in sumy and kryvyi rih, do they still have something for us they are preparing, well, first of all, you named the main tool, it is... missile terrorist attacks, aerial, combined, using uavs and missile arsenal, unfortunately, this is the practice that the enemy will continue, that is why, first of all,
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that is why we do not have training air alarms, they must be taken into account and reacted seriously, of course, individual offensive attempts of individual offensive actions in individual areas, this is what is happening now, and the situation at the front really remains tense, but if we talk about the elector'. procedures which already focused on the coming days, there was not much to see, that is, the big victories that putin hoped for, which he wanted to get on the eve of his next legitimization of the so-called in quotes, they never got. the czechs , together with other partners, are already organizing a huge number of shells in ukraine and the united states. for the first time this year, a large package of 300 million has been approved, and we hope that it is already moving towards ukraine. in the same way, the european union also pleased yesterday with another package worth 6 billion.
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how are they reacting, are they preparing for something, are they confused or what? every such decision, the announcement of this decision, especially its implementation, is usually a small mourning in the kremlin and also in the russian special services, because a whole series of operations to disrupt the increase of aid to ukraine and the continuation of aid to ukraine are being implemented in parallel. this means that someone carried out this next operation, someone will not receive a promotion, awards and another stars, well , we do not feel sorry for them, but of course they are carefully watching and trying to stay ahead to work to disrupt aid to ukraine, to shake the international pro-ukrainian coalition, but nevertheless we see that they are not succeeding. we have you for a snack for
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asking questions from an illegal. of the crimean bridge to you, mr. andriy, today's dievelt in germany writes that the bundeswehr wants to upgrade its entire taurus arsenal, they will pass inspection and those and certification, this approach, i quote now dievelt, this approach opens up great opportunities for the government on thursday , that is, tomorrow the bundestag will again vote for the supply of cruise missiles taurus to ukraine, the germans are writing, the crimean bridge is asking, so what are the expectations? what, are there any chances that taurus will fly to us like this? this is serious work, we cannot comment, very often the things that we would like to comment on, so as not to cause harm, but this discussion in germany is not closed, it continues, and we all certainly hope that there will be results. well, thank you, let's hope it continues and ends the way we want it to.
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andriy yusov was there. with us is a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, and i am talking about these taureans, i'm still clarifying , look after all, this check includes those who seem to have a deadline, do you remember them, they said we can't give because some of them seem to have already lost their deadline, you have to pass the certificate , there are not so many of these taurus us and nothing 600 taurus is not much for me, as the crimean bridge says , 3-4 are enough for me, but there is not only the crimean bridge, so let's really hope to follow this whole story , because by the way. from the same germany , the majority there call for handing over tauros and supporting ukraine, but there is a minority, yes, moreover, they also shared there, there is a generally funny story of three deputies from bavaria, and bavaria, it is considered such an elite region, and that elite region of germany, they are going to russia as representatives of democracy, to show how it is to hold elections and so on, yes, but the funniest thing. the fact that in general
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the party condemns the actions of these deputies, that is , even all of them, even this alternative condemns, on this note we pass the floor to khrystyna parobiy, because there is already a lot of fresh important information accumulated for you, and then we will return. thank you, fellow drones continue to shell russia, almost the largest attack took place today, i will tell you all the details in a moment, as well as about the new successes of the raid. russian volunteers, don't miss all this in the issue. news.


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