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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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and because of what you are talking about, these emotional tricks, all these games, because today in russia a whole empire of creating both fake and semi-fake videos has been built, because this is how propaganda itself is created, because if you just tell lies, then it is unlikely this propaganda will live for a long time, and disinformation, it lives precisely because it is mixed with part of the truth, part of manipulation. and this is exactly how it penetrates the head and sows this russian narrative, not everything is so unambiguous, and therefore the very regulation and understanding some rules according to which certain social networks exist. thank you very much for your comments, andrii shupovalov, an expert on countering disinformation, was in touch with us. it will be very important for you to hear about money from oleksandr morchyvka, but it will be only after a very... already short pause, stay with
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oshchad. there are discounts on lactial - 10% in the pharmacies of planstry bam and ochadny. damn the stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+. nice well-being, active life. ask at pharmacies, good day pharmacy and. with a 20% discount. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue, it's a big
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ether and now it's time to talk about money , oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, i congratulate, please, i congratulate the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes i will traditionally monitor the situation on the ukrainian-polish border, what the business says, also when restarting the bureau of economic security and forecasts regarding the exchange rate of currencies, hang on, all the details in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. therefore, polish farmers resumed the blocking of freight traffic in front of the korchowak rakivets checkpoint. this is reported by the state customs service of ukraine. protesters started the action in the morning. passenger transport in both directions moves unhindered. well, in fact, more than 1150 trucks are waiting to enter ukraine. and indeed. the situation is complicated and continues, as far as
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i'm concerned, this is basically sabotage, it's mine personal opinion, this is vasyl and there was also a scandal, as i understand it in poland with journalists. the polish people who made the material, well, chasing after our mykhailo tkach, the material about how they trade very well with russia and belarus, well, that is, everything is somehow covered up, that is , poland can trade with russia and belarus, our grain transits through the territory of poland, well, it can’t, it must be poured out, that is, you are reading, peter pavel is ready for ukraine, the netherlands finds money, someone else gives something, poland blocks again border, and you look at it and think, well, you people are normal in general, well, this issue needs to be investigated separately, what... about poland's trade with russia, well, but because of the blocking of borders, even polish companies that conduct business transparently, conduct business in ukraine, suffer losses in the hundreds of millions, well, such a statement appeared on the part of the industry association, even polish entrepreneurs, polish
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business is beginning to speak to its own authorities, let's figure things out, friends, because as long as you listen to farmers' protests, well, processors will suffer losses, ukraine big the state, it has... a lot of connections, it has a lot of resources, with us, excuse me , they only bought cars there last year for zero, as they say, on the on on the terrible sums, well, with all that, ukrainians are this and that, well but it needs to be understood there, it is necessary for polish business to feel it for themselves, and then maybe the entrepreneurs themselves will tell the farmers, let's round up the shop with polish products, all polish in krakow, there the whole means the department. with polish cheeses, with other things, well, people buy, i'm not saying that it's better, worse, well it's just a fact that trade continues, even at such a minimal level, well, well, but we expect a reset of this situation, but we expect a reset in another way as well: ukraine will lose millions of dollars in international aid without the reform of the economic
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security bureau, according to people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak. currently, the verkhovna rada has registered several bills regarding the reform of the bureau, in particular, the government proposal to update the management of the body. in the alternative, they emphasize the full and urgent re-certification of the official employees of all bureaus economic security. rebooting is a requirement for further european integration of ukraine and not only european integration, but also for receiving international aid from the european union , everything must be resolved by july 1 of the current year. let's listen to what the people's deputies said. reboot baby now. the draft law has been sent for a repeat first reading, and supposedly there is already an edition that has been agreed with our creditors, with the j7 ambassadors, who are very concerned about this issue, because
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the law enforcement system causes the most questions from our partners, we will lose 5.4 billion from the imf, somewhere under 10 billion from the european. of the union, the opportunity to go to the next stage of european integration, a lot of money, about 23 billion on the illegal chetyn markets, plus 17 billion, this is already in hryvnias, fuel, plus, i think that somewhere there are billions under 50 smuggling, well, that is, there are certain financial risks, well, we are watching the reform, really international partners. demand reforms of the bureau of economic security, but we forget that it is also the world community that gives money now ukraine also demanded reform of the accounting chamber, but despite these changes, they appointed the right person to lead, the person whom
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the western partners simply do not trust in this matter, as far as i understand, what will happen to the bureau of economic security is also now under a question mark , and let's move on, ukrainian drones have caused significant damage. ryazan oil refinery. two oil processing plants were damaged there. one with a capacity of 23,190 tons per day, the other - 11,400 tons. they divided oil into the main functions - gasoline, kerosene, solyarova, - reported the agency roits. thus, as a result of the drone strike, the capacity of the ryazan oil refinery decreased by as much as 70% - analysts calculated. well, the president of the russian oil and gas company lukol , vitaliy robertus, died at the age of 54, well , something happened, they hit zero yesterday, and he died immediately, but it is interesting, it is obvious that this kind of wealth is there, because he became the fourth top manager of the lukoil company, with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i.e. from february
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22, who died, the press service of the company reports, apparently he did not survive statements of the russian propagandist solovyov, who said. buy your own security, buy yourself air defense for your oil refineries with your own money, and lukoil, i guess it's just a matter of... sooner or later it will have negative consequences, because after all, they give this money, well, knowingly or unknowingly for this war , because they may not give them, but then , as if the russian government should guarantee them security and business, if you do not guarantee it , neither business, nor security, nor profits, nothing, then people begin to think , why us this power is needed, and it seems that people can be removed one by one, but it is ahead of time, we understand that this is the situation, we are monitoring the situation with oil refineries, we are preparing a fresh review soon, a short one, you will find out where... and what was burning, we will continue to talk about how hot the exchange rate
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has been in the last few days, the national bank is essentially raising the value of the dollar, and there are forecasts of the international agency snp regarding the prospects of the dollar exchange rate in ukraine, well, disappointing forecasts, the american will become more expensive, is this really true will come true and what can consumers expect? oleg getman, coordinator of the expert group of the economic expert platform in our country. in touch and we will ask him about it, good evening, i congratulate you, mr. oleg, well , the latest information is the forecast of the rating agency snp, regarding the prospects of an american in ukraine, well, perhaps, the nbu has started to issue this information in recent days the dollar rate is higher than last week. please, to what extent is this a temporary phenomenon, or is it a traditional spring phenomenon, should ukrainians think about something? well, look, sure
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fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar against the hryvnia during the year always occur within the range of one to two hryvnias per dollar, this is a fairly common practice, at the same time, we are currently having a rather abnormal year, if in the previous two years our international partners gave us significant funds, significant foreign exchange income, about 30 to 40 billion per year and part. of them settled in our gold and currency reserves, which we increased at the end of last year by more than 40 billion dollars of reserves, but this year the situation is unfortunately somewhat worse, because that in america, one of our aid packages is blocked, it is about 30% of this aid of ours, and it may not reach us, then the receipts may be only 20-25 billion dollars in us, and this is ... not a disaster, it is enough will be to keep the exchange rate in the corridor, let's say from 38 to 40
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hryvnias per dollar, that's all the accumulated gold and foreign exchange reserves will not allow a significant devaluation to take place, but the nbu will gradually devalue there by one hryvnia once a quarter or once every six months, for that , to gradually balance imports and exports, because... the import-export imbalance is more than 10 billion dollars a year. and to what extent can the money from the european union, which ukraine expects at the end of march, also replenish gold and foreign exchange reserves and thus support our hryvnia? that's what we're hoping for, the first few tranches there will be in the range of 5 billion euros, and that will really strengthen our gold and foreign exchange reserves, we'll cross the $40 billion mark again for... foreign exchange reserves, and that's more than enough to hold the course, then well, the situation
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will improve somewhat, then you can devalue like that not be up to 40, but conditionally there up to 39. in fact, this is a record indicator of gold and foreign exchange reserves, which may be at the end of march together with the money of the international european union, such an indicator, if i am not mistaken, has not been in recent years, and perhaps it adds confidence to us about... ukrainians who should not run and, for example, now buy dollars for some savings, your recommendations? well, look, there is definitely no need to run anywhere, because the devaluation there is within the range of 5-7%, it is still not as threatening as it happened there in the 14th and 15th years, for example, that is, people in we are generally used to such a small devaluation, and i think that... our citizens already know what to do with it, there are sufficiently
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reliable, very reliable instruments that ensure the preservation of the hryvnia on the one hand, and on the other hand sufficiently significant interest , this is about 16-18% for vgz, for military bonds, and about 13, 12, 14 for deposits in hryvnias, in the top five most reliable banks of ukraine, so... both those and other instruments are now 100% guaranteed by the state , they will exist there as long as the state generally exists, in it we do not doubt its existence. er, so er , save your savings and increase them somewhat, these are ovg, military bonds and deposits. well, really, i agree with you, these are two such reliable tools that currently exist, they are really hryvnia deposits and investment in victory, bonds. oleg hetman, the coordinator of the expert group of the economic expert platform, was
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in touch with optimistic news from the world of money, and i will put an end to this news, but... the big broadcast continues, vasyl zima will continue it, watch us! by the way, i i have for you, well thank you oleksandr morchivka , i have great news for you about the collection, but i will announce it a little later, you are really great guys, just thank you, and i think the military will thank you too, i don't think i'm sure, but now we will invite serhii rudenko to the conversation, at 20:00 the verdict program starts, what are we talking about today with... we ask serhii, good evening, please, congratulations to vasyl, at 20:00 we start the two-hour verdict, in the first part our program will be a russian-ukrainian veteran war evgeny dykiy and former sbu officer ivan stupak, together with political expert volodymyr tsybulk, we will talk about how putin is now crying out and trying to convince
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the whole world that he is ready for negotiations even today... said the russian president about what he wants to get from the world of written security guarantees, however, he did not specify the security guarantee for himself or for the russian federation, and said that he does not trust anyone, and this is said by the person who generally sneered at the entire international legal field, at all agreements, on all guarantees, but now he wants a guarantee, well, maybe he will get guarantees in russia one day for a place in the mausoleum, if he is not so ... thrown out, like joseph stalin in his time, after a certain interval. what do these statements of vladimir putin mean about the need for a guarantee for russia, about whether the world is ready at all to contact putin in any way - this is a big question, and we will find out this during the first hour of our
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broadcast, we will also talk about missile strikes last night, quite active for the past two weeks. er, russian invaders are attacking sumy and the sumy region, what does this mean, does it mean that the russians want to open another front there, or at least enter the territory of the sumy region, i hope that yevgeny dyky will explain clearly enough the history that is currently unfolding in the northern the eastern border of the ukrainian state, well, beyond all doubt, then... the topic was and remains not only in the ukrainian media, but also in the world media, that russian volunteers attack the territory of the russian federation, enter the territory of the russian federation and seize cities there and prove that putin is not so all-powerful, and the russian federation is not such a big and
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strong state, because further abroad with ukraine. and accordingly, there are simply no borders, no forces, no law enforcement officers who could stop the russian volunteers. we talk about all this for two hours, the second hour will start at 9:15 p.m., so friends, wait for our broadcast, we start in 11 minutes, the big winter broadcast continues, vasily, you have the word. thank you very much, serhiy, so at 20 o'clock the verdict program. you know, we are not here at the front, but after reading this news, because i believe that there is neither an information front, nor a cultural front, there is one difficult, difficult front, hot, where our wars are, and we are trying to do what we can do, but this news, which i just looked at, how much we collected, how much you collected, and you know it, it’s as if we shot down some good mstus or even su-35, which
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means that we need 480 00, i’ll tell you now , let me remind you what we are collecting for, we are collecting for a very necessary thing on a buggy for... evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, and also for car and trench rebs for the 12th separate detachment of special forces, who are currently at war, our soldiers are destroying the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield that our the army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which it cuts the aggressor. our goal is uah 480,000 , i looked and thought, well, how much have we already collected, no, i believed that, but we have already collected... you have already collected uah 455,612 72 kopecks, we need 480 thousand, we have actually 25,000 left, i 'm not saying let's collect now, but... let's collect now, we have 10 minutes left, we can do it and actually, thank you very much, well we're going to close this collection, i i believe already there, but it’s cool, it’s very cool
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, and about sports from yevhen pastukhov, the most important events that happened, let’s watch and listen, the brilliant performance of marta kostyuk, the ukrainian tennis player reached the quarterfinals of the tournament in indian wells, beating the neutral russian anastasia pavlyuchenkov, the confrontation lasted two sets 6:4 - 6:1. the ukrainian finished the match with a streak of six games won in a row. 21-year-old kostiuk is holding her record tournament in the wta 1000 series. previously, at this level, the tennis player had never made it past the third round. marta is the last of the ukrainian women who continues to perform in indian wells. kiyanka's next opponent will be another player without a flag - anastasia potapova. the 21st round of the ukrainian premier league started on tuesday. dynamo in kyiv confidently beat zorya. 2:0. vladyslav vanat scored in the first half, and denys popov after
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breaks luhansk played the match with a semi-reserve team. later, the representative of the club ihor hus reported that several football players did not come to the game, which grossly violated their contractual obligations. according to him, there were health complaints that were not confirmed by the zori medical service. water. sgus admitted that there are discrepancies in the date of payment of the premium. in other matches on tuesday, the championship leader shakhtar defeated the league outsider minai - 2:0, and dnipro-1 drew with lnz - ​​1:1. the 21st round will continue on friday, saturday and sunday the day before, two more participants of the quarter-finals of the uefa champions league were determined. after losing 0:1 on the road, london arsenal overcame the fort on their own field. basic and additional time. ended with a score of 1:0 in favor of the gunners. leandro trosar scored the only goal in the match. the hero of the series of post-match penalties was arsenal goalkeeper david rya, who twice coped with
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opponents' shots. the coach of the canons, mikel arteta , is not going to stop there. in the last 14 years, we have not been where we are today. and that speaks volumes it was difficult and the best thing is that we did not get satisfaction. we want more and we will definitely... try to overcome the next round. we played a great game again, just like we did at dragao. we could and should have scored with 90 minutes to draw the game, which would have been the fairest result in my opinion. i find it hard to believe that any team would have given arsenal the same trouble as we did. another winner of the evening was barcelona. the catalans won 3:1 over napoli. the overall result of the duel is 4:2 in favor of the champion. spain in the blue garnets will play in the quarterfinals of the champions league for the first time in four years. on wednesday , march 13, the names of the remaining quarter-finalists of the elite eurocup will be announced. in
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the final two matches on 1.8, borussia dortmund will host psv and inter will host atletico madrid. dortmund and einhoven exchanged goals in the first meeting, and inter has an advantage over the matrasniks by one scored goal. both matches will start at 22:00. kyiv time, well, thank you for being with us, thank you for collecting, stay a cup of espresso, stay with the big ether, because there is still weather from natalka didenko, and then we won't switch, because next is the verdict, stay with us, this evening will be interesting, synoptic for everyone... hello, our dear viewers, before we talk about the weather , which is expected in the next day, we continue our section on the weather station of the kyiv region, and
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i remind you that, uh, your familiarization with this section is timed to the world meteorologist day, which we will celebrate on march 23, and of course, i was helped to prepare this material central geophysical name observatory. boris seraznevsky, for which i thank them very, very much. so, today we will talk about the boryspil weather station. it was founded, organized, so to speak, in 1909 at the agricultural school and worked until september 40, 1941 without interruption, during the war it did not work, but on october 1, 1943, its work was resumed as an inspector of the kharkiv hydrometeorological service. zherebytsky district and the head of the weather station koshelap, all archival data up to this period were destroyed, in the 51st year the station was moved and... and
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it is still located there on hlybotsky street. this year, the boryspil weather station will celebrate 115-15 years since its existence. the program includes , of course, meteorological observations of the main meteorological elements, as well as soil temperature at depths, the duration of sunlight, snow recording, agrometeorological, radiometric and actinometric observations. he works at the boryspil weather station. certified specialists, for example, technician, meteorologist vira mykhaylivna bogovich, devoted 52 years of her life to work at the weather station, i remind you once again that boryspil metro station will celebrate 115 years since its foundation this year. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow, here is the forecast chart for your attention, the activity will be insignificant, that is, no such magnetic storms are predicted, which could possibly, possibly,
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have a negative effect on... the state of health, on the state of well-being, so we are watching, as always and let's move on to the weather forecast for the next day, for the next day, on the 14th march well, i want to say right away that there won't be any such special drastic changes, cloudy moisture and mildly hot weather will prevail. so, let's start with the western regions. tomorrow in the west of ukraine , precipitation, rain and wet snow are expected in places, the air temperature will fluctuate between 3-7 degrees of heat, in transcarpathia up to... +12 in the northern part of ukraine, in the kyiv region, zhytomyr region, in the sumy and chernihiv regions, it will be cloudy weather, rains are more likely in the night and morning hours in the north, cloudy will prevail in the afternoon the weather, there may even be some sunny islands, but the air temperature is still not high, the maximum is +3-+6°. a moist air
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mass will also dominate in the eastern part of ukraine, rain is possible. wet snow in some places, air temperature +3-+6°, the next night minuses are small -1-4. in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region, er, the air temperature during the day will fluctuate within 2-5° of heat, there is also a possibility of precipitation in the form of rain and sleet , and in the south of ukraine, due to higher the air temperature, which is expected to be within 6-12° of heat, will be dominated by ee... rain, the precipitation phase will be rain, the air temperature, as i have already said, is a little higher, but i would still like, of course, a little higher, in kyiv, in in kyiv on march 14, the weather is expected to be cloudy , at night and in the morning there is a chance of light precipitation, on a day without significant precipitation, the air temperature will reach 5° of heat, i want to say that warming is expected in ukraine just in time for the weekend on saturday and sunday somewhere +9
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+14 +10. 15°, on saturday the most favorable synoptic day, on sunday there is there is a chance of rain, so if you want to go somewhere in nature, for a walk or do some work in the yard, then it is better to use saturday for both work and rest in the fresh air. this is the closest synoptic perspective in ukraine so far. you and i meet daily and always carefully together. we are monitoring the future development of the synoptic situation on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone
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good health continuation for the next two hours we talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today in the program. russian missile terror. three residential high-rise buildings in peaceful cities were destroyed in a day. what is the goal of kremlin terrorists? the second day of the war in russia. are the rebels continuing the liberation operation in the border areas? what military and political effect will they be able to achieve? technical readiness for nuclear conflict. putin boasted of a modernized strategic arsenal. how to react west? over the course of the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky, former sbu employee ivan stupak , and political expert volodymyr tsibulek. in the second part of our program, which will begin.


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