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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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of course she didn't make a noise, of course she found cracks, you can't say that the border is dirty, you can enter whoever you want, no, well, it was serious work, the russians are also doing work, they are concrete, they are mining, they are cementing, plus there are means of technical observation , cameras, sensors , sensors that record the potential advance and try to prevent that advance, i.e.... found, now this group found a loophole, entered, two loopholes, entered, made a ruckus, destroyed some equipment, destroyed a certain number of people , well people, the russian military, and judging by this, they already retreated last night, because the video that we saw from the very morning, where the representatives, it seems that there was a crowd, well , someone is this formation, so they held the flag, held the flag, we say here in tyotkina , but unfortunately, your colleagues... as they say,
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literally a couple of kilometers from the border, this is the territory of the sumy region, i think, that's exactly why the sumy people came from the sumy region, unfortunately. today, as you already mentioned, mr. ivan, putin commented on this the situation with the entry of russian volunteers into the territory of the russian federation, he said that, they say, this is what ukraine is trying to prepare. some territories or seize territories for future negotiations in order to trade territories, how is this even possible from the point of view of keeping these territories under the control of ukraine? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, it is impossible , for now i will explain why, we would like to, well , of course, in theory it looks great, here we captured the aunt, so give us the zaporizhia as, we captured, well, glotvina some settlement, tear it off, give it away.
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of course it won't be like that for us in skadovsk, unfortunately , once again, the russians are mathematically more, on their territory they can tighten up, if they liberate their territories there and the russian guard take something away from moscow, of course very carefully there, some reserves from the front can be removed and pushed out, because we are not talking about thousands of servicemen of the red army and the legion of freedom of russia, we are talking about hundreds, and there are literally a couple of hundreds, they are not so many, as far as i am concerned, two big... achievements could be in such a special military operation, which is conducted by the rdcon of freedom of russia. first, they enter the territory of erefia , local communities, citizens meet them, they say: "we are all here, we are tired of everything, please give us your blue tape, because it will also be our identification marks, wrap with tape , plus give us small arms, give us grenades, tank explosives, we will fight with you if we have to return to ukraine, and then we will enter again, and every such
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settlement, liberated village, village, will increase the number of supporters of this organization, great, an ideal option, but unfortunately, it is not implemented very well, the second option, which would also satisfy us quite well, is the reaction of the russian military command, they see that a complete mess, i apologize, is happening on the border, by the way, such a small oftopchik, literally a month ago, in this very location, not even like that, a month ago... in his telegram channel, the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, he tells, my brother islam, aguev , aguev, he is here on this here on the belgrade region, he opposes the ukrainian drg, tatara-banderyts, well, this is the whole story, delusional, but when the rdk entered, no one saw these chechens, they wanted, they even wanted to shout, brother islam, where are you, well, what are you you don't meet us, at all, we walk here, and none of you are there, and now , going back to... the second option, which would
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also satisfy us, is when the russian command, the general staff, after seeing the whole story, the whole cataclysm that is happening , they would be forced to remove, for example, reserves from the kupinsky direction, i don’t know, there are 2, 3,500 servicemen and send them to the kurdistan, belgorod, and bryansk regions for reinforcements, that is, our military did not immediately feel relief at the front, but a potential offensive. about which the president spoke, it would be possible either to avoid it completely at some planning period, or to reduce its probability, while they took these forces there, tanks, aviation were taken away, and so on and so forth. well, against the background of how russia is trying to fight against russian volunteers, president putin again began to threaten nukes, or rather, not even to threaten, to talk about the fact that we have the strongest triad, it is much stronger than any country in the west,
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including the united states of america, and from the military and technical side, putin said, russia is better prepared to of nuclear war than anyone else. let's hear what he said. our nuclear triad is more modern than any other triad, and only we and the americans actually have such triads. and we have made much more progress here. we have it more modern, all nuclear components. in general, in carriers and charges, we have approximate parity, but ours is more modern, everyone knows that. the experts all know the approximate parity here, if the experts know everything, and even more so in the united states of america, they definitely have complete information, to whom putin is telling all these fables, look and i will explain, if i am not
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mistaken, then mr. president wanted to say a creature, which by the way grounded, if you look again, he held on to the chair , the grounding so as not to shake him, probably from the words that it... says, he forgot about china, china also has such a triad, i will remind your viewers what is triad is an opportunity to carry nuclear weapons by airplanes , submarines, and that's the big story about the warheads that are in the ground, when it opens, oh, i don't know, you can call such doors multi-ton and rockets fly out there, that's called a nuclear triad, and what he meant that he has everything modern there, he is right, the americans really only... know about it, but do they know why? not because they have modern intelligence, precisely because until recent years there was a joint agreement on nuclear arms control, on the part of, well between the united states and the russian federation, several times a year us experts and russian experts went to each other, well, let's say,
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visited and monitored the warheads, they checked - carriers, checked the indicators there, each warhead was identified, each, well, each side reported each other... they say to each other, listen for a second, for example, the americans , that’s how we have it in kansas, for example, we take it out there on a planned, i don’t know, about ventilation of a nuclear warhead, and we just drive back and forth and at dinner let's come back back, so that you don't think about anything there, the same goes for the russians, that we are taking these warheads out somewhere in yakutia for a walk, we will air them out and return them back, now there is no such agreement, that's it, it's closed, the russians have left, they don't allow everything, now in terms of modernity, it is really still... the americans know, but we must understand how valuable this story is about keeping in proper condition, in proper quality, in proper technical condition, the russians have an average of 1,500 warheads in an active state, which even now is taking, clinging and give up, but in general, where are they?
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about 600, for example, i give you the following figure: the americans in order to maintain their mines in which these missiles are located, if i am not mistaken, these are minutemen, i will not... maybe not they, but others, they spent, this the job costs $7,000 an hour to keep these mines, this plant in good shape, because they were built during the cold war, there's water, there's some frogs living there, there's something leaking, there were even cases where these people couldn't restore certain shields that are electric there they turned to the company, says: listen, guys, hey, you did something there 50 years ago, here... at this address, please, you can pick up the drawings and make another such cabinet for us, because really, no one but you he can't do it, make such and such an exhibit, such a specimen for us, and they did, how the russians feel about it, no one knows, well, at least we will monitor how
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the rhetoric changes, because they sometimes threaten, then say that we are not ready , then we did something else, apparently we just told them that if you do that, then you will get i think that this was said directly, which is why putin speaks carefully, because the new york times wrote that in 22 the russians were going to use tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of ukraine, and today putin says: no, no, no , we didn’t even think about it, why do we need it, so in principle there are no questions, and medvedev runs out like a fool, says something, well, i have nothing to do with it, he says, well, something like that, yes, but let me be literal again. the russians, as far as we are we know, there really were such intentions to strike ukraine tactically with nuclear weapons, well, as we can already see, it was influenced by the quick, well, rather quick repulse of russian troops from kyiv, despite the fact that, despite everything, the best of the best, equipped ,
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trained, they have been learning to kill for decades, they have already attracted yanukovych, sivkovich, tabachnyk, they lived in suhalucha, kyiv region. when did you have to go to kyiv and start governing, it didn't work out, then they quickly expelled from chernihiv oblast, sumy, kharkiv oblast offensive, well, repelling the russians is a plus. the liberation of kherson, and the russians really got the idea that, yes, everything must be fired with nuclear tactical weapons to stop this advance. in the 23rd year, when our advance, our counteroffensive failed, this story came to a head, because, well, it is possible to restrain the ukrainians with conventional conventional weapons. that there is a danger, i am not talking about the fact that putin can hit with that big nuclear warhead, like kherasim, just that the soviet union at one time... very actively experimented on the topic: and where do we go next can we stuff a nuclear charge into which weapon?
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it's not just that rockets are big , let's put them in a mortar mine, let's put them in an artillery shell, let's put them in a torpedo, that is, the same carrier remains, but there is a nuclear charge, and here we can conditionally, once again roughly compare, one, for example , this projectile is nuclear, it creates the same effect as, for example, i know, a hundred ordinary ones... which were fired at the same location, that is , conditionally, once again very approximately, that's what they did with mar' yinko, it can be said, yes one or two tactical nuclear charges, but in principle, this is a plus or minus for the fact that they are what they wanted to achieve. thank you, mr. ivan, for the conversation, it was ivan stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the security service of ukraine. friends, during our broadcast, we are conducting a survey , today we are asking you about whether russian ipso is capable of destabilizing the situation in ukraine, why are we... asking about this, because today the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine announced
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that russian propagandists are preparing special the perun operation to destabilize the political situation in ukraine, and therefore we ask you what you think, whether russia is able to shake up the situation, destabilize the situation in ukraine, at the expense of an informational and psychological special operation, if you think so, vote. do you vote with the appropriate button on the youtube channel no, well, the no button, if you watch us on tv, yes 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, call us, it is important to know your opinion. further, we have a political analyst, expert volodymyr in contact tsybulko, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. putin once again stated that he is ready for negotiations regarding the future of ukraine and regarding future guarantees, whether
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for putin personally, he never clarified whether the guarantees are specifically for the state of the russian federation, but these guarantees must be clearly spelled out. let's listen to what putin said. we are ready for a serious conversation, and we want to resolve all conflicts, and even more so, this conflict is peace. but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause the enemy wants to take it for rearmament, and this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation. we need guarantees, and the guarantees must be spelled out, must be such that we are satisfied. mr. volodymyr, this is a creature that would disturb everyone absolutely. written and unwritten rules, all the guarantees that were given by the russian
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federation, including the budapest memorandums, and now he wants some guarantees, what guarantees does putin want? well, firstly, he wants, let's say, to secure the stolen property, and secondly, to avoid legal proceedings persecution. i would like to remind you that yesterday, a new head of the international criminal court was just elected. she is the representative of japan, she was the one who issued the warrant for putin, during the recent events, by the way, two more russian generals, more precisely, one admiral, the other general, received her warrants from the international criminal court, so putin is obviously having this interview before the quasi-elections or pseudo-elections, he still has to appease... his common people, because no one in the world believes him, and his eyes
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are all, well, verbal, so to speak, diarrhoea, i.e. the word eruption, they are of no interest to anyone, if putin really wants a peaceful process, he should simply withdraw his troops from the territory of ukraine and withdraw beyond, well beyond the current, well, ukrainian constitutional borders. so, in your opinion, this statement is aimed more at the internal consumer , or are these the statements he makes , including the ones i made in the interview? they are almost identical, these statements that he is constantly asking for some negotiations and some guarantees, well, the fact is that russian society is tired of the war, ukrainian tired too, only we have no choice, we have to defend ourselves, otherwise we will all die, if ukraine does not resist, but putin, well, putin
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understands perfectly well that this war is not popular among his population, but he has to... draw by the way, some kind of election result in order to show that it is not him, it is his population that sent him to war against ukraine, that is, he perceives these elections, quasi-elections, pseudo-elections, as a mechanism for , well, i would say, redistribution guilt between himself and his unfortunate people. ukraine is preparing a summit peace according to... the peace formula from zelenskyi, and categorically, ukraine officially denies the possibility of russian participation in this summit, zelenskyi met with erdogan, erdogan said that we will provide a place for holding this summit, here is what ryzhep-tape says erdoğan, he doubts
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the expediency of the global peace summit planned for this year, although he is talking about sve'. without the participation of russia and warnings against the expansion of the war, to quote erdogan. expressing our support for sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. we have already said that peace plans that exclude russia will not yield any results. we are working to restore the safety of navigation in the black sea and ensure the safety of grain trade. we believe that steps that would exacerbate conflicts in the region, as well as spread them, should be avoided. b on nato, in what way, in your opinion, can russia join the discussion of this peace formula, or is this formula completely unacceptable to putin, because he has his own formula for these future negotiations? well, actually, it all depends on the speed
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the collapse of the russian economy, by the way, the ukrainian troops did the last few days. a lot for the russian economy to collapse, in particular in terms of undermining oil refining capacities, oil refining is one of the foundations, it is essentially the base for putin's military wallet, so in this sense ukraine is making very powerful blows to the oil refining infrastructure, i think that there will be strikes not only on oil refining. in addition to all serious metalworking, well, but in fact it is precisely the main source of budget revenues for the russian power is oil and oil refining, and now it is very important not only to block shipping for russia in the black sea, we have the right to do so, since russia blocked
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our grain transportation, so we have the right to block theirs again. important ports , especially novorossiysk, where 40% of all transshipment of russian exports and imports takes place, so if in the next couple of weeks we block novorossiysk, and i believe that the strike on novorossiysk can be, if not a replacement for the strike on the kerch bridge, then a continuation of the strike on kerch bridge, i.e novorossiysk itself suggests itself, and in novorossiysk'. russia will also receive, well, counter -sanctions from other countries, because part of the oil that is transferred through the port of novorossiysk is not russian or even kazakh oil, although it is produced in kazakhstan, but it is the oil of international consortia, including american ones, and if russia does not provide
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transshipment and transition of oil, then it will have serious problems. we have some problems with the connection, now we will restore the connection with volodymyr tsybulk, well, in the meantime, donald tusk says that the sanctions against russia are not must be fictitious, half of europe proclaims loud pro-ukrainian slogans and continues to trade with russia and belarus. the prime minister of poland said that the frozen assets may be enough to ensure ukraine's success in the war, well , that is quite... the unexpected statement came from the mouth of donald tusk, because donald tusk, in principle , now his government is being accused of in general, the state of poland, what... they also trade with russia and belarus there, mr. volodymyr, are you in touch? yes, in the context of these sanctions, the sanctions politics and what tusk says, that in words
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everyone says that russia should be strangled with sanctions, in reality everyone is haggling and trading with russia and belarus, well, there is actually inertia, because the russian market is very capacious, but the point is that it is buyable. the ability of the russians is declining, and the russian policy of the russian state is reduced to minimization, i.e. to the saving of currency resources, so this trade looks a little strange, because in fact, if export-import operations are taking place, it is most likely due to some surrogate schemes, since mechanisms there is no calculation, the banking system is for... it is russian in essence, so it is strange how, for example, the same polish companies pay for belarusian or russian products that they receive for themselves, and how
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they receive funds from russia during delivery to russia of certain groups of goods, but this policy is like this, an ostrich policy, when they talk about the fact that russia should suffer from sanctions, and this flight... of double standards, including, by the way, from the european union, because on march 12, the eu decided to extend the half-year action of the sanctions imposed against russia, in response to the full-scale aggression against ukraine, but lifted the sanctions from three people, it turned out to be the founder of yandex, arkady volosh, the former vice president of the corporation, the owner of mts serhiy mdoyans, and a citizen of slovakia, the president of the night motorcycle club. wolves josef hambelek, why , why are the europeans, why are they constantly trying to flirt with putin, it seems
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that everyone has already understood, everyone understands how this can all end, especially if there are no sanctions, russia will gain more and more finances, which she will reinvest in her army, well, let's explain about volaz, he was born in kazakhstan. and now he is a citizen of israel, he sold russian assets even before the introduction of sanctions, that is why more than one volozh, several billionaires have recently come out of sanctions, and this will be explained, because in principle the logic of the european union is that they want this way to encourage russian big business in actions against putin, or at least the withdrawal of assets from russia and... well , not financing the war, that's the logic, that's why it's all encouraged, regarding these wolfish motorcycle riders, it
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was actually a scheme with the participation of the russian intelligence services, and it's strange when this slovak citizen was brought out of sanctions, it's very strange, because in fact, well, the motorcycle club, he was a mechanism for the promotion of such, well, soft power of russia on the european union, this , well, it is quite logical in light of the events in slovakia, because it is obviously a signal from a part of the slovak political community, which suddenly ran under the flags of fitso, let me remind you that yesterday, for example , there was a big one in slovakia. .. a rally of about thousands under 10 people, where disdain for the fizo was expressed and support for ukraine was expressed. mr. volodymyr
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, at the very end of our program, i would like to ask you for your opinion regarding hristo grozev's statement that there are fsb agents among ukrainian politicians and public activists, and he will make this data public in the near future, this is all happening. against the background of the arrival of the security service of ukraine to the representatives of the so-called union of orthodox journalists and those who worked openly for moscow, what do you think, this is the network that including hristo groziv, how great was it and remains in ukraine? well, we see, we saw , for example, a huge list of journalists who worked on medvedchuk channels, i went there myself... i went there alone against 10, so to speak, people from medvedchuk, i am all of them on murayev channels, after all, it is surprising that
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some of those... people suddenly became even officers of the main intelligence agency, who sat idly on medvedchuk's channels and promoted russian narratives, that's what the problem is, so in principle i tend to trust to the actions of the security service, because, despite everything, despite some scandalousness and at one time, we remember, general malyuk, before taking office, declared about some kind of poroshenko's bot farm. now it seems to me that the security service is quite neutral in relation to politicians, but it is very clearly working against, well, what kind of russian forces that have appeared, well, we see a very clear and consistent position regarding the ocu, oh, roc, uoc, mp, this a very, very principled position, and well, watch it. we have further actions
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around the kyiv pechersk lavra, which is still there traces of the uocp remain, and this one, well, the environment of orthodox journalists, it was a completely pro-russian network that was financed from russia, we, we see it, and we hear what they said all this time, that is, they did not serve the interests of russia all the time, until things... regarding the actions of the security service, just at the time when the draft law was introduced, but now it seems that it has been approved by the committee on the liquidation of the uoc, and even against the background of these events, literally yesterday there was a funeral of a fallen soldier in bukovina, and there again the representatives of the uoc mp did not allow the mushroom with the body
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a fighter to the church, that is, this is bullying out of common sense, it must be stopped, and one more very short question: opzzh is officially banned in ukraine, but deputies from opzzh remain both in the verkhovna rada and in local councils, because in 2020 year, more than 400 were elected, they went to different factions or groups there, what is the way to settle the issue of these people leaving power. well, in fact, in many district regional councils, for example, in the kyiv regional council, in fastova, in the city council, these factions are suspended, that is, the deputies from these factions they can't vote, they can't take part in decision-making, but the bank's behavior in relation to opzh is strange, because it's like banning a party, but leaving
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a faction within the walls of the parliament. this is a mockery of common sense, in fact, this list should be automatically zeroed out, and we should forget about it, by the way, i want to remind you that 3/4 of the opzh deputies, especially those on the list, they fled with the beginning of russian aggression, simply fled ukraine , then a few months later , they wrote statements about making a dep thank you mr. volodymyr, we have to go off the air , god forbid that they all snort or po... and conduct a survey, because in the second part of the program it will also be: are russian ipso capable of destabilizing the situation in ukraine? 26% - yes, 74% no, these are the results of a television poll, in the second part of our program, which will start in 15 minutes, we will continue this poll, we will have political
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expert oleksiy holobutsky, ihor. reityroch and volodymyr fesenko, stay with us. sweden raised its flag at the headquarters nato. vladimir putin says he will send his troops to the finnish border. both countries joined the alliance because of the war in ukraine and are already participating in nato's largest military exercises. but what exactly are they preparing for? we will talk about this for the next 15 minutes live from london in the studio of jafer umerov. sweden, the latest member of nato, raised its flag at the headquarters of the alliance in brussels. the lifting ceremony at the beginning of the week, you can now see it on the screen.


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