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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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for the fact that they use the ukrainian language in schools, russian speakers are traumatized, because people who speak russian have done something bad to their relatives in the past, this is voiced very clearly by oksano zapushka, people are transgenerational trauma, and they are now coming to the ukrainian language and they are afraid, they are afraid in a new space, just like people who learn a new language abroad, it is always not easy, lyuba, please tell me, we talked with you about the positives, about the pluses, this project definitely has pluses , and we are them see you so you're romantic what's that what did you like and i liked the crazy energy that they really have their team team has and if they rethink their approaches and really there think about if they don't broadcast russian narratives, but they will think about how to clearly place what galya was talking about, the accents, then... they can
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turn out a really very cool product and ideologically safe, ecological, now this product may captivate someone with its energy, but it is non-ecological and is a rich to a large extent is dangerous for ukrainians, unfortunately. dear, we are the last ones with my question, because there are 30 seconds left, you and i talked before the program about this understanding between new converts and old converts, right? and who was born in this way, this is me, who was born in this, this is for me personally, and the solution to this contradiction or tension would be for the new converts to say to me, we understand your pain, we understand your language trauma of your childhood, we we understand what you've been through, that would be enough for me what for you would be such a solution, or at least a relaxation of it? contradiction
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, and i could also tell them that i understand their pain, i understand how difficult it is for them in response to this apology, which you are talking about, not an apology, but this thesis, yes, if they voiced it, but because in fact we have a common pain, and russia made it so that we ended up on different sides of the language, on different sides, but still the ukrainian language, because even surzhik does not belong to the russian language, it is a ukrainian language, a phenomenon of the ukrainian language and books are written in cursive, that is, what about this transition from language to language, return to the native language, the language that belonged to your relatives, your family, yes, the transition from your first language, the mother tongue, maybe yes, if your mother taught you in this language, in your native language, it is always painful, and i understand that, and we are waiting for you here, i want to say, we were waiting for you here, we are waiting for you, and... we are waiting for new projects and
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we are also waiting for the understanding that we want to say what we see, we do it not to scare someone, to make money all the first attempts at once, no, of course, and we do it because we want to, we criticize because we want to have the proper quality, and above all in the sense of ideology, because... the next generation ceps, we want to have a product of proper quality, we want to have quality literature, quality music and quality rappers. lyuba, thank you, lyuba yakemchuk, halyna kruk, were the guests of the program with their own names. thank you for watching us, remember that we are together and we will win only if we are together. thank you. see this week in the program
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court control with tetyana shustrova. searches in the dnipro district court of kyiv. who was responsible for the illegal actions of law enforcement officers? interference with judicial activity, the challenge is serious enough. but why did the sbi refuse to initiate criminal proceedings? they cannot put themselves in prison, although there is every reason to do so. congratulations, this is a judicial control program. and as always, we are talking about the main reform, the direction of which depends on our european prospects. in ukraine, after a complete reboot of the key courts bodies, an honest judicial corps is being formed, and while themis officials prove their professionalism and suitability for their positions, law enforcement officers are openly pressing how the state bureau of investigation manages to interfere with justice and why no one is held accountable for illegal searches, we will tell you today. but first, traditionally, to the news. there is a shortage of judges in ukraine. more than half a thousand vacant positions in appellate courts of this. of the year should be
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taken by honest candidates. the competition was started by the higher qualification commission of judges. at the regular meeting, the members decided which of the candidates would be allowed to participate in the selection. the commission checked the participants' documents. and determined whether they are properly prepared, one question about the admission of candidates to undergo a professional assessment and participate in the competition for occupying vacant positions of judges of appeal courts. among those who want to sit in a new chair, the judge of the northern appeal economic court, the scandalously known head of the economic court of the kyiv region, pavlo gorbasenko, turned out to be. thus he aspires not only to get a promotion, but also to erase the corrupt past, fictitious divorces, property that cannot be explained by official incomes and decisions that are signs of raiding. concerned citizens opposed gorbasenko's candidacy at the competition. i am generally not satisfied with the corruption that exists in our country, and in particular with the work of such judges as gorbasenko. a corrupt person who takes
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bribes, who judges incorrectly, and in general such people, i believe, have no place in our ukrainian court. to get your point across to the commission, people gathered near the building. cs with posters. they are dissatisfied with gorbasenko's work, consider him dishonest and demand that he be excluded from the competition. they must understand that people are unhappy. there are honest, fair candidates who have a judicial education, but for some reason they are not allowed. the commission will make a final decision on gorbasenko after a detailed interview. currently , the members of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine have allowed him to participate. the judge submitted the documents on time and in full. the commission unanimously decided to admit. passing the corruption assessment and participation in the competition of pavlo volodymyrovych gorbasenko. the interview with the head of the economic court of the kyiv region will take place in a few months. it is then that the commission will be able to ask him questions about his wealth and questionable decisions and will determine his future fate as a judge. for two years
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, a full-scale war has been going on in ukraine. every day, russia tries to destroy our state, launches hundreds of missiles, kills civilians, tries to seize territories. for two years, ukraine has courageously resisted the aggressor, and there are also those who are trying under the guise of war implement dubious schemes, resorting to illegal actions. a number of law enforcement agencies continue to work, but in this regime, war probably justifies everything, and maybe during martial law we can do what we did not allow ourselves to do during normal peaceful events there, or simply the regime of anti-terrorist operation. at the beginning of the year , the state bureau was dissolved. raided the dnipro district court of kyiv without any court decision. sbi investigators conducted an urgent search without any court decision, in connection with the urgent a case related to saving property. the investigative actions lasted 5 hours and were accompanied by gross violations. at the entrance to the building
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, the security forces searched all employees of the apparatus, investigators, prosecutors and even ordinary visitors. taking into account even the address of the general meeting of the dnipro district court and the reaction of the supreme council of justice to it. after all, this uh, well , urgency, it really causes, causes doubts. they checked not only personal things, but also the contents of mobile phones and other devices. at the same time, a personal search women were carried out by men. the main purpose of the allegedly urgent search was to gain access to the official computer of judge yulia ivanina. access to the draft judgment in the case, as well as to other drafts, was found and obtained. decisions in which the personal data of the participants in the court proceedings are specified, while the full text of the specified court decision was not announced at the time of the search. as stated in the sbi, the search took place within the framework of criminal proceedings on the fact of alleged aiding and abetting criminal organization. the security forces assured that
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they had no intention of exerting pressure. however, it is difficult to call what happened other than pressure. during the search, the investigator took a photo of the text of the still undeclared court order on a personal mobile phone. and sent this photo to someone via messenger, it is illegal, and these are fabricated reasons , and no one understood until now what property was being saved, and not only did they search the court itself, they also searched all the people who went there came, that is, there is arbitrariness arbitrariness was multiplied, and it was demonstrative, demonstrative, look, there is one... the power of the dbr, that is to spit on the court, the judges, this is a demonstration of power, and it is very bad. the sbi also seized data from video surveillance cameras, copies of timesheets , and even the vacation orders of judge yulia ivanina for 2022 and 2023. the decision of the investigative
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judge of the pechersk district court of kyiv city of february 8, 2014 satisfied the complaint of judge ivanina and obliged authorized persons. the state bureau of investigation to return temporarily confiscated property to judge ivanina. in addition, from the content of this decision on the return of property , it can be seen that the search conducted in the court premises by the investigator. illegal, the request for a search was refused. the supreme court immediately responded to the illegal actions of the sbi, declaring the inadmissibility of pressure from themis officials and the interference of law enforcement agencies in the court's activities. the supreme court appealed to the director of the sbi, who is directly responsible for the actions of his employees, with a demand to provide an explanation. you can enter the register and conduct a search in judges, having no grounds for that , and to carry out that search without the permission of the court, i
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mean, you all know, the decision of the meeting, which was considered by the supreme council of justice, on interference in judicial activity, such a challenge is serious enough, and the supreme court , in particular , the chairman of the supreme court could not help but respond to this with a corresponding letter, demanding a proper investigation, because the question of the authority of the system. and here the leadership of the supreme court should be the leader, for me it is obvious, in order to protect judicial independence, because this is also an obvious criterion, based on the fact that there will be no independent court, there will be no rule of law. the supreme council of justice, in turn, considered the appeal of the meeting of the dnipro district court regarding possible pressure from the sbi, and having established the presence of signs of interference in the judge's activities, turned to the office of the prosecutor general to submit this information to the eu. on march 1 , 2024 , a letter from the office
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of the prosecutor general was sent to the address of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv stating that the office of the prosecutor general of the prosecutor before the state bureau of investigation , an official investigation was initiated. the state bureau of investigation also demanded a reaction from the state bureau of investigation. we have reached out to the state bureau of investigation for their explanation of the circumstances. conducting such searches, emergency searches. we do not know whether the sbi finally provided any new explanations, and the state bureau of investigation refused to investigate the actions of its employees who broke into the courthouse with an urgent search. from the answer of the sbi to the supreme council of justice. we inform you that for according to the results of the review of the said decision and the report of the judge of the dnipro district court of kyiv ivanina, the investigator of the state bureau of investigation. did not establish grounds for entering information about a criminal offense into the unified register of pretrial
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investigations. back was an illegal search, it was a deliberate overreach by the sbi of its powers and interference in the administration of justice. and as i understand it, today there is already information that the sbi refused to violate. criminal proceedings, in principle, news, let's say, expected, actions the sbi is logical, because it cannot cut itself, and in this case they cannot put themselves in prison, although there is every reason for this. we sent an information request to the state bureau of investigation with a request to explain the actions of the bureau's employees during the search and the reasons for conducting it, but we did not receive an answer after a month and a half. are they entered at this time? awareness of interference in the activities of judges before the edpr, we also inquired at
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the prosecutor general's office, and we are still waiting for an answer. currently, information about there is no entry of data into the unified register of pre-trial investigations in the court. i have been specializing in activities for a long time. and they practice, you know, there is, there is such a legal perversion, you can call his words another way, how to use blunt force, under the pretext of urgent searches. the whole house is overturned, property, cars and so on are seized, the authorities do not react to this, they do not make any comments now and do not put them in place, so these are coordinated actions, everything indicates that the urgent search that took place in the dnipro district court of kyiv nothing but arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement officers, interference in the court's work, refusal to initiate criminal proceedings and the lack of reaction of the authorities indicate that ukraine will face many challenges on the way... to the rule of law. we will continue to follow this topic and will share
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more in future programs. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. congratulations, this is a tv channel project. and the atr tv channel together beraber, a project in which we, khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabayev and all our esteemed guests, are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, recalling the course of the occupation itself, and trying to understand how the defense forces and the ukrainian state are currently acting in order to liberate the peninsula as soon as possible. greetings,
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greetings, khrystyna hno, greetings. let's probably start with a reminder that... simple and very human dreams of coffee on the embankment in crimea cannot be limited, in general, one's thoughts and desires to return the peninsula, one must actively join for this to happen, actively and constantly, we can deny ourselves coffee once a day, or once a week, at least pay for something that brings us closer to real coffee, crimean coffee. by the way, coffee appeared for the first time on the territory of modern ukraine in the crimea, and traditions, coffee traditions, they are all crimean, and even the names filjan, filizhanka, have, coffee, jezve, jezve, these are our indigenous names, that is, don't think, where did it come from turkey, no, it is all ours, and
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the engravings of the 17th, 16th, 18th centuries have culture, as in there were coffee shops in the crimea and what it all looked like, you can inquire, buzz around and make sure that i am nothing to you here, i am telling the truth, in short, but we give up coffee whenever possible for good, thank you for the tip, i will never forget it, actually yes, our program has one such purpose, a charity, and indeed, we help fundraise for night thermal fpv. komikadze drones of the 48th crimean separate assault battalion named after noman chelvidzhikhan, armed forces of ukraine. the commander of which is lenur islyamov, the general director of the otr tv channel, by the way, lenour received the rank of major the other day, and i want to congratulate linbei on this, congratulations and we wish success
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on the battlefield, and now the guys are on the battlefield, so that everyone understands, and there in the same direction. which brings us closer to crimea, to the sea, to ours, to everything that we deserve, well, if we help our army not from time to time, but constantly, so now you will see the details on the screens, this is a qr code and bank card number, the goal is uah 1.5 million, by the way, there is less than 10% left, let's we will close this meeting in honor of our soldiers, bravely. sincere crimeans, ukrainians , who are liberating our homeland together now, there is also paypal, you can donate from abroad, if you are watching us from abroad, there are all the details that you can scan and make your contribution, i encourage you to do so, because it doesn't work otherwise, otherwise it doesn't work, thank you, and we also
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want to thank everyone who joined in the signing... about awarding the honorary title of hero of ukraine posthumously to the serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, former political prisoner gennadiy afanasyev, the required number of votes, 25,000 have been collected, this is reported on the official online representation of the president of ukraine. we will remind that gena afanasyev was an activist of public resistance to the russian occupation of crimea, in 2014 he became a political prisoner of the kremlin, spent 767 days in prison, was released in 2016 as a result of the exchange, became one of the leaders of the movement for the release of ukrainian political prisoners, participated in international meetings, initiated public events, exhibitions, charity evenings on public grounds held a position the special representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine for the release of prisoners, and to everyone who wants to understand a little more the story of gennadiy afanasyev, a man who had a difficult
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path, and certainly there were encounters along the way. falling, but he always got up, that's the name of the book he wrote, get up after the fall, get to know me, please, and thanks again to everyone who joined this initiative, i remember, christ, how when there was an exchange, yes, he has already returned for exchange, yes, yuriy soloshenko also seems to have returned, yes, we crimeans assembled a new camera for him to take pictures, he wanted, he wanted to be, to earn money with this, well, that's his, at least his friends. my mother said and i remember how they collected a good amount of money there for a good camera, he would probably be doing it if there was no war, well, now we... let's talk about the military situation around the temporarily occupied peninsula, you you understand that the situation on the front line is like a chain reaction, and when something happens related to crimea, it generally
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affects the situation at the front. and glad we welcome vladyslav seleznyov, a military analyst and ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, to join us now. mr. vladyslav, congratulations, glory to ukraine. friends, congratulations and glory to you, the heroes. not one of the brightest events of this week, well, first of all , the paramilitary movement also reports that the movement of enemy equipment in the crimea continues and similar concentrations of enemy scrap metal are recorded in dzhankoya and simferopol. we hope that this information will help the defense forces to plan the relevant operations, as they actually were brilliantly planned and implemented again in the black sea this week. sergey. kotov , so-and-so, so-and-so, another loss in the black sea fleet, a patrol ship that was supposed to patrol, in particular, the
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areas around the kerch, so-called bridge, is no longer on combat duty, quite interesting, in my opinion, was the destruction , and we have more and more audio-visual material that confirms just that. i would still like to listen to andriy, the representative of the main directorate of intelligence. regarding what serhiy kotov is and what they are features of the destruction of this particular ship. please. there were plans to place anti-aircraft missile systems on the ship itself. and there have already been such attempts. well, actually, the fewer such ships, the correspondingly smaller anti-aircraft missile complexes will be placed on them. and this means more opportunities for the ukrainian security and defense forces. also, serhii kotov is notable for the fact that he participated in the attack together with... with the cruiser moskva to the snake island, and actually now joined the same cruiser moskva. ugh. mr. vladyslav, another one
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loss and another minus for chornomorskyi. this is an achievement, you are wrong, this is an achievement, because the bottom suits the russian black sea fleet very well , it looks disgusting. he always spoiled the image of crimea for me. well, honestly, these are so unaesthetic, bad, i can't even call them ships, the ship's hull is like that, you know, i apologize to him. mr. vladyslav, what is happening to the black sea fleet in general as a result of repeated successful work? well, in fact, the ukrainian defense forces clearly demonstrate that it is worth listening to the russian soldiers with members of the russian black sea fleet, it is worth it, it is worth running away from the territory of the ukrainian land, it is necessary to leave it in the territorial waters of our country, because otherwise they will only have a one-way ticket. to the bottom of the black sea, and of course, it is not for nothing that our intelligence reports that approximately 30% of the combat, combat numerical composition of the russian-black sea fleet have turned into
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objects for observing divers , which drivers, which divers, who are operating in the black equator in the perspective of the azov seas, this is great news, because the greater the losses the russian black sea fleet is subjected to, the calmer it will behave in the waters of the same black sea, because just a year ago... back then, the russians behaved like pirates, they actually constantly tried to interfere with our grain agreement, they created threats for free navigation, not only for the ships that were heading past our ports in that direction, and many other black sea countries were in the risk zone, because the russians believed that their dominance in the black sea equatorial region was forever, the ukrainian defense forces - this was clearly proven and... convinced the whole world that this domination is not forever, and the ships of the russian black fleet, the black sea fleet are burning, destroying and going to the bottom of the same black sea to their flagship,
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to the russian guards missile cruiser moskva, which is already quite for a long time since april 22, resting in the paws, of course at the bottom of the black sea, in the northwestern part of the black sea water area, by the way, it is important to note that the russians no longer dare to put forward their ships. from zarogumis torkhankut, this the western part of the currently occupied crimea, because they understand the risks. well, in fact , they took all ships carrying kalibr-type sea-launched missiles away from the territory of crimea and relocated them closer to nevorossik, i believe that they will be safer there. government, well, actually the ukrainian army has already proven many times that the russian fleet cannot exist in the black sea, it is heavier than water, well, it's just physics. yes, without lyrics, just physics, he cannot exist like this, and why, and i'm sorry, yes, yes, of course, a fact this is confirmed, just as russian planes often fall to the ground, because they
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are in... much heavier than the same air, and just before our conversation , i saw another post from our air commander, mr. laishchuk, confirming another plane crash pact , moreover, it happened at a distance of more than 150 km from the combat reporting line, why such a good missile came exactly at such a distance to destroy another russian plane is unknown, but nevertheless a fact. increase in russian i cry to the martyrologist of the loss of aircraft. here i have a question in connection with this, mr. vlad, tell me, please, you are a military man, you understand logic, just like that, well, purely military, i am not saying that, it is clear that we do not think like kotsaps , but there are some, well , there are rules, it has already been proven many times, heavier than water, heavier than air, but they fly, fly, fly and swim, and swim, and
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swim, what do you think? they are waiting, if in fact, it is already according to the schedule, then you wake up, well, this is not a joke, this is not me bravado, well , you really just look for the morning in the news, are you looking, no, look, there is no plane, there is nothing there , something is wrong, something is off or something, yes, that is, constantly, by what logic they continue to keep their ships in the crimea, keep weapons on them, missiles there, i don’t know , that there can be drones, that means. then there is a military base there, and the same goes for the planes, although they say that the planes have started to fly less often and don’t fly so close anymore, that’s how it looks in simple logic, why do they do it, it’s stalin’s order, that is, to melt and fall or what? of course, to some extent it is so, because he the one-way ticket itself now works not
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only for the military. of the russian black sea fleet aide for the military pilots of the russian space forces, although we must give credit to the russian air force, they are constantly replenishing their losses, delivering a new batch of the same fighter-bombers 134, 135 closer to the borders with ukraine, but again, the fate is further in the long term, it is obvious that over time they will still be turned into a pile of burning scrap metal in the ukrainian language. perhaps not even on ukrainian soil, because of the distance at which we have recently begun to hit russian planes, it is actually surprising, because the distance is 150, 200, and sometimes even more kilometers, if we refer to the example of the second a50 type plane that we shot down, the same flying radar, there the distance was very, very significant, by the way , it is important to note that after we sank the russian ship serhiy kotov,
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it seems three days ago... for days in a row, the russians are in no hurry to leave the protected bays and water areas of the black sea, they probably have reservations, and besides well i think which now has a lot of uncomfortable questions, the commander of the russian black sea fleet, due to the fact that, despite such threatening telegrams, instructions from moscow, the russian ships of the black sea fleet are getting tired and are going to the bottom of the black sea to rest, and therefore. we must understand this, the russian black sea fleet, the only conscious decision that it can make and implement here and now under the current conditions is to get to the seas, as far as possible from the ukrainian shores, then it has at least a ghostly chance of saving the remains of its ships, then no, i suggest that the black sea fleet stay, there is no need to go anywhere, stay, because it is beautiful, well, first of all, yes, it is beautiful, it is
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impressive, but after... mr. vladyslav, you mentioned the commanders of the black sea fleet, who is their commander, i'm sorry, viktor sokolov, i'm sorry, he doesn't appear in public, so that it would be possible to verify that he is alive in general , since october 2022, the russians tried to impose some kind of adequate condition on the world. videos, which are not the fact that they were recorded after the attack on the headquarters of the black sea fleet in sevastopol, i searched, i tried to find some confirmation, where exactly this vice admiral could be now, and i did not find, moreover, the international criminal court this week issued a warrant for the arrest of viktor sokolov, the commander of the black sea fleet of the russian federation,
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yes the very commander of long-range aviation.


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