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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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the alarm is spreading across ukraine, in fact the entire east of zaporizhzhia through dnipropetrovsk region, poltava region, kyiv and zhytomyr regions, the air force reports a ballistic threat, do not ignore the alarm signals, remember that shelter is what saves lives, let's see, it is even advancing even further west, the rivne region has also turned red, the kirovohrad region as well, well, we remember. that in order for there to be less such anxieties, each of us can contribute to this, those who are not at the front, those who are not fighting, maybe with our own donations, now i remind you, we are collecting on cars, 900 00 uah need to be collected for a car, we want to buy three for different units, qr-code, card number, you see , you know what to do with it, let's collect it quickly, because we know that you can, and, well, but besides, if i am responsible for good news. there are a lot of videos in the public places
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, look, the enemy's equipment is on fire, only on the roads of the belgorod region and under the city, and in the city itself, they are firing at themselves or something, i don't know, and very good news in the form of good flames and black smoke , so one more point indomitable for heating was opened at the airport of the city of sochi, here too, if oh, look, here you see, the indomitable point was opened in honor. preparations for the season, the same summer is approaching, it is already time to go to the sea, by the way, they do not want to go to the crimea this year, no, no, no, no, the number of purchases of tickets to the north has increased by almost 400%, i.e. they are going to rest somewhere in the murmansk region this year, somewhere there or north ossetia, but definitely not crimea now. yes, we, meanwhile, have the opportunity. talk to the commander
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battalion of attack drones achilles 92 of the separate assault brigade named after ivan sirk koshovogatam. yuriy fedorenko is in touch with us. mr. yury, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yuriy, you know, i'll start with the fact that you will first tell us what has changed in the spring sky in your direction of bakhmutskyi. more or less, what flies, what do you knock down? today, by the way, it is raining. for two weeks before that , the weather was very, very good, despite the fact that it was windy, but clear, accordingly, we had additional opportunities to see the enemy deeper from the battle line collision, and the better we can see the enemy during the day and night, the more effectively and persistently we destroy him due to two components, this is a combined fire effect, this is our artillery, rocket artillery, as well as , accordingly, shock means. saw, because you fly
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in the rain, look, well, almost nothing flies in the rain, except for some devices, which i will not talk about loudly, and they give an indirect opportunity to see the enemy, but from my experience and practice, it very rarely happens that it rains with price all day in any case, there is now a high intensity of rain, a few hours will pass, the rain will decrease in its intensity and there will be... an exact window, the raindrops just stop falling, as suddenly our drones of the defense forces rise into the sky and start, and continue, rather, to carry out combat tasks, ugh, it is also worth saying something, for the fact that in connection with the warming, the increase in daylight, objectively, the statistics of the destruction of armed targets have also increased, it is also worth noting that the defense forces have made a titanic work
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persistently in order to secure its personnel, equipment and artillery from enemy drones, which are also quite active in the sky, uh, two days ago i read the analytics and if i compared it with what we see on the battlefield in terms of the use of drones, in particular in the direction of bakhmut, at the moment we can say with confidence that for one of our fpv drones , the enemy has two, so you understand, at the end of november, this statistic was 1:5, what does this indicate? this shows that there is reliable support for the ukrainian nation continues, you will donate, due to this funds appear, and this indicates that due to state programs, the production and assembly of drones within our country has also become many times larger, because the enemy continues to have opportunities to manufacture these drones accordingly also in quantity. so
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i'm really optimistic and thank everyone who supports the defense force. mr. yuri, you actually started very well about what we already have. many drones are being manufactured, and the number is increasing, and we we also record the fact that good ukrainian drones fly very far, and we see the results, in fact it is contagious, that is, drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, but drones are also reported there from time to time about drones that are launched, well, we do not know where they are launched from, because this attacks may be different, launches may be different, but less so, in the context of everything that is happening now in the vast territory of russia? has the approach of the russians on that front line changed in any way to drone activity, i.e. more or less they are launched, or is the situation the same unchanged? the enemy launches to the extent of its capabilities and production capacity, this
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has not had any significant effect so far, but what about the impact of unknown activists on e- bases on the territory of the russian federation, as fuel and lubricants. both warehouses with ammunition and bunkers, this has a sufficiently positive effect on the dynamics of hostilities . in general, it is very important to hit the rear of the enemy, because the more bloodied their rear, the less they have the ability to provide its front line promptly and sufficiently in order for the russian occupying forces to continue active shock-assault and offensive actions. that is why we are talking about production in ukraine. various types of drones, including long-range type of actions, which could target a certain category of targets in temporarily occupied territories, and, of course, we are talking about long-range missiles. ukraine really, really needs missiles of the glsdb, stormshed type, which would give us the opportunity
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to hit the enemy of the echelon and destroy it in rear parts. because the more drones we have, as well as long-range missiles that can hit the enemy. body parts, the less its group , which is on the front line, receives weapons, and the less activity of the group on the front line, the more we have the ability, having the means, to destroy them, er, to destroy their ability to carry out shock and assault actions and, accordingly to prepare the prerequisites for their counteroffensive actions, because when a counteroffensive operation begins, then when the enemy loses the ability to carry out shock-assault actions , if the enemy has these capabilities, and we have these... capabilities, then this is a counter-attack, these are slightly different concepts, that is why it is very important to beat the enemy echelon, daily, around the clock, you and your comrades, you well, you are very well versed in drones, in everything that flies, and i am sure that you also follow what is happening on the territory of russia,
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or give some evaluations, and the quality of this work, maybe if you had the opportunity to work there, somehow would act a little differently, or is there cooperation in the end? between different specialists and those who work for foreign purposes. everyone should do their own thing. we hit the enemy well on the front line, inside the operational space, in those territories that are temporarily not under control. and we do it really qualitatively. as for the defense forces in general, specialists work in each direction. the only thing that could be said is that everything depends on the number of means. by chance, i dream, indeed, i dream. that we will have the opportunity to scale the number of productions, including unmanned aerial vehicles that carry out missions enough on essential tendrils and carry powerful ammunition, because their attacks must be massed so that the enemy cannot raise his head. mr. yuri, there are a lot of videos from
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the drone operators themselves, and it's nice, because people also want to see how they, for example, fly over. to the enemy, i paid attention first of all to this video, when safari is behind the russian-fascist occupier, this is not an fpv drone that catches up, resets, and here very often it is a correctly scouted picture, and you have to throw it through, as they say , afforestation, through trees, through bushes, yes, and in this case, that's right, because the trees are still without leaves, but soon zelenka will return, as the military say, and that means there will be leaves. how will this safari actually change after the occupier, that is, they will manage to hide behind the leaves, you will have to come up with something new. let me remind you that we are already at war , this will be the third, third summer, whether it is
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the fourth, the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, the third summer will be, accordingly, the enemy in nothing, including in zelenka, there are means that help for. .. measures, including identifying the enemy in leaves, there are also during the day, including during the day, yes, there are... there are specifics, depending on whether it is a sunny day, there are clouds in the sky, and so on, we will not reveal all the secrets, but i will say that if we are talking about the front line, in most parts of our territory what was called planting is now stumps, just isolated trees, from which only stumps remained, that’s all, there is nothing else, and there is no green grass to be active maybe, as for the conditional second line, he will really use the enemy... organizational and legal measures , organizational and legal measures even, you see , in order to mask his equipment
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and personnel as much as possible, but he will definitely not be able to hide from us to the full extent, as they were beaten last summer, and we will do exactly the same, that is why this additional obstacles, but definitely not significant restrictions. mr. yuri, thank you, one more short note, we know that you talked about drones, that there should be a lot of drones, that they are needed, and that the more drones, the better. know that each viewer can contribute to your work on which drones, what are you collecting for now, a few words , please tell us, our viewers will be able to support this collection, we are currently collecting fpv drones, fpv drones are kamikaji drones, the majority of which fly in one direction, explode together with ammunition, what are the advantages of the fp drone, it is a high-precision weapon that gives the opportunity to hit the first enemy in hard-to-reach places, everyone has seen on... probably how ammunition is dropped from the sky, for example, at the expense of a vavika, it hits one or another occupier , but
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the question is that if the enemy hid, for example, in the basement, or climbed into the basement, as they often use enough, how to get him out of there, the artillery covers from above, but the enemy there receives some kind of contusion, at the same time he remains alive, the phoidron can fly right into a hard -to-reach place and get rid of the occupier from there, destroy someone, someone in connection with the fact that you... just for a second while you are telling the truth, this is the number of the collection card for fpv drones for your achilles for yuriy fedorenko's battalion, therefore please give it, and you continue to tell more, day, so they additionally help to hit another category of targets, such as light armored armored vehicles, on which the enemy transports his infantry to carry out shock-assault actions and covers them
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with fire. these are artillery means of various types, starting from ags, mortar, ending with barrel, self-propelled artillery installations. jet fire systems knock out grenades, as well as various technical means. and what is very, very important now, we are actively implementing the work regarding the destruction of the enemy's uav calculations operating on the front line, namely the mavicovodos, these are... and the representatives of the russian occupation forces who use the mavics, the 3t mavics in order to reconnoitre our front line, and also use them as skirmishes, as well knowingly crews of fpv drones , so it is very important to realize that fpv is a high-precision weapon that provides opportunities, first of all, to save the lives of our military, and the second thing we are talking about is that fpv drones provide opportunities efficiently and highly. ..
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they are needed in the order of numbers , so approximately 50 drones will cost a million hryvnias, so we are collecting for drones, so please donate for drones, fp drones, you yourself just heard, why and saw, because these were shots of achilles as well, there are even a plaque, i don't know if we'll make it, here's the report for february, i like that your battalion reports unlike us. politicians transparently and on each point, as they say, we can evaluate the work, in particular the achilles, here it is, here in particular 24 units of equipment were destroyed, 50 affected, warehouses of bk-2, there are 253 engineering and fortification structures there in total, well, and the same according to the russian-fascist occupier, that’s 21,200, 30/30, their fate is unknown to us, but the main thing is that what fell, and this is always you can see, that's why until... you can still see the card on our screen and it's probably time to say goodbye, that's why we
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want to unfortunately, but until the next conversation, mr. yuri, because you are always interesting and important information for the service, let's go to a short pause, it was yuriy fedorengo, commander of the achilles bpak shock battalion of the 92nd separate of the assault brigade named after kosh ataman ivan sirk, a few minutes and we will be back. tired of heavy and bulky saws , then the strong saw from razpak tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use and... for carpentry work - it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, everything you can do it in one go with the strong saw,
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opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. every day by on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. because actually all of ukraine, except for the extreme western regions and the south. she, don't ignore the alarms, take cover, it's important, yes, but other than that, this is what the actual alarm map looks like now, ballistics, it's like that, it's sneaky, because ballistic missiles, they can fly quickly high and only then they descend on the target, so let's say this, in all these areas
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there can be potential say, the drone flies in your place for 15 minutes area to the west, be careful. well, in addition, we include in our conversation our veteran reserve major of the national guard oleksiy hetman in connection with our studio. mr. oleksiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. we see several changes on the deep state map, there is progress, and novomykhaivka and others. to what extent are these some tactical line changes, how dangerous are they from the point of view of pushing and breaking through the front. well, you know, the russians planned. from the winter-spring offensive operation to advance somewhere, they managed to capture avdiivka, then they they are trying to advance along the entire front, but to say that they will be able to break through it somewhere, as they say , the front line and advance, well, this is a very, very unlikely possibility, they are already depleted in the russian army, well, it is obvious after such losses,
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with so many actions that they did in the offensive, they need to renew their understaffed units, so it is unlikely that they will be able to do anything significant, but they are making tactical progress, they are in some areas of the front. can still happen, well, we are already clear about that we understood at the beginning of the year or even at the end of last year that during such powerful offensive actions, almost half a million of the russian army is in the russian-ukrainian war, that in some areas of the advance minor advances are possible, well, they are happening, that's why you say minor , and the institute for the study of war says that there is a danger of a breakthrough by russian troops, although it is against the background of a shortage of american military aid, but we see that there is something wrong here. and maybe even these tea shops, which are peter pavlo, what the tea troops have not arrived yet, but something has arrived all over the place, and who said that it was not the tea troops, the analysis
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is that they can break through somewhere significantly, and devo where exactly they can break through, you know, when the front line is half a 1,500 km long, and the institute is very respectable, but we remember that they have already made some mistakes, they say that somewhere they can break through the essential distance, well this, well it is not easy, well listen, come on... the institute says: 00 km of the front line, somewhere they can to break through, but somewhere they can't, well what is this, well this, if only if there was information, what they analyzed, they have sources, there are sources, they work with intelligence, well, this is a respectable institution, that is, they analyze not from one source of information, not even from three, but from a dozen - and now they could say that we have such a vision that it is possible there in a certain direction, there is a clear direction, here they are... they are gathering forces, there are certain data there, and there may be some kind of advancement, but when it is not about anything, somewhere on the front line they will be able to break through, well
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thank you, the information is very useful, we heard mr. oleksiy, well, what is happening in russia is useful, i am talking now about the attacks on the factory, oil refining enterprises in russia, and it is not just some small factories there that do not... process a large amount of this oil, but this those enterprises with huge volumes and five , for example, these lukolski yesterday, 5% of all oil processing, 10% of all oil processing in russia, they cover how much it can stop the russians at the front, so is it only their business that can to stop, whether it affects the war, well, the economy. their has not collapsed yet, on the contrary, there are forecasts that it will be insignificant, not as before, but still it will grow, in that year it grew, and this year
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it is predicted by economists that it will grow there by some percentages or parts of percentages, well, but this does not mean that everything is bad for them, that is, everything continues there, unfortunately, with regard to oil refining bases, well , they also feed the russian army with field waste from processing. already with diesel, gasoline, but these bases, in order for it to have an effect, have already begun to affect the front line, they must be destroyed constantly, that is, it is one, two, even several bases, but now we see a very good video of them burning, it is very good for us, we are all very happy, but directly, today it is burning, tomorrow they will have a lack of fuel for tanks, well, yes, it is unlikely to work, it has to be systematic, and we do it systematically if such attacks continue. we have a list of all important objects, military objects on the territory of russia, there are certain priorities, which objects should be destroyed first of all, which in the second, in the third, well, all these objects
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are registered anyway, they didn't shoot it so that it would fly, they learned from roman that all these objects have exact coordinates, they are easy to take and enter in , well, of course, this well, ordinary geolocation , that is, right there, well, it’s impossible to hide it, it ’s the 21st century and... a very interesting moment, yesterday they first started talking to us, well, what are you talking about there about some freedom of russia, the siberian legion, or rbc, yes, well how many are there, well, well, well, there are at most 1.5-200, it will not do anything, and their statements, we will go to moscow, nothing, they don't carry anything more than an informational, propaganda component, but i'm watching the kremlin telegram channel mash right now, i don't know if you know about the existence of such a thing, but they do. terrifyingly quickly they put out different sections, but right now they are writing that right now the ukrainian drg, well, that is, we understand who it is about, is trying to penetrate the territory of the belgorod
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region. fighting is going on in the area of ​​the village of spodaryushyno, they write, meanwhile in belgorod it is clear that something is being shot down, shot down, and it is not goes astray, that is, as far as it is possible to consider more than informational and propaganda influence on russia, these raids and measures, because when we saw prigozhin, he pushed, god forbid, and everyone suddenly shouted: hooray, well done, shot down a plane, on a nuclear ob they entered, and prigozhin said, god forbid, but... well, there is still a long way to go to moscow, and i am not sure that they will do it, or rather, i am sure that they will not do it, because in order to advance a long distance, they need, well, certain rears, that is, they need, well here the tank is going, yes, the fuel has run out, where to get it, you won't go to the gas station, that is, you have to pull up the backs so that they provide fuel, provide everything you need, food, water, well, everything that works, how
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the var works. that's why i'm sure, by the way, that's why offensive actions are not planned very far, because the advanced units will go there tens of kilometers, well, for example, the rear did not pull up, all the equipment stopped, the people were left without a bull, without fuel, all this is a target, therefore, i am sure that they will remain there somewhere, maybe most likely they will return, there is no military, especially military component there, it is still a political emotional component, but it is very important in a hybrid war, because i am sure that in russia, in russia, more precisely, many people are already starting to think, because they demonized us ukrainians, that we are there, we are all bad, we are still there at once, that's all, it's about us, and that's why, well, of course, people support the war, that, well, you see that they are so bad, that just there is no other way not to fight with them, look here, russians are fighting like that themselves, like them, and they say quite correct words that we want to liberate centimeter by
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centimeter... russia, we want people to live in peace, in harmony, to have democracy, to have no doorbells at night, to have people were not afraid, and i am sure that they will start to think about the civilian population inside russia, well, some will start, well, on the front line , the russian servicemen, who are currently leading the regular armed forces of the russian federation, i am sure that there will also start, well, no less a conversation in kurilki, what are you guys doing, and who are we fighting for? maybe we will still give for those, for our volunteers, because the relations within the russians. armies are extremely bad , commanders mock their subordinates, hazing flourishes, that is , people, soldiers, of course, they understand that they are simply being thrown to the slaughter, and they, well, let's put it this way, mildly do not like it very much, and the motivation for what they are fighting, here you see, he is a legion of freedoms, well, russian volunteers who are fighting, as it were, for russia, and here it might make sense to join, maybe it will work that way, because i am sure that this was the main goal, but... no
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break through to moscow, well, no one planned this, i am sure, yes, on this note from moscow to the countries themselves, we have to say goodbye, mr. oleksii, thank you for participating in the program, oleksii geiman, our veteran, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine with an analysis of current events, well, in fact, if this information is confirmed by this kremlin mash, then this will already be the fourth gray zone on the territory of russia, near the ukrainian border, well, it would be normal and... great, it's great, on unfortunately, anxiety remains over the greater part of the country, take care of yourself, but anxiety is anxiety, and we are
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every day. at 9:00 a.m. we remember all those who died because of the russian occupiers, all military and civilians, so now there is a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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